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a123456789 oDesk SEO Test Answers 1. If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean? a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine b. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine c. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed d. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms 2. 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety of web pages. Three of the 10 people choose one particular link. That link then has a __________ clickthrough rate. a. less than 30% b. 30 percent c. more than 30% 3. Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank? a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site c. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site 4. What does the 301 server response code signify? a. Not Modified b. Moved Permanently c. syntax error in the request d. Payment is required e. The request must be authorized before it can take place 5. If you enter ‘Help site:www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box, what will Google search for? a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.com b. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.com c. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.com d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.go4expert.com 6. What is Anchor Text? a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page 7. Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword “six sigma”? a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool b. Alexa c. Google Traffic Estimator d. Google Trends e. WordTracker 8. What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates? a. Waves b. Flux c. Shuffling d. Swaying 9. Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results? a. Yes b. No 10. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct? a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the indexing of the better version b. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could be http://www.go4expert.com/page/ and http://www.go4expert.com/page and http://www.go4expert.com/page/index.htm. c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate

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oDesk SEO Test Answers1. If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it

mean?a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search enginec. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most importantsearch terms

2. 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety of web pages. Three of the 10 peoplechoose one particular link. That link then has a __________ clickthrough rate.a. less than 30%b. 30 percentc. more than 30%

3. Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web siteb. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web sitec. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web sited. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a website

4. What does the 301 server response code signify?a. Not Modifiedb. Moved Permanentlyc. syntax error in the requestd. Payment is requirede. The request must be authorized before it can take place

5. If you enter ‘Help site:www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box, what will Google search for?a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.comb. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.comc. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.comd. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.go4expert.com

6. What is Anchor Text?a. It is the main body of text on a particular web pageb. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web pagec. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another paged. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page

7. Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largestsearch for the keyword – “six sigma”?a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Toolb. Alexac. Google Traffic Estimatord. Google Trendse. WordTracker8. What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between

major updates?a. Wavesb. Fluxc. Shufflingd. Swaying

9. Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?a. Yesb. No

10. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow theindexing of the better versionb. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples ofinconsistent linking could be http://www.go4expert.com/page/ and http://www.go4expert.com/page andhttp://www.go4expert.com/page/index.htm.c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate

d. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content byGoogle

11. What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return oninvestmentb. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword densityc. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by thesearch enginesd. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines

12. What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?a. Red hat techniquesb. Silver hat techniquesc. Grey hat techniquesd. Shady hat techniques

13. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?a. They are two way links (reciprocal links)b. They are from authority websitesc. They are voluntary in natured. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

14. Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies?a. Targeting synonyms of the main keywordb. Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc. Copying competitor keywordsd. Optimizing five or more keywords per page

15. What does the 302 server response code signify?a. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same timeb. The page has been permanently removedc. The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd. The page has temporarily movede. What you requested is just too big to process

16. Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?a. They are greatly beneficial to SEOb. They are also called link farmsc. They are paid listingsd. They contain numerous inbound links

17. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word ‘actor’ will also showsearch results for related words such as actress, acting or act?a. Spreadingb. Dilatingc. RSD (realtime synonym detection)d. Stemminge. Branching

18. What will the following robots.txt file do?User-agent:GooglebotDisallow:/*?User-agent:ScooterDisallow:a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also allow the altavistascooter bot to access every pageb. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also disallow thealtavista scooter bot from accessing any pagec. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will allow the altavistascooter bot to access every paged. None of the above

19. Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?a. It is a form of XMLb. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndicationc. It is a good way of displaying static informationd. It is a microsoft technology

20. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to using javascript within the web pages?a. It uses up the valuable space within the webpage, which should be used for placing meaningful text forthe search enginesb. Search engines cannot read Javascriptc. It is a good idea to shift the Javascript into a separate filed. Most of the search engines are unable to read links within Javascript code

21. Which of the following options are correct regarding the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) of a particularkeyword?a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keywordb. It is inversely proportional to the competiton for the keywordc. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the first page of the Google searchresults

22. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to anothersite called?a. Trafficjackingb. Visitorjackingc. Viewjackingd. Pagejacking

23. Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 most searched keywords?a. Googleb. Yahooc. AOLd. Lycos

24. Which of the following search engines or directories provides the main search results for AOL?a. Lycosb. DMOZc. Googled. Yahooe. Windows Live

25. Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?a. 0.01-0.1%b. 0.1-1%c. 3-4%d. 7-10%e. More than 10%

26. The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:<META NAME=”robots” CONTENT=”noindex,nofollow”>a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the pageb. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the pagec. To index the page and not to follow the links in the paged. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

27. What is Keyword Density?a. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page – (MINUS)thetotal words in HTML on the pageb. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on pagec. The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond. The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page

28. Which of the following are examples of agents?a. Internet Explorerb. Search engine spidersc. Operad. SQL Server database attached to a website

29. If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the numberof independent searches for the term “iq”?a. Yesb. No

30. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pagesb. Offering a different set of web pages to the search enginesc. Hiding the keywords within the webpaged. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

31. Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor trafficb. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomesc. Alexa is biased towards US based trafficd. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbarThis is the last question of your test.

32. Google gives priority to themed in-bound links.a. Trueb. False

33. Which of the following methods can help you get around the Google Sandbox?a. Buying an old Website and getting it rankedb. Buying a Google Adwords PPC campaignc. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directing the site after it hasbeen indexedd. Getting a DMOZ listing

34. A Hallway Page is used to:a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Pageb. Organizes the Doorway Pagesc. Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pagesd. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

35. Which of the following options describes the correct meaning of MouseTrapping?a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpageb. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clickedc. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from major websites through a spywareprogramd. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on a website

36. What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google page rank?a. 1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 2 monthsd. More than 3 months

37. All major search engines are case sensitive.a. Trueb. False

38. Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google?a. Having a clear hierarchy and text linksb. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text linkc. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pagesd. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

39. How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quickerplacementb. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title “SiteMap” on the home page of a website.c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the websited. None of the above

40. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s doesGoogle recommend to avoid being penalized?a. The text of the paid links should state the words “paid text link” for Google to identify it as a paid linkb. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be acceptedc. Paid links should be disclosed through the “rel=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlinkd. Paid links should be disclosed through the “index=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlink

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ssssssssssssssssssssssQuestion: 1Which of the following search engines or directories provides the directory search results for Yahoo?

a. Windows Live

b. Yahoo Directory

c. Google

d. Wikipedia


Ans: BQuestion: 2Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow theindexing of the better version

b. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistentlinking could be http://www.expertrating.com/page/ and http://www.expertrating.com/page andhttp://www.expertrating.com/page/index.htm

c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate

d. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google


Question: 3What is Keyword Density?

a. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page - (MINUS)the totalwords in HTML on the page

b. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page

c. The number of times the keyword is used in the page description

d. The number of times the keyword is used in the page title

e. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page

Ans: D

Question: 4Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct:

a. Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalized

b. It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video and Mobile content

c. The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML format

Ans: A

Question: 5Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google's search results?

a. Yes

b. No

Ans: B

Question: 6What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?

a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return oninvestment

b. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density

c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the searchengines

d. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines

Ans: C

Question: 7Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not a website is an authoritywebsite?

a. The frequency with which the content of the website is updated

b. The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website

c. The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)

d. None of the above

Ans: A,B,C

Question: 8What is Anchor Text?

a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page

b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page

c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page

Ans: C

Question: 9If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number ofindependent searches for the term "iq"?

a. Yes

b. No


Question: 10What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

a. Trafficjacking

b. Visitorjacking

c. Viewjacking

d. Pagejacking

Ans: D

Question: 11Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IP address of the pagewhere the link to the website originates?

a. Yes

b. No

Ans: A

Question: 12What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates?

a. Waves

b. Flux

c. Shuffling

d. Swaying

Ans: B

Question: 13While grading your website, Google gives credit to outbound links pointing to authority websites?

a. True

b. False

Ans: B

Question: 14Which of the following URLs can the Google search engine spider?

a. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.asp?examnum=243&examtype=244

b. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.asp?examnum=243

c. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.asp

d. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.html

e. All of the above

Ans: E

Question: 15Google displays up to _____ characters of a webpage's Title Tag.

a. 56

b. 60

c. 66

d. 80

Question: 16What does the 302 server response code signify?

a. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same time

b. The page has been permanently removed

c. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed

d. The page has temporarily moved

e. What you requested is just too big to process

Ans: D

Question: 17Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?

a. It should be about 50 characters in length

b. The description should not contain the keywords

c. If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords for information

d. Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages

Ans: D

Question: 18State whether true or false.

The Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial sites.

a. True

b. False

Ans: A

Question: 19Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within a webpage?

a. Images cannot be spidered by the search engines

b. Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT text

c. Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpage

d. Image maps should be used while including the images

Ans: B

Question: 20Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?

a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages

b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines

c. Hiding the keywords within the webpage

d. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

Ans: B

Question: 21Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?

a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic

b. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes

c. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic

d. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar


Question: 22Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Googlerecommend to avoid being penalized?

a. The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify it as a paid link

b. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted

c. Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

d. Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

Ans: C

Question: 23Which of the following actions could get you banned by Google?

a. Hiding text on the webpage

b. Stuffing keywords on the webpage

c. Linking to sites banned by Google

d. None of the above

Ans: A

Question: 24Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true?

a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header

b. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few

c. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if theydon't add much value for users coming from search engines

d. Submitting new pages of your website at http://www.google.com/addurl.html as soon as they are online,helps to speed up indexing

Ans: B

Question: 25

Which of the following is an ethical SEO Technique?

a. Creating a subdomain with the hottest keyword and creating duplicate copies of existing pages on it

b. Filling your pages with keywords, whether relevant to the page content or not

c. Creating a page which serves a different content to the search engine bots and different to human users

d. None of the above

Ans: D

Question: 26All major search engines are case sensitive.

a. True

b. False

Ans: B

Question: 27While optimizing your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic, how does the Bounce Rateinformation help in this regard?

a. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then wenton to visit additional pages

b. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then left withoutviewing any other page

c. By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source fromwhere they found your website

d. By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds ofviewing the first page

Ans: B

Question: 28Which of the following factors contribute towards link popularity of a website?

a. The number of websites that link to it

b. The number of pages of the website indexed by Google

c. The number of pages in the website

d. The quality of websites that link to it

Ans: A,B,C,D

Question: 29Search engines do not index some common words (such as "or", "and", "when", and "in") within the webpage. Whatare these common words called?

a. Barrier words

b. Non-indexable words

c. Slow words

d. Stop words

Ans: D

Question: 30

Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their quality guidelines?

a. Using automated website submission software

b. Loading pages with irrelevant links

c. Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributes

d. Registering misspellings of well-known websites

Ans: B,C

Question: 31Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?

a. It is a form of XML

b. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndication

c. It is a good way of displaying static information

d. It is a Microsoft technology

Ans: A

Question: 32_________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link fromanother website.

a. The sitemap

b. The contact page

c. The home page

d. The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings

Ans: D

Question: 33Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a. Targeting synonyms of the main keyword

b. Targeting the highest searched keywords only

c. Copying competitor keywords

d. Optimizing five or more keywords per page


Question: 34If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the recentpast, _________________.

a. abandon and close your website permanently.

b. modify the page contents, make them useful and relevant to the human users, and requestGoogle to reconsider your site.

c. start a PPC campaign to get your site included in the sponsored results.

d. it is better to discontinue the website and shift your webpages to a fresh website with a newdomain name.

Ans: D

Question: 35Which of the following statements about search engine optimization techniques are correct:

a. Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at the keyword

b. Websites with deep linking are looked at favorably by search engines

c. search engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do not follow additionallinks to the same page

d. It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could look automated to thesearch engines

Ans: A, B, D

Question: 36A Hallway Page is used to:

a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page

b. Organize the Doorway Pages

c. Help people navigate to different Doorway Pages

d. Enable search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

Ans: D

Question: 37Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search forthe keyword - "six sigma"?

a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool

b. Alexa

c. Google Traffic Estimator

d. Google Trends

e. WordTracker

Ans: D

Question: 38How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?

a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quickerplacement

b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title "SiteMap" on the home page of a website.

c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website

d. None of the above

Ans: C

Question: 39State whether the following statement is true or false.

A Sitemap provides a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.

a. True

b. False

Ans: A

Question: 40What is the function of "indexer" part of the Google search engine?

a. It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide web

b. It helps to gather information from other search engines

c. It helps to sort the documents that Google has retrieved

d. It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user's search term

Ans: D

Question: 41Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the 'Relevancy' perspective?

a. The website offering products and services to the visitors country

b. A website that provides free content for the related keywords

c. Hidden keywords on the home page matching the search term

d. Image Alt tags on the home page matching the search term

Ans: D

Question: 42Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to Yahoo. What is performed by the link: operator?

a. It shows all the outbound links from the URL

b. It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing to

c. It shows all the pages that point to that URL

d. It shows URLs with broken links


Question: 43Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?

a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site

b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site

c. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site

d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site


Question: 44What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?

a. Red hat techniques

b. Silver hat techniques

c. Grey hat techniques

d. Shady hat techniques


Question: 45Why is it a bad idea from the seo perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet.

a. Because they will not lead to fresh traffic

b. Because you could get penalized by search engines for using duplicate content

c. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting

d. Because people could turn up claiming copy right infringement


Question: 46The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:

<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">

a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page

b. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page

c. To index the page and not to follow the links in the page

d. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page


Question: 47_________________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant results.

a. Crawler-based Search Engines

b. Human-Powered Directories

c. Hybrid Search Engines

d. Meta Search Engines


Question: 48Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?

a. They are two way links (reciprocal links)

b. They are from authority websites

c. They are voluntary in nature

d. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites


Question: 49What will happen if you type the words 'Certification -Networking' in the Google search box?

a. Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word "Networking"

b. Google will find all the web pages containing the words "Certification" and "Networking"

c. Google will find all the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together

d. Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking


Question: 50If you enter 'Help site:www.microsoft.com' in the Google search box, what will Google search for?

a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.expertrating.com

b. It will find pages about help within www.expertrating.com

c. It will only find page titles about help within www.expertrating.com

d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.expertrating.com


Question: 51Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?

a. They are greatly beneficial to SEO

b. They are also called link farms

c. They are paid listings

d. They contain numerous inbound links


Question: 52What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word 'actor' will also show searchresults for related words such as actress, acting or act?

a. Spreading

b. Dilating

c. RSD (real time synonym detection)

d. Stemming

e. Branching


Question: 53If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?

a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine

b. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine

c. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed

d. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important searchterms


Question: 54What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpage towards a long tail keyword search?

a. There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries

b. Search engines often pass on long tail searches to lesser known and new websites

c. Search engines do not pass on long tail search traffic to websites that rank high for shorter keyword searches

d. There are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords


40 SEO Interview QuestionsSEO is best Promotion and Marketing I can think of and so instead of putting this intoSearch Engine I thought this would be better place to have this.

Here are some of the best interview questions for SEO and if you are looking to answerthem read SEO FAQ’s and you would not have difficulty in answering most of them ifnot all.

1) If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particularsearch engine is 20%, what does it mean?a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search enginec. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the searchengine for its most important search terms

2) 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety ofweb pages. Three of the 10 people choose one particular link. That linkthen has a __________ clickthrough rate.a. less than 30%b. 30 percentc. more than 30%

3) Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web siteb. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a websitec. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web sited. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to apage of a web site

4) What does the 301 server response code signify?a. Not Modifiedb. Moved Permanentlyc. syntax error in the requestd. Payment is requirede. The request must be authorized before it can take place

5) If you enter ‘Help site:www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box,what will Google search for?a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.comb. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.comc. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.comd. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.go4expert.com

6) What is Anchor Text?a. It is the main body of text on a particular web pageb. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web pagec. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another paged. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use toassign a title to the page

7) Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify whichcity in the world has the largest search for the keyword – “six sigma”?

a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Toolb. Alexac. Google Traffic Estimatord. Google Trendse. WordTracker

8) What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions insearch engine results in between major updates?a. Wavesb. Fluxc. Shufflingd. Swaying

9) Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?a. Yesb. No

10)Which of the following statements regarding website content arecorrect?a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommendsthat you only allow the indexing of the better versionb. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views thepage/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could behttp://www.go4expert.com/page/ and http://www.go4expert.com/page andhttp://www.go4expert.com/page/index.htm.c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material asduplicated. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed asduplicate content by Google

11)What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leadsto the best return on investmentb. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword densityc. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpageare given priority by the search enginesd. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by thesearch engines

12)What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown areaof reputability/validity?a. Red hat techniquesb. Silver hat techniquesc. Grey hat techniquesd. Shady hat techniques

13)Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?a. They are two way links (reciprocal links)b. They are from authority websitesc. They are voluntary in natured. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

14)Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection andplacement strategies?a. Targeting synonyms of the main keywordb. Targeting the highest searched keywords only

c. Copying competitor keywordsd. Optimizing five or more keywords per page

15)What does the 302 server response code signify?a. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same timeb. The page has been permanently removedc. The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd. The page has temporarily movede. What you requested is just too big to process

