a. goodman, esaie liquor dealer a carefully put€¦ · ofjoseph hyman included in a deej of trust,...

thatjK)etry contributed by Borneo and Juliet? Dr. T. E. Peery has returned from Graham. Last Saturday, the 13th, Miss Janou Höge and Pearl Snapp with Mr. W. J. Höge, accompanied Mr. Hubert Stiter to his home, on Hunting Camp. Mr. Jainee Peery and wife were visiting their brother, M. L. Peery, at Kelly, last week. Mr. Claience Wynn denies the charge of having courted the girl. Mr. Adam Bitter was seen in the Gar¬ den not long since. Among the visitor* present at the Circle meeting Saturday evening we noticed Revs. James Mahood and U. P. Kelly, the for¬ mer of Bland and the latter of Graham. Mr. J. N. Khudy has started a new en¬ terprise. He has just planted his farm in gourds. This is properly a Thompson Valley local. Congregational meetings seem to be reach¬ ing the high water mark just now at the Central church. W. S. Crockett has returned from Blue- field, but he is not going to remain with us he save. The lime craze lias struck Burke's Gar¬ den. A dozen lime kilns are being built. The pupils at the Academy are talking about their coming exercises. Kev. Chas. P. Kelly has been spending a few days at his grand-father's, Mr. Ste¬ phen Groseciose. Mr. James Crockett, Sr., is paying his son and son-in-law a visit on Jerusalem Hill. One of the questions answered at Circle meeting was: "What would you think ifl should say I love you in my heart of hearts?" Rev. Kohn and wife are preparing to leave the Garden. Mr. Kohn lias received a call to New Market. The next meeting of B. G. L. M. and C. will be at Mr. J. M. Snapp's, Saturday, March 21. Mr. J. A. Grcever was in the Garden Sunday. Scriitok. March 15, 1897. CEDAR BLl'FF ITEMS. Theground hog "sorter lied" and "sortei didn't he." Clinch and Pig Indian have been boom¬ ing for the tv» o weeks past. The second term of G. B. H. S. opened Wednesday, the 10th inst., with some new names on tiie roll. The Emersonian literary Society gav* an entertainment Friday night last. A \ good crowd was present. We attended the funeral services of lh< wife of Guy Christian, Esq., of Kichlands yesterday at 1 p. m., Revs. Lockhart anc Sparks officiating. She was buried at Jonei Chapel Cemetery. The devotional department of the Ep worth League is doing much good by mean! of cottage prayer meetings, being hek every Thursday night. We meet at Mr Lipford's home next. Came very near being a wreck on tin N. & W. Monday morning. A large rod had fallen on the railroad, and when re moved the train crossed before the trad had been elevated. Luckily thecarbrok« loose from the one in front in time and wai saved. Messrs. Mahlon, Anderson <fc Go. floatet a fine lot of cross ties down the creek las week, and landed them at Cedar Bluff The boys said the water was rather chilly Kev. J. W. Hypes, of Salem, Va., lef here for Belfast Saturday, where he wil hold a revival. Pro. Hypes is one of th< ablest preachers that has been in this vi cinity for soaae time. He is a firm be liever in sanctification and says "itiseithei holiness or hell." Mrs. Adams, wife of Pev. L. O. Adams witli her little ones, Graeie and Berthie; < boarded the east bound train Thursday evening for Bristol, to attend a meeting tc be held there by Pev. Strouse, the evan gehst, and also to visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Grubb. Does any one know: Who borrowed Dr. Baylor's leggins? Who borrowed Kev, Adam's coal? Who "the courting man" is? Who tried to hang the depot agent' Where the wire foot bridge is? And last, but by no means least, where our post¬ master can buy stamps cheapest? March 16, '97. Betonter. STEELESBURG ITEMS. Evangelist J. W. Hypes has just closed a ten days meeting at this place; the result is fifteen conversions and sanctifieations. Bev. Hypes lias a flow of language not easily surpassed. He is a fine singer, and best of all, we believe him to be one of the best of Christian gentlemen. May he al¬ ways meet with the success ins efforts sc richly merit. Wm. C. Witten, who has been a resident of Steelesburg for the past year, is moving back to Liberty Hill. His presence will missed greatly by us. A great many people from Cedar Blufl and Paint lick, attended our meeting last week. We gladly welcome you into our midst. Come again, all. Some persons have wonderful imagina¬ tive powers, or are possessed of a fine pair of optics. Ask any of the Cedar Bluffians. Banner Lodge I. O. O. F., Bichlands, Va., has three applicants for admission next Saturday night. Its members now jHQftaber seventy-five, and new ones con¬ stantly being added.. Now that McKinley is inaugurated, just give us time to pass a few laws and clean up the old litter, and prosperity is going to come in spite of all the Populist and Free Silver howlers. Long live the Eepublican and its noble editor. L. MAXWELL ITEMS. Mr. A. L. Walker spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks at this place. Miss Sallie Maxwell of Pounding Mill is visiting friends and relations at this place. Bev. G. W. Pressley has been holding a protracted meeting here. Messrs Baymond Ellis and Will Scott, of Pounding Mill, made a short visit here Sunday afternoon. The pride and boast of Maxwell is a College of ten scholars. Mr. A. L Graybeal and family of this place have moved to Greenbrier Cc. and will be missed by their" many friends. The neighborhood dogs are killing a great many young lambs belonging to Dr. J. K. Gross. Mrs. Martha Graybeal has been very ill with '"Grip" but is now on a fair way to recovery. The Merchants of this place are laying in a nice stock of. spring goods. Ciraybeal & Greer are building an ad¬ dition to their store, they are "the hustlers." Mr. Oscar Young is the proud father of a tine girl. Ski.na. March Sth 13th, 1897. HOW TO LDÄÜ'LÖGS. A Method Which Koabies Two to Do the ¦\Vork of Four Mo:i. Roll the log on a good sized pole, back tho wagen, the butt end of the log should be ubout the center of the hounds, then get a thick block, a, and pry up with a stout pole, b, and while the boy is bearing down on the pole quickly fasten, the log chain, c, securely around the log. Next insert a stout pole, d, about six or eight feet long under the chain on top of the log. While bearing down on the pry pole have the boy place a thick block ceross LOQ LOADIXa MADE EASY. ihe hounds; the thicker the better. This takes the strain oft the hounds. Let the pole rest on this and the log is loaded. In loading a large, heavy log, pry it up and place a thick block under it. Then fasten the chain as before, in¬ sert the pole, bear down on tho pry pole, have the block placed across the hounds and the log is again loaded. In getting up a supply of wood for the win¬ ter, in this way one can haul the smaller wood and the log at the same time'to the wood pile, where the log can be cut Up for back logs for the fireplace and saves handling the back logs twice and much heavy lifting and saves the w.igon oed. By this simple method one man and a stout boy can load any reasonable size log without any heavy lifting.. Theodore A. Wilkatis, in Farm and Home. A Homemade ling Holder. We glean the following idea from the Farmer's Advocate: Take an inch * board, three feet long by 14 inches wide, and slant it. Then take two slats, threo inches wide and three feet long, and , nail them upright to the board about five inches from the top, to serve as ' feet. Drive a wire nail through each ' eorncrr of board, and turn them up a lit- 3 tic to hook the bags on. Kail the board down at the bottom, and one man can fill and tie the bags as fast as two men can clean the grain. 3_- 1 When you think of having a prescrip¬ tion filled think seriously who you will get to fill it, there is a great deal of danger at¬ tached to having your prescriptions filled j by incompetent hands, the Tazewell Drug L Co. have a graduate in Pharmacy to fill their prescriptions.in his hands you are " perfectly safe. k Mr. William Gross, of Bush, Ky., says: " "My wife had suffered for about 40 years " with a severe cough and had been given up to die several tunes by the best doc- j tors. Lately, I resorted to Lightning Cough Drops, and this medicine affected ¦ a complete cure. She is now again able to . do her daily work and enjoy health.". For sale by* Tazewell Drug Co. Mrs. K. Davis, of Tonstalls Station, Ya., 1 writes: "I suffered greatly for two months j with pain in my back, and was annoyed . with headache and neuralgia; in fact, I thought I would never get well. I saw Lightning Hot Drops advertised, tried it, * and was cured by one bottle. I recom¬ mend it to all..For sale by Tazewell Drug Co. \7THGL\TA: In the clerk's office of Taze- . well Circuit Court February 26, 1896. ( Abraham Jacobs, and Joseph Jacobs, mer- chants and partners under the firm name and style of Jacobs Brothers, D. C. Jack- son, B, S. Oglesby, Stonewall Jackson. Mcllwane Knight, merchants and partners in trade under the firm name and style of Jackson, Oglesby & Company, Complain¬ ants vs j- In Chancery . Joseph Hyman, E. Goodman, trustee, B. K. Henry, S. C. Graham