abel hardware description language

4.6 TheABEL Hardware Description Language hardwm descriprion loEuage (HDL) tblr $as '.venied ro allos specilylogic funcrions ior re"lizaiion in PLDS. An ABEL proer.m conrainins seleral elenenc: Se.ron a6 The ABELHardiare D€s.ripiion Lanquaqe ABEL is a 0. . Doclncntaiio.. includine pfogrifr naoe and connens. . Dechrari.ns that idenril the rnputs andotrQu8ol $e logic functions ro . SntemenN datspecrlr the lo!i. aunctions ro be pedomed . Usullll addlsnrion olrhetype olPLDororherrdlctddevi.e in which lhe speufied logi. fun.tioD\ are b bepennrmed . U\uall\. rcj veckr. rhmspecifj rbc l.!ic funcriont e\pecred outpu6 ABEL i( slpponcd by m.1aEl l,nsldsslrr z]vr {hrch $e'll simplrellrn /atl .,,?i/.,. The compile.\tobn Io h0nre dre ABEL reri file rnb a iuse pdrren $d cm bedolvnLord.d ,nto r pbtsical PLD. Even rhough non PLDS .an be ph)sicallr pro-lrnmined onlr qith ple.s conespondins Io sun oi produc( e*presions. ABEL dllows PLD functions ro be expressed wi$ mdi tables or ncied IF natemenrsa\ wellr\ b) r! algebraic.xpressiotr tomar. The..npiler mripuLlts (hese lomuls andminimizcs rhe Enrlling equarions Io lir iiponibl.. inro rhe r\trLlable PLD nndute. we ll hll, aboul PLD {ru.tur.s. lusepaterns. md relal.dtopics l,ter 1n Secrion 5.1. rDd $e ll \hd\ howt. rafger ABEL pmgrams t. specitic PLDS. h Ihe me!n!me. re ll\hos ho{'ABEL can beused !, speclfJ" .ombinalonal Logrc luicrons\dhournecessanl) ha\lng bdeclare Ihe krsereddcvlcetrp.. Later. in Secrn T Ll. ue ll do rhe ilric ror\eque.tial logL.luncrNns 4.6.1 ABEL Program Structure Table+-10 \ho*s the qpicnl srruclrre.l d ABEL progran. andTrble.l ll show: anrcMlprogranr exhibuingde follosing laneuage fe{ures: . /r'.,rf.ri mu$ begi. rith a leter or unde*coE.nay contain up to ll lene^. drglB. and undeNores. and are crsesennrve . A proeram lile begins wnh a ,ddu]e v.teheni Bhich asocrares an identiner rA1@ crr.lit) wnh the program nodule.Ldee pro8rans caohaEnuhple m.dules. erch*ith its oun lo.altitle,declarations. and equtr ons. Note that kelwords such as Dodule ar. nol case sensitrve. ABEL (Advanc.d Booled Equatidn knguag.) n a hdemsk of Datato CorDomrioo (Redmond. wA 930?3). LEGAL NONCE

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Page 1: ABEL Hardware Description Language

4.6 TheABEL Hardware Description Languagehardwm descriprion loEuage (HDL) tblr $as '.venied ro allosspecilylogic funcrions ior re"lizaiion in PLDS. An ABEL proer.mconrainins seleral elenenc:

Se. ron a6 The ABELHard ia re D€s. r ip i ion Lanquaqe

ABEL is a


. Doclncntaiio.. includine pfogrifr naoe and connens.

