a concise pahlavi dictionary · i see f. c. andreas, bruchstucke einer pehlevi-tjbersetzungder psal...


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    D. N. MAcKENZIEProfessor of Iranian Studies

    at the University of Gottingen



  • Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP

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    ISBN 0 19 713559 5

    © D. N. MacKenzie 1971

    First published 1971Reprinted 1971

    Reprinted (with corrections) 1986

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    THE need for even a short Pahlavi-English dictionary has beenobvious for many years, particularly to would-be students ofthe language. The glossarial part of Professor H. S. Nyberg'sManual of Pahlavi is still eagerly awaited, five years after thepublication of Part I, although the 'archaistic' tradition oftranscription followed therein is no longer universally acceptable.With the partial material at present available, every serious studentstill has to compile his own dictionary, a formidable task withPahlavi and made more so by the plethora of different systemsof transcription in print. The present dictionary, admittedlyintroducing yet another transcription, is intended first to relievethe stranger to Pahlavi of the necessity of covering what is nowwell-travelled ground-the commonest 4,000 simple words-without a unified map, and secondly to urge the practical value ofthis'Sasanian' transcription for his journeying further. To haveincluded etymologies and textual references would have changedthe emphasis of the work, turning it from a map to a historicalatlas-cum-gazetteer, besides retarding its appearance unduly.Such a complete dictionary of Pahlavi is nowhere within sightand must remain so until many more texts are adequately edited.

    For his good counsel on what to include in the dictionary Iam most grateful to my friend Dr. P. Gignoux of Paris, forwithout him many common words would have slipped throughmy net. Most of the labour of compiling the English index, whichwill surely be appreciated, was undertaken by my wife. Thedebt lowe to the teaching of the late Professor W. B. Henning,in connection with Pahlavi and all things Iranian, cannot beexpressed in words.

    It is again a pleasure to acknowledge the support of the Schoolof Oriental and African Studies in financing this publication,and the customary skill of the printers.


















    ALMOST every published list of Pahlavi words contains a numberof entries of doubtful nature, the uncertainty lying either in theirform, their meaning, or even, occasionally, their very existence.The purpose of this dictionary is to provide the student with arepresentative vocabulary of Pahlavi in which such uncertainwords have been reduced to a minimum and marked. It differsfrom its predecessors in that the Pahlavi words are given in aphonemic transcription representing, as far as it is deduciblefrom the evidence, the pronunciation they would have had in thethird century of our era, the period of the rise of the Sasanianempire. The reasons for this departure from the 'archaistic' tradi-tion of Pahlavi studies I have given elsewhere. I If one reasonstands out it is that of practicality, as most corroborative evidencecomes from this period.

    To reduce the number of doubtful words it has been necessaryto concentrate on the simpler vocabulary of such texts as theKiirntimag i Ardaxlir, Diidestiin i Minog i Xrad, Ardii Wiriizniimag, Bundahiln, and the Pahlavi Texts edited by Jamasp-Asana. Although I have also drawn upon the Pahlavi versionsof scriptural texts (Vendidad, Yasna, and Vispered), most of theirvery special vocabulary has been omitted. So have the manynonce-words and ad hoc compounds of religious texts such as theDenkard, since it is generally a simple matter to analyse Pahlavicompounds, given the elements and provided that the rules oftheir construction are understood. Those words- calling for inclu-sion whose form or meaning remain doubtful are marked with anasterisk.

    By its nature the dictionary cannot claim to contain the entirevocabulary of any particular text. Nor is there any express inten-tion of presenting new solutions to the many problems remainingin the Pahlavi texts. Rather the readings of many scholars have

    I 'Notes on the transcription of Pahlavi', Bulletin oj the School ojOriental atld African Studies, xxx, pt. 1 (1967), 17-29.


    been adopted, eclectically, and grateful acknowledgement ishereby made to all whose discoveries have been assimilated within.Nevertheless, I must retain responsibility for the choice as awhole and for readings and interpretations unclaimed or un-published elsewhere.


    The script of the Pahlavi books derives ultimately from that ofthe official Aramaic of the Achaemenian empire. In the course oftime, however, a high degree of ambiguity has developed in thescript. Table I shows the development of the letters fromImperial Aramaic (with the transliteration and names of letterscommonly used by Semitists), through the distinct forms used inthe Parthian and Persian inscriptions of the third century A.D., andthe archaic manuscript forms of the Psalter fragment (aboutseventh century),1 to those of the Zoroastrian books. In additionto the multiple values of the letters listed, some of them mayrepresent combinations of letters in certain contexts, e.g.. ,.t:; or J.'for ~ + ...

    Since the ambiguities ofthe script make a mechanical translitera-tion of one letter by one roman symbol of no practical value, acertain amount of interpretation is essential. This interpretationcan be based, either directly or by the use of analogy, on the lessambiguous evidence of the above-mentioned earlier documentsof the language. With this help it is possible to go far in distin-guishing between the original values ), ~, dy, etc., of .~, n, W, rof , , and so on. But it is neither necessary nor desirable to gobeyond this by attempting to give closer 'phonetic' values to theletters, such as r for written I, or x for written~. For example,~~ ~wl represents xwar 'sun', but to transliterate it ·xwrentails both confusion with the true letter r , and the introduc-tion of even greater ambiguity into the interpretation of .~. Itis better to accept that the scribes wrote r and I almost indis-

    I See F. C. Andreas, Bruchstucke einer Pehlevi-tJbersetzung der Psal-men. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Kaj Barr. Sitzungsberichteder Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin), 1933. i. 91-152,II plates.



    Imperial btscripfiom Pahlm:i

    Ammaic Parthian Persian Psalter Boolt

    • ('alcp)"" ~ .u u u .)oJb (bet) :J ::::;J --l -' .-Jg (gimcl) A -:? ~ ..) "d (dalc!) 'f 7 3 -' ·C g-h (he) 1) crt ~ cf r6w (waw) 1 ? 2 L ,z (zayin) I ) S s. .s1,1 (ryet) n }oJ fV .IVt (tct) (J ):J £y (yo~) " ) ? n. ..) gk (kap)

    ~ ? ~1 2.. ~I (lamcQ) 1 )m (mcm) iJ -j, 1:> ;, -6n (nun) ) ) l L ,=ows (samek) ~ r1 r; V JJ• ('ayin) '" j =w "'" \V

    ,,'" \V

    P (pc) ? !'> a a Q.).I

    ~ (~aQe) ~ }J y £U ~ ~c )q (qop) p n =m "~ rn =mr (rc~) '1 ,Co, \V ,-oc \V =Wsis (s/sin) 'V r. u.. ..1.1- ..Jo()t (taw) j) n r 10 ,a


    • TIIl~ under- and m-er-lining llf letters in Semitil: transcription illdicatcs ;I fricative pronuncia-tion, alrp", bel", CIC.


    criminately for both phonetic values, !z for both Iranian h and x,etc., and to transliterate accordingly.

    It is common practice to distinguish the Semitic ideograms inPahlavi, from the Iranian elements, by transliterating them incapital letters. Thus the same letters ,~ are transliteratedlflyk l when they stand for rahig 'child', but LlfYK' when theyrepresent the ideogram for diir 'far'. However, as the ideogramsare often much distorted and disguised forms of the originalAramaic words, it is sufficient for practical purposes to trans-literate them by means of a simplified system.

    The system adopted hereafter in this book, for both ideographicand Iranian spellings, is designed to avoid the use of diacritics asfar as possible and also to parallel the system now conventionalfor the representation of the related Manichaean Middle Persianand Parthian script. Each letter is throughout given its basicIranian value(s), thus c and C for Aramaic~, h and Ii for Aramaicfl. A represents the capital form of ) (>iilep). There are threeletters which occur only in ideograms: Q (in the word QDM =abar; otherwise it is replaced by K), E, and O. E stands for theAramaic he (when it is not replaced by flet) and 0 for Aramaic(ayin, the roman letters being descendants of these Semiticforms respectively. Thus OLE (= oy) is a form of shorthand foran Aramaic original (lh, HeDL WN- (= *'driin-) indicates acorruption of the Aramaic root fl~d. Purists will find no difficultyin restoring the forms with diacritics.

    Pahlavi letters are often distorted, or joined irregularly, in sucha way that they coincide with other letters, so producing evengreater ambiguity. The commonest distortions are here noted byunder- or over-lining the letter value intended. Thus:

    ~ (g, etc.), when it represents ....) b, is transliterated '9.s (z) " " ~ Y, "YQ.)' Cc) " "VA' )P, ,,)p.

    The full scheme of transliteration is given in Table II. Theorder is still that of the Aramaic alphabet, taking account of thefirst value of each letter.



    I. ~ 'h, etc., may be a corruption of final -ydy, so -&.2. -y, besides -yoY, etc., may be a corruption of -h, so -lJ.3. The digraphs ~ and 1ft, when they follow a verbal

    ideogram, may represent any 'phonetic complement' (includingzero). They can be transliterated, purely for mnemonic purposes,by the letters they resemble :~ as yt and * as ty. I

    4. i.e. an otiose stroke. -- ......S. ~ yt, etc. t may bea corruption of to -sn, so -§tJ.t and

    ~ (following another letter) may be for \(. -e l , so _~I.


    The orthographic principles followed, in seemingly haphazardpermutation, in the writing of Pahlavi, besides the ideographic,include the phonetic (within the limits of the alphabet), the his-torical, the pseudo-historical, and others so indeterminable asscarcely to merit the name. The establishment of the originalspelling of a word, therefore t very seldom reveals its pronuncia-tion. To determine this it is necessary to examine all the availablecomparative evidence.

    Since the discovery of the Iranian material written in the near-phonetic Manichaean script it has become possible to establisha hypothetical phonemic system for Middle Persian and Parthianof the third century A.D. far more accurate than before, when onlythe remoter evidence of Old Iranian, New Persian, and loanwordsin other languages (particularly Armenian) was available. Adescription of this phonemic system has been given in my articlecited above. Within its terms all the entries in this dictionary aretranscribed.

    The system comprises the following phonemes:



    e a(e)



    pte kb d j gf s s x h

    Z 1}2) y(2)

    m nw rl y

    (I) The phonemic status of e and 0 is doubtful and they areonly marked when there is direct evidence of their occurrence.

    (2) Only in non-Persian, i.e. 'learned' or loaned, words.

    The phonetic realizations of these phonemes can only be sup-posed to have been similar to those of the corresponding soundsof present-day Western Iranian speech. The only allophonicvariation of importance concerns the voiced stops b, (d ?), g, andaffricate J. Between a vowel and a following consonant, in thesame morpheme or close juncture, these almost certainly becamethe fricatives fP, (8), y, z] respectively. Thus abd, tigr, duJdenrepresent pronunciations C*apd, tiyr, duzden]. How far, or when,this development affected the same phonemes elsewhere in post-vocalic position is uncertain. It is sufficient to regard [P, 8, ')I, z]as possible realizations of postvocalic b, d, g, j.1


    In seeking an unknown word, or one known only in anothertranscription, it may be necessary first to find it in the Pahlavikey. The English-Pahlavi index is intended to serve as an aid tomemory, and for tracing synonyms, etc., but is emphatically notan English-Pahlavi dictionary.

    The main entries, with two exceptions, are arranged throughoutin the following order:

    i, b, c, d, I, I, g (y), h, l, J, k, I, m,0,6, p, r, s, S, t, ii, w, x, y, z (f).

    I This [y] is an allophone of the Persian phoneme 11, while y of thetranscription is a non-Persian phoneme. Parthian also had a phoneme!,replacing Persian J.


    The exceptions are:(i) abstract nouns ending in -ih [-yh], which immediately

    follow the words from which they are derived, e.g. stiirih afterstiir, before sturg;

    (ii) verbal nouns formed from the present stems by the suffix-isn [-In'] and their derivatives in -isnig [-lnyh l], -isnih[-lnyh], which are all listed under the verb.

    Verbs are quoted in the infinitive form, followed by the presentstem, except when either of these is not certainly attested. Crossreferences are made where necessary.

    Not all verbal derivatives are included if they are regularlydeducible from the 'principal parts' of the verbs given, e.g. actornouns in -dar/-tar [-t'l], and past participles in -dag/-ta~[-th'], corresponding to infinitives in -dan/-tan [-tn

    l ] ; the abstractnouns in -ih formed from these (e.g. -darih, -dagih); agentnouns in -a~ [-'hI] formed from present stems, etc.


    Pahlavi words are always given in bold type. The few entriesin italics are concessions to another transcription, made forreference.

    P before a main entry indicates that the word is found only intexts of Parthian origin, namely the Ayadgar i Zariran andDraxt i Asiirig.

    An asterisk denotes that the transcription or reading of theword is unconfirmed and remains doubtful.

    Within square brackets the following information is given:

    (i) The transliteration of the Pahlavi spelling. In the case ofideograms this is followed immediately by an indication of theAramaic (A) origin of the spelling. With verbs this can seldombe given more closely than by the form of the Aramaic root.

    When the Pahlavi spelling of the present stem of a verb coin-cides with part of that of the infinitive, however much they differin transcription, the transliteration is given in abbreviated form,with a hyphen. Thus lkwp-tn l denotes 'infinitive lhwptn l(= skuftan), present stem lhwp- (= skof-)', YMYTWN-tn l


    denotes 'infinitive YMYTWNtn' (= murdan), present stemYMYTWN- (= mir-)'.