and B. W. Stras, Law partners as Henry & Graham, J. W. Chapman and A. P, Gillespie, I-aw partners as Chapman & Gi'lespie, W. W. French, Trustee Baltimore Building & Ixian Association, Paul S. Levy, & Co., Jacob M. Levy & Co, mercantile firms where individual names are unknown to to complainants, Bank of Bramwell, a cor¬ poration, S. A. Lanter, Samuel Hyman an infant, H. B. Silverstein, R. Freedman, Eddie Hyman, Ricca Hyman, Emma Hyman, Goodman Bros, Armstrong, Cater & Co., mercantile firms where individual names are unknown to complainants, Sarah Morris, and the unknown creditors of Joseph Hyman included in a Dee J of Trust, class IS, executed by Jos Hyman ( to E. Goodman, Trustee, dated Dec" 28th 1S9G, defendants. The object of this suit is to attac h and subject to sale the real and personal estate of the defendant Joseph Hyman, for the ! payment of complainant's "debts, in the : bill and exhibits mentioned; to set aside declare null and void as made to hinder delay and defraud his creditors a certain deed of trust made by the said Joseph Hyman to E. Goodman, trustee, whereby he attempted and pretended to convey his personal estate for the benefit of certain alleged creditors. And process having been returnded executed on home resident defendants. And. it appearing from affi¬ davit on file in said office that Baltimore Building and Loan Association, [Paul S. Levy & Co., Jacob M. Levy & Co., mer¬ cantile firms whose individual names are unknown to complainant's, Bank of Biam- well, a corporation, S. A. Lanter, B. Freedman, Goodman Brothers, Armstrong Cater & Co., mercantile firms whose indi¬ vidual names are unknown to complainants, Sarah Monis, and the unknown creditors of Joseph Hyman included in a deed of trust, class 18, executed by Joseph Hy¬ man to E. Goodman, trustee, dated Dee. 28th, 1896 are non residents of the State of Virginia or parties unknown to com¬ plainants, it is ordered that they appear here within fifteen days after due publica¬ tion of this order and do what is necessary to protect their interest in this suit, and that copies hereof be published and posted as prescribed by law. A Copy.Teste: H. Bane Harman, Clerk, A. J. & S. D. May, ) Douglas H. Smith, J- p. q. V. L. Sexton, J F. 25. 97. Wanted-An Idea Protect yonr ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBÜRN & CO., Patent Attor¬ neys, Washington, D. C, for their $1.800 prize oiler *utl sew hit oi one thousand inventions wanted. A. GOODMAN, THE ONLY esaie Liquor Dealer IN POCAHONTAS, VA. WHISKIES. Gibson's Pure Bye. Finch Golden Wedding. Guckenheimer Old Rye. Goodman's Private Stock (1S<»0). Qtliirt .$1.25 . 1.25 . 1.25 . 1.15 Helle of Nelson. 1-00 Springdale Pure Bye. 1-00 Bakers Pure Rye. LOO Düffels Malt Whisky. 1.00 ()1<1 Time Kentucky Bye. 80 White Mills old Bourbon. 75 old Virginia Glades Pure Bye. 75 Honeymoon Pure Kentucky Pye. GO Imperial Cabinet. 50 Commercial Pye. White Pye (4 years old). (iiillon $5.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.20 2.70 2.50 2.20 2.00 1.5o 2.70 White Pye. North Carolina Corn Whisky... Purest Alcohol for Dfuggis l'cr Gallon. .51.50 and 2.00 . 1.50 aud 2.20 3.00 Any of the above brands in cases of any size. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES Per Bot. Per Gallon. Slivovitz.50.50 $5.0« Apple (old country-made). 50 $1.50 to 3.50 Peach (Virginia-made). 75 2.75 California Peach. 1.00 3.50 Blackberry Brandy. 50 1.50 to 2.25 Distilled Blackberry Brandy. 1.25 4.50 Ginger Brandy. 50 1.50 to 2.00 SWEET BRANDIES. Kümmel. 75 2.50 toß.Sb Peach and Honey. 50 1.50 to 2.00 Pock and Bye.». 50 1.50 to 2.00 GINS. Anchor. 3.50 Old Tom. 1.00 Booth & Uo.'s Old Tom. 1.00 4.00 Holland. 2.00 to 3.00 CHAMPAGNES. Quart. Tint G. H. Mumm & Co.'s Extra Dry.$3.20 1.76 Piper Heidsiek, Grand Sec. 3.85 1.75 Gold Seal. 2.00 1.25 Werners. 1.25 75 Strict attention paid to mail orders. LAWYERS. AJ. vt S. I). MAY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW". Taze- wcll. Va. Practice In the oonrta of Tazcwell county and in the Court of Appeals at Wytheville, Va. Particular attention paid to the collection ol claims. eAKNS & BARKS, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Taze- well, Va. Practice in the coorta of Taxeweli county. Court of Appeals at WythevUle and the Federal courts ut Abingdon. C. J. Barns, John T. Barns. CIIAl'MAX & OILLKS1ME. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Taxeweli, Va. Practice hi all the court? ;>f Tazcwell county and Court of Appeals ut Wytheville. J. W. Chapman A. P. Gillcspie. CrLTOX & COÜLLINQ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I Taxeweli, Va, Practice in the courts of Taze- ..vell county, s. M. B. Cooling will Continus his practice in nil the conris of Buchanan county. J. II Kulton. Wytheville, Va. .S. M. 11. Coulinj,-, TazeweU, Va. eSERVER 4 GILLESPIE, LAWYERS, Tazcwell, Va PrfccwCi' n the courts of Taxeweli and ad- olaiius counties. Office.Straa building. Edgar I.. Qreevcr. Barns Gillespie. GKO. W. ST. CLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW Tuzewell, Va. Practices in the courts of Tazc »voll and adjoining counUes and in the Supreme Court of Appeals at Wytheville. Partienla: at¬ tention paid to the. collection 01 claims. Ullice - atras building, HC. ALDER.-ON. A TTO UN ICY AT LAW, Tazc- i well. Va. Will practice in the courts of Tazc¬ well county and the Court of Appeals at Wythe¬ ville. Collecting a specialty. HENRY & GRAHAM, LAWYERS,Tazewcll, Va. Olllec in building near Court House. R. R. Henry. S. C. Graham. B. W. Straa. I H. STUART, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Tazcwell, it Va. Land titles in McDowell and Logan coun¬ ties, West Virginia, a specialty. Office in Siras DuildinR. VINCENT L. SEXTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tttsewcll, Va. Will practice in the courts of Pazewelland adjoining counties. Particular at¬ tention paid ;o the collection of claims. Office in Stras building. WB. SPRATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rich- i lands. Va. Practice- in the courts of Taxe¬ n/eil and adjoining counties. Prompt attention paid to the collection of claims. NOTICE. The undersigned will, on the 10th day of February, 1897, at the front-door of Tazcwell Court-house, sell fur cash to the highest bidder at public auction, -lot) shares of the capital stock of the Virginia it Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, and 100 shares of the capital stock of the Cranes' Nest Coal and Iron Company, which said shares of stock are held by the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of certain notes belonging to it, and will be sold to pay said notes. The shares of stock of the Virginia & Tennessee Coal and Iron Company! to be |sold, are in three certificates, one for 250 Shares, and two others for 100 Shares each; and the stock of the Cranes' Nest Coal and Iron Company is in one certili- tcate for loo shares. All if said stock is of the par value of $100.00 per share. The Bank or Ricnlands. Pkb Chapman & Gillespik. Attorneys for said Bank. The above sale is postponed until the 20th day of April, 1S97, Court Day. jan 28, 3t MRS. JENNIE LEWIS, (Residence.West End) Milliner and Dressmaker, TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA. Perfect fit guaranteed in every case and tes very reasonable. DR. M. B. CROCKETT, *hysician and Surgeon Has located at Liberty Hill (Knob), Va at which place he can be found at ail times except when absent on professional duties. ¦BjHBisBSB Sch \ale in Effect NOVEMBER :8th, 1896. TRAINS LEAVE TAZEWELL EASTBOUND 4.30 p. m. daily and 4.13 p. m. daily ex¬ cept Sunday. WESTBOUND 11.40 a. m. daily and 8.51 a. in. dai ly ex cept Sunday._ TIPkTTQ SOLD TO I IUr\L I O ALL pofNTS OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS WISCONSIN, MISSOURI KANSAS, N ^B^S K/^CO LO R AJDO_ ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA TEXAS, WEST, NORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST. FIRSTCLASS, SF OND CLASS AND EMIGRAN TICKETS. -THE BEST ROUTE TO THE. North aisd East. Pullman Yestibnled Coaches, Sleeping and Dining Cars. see that your tickets read over the NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILROAD CHEAPEST, BEST AND QUICKEST LINE. Write for Rates, Maps, Time-Tal/ies Descriptive Pamphlets to any Stuion Agent, or to w. b. BevtlLj Allem Holl, IL F. Bracc, CJen'l Pass. Agt. Div. Pass. Agt. JjO JGLASH. SMITU, Attornf.y-at-Law, Tuzewell, Virginia. Practices in the Courts of Tuzewell and adjoia ?g counties. Oüice in the Muy Building, WEEKLY TRIBUNE, FARMERS AND VILLAGERS, FOR FATHERS AND MOTHERS, for SONS AND DAUGHTERS, FOR ALL THE FAMILY. With the close of the rresiilenti.il campaign THE TUII5UNE recog¬ nizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their at¬ tention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has lobored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort vvill be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a NA¬ TIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, interesting, instinctive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family: We Famish THE REPUBLICAN and N. Y. WEEKLY TRIB¬ UNE I Year for $1.25. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to REPUBLICAN. Write your name and address on a postol card, send it to Oeo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK NE'.vlbo mailed to you. TflRGINIA; In the Clerk V office o V Tazewell CircuitCourt, March 1st. 1S07 W. J. Buckland, Couiplainaut , vs In Chancery Elizabeth .T. Tabor,Martha A.(or ,T.)Tabor, W.B.;Hill, Mary Hill,F.M.Tabor,Cbarlef Tabor, Lou Merrill,Tennessee Tabor, Uri t- tain Tabor, last two infant--, Elgan Marrs, William Marrs, Charles Marrs,Geo. Marrs, Sarad Roluns,Mary Bailey, Nancy Wagner, Eliza Flowers, Margaret Marrs, Julia Maris, Bobert P. Harman, II. Bane llar- man, C. C. Harman, Charles W. Harman, King E. Harman, Martha A. Neal, Nancy J. Morton, E, L. Davis, James Ban¬ dy, late shea-ifTdf Tazewell County,and as Buch admr. of David W. Marrs, defendants. The object of this suit is to subject to the payment of a judgment asserted by the complainant in this suit, a tract of land belonging to the defendant Elizabeth .1. Tabor, containing 100 acres, more or less, lying in Tazewell County, on Mud Fork, and to extract from the children and heirs- at.law of David W. Marrs, deceased, and E. Granger Harmon, deceased, any title they may have to said land. And it appear¬ ing from affidavit on file in said oflice that Elgan Marrs, W illiam Mans, Charles Marrs, George Marrs, Sarad Kollins, Mary Bailey, Nancy Wagner, Eliza Flowers, Margaret Marrs and Julia Mans, are non-residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is ordered that they appear here within fifteen days after due pub¬ lication of this order and do what is nec¬ essary to protect their interests in this suit, and that copies hereof be published and posted as prescribed by law. A Copy.Teste; 11. Bane Harman, Clerk, Henry & Graham, 1 Barms & Bakns, / p. q. mo T. K. GEORGE, Esq., Clerk of the County X Court oi Tazewell County, Virginia: Whereas, atadclinquent land sue by the Treas¬ urer of Taxewell County, Virginia, on the 27th, 28th, or until tiny of December, 1892, in manner mill form as provided by law of Virginia, a certain tract or parcel of land assessed upon the land books ofthe Maiden Spring District of Tazewell County Virginia, in the name of Ceorjre J>odds and ns containing acres! and located and described ns shown oh said land hooks for the Maiden Spring Magisterial District for Tazewell County, Virginia, was purchased in the name of the Auditor for taxes levies Ac. due thereon for the sum of S-.'T.W, which sale of said tract-was reported or returned by the Treasurer of said County in the manner prescribed by law in his list or report of Real Estate bought in the name of the Auditor ireturned to the February term. 1893 of Tazewell County Court. And whereas, it has been two yearn since the date of said purchase of said tract by the Auditor, and the same has not been redeemed: and whereas, the nnersigned desires to purchase same under the provisions of Acts 18854, page 219, and therefore the undersigned now tiles this his application to purchase said real csuitc for the amount for which the sale sale to the Com¬ monwealth was made, together with such ad¬ ditional sums as would have accrued fur taxes and levies and interest ifMich real estate had not been so purchased by the Commonwealth, with inter¬ est on the amount for which said sale was made at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale, and in the additional sums from the 15th day of December in the year in which the same would have accrued. The gist and substance of this application is that the undersigned under the provisions of the Act of 18!>5-<i, desires to purchase said real estate pur¬ chased in the name of the Auditor when sold for taxes delinquent thereon in the name of George Dodds, and the undersigned is willing and here offers to comply with each and even- pro¬ vision of the law under which he files this ap¬ plication. This Dec. 29th 1S0C. P. J. Brown, By S. M. B. Coulling. Atty VIRGINIA: In the 01erk-s Oftiee of Tazewell County Court: I. T. E. George. Clerk of the County Court of Tazewell County in the State of Virginia do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an application on lile in my Oflice afore¬ said Given under my hand this the 23rd day of Feb¬ ruar,}- 18U7. T. E. George Clerk. E. H. Witten. J. H. Hmurrrs. WITTEN & HIBBITTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GBUNDY VA. VIRGINIA; in the Clerk's office of laze- well CircuitCourt, February27th,1897. Sabra E. Young Conplainont. vs I In Chancery Valeria (!. Young, W. 0. Young the last an infant under 21 years of age, George Bus-ton,.!. G. Buston A H. L Buston, merchants and partners in trade under the style of Buston & Sons and 11. C. Alderson, Trustee, Defendants The object of the foregoing suit is to cor¬ rect a mistake in the conveyance made by A. P. Brown ami wife, to John S. Young mentionedjin the bill, and to secure title to the complaiant for the residue of property in said deed unsold and uneonveyed by the said John S. Young in his life time, beinsr the property in which complainant resides,itmd it appearing from aliidavit on lile in said ollice that Valeria G. Young and W. 0. Young are non residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is ordered that they appear here within fifteen days after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect their interest in this suit, and that copies hereof he pub¬ lished and posted as prescribed by law A Copy.Teste: H. Pane Harman, Clerk, II. C. Alderson p. q. C7TRGINIA: In the clerk's office of Tazewell Clr- * cuit Court February Iii. 1S'.I7. Faul Graft'. .Ins T. Oruffand Thomas Lappinston merchants and partners in trade under the firm name and style of GralT, Son & Co., coinplts, vs f In Chancery c. E. Harman and Täte Harman. late merchants and partners in trade under the linn name and style of C. E. Harman & Co. .11. Ncwbcrry, Jno G- Watts and .1. s. Gillespie, Defts The object of this suit is to recover a debt of 9091,40 with interest thereon from*the. VJth day of Feby 1897, due from the defendants ft K. Harman and'Täte Harman to the Complainants, and to en¬ force collection of same by attachment against their estate, and especially the real estate'men¬ tioned in the bill. And it appearing from affidavit on lile in said ollice that c. K. Harman is a non-resident of the state ol Virginia, it is ordered that he appear here within fifteen days alter due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect bis interest in this suit, and that copies hereof be posted as prescribed by law. A Copy.Teste: H. Rank IIakman, Clerk, CiiAi-man & Gillespie, p. q. YVINN & BROWN. G. W. Winn and J. F. Brown, black¬ smiths, Burke'8 Garden, Tazewell county, Va., are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line, such as repairing buggies and wagons. Horseshoeing a specialty and new wagons made to order at low prices. Agents Wanted. The Imperial Publishing Co. want to secure good agents to work on salary ro commission. For information call o n M Johnson Tazewell, Va. t.f. Dyeing and Cleaning Alice Johnson is prepared for cleaniug and dyeing all kinds of ladies and gentle¬ men's garments. You will ünd her shop in the Belew property, Main Street, Taze¬ well, Va. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. MARY McCOY, (Residence.Tazewell Ave.) Fashionable Dressmaker TAZEWELL, VIEGINIA. A perfect fit is guaranteed in every case and reasonable prices. Compounding Prescriptions A SPECIALTY Carefully Put Dp, Always correct, and containing only pure and fresh drugs.that's the rule that governs our prescription department and has secured us the absolute confidence of the public. On this point physicians do not disagree. They recog¬ nize the logic of facts. WHAT WE ARE WE SHALL CONTINUE TO BE. The always reliable pharmacy of Tazewell, and general headquarters for drugs and everything in the drug line. Remember this: There's one thing on earth that must always be above sus¬ picion; that's drugs. Your doctor knows pre¬ cisely how certain medicines will act upon the system and when he specifies a particular kind of drug he lias scientific reasons for so doing. He means just what he writes in the prescrip¬ tion and notjjsomething else "just as good." The recovery or death of many of his patients rests with the druggist. WE FULLY REALIZE THIS GREAT RESPONSIBILITY Every time we compound a prescription. Wo back up the doctors knowledge and judgment by furnishing the exact quantity and quality of drugs and medicines required. We solicit the patronagof all thoughtful and justice loving people. A. F. HARGRAVE If you want SNAKES to see<^»-^ -DRINK- IMPURE WHISKY BUT. If you desire sweet repose und delightful slumbers try mine. I have TEN THOU¬ SAND GALLUNS in stock and will guarantee every gallon to be strictly pure. JOHN M. SMITH_ . . . Newport (Giles Co.), Virginia. Distiller and dealer in best homemade pure copper-distilled RYE WHISKY. SOUR MASH.This celebrated whisky is distilled only by me and will be deliv¬ ered at Railroad Station at $2.00 per gallon. Pure Corn Sour Mash Whisky at $1.30 per gallon by the barrel, 1UU proof. Warranted pure goods. All orders promptly filled. CHAPMAN & HURT, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA, Represent the following old reliable Fire Companies: Liverpool BndL ondon and Globe, Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford. Hamburg-Bremen, Georgia Home Ins. Co. of Columbus, Ga. 1'oyal Insurance Company of Liverpool, Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Virginia State Insurance Company, New York Underwriters' Agency, Petersburg Savings ami Insurance Co. Home Insurance Company of New York, I'nited States Insurance Co. of N. Y. North British and Mercantile. LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Mutual Life of New York, American Security Company of N. Y. Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn. Lloyd's Plate Glass Company of N. Y. Policies written by them insure protection, indemnity and security to their holders. Losses paid in Southwest Virginia over §35,000.00, every dollar of which was paid without law-suit or controversy. octl MISS MAG. LITZ, Milliner DHESB MAKING- TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA, (Residence West Main Street.) Thanking her numerous patrons for their past support, she hopes to merit a continuance of the same by good work at reasonable prices. Promptess my motto. The Tazewell Millinery Go, -IS RECEIVING ITS- FALL - WINTER GOODS And invites an inspection of them. AL Dry Goods and Shoes are being sold at cost for cash. This is a rare chance to buy goods almost at your own price. [ee NOTICE. To AU II horn it May Concern: Ail persons are hereby notified an warned not to trespass upon nor cut nor cause to be cut or removed, nor dispose of any timber or mineral, from within the survey or boundary line of a certain tract of land, containing ione hundred and lifty thousand (150,ooo) acres, lying principally in the county of McDowell, state of West Virginia and portions thereof in Tazewell and Buchanan counties, Virginia, and Wyoming comity, West Virginia, and known as Robert Pollard Grant and Pat¬ ent of March 20th, 1795, and otherwise known as "The Iaeger Tract," and D. H. Harman resurvey of 1871-72, and late sur¬ vey made by A. P. Sinnett, U. S. Survey¬ or, in 1891-92, by order of the U. S. Court at Charleston, West Virginia, and de¬ scribed in said patent and resurvey as follows: Beginning at "a locust and chestnuts, on the top of a ridge, between Ahl>s Val¬ ley and Laurel, creek, a branch of the Bluestone, "in sight of Jonathan Smith's, Esq.," Tazewell county Virginia; thence north 2o degrees, west 530 poles to"three red oaks," crossing laurel cresk at 230 poles, the Tazewell and Wyoming road at at 30o poles the state line into McDowell county, West Virginia, at 38o poles thence to corner at 53o poles, thence north 15 de¬ grees, and 28o poles to "three white oaks and a maple," along the Henry Milam ridge, crossing the road to said Milim's several times, to the corner at 2So poies. J Thence north 34 degrees, west 3So poles to "two maples, Spanish oak and hickory by a path;'4 along the north side of the Jump Spurr, crossing the Jump branch at 3(50 poles, to the corner, "by a path," at 380 poles. Thence north lo degrees, east 2,900 poles to "three whiteoaks and poplar." crossing the dividing ridge the North Fork of Tug at 1,000; Mill Creek, at 1,10*0, the South Fork of Flkhorn at 2,142 poles, crossing the Ohio river extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad near the upper end of the Huston coal and coke works, just l>elow the "Elkhorn," station crossing the ridge between the Smith and North Forks of Elkhorn at 2,820, and the North Fork of Elkhorn at 2,900 poles, to the corner, "on the northeast side of the same." (64 poles above the mouth of Buzzard creek n Elkhorn). Thence north lo degrees, west SSo poles a "poplar and maple," crossing a branch 220, another at 34o poles Buzzard creek ml mouth of Big Branch at 584 poles 077 poles above the mouth of Buzzard creek (on Elkhorn.) And several branches to the corner at SSO poles. Thence north So degrees, west 1,840 poles to "a white oak and maple, crossing the ridge between Elkhorn and Guy- andotte waters (being the county line between Wyoming and McDowell,) and the head of Burke's Creek at 2oo poles (980 poles above the mouth of Burke's creek on the Elkhorn,) along the northeast side of said ridge, in the county of Wy¬ oming, to top of same, and county line, crossing into McDowell county again at 800 poles crossing a fork of Bottom creek' at l,o3o, another 1,432 poles, crossing the ridge between Laurel and Brown's creeks at 1,08o poles, thence to the corner, head of Brown's creek at 1.840. Thence South 75 degrees, westl,92o poles to "a walnut, hicory and poplar." crossing a Branch at 150, another at 440 poles, crossing Brown's creek at 763 poles, to top of the Indian Ridge, crossing the Tazewell and Wvoming road at 989, Fletcher Branch 1.128 and LlOo poles, Lower Shannon Branch 1,080 poles, thence l,92o poles, to the corner, on Tug River, below "Peter Rock" four miles below, Welsh, the county seat of of McDoweh county. Thence south 25 degrees, west l,36o poles to "two poplars, a walnut and sugar tree," crossing Tug river, and Lick creek at 94, a branch of Tug at 24o and 420, anoth¬ er 500 poles, a branch of Spice creek at 620, and path on same at 890, and Spice creek at 898 poles, Bad way branch at 1,080 and Mudhole l,2oo poles, down Mudhole branch, to the corner on Clear Fork (below the old "Bartley Rose place,") at l,36o poles Thence south 53 degrees, west 2 poles to "three white oaks," crossing Bear branch at 120, Big branch at 410, the ridge and head spring of Bartley creek at 7oo poles, Muley Fork of Bartley at l,21o the road Fork at 1,430, Bartley creek, l,4oo, dry Fork at 1,580, (2 miles below Perryville,) Slate creek at 2,120, Yates branch at 2,2oo, Little Mountain and Paddle Fork at 2,38o, John Hagea- man's at 2,4oo poles, thence to the cor¬ ner, on a branch of Bradshaw, at 2,500, poles. Thence south 37 drgrees, east 3,0oopoles to station and pointer (near the head ot the Beach Fork) crossing Laurel Fork of Slate at 46o. Mudlick at 60 poles and the north side of the ridge between Slate and Dismal creeks, waters of Louisa Fork of Sandy, crossing the county, and State line into Buchanan county Va., at 480 poles, through Buchanan to the county line at 92o poles, thence along the ridge touching the county line again at 1,340 poles along the edge of Tazewell county, Virginia, to county line at 2,o44 poles thence along through Tazewell county, Virginia, crossing Forks of Indian, waters of Clinch river at 2,460, and 2,560, a branch of said Forks at 2,74o and 2,84o poles, Belcher's Ridge at 2,SSo poles, and crossing Beech Fork at 3,410, the left handfork or Beech Fork and road at 3,585 poles, to station and pointers at 3,0oo poles, near the head of Beech Fork in Tazewell county Virginia. Thence north 64 degrees, east 4,000 poles to the beginning, crossing the Dry Fork at 582 (one mile below Captain David G. Sayers,) Dick's creek at "94, Dalton Branch at 1,546, head of Jacobs Fork at 1,856 state line at 1,942, Horsepen creek at 1,952, right hand fork of Horsepen at 2,576, Old Camp branch at 2,S06, head of Horsepen at 3,324 poles, the county line and ridge between the waters of Tug river and Horsepen at 3,418, Tazewell 0. H. and Wyoming road at 3.S40 poles, thence to to the beginning corner at 4,000 poles. The following are the principal streams and branches embraced within the boun¬ dary lines of said tract. The Dry Fork, Tug river (and head spring of same) and the Elkhorn, with their tributaries for over 20 odd miles. The Clear Fork of Tug river for over three milee, Laurel Creek, Indian Creek, Buz¬ zard, Bottom, Sand lick, Mill, Spice, Brown's and Little Indian creek; Keewe, Vbllfl Big War, Farrenehe, Kockhouse, Horeepen, Cucumber and Big creeks, with their numerous tributaries; Clark's branch, Burk's, Dain's, Sugar Camp, Upper and I/)wer Shannon branches, Fletcher Jeds, Grape, Kocknarrow, Atkin. Turnhole, Harman's I^she's Dock, Huncs, Laurel, Kiali's Dalton, Old ('amp, Cold, Lick, Mile and Jump branches, Boech Fork and Jacob's Fork, with their tributaries, beintf all embraced within the lines of said patent and survey. And any person or persons, so tresspass ing, cutting or removing timber or minerals, from any portion, not spec ially by the undersigned wholly re¬ leased and accepted, within said survey will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Speculators in walnut and other valuable trees, and in coal and timber land options on same within my survey and patents will avoid loss trouble and expence by being governed accordingly. Wm. G. W. Iaegeb. Fancy Mantels, Tile Hearths and Facings Artistically Arranged n Complimentary Colors. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Write for samples aud references. E. C. JONES, Lock box 10. Graham, ¥a,