. Dechrari.ns that idenril the rnputs and otrQu8 ol $e logic functions ro

. SntemenN datspecrlr the lo!i. aunctions ro be pedomed

. Usu l l l l add lsnr ion o l rhe type o lPLDororher rd lc tddev i .e in wh ichlhe speufied logi. fun.tioD\ are b be pennrmed

. U\uall\. rcj veckr. rhm specifj rbc l.!ic funcriont e\pecred outpu6

ABEL i( slpponcd by m.1aEl l,nsldsslrr z]vr {hrch $e'll simplr ellrn/atl .,,?i/.,. The compile.\tob n Io h0nre dre ABEL reri file rnb a iusepdrren $d cm be dolvnLord.d ,nto r pbtsical PLD. Even rhough non PLDS.an be ph)sicallr pro-lrnmined onlr qith ple.s conespondins Io sun oiproduc( e*presions. ABEL dllows PLD functions ro be expressed wi$ mditables or ncied IF natemenrsa\ wellr\ b) r! algebraic.xpressiotr tomar.The..npiler mripuLlts (hese lomuls and minimizcs rhe Enrlling equarionsIo lir iiponibl.. inro rhe r\trLlable PLD nndute.

we ll hll, aboul PLD {ru.tur.s. luse paterns. md relal.d topics l,ter 1nSecrion 5.1. rDd $e ll \hd\ how t. rafger ABEL pmgrams t. specitic PLDS. hIhe me!n!me. re ll\hos ho{'ABEL can be used !, speclfJ" .ombinalonal Logrclu ic rons \dhournecessan l ) ha \ lng bdec la re Ihe k rsereddcv lce t rp . . La ter .in Secrn T Ll. ue ll do rhe ilric ror\eque.tial logL.luncrNns

4.6.1 ABEL Program StructureTable+-10 \ho*s the qpicnl srruclrre.l d ABEL progran. and Trble.l llshow: an rcMlprogranr exhibuingde follosing laneuage fe{ures:

. /r'.,rf.ri mu$ begi. rith a leter or unde*coE. nay contain up to lllene^. drglB. and undeNores. and are crse sennrve

. A proeram lile begins wnh a ,ddu]e v.teheni Bhich asocrares anidentiner rA1@ crr.lit) wnh the program nodule. Ldee pro8ranscao haEnuhple m.dules. erch *ith its oun lo.altitle, declarations. andequtr ons. Note that kelwords such as Dodule ar. nol case sensitrve.

ABEL (Advanc.d Booled Equatidn knguag.) n a hdemsk of Data toCorDomrioo (Redmond. wA 930?3).


Page 2: ABEL Hardware Description Language

combinarrdnalLogic oesiqn Prnc p es

Th. tit.le sorement rpsofies I tile ning rhat will be insene,l Lnro rhcdocumentation nles lhar are cre ed by rhc $npilerA r,rfid is r series ol.hancrA ci.l.\rd h! \i'gle quorsThe oprionll derice declarorior incldes J deyice idenrifie. lAlAitlcn]uda i r ingrhar , lenoresrhed.v rcer !peL 'F16v3c , r i r r roALL6vS) Thecompileruses &edeyi.e idenhirerin the nrmes oldocumerturiotr liles rhdirSener!tes. rnd it tr\es rhedevlce rype ro derrminc *hutnr. rhc.ie!ic..rtrEdl] pednm the logic tutulions5pecified rn lheprosnm.c,,,nc,6 begin wlrh a double quore xnd end snh mode. double quoreor |he end ofthe line. which.vercofrer tu!Pu.Acldra,i,nr tellthc.onpiler abour rrmbolic names a$.ciated *,thrhe dcvice s extenal pinr. If the si-snd nane is preceded with dre NOTpre f ix ( l ) . then 'necomplem.n toa t n l incds ignr lw i l l rp0erodthep in .P i r d r . h u o n r ' . , r : \ n J . ! i o . p , n d t r b d . i . 0 1 . r . , r , n .rheconplleraslsns thembrsed on dc.rpdbrli.ie\ ofde o.ge.ed device.The ir.l,pekelBord precedcs r li! ofdn€ or oore popenies. separaedby comm8 This tells thc c!frp,ler the rrpe oi ourput sisnal. The con'keyword tndicares ! combimtionrl oDtput Ifno istype keyword 6given.the compildsenenllt a$Ddes that the signal is u input unless it appe$on rhe lefdand side ofm equarion. h which.sc it ries ro tlgure out lheoutpufs popenies from de conrer. For yourown procciion. n'5 besrjusrro use the istyp€ keywo.d lbr !U oupurslOttur declardtions aro* tl,e desisner to detine constanrs ed expressionsto inaove program Edabili.t andtosinpliiy logicdesienThe eq,attols $arenent i.{ji..res thlr losic equlrions derining oflputsgnals 6 functions oiinput siCn,ls will foilow.Equations m wnrcD lilc asignnent shieoenrs i. a co.ventiolalpDglfflng lansuage. Erch equation is teminared by r seoicolon.ABEL uses the lollowrig synboh for logical opsdio.s:

Page 3: ABEL Hardware Description Language

se.lion46 Tne ABEL Hadwac D€$n on Language 25

E rabr€ 4-1r An ABEL p,og€m ror rhe atarm

sysie4s E!si!ee.i4



',!00ft'cAfucE]1 1 ,

1 t r

. x ' ' ' x , ' x ' , j ( ]

. x , x . , . x . , . x . l1 , ' x , , x ' , ' x ' ]



INOT(usedsrpre ix) .$ XOB.

!$ XNOR.

As rn conventjonal prcgd'ming leguages, ANo (&) has pEcedence overOF (r) in expessions. Tbe o.{rTErx. IE dnecdve males the conpiler.{ogni- fl altemate ser of symbols for ihese opedions: *, +, /, : +: , and: | : , lesFcrively. This book uses the deiauh synbols tiJougbout.

. The opdonjl tdet_ recrors slatefren! indi.ares lhat rest vecrod follo*

. Z,sr v.d,^ asociare input conbinations with expecred oulpul valn.srrhey de used for sinulation ard rsd.g as expiained in Secrion 4.6.7.

Page 4: ABEL Hardware Description Language

Chaprer 4 Comb'naionar Loqr 0es'gn PnncDres

. Thecompiler.ecognner $veral rpecil].onn!04 Includidg.,{.. trrngLNbnwhose vdlue 6 toni care.'

. Tbe e ,dnrbmJr dar [s rheJnd !a rhN mudu l . .

Equ ions tbr combinutiond outpuB use rhe u,.htk t assisntnenl,pdrdr,r, =. Thc Lenhmd sidc otan.qunion nomully conridi r signd n!me.The hghrhod side n r logic erpre\nod. ior trcc.ssily in rud or:producsion. The lgnil drne on $e leithand \ide oiin equnod mry be opnondllyprecededbr the NOToperaror : rh is isequrvd le i r tocomplemen! ig rhen-sh tbmd \ide. The compileasjob is ro genenc r fuse pren such thar lhe \ignrLoaned on he leithediide r.rlizes thc logi. cKpress on o. the.igirrhand nde

4.6.2 ABEL Compiler OperationTbe pmgod i. Tlblel ll rellize\ rhe rlr.d irndon thd tre de\..ibed otrpaee lli. Thc sisnrl ddned ENABLE hx\ beer coded r\ 9IjABLEA be.ruseENAaLE is a re\drved *ord in ABEL

Nolice rhd not rllofthe equdiorr rppcrunderihe equaticns n.refrenlAn inrerned ia te .qud d f . rJn idendt i . rs :cu iE4peaAel r ie lTh , !equn.onn nrrely I definition rhd asocitrrer in e\pressri 'nh Ir. 'deitirier SEclrREThe ABEL cornpiler bnnu[s rbn .\p..iLotr tbr he idenntier SECURE Lncvery place thar sEcuRI apperr riter ns Jeinitun

lnF igLrc l L9 .npageI l i i \ r . .e r lLzedthenLr rmcmu{dned l ! t ron theSECURE tnd ALARM e:pressions. using mulliple letel\ ol loSi! Thc ABELconpile! doesn t use cxpre$ions to inrerc.nned srr! i. ths sry. R!{ner r''crunchej rheelpre\ioi\roobfuinumidrmdLnvo-ldel\umrn producEerunapptupmre tor realizarion in r PLD. ThuJ. whs' rodpiled. T$le 1 ll rhouldyield aresuftequlvrlenr to rhe AND-OF.ncDit tharwe\hosed in Figure l-10otrpage I16, which hrppens lo be minimxl.