    (ii) Evidence supporting the transcription.

    For 'learned' words taken from the Avesta the form which thePahlavi represents, however corruptly, is quoted (as '= Av.').IIn such cases the Pahlavi transcriptions are more hypotheticalthan usual, since they can be no more than probable representa-tions of the contemporary pronunciation of these words.

    Justification of the transcription of each word would requirethe discussion of a mass of etymological and comparative evidencefar beyond the scope of this dictionary. Only that evidence isincluded, therefore, which is most closely related and lends itselfto concise and regular presentation.

    After the vertical stroke the corresponding forms from Mani-chaean Middle Persian (M) and/or Parthian (P) are given whereverpossible. The appearance of only a Parthian form does notnecessarily imply that the Pahlavi word is of non-Persian origin.It may be that the identical Middle Persian form is not attestedin Manichaean script.

    Later forms of the word are quoted from Judaeo-Persian(J-from whatever source) and the earliest New Persian (N-rarely in their Arabic guise, when this has displaced the Persian,Ar.).

    When the forms presented are not directly comparable, beingfrom a different dialect or in some way modified (e.g. by popularetymology), they are enclosed in parentheses.

    (Example overleaf)

    I In Bartholomaean transcription (Altiranisches Worterbuch) except forii, p, 'lU, replacing q, 'lU, v respectively.



    wen- I -,\~ (I)

    weniJnI \t'U,,~ (2)

    didanl "to" \\tQ)M (3)

    wen- -,.., (4)weniinig \~ru"" (5)

    weniln ,ro" , (6)didan \\te.» (7)

    didan, wen- [HZ Y TWN-tn l < A -vl}zy; dytn l , wyn- IM dydn,uryn-, N f"'oo.I, bin-] see.

    ,-,isn : sight, seeing.,-,isnig : visible.

    wen-, ,-,isn(-i~),v. didan.

    (I) ...,\~ is an ideographic spelling of wen-, present stemof didan. It consists of the letters H, Z (reduced to a shape ofG), Y, T, W, N, being a (normal) Pahlavi development fromthe Aramaic root I}zy. The infinitive (3) has the 'phonetic com-plement' -tn', for the -dan of didan.

    (7) \\tW dytn l spells the infinitive didan, and (4) -,.., wyn-the present stem wen-.

    In Manichaean Middle Persian the corresponding forms arespelt dydn, wyn- respectively, indicating the same pronunciation.In New Persian the infinitive is still didan, but the present stemhas become, regularly, bin-.

    The verbal noun wenisn may be written part ideographically(2) HZYTWNln' or (phonetically' (6) urynln'. The derived adjec-tive wenisnig is attested in the spelling (5) urynlnyk' (but couldoccur as HZYTWNlnyk l ).

  • ABBREVIATIONSA AramaicAr. Arabicastr. astrology, astronomyAv. Avestancal. calendarintr. intransitiveJ Judaeo-Persianlit. literallyM Manichaean Middle PersianN (early) New PersianP Parthianpi. pluralsg. singulartr. transitive


    •/( )(N ...)=M

    (the same as) the main entrydoubtful transcription, meaningseparates alternativesvariant form, spellingN, etc., form not directly comparablethe same spelling in M, etc.


    "biZ didan 0 : 1. attribute, ascribe to; 2. appoint to.t.abr ... add M '/3r !t/a-~ir add helpless.

    delet~-diitag ... (read i"YiAtag)add vafriz ['pl'c I N faraz] acclivity.

    ....afson add M 'pswn.""gir , add useless.vigoi ['kw,§ I (M »ws, P 'gwc), N a"Yos] embrace, armful.

    add \R'''YiAtag ['gystk' I P *'gyst, N a"Yi§ta] mixed, defiled.add v.Ahliiwang ['hlyswng] = Ard.delete'Ahriiwang ...for vi.lum ...read vrlum ['lWlll I N -] millet.

    v'8.sniid (ag) .,. delete noble.aswir [PR/LSYA < A prsy'; ...isnig add acquainted with.isUh add concord.ayid read ['Qyq't' I ...

    for bahr. .. and bahrag .. ,read bahr(ag) [b'hl(k') 1M bhr, N -(a)] part, portion,

    share, lot; reason.(az) in bahrag riy : on that account, therefore.

    for bahrwar ...read bahr(ag)war [b'hl(k)wl I N bahrawar] partaking, parti-

    cipator, partner.-ih : participation, advantage.

    biliy add M b'l'y .add balgam [Qlglll I N bahalll] phlegm.

    baxtan ... add divide.bayaspin [by'sp'n' I = M] ...beliir for M read P bylwr.2boy add incense.buland .,. add aloud.~andidan .. , I (M cn-ystn), J -] ...

    ",isn : IN tandis] ...add ~axrag [c hlk' I M cxr, N tarx] wheel, circle.

    ~imig ... add caused, justified, reasonable.dagrand-xwadiy .,. delete eternal.dast-gir [dstgyl i N ....,j .,. delete: dst OHDWN, .. ,

  • did .. , add other.add dig [YTMAL < A Ptm'll N d~ yesterday.delete *drem ... (read balgam)

    drubust '" add protective.drust [drw(d)st' ...dus-cihr ... add ill-natured.dus-nim [-n'm I (M dwjn'm), N ",j add ill-famed.duAwir [dwsw'll (M dwjw'r), ...ekinag .. , for obedient read loyal, faithful.

    -ih : for obedience read loyalty, faithfulness.for Farrobig ...read Farrobiy [plnb(' )g] ...

    frayid [pl(y)d't' IN faryadj .. , delete M pry'd.frazand [prz/~nd ! ...frusag .. , add M prw~g.garodmin ... read I P grdm'n.gazdum (gcd(w)m, gzd(w)m I .,.guftir ... , ",Ih : add eloquence.hambir [hm-, hnb'll ...

    add harned [hmyst'j whose good and bad deeds weigh equal."'(ag)in [-(krIl'] limbo, the neutra.l station between

    heaven and hell.delete hammist ... , "'(ag)in '"

    handarz .,. add M 'ndrz.hammoxtan, hammoz-, ",iAn : add learning.hast [TWMNYA < A tmny'j ...

    add hiig [HZWLYA < A ~zyr'; hwk' 1M hwg, N xugj pig.add hiikar(ag) Ihwkl(k') I N xiikaraj porcupine. (not hedgehog)add *huzirag [llwc'lk IN xujara] little, small, few.

    I Jadag add fortune.Jiidan I M jwwdn, jwy- ...

    add kariwus [kl'w~ I N ",j wine-press.delete karbunag ...read karbiig [klpwk', klbwk'] lizard.

    kardagin ... add service (of the gods).delete karxoA ...read mi. ... N mal not.delete midayir .. ,

    minig ... add house-owner.mayinJig .,. add arbiter.

    for 1-3mez_ read 1-2mez_, v. Imezisn, mistan.

  • delete Dlezidan suck.for 2mezisn read Imezi~n ...for mistan, 3 mez- read ... 2mez- .. ,

    mihoxt [l1lytwht' = Av. l1li8aoxta-] falsehood.2 m ihr •• add '" druxtan : break faith.

    add mizidan, miz- [myc-ytn' I N l1lazrdan] suck.for *mol-mard ... read mowmard ...

    moy ... add M mwy.read nixun [n'hwn' I P nxwn, N naxun] (finger) nail.delete niylzag ... (read wezag).

    nek, ",Ih .,. add benefit.nibastan delete SKBHWN-tn' < A Jskb;nibistan read M nb'st, P nb'y-.nibeg ... add M nbyg.nibistan ... [YKTYBWN-tn' ... (not -stn').nidan, nay- [D~(Y)LWN-tn'< A Jdbr I ...nigiin, "'sir [-s'l I (P ngws'r)] downwards.

    add "'niheb [nyhyp IN",] fear, terror.for nisin read nisin .

    niyiz, f'VomandIh add necessity.Tfad niyoxSidan ...

    no [TSA < A tSC I ... (not ts').delete ozirak '"

    padist '" add threat.pad-nigerisn ... for cared for, guarded read carefully.

    add parisp [pisp I M prysp] wall.2 p id ... add (M pyt).purniy [pwin'd = Av. pdrdnayu-j adult.

    add purr-marg [-mIg] deadly, baneful.raz ... add M rz.

    add rebis [Iyp's I N ",j rhubarb.2r istag '" add N rasta.

    add rox [Ihw' IN",] rook, castle (chess).sahistan ... read (M shyd, P SC y _).

    add sirwir [s'lw'l] helmet.add sayistan, say- [SKBHWN-tn < A J~kb I P sy-] lie down.

    sneh for sword read club, weapon.2 sog add N '" 'grief'.

    for Sosyans ... read Solins [swk~'ns ...add sabyir [spy'] ! N ...... ] grape syrup.

    skaft ... read 1. ::=. skeft; 2. cave.

  • snaxtan '" read M . .. c8n)S-.for 8us U r ... read 8uhr .,.for ti ... read I ti rOD < A cd I (M d\ P t\ N -] until,

    while, within; so that.add 2 ti [t)k' IN -] like, peer.for I tag ... read ti.g ... , add M t)g.delete 2 t i.g '"add tahm !thm I =M, N "'] strong, brave.and tik [t}k' IN", 'vine'] branch.

    tohm(ag) [twhm(k') 1M twhm, -g, N tUXlll, -a] ...read wallIgar [wnykl] prodigal.

    ",Ih : prodigality, waste.wallY [H(W)BDN < A hwbdn', y!'bd I ...wany (b)udlh [HWBDN' bwtyh, ...

    add war·wezag [wl-w}yck'] andi.xtall : cast lots.for wizIg ... read .wi.zIg [-w'cyk' I N -baz] -player.add wezag [w)yck'] lot.

    wiyabin, "'Ig .. , add confusing.add Wizars [wyzls] a demon.for wizi.stan, ... read wiziyldan, wiziy- [wyz}d-ytn' ...

    wizudan .,. = wizayldan.add xig [ZKYA < A zq) IN xl(k)] leather bag.delete xiig .. , (read hug).delete xiikar(ag) '" (read hukar(ag)).

    xwadiy ... read N xuday.xwarg .,. add live coal.

    for yazd. .. read yazad '" N lzad, yazd.for yazdin ... read yazadin ...

    Amend English-Pahlavi Index and Pahlavi Key accordingly.

    Appendix (p. 142)(i) read Ard (Ahli~wang).(ii) add Wizar~.

    (p. 143)(vii) read 1 frarast, are~n ....

    p. 166 [142] after 81 add dIg.

    p. 179 [115] for karezar read karezar.

    0. 220 [33] for arg, halag read alag, halag.

  • Aa- [)- I M )-] privative prefix, un-, -less.a eJ then (generally with a suffixed pronoun, e.g. A-i).ab [MYA < A my);)ft I M )b, N .....] water. 'b S'u~ "r'"ibid ep)t l I M )b)d, N .....] populous, thriving, prosperous•

    ......ih: prosperity.ibidin ep)t)nl I N -] thriving, prosperous, cultivated.",ih: prosperity, cultivation.

    abidixsa(y) eft)thI)(d), v. padixsi(y)] without authority, powerless.......ih: powerlessness; anarchy.

    abadyawand [)p)tyd)wnd I J )b)dywn(d)] powerless, weak.,...,ih: powerlessness, weakness.aba~ [LWTE < A lwt-h I M )b)g, N (a)ba] with.-ih [)Pkyh] company, assistance.aba~enidan, aba~en- eJ?kyn-ytnl] accompany.a-bahr [WhIJ portionless, deprived.abam eft)", I P )b)myh, N (a)wam] loan, debt.Aban [)pn' I M )b)n, N -] cal. 8th month; loth day.aband efmd, v. pand I M )bnd] erring.

    .....ih: error.lahar [QDM < A qdm; )pil M )br, N bar] up; on, over.

    ...... amadan: rise (sun).

    ...... axistan: rise up.- Axramidan: step up.- burdan: undertake...... madan: cope with, comprehend....... ni~eridan: consider.- nihumbidan: conceal.'" nisastan: sit, be enthroned.- nisistan : seat, install.- rasidan: come to, upon.'" rasidan 0: attain.

    2abar eN] higher, superior.-a~ [-g I M )brg] superior.,.....,~l~an(a~) [-k)tl(k)l] superior.",dar [-ti, )'lvitil M )brdr] higher.,...,dom [-twm I M )brdwm] highest•......domih [-twmyh] superiority.abar~ar [)plgi] god, divinity.abari~(an) epiyken)'] = abaral1.abiri~ [)p)ryk

    'I M )b)ryg, J )b)ry] other.

  • abarmAn 2 abd sabistan

    abarmAn eplm'n'] in charge.abarmind ['plm'nd] inheritance, privilege.abarmlnig ['plm'nyk l ] noble.abar-meniin ['Plmjmfn'] proud, haughty.abaron ['p'lwn' I N warun] contrary, wrong, sinful.

    .....ih: sin.abar-oz ['pl'wc] stronger.

    .....ih: mastery.abar-tan ['Pltn l ] arrogant.