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Page 1: A. GOODMAN, esaie Liquor Dealer A Carefully Put€¦ · ofJoseph Hyman included in a DeeJ of Trust, class IS, executed byJos Hyman (toE. Goodman,Trustee, dated Dec"28th 1S9G, defendants

thatjK)etry contributed byBorneo and Juliet?

Dr. T. E. Peery has returned fromGraham.

Last Saturday, the 13th, Miss JanouHöge and Pearl Snapp with Mr. W. J.

Höge, accompanied Mr. Hubert Stiter to

his home, on Hunting Camp.Mr. Jainee Peery and wife were visiting

their brother, M. L. Peery, at Kelly, lastweek.

Mr. Claience Wynn denies the chargeof having courted the girl.Mr. Adam Bitter was seen in the Gar¬

den not long since.

Among the visitor* present at the Circlemeeting Saturday evening we noticed Revs.James Mahood and U. P. Kelly, the for¬mer of Bland and the latter of Graham.

Mr. J. N. Khudy has started a new en¬

terprise. He has just planted his farm in

gourds. This is properly a ThompsonValley local.

Congregational meetings seem to be reach¬ing the high water mark just now at theCentral church.

W. S. Crockett has returned from Blue-

field, but he is not going to remain with us

he save.

The lime craze lias struck Burke's Gar¬den. A dozen lime kilns are being built.

The pupils at the Academy are talkingabout their coming exercises.

Kev. Chas. P. Kelly has been spendinga few days at his grand-father's, Mr. Ste¬

phen Groseciose.Mr. James Crockett, Sr., is paying his

son and son-in-law a visit on JerusalemHill.One of the questions answered at Circle

meeting was: "What would you think iflshould say I love you in my heart ofhearts?"

Rev. Kohn and wife are preparing toleave the Garden. Mr. Kohn lias receiveda call to New Market.

The next meeting of B. G. L. M. and C.will be at Mr. J. M. Snapp's, Saturday,March 21.

Mr. J. A. Grcever was in the GardenSunday. Scriitok.March 15, 1897.


Theground hog "sorter lied" and "sorteididn't he."

Clinch and Pig Indian have been boom¬ing for the tv» o weeks past.The second term of G. B. H. S. opened

Wednesday, the 10th inst., with some new

names on tiie roll.

The Emersonian literary Society gav*an entertainment Friday night last. A

\ good crowd was present.We attended the funeral services of lh<

wife of Guy Christian, Esq., of Kichlandsyesterday at 1 p. m., Revs. Lockhart anc

Sparks officiating. She was buried at JoneiChapel Cemetery.The devotional department of the Ep

worth League is doing much good by mean!

of cottage prayer meetings, being hekevery Thursday night. We meet at MrLipford's home next.

Came very near being a wreck on tinN. & W. Monday morning. A large rodhad fallen on the railroad, and when re

moved the train crossed before the tradhad been elevated. Luckily thecarbrok«loose from the one in front in time and wai

saved.Messrs. Mahlon, Anderson <fc Go. floatet

a fine lot of cross ties down the creek lasweek, and landed them at Cedar BluffThe boys said the water was rather chilly

Kev. J. W. Hypes, of Salem, Va., lefhere for Belfast Saturday, where he wilhold a revival. Pro. Hypes is one of th<ablest preachers that has been in this vi

cinity for soaae time. He is a firm believer in sanctification and says "itiseitheiholiness or hell."

Mrs. Adams, wife of Pev. L. O. Adamswitli her little ones, Graeie and Berthie;

< boarded the east bound train Thursdayevening for Bristol, to attend a meeting tcbe held there by Pev. Strouse, the evan

gehst, and also to visit her parents, Mr,and Mrs. Grubb.Does any one know: Who borrowed

Dr. Baylor's leggins? Who borrowed Kev,Adam's coal? Who "the courting man"is? Who tried to hang the depot agent'Where the wire foot bridge is? And last,but by no means least, where our post¬master can buy stamps cheapest?March 16, '97. Betonter.


Evangelist J. W. Hypes has just closeda ten days meeting at this place; the resultis fifteen conversions and sanctifieations.Bev. Hypes lias a flow of language not

easily surpassed. He is a fine singer, andbest of all, we believe him to be one of thebest of Christian gentlemen. May he al¬

ways meet with the success ins efforts sc

richly merit.Wm. C. Witten, who has been a resident

of Steelesburg for the past year, is movingback to Liberty Hill. His presence will h«missed greatly by us.

A great many people from Cedar Blufland Paint lick, attended our meeting lastweek. We gladly welcome you into our

midst. Come again, all.

Some persons have wonderful imagina¬tive powers, or are possessed of a fine pairof optics. Ask any of the Cedar Bluffians.

Banner Lodge I. O. O. F., Bichlands,Va., has three applicants for admissionnext Saturday night. Its members now

jHQftaber seventy-five, and new ones con¬

stantly being added..Now that McKinley is inaugurated, just

give us time to pass a few laws and clean

up the old litter, and prosperity is going to

come in spite of all the Populist and FreeSilver howlers.

Long live the Eepublican and its nobleeditor. L.


Mr. A. L. Walker spent Saturday andSunday with home folks at this place.Miss Sallie Maxwell of Pounding Mill is

visiting friends and relations at this place.Bev. G. W. Pressley has been holding a

protracted meeting here.

Messrs Baymond Ellis and Will Scott, of

Pounding Mill, made a short visit hereSunday afternoon.The pride and boast of Maxwell is a

College of ten scholars.Mr. A. L Graybeal and family of this

place have moved to Greenbrier Cc. andwill be missed by their" many friends.The neighborhood dogs are killing a

great many young lambs belonging to Dr.J. K. Gross.

Mrs. Martha Graybeal has been very illwith '"Grip" but is now on a fair way to

recovery.The Merchants of this place are laying

in a nice stock of. spring goods.Ciraybeal & Greer are building an ad¬

dition to their store, they are "thehustlers."Mr. Oscar Young is the proud father of

a tine girl. Ski.na.March Sth 13th, 1897.

HOW TO LDÄÜ'LÖGS.A Method Which Koabies Two to Do the

¦\Vork of Four Mo:i.

Roll the log on a good sized pole,back tho wagen, the butt end of thelog should be ubout the center of thehounds, then get a thick block, a, andpry up with a stout pole, b, and whilethe boy is bearing down on the polequickly fasten, the log chain, c, securelyaround the log. Next insert a stoutpole, d, about six or eight feet longunder the chain on top of the log.While bearing down on the pry polehave the boy place a thick block ceross


ihe hounds; the thicker the better.This takes the strain oft the hounds.Let the pole rest on this and the log isloaded. In loading a large, heavy log,pry it up and place a thick block underit. Then fasten the chain as before, in¬sert the pole, bear down on tho prypole, have the block placed across the

hounds and the log is again loaded. In

getting up a supply of wood for the win¬

ter, in this way one can haul the smallerwood and the log at the same time'tothe wood pile, where the log can be cut

Up for back logs for the fireplace andsaves handling the back logs twice andmuch heavy lifting and saves the w.igonoed. By this simple method one man

and a stout boy can load any reasonablesize log without any heavy lifting..Theodore A. Wilkatis, in Farm andHome.

A Homemade ling Holder.

We glean the following idea from theFarmer's Advocate: Take an inch

* board, three feet longby 14 inches wide,and slant it. Then take two slats, threoinches wide and three feet long, and

, nail them upright to the board aboutfive inches from the top, to serve as

' feet. Drive a wire nail through each' eorncrr of board, and turn them up a lit-3 tic to hook the bags on. Kail the boarddown at the bottom, and one man can

fill and tie the bags as fast as two mencan clean the grain.3_-1 When you think of having a prescrip¬

tion filled think seriously who you will getto fill it, there is a great deal of danger at¬tached to having your prescriptions filled

j by incompetent hands, the Tazewell DrugL Co. have a graduate in Pharmacy to fill

their prescriptions.in his hands you are" perfectly safe.k Mr. William Gross, of Bush, Ky., says:" "My wife had suffered for about 40 years" with a severe cough and had been given

up to die several tunes by the best doc-j tors. Lately, I resorted to LightningCough Drops, and this medicine affected

¦ a complete cure. She is now again able to. do her daily work and enjoy health.".For sale by* Tazewell Drug Co.

Mrs. K. Davis, of Tonstalls Station, Ya.,1 writes: "I suffered greatly for two monthsj with pain in my back, and was annoyed. with headache and neuralgia; in fact, Ithought I would never get well. I saw

Lightning Hot Drops advertised, tried it,* and was cured by one bottle. I recom¬mend it to all..For sale by TazewellDrug Co.

\7THGL\TA: In the clerk's office of Taze-. well Circuit Court February 26, 1896.