In fact, irdoes.Tabl.l-ll shori rhe iynth.sized .qu&ions lile seared blthe ABEI compil.L Nohcs lhni rhs .ojirp,ler reates equdi.n\ only tor the,\1,{R lgial. de onlt ourpur The SECURE lgnxldocs.ot rppearanywh.re

Thecompilerdnds r minimd jum olprcducls eiprenior lorboth,ILAF]Iand ns complement. ,AL-aRt4. A\ nenrioned previoNly. many PLDS h.ve therb,liry selecrilel) ro inven or nor to inven rheirAND-OR otrtpur Thc_retesepo ld i ryequar ion inTrb ic . l - l2 is r \um-o lpoduc6rer l i .$ono l , {LAMdndwould be used ilourpur inveaion were sele.ted.

In lhh example. lhe Gvese poldt! equa'ion hN one les prcdnct 'edthu $e nomal-polriiy equation fof AI"AF]]{, so rhe comFil.r will seleci 'hNequation iithe tarCeted device hls selechble output inve6ion. A user cm alsoiorce the conpiler to use ei$er nom.l or revers polanry ror a signar Dvincluding the keyword -bDff€r' or "inved, ftspectilel). in the signlr'sistype pDperty list. (Wilhsome ABEL compileb- keywords pos and !69cd be usd for lhis puQose. bursee Section 16.6.l

Page 5: ABEL Hardware Description Language

I l ab le 4 -12 Synhes z€dTabte 4.11

Secton 4 6 TheAaELHailwarc Descnptui Language 253

equal ons lile produc€dbyABELior prcgram n

rirla, r. Va!6!1', xi.,o Sy3rsos

P-Tees Fu-b Fe dtt Typ.

Averase F ren/otriput: 3

Revers6-potaritr EquatioN :

!,{LrR], = oprNrc } vrNDolt & D00i & caMcE

* ]PAxlc & !u1A!I,'I) ;

4,6.3 WHEN Statements and Equa{on BtocksIn addition to equarioos, ABEL pmvides the rr€n, rtur€n,,r as dotner m.ansto specify conbinarional logic tunctioN in thc €e@i,a sclon ol an AI3ELProgram. Table 4- 13 shows rhe sereral sEuctuE of a rrEx starenenr. sibild !odn IF nJ'en.ni rr ! convpntior{ proCrffrng tmgrdE T}e EISE (.au* iso0rronJl. HeE /'3r.Exp'tu.,n.\ q0 erpRsc.on qnrch Frutrs m J rajre orweI r o' lal .e /0 , Ei fier I&p / 4rdxar or FaLpFql,rba F ..e(cured.. .leFnd:0s

Page 6: ABEL Hardware Description Language

s€clion 4.6

I Tabre 4.1r E&od$ or ur{Er{ sralemenrs.

Th6 ASEL HadM@ De*riplion Languaqa 2ss

, i i ! [ { a r s ) T IEN x1 -c r D;

x 1 ! = r ! * B ) l ( c e ! D ) :

, I J E X ( A A B ) f t w 1 2 - C r D :

x 2 a - ( a & B ) r ( c d D )r 1 l r r s ) & ( E * F ) i

ELSE illr (B) Tn! x3 = E:ISE 'HEII (CJ rcX rc - F:

, r (aJ & G) & (E)c r ( a ) e ! G ) & l c ) ! ( F ) :

trHEn (B) nEx x4 , Di)

lifid {a & B) TlrEr xs = 0:ELSE IHT (A * !C) THEN X6 = E;EISE L1IEX (B ' C) THEM X7 = Fi

ril iEN (B) Tr{Er{ X3 = ri ELSE IxS = D; i10 = E;}

L1lrN (D) TlllN 19 = lj


Page 7: ABEL Hardware Description Language


chapt€r 4 combnaionar Loqc oesign PrncipLes

Iab le 4 -15 Synhes 'zed equa lon5 produ(ed by ABEL lor pro!€m in Table a l4

ri.lB, 'JHEII stat.b.nr tudp1.s

P .T€e3Fu- i !F& .ou t ] y !eNee



Page 8: ABEL Hardware Description Language

tn.h table (tp-in, > 4rpd riv)

s€c[onrb The aBE- ra @a'e oesrplo- Lanolaq€ 257

I Table4.17 an aBt . proab- or r .e o ' . re-n,To. deteco '

A BEL provides one moe say to specit conb,nalonal logic funclons-rhe t&.,i /drlc. with the eenedl lbm.i shosn in Table+16 The ket*ordirut,-table intodrcer a Nth table. The tpullir. d ollPd ri9 glre 'nenrme\ oi rhe input si-qnrh dd tne oupua $ar they df4! Erh of $es. lis6 rseither a single signal nlme or. rz4 sets re descnb€d lully in s.cdonl6sFollowing rhe torh uble inroduction aE a senes ol{rEmen$. edch olvhichspec i l iesa . inpurva luDand! .equ iedouQdva lueus ins the-_> opera tor Fore0nple.Ihc ldlh lable ior r inveireris sho*i belo{

tnth .abie (x > {orx)

The l ino l inpur va luesdo.snotneedtobecomplerd :on lv theon 5e to l thefurction needs to be specified unles don roare pocesin-! n ei$led rseeSeruon J.6.6). Tabh r 17 shoss ho\v thc pnme numb.r dere.tor tunclondescribed od page 2li .an be specified uring ri ABEL poeran. For convenidice. rhe idenririer Nlrir is defineJ N a s!nonym for rhe serof iou inpur bnslN3,N2,N l , o l . a l low ing r .1b i t inpu t vd lu . ro be wnt ren $ade. ima l in teger


Page 9: ABEL Hardware Description Language

2sg Chapter.l Combinal o.at Loqic Desiln pr nc ptes

Borh nth hbies dnd equarions ce be used wi$in Lt \dhd ABELpDg(m. The equations keyrord raodu.e\ r *quen€ olequatiors. whiterhe rnrh_iabre kerword inroducej! rinlle tru$ tabte.


4.6,5 Fanges, Sers, and Fetationstlost dignal ry$ens include buses, rcgineB- xnd orher cn dits ihrr hudle agroup ol two or more signals in m idendcrl tishion. ABEL povides seleralshoncuA,irconveniently defining rnd using such signah.

The tirn shoncur is fornanine sim1h. nudberd \iFals Ar rho*. in rhep'n definnions i! Table.1-18. a ra,sr orsigndlnumes can b€ defined b, narinsrhe fi6t and las nMes in ine rmge. epmcd by _.. For eranple. wdriig''N3..{0 is rle same as wriri.g-l{3,N2,N1,:t0 \orice in de table tha hcr&ge can be 6cending orde*ending

Nerl. we need a tucihy lof writing .qudions moft conpr.rlv {hcn d-grctrp ot jenah re all hmdled idemicdllv. in order lo reduce rhe chlnce ofetu6andinconsisrenciei AnABELr.,issimplyrdein.dcollecrionof sigmhfJr ' . 1 'n l rJ J " . \ l r ' r , l , t rc ' operJ .o l \ . . r - . a \D. OR. o

assignnenr isappli.d ro o \er. ir is appLied ro.rch cldmenro,thc s.rEach set 6 defined ar rhe bcsjnnin! of lhe pro8nm by $socilnng I

setnane q'lnr brrck.t.d risr of lhe ser elemeDb 1e,g. -llr3,N2,lr1,Nol inTab le 1 l8 ) .Th . re re lcment l i s r mr ] usesho i .u r iohr iDn lyour= ty1 . .y4 t r .but the el.mei' nrmes need not be {frrla.orhrre my corespondence wirh deset name {cor{,=tsq,calr. Ser elenDnb c!n al\o be connmrs (cr=i0,1l ). Inanl cas. the number rd orderoidletoens in ! ser rre sigrificmr. $ se lLsee.

