a love letter to mac by penina rybak

Download A Love Letter to Mac by Penina Rybak

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Post on 12-May-2015




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The Macintosh computer turns 30 on 1/24/14 and as a Mac Evangelist turned iPad Evangelist, an educator turned entrepreneur, and a MacGirl since childhood, I wanted to pay tribute! So I wrote a poem and found some cool photos and put together a short love letter :) Happy Birthday! Thanks Apple™ Inc. and Steve Jobs, for all the great memories and hours of educational and entertaining activities; for myself and then for those I trained in Mac tech, and for those children with Autism/Special Needs who have learned better with Mac Tech, and/or benefited from it at school and at home. Join the Journey for Change! Websites: sociallyspeakingLLC.com, niceinitiative.com. Twitter: @PopGoesPenina.


  • 1.Socially Speaking LLC Presents A Love Letter Tribute to Mac 1/24/14 By Penina Rybak MA/CCC-SLP Founder/CEO Socially Speaking LLC Author: The NICE Reboot How to Become a Better Female Entrepreneur Twitter: @PopGoesPenina Created with Keynote for Mac

2. A Love Letter to Mac Remember when the trash icon was at the bottom right below Remember saving stuff to a oppy when working "on the go"? Remember how you could tweak which music played when turning the Mac on? Remember when "screen capture & MacPaint gave you hours of clean fun? Remember how relieved you'd be to see Mac's "smiling face"? Remember how anxious you got if/when you saw "the bomb" icon in its place? Remember hearing about Macworld and quickly running to the store? Remember happily nding "The Macintosh Bible" lled with tips and lore? 3. A Love Letter to Mac Remember Mac's pretty colors, artistry personied? Remember its transparent case so you could actually peek inside? Remember the "puck mouse" and rst time you saw a port for USB? Remember when you learned how to "rip" a movie and CD? Remember learning iWork and iLife to enhance your own workow? Remember switching to Leopard and sitting back to watch movies on Front Row? 4. A Love Letter to Mac Remember seeing the Mac App Store for the very rst time? Remember gleefully downloading all those Apps that didn't cost a dime? Remember when Spaces and Automator seemed like AI just for you? Remember when Time Machine seemed much too good to be true? Remember the rst time you used iChat then Air Drop to share les? Remember your rst FaceTime visit with someone across the miles? 5. A Love Letter to Mac Remember how excited you were when Steve Jobs said "One more thing?" Remember later seeing Mavericks, thinking its name had a nice ring? If you recall any or all of these details, or lived them just like me Welcome to the Socially Speaking Mac Fan Club An educational & entertaining place to be! 6. Ive Known Mac Since Childhood I learned writing using Apple Script & Clarisworks....now Pages I learned creativity using MacPaint, Kidpix & Hyperstudio....now iLife I learned digital archiving by rst using Pictify & Floppies....now Time Machine I learned to balance humanity/technology using Macs in various incarnations and work settings in adulthood.....as an educator turned entrepreneur 7. Ive Been A Mac Evangelist Most of My Career Websites: niceinitiative.com, sociallyspeakingLLC.comI was a prototype Mac Ed-Tech Consultant & trained others in Apple software integration 1995-2012 I designed/implemented special education curricula using Mac/iOS Tech 1995-2012 I launched my Socially Speaking Curriculum Seminars with an Apple technology component 2009 I became a national iPad Evangelist for special education in 2010 I designed and launched the Socially Speaking iPad App 2012 I wrote an entire chapter on iPads in my book on female entrepreneurship The NICE Reboot 2014 8. Happy 30th Birthday Macintosh!Thanks, Steve Jobs for revolutionizing the way we see design! See my 2011 video tribute on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1jqgjkY 9. Happy 30th Birthday Macintosh!Thanks, Steve Jobs for inspiring me to take my Mac Journey! See my 2011 video tribute on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1jqgjkY 10. Happy 30th Birthday Macintosh !Thanks for making my world go round ! 11. Hire Me to Speak Socially Speaking Seminars for Young Children with Autism/Special Needs NICE Initiative: iPad Bootcamp Seminars for Entrepreneurs NICE Initiative: Workflow Strategy Sessions For Entrepreneurs NICE Initiative: Coaching: Peninas Pointers on Entrepreneurship 12. Contact Me to Speak LinkedIn: Penina Rybak Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Websites: sociallyspeakingLLC.com, niceinitiative.com 13. A Call to Action 14. Food For Thought