16)Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?a. They are greatly beneficial to SEOb. They are also called link farmsc. They are paid listingsd. They contain numerous inbound links

17)What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a queryfor the word ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words suchas actress, acting or act?a. Spreadingb. Dilatingc. RSD (realtime synonym detection)d. Stemminge. Branching

18)What will the following robots.txt file do?User-agent:GooglebotDisallow:/*?User-agent:ScooterDisallow:a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It willalso allow the altavista scooter bot to access every pageb. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages.It will also disallow the altavista scooter bot from accessing any pagec. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages.It will allow the altavista scooter bot to access every paged. None of the above

19)Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?a. It is a form of XMLb. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndicationc. It is a good way of displaying static informationd. It is a microsoft technology

20)Which of the following statements are correct with regard to usingjavascript within the web pages?a. It uses up the valuable space within the webpage, which should be used forplacing meaningful text for the search enginesb. Search engines cannot read Javascriptc. It is a good idea to shift the Javascript into a separate filed. Most of the search engines are unable to read links within Javascript code

21)Which of the following options are correct regarding the KeywordEffectiveness Index (KEI) of a particular keyword?a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keywordb. It is inversely proportional to the competiton for the keyword

c. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the firstpage of the Google search results

22)What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties inorder to filter off traffic to another site called?a. Trafficjackingb. Visitorjackingc. Viewjackingd. Pagejacking

23)Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50most searched keywords?a. Googleb. Yahooc. AOLd. Lycos

24)Which of the following search engines or directories provides the mainsearch results for AOL?a. Lycosb. DMOZc. Googled. Yahooe. Windows Live

25)Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?a. 0.01-0.1%b. 0.1-1%c. 3-4%d. 7-10%e. More than 10%

26)The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:<META NAME=”robots” CONTENT=”noindex,nofollow”>a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the pageb. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the pagec. To index the page and not to follow the links in the paged. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

27)What is Keyword Density?a. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word counton page – (MINUS)the total words in HTML on the pageb. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total wordcount on pagec. The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond. The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word counton the page

28)Which of the following are examples of agents?a. Internet Explorerb. Search engine spidersc. Operad. SQL Server database attached to a website

29)If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keywordsuggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches forthe term “iq”?

a. Yesb. No

30)Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pagesb. Offering a different set of web pages to the search enginesc. Hiding the keywords within the webpaged. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

31)Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor trafficb. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomesc. Alexa is biased towards US based trafficd. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbarThis is the last question of your test.

32)Google gives priority to themed in-bound links.a. Trueb. False

33)Which of the following methods can help you get around the GoogleSandbox?a. Buying an old Website and getting it rankedb. Buying a Google Adwords PPC campaignc. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directing the site after it has been indexedd. Getting a DMOZ listing

34)A Hallway Page is used to:a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Pageb. Organizes the Doorway Pagesc. Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pagesd. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

35)Which of the following options describes the correct meaning ofMouseTrapping?a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpageb. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clickedc. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from majorwebsites through a spyware programd. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on awebsite

36)What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google pagerank?a. 1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 2 monthsd. More than 3 months

37)All major search engines are case sensitive.a. Trueb. False

38)Which of the following website design guidelines have beenrecommended by Google?a. Having a clear hierarchy and text linksb. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link

c. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site mapinto separate pagesd. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

39)How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through awebsite, hence ensuring quicker placementb. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks forthe keyword or title “Site Map” on the home page of a website.c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the websited. None of the above

40)Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a websitesells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid beingpenalized?a. The text of the paid links should state the words “paid text link” for Google toidentify it as a paid linkb. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be acceptedc. Paid links should be disclosed through the “rel=nofollow” attribute in thehyperlinkd. Paid links should be disclosed through the “index=nofollow” attribute in thehyperlink

Re: 40 SEO Interview Questions

1. (a)

2. b3. a ( Quality back links gives higher page rank)4.b5. b6. c7. d

8. (b)9. b10. a

11. (c)12. c13. c14. a and d15. d16. b17. c ( Not sure)18. b19. a20. c & b

21. (a) and (b)22. d ( not sure)23. d

24. (c)25. c26. b

27. (a)28. (a), (b) and (c)29. (a)30. b31. a32. a33. a

34. (d)35. (d)36. 2-3 Months37. b38. b39. c40. c

Search Engine Optimization TestSolutionsNovember 30, 2011By earnnews0inShare

QuestionWhich of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per pageAns: DQuestionWhich blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML code than theHTML actually served to users?a.Coalingb.Foistingc.Slightingd.CloakingAns: DWhy is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very

common on the internet?a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigementAns: BWhat will happen if you type the word ‘Certification-Networking’ in the google searchbox?a.Google will find the web pages about “certification” and also containing the word“networking”b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word “Certification” and“Networking”c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words “Certification” and“Networking” appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworkingAns: CWhich of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether ornot a website is an authority website?a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme (or keywords)d. None of the aboveans: CWhat is keyword density?a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page –(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on thepage. (ans)Ans: EWhich of the following statement about FFA pages are true?a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound linksAns: BWhat is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

Ans: DWhat is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 monthsans: DquestionSome words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url’s with broken linksAns: C

1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermedby the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url's with broken links

2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTMLactually served to users?


3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contentsc.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking"appear together.d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not awebsite is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the websitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)

d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus)the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off trafficto another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword, A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)

11. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed

by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url's with broken links

12. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTMLactually served to users?


13. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contentsc.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

14. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking"appear together.d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

15. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or nota website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the websitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)d. None of the above

16. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus)the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.

17. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

18. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off trafficto another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

19. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months

20. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)

21. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title tag

a.*56b.60 * B & C


22. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correct

a.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors trafficb. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household incomec.Alexa is baised towards US based trafficd.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar

23. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word "actor"will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting or act?

a.Spreadingb.Dilatingc.RSD (real time synonyms detection)d.Stemminge.Branching

24.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the class C IPaddress of the page where the link to the website originates

a* Yesb No

25. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the "Relevancy"perspective.

a.The website offering product and services to the visitors countryb.*A website that provides Free content for related keywordsc.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search termd.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term

26. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended by google?

a.Having a clear hierachy and text linksb.*Every page should be reachable from atleast one static text linkc.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap into separate pagesd.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

27. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towards a long tailskeyword search? Recheck

a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queriesb.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new websitec.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high for shorterkeyword searches (check)d. There are fewer webvsite that have targeted such keyword's

28 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within a web page?

a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)b. Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT textc.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web paged. Image maps should be used while including the images

29. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?

a.* It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same timeb.The page has been permanently removedc.The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd.The page has temporarily movede.What you requested is just too big to process

30. State whether the following statement is true or false. A sitemap provide a list of naturallinks to user accessible pages on a web

1. Which blach hat Seo Techique is characterized by a method to deceive searchengines, by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTMLactually served to users?ans: Cloaking

2. Which is the function of indexer part of the Google search Engine?ans. It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide wed

3. Google display up to _______ characters of a webpages Title Tag.ans:66

4. which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?ans:a. targeting synonyms of the main keywordd. Optimizing five or more keywords per page

5. What will happen if you type the words Certification-Networking in the googlesearch box?ans: google will find all the web pages in which the words certerfication and networkingappear together

6. which search engine technology prevents a website from appearing in numeroustop positions in the search engine result pagesans:clustering

7. if a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is20%. what does it mean?ans:only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine

8. Which of the following statements about google techinical and quality guidlines istrue.ans:Avoid using robot.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from the searchengines.

9. Impleminting a 301 permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the newpages is a good idea from the SEO perspective.True or False?ans:True

10. what is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for theword ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, actingor act?ans:RSD ( real time synonym detection )

11. Are Rss/Atom feeds returned in Google search results?ans:No

12. All major search engines are case sensitiveans:False

13. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involveans:Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines

14. which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description metatag?ans:Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages.

15. which of the following statements about the search engine optimizationtechniques are correct.ans:websites with deep linking are looked at the favorably by search engines

16.Which of the following factors have an impact on the google pagerankans: the subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site

17. what is the most likely time period required for getting a google page rankans:More Than 3 monts.

18. Which of the following is an ethical SEO Techique?ans:Non of the above.

19. What is Anchor textans:it is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

20. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells alinks, what actions does Google recommend to avoid being penalizedans:Paid links should be disclosed through index-nofollow attribute in the hyperlink

21. if you search for the term “iq test” in the word tracker keyword suggestion tool,will it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”Yes or no?ans: no

22. if you enter “help site:http://www.expertrating.com‘ in the google search box,what will google search forans:it will find pages about help with-in http://www.expertrating.com

23. which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended byGoogleans:Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link

24. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?ans:If you have two versions of a document on your website, google recommends thatyou only allow the indexing of the better version

25. which of the following statements about the RSS are correct.ans:it is a form of XML

26. what is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpages towards along tail keyword searchans:there are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords.