Most ofAAEL J opembs. can be rpplied ro \eh When an operaiion isapplied to rqoo.oore sers. Iolthe ser dust hrve rhe same numbc!oielemenu. ard rheopenrion n applied individuruy to setclemenG jn like posnions.regddl€i\ ol their mfres or numbeA. Tlrur. rhe equdion _YO!-r = & M' isequivaleni lo four equd!ons:

wben m operation includes both set and nonset mriables. rhe nonsetvridbles mcombined individLallywithretelemenr i. erch position. Thus- rheequanon "Zottt = (sEL&N) * ( SEL&D is.quivden oiourcquanonsofrherorn "2i = (sEL & Ni) * ( sELe ui),,tnr i equal0 b3.

Ano$er inponant feaore is ABEL\ abihy to conven elarionl inrolo8'c erpressions. A reldrnn G a pair olopemnds combined wirh one of thetutati.nat opemtors lisred t^rnbb ,1,19. The conpiler convert a relaion inro !losic expe$ion thar is I if rnd only if tne rehtion is r!e.

Ihe op€@ds in a relation de reared as Dnsiened iftesels. dd eilhd opeiand may b. d integer ora ser.Ifde op.nnd is a *r, ii is fexted rs an u.signed

Page 10: ABEL Hardware Description Language

s6c10nr.6 l\e aBFL rad@,d D€fprion _onqLaqe 25S

t Iab le 4 .18 Erdnp er o r ABCL ra-q"s .seE andre tar ron . .

t i i r€se topera t .ooEbp]4 '

IrPut dd ourplt PiDs


coMP - tEa,cEl i

zou"r = (sEL & ) * (!sE! [ r{)]

UNLU€K'�{ : 0r == 13) * ({ -- -br)

D'nry 'ntegefwirh ihe lefinost rariable representingdr ' . r l r .0Lmber . in \BcL prc l idm, re a \ ,Lmed ro k b6e. lo . HexJd.c_matucLcu". numDers 'n ABbL pmgrams ee assuned ro b€and b'iary nuhbes de denoted by I prefrx of.-h..or5hoen in rhr lanequ ion 'n Tabte +t8.

A BEL se ' ) lnd rc ld r ion \ J low. lo ro f rLn .uonJ l {v ro be . ,pE$ed, r veryreq li1.\ol!ode for etJnDie. rhe equ1lo1. i Tabte 4 t8 senerare ardniz.de'tuarions wirh 69 producrt€trs, as shown in the summalr in Table 4 20,


Page 11: ABEL Hardware Description Language

CombinalioMl Logic oesiqn PrincP es

I rabre 4-20 synrhesizedequaronsbyABELlor.rogam n


'4.6,6 Don i-Care InpulsSone veBions of de ABELcodpilerhdve a limited lbiliry to hrndle do. l_careinputs. As denioned pr.viousll. ABEL equrions speciry input comb'nanonsthat belone to rne onjet of ! logi. tuncion: de rcmtining conbin.iions dessumed to belo.g to the ofirer. If some inp

smbin ions can in$ead beasigned to thed{ei. rhen the pogfum m,y be $le !o usethesedon r cde inPUBto do abenerjob ofmininizrtion.

The ABEL language deines tso mechmisns for rsiSnlng 'nputconbinarions b the d{et.In order ro use either mehdnism. you nus inclndedre conpiter dnecive ODCSET in your progran o!incllde'dc in the iEtv?€popefty listofde outpu6 for which ]ou want don\-cdes to beconsideed.