( Abraham Jacobs, and Joseph Jacobs, mer-chants and partners under the firm nameand style of Jacobs Brothers, D. C. Jack-son, B, S. Oglesby, Stonewall Jackson.Mcllwane Knight, merchants and partnersin trade under the firm name and style ofJackson, Oglesby & Company, Complain¬ants

vs j- In Chancery. Joseph Hyman, E. Goodman, trustee,B. K. Henry, S. C. Graham and B. W.Stras, Law partners as Henry & Graham,J. W. Chapman and A. P, Gillespie, I-awpartners as Chapman & Gi'lespie, W. W.French, Trustee Baltimore Building &Ixian Association, Paul S. Levy, & Co.,Jacob M. Levy & Co, mercantile firmswhere individual names are unknown toto complainants, Bank of Bramwell, a cor¬

poration, S. A. Lanter, Samuel Hymanan infant, H. B. Silverstein, R. Freedman,Eddie Hyman, Ricca Hyman, EmmaHyman, Goodman Bros, Armstrong, Cater& Co., mercantile firms where individualnames are unknown to complainants,Sarah Morris, and the unknown creditorsof Joseph Hyman included in a DeeJ ofTrust, class IS, executed by Jos Hyman

(to E. Goodman, Trustee, dated Dec" 28th1S9G, defendants.The object of this suit is to attac h and

subject to sale the real and personal estateof the defendant Joseph Hyman, for the

! payment of complainant's "debts, in the: bill and exhibits mentioned; to set asidedeclare null and void as made to hinderdelay and defraud his creditors a certaindeed of trust made by the said JosephHyman to E. Goodman, trustee, wherebyhe attempted and pretended to convey hispersonal estate for the benefit of certainalleged creditors. And process havingbeen returnded executed on home residentdefendants. And. it appearing from affi¬davit on file in said office that BaltimoreBuilding and Loan Association, [Paul S.Levy & Co., Jacob M. Levy & Co., mer¬cantile firms whose individual names areunknown to complainant's, Bank of Biam-well, a corporation, S. A. Lanter, B.Freedman, Goodman Brothers, ArmstrongCater & Co., mercantile firms whose indi¬vidual names are unknown to complainants,Sarah Monis, and the unknown creditorsof Joseph Hyman included in a deed oftrust, class 18, executed by Joseph Hy¬man to E. Goodman, trustee, dated Dee.28th, 1896 are non residents of the Stateof Virginia or parties unknown to com¬

plainants, it is ordered that they appearhere within fifteen days after due publica¬tion of this order and do what is necessaryto protect their interest in this suit, andthat copies hereof be published and postedas prescribed by law.

A Copy.Teste:H. Bane Harman, Clerk,

A. J. & S. D. May, )Douglas H. Smith, J- p. q.V. L. Sexton, J

F. 25. 97.

Wanted-An IdeaSäProtect yonr ideas; they may bring you wealth.Write JOHN WEDDEKBÜRN & CO., Patent Attor¬neys, Washington, D. C, for their $1.800 prize oiler*utl sew hit oi one thousand inventions wanted.


esaie Liquor DealerIN POCAHONTAS, VA.


Gibson's Pure Bye.Finch Golden Wedding.Guckenheimer Old Rye.Goodman's Private Stock (1S<»0).

Qtliirt.$1.25. 1.25. 1.25. 1.15

Helle of Nelson. 1-00

Springdale Pure Bye. 1-00Bakers Pure Rye. LOODüffels Malt Whisky. 1.00

()1<1 Time Kentucky Bye. 80White Mills old Bourbon. 75

old Virginia Glades Pure Bye. 75

Honeymoon Pure Kentucky Pye. GOImperial Cabinet. 50

Commercial Pye.White Pye (4 years old).




White Pye.North Carolina Corn Whisky...Purest Alcohol for Dfuggis

l'cr Gallon.

.51.50 and 2.00

. 1.50 aud 2.203.00

Any of the above brands in cases of any size.


Slivovitz.50.50$5.0«Apple (old country-made). 50 $1.50 to 3.50Peach (Virginia-made). 75 2.75California Peach. 1.00 3.50

Blackberry Brandy. 50 1.50 to 2.25Distilled Blackberry Brandy. 1.25 4.50

Ginger Brandy. 50 1.50 to 2.00

SWEET BRANDIES.Kümmel. 75 2.50 toß.SbPeach and Honey. 50 1.50 to 2.00

Pock and Bye.». 50 1.50 to 2.00GINS.

Anchor. 3.50Old Tom. 1.00Booth & Uo.'s Old Tom. 1.00 4.00

Holland. 2.00 to 3.00CHAMPAGNES.

Quart. Tint

G. H. Mumm & Co.'s Extra Dry.$3.201.76Piper Heidsiek, Grand Sec. 3.85 1.75Gold Seal. 2.00 1.25Werners. 1.25 75

Strict attention paid to mail orders.


AJ. vt S. I). MAY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW". Taze-wcll. Va. Practice In the oonrta of Tazcwell

county and in the Court ofAppeals at Wytheville,Va. Particular attention paid to the collection olclaims.

eAKNS & BARKS, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Taze-well, Va. Practice in the coorta of Taxeweli

county. Court of Appeals at WythevUle and the

Federal courts ut Abingdon. C. J. Barns, John T.Barns.

CIIAl'MAX & OILLKS1ME. ATTORNEYS ATLAW, Taxeweli, Va. Practice hi all the court?

;>f Tazcwell county and Court of Appeals ut

Wytheville. J. W. Chapman A. P. Gillcspie.CrLTOX & COÜLLINQ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,I Taxeweli, Va, Practice in the courts of Taze-..vell county, s. M. B. Cooling will Continus hispractice in nil the conris ofBuchanan county. J.II Kulton. Wytheville, Va. .S. M. 11. Coulinj,-,TazeweU, Va.

eSERVER 4 GILLESPIE, LAWYERS, Tazcwell,Va PrfccwCi' n the courts of Taxeweli and ad-

olaiius counties. Office.Straa building. EdgarI.. Qreevcr. Barns Gillespie.

GKO. W. ST. CLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAWTuzewell, Va. Practices in the courts of Tazc

»voll and adjoining counUes and in the SupremeCourt of Appeals at Wytheville. Partienla: at¬

tention paid to the. collection 01 claims. Ullice -

atras building,

HC. ALDER.-ON. ATTO UN ICY AT LAW, Tazc-i well. Va. Will practice in the courts of Tazc¬

well county and the Court of Appeals at Wythe¬ville. Collecting a specialty.

HENRY & GRAHAM, LAWYERS,Tazewcll, Va.Olllec in building near Court House. R. R.

Henry. S. C. Graham. B. W. Straa.

I H. STUART, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Tazcwell,it Va. Land titles in McDowell and Logan coun¬ties, West Virginia, a specialty. Office in SirasDuildinR.

VINCENT L. SEXTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW,Tttsewcll, Va. Will practice in the courts of

Pazewelland adjoining counties. Particular at¬tention paid ;o the collection ofclaims. Office inStras building.

WB. SPRATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rich-i lands. Va. Practice- in the courts of Taxe¬

n/eil and adjoining counties. Prompt attentionpaid to the collection of claims.

NOTICE.The undersigned will, on the 10th day

of February, 1897, at the front-door ofTazcwell Court-house, sell fur cash to thehighest bidder at public auction, -lot)shares of the capital stock of the Virginiait Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, and100 shares of the capital stock of theCranes' Nest Coal and Iron Company,which said shares of stock are held by theundersigned as collateral security for thepayment of certain notes belonging to it,and will be sold to pay said notes.The shares of stock of the Virginia &

Tennessee Coal and Iron Company! to be|sold, are in three certificates, one for 250Shares, and two others for 100 Shareseach; and the stock of the Cranes' NestCoal and Iron Company is in one certili-tcate for loo shares. All ifsaid stock is ofthe par value of$100.00 per share.

The Bank or Ricnlands.Pkb Chapman & Gillespik.

Attorneys for said Bank.The above sale is postponed until the

20th day of April, 1S97, Court Day.jan 28, 3t

MRS. JENNIE LEWIS,(Residence.West End)

Milliner andDressmaker,

TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA.Perfect fit guaranteed in every case andtes very reasonable.


*hysician and SurgeonHas located at Liberty Hill (Knob), Va

at which place he can be found at ailtimes except when absent on professionalduties.

¦BjHBisBSB Sch \ale in EffectNOVEMBER :8th, 1896.


4.30 p. m. daily and 4.13 p. m. daily ex¬

cept Sunday.WESTBOUND

11.40 a. m. daily and 8.51 a. in. dai ly except Sunday._TIPkTTQ SOLD TOI IUr\L I O ALL pofNTSOHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS






North aisd East.Pullman Yestibnled Coaches,

Sleeping and Dining Cars.see that your tickets read over the


Write for Rates, Maps, Time-Tal/iesDescriptive Pamphlets to any StuionAgent, or tow. b. BevtlLj Allem Holl, IL F. Bracc,

CJen'l Pass. Agt. Div. Pass. Agt.

JjO JGLASH. SMITU,Attornf.y-at-Law,

Tuzewell, Virginia.Practices in the Courts ofTuzewell and adjoia

?g counties. Oüice in the Muy Building,





ALL THE FAMILY.With the close of the rresiilenti.il campaign THE TUII5UNE recog¬

nizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their at¬

tention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politicswill have far less space and prominence, until another State or National

occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE

TRIBUNE has lobored from its inception to the present day, and won its

greatest victories. Every possible effort vvill be put forth, and money

freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a NA¬

TIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, interesting, instinctive, entertaining

and indispensable to each member of the family:


Address all orders to REPUBLICAN.Write your name and address on a postol card, send it to Oeo. W. Best,Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK

NE'.vlbo mailed to you.