27. how are the site maps important for the search engine optimization processans:ste maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website..

28. which of the following actions could get you banned by Googleans:non of the above.

29. Do search engines such as google detect innatural linking patterns by checkingthe Class C ip address of the page where the link to the websites originates? Yes orno?


30. what is the term for optimization strategies that are in an unknown area ofreputability/validityans:Silver hat techiques

31. What does the term keyword prominence refer to?ans:it refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage aregiven priority by the search engines.1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that url (ans)d. It show url’s with broken links2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve searchengine, by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTMLcode than the HTML actually served to users?

a.Coalingb.Foistingc.Slightingd.Cloaking (ans)

3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups thatare very common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

4. What will happen if you type the word ‘Certification-Networking’ in the googlesearch box?

a.Google will find the web pages about “certification” and also containing the word“networking”b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word “Certification” and“Networking”c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words “Certification” and“Networking” appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessingwhether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme (orkeywords) (ans)d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page –(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count onthe page. (ans)

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farms (ans)c.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order tofilter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking (ans)

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months (ans)

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection andplacement strategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) (ans)

1. oDesk SEO test answer:Dear Friend, Here you can find most important oDesk SEO test result. I hope you must passthis test now, So let's see what's happen.

1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that url (ans)d. It show url's with broken links

2. Which black hat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTMLactually served to users?

a. Coalingb. Foistingc. Slightingd. Cloaking (ans)

3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?

a. Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb. Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd. because people could turn up claiming copyright infringement

4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and"Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking"appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

5. Which of the following factors does Google take into account while accessing whether ornot a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords) (ans)d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page -(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.(ans)

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farms (ans)c.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking (ans)

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months (ans)

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) (ans)*

11. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title taga.*56b.60 (ans)* B & Cc.66 (ans)d.80

12. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correcta.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors traffic (ans)b. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household incomec.Alexa is baised towards US based trafficd.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar

13. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word"actor" will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting or act?

a.Spreadingb.Dilatingc.RSD (real time synonyms detection)d.Stemming (ans)e.Branching

14.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the class C IPaddress of the page where the link to the website originatesa* Yes (ans)b No

15. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the "Relevancy"perspective.a.The website offering product and services to the visitors countryb.*A website that provides Free content for related keywords (ans)c.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search termd.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term

16. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended by google?

a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links (ans)b.*Every page should be reachable from at least one static text linkc.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap into separatepagesd.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

17. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towards a longtails keyword search? Recheck

a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queriesb.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new websitec.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high for shorterkeyword searches (check)d. There are fewer website that have targeted such keyword's (ans)

18 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within a web page?

a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)b. Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT text (ans)c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web paged. Image maps should be used while including the images

19. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?

a.* It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same timeb.The page has been permanently removedc.The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd.The page has temporarily moved (ans)e.What you requested is just too big to process

20. State whether the following statement is true or false.A sitemap provide a list of natural links to user accessible pages on a website

a.*Trueb. False (ans)

What is Keyword Density?

Ans--- Number of repeats of the keyword / total number of words on the page * 100 = KeywordDensity

a. The number of times the keyword is used / [DIVIDED BY} the total word count on page - (UINUS)the total words in HTML on the page

b. The number of times the keyword is used X [MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page

c. The number of times the keyword is used in the page description

d. The number of times the keyword is used in the page title

e. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY} the total word count on the page

What will happen if you type the words “Certification- Networking” in the Google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word “Networking”b.Google will find all the web pages containing the words “Certification” and Networking”c.Google will find all the web pages in which the words “Certification” and “Networking” appeartogetherd.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

While grading your website, Google gives credit to outbound links pointing to authoritywebsites ?


Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?

a.It should be about 50 characters in lengthb.The description should not contain the keywordsc.If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords forinformationd.Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages

Which of the following statements about search engine optimization are correct.

a.Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at thekeywordb.Website with deep linking are looked at favorably by search enginesc.Search engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do notfollow additional links to the same paged.It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could lookautomated to the search engines

State whether the following statement is true or false?A Sitemap provide a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.


Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google Page Rank?

a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site

b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site

c. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site

d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a website

_________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound linkfrom another website.a. The sitemapb. The contact pagec. The home paged. The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings

Search Engine do not some common words (such as “or”, “and”, “when” and “In”) within thewebpage. What are these common words called?

a. Barrier words

b. Non-indexable words

c. slow Words

d. Stop words

If a website’s search engine saturation with respect toa particular search engine in 20%,whatdoes it mean?

a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indeed by the search engineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indeed by the search enginec. 20% of the website pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the fast 20% of all website indexed by the search engine for its mostimportant search terms

Which black hat SEO techniques is characterized by a method to decive search engine , by

detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML code then the HTMLactually served to users?a.Coating


______________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant results

a. Crawler-based Search Engines

b. Human-Powered Directories

c. Hybrid Search Engines

d. Meta Search Engines

If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it returnthe number of independent searches for the term "iq"?


Search engines do not index some common words [such as "or", "and", "when" and "in"}within the webpage. What are these common words called?

a. Barrier words

b. Non-indexable words

c. Slow words

d. Stop words

While optimization your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic. How doesthe Bounce Rate information help in this regard?

b. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then left withoutviewing any other page

What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimization towards a long tall keywordsearch?

d. There are fewer website that have targeted such keywords

Implementing 301 Permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages is agood idea from the SEO perspective.

a. Trueb False

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?

a. They are two way links (reciprocal links}

b. They are from authority websites

c. They are voluntary in nature

d. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

Why is it a bad idea from the seo perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?

a. Because they will not lead to fresh traffic

b. Because you could get penalized by search engines for using duplicate content

c. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting

d. Because people could turn up claiming copy right infringement

Which of the following search engines or directories provides the directory search results forYahoo?

a. Windows Live

b. Yahoo Directory

c. Google

d. Wikipedia


Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true?

a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP headerb. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them fewc. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generatedpages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search enginesd. Submitting new pages of your website at http://www.google.com/addurl.html as soon asthey are online, helps to speed up indexing

While optimization your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic. How doesthe Bounce Rate information help in this regard?a.By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then went on tovisit additional pagesb. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then left withoutviewing any other pagec.By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source from wherethey your websited.By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds of thefirst page

If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%. whatdoes it mean?

a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine

b. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine

c. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed

d. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its mostimportant search terms

people do a web search. In response they see links to a variety of web pages. Three of the 10people choose one particular link.That link then has a_______ click through rate.

a. less than 30%

b. 30 percent

c. more than 30%

What will the following robots.txt file do?

User-agent: Googlebot


User-agent: scooter


a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also allowthe altavista scooter hot to access every page

b. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages It willalso disallow the altavista scooter hot from accessing any page

c. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It willallow the altavista scooter bot to access every page

d. None of the ahoveWhat is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off trafficto another site called?

a. Trafficjacking

b. Visitorjacking

c. Viewjacking

d. Pagejacking

The following robots Meta tag directs the search engine bots:

a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page

b. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page

c. To index the page and not to follow the links in the page

d. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?

a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages

b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines

c. Hiding the keywords within the webpage

d. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google page rank?

A. 1 week

B. 3 weeks

C. 2 months

D More than 3 months

What does the term Keyword Prominence refer?ANS: c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are givenpriority by the search engines.

some words, when following by a colon, have special meaning to Yahoo. What is performedby the link: operator?

c. It shows all the pages that point to that URl

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within a webpage?

a. Images cannot be spidered by the search engines

b. Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT text

c. Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpage

d. Image maps should be used while including the images

Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably the “Relevancy’ perspective?

b. A website offering free content for the related keywords

Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not awebsite is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the content of the website is updatedb. The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the websitec. The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme ( or keywords)d. None of the above

difficult one that last one, google loves inbound links and frequently updated content, numberof pages, dumb question that as the page could be about the rare spotted pink rhino beetle thatI just found in my bathroom, probably have to go for "d' on that one given the options.

Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IPaddress of the page where the link to the website originates?

a. Yes

b. No

Which of the following is an ethical SEO Technique?

a. Creating a subdomain with the hottest keyword and creating duplicate copies of existingpages on itb.Filling your pages with keywords, whether relevant to the page content or notc. Creating a page which serves a different content to the search engine bots and different tohuman usersd.None of the above

What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area ofreputability/validity?

a. Red hat techniques

b. Silver hat techniques

c. Grey hat techniques

d. Shady hat techniques

How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?

a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, henceensuring quicker placement

b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps The GoogleBot looks for the keywordor title "Site Map" on thehome page of a website.

c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website

d. None of the above

What does the 301-server response code signify?

A. Not Modified

B. Moved Permanently

C. syntax error in the request

D. Payment is required

E. The request must be authorized before it can take place

If you enter ‘Help site: www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box, what will Googlesearch for?

a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.com

b. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.com

c. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.com

d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.go4expert.com

What is Anchor Text?

a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page

b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page

c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title tothe page

What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results inbetween major updates?

a. Waves

b. Flux

c. Shuffling

d. Swaying

Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?

a. Yes

b. No

What does the 302-server response code signify?

a. It signifies conflict; too many people wanted the same file at the same time

b. The page has been permanently removed

c. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed

d. The page has temporarily moved

e. What you requested is just too big to process

Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?

a. They are greatly beneficial to SEO

b. They are also called link farms

c. They are paid listings

d. They contain numerous inbound linksWhat is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word ‘actor’will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?

a. Spreading

b. Dilating

c. RSD (real-time synonym detection)

d. Stemming

e. Branching

Which of the following options is correct regarding the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) of aparticular keyword?

a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keyword

b. It is inversely proportional to the competition for the keyword

c. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the first page ofthe Google search results

Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 most searchedkeywords?

a. Google

b. Yahoo

c. AOL

d. Lycos

Which of the following search engines or directories provides the main search results for AOL?

a. Lycos


c. Google

d. Yahoo

e. Windows Live

Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?

A. 0.01-0.1%

B. 3-4%

C. 7-10%

D. none of the above

b. Combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion withother words, appears on a Web pageWhich of the following are examples of agents?

A. Internet Explorer

B. Search engine spiders

C. Opera

D. SQL Server database attached to a website

If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it returnthe number of independent searches for the term “iq”?

a. Yes

b. No

Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic

b. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes

c. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic

d. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar

Google gives priority to themed inbound links

a. True

b. False

Which of the following methods can help you get around the Google Sandbox?

a. Buying an old Website and getting it ranked

b. Buying a Google Ad words PPC campaign

c. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directingthe site after it has been indexed

d. Getting a DMOZ listing

A Hallway Page is used to:

A. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page

B Organizes the Doorway Pages

C Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pages

D. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

Which of the following options describes the correct meaning of Mouse Trapping?

a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpage

b. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clicked

c. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from major websitesthrough a spy ware program

d. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on a website

All major search engines are case sensitive.

a. True

b. False

Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google?a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links

b. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link

c. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links you should break the site map into separate pages

d. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)

e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, whataction/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?

a. The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify it as apaid link

:b. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted

c. Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

d. Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

If a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, whatdoes it mean?

Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine.

Which of the following activities could be locked down upon by google as per their qualityguidelines?

What is the function of “indexer” part of the Google search engine?

a. It helps retrieve web pages from the World Wide Web.b. It helps to gather information from other search engine.c. It helps to sort the documents that google has retrieved.d. It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user’s search term

Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you onlyallow the indexing of thebetter version

b.Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s Examples ofinconsistent linkingcould be http://www. expert rat ing. com/page/ andhttp://www.expertrating.com/page and http:..7www.expertrating com'page/index, htm

c.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate

d.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content byGoogle

Which of the following URLs can the Google search engine spider?

a. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo. asp?examnum=243&examtype=244

b. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo. asp?examnum=243

c. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.asp


e.All of the above

Google displays up to______ characters of a webpage’s Title Tag.

a. 56

b. 60

c. 66

d. 80

Which of the following statements about Googles technical and quality guidelines is true?

a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header

b. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few

c. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generatedpages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from search engines

d. Submitting new pages of your website at http://www gocgle com'addurl.html as soon as theyare online, helps to speed up indexing

If you enter ‘Help site: www.expertrating. com' in the Google search box what will Googlesearch for?

a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www expert rating com

b. It will find pages about help within www.expertrating.com

c. It will only find page titles about help within www.expertrating.com

d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www. expertrating com

Some words, when followed by a colon have special meanings to Yahoo. What is performedby the link: operator?

a. It shows all the outbound links from the URL

b. It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing to

c. It shows all the pages that point to that URL

d. It shows URLs with broken links

Which search engine technology prevents a web-site from appearing in numerous toppositions in the search engine result pages?

a. Clustering

b. Normalizing

c. Sifting

d. Combing

Implementing a 301 Permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages is agood idea from the SEO perspective.

a. True

b. False

Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their qualityguidelines?

a. Using automated website submission software

b. Loading pages with irrelevant links

c. Intentionally adding keywords tc the TITLE tags and ALT attributes

d. Registering misspellings of well-known websites

Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?

It is a form of XML

It is stands for Realtime Streamlined syndication.

It is a good way of displaying static information

It is a Microsoft technology.Which of the following contribute towards link popularity of a website? (MULTIPLE ANS)

The number of website that link to it.

The number of pages of the website indexed by Google.

The number of pages in the website.

The quality of websites that link to it.Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the ‘ Relevancyperspective’?

The website offering

Which of the following statement website content are correct ?

a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you onlyallow the indexing of the better versionsb.Linking to a page inconsistently soes not affect tha way Google views the pages. Examples ofinconsistent linking could be http : // www . expertrating . com / page / and http : // www .expertrating . com / page and http : // www . expertrating . com / page /index.htmc.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate.d.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by


Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their qualityguidelines ?

a.Using automated website submission softwareb.Loading pages with irrelevant linksc.Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tage and ALT attributesd.Registering misspellings of well-known website

State whether true or falseThe Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial sites.


If your site is not appearing in google search results because of some unethical SEO practicesin the recent past.

a.Abandon and close your website permanently.b.Modify the page contents make them useful and relevant to the human users, and requestGoogle to reconsider your site.c.Start a PPC campaign to get your site include in the sponsored results.d.It is better to discontinue the website and shift your webpages to a fresh website a newdomain name.

Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct:

a. Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalizedb. It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video and Mobilecontentc. The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML formatWhich of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their qualityguidelines?

a. Using automated website submission softwareb. Loading pages with irrelevant linksc. Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributesd. Registering misspellings of well-known websites

Search Engine Optimization Test Solution

Search Engine Optimization Test Solution

QuestionWhich of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page

Ans: D


Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than theHTML actually served to users?


Ans: D

Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

Ans: B

What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google searchbox?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and"Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and"Networking" appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

Ans: C

Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether ornot a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)d. None of the above

ans: C

What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page -(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on thepage. (ans)

Ans: E

Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

Ans: B

What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

Ans: D

What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months

ans: D


Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url's with broken links

Ans: C


[email protected].


Search Engine Optimization TestSolutionsNovember 30, 2011By earnnews0inShare

QuestionWhich of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per pageAns: DQuestionWhich blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, bydetecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML code than theHTML actually served to users?a.Coalingb.Foistingc.Slightingd.CloakingAns: DWhy is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are verycommon on the internet?a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigementAns: BWhat will happen if you type the word ‘Certification-Networking’ in the google searchbox?a.Google will find the web pages about “certification” and also containing the word“networking”b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word “Certification” and“Networking”c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words “Certification” and“Networking” appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

Ans: CWhich of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether ornot a website is an authority website?a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme (or keywords)d. None of the aboveans: CWhat is keyword density?a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page –(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on thepage. (ans)Ans: EWhich of the following statement about FFA pages are true?a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound linksAns: BWhat is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page JackingAns: DWhat is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 monthsans: DquestionSome words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url’s with broken linksAns: C

1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url's with broken links

2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine,by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than theHTML actually served to users?


3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that arevery common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contentsc.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google searchbox?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and"Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and"Networking" appear together.d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whetheror not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page -(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on thepage.

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword, A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)

11. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to

c. It shows all the pages that point to that urld. It show url's with broken links

12. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve searchengine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML codethan the HTML actually served to users?


13. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that arevery common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contentsc.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

14. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the googlesearch box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and"Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and"Networking" appear together.d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

15. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whetheror not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)d. None of the above

16. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page -(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.

c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on thepage.

17. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farmsc.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

18. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filteroff traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking

19. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months

20. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)

21. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title tag

a.*56b.60 * B & Cc.66d.80

22. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correct

a.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors trafficb. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household income

c.Alexa is baised towards US based trafficd.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar

23. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word"actor" will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting or act?

a.Spreadingb.Dilatingc.RSD (real time synonyms detection)d.Stemminge.Branching

24.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking theclass C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates

a* Yesb No

25. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the "Relevancy"perspective.

a.The website offering product and services to the visitors countryb.*A website that provides Free content for related keywordsc.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search termd.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term

26. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended by google?

a.Having a clear hierachy and text linksb.*Every page should be reachable from atleast one static text linkc.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap into separatepagesd.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

27. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towards along tails keyword search? Recheck

a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queriesb.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new websitec.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high for shorterkeyword searches (check)d. There are fewer webvsite that have targeted such keyword's

28 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within a webpage?

a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)b. Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT textc.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web paged. Image maps should be used while including the images

29. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?

a.* It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same timeb.The page has been permanently removedc.The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd.The page has temporarily movede.What you requested is just too big to process

30. State whether the following statement is true or false. A sitemap provide a list ofnatural links to user accessible pages on a web

1. Which blach hat Seo Techique is characterized by a method to deceive searchengines, by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTMLactually served to users?ans: Cloaking

2. Which is the function of indexer part of the Google search Engine?ans. It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide wed

3. Google display up to _______ characters of a webpages Title Tag.ans:66

4. which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placementstrategies?ans:a. targeting synonyms of the main keywordd. Optimizing five or more keywords per page

5. What will happen if you type the words Certification-Networking in the googlesearch box?ans: google will find all the web pages in which the words certerfication and networkingappear together

6. which search engine technology prevents a website from appearing in numeroustop positions in the search engine result pagesans:clustering

7. if a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is20%. what does it mean?ans:only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine

8. Which of the following statements about google techinical and quality guidlines istrue.ans:Avoid using robot.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from the searchengines.

9. Impleminting a 301 permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the newpages is a good idea from the SEO perspective.True or False?ans:True

10. what is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for theword ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, actingor act?ans:RSD ( real time synonym detection )

11. Are Rss/Atom feeds returned in Google search results?ans:No

12. All major search engines are case sensitiveans:False

13. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involveans:Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines

14. which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description metatag?ans:Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages.

15. which of the following statements about the search engine optimizationtechniques are correct.ans:websites with deep linking are looked at the favorably by search engines

16.Which of the following factors have an impact on the google pagerankans: the subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site

17. what is the most likely time period required for getting a google page rankans:More Than 3 monts.

18. Which of the following is an ethical SEO Techique?ans:Non of the above.

19. What is Anchor textans:it is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

20. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells alinks, what actions does Google recommend to avoid being penalizedans:Paid links should be disclosed through index-nofollow attribute in the hyperlink

21. if you search for the term “iq test” in the word tracker keyword suggestion tool,will it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”Yes or no?ans: no

22. if you enter “help site:http://www.expertrating.com‘ in the google search box,what will google search forans:it will find pages about help with-in http://www.expertrating.com

23. which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended byGoogleans:Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link

24. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?ans:If you have two versions of a document on your website, google recommends thatyou only allow the indexing of the better version

25. which of the following statements about the RSS are correct.ans:it is a form of XML

26. what is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpages towards along tail keyword searchans:there are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords.

27. how are the site maps important for the search engine optimization processans:ste maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website..

28. which of the following actions could get you banned by Googleans:non of the above.

29. Do search engines such as google detect innatural linking patterns by checkingthe Class C ip address of the page where the link to the websites originates? Yes orno?


30. what is the term for optimization strategies that are in an unknown area ofreputability/validityans:Silver hat techiques

31. What does the term keyword prominence refer to?ans:it refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage aregiven priority by the search engines.1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that url (ans)d. It show url’s with broken links

2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve searchengine, by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTMLcode than the HTML actually served to users?

a.Coalingb.Foistingc.Slightingd.Cloaking (ans)

3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups thatare very common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

4. What will happen if you type the word ‘Certification-Networking’ in the googlesearch box?

a.Google will find the web pages about “certification” and also containing the word“networking”b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word “Certification” and“Networking”c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words “Certification” and“Networking” appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessingwhether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updatedb. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme (orkeywords) (ans)d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page –(minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count onthe page. (ans)

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farms (ans)

c.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order tofilter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking (ans)

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months (ans)

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection andplacement strategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) (ans)

1. oDesk SEO test answer:Dear Friend, Here you can find most important oDesk SEO test result. I hope youmust pass this test now, So let's see what's happen.

1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What isperfermed by the link Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the urlb. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that url (ans)d. It show url's with broken links

2. Which black hat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve searchengine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTMLcode than the HTML actually served to users?

a. Coalingb. Foistingc. Slightingd. Cloaking (ans)

3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups thatare very common on the internet?

a. Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb. Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)c. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd. because people could turn up claiming copyright infringement

4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the googlesearch box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word"networking"b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification"and "Networking"c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and"Networking" appear together. (ans)d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworking

5. Which of the following factors does Google take into account while accessingwhether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated

b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme ofthe websitec.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (orkeywords) (ans)d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count onpage - (minus) the total words in HTML on the pageb.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count onpage.c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond.The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count onthe page. (ans)

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEOb.They are also called Link Farms (ans)c.They are Paid Listingsd*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order tofilter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jackingb.Visitors Jackingc.View Jackingd* Page Jacking (ans)

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 1 monthd.* More than 3 months (ans)

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection andplacement strategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & Db.Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc.Copying competitor keywordsd.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) (ans)*

11. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title taga.*56b.60 (ans)* B & Cc.66 (ans)d.80

12. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correcta.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors traffic (ans)b. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household incomec.Alexa is baised towards US based trafficd.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar

13. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for theword "actor" will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting oract?

a.Spreadingb.Dilatingc.RSD (real time synonyms detection)d.Stemming (ans)e.Branching

14.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checkingthe class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originatesa* Yes (ans)b No

15. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the"Relevancy" perspective.a.The website offering product and services to the visitors countryb.*A website that provides Free content for related keywords (ans)c.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search termd.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term

16. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended bygoogle?

a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links (ans)b.*Every page should be reachable from at least one static text linkc.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap intoseparate pagesd.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

17. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towardsa long tails keyword search? Recheck

a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queriesb.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new websitec.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high forshorter keyword searches (check)d. There are fewer website that have targeted such keyword's (ans)

18 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within aweb page?

a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)b. Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT text (ans)c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web paged. Image maps should be used while including the images

19. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?

a.* It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same timeb.The page has been permanently removedc.The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd.The page has temporarily moved (ans)e.What you requested is just too big to process

20. State whether the following statement is true or false.A sitemap provide a list of natural links to user accessible pages on a website

a.*Trueb. False (ans)What is Keyword Density?Ans--- Number of repeats of the keyword / total number of words on the page * 100 =Keyword Densitya. The number of times the keyword is used / [DIVIDED BY} the total word count on page- (UINUS) the total words in HTML on the pageb. The number of times the keyword is used X [MULTIPLIED BY) the total word counton pagec. The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond. The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY} the total word count on thepageWhat will happen if you type the words “Certification- Networking” in the Googlesearch box?

a.Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word“Networking”b.Google will find all the web pages containing the words “Certification” andNetworking”c.Google will find all the web pages in which the words “Certification” and“Networking” appear togetherd.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the wordNetworkingWhile grading your website, Google gives credit to outbound links pointing to authoritywebsites ?

a.Trueb.FalseWhich of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?

a.It should be about 50 characters in lengthb.The description should not contain the keywordsc.If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywordsfor informationd.Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pagesWhich of the following statements about search engine optimization are correct.

a.Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at thekeywordb.Website with deep linking are looked at favorably by search enginesc.Search engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they donot follow additional links to the same paged.It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could lookautomated to the search enginesState whether the following statement is true or false?A Sitemap provide a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.

a.Trueb.FalseWhich of the following factors have an impact on the Google Page Rank?a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web siteb. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web sitec. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web sited. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page ofa web site_________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link from another website.a. The sitemapb. The contact pagec. The home paged. The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings

Search Engine do not some common words (such as “or”, “and”, “when” and “In”)within the webpage. What are these common words called?a. Barrier wordsb. Non-indexable wordsc. slow Wordsd. Stop words

If a website’s search engine saturation with respect toa particular search engine in20%,what does it mean?

a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indeed by the search engineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indeed by the search enginec. 20% of the website pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the fast 20% of all website indexed by the search engine for itsmost important search terms

Which black hat SEO techniques is characterized by a method to decive search engine ,by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML code thenthe HTML actually served to users?a.Coatingb.Foistingc.Slightingd.Cloaking

