a top–down approach to fullerene fabrication using a polymer nanoparticle precursor

(120 C). The surface morphology did not change even after heating. This behavior is consistent with the CD spectroscopic results for region III. The frozen, entangled long polymer chains in the film prevent PM inversion. These results clearly indicate that phase-transition behavior is closely correlated with surface morphology in cast films. In summary, we have succeeded in controlling the dynamic- chiroptical properties of polysilane in the solid state, including inversion switching and memory with RW and WORM modes, by a combination of molecular-weight control and thermal modulation. We also found that the PM transition tempera- ture can be set within a range from 40±100 C by molecular- weight control only. We believe that controlling the molecular weight provides the simplest approach to fabricating func- tional materials in polymer science. Experimental Methods: Polysilanes were dissolved in isooctane (500 lg mL ±1 ). The solutions were then deposited onto quartz substrate (slow evapo- ration of solvent by drop-casting) and dried in air for 1 h. UV, CD, and LD signals were recorded simultaneously on a JASCO J-820 spec- tropolarimeter. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analysis was performed on a Seiko EXSTAR6000/DSC6200 instrument with a heating rate of 20 C min ±1 (measured from ±100 to 180 C). The weight-average molecular weight of polymer (M w ) and number-aver- age molecular weight of polymer (M n ) were determined using gel-per- meation chromatography (Shimadzu A10 instrument with Polymer Laboratories 10 lm PLgel MIXED-B column and HPLC-grade tetra- hydrofuran as eluent) at 40 C, based on calibration with polystyrene standards. 13 C and 29 Si NMR spectra were measured in CDCl 3 with a JEOL EX-400 spectrometer using tetramethylsilane as an internal standard. Optical rotation at the Na-D line was measured at room temperature (24 C) with a JASCO P-1020 polarimeter using a quartz cell with path length of 10 mm. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments were conducted using a SPA-3800N microscope with SPA-400 scanner (Seiko Instru- ments Inc., Japan) equipped with Si-DF20 tips at ambient conditions. All polymers were dissolved in isooctane solution (50 lg mL ±1 ), de- posited onto mica substrate, and dried in clean air for 1 h. All samples were cooled slowly after heating above T c . Images were obtained by cyclic contact mode in air, and the drive frequencies were typically set at 110±150 kHz. All images were collected with the maximum avail- able number of pixels (512). Received: March 28, 2004 Final version: August 16, 2004 ± [1] a) S. Zahn, J. W. Canary, Science 2000, 288, 1404. b) B. L. Feringa, R. A. van Delden, N. Koumura, E. M. Geertsema, Chem. Rev. 2000, 100, 1789. c) B. L. Feringa, Acc. Chem. Res. 2001, 34, 504. d) T. Mur- aoka, K. 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Koe, K. Terao, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, J. Watanabe, Polym. J. 2003, 35, 297. b) Concerning the high-molecular-weight fraction, see the Supporting Information. [17] G. Guo, M. Naito, M. Fujiki, A. Saxena, K. Okoshi, Y. Yang,M. Ishi- kawa, T. Hagihara, Chem. Commun. 2004, 276. A Top±Down Approach to Fullerene Fabrication Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Precursor** By Jyongsik Jang* and Joon Hak Oh Fullerenes have attracted considerable attention as a new carbon material since the initial discovery of C 60 in 1985. [1] Five years later, arc-discharge [2] and resistive-heating [3] meth- ods using graphite electrodes were found to allow laboratory- scale mass production. Thereafter, various methods used to synthesize fullerenes from precursors other than graphite, such as benzene, [4] naphthalene, [5] cycloalkynes, [6] and a chem- ically synthesized sophisticated precursor, [7] have also been reported. Recently, another breakthrough in the mass produc- tion of fullerenes has been realized with a second-generation combustion synthesis that uses an advanced combustion COMMUNICATIONS 1650 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/adma.200400032 Adv. Mater. 2004, 16, No. 18, September 16 ± [*] Prof. J. Jang, J. H. Oh Hyperstructured Organic Materials Research Center and School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University Shinlimdong 56-1, Seoul 151-742 (South Korea) E-mail: [email protected] [**] This work was supported by the Brain-Korea 21 Program of the Korean Ministry of Education and the Hyperstructured Organic Materials Research Center supported by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation. We thank Dr. S.-H. Yoon for discussions and acknowledge JEOL Co. for assistance with HRTEM.

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Page 1: A Top–Down Approach to Fullerene Fabrication Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Precursor

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Page 2: A Top–Down Approach to Fullerene Fabrication Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Precursor

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Page 3: A Top–Down Approach to Fullerene Fabrication Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Precursor

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Page 4: A Top–Down Approach to Fullerene Fabrication Using a Polymer Nanoparticle Precursor


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