TflRGINIA; In the Clerk V office o

V Tazewell CircuitCourt, March 1st. 1S07W. J. Buckland, Couiplainaut ,

vs }¦ In ChanceryElizabeth .T. Tabor,Martha A.(or ,T.)Tabor,W.B.;Hill, Mary Hill,F.M.Tabor,CbarlefTabor, Lou Merrill,Tennessee Tabor, Uri t-tain Tabor, last two infant--, Elgan Marrs,William Marrs, Charles Marrs,Geo. Marrs,Sarad Roluns,Mary Bailey, Nancy Wagner,Eliza Flowers, Margaret Marrs, JuliaMaris, Bobert P. Harman, II. Bane llar-man, C. C. Harman, Charles W. Harman,King E. Harman, Martha A. Neal,Nancy J. Morton, E, L. Davis, James Ban¬dy, late shea-ifTdf Tazewell County,and as

Buch admr. ofDavid W. Marrs, defendants.The object of this suit is to subject to

the payment of a judgment asserted bythe complainant in this suit, a tract of landbelonging to the defendant Elizabeth .1.Tabor, containing 100 acres, more or less,lying in Tazewell County, on Mud Fork,and to extract from the children and heirs-at.law of David W. Marrs, deceased, andE. Granger Harmon, deceased, any titlethey mayhaveto said land. And it appear¬ing from affidavit on file in said oflicethat Elgan Marrs, W illiam Mans, CharlesMarrs, George Marrs, Sarad Kollins,Mary Bailey, Nancy Wagner, ElizaFlowers, Margaret Marrs and Julia Mans,are non-residents of the Commonwealthof Virginia, it is ordered that they appearhere within fifteen days after due pub¬lication of this order and do what is nec¬

essary to protect their interests in this suit,and that copies hereof be published andposted as prescribed by law.

A Copy.Teste;11. Bane Harman, Clerk,

Henry & Graham, 1Barms & Bakns, / p. q.

mo T. K. GEORGE, Esq., Clerk of the CountyX Court oi Tazewell County, Virginia:Whereas, atadclinquent land sue by the Treas¬

urer ofTaxewell County, Virginia, on the 27th,28th, or until tiny of December, 1892, in mannermill form asprovided by law ofVirginia, a certaintract or parcel of land assessed upon the landbooks ofthe Maiden Spring District of TazewellCounty Virginia, in the name of Ceorjre J>oddsand ns containing acres! and located anddescribed ns shown oh said land hooks for theMaiden Spring Magisterial District for TazewellCounty, Virginia, was purchased in the name ofthe Auditor for taxes levies Ac. due thereon forthe sum of S-.'T.W, which sale of said tract-wasreported or returned by the Treasurer of saidCounty in the manner prescribed by law in his listor report ofReal Estate bought in the name of theAuditor ireturned to the February term. 1893of Tazewell County Court. And whereas,it has been two yearn since the date ofsaid purchase of said tract by the Auditor,and the same has not been redeemed: andwhereas, the nnersigned desires to purchasesame under the provisions of Acts 18854,page 219, and therefore the undersigned now tilesthis his application to purchase said real csuitcfor the amount for which the sale sale to the Com¬monwealth was made, together with such ad¬ditional sums as would have accrued fur taxes andlevies and interest ifMich real estate had not beenso purchased by the Commonwealth, with inter¬est on the amount for which said sale was madeat the rate ofsix per cent per annum from dateof sale, and in the additional sums from the 15thday of December in the year in which the samewould have accrued.The gist and substance of this application is that

the undersigned under the provisions of the Actof 18!>5-<i, desires to purchase said real estate pur¬chased in the name of the Auditor when sold fortaxes delinquent thereon in the name of GeorgeDodds, and the undersigned is willing andhere offers to comply with each and even- pro¬vision of the law under which he files this ap¬plication.

This Dec. 29th 1S0C.P. J. Brown, By S. M. B. Coulling. Atty

VIRGINIA: In the 01erk-s Oftiee of TazewellCounty Court: I. T. E. George. Clerk of the

County Court of Tazewell County in the State ofVirginia do certify that the foregoing is a truecopy of an application on lile in my Oflice afore¬saidGiven under my hand this the 23rd day of Feb¬

ruar,}- 18U7.T. E. George Clerk.

E. H. Witten. J. H. Hmurrrs.



VIRGINIA; in the Clerk's office of laze-well CircuitCourt, February27th,1897.

Sabra E. Young Conplainont.vs I In Chancery

Valeria (!. Young, W. 0. Young thelast an infant under 21 years ofage, GeorgeBus-ton,.!. G. Buston A H. L Buston,merchants and partners in trade under thestyle of Buston & Sons and 11. C. Alderson,Trustee, DefendantsThe object of the foregoing suit is to cor¬

rect a mistake in the conveyance made byA. P. Brown ami wife, to John S. Youngmentionedjin the bill, and to secure title tothe complaiant for the residue of propertyin said deed unsold and uneonveyed bythe said John S. Young in his life time,beinsr the property in which complainantresides,itmd it appearing from aliidavit onlile in said ollice that Valeria G. Young andW. 0. Young are non residents of theCommonwealth of Virginia, it is orderedthat they appear here within fifteen daysafter due publication of this order, and dowhat is necessary to protect their interestin this suit, and that copies hereof he pub¬lished and posted as prescribed by law

A Copy.Teste:H. Pane Harman, Clerk,

II. C. Alderson p. q.

C7TRGINIA: In the clerk's office of Tazewell Clr-* cuit Court February Iii. 1S'.I7.

Faul Graft'. .Ins T. Oruffand Thomas Lappinstonmerchants and partners in trade under the firmname and style of GralT, Son & Co., coinplts,

vs f In Chanceryc. E. Harman and Täte Harman. late merchantsand partners in trade under the linn name andstyle of C. E. Harman & Co. .11. Ncwbcrry, JnoG- Watts and .1. s. Gillespie, DeftsThe object of this suit is to recover a debt of

9091,40 with interest thereon from*the. VJth day ofFeby 1897, due from the defendants ft K. Harmanand'Täte Harman to the Complainants, and to en¬force collection of same by attachment againsttheir estate, and especially the real estate'men¬tioned in the bill.And it appearing from affidavit on lile in said

ollice that c. K. Harman is a non-resident of thestate ol Virginia, it is ordered that he appearhere within fifteen days alter due publication ofthis order and do what is necessary to protectbis interest in this suit, and that copies hereofbe posted asprescribed by law.

A Copy.Teste:H. Rank IIakman, Clerk,

CiiAi-man & Gillespie, p. q.


G. W. Winn and J. F. Brown, black¬smiths, Burke'8 Garden, Tazewell county,Va., are prepared to do all kinds of workin their line, such as repairing buggiesand wagons. Horseshoeing a specialty andnew wagons made to order at low prices.

Agents Wanted.The Imperial Publishing Co. want to

secure good agents to work on salary ro

commission. For information call o n MJohnson Tazewell, Va. t.f.

Dyeing and CleaningAlice Johnson is prepared for cleaniug

and dyeing all kinds of ladies and gentle¬men's garments. You will ünd her shopin the Belew property, Main Street, Taze¬well, Va. Satisfaction guaranteed.

MRS. MARY McCOY,(Residence.Tazewell Ave.)

Fashionable DressmakerTAZEWELL, VIEGINIA.

A perfect fit is guaranteed in every caseand reasonable prices.

Compounding PrescriptionsA

SPECIALTYCarefully Put Dp,

Always correct, and containing only pureand fresh drugs.that's the rule that governsour prescription department and has secured us

the absolute confidence of the public. On thispoint physicians do not disagree. They recog¬nize the logic of facts.

WHAT WE ARE WE SHALL CONTINUE TO BE.The always reliable pharmacy of Tazewell, andgeneral headquarters for drugs and everything inthe drug line. Remember this: There's one

thing on earth that must always be above sus¬

picion; that's drugs. Your doctor knows pre¬cisely how certain medicines will act upon thesystem and when he specifies a particular kindof drug he lias scientific reasons for so doing.He means just what he writes in the prescrip¬tion and notjjsomething else "just as good."The recovery or death of many of his patientsrests with the druggist.

WE FULLY REALIZE THIS GREAT RESPONSIBILITYEvery time we compound a prescription. Woback up the doctors knowledge and judgmentby furnishing the exact quantity and quality of

drugs and medicines required. We solicit the

patronagof all thoughtful and justice lovingpeople.


If you want SNAKESto see<^»-^-DRINK-


If you desire sweet repose und delightful slumbers try mine. I have TEN THOU¬SAND GALLUNS in stock and will guarantee every gallon to be strictly pure.

JOHN M. SMITH_. . . Newport (Giles Co.), Virginia.