'the 6ut mcchanism k the d,r't core un.lo*ed a$isnnent oPetutor, ?=This operator is used insDxd of= in equdions to indic e that inpui combinations matching fte dshthand side rhould be put into the d{et instead of deon-st. Alrhoueh rhis operator h docunenred in thc ABEL conPile( rhat I useu.fonnnlr€ly ir s.ens to be bloken. so I m nor going to ri& about n dv mot

Th€ second necbanism is the hrh labl€. vanen do. t-c@ Pmessrg sc.abled, any input .onbinario.s thar are not explicidy listed in the md t$le @put into rh€ dael. Thus, the prin€ BCD-dign deEctor described on page 232 cdbe sFcified in ABEL as shopn in Table 4-21. A don't{@ volue is implied foti.pDtconbinations lO l5 because rhese combindions do notapP€uin ihemdrablc and tbe oDcsET diEcriv€ is in etrect.

Page 12: ABEL Hardware Description Language

ccdo l r6 1a .a rL a ruwae Desc p rnLa rq .dgb 25

lirle oonr c&e E:&pr6

' rnpr and outlur pins

. ri_iable (a,Bl->y)L0 ,o l >01t0 , l l ->x ;t1 ,0 t _>x;t 1 , 1 1 - > 1 i

1r\ also po$ibletospr.irydo.\ c!€ conbinadons explicnly, as s[own inthesecondrtuth kble As ifirduced rt rhe very beginning of Lbn seclio( ABELrecognizes .L as a special o@ bir con$dt wnose vdue h .don\-c{e. lnTable4-21, lhe ide.dne. r" hd been €quded ro rhis conslai!jusr to oare ire6i€r to rype donr cdes iD lne dth rable. TIE nininized equarions rcsutrinslrom l4ole 4-,:l ft .nos0 d 'ro.e.l 22. Notice nn he Mo.;rduon, forF d;not equalr ihe conpil€i has elet€d ditreEnr vaiues fo. rhe don,r,c@s,


Page 13: ABEL Hardware Description Language

Comb'naDorutLog'c DeEqn p, ̂ r ptos

resr,v"crars (art t^t >rdPi tia

ABEIprogmms 6rr.ontdinop onul r{ vecros. rs -c rhowed in Trble }11on Page 25l. The genenl tbmar ol ren vecroB is v.ry riDitu ro d ttuih hbtetud r shown in Tdble +-ll. The keywofd restrable. The irpkr /dr md,!,r'!r/dr give rhe names oflhe input signals and deourpuB that rhev aite.r. Ea.h orrhese lk$ k enher o singte si-qnatnrme ora st.Followi.g rhe ter vector inrDducrion rre ! senes ofjaemenrs. .x.h ot whjchspeciriesu inpu! vxluc rnd m.rpe.redourpur valu. usin! $e --> ope.Jror

ABEL re$ v.cus hrve rw. main us rnd puQo\is:

I Afterrhc A I EL .ompile. rrdnnfts rh. ptugrm ino lu\epr ern tbrrpuncul!r derice. iIimulrks the operdriod oirhe ttnll progrmmed L]eyiceby applying rhe .ei-vec!.r inpurs h r roarwarr d.det of rhe derice 0ndconp{ng rl\ outplr\ *id thc c.tre\pording r.n-vecror.dpu6. Thedesgner mnr, \pecit_v a sdries ofre$ vecroA ri.nlerro Joubte,che.[ firidevice sill bchrve I erprced tbr nrne o. dtinput combijutiotrs

2. Aiterr PLD is phy\icllly pro-!funoed. rhe progdnming unn rpptier dereslvec$ inpu$ lo rhe physicrllevicc anrtrompares rhe device ourpurswff the codesponding Gn,eecror ourpu$. This !s done ro check tbrcorccrdev'ce proenmming rndopentior.

Unlortunately. ABEL Est vsro6 seldofr Ljo r vefr good.job ur enher one otheseIas*s. as we ll explain.

The tes vectoclioin Tabte l-| ae repelred i! Trbte.1 t-t. exc.pr thdr forreadabihy we've used rhe idcdificr X whi.h *dr equated ro rhe dorl-c econstmt .X., a.d se !e tdedconnenr\ ro numbs de res v$r!A.