    .....ih: arrogance.abarwez ['plwyc I (M 'brwyj, N parwt?z)] triumphant, victorious.,..,ih: triumph, victory.

    abarzen, v. :zmaik.abaxi ['phi] repentant; regret.--ih: repentance.

    abaxilwand ['phI'wnd] regretful.abaxiayidan. abaxiiiy- ['phI'd-ytn l I M 'bxI'y-, N baxludan, baxlaJ'-]

    forgive, have mercy on.,..,iin: mercy, forgiveness.,..,iinig : forgiving, merciful.

    labAxtar ['p'htll M 'b'xtr] planet.labixtar ['p'htll (N baxtar 'west')] north.abaydig ['pyt'k', v. paydig 1M 'byd'g] invisible.,..,ih: invisibility.

    abay-: abiyed [',P'yt l I M 'b'yd, N biiyad] it is necessary, fitting; must(+infinitive).

    ,..,ist ['p'dst' I N bayist] it was necessary.,..,istan [',P'dstn'] be necessary, fitting; desire, want.,..,iin: necessity.,..,iinig: necessary, fitting, seemly.

    abiz [LAWHL < A P(w)l}r; 'p'c I M 'b'c, N biiz, wa] back, again, re-.,.., didan 0: attribute, ascribe to. ~ "ffDj"i p,...... dastan: withhold, restrain, prevent.,.., estidan az: abandon, desist from.,.., kardan: open...... kardan az: disengage from, wean.,.., mandan: remain behind...... padan: remain, stay.,.., raftan: issue, go forth.,.., waitan 0: turn into, become.-- wirastan: rearrange.

    abizsar [LAWHLs'l] rebellious.,..,ih: rebellion.ab-~ihrag ['p cyhlk l ] holding the seed, essence of water.abd ['pd I M 'f3d, J 'bd-] wonderful.-- sahistan: seem wonderful (to) > marvel.

  • abdih 3 abezir

    ......ih: wonder.ab-dan ['pd'nlJ water-holder.abdast epdst'] hand-guard.abdom ef>dwm I M 'bdwm] last, final(ly).~ih: finality, end.

    abd-sahlst [Y>dshst l ] wonderful.abe- epy(y)- I M 'by-, N be] without, -less.

    ,...,- bar [-bl] fruitless.~-bes [-by!] unharmed.,...,-bim [-bym] fearless.--bimih: fearlessness.--boy [-bwd] senseless.--boyih: senselessness.,....-biid(ih) [-bwt', -bwtyh] deficiency.,...,-elm [-cym] without reason, cause.

    abediin epyt'n'] of use, wanted.abe-H~uman [-gwm'n l ] without doubt, certain.--gumanih: certainty.---mlzag [-m(y)ck l ] tasteless.,....-must [-mwst l ] uncomplaining, content.,...,-niyaz [-nyd'c] free from want.,...,-os [·"wi I M 'by'w!, N beho!] senseless, unconscious.--osih: senselessness, unconsciousness.

    aber ['pyl] very, much.abe-rih ['pyPs] erring.abcsar ['f>ysli M 'bysr, N alsar] crown.abesihenidan, abesihen- epshyn-yt1J', v. abesihidan] destroy.-iSn(ih): destruction.

    abesihidan, abesih- ['fis(y)h-ytn'I M 'bysyh-] perish, be destroyed.

    -isn(ih): destruction, ruin.abespirdan ['psp'ltn

    ') = abespurdan.

    abespurdan, abcspar- ['/Jspwltn', 'psp'l- I M 'byspwrd, 'bysp'r-, Nsipurdan, sipiir-] commit, entrust, consign.

    abestag ['p(y)st'k'] Avesta, the Mazdean scriptures.abestam ['pst'm] = abestan.abcstan ['pst'n l ] refuge, support, trust.abestan ['pystn' I P 'b)-'stn, N abistan] = abustan.abe-sud ['pyji swtl] profitless.-ih: profitlessness.

    a-bes eby!] harmless; unharmed, invulnerable.-ih: harmlessness; invulnerability.

    abe-I-winah [-wn's I M 'bywn' I] innocent.--wizend [-wznd] harmless, invulnerable, safe.

    abezag ['pyck l I M 'bycg, (N weza)] pure, holy.-ih: purity, holiness.

    abezar ['!>yz'l, )fiyc'l I N bezlfr] free.

  • ~~n~n 4 ~~mg

    abgandan, ab~an- [LJ\!IYTWN-tn' < A y rm'; 'pkn- I M 'bgnd, 'bgn-,N afgan-dan] throw.

    ab~ar- ['pk'l-] provide, promote. ., \. 'k '0\(1'"abgena~ ['PBynk l , MYAfJynk' IN abgina] crystal, glass.l~~J?~ r,.,,·-en[-yn l ] crystalline. ?? ~,lOt.h , J

    abig r>pyk' IN abi] aquatic, watery. ~.~abilag ['plk l I N '""'a] blister.a-bim [lbym] fearless.ab-kamag ['pk'mk l I N '""'a] a thick, sour soup.abnus [lpnws I (N abniis)] ebony.a-bl>y ['bwd] senseless.-ih: senselessness. ~

    abr [lbl, 'pl I N -] cloud. ,\'\ f:>( Iabrang ['plng I N aurang] glory, splendour.abrastan, abraz- ['jWstn l , )j)l'e- I M 'br'st, N (afraltan), afraz-] lift, raise.abraz [lj)l'c I N afraz] acclivity.abre~om ['plyf(w)m I M 'brylwm, N -] silk.--en [-yn'] silken.

    abroxtan, abrl>z- [lplwhtn', )plwe- I M )brwxt, 'brwc-, N afroxtan,afroz-] light, kindle, illuminate, polish.

    -I~n(ih): illumination.ab-tazan ['pten l ] watercourse.a-bun ['bwn'] baseless, bottomless.a-burd-framan ['bwltplm'n

    '] disobedient.

    --ih: disobedience.aburnay ['p(w)ln'd, v. purnay I N burna] under age, child.--ih: childhood.

    aburnayag ['p(w)ln'(d)yk'] child.abu8 [lpws] (woman) having just given birth.-ih: childbirth.

    Abus, -tan ['pws, -tnl I M 'bwws, v. Abestan] pregnant.'""'ih: pregnancy.

    abyoxtan, abyl>z- [lpywhtn', 'pywc-] join, mix.Ab-zan [lpzn l IN'""'] bath.labzAr ['pe'l, 'pz)ll M 'be)r, N afzar] instrument, means; spice.llabzar [lpz'll M 'bz'r] skill, power; powerful.'""'l>mand [-'wmnd] skilled, able.

    abzay-, -Isn, v. abzudan.abzl>n ['pzwn l I M, J )bzwn, N afzun] increase, growth.-ig [_yk l ] increasing, expansive, bountiful.,"",il1ih: bountifulness.

    abziidan, abzay- [lpzwtn l , 'pz'd- I M )bz)y-, N afzudan, afzay-] in-crease, grow.

    '""'Isn: increase, growth.a-~ar [le)l] inevitable~ h&.pl:w

    '""'ag [-k l ] compelled.

  • 5 -all

    a-dad ['d't'], a-dadestan ['-DYNA, -d'tst'n'] illegal. unjust.

    ,....ih: injustice, illegality.a-dahm. elPhm] uninitiated.-adan [-'tn l I P ·'dn, N -] suffix forming secondary infinitives.a-dan ['d'n' I M 'd'n] ignorant.-ih: ignorance.

    -adan ['t'n l ] wealthy, solvent; wealth......ih: wealth.

    a-dard ['dlt l ] painless.adarog ['tlwk l ], atax~ i..... : the simplest kind of sacred fire.adehig ['dhyk'] indigenous, domestic.aden ['tyn' I M 'dyn] entry.-aden- ['dyn- I = M] bring, lead.adist ['tylt l ] fire-stand .., dii;t"l~ ['J3·.m~l] ethiinfotllied. reoJ. ~'lil~~9adug [)tw/~1 I M "dwg] capable.. ~S \ "'~radur [)twr l 1M 'dwr, N adar] fire; the god' FIre'; cal. 9th month; 9th day. ":l---i.ldurestar ['twrystl] ashes.

    .....en [-yn l ] ashen.adur-gah ['twrg)s] fire altar. I

    >afrah ['p1's I M "pr)h] teaching, doctrine. afJ~L. \:>pPc..\ Nf.......l.\ 'lke/: ;vi11\a-frasawand ['pls)wnd] imperishable.afridan, afrin- I afur- ['jjlytn l , 'plyn-, )pwl- I M )p(w)ryd, 'pwr-, P

    )fryn-, N iifaridan, afarin-] praise, 'bless; create.afrin ['pryn' I M )pryn, N afarin] praise, blessing. \\!.'.1A. nf"y·n

    .....agan [-/~)nl] Afrinagan prayers.afrosag [)p/wlk l I N - a] a sweetmeat made of flour, butter, and honey.

    , *'afstUan [)ps)l'n l I (N absa/an)] springtime.afsan [)ps'n' I (M "ps)ng). N afsana] story, fable.afsardan, afsar- [)psl-tn l ] cool down.afsardan. afsar- ['ps)l-tn l ] cool, freeze, extinguish.-isn: cooling.

    afsay-, v. afsudan.afsenistan, afsen- ['psyn-stn l • v. abesihen-idan] destroy.-isn: destruction.

    afson ['pswn l I N afsun] spell, incantation. tI\ r~afsos [,psws I N -] scorn, mockery.

    .....gar [-gl] mocker.afsudan, afsay- ['pswtn l , )ps'd-] enchant, protect by spell.afsandan. afsan- ['#'n-tn l I N -] spread, scatter. sow.afsiirdan [)PI'ltn l I N -] = afsurdan.afsurdan, afsar- ['plwltn l , 'pel- I N -] press, compress. crush.iifuridan, afur- [)pw/-ytn l • v. afridan] create.

    .....Um: creation.-a~ [-hi I M -g, N -a] sll17ix forming (i) adJectives, from nouns and 'verbal

    stt'ms, (ii) 110m,s, from adJectives and present stems.

  • -ig 6 ahO§

    -ig [-)k' I M ~)g, N -ti] suffix forming agent nouns from present stems.a-aih eg)s] without rank.Igih ek)s I M )g)(h), N -] aware, knowing.-ih: knowledge.

    agihenidan, iglhen- [)k)syn-ytn'] inform.

    igandan, agan- ekn-dn l I P ugnd, N -] fill, stuff.a-ganJ r>knc!] penniless.agar [HT, for A hn I M )gr, N -] if.agir [)k)ll M )g)r-] inactive, powerless; "~kN>-ih: inactivity, impotence.

    agirenidan, agaren- [)k)lyn-ytn '] render powerless.agirihlstan, agarih- r>k)lyh-stn

    'I M )g)ryyh-] become powerless.

    ag-den [)k-, )gdyn'] of evil religion, infidel.

    ....,ih: heterodoxy, non-Mazdean religion.). Igenen r>k(y)nyn' I MC»g(y)nyn] together. v '"""",U>

    '3 _.j.~~~ igO§ r>kw! I (P )gwc), N tiro!) embrace. '" >~'l" ).9~ a-gOwig [)gwb)k

    '] speechless, dumb.

    ayre [Jr-, )klyy = Av. ayrya-] highest, greatest.igrlft r>glpt l = Av. tigiJriJpta-] crime, offence; a degree of sin.

    ~"". a-grlftir [)glpt)l] intangible, impalpable.a-guman [)gwm)n l ] without doubt, certain.a-gumeg r>gwmyk

    'I M )gwmyg] unmixed, pure.

    ....,ih: purity. , )igustan [)kwstn' 1M Hgwst] hang up, suspend. ~'~.l lwc..-ihan [)h(y)n', )s(y)n

    'I M uhwn, N ....,] iron.

    ....,en esynyn'] iron, of iron.

    ....,gar [-kll N ....,] blacksmith.ihang [)hng] pull, draught.ihanJidan [)hncytn

    '] = ihlxtan.

    ahaniiz [)hnwc I M )hnwn-c, N hanilz] yet, still.ihen = ihan, q.v.ihid r>hyt

    'I M C»hyd] stain, impurity; confused.

    ....,ih: pollution; confusion.ihlxtan, ihanJ- [)hhtn ' , )hnc- I M )hxtn, Chynz-), N tihixtan, -] draw

    out, pull up, extract.ahli ehey I (M -)hr)y)] righteous (of Sru!).ahlawehlwb' I M )hhv] righteous.-ih: righteousness.

    ahlaw-did ehlwb d)t l ] alms, charity.ahliyih ehPdyh] righteousness. AlJJftJJtjN\C\ IJ\.l.T"'t\jl ~ AdahlomiJy [)hlmwk

    'I M )hlmwg] heretic. ..-J

    -Ih: heresy.ihOg ehwk l I M Uhwg, N aha] fault, blemish.ihiJgenidan, ihiJgen- ehrvkyn-ytn

    '] defile.

    a-hominig [)hwm)n)k'] unlike.

    ah()§ ehwI] deathless, immortal.