Distiller and dealer in best homemade pure copper-distilled

RYE WHISKY.SOUR MASH.This celebrated whisky is distilled only by me and will be deliv¬

ered at Railroad Station at $2.00 per gallon. Pure Corn Sour Mash Whisky at $1.30per gallon by the barrel, 1UU proof. Warranted pure goods. All orders promptlyfilled.


TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA,Represent the following old reliable Fire Companies:

Liverpool BndL ondon and Globe, Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford.Hamburg-Bremen, Georgia Home Ins. Co. of Columbus, Ga.1'oyal Insurance Company of Liverpool, Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co.Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Virginia State Insurance Company,New York Underwriters' Agency, Petersburg Savings ami Insurance Co.Home Insurance Company of New York, I'nited States Insurance Co. of N. Y.

North British and Mercantile.


Mutual Life of New York, American Security Company of N. Y.Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn. Lloyd's Plate Glass Company of N. Y.

Policies written by them insure protection, indemnity and securityto their holders. Losses paid in Southwest Virginia over §35,000.00,every dollar of which was paid without law-suit or controversy. octl



(Residence West Main Street.)

Thanking her numerous patrons for their past support,she hopes to merit a continuance of the same by good work atreasonable prices. Promptess my motto.

The Tazewell Millinery Go,-IS RECEIVING ITS-

FALL - WINTER GOODSAnd invites an inspection of them. AL Dry Goods and Shoes are being sold

at cost for cash. This is a rare chance to buy goodsalmost at your own price. [ee

NOTICE.To AU II horn it May Concern:

Ail persons are hereby notified anwarned not to trespass upon nor cut norcause to be cut or removed, nor dispose ofany timber or mineral, from within thesurvey or boundary line of a certain tractof land, containing ione hundred and liftythousand (150,ooo) acres, lying principallyin the county of McDowell, state of WestVirginia and portions thereof in Tazewelland Buchanan counties, Virginia, andWyoming comity, West Virginia, andknown as Robert Pollard Grant and Pat¬ent of March 20th, 1795, and otherwiseknown as "The Iaeger Tract," and D. H.Harman resurvey of 1871-72, and late sur¬

vey made by A. P. Sinnett, U. S. Survey¬or, in 1891-92, by order of the U. S. Courtat Charleston, West Virginia, and de¬scribed in said patent and resurvey asfollows:Beginning at "a locust and chestnuts,

on the top of a ridge, between Ahl>s Val¬ley and Laurel, creek, a branch of theBluestone, "in sight of Jonathan Smith's,Esq.," Tazewell county Virginia; thencenorth 2o degrees, west 530 poles to"threered oaks," crossing laurel cresk at 230poles, the Tazewell and Wyoming road atat 30o poles the state line into McDowellcounty, West Virginia, at 38o poles thenceto corner at 53o poles, thence north 15 de¬grees, and 28o poles to "three white oaksand a maple," along the Henry Milamridge, crossing the road to said Milim'sseveral times, to the corner at 2So poies. JThence north 34 degrees, west 3So poles

to "two maples, Spanish oak and hickoryby a path;'4 along the north side of theJump Spurr, crossing the Jump branch at3(50 poles, to the corner, "by a path," at380 poles.Thence north lo degrees, east 2,900 poles

to "three whiteoaks and poplar." crossingthe dividing ridge the North Fork of Tugat 1,000; Mill Creek, at 1,10*0, the SouthFork of Flkhorn at 2,142 poles, crossingthe Ohio river extension of the Norfolkand Western Railroad near the upper endof the Huston coal and coke works, justl>elow the "Elkhorn," station crossing theridge between the Smith and North Forksof Elkhorn at 2,820, and the North Forkof Elkhorn at 2,900 poles, to the corner,"on the northeast side of the same." (64poles above the mouth of Buzzard creekn Elkhorn).Thence north lo degrees, west SSo polesa "poplar and maple," crossing a branch220, another at 34o poles Buzzard creek

ml mouth of Big Branch at 584 poles 077poles above the mouth of Buzzard creek(on Elkhorn.) And several branches to thecorner at SSO poles.Thence north So degrees, west 1,840

poles to "a white oak and maple, crossingthe ridge between Elkhorn and Guy-andotte waters (being the county linebetween Wyoming and McDowell,) andthe head of Burke's Creek at 2oo poles(980 poles above the mouth of Burke'screek on the Elkhorn,) along the northeastside of said ridge, in the county of Wy¬oming, to top of same, and county line,crossing into McDowell county again at800 poles crossing a fork of Bottom creek'at l,o3o, another 1,432 poles, crossing theridge between Laurel and Brown's creeksat 1,08o poles, thence to the corner, headof Brown's creek at 1.840.Thence South 75 degrees, westl,92o poles

to "a walnut, hicory and poplar." crossinga Branch at 150, another at 440 poles,crossing Brown's creek at 763 poles,to top of the Indian Ridge, crossing theTazewell and Wvoming road at 989,Fletcher Branch 1.128 and LlOo poles,Lower Shannon Branch 1,080 poles, thencel,92o poles, to the corner, on Tug River,below "Peter Rock" four miles below,Welsh, the county seat of of McDowehcounty.Thence south 25 degrees, west l,36o

poles to "two poplars, a walnut and sugartree," crossing Tug river, and Lick creek at94, a branch of Tug at 24o and 420, anoth¬er 500 poles, a branch of Spice creek at620, and path on same at 890, and Spicecreek at 898 poles, Badway branch at 1,080and Mudhole l,2oo poles, downMudhole branch, to the corner on ClearFork (below the old "Bartley Roseplace,") at l,36o polesThence south 53 degrees, west 2

poles to "three white oaks," crossingBear branch at 120, Big branch at 410,the ridge and head spring of Bartley creekat 7oo poles, Muley Fork of Bartley atl,21o the road Fork at 1,430, Bartleycreek, l,4oo, dry Fork at 1,580, (2 milesbelow Perryville,) Slate creek at 2,120,Yates branch at 2,2oo, Little Mountainand Paddle Fork at 2,38o, John Hagea-man's at 2,4oo poles, thence to the cor¬ner, on a branch of Bradshaw, at 2,500,poles.Thence south 37 drgrees, east 3,0oopoles

to station and pointer (near the head otthe Beach Fork) crossing Laurel Fork ofSlate at 46o. Mudlick at 60 poles and thenorth side of the ridge between Slate andDismal creeks, waters of Louisa Fork ofSandy, crossing the county, and Stateline into Buchanan county Va., at 480poles, through Buchanan to the countyline at 92o poles, thence along the ridgetouching the county line again at 1,340poles along the edge of Tazewell county,Virginia, to county line at 2,o44 polesthence along through Tazewell county,Virginia, crossing Forks of Indian, watersof Clinch river at 2,460, and 2,560, a branchof said Forks at 2,74o and 2,84o poles,Belcher's Ridge at 2,SSo poles, and crossingBeech Fork at 3,410, the left handfork orBeech Fork and road at 3,585 poles, tostation and pointers at 3,0oo poles, nearthe head of Beech Fork in Tazewellcounty Virginia.Thence north 64 degrees, east 4,000

poles to the beginning, crossing the DryFork at 582 (one mile below Captain DavidG. Sayers,) Dick's creek at "94, DaltonBranch at 1,546, head of Jacobs Fork at1,856 state line at 1,942, Horsepen creek at1,952, right hand fork of Horsepen at2,576, Old Camp branch at 2,S06, head ofHorsepen at 3,324 poles, the county lineand ridge between the waters of Tug riverand Horsepen at 3,418, Tazewell 0. H. andWyoming road at 3.S40 poles, thence toto the beginning corner at 4,000 poles.The following are the principal streams

and branches embraced within the boun¬dary lines of said tract.The Dry Fork, Tug river (and head

spring ofsame) and the Elkhorn, withtheir tributaries for over 20 odd miles. TheClear Fork of Tug river for over threemilee, Laurel Creek, Indian Creek, Buz¬zard, Bottom, Sand lick, Mill, Spice,Brown's and Little Indian creek; Keewe,Vbllfl Big War, Farrenehe, Kockhouse,Horeepen, Cucumber and Big creeks, withtheir numerous tributaries; Clark's branch,Burk's, Dain's, Sugar Camp, Upper andI/)wer Shannon branches, Fletcher Jeds,Grape, Kocknarrow, Atkin. Turnhole,Harman's I^she's Dock, Huncs, Laurel,Kiali's Dalton, Old ('amp, Cold, Lick, Mileand Jump branches, Boech Fork andJacob's Fork, with their tributaries, beintfall embraced within the lines of said patentand survey.And any person or persons, so tresspass

ing, cutting or removing timber orminerals, from any portion, not specially by the undersigned wholly re¬leased and accepted, within said surveywill be prosecuted to the full extent of thelaw.

Speculators in walnut and other valuabletrees, and in coal and timber land optionson same within my survey and patentswill avoid loss trouble and expence by beinggoverned accordingly.

Wm. G. W. Iaegeb.

Fancy Mantels,Tile Hearths and FacingsArtistically Arranged n Complimentary

Colors.Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Write

for samples aud references.

E. C. JONES,Lock box 10. Graham, ¥a,