a frame of reference - april


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‘A frame of reference’ is an online magazine produced and published

by ‘Bringing Change’. Bringing Change is a Non-governmental

Organization of young people which will primarily serve to

bring positive changes and progressions through innovative

ideas, initiatives and effective projects. The organization will sow

the seeds of inspiration among young people to be the agents of

change so as to become the leaders of tomorrow for the prosperity

and progress of communities, societies and the country. Bringing Change will work under its prime motto:

"We are the Change!" Please get involved. We are the


Dream Big

-Suprima Poudel

Global College of Management

Surrounded by resonances and the vibes Splayed by fate and my fortune drives

To a desolate somewhere, sultry and alone

Gaining me a sobriquet of girl who never won

Deterred and outflanked, no reasons to be blessed

My enthusiasm and motivations ceased to exist


The sun, the moon and stars so high

The birds fly up to touch the sky

Spider waves its tenuous home

Hanging in ceiling and swinging in the dome Now I'm heading to gain my height

Distorting my fate and combating the fight sooner or later; but before I'm gone

I promise to be "the girl who always won”

To conquer the winds and compete with the waves

I shall plunge into seas and revive from the graves

I shall show inferno and the ingle -nooks

Behind your ingenious life and my ingenuous looks

Besides having amass fortunes and riches Compare!

What thy life preaches and what my life teaches

You count your perplexity, I count my achievements

You are expecting a straight path; I'm ready for some bends

To reach my destiny, no treasures shall I dig

Because I believe in my efforts and dare to dream big.


-Prerana Shrestha

Trinity College A level

They say the good ones die early. I didn‟ t believe this until…….on a

despondent day of October 30th, 2014 a sweet girl of only 16 left us all and

went to a place unknown, to a place never heard of. Monica Gupta, a dear

friend of mine vacated us all. It has been 21 days since Monica‟ s face was

last seen in the hospital bed where she lied with her eyes closed, unconscious,

lean and weak. Only god knew that it was last time we were going to see

her. For almost a week she had been lying in the hospital bed senseless,

thoughtless, in a coma because of an unfortunate accident that no one had ever


Monica had always been a sincere student at Trinity. She was punctual and

she would never miss a day at college. She had begun to like her days at

college more than her school days. She liked us all and she would be seen

smiling alone sometimes for some reason only she knew. She would sing weird

songs all of a sudden unexpectedly sometimes and make us all laugh. She

didn‟ t talk much, she would mostly stay silent the whole day unless

someone asked her to talk or started chatting with her. She would be the

slowest one of us all while eating during the lunch hours. She would

literally chew like 32 times and then finish her lunch only after we all were

done with ours. She would smile her “kinda” smile when I would tease her

about chewing that many times. Nevertheless she never stopped eating that

way, by never I mean until she left us.

I never got enough time to spend with her. We had been together for only half a

year, not even that much. I hadn‟ t even gotten to spend my birthday with

her neither did she get the chance to celebrate hers with me. I hadn‟ t even

hugged her properly, nor taken a selfie with her, nor had I gone for a walk

with her, and hadn‟ t even had all the crazy funs that friends have between

them. I don‟ t regret anything but it makes me unhappy. It leaves us all forlorn

but the bitter truth is that she is not with us now, she is gone and she will

never ever return.

God‟ s way is sometimes really cruel. He is supposed to be the one performing

miracles and giving us hope and yet sometimes he is the one who takes it all

away. Monica is among one of those billion stars in the night sky today. She is

looking upon us all silently in her own way; I know she is right here with us

watching us. It might not be a big deal for some of us. People die. That is

natural. It does not matter to those who didn‟ t get to know her but it

hurts every single day to those who have known her and knowing that she is

gone now. The pain of not having someone close to you beside you remains

engraved in your heart but all we can do is pray that the soul rests in peace.

Life is weird and life is unforeseen.

Monica will always be with us in one way or the other. Some days before, I was

walking to my home after college and I wished Monica was with me; just then

the wind blew and I smiled.