  • ah6Alh 7 amAwand

    .....ih: immortality.iihr phl] dread, fury.ahrAftan, ahrAm- ['hl'ptn

    ', 'hl'm- I M 'hr'ptn, 'hr'm-] raise, lead up.

    Ahreman ['hl(y)mn l 1M 'hrmyn, N.....,] the Evil Spirit...·.horiAwaA~ E'J,I,htt,r,rl 1\.1"".Ahila [TYBA < A Iby'; 'hwk' I M (')'hwg, N tihu] gazelle.ahunawar phnwl] the holiest prayer, beginning Ya8a ahu wairyo.a-hunsand ['hwnmd] dissatisfied.

    .....ih: dissatisfaction.ahy [KZY < A k-zy I M 'hy] soon(est), first.ajgahAn ['fgh'n' I M 'jg'h'n, N azgahtin] lazy, indolent.

    .....,ih: laziness, indolence.ak ['kl I N dk] evil, harm.-ak [-kl IN.....,] diminutive suffix.a-kAma~l)mand ek'mh'wmnd] unwilling.a-kanara~ ['kn'lk l I M 'qn'rg] unlimited, boundless......,lh: boundlessness.

    a-kard ['krt' I (M 'gyrd)] not done, undone.Akl)man ['kwmn' 1M 'qwmn] Evil Thought, an arch-demon.akl)mand ['k'wmnd] evil, harmful.alA ['I'y] oh! alas!Alag [STLA, STRA < A itr'; 'lk l I (M "rg)] side.alAla~ ['l'lk l I N lala] anemone.JUly-, v. AUidan.Aleksandar ['Ikmdll M 'lxsyndr, N Iskandar] Alexander (of Macedon).almls(t) ['Im's(t l ) I (M 'rm's), N almas] steel; diamond.IUldag ['lwth l ] defiled, polluted......,lh: defilement.

    AUldan, illy- plwtn', 'l'd- I (M 'rwd), N .....,] defile, pollute.Iluh [,lwh I M "lwf, N .....,] eagle.'Wlum ['lwm] millet. tJ IVami [LNE < A l-nh I M 'm'h, N mal we, us.Amadan, Ay- [YATWN-tn' < Ay'twn, AtI'th 1M 'mdn, "y-, N.....,] come.amahraspand ['mhrspnd I M (')mhr'spnd] a Holy Immortal.a-mar ['ml] countless, innumerable.ImAr ['m'll N .....,] reckoning, consideration.Imlr- ['m'l-] reckon, calculate.

    .....,iAn: reckoning.a-mara~ ['mlk l ] countless.amaral1An ['mlk'n l ] generality, commonalty•

    .....,lg [-yk' ] general.-ihl [-yh'] in general, generally.a-mar~ ['mig] deathless, undying......,lh: deathlessness, immortality.

    amArl1ar ['m'lgll N ....,] reckoner.amawand ['m'wnd] powerful, strong.

  • amlwandih 8

    amiwandih: power, strength.ambag ['mbk' I N anba]iit] a preserve, conserve.ambar ['mhl, )nbll Ar. Canbar] ambergris.ambarag ['mblk l I N anbara] hairless (animal).P amburdan [hj>mbwltn' I P )mb)r-] = hambaridan.a-menidir ['mynyt)l] unthinking.Amextan, amez- ['myhtn', )myc- I M )myxtn, )myz-, N ,..,] mix.,..,i~n: mixture; element.

    Amiz [)myc] side dish, vegetables.timoxtan, iimoz-, read hamm6xtan, hammoz-.Amurdad ['m(w)rdt' IN murdtid] Immortality, the sixth Amahraspand,

    guardian of plants and food; cal. 5th month; 7th day.imurzidan, iimurz- [)mwlc-ytn l 1M )mwrz-yd, N -] forgive, pity, have

    mercy on.-i~n: mercy, forgiveness.

    P amwaAtan [h/)mwftn l I P )mwft] gather, collect.an- ['n- I M )n-] prevocalic privative prefix, un-, -less.in [ZK < A zk; )n' 1M h)n, N,..,] that, he.- i: that of; with a qualifier preceding a noun, equivalent to a following i

    e.g. an i ahlawiin ruwan = ruwiin i ahlawan, the souls of therighteous.

    -an [_)n l I M -)n, N ......] suffix forming (i) present participles, (ii) adverbs,(iii) plurals.

    AnAb-, -iAn, v. anaftan.an-Abidiin [)n)j?t)n'] uncultivated.an-abaxAIwand ['n)phl)wnd] unrepentant.-ih: unrepentance.

    an-ably ['n)p)d] unfitting, improper.an-abedin ['n)pyt)n l ] useless, unwanted.-ih: uselessness.

    anibuhlag ['n)pwhlk' = Av. anapt/rt/(Ja-] inexpiable, unatonable; thehighest degree of sin.

    an-abzar ['n)pz)l] unskilled, incapable.-ih: inability.

    an-idin ['n)t)n l ] insolvent.-ih: insolvency.

    an-IdDI! ['n)twk'] incapable.an-afseniAn ['n)psynfn l ] indestructible.inaftan, anib- ['n)pen', )n)p- I M )n)pt, Cn'm-)] avert, reject, frustrate.-iAn: avoidance, warding off.

    anag ['n)k' I M )n)g] evil.-ih : evil, harm.

    an-agah ['n)k)s I N ntigah] unaware, unwitting.anilg-kardilr ['n)k' krt'l], -kuniAn [-kwnsn'] evil-doer, maleficent.anagr ['ngl] infinite.-an [-'n' I M 'nyr)n] Infinite Light; cal. 30th day.

  • anaf!\r-rOsn(ih) 9 anerib

    .....,-rOsn(ih) [-lwIn', -lwInyh] Infinite Light.anahid ['n'hyt' I N ntihid] immaculate; a goddess; astr. Venus.an-ahOf!\ ['n'hwk'] undefiled.an-aUld ['n'lwtl] undefiled.a-nam~istif!\ ['n'mcftyk l ] unspecified.an-Imurzid ['n'mwlcyt l I M 'n'mwrzCyd] merciless.an-amurzisn ['n'mwlcfn'] mercilessness.anlr ['n'll N .....,] pomegranate.anarf!\el ['n'lgyll N ntirgel] coconut.an-arzlnif!\ ['n'lc'nyk l ] undeserving, unworthy.an-ast ['nA YTI] non-existent.

    ......ih: non-existence.Anast ['n'st l ] spoilt, destroyed.

    ......ih: destruction.anastag, ['n'stk'] = anast.an-astawln ['n-'stwb'n' , -'stwp'n

    l ] disbelieving......,ih: disbelief.

    an-astih ['n'Ityh] discord, enmity; disquiet, unrest.anay-, v. anidan.an-ayad ['n'byd't '] forgotten.an-Izarm ['n'clm] without respect, dishonoured......,ih: dishonour......,ig, [-yk

    '] dis-, un-honoured.

    and ['nd I = M, N .....,] so much, many......, ~and ['ndcnd] as much as, however much.

    -andag, v. -endag,.andaf!\ ['nd'k l I P 'nd'g] sorrow......,(.nen [_(k)ynl I P 'nd'gyn] sad, sorrowful.

    andak ['ndk l I = M, N .....,] little, few.andar [B YN < A byn I M 'ndr, N ......] in, among, towards, concerning.

    ....., ably~d: it is necessary.

    ....., amadan: come in, enter.

    ....., awurdan: bring about, produce.

    ....., biidan: be contained in.

    ....., sudan: enter, set (sun).

    ....., widardan: outstrip.andarag, ['ndlg] in, between, among.andarmah ['ndlm'h] new moon.andaron ['ndlwn l I M 'ndrwn, N ......run] inside, within.andarway ['ndlw'd I (P 'ndrw'z)] air, atmosphere.

    .....,ig, [-yk l ] of the air, atmospheric.and-~and, v. and.andOh ['ndwh I M 'ndwx-, N.....,] sorrow.

    ......g~n [-kn' I N -gin] sad, sorrowful.aner [)n)yl] non-Aryan, ignoble.

    ......jh: ignobility, barbarity.

  • anerAn 10 a-purstsnil1

    aneran [)n).:rl)71I] non-Eran, the world beyond Eran.an-erang [)n)ylng] blameless.an-espas [)nsj?s] ungrateful.--ih: ingratitude. ") tw p'~ \~~

    anguben [DWBSYA < A dbs; )ngpyn' IN angubin] honey. lJ}~) ~""~...angur [ANBE < A (nb); )ngwll N --] grape. .. ') kN",~ tangust pngwst l I (N angust)] finger, toe; unit of length (1 in.). \,~--arig [-lyk

    '] finger ring.

    --ban [-p)n l ] finger-guard, -stall.anidan, anay- [HYTYWN-tn l < A hyty, ...; )th; )71ytnl ] bring, lead.anig pnyk l I (N pesani)] front, forehead.ani-z [AHRN(y)c, v. any I N 7liz] other also.anJir [)ncylj N --] fig.anOdag [)nwtk' I M )nwdg] strange, alien.--ig [-yk

    '] foreign.

    anOh, .anoy [TME < A tmh I M )mvh, )wy] there.an-Ost [)n)wst l ] infirm, unreliable.anos pnwf] lit. immortal, i.e. the next life; elixir, antidote.-- xwardan: risk death, fight to the death.

    anOlag r>nwsk l I M )mvsg, N --a] immortal.--ih: immortality.---ruwan [-lwb)n l ] the late, deceased.

    an-olmAr pn)wsm)l] countless, innumerable.anOs-xwar [)nwshwl] mortal.·anOy,v. anOh.ansahrig pnftr'yk'] slave.an-ummed [)n)wmyt l I J )nwmyd, N naumed] hopeless, despairing.an-uspurrig pn)wspwlyk

    '] imperfect.

    any [AHRN < A )ltrn; (corruptly, ZK)y = ·an-i) I M )n(r)] other.a-pattiig pptwk

    '] impatient.

    a-payman [)ptm)n l ] immoderate.--ih: immoderation.

    ·apedag [>j',ytk'

    I P )pyd(g)] lost, stray.--dAr [-d)l] custodian of stray animals.

    a-petitig [)j)tytyk'] unrepentant, unconfessed.

    --ih: unrepentance.a-petyarag Pp(y)tyd)lk l ] without misfortune, unassailed.a-poltisn [)j)whSn

    '] incorruptible.

    appar [)pll M )pr] robbery, theft.appAr [>Pl] taken away, removed.--ih: removal, loss, deprivation.

    apparag [)j.ilg] robber.appurdan, appar- [YHNCLWN-tn l < A yhnllwn, ...; n#; )j.il- I M

    )pwrd, )p(w)r-] steal.--lin: stealing, theft.

    a-pursisnig [)pwrsfnyk l ] irresponsible.

  • a-pus I I Arz6g

    a-pus PBRE] without a son, childless.ar-, v. ardan. , I ~\,A~\t )aranJ plnc IN....,] elbow. '~~'j.l l'~·a·rast ['r)st l ] untruth.arastan, aray- [)l'stn', 'l'd- IN....,] prepare, arrange, adorn.....,isn: arrangement, adornment.a.rawa~ ['lwb'k'] immobile.Ard ['ft! I M )yrd, N ....,] a goddess; cal. 25th day.ard [KHMA < A qmJ/; )lt l IN....,] flour.arda ['It'y I (M 'rd'w)] righteous, truthful.ardan, ar- [THNN-tn' < A ..; ltzn; 'l-tn'] grind, mill.ardayih ['It)dyh I M 'rd'yyh] righteousness, rectitude.ardi~ Pltyk' I M 'rdyg] battle.ardikkar ['ltykkl, -kl I M 'rdyqr] warlike, warrior.....,ih: doing battle.

    ardus ['ldwf = Av. ar~du!-] a degree of sin.Ardwahist prtwhlt l I M 'rdywhy!t, (N urdibihift)] Right, the second

    Amahraspand, guardian of fire; cal. 2nd month; 3rd day.aresk ['lyfk' I M (')ryfk, N ralk] envy, jealousy.---en [-yn'] envious, jealous.

    aresn ['lfn' I M »ryfn-, N (a)rif] cubit.aryand ['Ignd I N ---] horrible.argawan ['lgwk'n' IN aryawan] purple.armest [)lmy!t'] inactive, infirm.---ih: infirmity.

    armest-gah [-g's] secluded place for the infirm.aroyisn ['Iwdfn'] growth.---i~ [-.yk'] growing, vegetable.

    ars ['Is I M 'rs, N ---] tear (drop).artestar ['Ityft'll N arUMiir!] warrior.---ih: warriorhood.

    arus ['Iws] white.arwand ['Iwnd] swift, valiant; river Orontes.---ih: swiftness, valour.

    arwes ['lwys I M 'rwys, N ---] rope.arz [KSP' < A ksp; 'Ic I N ~] worth, value.Arzah ['lz)/z = Av. ar~zahi-] the eastern continent of the earth.arzan [PC < A prg); 'len' I N ---] millet.arzan [)/e'n I M: 'rz'n, N -] valuable, worthy.---ig [-yk'] worthy.-igih: value, worth, worthiness.

    arzidan, arz· [)le-ytn' I N -] be worth.-isn: value, worth.

    arziz pleye I M '1"zyz, N -] tin, lead.-en [-yn'] tin, leaden.

    arzog ['lcwk' I M )wrz'lvg, N llrzo] desire, lust.