______________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant resultsa. Crawler-based Search Enginesb. Human-Powered Directoriesc. Hybrid Search Enginesd. Meta Search EnginesIf you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will itreturn the number of independent searches for the term "iq"?NoSearch engines do not index some common words [such as "or", "and", "when" and"in"} within the webpage. What are these common words called?a. Barrier wordsb. Non-indexable wordsc. Slow wordsd. Stop wordsWhile optimization your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic.How does the Bounce Rate information help in this regard?

b. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then leftwithout viewing any other page

What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimization towards a long tallkeyword search?

d. There are fewer website that have targeted such keywords

Implementing 301 Permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages isa good idea from the SEO perspective.

a. Trueb FalseWhich of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?a. They are two way links (reciprocal links}b. They are from authority websitesc. They are voluntary in natured. They are from .edu or .gov extension websitesWhy is it a bad idea from the seo perspective to host free articles and write ups that arevery common on the internet?a. Because they will not lead to fresh trafficb. Because you could get penalized by search engines for using duplicate contentc. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targetingd. Because people could turn up claiming copy right infringementWhich of the following search engines or directories provides the directory searchresults for Yahoo?a. Windows Liveb. Yahoo Directoryc. Googled. Wikipediae. DMOZWhich of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines istrue?

a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP headerb. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of themfewc. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search enginesd. Submitting new pages of your website at http://www.google.com/addurl.html as soonas they are online, helps to speed up indexingWhile optimization your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic.How does the Bounce Rate information help in this regard?a.By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then went onto visit additional pagesb. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then leftwithout viewing any other pagec.By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source fromwhere they your websited.By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds ofthe first page

If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is20%. what does it mean?a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search enginec. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for itsmost important search termspeople do a web search. In response they see links to a variety of web pages. Three ofthe 10 people choose one particular link.That link then has a_______ click throughrate.a. less than 30%b. 30 percentc. more than 30%What will the following robots.txt file do?

User-agent: Googlebot Disallow:/*? User-agent: scooter Disallow:

a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It willalso allow the altavista scooter hot to access every page

b. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pagesIt will also disallow the altavista scooter hot from accessing any page

c. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages.It will allow the altavista scooter bot to access every page

d. None of the ahoveWhat is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter offtraffic to another site called?a. Trafficjackingb. Visitorjackingc. Viewjackingd. PagejackingThe following robots Meta tag directs the search engine bots:

a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page b. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page c. To index the page and not to follow the links in the page d. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?

a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines c. Hiding the keywords within the webpage d. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google page rank?

A. 1 week B. 3 weeks C. 2 months D More than 3 months

What does the term Keyword Prominence refer?ANS: c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage aregiven priority by the search engines.some words, when following by a colon, have special meaning to Yahoo. What isperformed by the link: operator?

c. It shows all the pages that point to that URlWhich of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within awebpage?a. Images cannot be spidered by the search enginesb. Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT textc. Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpaged. Image maps should be used while including the imagesWhich of the following conditions will Google treat favorably the “Relevancy’perspective?

b. A website offering free content for the related keywords

Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessingwhether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the content of the website is updatedb. The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of thewebsitec. The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme ( or keywords)d. None of the above

difficult one that last one, google loves inbound links and frequently updated content,number of pages, dumb question that as the page could be about the rare spotted pinkrhino beetle that I just found in my bathroom, probably have to go for "d' on that onegiven the options.Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking theClass C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates?a. Yesb. NoWhich of the following is an ethical SEO Technique?

a. Creating a subdomain with the hottest keyword and creating duplicate copies ofexisting pages on it

b.Filling your pages with keywords, whether relevant to the page content or notc. Creating a page which serves a different content to the search engine bots and differentto human usersd.None of the aboveWhat is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area ofreputability/validity?a. Red hat techniquesb. Silver hat techniquesc. Grey hat techniquesd. Shady hat techniquesHow are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website,hence ensuring quicker placementb. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps The GoogleBot looks for thekeyword or title "Site Map" on thehome page of a website.c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the websited. None of the aboveWhat does the 301-server response code signify?

A. Not Modified B. Moved Permanently C. syntax error in the request D. Payment is required E. The request must be authorized before it can take place

If you enter ‘Help site: www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box, what willGoogle search for?

a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.com b. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.com c. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.com d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.go4expert.com

What is Anchor Text?

a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a

title to the pageWhat term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engineresults in between major updates?

a. Waves b. Flux c. Shuffling

d. Swaying

Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?

a. Yes b. No

What does the 302-server response code signify?

a. It signifies conflict; too many people wanted the same file at the same time b. The page has been permanently removed c. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed d. The page has temporarily moved e. What you requested is just too big to process

Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?

a. They are greatly beneficial to SEO b. They are also called link farms c. They are paid listings d. They contain numerous inbound links

What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?

a. Spreading b. Dilating c. RSD (real-time synonym detection) d. Stemming e. Branching

Which of the following options is correct regarding the Keyword EffectivenessIndex (KEI) of a particular keyword?

a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keyword b. It is inversely proportional to the competition for the keyword c. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the first

page of the Google search results

Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 mostsearched keywords?

a. Google b. Yahoo c. AOL d. Lycos

Which of the following search engines or directories provides the main searchresults for AOL?

a. Lycos b. DMOZ c. Google d. Yahoo e. Windows Live

Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?

A. 0.01-0.1% B. 3-4% C. 7-10% D. none of the above

b. Combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, inproportion with other words, appears on a Web pageWhich of the following are examples of agents?

A. Internet Explorer B. Search engine spiders C. Opera D. SQL Server database attached to a website

If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool,will it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”?

a. Yes b. No

Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor trafficb. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomesc. Alexa is biased towards US based trafficd. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbarGoogle gives priority to themed inbound linksa. Trueb. FalseWhich of the following methods can help you get around the Google Sandbox?

a. Buying an old Website and getting it ranked b. Buying a Google Ad words PPC campaign c. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-

directing the site after it has been indexed d. Getting a DMOZ listing

A Hallway Page is used to:

A. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page B Organizes the Doorway Pages C Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pages D. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

Which of the following options describes the correct meaning of Mouse Trapping?

a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpage b. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clicked c. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from major

websites through a spy ware program d. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on a website

All major search engines are case sensitive.

a. True b. False

Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended byGoogle?a. Having a clear hierarchy and text linksb. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text linkc. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links you should break the site map into separatepagesd. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per pageGoogle looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links,what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?a. The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify itas a paid link:b. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be acceptedc. Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlinkd. Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlinkIf a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is20%, what does it mean?Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine.Which of the following activities could be locked down upon by google as per theirquality guidelines?What is the function of “indexer” part of the Google search engine?

a. It helps retrieve web pages from the World Wide Web.b. It helps to gather information from other search engine.c. It helps to sort the documents that google has retrieved.d. It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user’s search term

Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that youonly allow the indexing of thebetter versionb.Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/sExamples of inconsistent linkingcould be http://www. expert rat ing. com/page/ andhttp://www.expertrating.com/page and http:..7www.expertrating com'page/index, htmc.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicated.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate contentby GoogleWhich of the following URLs can the Google search engine spider?a. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo. asp?examnum=243&examtype=244b. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo. asp?examnum=243c. http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.aspd.http://www.expertrating.com/exams/seo.htmle.All of the aboveGoogle displays up to______ characters of a webpage’s Title Tag.a. 56b. 60c. 66d. 80Which of the following statements about Googles technical and quality guidelines istrue?a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP headerb. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of themfewc. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from search enginesd. Submitting new pages of your website at http://www gocgle com'addurl.html as soonas they are online, helps to speed up indexingIf you enter ‘Help site: www.expertrating. com' in the Google search box what willGoogle search for?a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www expert rating comb. It will find pages about help within www.expertrating.comc. It will only find page titles about help within www.expertrating.comd. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www. expertrating comSome words, when followed by a colon have special meanings to Yahoo. What isperformed by the link: operator?a. It shows all the outbound links from the URLb. It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing toc. It shows all the pages that point to that URLd. It shows URLs with broken linksWhich search engine technology prevents a web-site from appearing in numerous toppositions in the search engine result pages?a. Clustering

b. Normalizingc. Siftingd. CombingImplementing a 301 Permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pagesis a good idea from the SEO perspective.a. Trueb. FalseWhich of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per theirquality guidelines?a. Using automated website submission softwareb. Loading pages with irrelevant linksc. Intentionally adding keywords tc the TITLE tags and ALT attributesd. Registering misspellings of well-known websitesWhich of the following statements about RSS are correct?

a. It is a form of XMLb. It is stands for Realtime Streamlined syndication.c. It is a good way of displaying static informationd. It is a Microsoft technology.