Teenage Love

-Saugat Ghimire

Uniglobe College

This is the story of a depressed boy who is mentally retarded. His life is a living

hell today. But, how? Let‟ s start from the

beginning………….. Once there was an average looking guy whose name was Saurav. His life was

normal until a girl named Alisa came in his life. When the guy saw Alisa for the

first time in school, he became hypnotized because of her mesmerizing beauty.

She was the first crush of the middle class boy. Slowly the attraction turned

into love. But, interfering in his twosome was another boy named Bidhan, who

used to read in the same school as Saurav and Alisa. He also became attracted

towards the charm of Alisa. He also started to express the so called feeling of

love towards Alisa. But the difference was that his love towards her was not as

pure and intense as that of Saurav. He was just attracted to her face but not

her soul unlike Saurav.

The attraction of Bidhan started to become challenge for Saurav. Bidhan, who

was very rich and powerful, always humiliated and insulted Saurav. Even Alisa

didn‟ t like the arrogance of Bidhan. She used to loathe his pride and irritating

behavior. She used to love the friendly and helpful behavior of Saurav. Slowly

she also became attracted towards Saurav. They fell in love. The love story of

Saurav and Alisa started. This made Bidhan angry and more determined. He

went to Saurav and said, “You won this time but I will be back and she will be


Their relationship was example for all the couples. All the couples wanted to be

like them. They were very happy with each other. There was very strong bond

and mutual understanding between them which made all people jealous. But

their relationship couldn‟ t last for long. Alisa started treating Saurav like

a stranger. He tried to talk to her a lot but she wasn‟ t interested. Her

unusual behavior made him really sad. So his friends decided to take him to a

bar for some booze. He agreed and went. They sat on a table. After sometime a

couple came and sat next to their table. The light was dim so their faces

couldn‟ t be seen clearly. But after sometime, when light lit for a special

performance, their faces could be seen. Oh! It was Alisa with another

guy………but who was the guy. Quietly Saurav went and saw the face of the

guy and found the guy was Bidhan. Bidhan also saw him. He sent Alisa to pay

the bill giving some money

and went to Saurav. He said to Saurav, “Your love was true but unfortunately

in this age that doesn‟ t work. She wanted money and comfort but not


Beautiful Heart

-Simann KC

Canvas College

You and I, we both want pretty faces But trust me, it is all fake

Having a beautiful face is nothing

But having a beautiful heart is everything

Let us feel proud for the beautiful heart we gain

And try to improve it by destroying all its pain

Then you will see the beauty and its power

That will make your happiness every time shower Forever….

On particle formation

during the Big Bang

-Shulav Neupane

Trinity College A level

It can be assumed that singularity was a storehouse of all dark energy

accumulated in a small space, for then infinities of the pre big-bang universe

would greatly reduce. Since space-time too was heavily compressed at the time,

loops become inevitable in space-time giving rise to huge wormholes capable of

transporting dark energy waves in different space time coordinates. Since the

more favorable case of energy‟ s time travel would be in distant time

coordinates, the system could remain stable. But at a certain instant of time,

several such wormholes could have opened doors to a very close past time

which might have led to a case of “hawking paradox” which is instability in the

system caused by continuous travel of same electromagnetic radiation through

a wormhole leading into the near past. Because of such instability, an

explosion must have occurred, which we term as the “Big Bang” today. Given

Einstein‟ s mass-energy relation holds after the big bang, some of the

dark energy converted into mass under favorable conditions. And some of that

mass, presumably dark matter may too have re-converted into energy

through interaction with its anti-matter. This must have happened before

the time which we believe to have been of the existence of sub-atomic

particles like electrons. This reformed energy may have been of a different

form, the normal form of energy like today, which later converted to

electrons, positrons, and other similar particles. But since the much of the

anti-matter travelled to different space-time co-ordinates through wormholes,

all mass didn‟ t convert into energy, which shows why much of universe matter

is dark matter. Also the original energy too did not all convert to mass.

Only a small fraction was converted because of unfavorable conditions,

hence leaving the universe covered with dark energy today.