  • arzlimand 12 AsGdan

    arzOmand ['Ic'wmnd I (N arjumand)] valuable, worthy......ih: value, worth.

    Arzur ['Izwl] a demon; a mountain at the mouth of hell.a~sag ['s'k l I M 's'g] innumerable, countless.asAn ['s'n l IN .....] at rest, easy, peaceful.

    ........ih: rest, ease, peace.a~sar ['sl] endless.asay~, ........i§n,v.asfidan.a~sazag ['sc)k

    '] unfitting, unsuitable.

    a~sazi§nlig ['scfn-yk'] imperishable, permanent.

    .....ih: imperishability, permanence.a-se} ['syc] free from danger.asem ['sym I = M, N sim] silver.

    .....en [-yn l I N -in] silver(n).asrnAn ['sm)n l I = M, N asman] sky, heavens; cal. 27th day.asn ['sn l ], ..... xrad: innate wisdom.asnidag ['snytk

    '] = asnildag.

    asnfid(ag) [)snwt(k)'] cleansed, purified; pure,~.a-sohi§n ['swhfn

    ') unfeeling.

    asp [SWSYA < A swsy'; 'sp IN ........] horse; (chess) knight. D)"j \p-aspAnfir ['sp'nwl] tomb.a~spAs ['sp's] ungrateful.aspast [,spst l I N .-...] clover, lucerne.

    0S.\ "S/l'lIt_~-aspin} ['spnc I p Cspynj, N sipanj] hospitality; inn. \')..J ~aspres ['splys IN .....] race-course.asrO ['slwk

    '= Av. aOrawa] priest.

    .....ih: priestly office.asro-kerpQ ['slw(k)'klpk = Av. aOro ki1hrp-] the form of fire.asron ['slwn' = Av. a8rawan-] priest.last [AYTI < A )yty I M )st, N .....] is, exists.

    .....ih: existence.lIast(ag) ['st(k) I I M 'st(g), N hasta] bone; (fruit) stone.astanag ['st)nk l ] need, misfortune.

    .....ornand [-'wmnd] needy.astar ['st'/l M 'st'r] sin.AstArenidan, astAren- ['selyn-ytn

    '] cause to sin.

    Istawln ['stwb'n l , )stwp'n l I M ))stw'n] confessing, professing......ih: confession, belief.

    astodln ['stw(k)d'n'

    I M 'stwd'n] sepulchre, ossuary.astomand [)st)wmnd] corporeal, material.

    .....ih: corporeality.astuxan ['sth(w»n' I N ustuxWan] bone.astwand ['stwnd I = M] = astomand.Astwihld ['stwyd't

    '] the demon of death.

    asiidan, asly- ['swtn l , )s)d- IN ........] rest, repose......iAn: rest, peace.

  • aswar 13 Aw~nidan

    aswar ['swb)l, )sjno)ll N suwar] horseman, rider•.......ih: horsemanship, riding.

    asyab ['sy'p] (water-)mill.asyag ['sy'k l I N asya] mill(-stone).as ['I] the evil eye.aslxtan, asin}- ['Iyhtn', )Inc- I P )Iyxt] pour, flow, overflow.askamb [KL{iE < A krs'; )/kmb l I M c/kmb, N Iikam] belly, womb.

    .....ag [_kl I N !ikamba] = askamb.askarAg ['/k)l(')k l I M )Iq)rg, N tUkara] obvious, evident.

    .....ih: revelation, confession.askaragenidan ['Ik)l'kyn-ytn l ] reveal, confess.askob ['Ikwp I N dlko(b)] roof, ceiling.askom(b) ['/kwm(b l )] = askamb.asmii [LKWM < A l-kwm I M )Im'(h), N /umii] you (pl.).iisnag ['/n'k l I M "!n'g, N tUna] known.Asnawag [)!nw)k' I M '!nw'g, N lunawa] hearing•

    .....ih: (sense of) hearing.Asniidan, Asnaw- [OSMEN-tn

    '< A"'; Imc; )Inwtn' I M )lnwdn, )!nw.,

    N luniidan, lunaw-] hear, understand......isn: hearing.

    aso [)Iwk l = Av. mawa] righteous.iis6b ['Iwp I P nlwb, N ] disturbance, tunnoil.Astiid ['It)t l I M )It)d, N ] the goddess Rectitude; cal. 26th day.astag ['Itk l ] messenger.

    .....ih: mission.astar ['Itl] whip.astih ['Ityh I M "It, N alti] peace.Aswahist [)lwMt l ] = Ardwahist.asyan(ag) ['Iyd)n(k) I I (M )hy)ng), N iilyana] nest, lair.ataxs [)tM = Av. atarl I Nata!] fire.iiwiidag ['wb'tk l I J )w)d] generation.iiwahan [)wb)hn l ] fortified place, stronghold.iiwiim ['wb'm I M )w'm] time, season.-iiwand [-)wnd I M ·)w(y)nd] suffix forming adjectives of quality.awar [LPNME < A l-pn-h 1M )wr] hither! come!iiwar-, v. iiwurdan.a-wardag ['wlt)k l ] undeviating.a-wardisnig ['wltfnyk l ] immutable.

    .....ih: immutability.awarisn [,wblln l 1M )wryln] abode, home.a-warzid ['wleyt l ] untilled .• awiis-, v. ·awlstan.Awiiz [,p'c IN .....] voice, sound.a-wazisnig ['we!nyk l ] immobile.awenidan, awen- ['wyn-ytn' I (P )bwyn-)] admonish, blame•

    .....Isn: blame, reproach.

  • aweniAnig 14 ayAb..

    awenisnig: blameworthy.a-wenisnig [)wynfnyk'] invisible.awerag ['wylk

    '] = aweran.

    aweran ['wyl'n l , )pyl'n l I N weran] desolate, ruined.awestad [)wst)t' I M )'wyst)d, N ostad] master (craftsman).awestam ['wst)m I M )wyst)m] province, district.awestarag ['wstlk ' I N ustura] razor.awestardan, awestar- ['wstl-tn l I P )wystr-, N suturdan] wipe; shave.

    .......isn: wiping.awestwar ['wsw.Nll M )wystw)r, N ustuwar] firm, reliable.

    .......ih: reliability, firmness.awMan [OLEI)n, v. oy I M )wyl'n, N €fan] they, those.a-winah [)wn)s] innocent.a-wlnast [)wnst l ] unharmed, immaculate.awis ['wbf I M )wyf] to him, it; postposition (= 0) to.awistiib [,wft)p I M )wyft)b, N iitab] oppression.P awistadan, awist- ['wft-)tn l I P )wyft)dn] stand.awistiiftan, awlstiib- ['wft)p-tn l I M )w)'ft)b-, N fita/tan, fitab-]

    oppress; hasten (tr.).·iiwistan, ·Awiis- [HTYMWN-tn' < A btym, ...; btm; )wbltn

    l I M)wyft] seal.

    a-wiyiibanig ['wyd)p'nyk l I N biyabiini] astr. fixed (star).a-wizirisnig [)wcyllnyk

    '] unavoidable, inevitable.

    Awurdan, iiwar- [YHYTYWN-tn'< A hyty, ...; )th I M ))wrd, )wr-,

    N .......] bring.axezidan ['hycytn'] = axistan.axistan, axez- ['hstn', )hyc- I M )xyst, )xyz-] rise, stand up.AxrAmidan, Axram- [)hl'm-ytn

    'I M )xr)m-, N xiram-idan] stride, strut.

    axtar ['htll M )xtr, N .......] star, constellation, sign of the zodiac.axtar(a)mar ['htW)m)l] astrologer.

    .......ih: astrology.taxw ['hw

    '] being, existence, world.

    2axw ['hw l I M )wx] mind, will; vital force.'axw ['hw'] lord.a-xwamn ['hwmn'] sleepless.axwiin [)hw)n

    '] = laxw.

    a-xwirih ['hw)lyh] unhappiness.axwarr ['hwll N axur] manger, stable•

    .......-salar [-srd)l] head groom.a-xwas [)BSYM] unpleasant; unhappy.

    ....,ih: unhappiness.a-xweskiir ['hwylk)l] undutiful.ay ['Y IN .......] that is to say.iiy-, v. amadan.ayAb ['ywp I M )y)b, N yel] or.ayab- v. ayaftan.

  • ayAblg IS azarmIglh

    ayAblg ['yJpe)k'] acquisitive, receptive.

    -ih: comprehension.ayid [JbydJt l I M JyJd, N yad] memory.- kardan: remember.-gAr [_kJll N -gar] memoir.

    Ayaft ['dypt ' I M uj'jJt, N ayift] boon, favour, gift.ayAftan, ayAb- [JyJp_tnl I M JyJpt, JyJb_, N ya/tan, yab-] obtain, acquire,attain.

    ayAr [hdybJ11 M hyJr , N yar] helper, friend .......ih: help, friendship.

    ayArdenidan, ayirden- ['yJltyn-ytnl] boil, agitate•.....fin: agitation.

    ayiirdidan, ayArd- [JyJlt_ytn l I M JyJrd_] be agitated, seethe.ayiiridan, ayir- [hdybJl-ytn

    'IN yar-Ulan] I. help, assist; 2. be able, dare.

    ayirlimand [hdybJlJwmnd IN yarmand] helpful, friendly......ih: helpfulness, friendliness.

    ayAsidan, ayAs- ['l!ygJs-ytnl I M JyJs_] remember, be mindful of......iin(ih): memory.

    ayAstan [Jl!ygJstn l I M JyJst] = ayisidan.Ayfim ['dIm] moon.ayOxiust ['ywkhfwst l = Av. ayoxlusta- I M Uywdyst I] metal.-en [-yn l ] metallic.

    AyOxtan, AyOz- ['ywhtn', Jywe_] join, yoke.

    .....iin: union, alliance.lAyOzidan [Jyweytnl] = AyOxtan.IAyOzidan, iiyOz- [Jywe-,'tn l I P uyu,It, Uywz_] trouble, disturb; strive,

    struggle......fin(ih): endeavour, strife.

    laz [MN < A mn; he I M Je, Jz , N -] from, than.laz [,el] dragon.• az [ANE < A Jnh I P Jz] I.iz ['e I M u z , N ......] greed, lust. ~l· vz_azabar [hepl I M Je Jbr, N zabar] above. -izAd [JcJ t ' I M uzJd, N ......] I. noble; 2. free.izAdih ['eJtyh] I. freedom; 2. gratitude, thanks.,... guftan, ,... hangirdan, - kardan, pad ..... distan: thank, give

    thanks.izAr ['eJ11 N -] torment.Azardan [Jeltn l 1M Uzyrdn] = izirdan.AZirdan, iizir- ['eJl-tn' IN ......] torment, injure.

    .....fin: torment, injury.liizarm ['elm I M u zrm, N -] honour, respect.lizarm ['elm 1 M U zrm-] harm, injury.a-zarmin ['zlmJn l ] ageless, Wlaging.izarmig [Jclmyk l ] honoured, respected.--ih: honour, respect.

  • azbay- 16 bAl~n

    azbay. [)zb)d-] invoke.......isn: invocation.

    azd [)zd I = M] known.Azdaha~ ecydh)k

    'I M )zdh)g, (N azdaha)] a legendary 'dragon' king,

    Dahag.azdenidan, azden- ezdyn-ytn

    '] inform.

    azer [hedll N zir] below, under.az~ [)zg I N azy] branch.azis [he! I M )eyl, )zyl] from him, it; postposition (= az) from•

    ......-keh [-ks] inferior, subordinate.,.",·meh [-ms] superior.Az.kAma~ [)ek)mk l ] greedy.

    ......ih: greediness.azmiidan, azmay- ezmwtn', )zm)d- I N a......] = uzmiidan.aznawar ezn)wl I M )zn] noble.azraw-, v. azruftan.azray- [)zr)d-] adorn.azruftan, azraw- [C)zlwp-tn l I M Czrw-] go out, be extinguished.azurdan eewltnl IN ......] = azardan.Azwar eewll N,.",] greedy.

    ......ih: greed.

    Bb-, v. biidan.babr [bpl IN ......] tiger.babrag [bplk' ] beaver.-bad, v. -bed.bada~ [b)tk

    'I N ......a] wine, must.

    bAy [b)g I (M b'w), N ......] garden, orchard.bayobaxt [bkwbht

    ', b)gwkb)ht

    '= Av. bayo.baxta·] fortune dispensed

    by the gods, providence.bahr [b)hll M bhr, N ......] part, portion, share, lot.bahra~ [b)hlk'], (az) an,.", rAy: on that account.bahromand .[b)hl)wmnd I N bahramand] divisible, composite; pros·

    perous.......ih: compositeness; prosperity.

    bahrwar [b)hlwll N bahrawar] endowed, provided.......ih: endowment, provision, advantage.

    ba} [b)e I N .-..] tribute, tax.baHidur [bl'twr IN ......] marking nut.bala~ [b)lk

    'I N hal] wing.

    bAIAy [b'l'd I N bala] height, stature.lbaU~n [b)lyn'] top, peak.lIbalen [b)lyn l I N biilin] cushion, pillow.