Table 4-2l actually appem to be d prer, goodserofrsr vecro6. Frod rhedeslgners poinr of v€w' $ese vecrod iuly cover rhe expecred operario. ofrhealam ciEuit. as irenized vecbFbv-veclo. below:

l� If PANIC is 1. ther tne aldm outplr (F) should be on egddtes ofrheober nput values The remai.rig recros covc.cses whee PANIC is 0.

2. Ifthe al'n n not enabled. then lhe outpui sholtd be ofi.3 U Lle alarn is enabled bui wete exnin-s, rhen tie output should be off

a_6 r the alrn is enabl€d md wete not exiring_ then rh€ outpur shouid beo. ifany of tbe sensorignals srNDos. Doo& or ctiacE is O.

7. rthe ahm h enabled. wete nor exidnS, and alt oithe sen$! sisnalsae L. the. the ourpur should be oe

Page 14: ABEL Hardware Description Language

TheABELHardwareDe{ rp ionL inquaqe :61

L ]

;i1 l0l


Th€ Problem isthar ABEL doesnl handle don\_crres in r'st veclorLopos

rhe uv dat it \hould For *mpl. bv all rishE test veclor I should tert 12

dinind inDUt combinrtions corresponding to dl l: Po$ihlc 'ombrnloons oI

i"i.;,.i"r"o u"*..o.*t.rNc {Ir'IDo1i oooR x'd cAi'{cE But ir d'esn l

i; this ntudion. lhe AsELcompilerimeareG _don'r'r" as \heuserdoe\n r

cN whar ,n tu t vdue I u* . d i i t ju$Nis i \Otod l l don tscuDinpu6 'n I rcs r

vcd.r lnlhi\e(!mpLe.youcoul.lhaveinc'treclll snttcnrheouttutequahonds_r =r,tNrc * lrir,rsL *E ,tgt En& . -ilhe rc$ vcctors *ould $ili pn$ 'ven

h ! ! n r _ D J r r . o r ' ' o u d ^ r N ' l / " I t h r ' " t r I J ' r b l J

r * . - . n o - . r . ' ' . . o , I p l J ' r r r ' n ! v D h ' l

a.t""" l"'r"el. G"i..' *" b. ddeded dlrn-q lhe rtlrrz tr'r d r"lr Dorldr'

which !s$n;s that xny phvlcll detect is equirdeni b havitre ! nngre _erG

' ; , " ; ; ' ; ; a ; , ' . . i , r o g . o ' r ' , ' i , o u ' ' ' o s + " ' ' " ; t, : , ; ; , ; - ; , . " . , , " . ' . . ' ; . n, u, .10' Jr 'p . - r ' n iun' ' s ' r 'd n

r"ili , il, a""," ' g*-* 'r'ar arr rin-gle {uck-at taurs tm be derccted fhc

ren vecos have lo be chosen so rhd .lery posnble nu'k n tNlt cruses dn

in"rnecr utue r trre circunotput lbrsom' test-vector inptrtconbioriion'

T,ble 1_15 shows rconpl;te r't ol te{ ve'tos ioriheJm circuit*hen

" t',Ji.; ", "i;" ;;i*;.f products ctrcuir rhe nri rour vectos check

ro.s,u"r. ."r r""rts - trt. Oa gate- bd the l$t dree 'heck for $u'k''t 0 tdults

.",rt. elO g"".,lt *.t *,;rtai this is suiucientb delcct rlt single rtuck rt

r.r". t ou-foq 'om'mr1J -ood J' I e uoq d rn q"n''lre F aroF

f o . n r r l r . u i ' o r \ ' r d ' . I d r d r n r a * r m p e r ' o u t r o ' r d e n ' r e ^ J ' e r u m

nated thid ptrq;oh ro qexk high qualiq le$ vectors hrthet PLD desiss'

( IP,{ TC,ENABLEi,EXITINC,IIINDO!,DooR,cArncEl -> lalNl)

i ,; ,

1 l1 l1 l