Again focusing on the instant just after the big bang, because of the huge

explosion, all the dark energy waves must have travelled at huge speed (at the

speed of electromagnetic radiation or even higher). This was the period of

inflation. But later, after energy-mass conversion started, due to the spin

movement of the particles along with linear motion of the formed particles and

limit on the maximum speed of such particles, the average expansion of the

universe significantly decreased. Due to such particles passing through

wormholes, the symmetry that the universe would have without wormholes

was disturbed which caused density fluctuations at p[arts of the universe

causing formation of galaxies and stars. Through our observation of the

current universe, we can also conclude that wormholes played a huge role in

separating particles and anti-particles from each other, because of which

stellar objects were possible. But in later time due to expansion of space time,

most of the loops got smaller causing wormholes to be too small for particles to

travel which has allowed stability in the universe.

The Garden of Dreams

-Nawaj KC

Trinity College A level

„Another day of conditions!‟ I say to myself after returning to home from


„everyday-same‟ daily routine. I am tired of selling food stuff from that retail

store daily. The smiling kids asking for chocolates, all those same people

asking for biscuit and coke, people asking for rice, beans and all those food

items have really annoyed me. I want to leave that job but I am bound by „a-

man-should-earn‟ philosophy of my society. I wonder if I will ever be able

to free my stuck feet to travel to the wonderland I imagine of.

I am already sore this evening. I sit on the chair in the balcony outside my

room. I look up only find that moon is staring at me while it‟ s embracing

the sky with its countless stars. Beautiful!

Slowly and gradually, I move towards the world of my fantasies and dreams. To

my astonishment, I am taken to a garden today. „A garden?‟ I still can‟ t


it. The garden is beautiful, truly beautiful with thousands of flowers. The

fragrance is so sweet and the grass, soft. I walk further and further inside the

garden. I see a girl sitting in a white bench far away. I discover her divine

beauty, almost like an angel, as I approach closer to that bench. „She must be

an angel, you stupid!‟ I remind myself that I am in a heaven-like garden. In a

soothing voice, something like a sweet melody, she requests me to sit beside

her. I readily agree. Then she asks me the question which was never ever asked

to me in my whole life. „What‟ s your story?‟

„Growing up by compromising and living by the burden of conditions,

that‟ s what my life really is. I have been compromising my whole life. My

childhood dream to pet a dog was compromised. When I was in 8th grade, I

wanted to learn Japanese. Well, that too was rejected. My dream of reading

literature, language and sociology in high school turned out to be as fatal as

„sin‟ due to

„science-has-scope‟ philosophy of my society. I graduated high school with a

46 percentile which assured me „no-placements‟ in any sci-tech field. I

am exasperated and already too bored of my recent job as a sales person in

my father‟ s friend‟ s retail shop but „a-man-should-earn‟ philosophy of my

family binds me to it. The most important part of life‟ s story is my „unfulfilled

dreams‟ . I have always dreamed of travelling to Singapore, Paris, Ireland,

Tibet, „Namche Bazar‟ : the gateway to Everest and of course Massachusetts in

USA. I want to learn about literature, language, society, variety of cultures

and life. I have always dreamt of writing a novel: A beautiful and

phenomenal work of art, captivating to readers.‟ I sigh as I finish my story.

She smiles and tells me a great thing. „Where has your „hope‟ gone? Hope is

a great thing. Never stop hoping. I hope that I will get to read your novel. I

know it will be as beautiful as you want it to be.‟

She, then, disappears in front of my eyes. I look around and I find that the

garden has disappeared and everything is dark. I am suddenly feeling cold. I

look up and I find that moon is still staring at me. „Wake up!‟ I say to myself.

I realize that I just didn‟ t wake up from a beautiful dream; I woke up from

the sleep of life, a life before that dream, with all those conditions and „no-

hope‟ .

I get inside my room. I open my laptop and I type a mail saying, „I am

resigning!‟ and I sent that mail to the shop‟ s owner. I gather up my

courage and I talk to my father. I confess to him regarding my dreams and

my secret plan of applying to a liberal arts college to study literature,

language and

sociology. He stays numb. I don‟ t care today. I know they won‟ t let me


even if they don‟ t talk with me for whole

life. I feel warm inside my bed. I feel free. I have climbed a great mountain today. I

have started to hope from today. After all, Hope is a great thing. I will never

stop hoping. I will never stop dreaming. I close my eyes. I say, with a smile,

„The garden of