  • 17 bayaspAn

    ,,-,-gah [-g)s] sleeping-platform, bench, couch.b~ilist [b)lyst l I (M b)ryst)] highest; summit; astr. exaltation.,,-,ih: highness, exaltedness.,,-,ig [-yk

    '] on high, exalted.

    baUi [b'lfn l ! I N ,,-,] cushion, pillow.bam [b'm I = M] brilliance, glory, splendour. Q. -bambiin [MLKTA < A mlkt'; b'nbfn l 1M b'nby!n] queen. ,,-"J,..\iha.-fQ.tJflbamdad [b'md't' 1 M b)md)d, N ,,-,] dawn, morning.biimig [b)myk'] brilliant, glorious.-ban [-p)n l I M -b'n, N ,,-,] suffix, -keeper, -guard.band [bnd I = P, N ,,-,] bond, link.band-, v. bastan.bandag [bndk' 1 P bndg, N ,,-,a] servant.bang [bng IN ,,-,] henbane.baniig [b'nwk' 1 N biinu] lady.bar [bll N ,,-,] fruit, produce, profit.bar-, ,,-,iin. v. burdan.Ibiir WI 1 N ,,-,] time, occasion.2bar [b)11 N -] bank, shore.3bar [b'll M b)r, N -] fruit."bar [b)11 M b'r, N -] load, burden; duty.biirag [b'lk ' I N -a] mount, horse.barbut [blbwt ' I N -] lyre.biirestan [b'lst>n l ] patient, resigned.-ih: patience, resignation.

    biirig/k [b'lyk' 1 N barik (cf. tiirig)] thin, fine, subtle.biir-Jiimag [b)ly)mk l I N -a] saddle-bag.baromand [bPwmnd I N -] fruitful, prolific.barsom [blswm I M brswm] the bunch of twigs used in the Yasna cere-

    mony.badniim [blfnwm] the major purification ritual.bastan. band- [ASLWN-tn' < A -V 'sr; bstn',bnd- I M bstn, (bn-), P

    bnd-, N -] tie, bind.biistan [b)st)n

    'I M b'yst'n, N ,,-,] always, often.

    bas [YHWWNII M b)f, N ,,-,] be! (imperative of biidan, q.v.)baskuc [bfkwc] gryphon.basn [bIni I = P] top, peak; stature; mane (v. bui).baw- isn. v. biidan.baxs-, isn, v. baxtan.baxt [bC)ht

    'IN .......] fortune, fate.

    baxtan, baxs- [HLKWN-tn' < A"'; l;tlq; bC)htn', bhl- I M bxt, bxl-, Nbaxfidan] apportion, distribute.

    .......isn: bestowal, distribution.bay [ORHYA < A )lh; bk l , bg I M by] god, lord.im ....... : his Majesty. oy -: his late Majesty.

    bayaspiin [by'sp'n l ] messenger, envoy.n.UllU

  • blzeik18bayaspAnih

    bayaspAn\ih: mission, embassy......ig [-yk

    '] post-(horse).

    baz [b)c IN .....] hawk, falcon.baza [b)e)y I (N bazu)] arm.

    .....banag [-p)nk l ] ann-guard, brassard.bazag [bek ' I M bzg, N .....a] sin, evil.

    .....ih: = bazag.bazakkar [bekkZ I M bzkr] sinful, sinner.bazA-zanlsnih We)y znfnyh = Av. bazu.jata-] a degree of sin.badin [bcfn l ] division, part.bazm [bzm I = M, N ] meal, feast .

    .....-awurd [-)wZt l IN ] a sort of canape.Ib~ [BRA < A br) I M b)] but; out; ,...., ... (enya), except.

    ,...., ... enyA ... ne: except ... (otherwise) ... not.,...., az: without. I

    2be [BRA I M b), N bi-] particle with verbs, with 0, of indefinable function.-bed [-pt' I M -byd, N -baji/ud] suffix, -lord, -master.bedom [bytwm I M bydwm] furthermost.beganag [byk)nk

    'I N ......a] strange; stranger.

    begar [byk)ll N .....] corvee, forced labour.beh [byh I N bih] quince.btU [byl I (M byr), N .....] spade.beliir [bylwll M bylwr, N biZiir] crystal.beron [byZwn

    'I M byrwn, N berun] outside.

    bM [byf] pain, sorrow; hann, hostility....... burdan: bear hostility.

    bM-, .....lin, v. blstan.bMaz [byfC}z] healing, medicinal.besaz(en)- [by.ez(yn)-, byfC)c6'n)- I M byez-] heal, cure.

    .....isnih: healing.bes-burdar [byfbwlt)l] hostile.bMidan [by/ytn'] = blitan.besomand [byewmnd] sorrowful.bewar [bywll M bywr, N,....,] myriad, ten thousand.P bid [byt

    'I P byd] again.

    bldaxs [bythf] viceroy.-blJagan [bck)n'] medicinal.bim [bym I = M, N ,....,] fear, terror.,....,g~n [-kn

    '] fearful, terrible.

    ......g~nih: fearfulness .

    .....omand [-)wmnd] fearful.·blstag [bstk' I N busta] hazelnut.bis [byf IN .....] aconite.blstan, bes- [byf-tn' I M byft, byf-] hurt, torment.

    ......lln: harm, torment.blzeik [bcfk l I M bzyfk, N pizifk] doctor, physician.

  • bob 19 brinj

    bob [bwp I N -] fine carpet.bijr [bwll N ......] reddish~brown, bay (horse).horz [bwlc I P bwrz] high.borz-wang [btvlcw)ng] loud.-iha [-yh)] aloud.

    bowandag [bwndk l I M bwndg] complete, entire, perfect.......ih: completeness, entirety, completion.......-IIlenisnih [~mynlnyh] right-mindedness.

    boxtag [bwhtk' I M bwxtg] saved.-ih: salvation.

    boxtan, boz- [bwhtn', bwc- I M bwxtn, bwz-] save, redeem.......isn [-In' I J bwzyfn/t, N pozif] salvation; apology.

    boxtar [bwht)ll M bwxt)r] saviour.-ih: salvation.

    Iboy [bwd] perception, sense.2boy [bwd I M bwy, N ......] smell, scent.boyag [bwd)k

    'I M bwy)g, N boya] scented.

    boy-dar [bwdd)ll N ......] scented.boyenidan. boyen- [bwdyn-ytn

    '] scent, perfume.

    boyestiin [bwdst'n l I M bwyst)n, N bostan] (flower) garden.......ban [-p'n'] gardener.

    boyidan. boy- [bwd-ytn' IN ......] smell (intr.).boz- .......isn. v. boxtan.brad [AH < A )1J; bl)t' I M br)d] brother.-ar [bl)tll M br)dr, N biriidar] brother.

    *bradarod [bPtlwt'] relative, rival, counterpart.......ih: relationship, rivalry.

    brah [bl)h I N barah] brilliance, splendour.brahIll(ag) [bW)hm(k

    ') I M brhm(g)] form, manner, costume.

    brahnag [bW)hnk' 1M brhng, N bara/ma] naked.braIll- [b(w)t>m- I (P brm-)] weep, lament.

    ......ag [-k' I P -g] weeping, lamentation.brazidan, braz- [bt>c~ytn' I M br)z-, N bariizidan] shine, gleam.

    ......isn: radiance, brightness.

    ......isnig: shining, radiant.breh [bly(y)h] fate, destiny.brehenidan, brehen- [blyhyn-ytn l ] I. create, fashion; 2. decree.

    ......ag [-)k'] decreeing. .

    ......isn: I. creation; 2. decree, destiny.brez-, v. bristan.brezan [blycn' I M bryzn, N barezml] oven.bridan, brin- [PSKWN-tn l < A ..; psq; blytn', blyn- I M bryd, N

    buridan] cut (off), sever.brin [blyn

    '] cut, division, delimitation; limited, determined.

    ......gar [-kl] determiner; decisive.1brioj [bhlC I N birinj] rice.

  • brinj 20 buz

    2brinj [blnc I (M bryng), N birinJ] bronze, brass......,en [-yn'] bronze, brazen.

    brin6mand [blyn)wmnd] delimited.bristan, brez- [blyftn

    ', blyc- I M bryz-, N biriftan] roast.

    bru~ [blwk'

    I M brwg, N abru] (eye)brow.biidan, b(aw)- [YHWWN-tn' < Ayhwwn, ...; hwh; bwtn' , b- I M bwdn,

    bw-, N budan] be, become.bawisn: becoming, genesis.

    buf [bwp IN.....,], ·bii~ [bwk'] owl.buland [bwlnd I = M, N.....,] high.biim [bwm IN.....,] land, earth, country......,-tanda~ [-cndk

    '] earthquake.

    lbun [bwn' I = M, N.....,] base, foundation, bottom.2bun [bwn l IN.....,] = wan.buna~ [bwnk

    'I N .....,a] baggage; abode, camp.

    ,.., dastan: dwell, settle.bun-dahisn(ih) [bwndhSn

    ', -yh] primal creation.

    bunih [bwnyh] beginning.bunist [bwnyft

    'I = M] foundation .

    .....,a~ [-k l ] principle.bun-kada~ [bwnktk l ] original house, home.bun-xan [bwnh)n

    '] source.

    bur-, .....,isn, v. buridan.bura~ [bwl)k

    '] cutting, sharp.

    buram-, v. bram-.burd [bwlt

    'I M bwrd] patient.

    ..... ih: patience.burdan, bar- [Y,BLWN-tn

    '< A"'; ybl; bwltn

    ', bl- I M bwrd, br-, N.....,]

    carry, bear, take, endure......,isn: bearing, behaviour.

    burdar [bwlt)l] bearer; womb......,ih: patience.

    burd-esn6hr [bwlt'

    fnwhll P bwrdyfnwhr] grateful, thankful.bur~ [bwlg I (Ar. burj)] tower.buridan, bur- [bwl-ytn

    '1M bwr-, N.....,] = bridan.

    .....,isn: cutting.Burz [bwlc] the god of agriculture.Burzenmihr [bwlcynmtr

    '] the third major Fire of Sasanian Eran, that

    of husbandmen.burzidan, burz- [bwlc-ytn l ] praise, honour......,isn: praise, honour.-isni~: praiseworthy.

    bus [bwf IN,..,] mane.busasp [bwesp I M bwfy)sp, N .....,] sleep, sloth; dream. '\but [bwt ' I = M, N -] Buddha; idol.buz [AZ < A cz ; bwc IN.....,] goat.

  • tAbuk 21

    tabuk [e'pwk'

    I N --] agile, nimble; excellent.--ih: agility.

    tadur [e'twll N --] sheet, veil.tagad [ek't l I (N cakiid), J ceyiid] peak, summit.tagar [ekl] wife (of the second degree).tah [e'h I N --] pit, well.tahar [ALBA < A 'rb(; eh)ll M eh'r, N ,...,] four.,...,dah [eh'ldh IN,...,] fourteen.,...,-pay [eh'lp'd IN,..., > liirwii] quadruped.

    takok [ekwk IN,..." cakiiwak] lark.takut [ekwe I N cakuJ] hammer.tambar [embll N,...,] circle, hoop.tam.iAn [emfn l I M embyfn (?)] urination; lavatory.

    . tand [end I = M, N,...,] how many, much?; so many, much; some, a few.,...,ih: amount, quantity.

    _ tandal [endll N,...,] sandalwood.tandidan, tand- [end-ytn' I (M en-ystn)] tremble, quake.,...,iAn: trembling, movement.

    tang [eng 1M fnng, N,...,] harp.""'-sray [-sPd] harpist.

    tar [ell] = tarag.tarag [elk' I M erg] pasture, grazing; flock.tarag [e'lk l I N ,...,a] means, remedy.,...,garih [-glyh] ability, savoir faire.

    tarb [elp I P erb, N ,...,] mild, gentle; fatty, oily.,...,ih: gentleness; fattiness.,...,iAn [-fn l ] fat, oil.-iAnomand [-m'wmnd] oleaginous.

    tarm [elm I M crm, N -] skin, hide, leather.tariig [e)lwk l I N caru] lime, mortar.-en [-yn l ] limy.

    tarz [elz IN,...,] bustard.taAidan [e'f-ytn l ] = taAtan.taAm [AYNE < A (ynh; elm I = M, N,...,] eye.ItaAmag [elmk l I M elmg, N ""'a] spring, source.IItaAmag [efmk

    '] renowned.

    taAmagah [efmk's I M efmg'h] obvious, public, notorious.,...,ih: notoriety, condemnation.

    taAm-areAk [elm 'lyfk l ] envious.-ih: envy.

    taAm-did [efm dyt'] visible, obvious.tainig [e'fnyk' I M e'fnyg, N cami] taste.

  • ~inwad22~aAt

    ~aAt [c)lt l I N -..] lunch, meal.l-..ag [-k l ] food.

    I~astag [c)ltk l ] doctrine.~Astan, ~as- [c)/-tn l ] teach.-..isn: teaching.~atrang [ctlng I (Ar. latranJ)] chess.·~aw(la)gAn [cwpk)n' ! IAr. ~awlaJiin,N laugiin] (curved) polo-stick; polo.~axAagih [ch.Pkyh] (sense of) taste.~axMsn [cMln' I M, J cxl-, N laf-] taste, flavour.l~e [ME < A mh I M cy, N li] what, which.- ray: for what, why.-ih: quiddity, essence.

