a2 music video analysis


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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Like the previous two videos I have analysed, again this video begins with different shots of the artist, Big Sean, ranging to mid shots, close ups of eyes/mouth and wide shots. As mentioned before, this conforms to Goodwin’s theory and proves that no matter what genre the music is, video’s tend to follow the same style. The picture is quite dark and dull, which reflects the song well as the beginning is a very slow tempo – suggesting sadness etc. Throughout the above clips, Big Sean is singing along in sync to the song, using hand actions (as shown above) also. The hand action of a prayer fits in with the actual lyrics of the song, as they are “I’m way up, I feel blessed.” Goodwin’s theory states that in rap and r’n’b videos, there will be a link between what’s visually on screen and the lyrics that the artist is singing, in order to amplify the lyrics.

In this particular rap video, there is a heavy theme of religion. As seen in the screenshots above, it is showing the aritist in a confession booth. This ties in with the lyrics, as they are “I tell the truth like father forgive me these are all my confessions” – again conforming to Goodwin’s theory of a visual link with the lyrics used to amplify the meaning. The confession booth is based in the dark but with a shining light above it – which signifies God, again linking with the theme of religion. The lyrics also make reference to things such as Heaven and Hell. The last screenshot features the artist lying on stairs leading up ways (to heaven) whilst he is lying across them like Jesus did on the cross. This again ties in with Goodwin’s theory as it is an inter-textual reference. People who watch this will automatically be able to make the connection.

Throughout the video, there are cuts to a screen where there is a siluhetted women dancing (screenshots above) the woman is dressed all in white whereas the males in the video are dressed all in black. This signifies the difference between them both, whilst also suggesting her innocence. Goodwin suggests that in rap music, voyeurism is used to make the video more attractive to a certain audience. This music video conforms to that theory, because there is little to no mention of females throughout the entire song – so it could be suggested that she was placed in the video just to gain a different target audience.

Goodwin’s theory states that in rap and RnB videos there are set characteristics. These characteristics include: visuals and lyrics about money, expensive clothing, good looking women, hooded men, baggy clothing and quite often dancing. This video includes a lot of the above, there are lyrics that reference to money “Million dollar goals, managed to manifest it”. The clothes worn in the video by the males are also very stereotypical for a rap video, they wear big oversized baggy clothing and hoodies, which can be linked back to youth etc. There was dancing included in the video from a female, but who remained unrecognizable.