Which of the following contribute towards link popularity of a website? (MULTIPLEANS)

a. The number of website that link to it.b. The number of pages of the website indexed by Google.c. The number of pages in the website.d. The quality of websites that link to it.

Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the ‘ Relevancyperspective’?

a. The website offering

Which of the following statement website content are correct ?

a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that youonly allow the indexing of the better versionsb.Linking to a page inconsistently soes not affect tha way Google views the pages.Examples of inconsistent linking could be http : // www . expertrating . com / page / andhttp : // www . expertrating . com / page and http : // www . expertrating . com / page/index.htmc.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate.d.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate contentby Google

Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per theirquality guidelines ?

a.Using automated website submission softwareb.Loading pages with irrelevant linksc.Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tage and ALT attributesd.Registering misspellings of well-known website

State whether true or falseThe Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial sites.


If your site is not appearing in google search results because of some unethical SEOpractices in the recent past.

a.Abandon and close your website permanently.b.Modify the page contents make them useful and relevant to the human users, andrequest Google to reconsider your site.c.Start a PPC campaign to get your site include in the sponsored results.d.It is better to discontinue the website and shift your webpages to a fresh website a newdomain name.

Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct:

a. Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalizedb. It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video andMobile contentc. The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML formatWhich of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per theirquality guidelines?

a. Using automated website submission softwareb. Loading pages with irrelevant linksc. Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributesd. Registering misspellings of well-known websites

40 SEO Interview Questions

SEO is best Promotion and Marketing I can think of and so instead of putting this intoSearch Engine I thought this would be better place to have this.

Here are some of the best interview questions for SEO and if you are looking to answerthem read SEO FAQ’s and you would not have difficulty in answering most of them ifnot all.

1. If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particularsearch engine is 20%, what does it mean?a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the searchengineb. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search enginec. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexedd. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the searchengine for its most important search terms

2. 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety ofweb pages. Three of the 10 people choose one particular link. Thatlink then has a __________ clickthrough rate.a. less than 30%b. 30 percentc. more than 30%

3. Which of the following factors have an impact on the GooglePageRank?a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web siteb. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a websitec. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web sited. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link toa page of a web site

4. What does the 301 server response code signify?a. Not Modifiedb. Moved Permanentlyc. syntax error in the requestd. Payment is requirede. The request must be authorized before it can take place

5. If you enter ‘Help site:www.go4expert.com’ in the Google search box,what will Google search for?a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to www.go4expert.comb. It will find pages about help within www.go4expert.comc. It will only find page titles about help within www.go4expert.comd. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing ofwww.go4expert.com

6. What is Anchor Text?a. It is the main body of text on a particular web pageb. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web pagec. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use toassign a title to the page

7. Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identifywhich city in the world has the largest search for the keyword – “sixsigma”?a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Toolb. Alexac. Google Traffic Estimatord. Google Trendse. WordTracker

8. What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions insearch engine results in between major updates?a. Wavesb. Fluxc. Shufflingd. Swaying

9. Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?a. Yesb. No

10.Which of the following statements regarding website content arecorrect?a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Googlerecommends that you only allow the indexing of the better versionb. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views thepage/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could behttp://www.go4expert.com/page/ and http://www.go4expert.com/page andhttp://www.go4expert.com/page/index.htm.c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material asduplicated. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed asduplicate content by Google

11.What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywordsleads to the best return on investmentb. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword densityc. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of awebpage are given priority by the search enginesd. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by thesearch engines

12.What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknownarea of reputability/validity?a. Red hat techniquesb. Silver hat techniquesc. Grey hat techniquesd. Shady hat techniques

13.Which of the following statements is correct with regard to naturallinks?a. They are two way links (reciprocal links)b. They are from authority websitesc. They are voluntary in natured. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

14.Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection andplacement strategies?

a. Targeting synonyms of the main keywordb. Targeting the highest searched keywords onlyc. Copying competitor keywordsd. Optimizing five or more keywords per page

15.What does the 302 server response code signify?a. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same timeb. The page has been permanently removedc. The method you are using to access the file is not allowedd. The page has temporarily movede. What you requested is just too big to process

16.Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?a. They are greatly beneficial to SEOb. They are also called link farmsc. They are paid listingsd. They contain numerous inbound links

17.What is the name of the search engine technology due to which aquery for the word ‘actor’ will also show search results for relatedwords such as actress, acting or act?a. Spreadingb. Dilatingc. RSD (realtime synonym detection)d. Stemminge. Branching

18.What will the following robots.txt file do?User-agent:GooglebotDisallow:/*?User-agent:ScooterDisallow:a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It willalso allow the altavista scooter bot to access every pageb. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generatedpages. It will also disallow the altavista scooter bot from accessing any pagec. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generatedpages. It will allow the altavista scooter bot to access every paged. None of the above

19.Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?a. It is a form of XMLb. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndicationc. It is a good way of displaying static informationd. It is a microsoft technology

20.Which of the following statements are correct with regard to usingjavascript within the web pages?a. It uses up the valuable space within the webpage, which should be used forplacing meaningful text for the search enginesb. Search engines cannot read Javascriptc. It is a good idea to shift the Javascript into a separate filed. Most of the search engines are unable to read links within Javascript code

21.Which of the following options are correct regarding the KeywordEffectiveness Index (KEI) of a particular keyword?a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keywordb. It is inversely proportional to the competiton for the keywordc. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the firstpage of the Google search results

22.What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties inorder to filter off traffic to another site called?a. Trafficjackingb. Visitorjackingc. Viewjackingd. Pagejacking

23.Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top50 most searched keywords?a. Googleb. Yahooc. AOLd. Lycos

24.Which of the following search engines or directories provides themain search results for AOL?a. Lycosb. DMOZc. Googled. Yahooe. Windows Live

25.Which of the following can be termed as appropriate KeywordDensity?a. 0.01-0.1%b. 0.1-1%c. 3-4%d. 7-10%e. More than 10%

26.The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:<META NAME=”robots” CONTENT=”noindex,nofollow”>a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the pageb. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the pagec. To index the page and not to follow the links in the paged. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

27.What is Keyword Density?a. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total wordcount on page – (MINUS)the total words in HTML on the pageb. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the totalword count on pagec. The number of times the keyword is used in the page descriptiond. The number of times the keyword is used in the page titlee. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total wordcount on the page

28.Which of the following are examples of agents?a. Internet Explorerb. Search engine spidersc. Operad. SQL Server database attached to a website

29. If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keywordsuggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches forthe term “iq”?a. Yesb. No

30.Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages

b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search enginesc. Hiding the keywords within the webpaged. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

31.Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor trafficb. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomesc. Alexa is biased towards US based trafficd. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbarThis is the last question of your test.

32.Google gives priority to themed in-bound links.a. Trueb. False

33.Which of the following methods can help you get around the GoogleSandbox?a. Buying an old Website and getting it rankedb. Buying a Google Adwords PPC campaignc. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directing the site after it has been indexedd. Getting a DMOZ listing

34.A Hallway Page is used to:a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Pageb. Organizes the Doorway Pagesc. Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pagesd. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

35.Which of the following options describes the correct meaning ofMouseTrapping?a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpageb. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement wasclickedc. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from majorwebsites through a spyware programd. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on awebsite

36.What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google pagerank?a. 1 weekb. 3 weeksc. 2 monthsd. More than 3 months

37.All major search engines are case sensitive.a. Trueb. False

38.Which of the following website design guidelines have beenrecommended by Google?a. Having a clear hierarchy and text linksb. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text linkc. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site mapinto separate pagesd. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than100)e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

39.How are site maps important for the search engine optimizationprocess?

a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through awebsite, hence ensuring quicker placementb. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looksfor the keyword or title “Site Map” on the home page of a website.c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from thewebsited. None of the above

40.Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If awebsite sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoidbeing penalized?a. The text of the paid links should state the words “paid text link” for Googleto identify it as a paid linkb. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be acceptedc. Paid links should be disclosed through the “rel=nofollow” attribute in thehyperlinkd. Paid links should be disclosed through the “index=nofollow” attribute in thehyperlink

Re: 40 SEO Interview Questions

1. (a)

2. b3. a ( Quality back links gives higher page rank)4.b5. b6. c7. d

8. (b)9. b10. a

11. (c)12. c13. c14. a and d15. d16. b17. c ( Not sure)18. b19. a20. c & b

21. (a) and (b)22. d ( not sure)23. d

24. (c)25. c26. b

27. (a)28. (a), (b) and (c)29. (a)30. b31. a32. a33. a

34. (d)35. (d)36. 2-3 Months37. b38. b39. c40. c