    2~e [ME, v. l~e] for, because, since, as, that.~e-ewenag [ME )dwynk

    '] how.

    -ih: circumstances.~egam-iz [cyk)m-c I M cyg)myc], ........-e(w): a little; whatever.~egamag [cyk)mk l I N l(ag)iima] song, snatch.~eh-, ........isn, v. 2~idan.·~ehag [cyhk'] grief.~ehel [40 I N lihil] forty.~eh-widarag [cyhwtlg] = ~inwad puhl.~iHan [cyl)n

    'I = M, N -..] dagger.

    -gar [-kl, -gl I N -..] swordsmith.~er [cyll M cyr, N -] victorious, triumphant; brave.-ih: bravery.~erihistan, ~erih- [cylyh-stn'] triumph, be victorious.leidan, tin- [cytn l , cyn- I M cyydn, cyn-, N -] gather; pile up.

    ........isn: gathering.lIeidan, ~eh- [cytn l , cyh- I M cy-] mourn, lament, grieve.-iAn: lamentation.-isnig: mournful.

    leihr [cyhll M cyhr, N -] form, shape, appearance, face.lIeihr(ag) [cyhl(k' ) I M cyhr, P -g, N -] seed, origin; nature, essence.~ihrenidant Clhren- [cyhlyn-ytn l ] form.eihrig [cyhlyk'] natural.eihr-sniisih [cyhlfn)syh] physics.Clm [c(y)m I M cym, N ........] reason, cause, purpose, meaning.

    ........ (rAy) : why?~im-gl)WAgih[cym gwb)kyh] logic.~imig [cymyk l ] purposeful.ein- t ........isn, v. leidan.~inag [cynk

    'I P cyng, N ........a] grain, bait.

    ~iniir [cyn)ll N -] oriental plane tree.~inwad [cynw(p)t l ], - puhl: the 'divider bridge' which separates the

    souls of the righteous dead, who cross, from those of the wicked, whofall off.

  • BrAy 23

    elrAy [cl'" I P cr'g, N ,...,] lamp.eli [MNDOM I P cyI) = tis, q.v.ely6n [cygwn l 1M c'wn, N fun] as, like, how, when.

    ,..., ka: as if.,...,ih: nature, character.

    e6b [crop IN,...,] wood, stick.-ag [_kl I N -a] wand, arrow shaft.



    Idabr [dpl] sinner, deceiver.2dabr [dpl] ·dark-coloured.dad [dtl I M dd, N,...,] wild animal.IdAd [d't' I M d'd, N ,...,] law, justice; those scriptures dealing with legal

    matters.2dAd [d't

    'IN,...,] age.

    3diid [d't '] tooth.'dAd, v. ahlaw-diid.diidan, dah- [YHBWN-tn' < A "II yhb; d)tn', dh- I M d'dn, (dy-), P dh-

    N -, dih-] I. give; 2. create.,...,iin [dh(y)fnl] giving, donation; creation.

    diidiir [d't'll N -] creator.,...,ih: creatorship.

    dAdestiin [DYNA < A dyn'; d)tst'n l I M d'(d)yst'n, N da(de)stdn]judgement, justice, law; case, process.

    diid-giih [d)t g)s] proper place, fire temple; = daxmag.dAdig [d'tyk'] legal, concerned with the Law.diid-meh [d'tms] adult, elder.diidwar [d)twbl I (M d'ywr, P d'dbr), N da(d)war] judge.,...,ih: judgement.

    daftan, dam- [dptn' , dm- I M dm-, N dam-idan] breathe, blow.,...,iin: breath.

    daftar [dptll N ,...,] register, account-book.dagr [ALYK < A 'ryk; dgll M dgr > dyr, N der] long.dagrand [dglnd I N derand] long.,...,-xwadiiy [-hwt'y] eternal, of long dominion.

    dagrl-pattAy [dgl pt'd] long-lasting.--zamAn [-;m'n l ] a long time.--zi(w)iin [-zywfn l ] long-lived.

    dah [ro, ASL Y A < A (ir' I M dh, N ,...,] ten.dah-, ,...,isn, v. dAdan.DahAg [dh)k l I (N Dahiik)] = AzdahAg.dahlin [PWME < A p(w)m-h I M dhyn, N dahan] mouth.dahlbed [dhywpt' I M dhybyd] ruler, lord of the land.

  • dahillin 24 darzill

    dahigan [dhywk'n1 iN dihgan] countryman, farmer.dahliz [d'hlye I (M dhryz), N ,...,] portico.dahm [d'hm] virtuous, pious; a full member of the Mazdean community,

    initiate.dahom [d'hwm I M dhwm, N ,...,] tenth.dalman [d'lmn

    'I N dal(man)] lammergeyer, eagle.

    dam-, ,...,lsn, v. daftan.Idam [d'm I = M] creature, creation.lIdam [d'm 1= M, N,...,] tame animal.adam [d'm I P d'mg, N ,...,] net, snare, trap.damad [d'm't

    'I M d'm'd, N ,...,] bridegroom, son-in-law.

    ,...,ih: condition of a bridegroom, son-in-law.damenag [dmynk l ] fan.'damidan [dmytn

    '] = daftan.

    din-, --lsn, v. danistan.-dan [-d'n l I = M, N --] suffix, -holder, -container.dan(all) [d'n(k) I I N ,...,a] seed, grain.danAg [d'n'k ' I M d'n'g, N dana] knowing, wise. ~\1 ~~,...,ih: knowledge, wisdom.

    dandan [KKA < A kk'; dnd'n' I = M, N --] tooth.dAnistan, dan- [YDOYTWN-stn' < A"'; ydC

    ; d'n-stn' I M d'71-ystn,N --] know.

    --isn: knowledge.,...,lsnOmand [-sn'wmnd] knowing.

    dar [BBA < A bb'; dll M dr, N,...,] door; palace; chapter, subject.dar [d'll M d'r-, N ,...,] tree, gallows; wood.dar-, --lsn, v. dastan.-dar [-d'll M -d'r, N --] suffix, -holder, -keeper.P daray [dl'g I J --, N daray] bell.·darak [dlk l ] section, paragraph.darband [BBAbnd IN",] gate.darbas [dIp's] palace.dard [dW I M drd, N ,...,] pain.--omand [-'wmnd I M -wmnd, N ""'mand] ill, suffering.

    daren [d'lyn l 1M d'rwyn] wooden.dargah [dIg's I N --] doorway.dargardih [d'lkrtyh I M d'rgyrdyh] crucifixion.dar-handarzbed [BBA-, dl-hndlept '] chamberlain.darigbed [dlykpt

    '] palace superintendent.

    • darmag [d'lmk'] fine, delicate.

    darmin [dlm'n'

    I M drm'n, N --] remedy, medicine.darridan, darr- [SDKWN-tn' < A"'; sdq; dl-ytn' IN",] split, tear.darfig [d'lwk' I M d'rwg, N daru] drug, medicament.dar-wazig [d'lw'eyk

    'I N dlir-baz] (pole-)acrobat.

    darz [dIe I N --] seam.",ill [_yk l I N darzi] tailor.

  • das 25 dazidan

    das [d's I N --] sickle.dasBr [d'sl = Av. dii8ra-] gift, reward.dast [YDE < A yd-h; dstl I = M, N --] hand.dasta~ [dstk 1 I N --a] bunch, bundle, group.dast(a)~ird [YDE-, dst-krt l I M dstygyrd, N dastgird] estate.dast-l1ir [dst OHDWN, (v. griftan) I N --] I. helper; 2. captive.dast-~raw [dstglwb'] captivity.dast-karih [YDEk'lyh I N --i] handiwork.dast-Aoy [dstfwd] = ~omez.dastwar [dstwbll M dstwr, N dastilr] authority, priest, minister.--ih: custom; authority.

    dastyar [dstyd'll (P dstd'r), N --] helper.--ih: help, assistance.

    daAn [dIn' I = M] right hand.diAn [d'fn' I M d'f(y)n] gift.daAna~ [dInk I I N --a] I. right hand; 2. dagger.daAt [dft' I = M, N --] plain, open ground.dastan [dIt'n l I N --] menstruation; menstruous.--estan [-st'n l ] secluded place for menstruous women.---mah [-m'h] menstrual cycle.-omand [-'wmnd] menstruous.

    daAtan, dar- [YHSNN-tn'< A"'; b-sn; d'Itn' , d'l-I M d'ftn, d'r-, N-]

    have, hold, keep, preserve.pad ..• dastan: hold by, to; take for.pad ed da§tan [cf. N pindiiItan] consider.-iAn: preservation, maintenance.

    dastar [d'ft'l] keeper, preserver.daw-, v. dawidan, dawistan.1dawal [dwb'll N -] leather, skin.Idawal [dwb'll N --] deceit, trickery.1dawidan, daw- [LHTWN-tn l < A"'; rh,; dwytn', dwb- I M dw-, N -]

    run.2dawidan, daw- [dw-ytn'] speak (daevic).1,2 dawistan [LHTWN-stn

    ', dwstn'] = 1. 1II dawidan.

    daxmal1 [dhmk l I P dxmg, N --a] tomb, dakhma (a building where corpsesare exposed for destruction).

    -estan [-st'n l ] cemetery.daxsa~ [dhIk l I M dxfg] mark, sign, characteristic; memory.pad -- dastan: remember.az - hi~tan: forget.-omand [-'wmnd] marked.

    Day [ddw'1M dyy, N --] Creator; cal. loth month; 8th, 15th, 23rd days.

    daya~ [d'yk l I M d'yg-, N --a] (wet-)nurse.--anih [-'nyh] I (N diiyagi)] nursing, nurture.

    dazidan, daz- [dc-ytn'] burn, scorch......isn: burning.

  • debAg 26 d~st

    debag [dyp)k l I N deM] brocade.debahr [dyp)hll P dybhr] anger.pad -- dastan: banish.

    deg [dyk ' I N -] cauldron. hl ~)deh [MTA < A me I M dyh, N --] country, land; village. f/7oJl 2,l j .,--gan [MTA-, d)hk)n'] = dahigan.

    den [dyn l I = M, N din] religion; cal. 24th day.denar [dyn)ll N dinar] (gold) dinar.den-astawan [dyn)stwb)n

    '], den-burdar [dynbwlel] believing, faithful.

    denig [dynyk'

    I N dini] religious.denodag [dynwtk

    '] female, milch.

    der,daand,v.dagr,dagrand.des(ag) [dys(k l ) I M dys] form, appearance.desidan, des- [dys-ytn

    'I M dys-yd] build.

    dew [SD Y A < A fyd\ pI. fydy) I N -] demon, devil.dewan [d(p)yw'n l I N -] archive, collected writings.dewanag [dyw'nk

    'I N --a] demonic, mad.

    dewar [dyw'll M dyw'r, N -] wall.dewl-esnih [SDYAysnyh I (M dyw'snyh)] idolatry, devil-worship.--ezagih [SDYAyckyh] = ---esnih.

    dewok [dywwk l I N dewuk] leech.dibir [dpy(w)r' I M dbyr, N --] scribe.--ih: writing, scribeship.-estan [-st'n' I. N --] school.

    did [TWf! < A twb; dtl] again, then, further.didan, wen- [HZ YTWN-tnl < A .y (lzy; dytn' , wyn- I M dydn, wyn-,

    N -, bin-] see.---isn: sight, seeing.--isnig: visible.

    didar [dyell N --] sight; visible.pad - [N padidiir] visible.

    didom [dtwm] second.dil [LB(B)ME < A lb(b)-h; dyll = M, N -] heart.dUer [dytywl, dtyll N -] brave.diz [KL YTA < A qryt'; de 1 M dyz, N -] fortress.do [2, TLYN' < A tryn I M dw, N du] two.--axwanig [2 'hw'nyk

    '] relating to both worlds.

    -ganag [dwk'nk l 1M dwg'ng, N dugana] double; twin.dok [dwk' I N -] spindle.dol [dwt I N --] bucket; astr. Aquarius.dol-pahikar [dwptkll N du-paikar] astr. Gemini.---pay [2 LGLE, dwp'd I N du-pa] biped, human being.

    dos [dws I N -] gum; plaster.do-saxwan [2 shwn

    '] two-tongued, deceitful.

    dosen [dwsyn'] gummy; plastery; ·glazed (pottery).

    dost [dwst' I = M, N -] friend.

  • dOstih 27 drOn

    --ih: friendship, love.Idos [dwl I N --] shoulder.2dOs [dwl I N --] last night, previous evening.dos-, --isn, v. 1.2 dosidan, Idoxtan.dOsa~ [dwlk

    '] dear, loving.

    --ih: love.dosaram [dwS'lm 1M dwS'rm] love.dosastar [dwlst1] west.1dosidan, dOs- [dwl-ytn'] like, love.--isn: liking, pleasure.

    2dosidan [dwfytn'] = Idoxtan.dosiza~ [dwlyek l I (M dwxf, J dwlkyzh), N --a] maiden, virgin•.....,ih: maidenhood, virginity.

    dOwom [2wm I N --] -second (in compound numerals).Idoxtan, dos- [dwhtn

    ', dwl- I N --] milk.

    2doxtan, doz- [dwhtn', dwe- I N --] sew.

    doysBr [dwys1 = Av. doilJra-] eye.doz-, v. 2doxtan.drafs [d1pl I P drjf, N --] banner.drafsidan, drafs- [d1pf-ytn' I P drjf-, N --] I. shine; 2. tremble.drahm [ZWZN' < A zwzn I M drhm, N dir(h)am] drachm.dra(h)nay [dl(h)n)d] length.dramana~ [d1mnk

    'I N dirmana] wormwood.

    dran~ [d1ng I N dirang] period, duration.dranJidan, dranJ- [d1ne-ytn '] speak.--isn: speech.

    draxt [dW)ht'

    I M drxt, N diraxt] tree.dray-, .....,isn, v. drayidan.draya(b) [d1yd'(p) I M dry'b. N daryii(b)] sea.---bar [-b)ll N -bar] sea-shore.

    drayan-Joyisn [d1'd'n ywdfn'] one who speaks while eating.

    --ih: (the sin of) speaking while eating.drayidan / drayistan, dray- [d1'd-ytn

    ', -stn' I M dr'yst, dr'y-, N

    dariiyidan] speak (daevie), chatter......,isn: chatter.

    draz [dPe I N diriiz] long.·drem [d1ym] phlegm.driyos [d1gwf I N dary6f, darwef] poor, needy......,ih: poverty.

    dro [KDBA < A kdb); d1wb' I M drw, (N daro,,)] lie, deceit.drod [SRM < A f1m; d1wt l I M drwd, N darod] health, well-being,

    prosperity, peace.dro-dadwarih [KDBA d'twblyh] false judgement.Idron [dlwn l I N daruna] bow.2dron [d1wn

    'I N darun] consecrated bread, ceremony in which c.b. is


  • dron yaAtan duA-~ihr

    dron yaAtan: consecrate the sacrificial bread.droA [dlwl] mark, branding; punishment.

    .....al1 [~k'] -desolation.droAidan, dros- [dlwl-ytn

    '] brand.

    drosom [dlwlwm] mark.droz-,v. druxtan.drozan [dlwcn l 1M, J drwzn] lying, liar.

    .....ih: falsehood.drubuAt [dl(w)pwlt

    '] fortress .

    .....ih: defence, fortification.driidan, -driin- [HCDLWN~tnl< A ..; l:z~d I M dr(wd, (dwr-), N

    durudan, diraw-] reap, mow.drust [drw(y)st l I (M dryst), N durust] right; well, healthy.

    .....ih: righteous; health.drustabed [drwystpt l ] chief physician.druAt [dlwlt ' I N durult] harsh, rough, severe......,ih: harshness, severity......-awaz, -..-ewaz [-)p)c, ~)yw)c] harsh-spoken.

    druwand [dlwnd 1M drwnd] evil, sinful, unrighteous.-..ih: sin, unrighteousness.

    druxtan, droz- [dlwhtn', dltvc- I M drwxt, drwz-] lie, deceive.

    druz [dlwc I (P dr~f)] demon.diid [dwt' I M dwd, N .....] smoke.diidal1 [dwtk

    'I N .....a] family.

    dudil1ar [dtykll M dwdygr, N digar] second.duJ-, = dus- •

    .....-daft [dwSdpt 1] ill-breathing, short of breath.

    .....,·danal1 [dwld)n)k '] ignorant.-..-den [dwSdyn

    'I M dwjdyn-] of evil religion.

    -..-doysarih [dwSdwyslyh] the evil eye.-"-l1and [dwIgnd I P dwjgnd] stinking.--l1andih: stench.

    dum(b) [dwm(b 1) I N -] tail.-omand [-)wmnd] tailed.

    diir [LHYK' < A rl:zyq; dwll M dwr, N .....] far, distant, remote.durl1ar [dwlgll N .....] carpenter.dusraw [dwslwb

    '] notorious, dishonoured.

    -..ih: notoriety, dishonour.duA- [dwl- I = M] ill-, evil- .

    .....ih: evil, wickedness.

    .....,-al1ah [dwl)k)s] foolish, stupid, ignorant.

    .....,-al1ahih: foolishness, stupidity.

    .....,-arz [-)lc] worthless.

    .....-~aAm [-elm] envious.

    ....,-~aAmih: envy.-·~ihr [-cyhll M dwlcyhr] ugly, hideous.

  • duA-ewazih 29 dwAzdahAn

    ........ewAzih [-)yw)cyh I (M dwlw)cyh)] evil speech, calumny.

    ........farrag [-pig I P dw.ffr] unfortunate.

    .......-farragih: misfortune.

    .......-g~wtAn [-gwbln l ] of evil speech, ill-spoken.

    .......-humat [-hwmt'] evil thought.

    .......·hiixt [-hwht l I M dwlxwptyyl] evil speech.

    .......-kAm [-k)m] ill-will, malevolence.

    .......·kanig [-knyk'] hag........-kar [-kl] difficult.

    .......-kuniAn [-kwnin'] of evil behaviour, ill-doing.

    duAmat [dwlmt l = Av. dulmata· 1M dwlmtyyl] evil thought.duAmen [dwlm(y)n l I = M, N dulman] enemy.

    .......ih: enmity.

    .......Adih [dwlmn)tyh I M dwlmny)dyh, J dwlmn)dy] enmity, hostility.duA-i-menlin [dwl-mynln'] of evil thought, iII-thinking........-nam [-n)m IN .......] abuse, insult.duAox [dwlhw' I M dwl(w)x] hell.......ig [-yk'] hellish.duA-padtxsa(y) [dwlp)thP(d)] evil ruler.

    .......ih: evil rule, misrule.dusrAm [dwIW)m] unhappy.

    ......ih: unhappiness.duiwar [dwI)wll M dw/w)r, N .......] difficult, disagreeable.

    .......ih: difficulty, trouble, misfortune.dus-I-wir [dwl-wyl] evil-minded.

    .......-wurr~ytinlh [-wlwdlnyh] heresy.

    .......-xem [-hym] evil-natured.

    .......-xwadAyih [-hwt)yh] misrule.

    .......-xwAr [-hw)ll N ......] = duiwilr.duixwarst [dwlhwwllt l 1M dwlxw)ltyhl] evil deed.duxt [BRTE < A brt-h; dwht l 1M dwxt, N ......] daughter.

    .......ar [dwhtll N .......] daughter.duz(d) [GNBA < A gnb); dwc(t) I M dwz, N duzd] thief.

    .......ih [dwc(d)yh] theft.duzidag [dwcytk l ] stolen; intercalary (days).duzidan, duz- [dwc-ytn' I N duzdidan] steal.dwilridan I dwartstan, dwAr- [dwb)l-ytn l , -stn l I M dw)r-] run, move(daevic) ........tsn: abode (of demons), hell.

    dwazdah [dw)cdh I M dw)zdh, N duwazdah] twelve........An [-)nl ] the zodiac.

  • Eeraxtan

    e ey I (M hyb)] particle giving the present tense optative sense.e, v. ed, eWeebarag edyp)lk l , )dw)lk l I N ewar] evening.ebgat(ih) ['ybgt

    ', -yh = Av. aif3i.gati-] (onslaught of) Evil; the Adver-

    sary.ebsrilsrbn (lyp-, )ybslwslym = Av. aif3isru8rima-] thegah from sunset to

    midnight.ebyanghan eyp-, )ywby)nghn l , etc. = Av. aif3ydiJhana-] sacred girdle,

    = kustig.e~ [lye I (P )ywyc), N hel](with a negative) not any.e~and, v. ew-~and.ed [HNA < A hn) I M )yd] this; v. dastan.-- ray ~e [ef. N z-e-ra] because, since.

    edar [LTME < A I-tnh I M )ydr, N --] here.edon [)ytwn l I N idun] thus, so.--ih: (correct) manner.

    eg [ADYNI < A )dyn I M )yg] then, thereupon.ek (lywk' I M yk, N yak] one.ekiinag [)ywk)nk

    'I N yagana] submissive, obedient.

    --ih: submission, obedience.ek-dad eywhd)t

    '] sole-created.

    emed edmyt l ] hope.en [ZNE < A znh I M nftr' I N .-..] land of the Aryans.---wez [-wyc] (original) home of the Aryans.

    leraxtan, eranJ- [)ylhtn' , )ylnc- I J )yrxt] blame, condemn, damn.

  • i!raxtan 31 izm

    2eraxtan, eranJ- eylhtn l , )ylnc- I M (yrxt, Cyrmr-)] fight, dispute.iraxtAr eylht)l] warrior.er-kaA edlkf I M )yrkf] (hands under the amlpits in respectful) salutation,

    greeting.lermAn eylm)n' I (M )ry)m),,), N ,...,] friendj a god•

    .....Ih: friendship.2er-mAn(ag) edlm)n(k)'] humble.ir-meniinih edlm.)'n!nyh] humility.i!r-tan [)dltn

    '] humble.

    ,...,ih: humility.i!rwAr eylw)l] befitting a hero.erwarag edlw)lkl I J )rw)rh] jaw, cheek.esm [)ysm] = ezm.espo, v. spo.~stadan, ~st- [YKOYMWN-tn' < A yqym, ...; qwmj )st)tn', )wst-)tn' I

    M (yst.'dn, N .....] standj be, continue (as auxiliary of the perfect con-tinuous tense).

    ,...,iAn: permanence, lasting, dwelling.ei [)yf I N xeI] plough.tin"', v. fno.e(w) [Ij HD < A 1;zd I M (yw, N -e] a, one.i!wan edwn'] stalk, trunk.ewan edw)n

    '] bridle.

    ewar eywll J )y,9)r] certain(ly), assured(ly).iwarz edwlc] movement.ewarzidan, ewarz- edwlc-ytn'] move, travel.ewarzig [)dwlcyk

    '] moving.

    lewAz [)yw)c] word, utterance.lewAz [)yw)c] sole, only.-ig [_yk l ] particular, individual.

    ew-bAr [)ywb)l] once.e(w)-~and ey(w)cnd] some, a few.ewi!n edwynl I M )ywyn, (N ayin)] manner, custom, form, propriety.

    pad,...,: properly.lewenag edwynk

    'I M )ywyng] = ewen; v. ~e-. .,

    sewenag edwynk' I (N ayina)] mirror. 50CJD (~..J~) ?'~jn kew-kard(ag) eywkrt(k)l, -kltk l ] united, joined.e(w)-mOg ey(w)mwk l ] wearing (only) one shoe.ew-sAn eyws)n' I (N yak-san)] uniform, (a)like.-ih: uniformity, likeness.

    ew-tAg eywt)k l I M (yw t)g, (N yakta)] alone, single, individual.ez-, v. yaz- .

    .....i§n eycln l ] worship.izm [CYBA < A Iyb) I N hezum] firewood, fuel. OS1' ~j

  • farr- 32



    farr-, v. xwarrah.Farrobll~[plwb(')g] the first major Fire of Sasanian Eran, that of priests

    and nobles.farrox [plhw

    'I M prwx, N -] fortunate, blessed, happy.

    -ih: fortune, joy, happiness.fiHisofa [pyPswkp)y] philosopher.frabih [plpyh I (P frbyw), N farbth] fat, stout.Fradadafs [pldtpf = Av.fradaSa/fu-] the south-eastern continent of the

    earth.frada~ [MHL < A m~r; plt)k

    'IN farda] tomorrow.

    fradahlsnih [pPdhfnyh] increase, progress.fradom [AWLA < Ar. I )wP; pltwm I (M prtwm)] first.-ih: first, beginning.fra~an [plk)n

    '] base, foundation; origin.

    fra~andan, fra~an- [plkn-dn l ] lay foundations.frahan~ [pPhng I N farhang] education; knowledge.-estan [-st)n l ] school.

    frahanJ-, v. frahlxtan.frahlst [plh(y)st' I (M pr)yst)] most (superlative of freh).frahlxta~ [plhhtk

    'I N farhixta] educated, trained, skilled.

    frahlxtan, frahanJ- [plhhtn', pl'hnc- I P frhynj-, N far--] educate,teach, instruct.

    framadar [plm)t)l] commander, ruler, chief.framan [plm)n l I M frm'n, N farman] order, command; a minor degree

    of sin.......-burdar [-bwlt)ll N -bardar] obedient, submissive.

    framay-, -lsn, v. framiidan.frllmos [pW)mwf I M pr)mwf, N faramof] forgotten.framosidan [plmwfytn l ] = framustan.framiidan, framay- [plmwtn', plm)d- I M prm)dn, prm)y-, N far-]

    order, command.-lsn: order, commandment.

    frllmustan, frllmos- [pZC)mws-tn l M pr)mwft, pr)mwf-, N fara--]forget.

    franaftan, ·franam- [plnptn l , ·plnm- I M prnpt, prnm-] go, proceed,depart.

    franaftan, franam- [pln)ptn1, pln)m- I P frn)m-] I. lead, conduct, re-move, promote; .2. profess, propagate (faith).

    -lsn: removal, promotion, profession.frarast [pPl'st l ] a cubit (18 in.).fraron [pl'lwn l ] righteous, honest.

    ......ih: righteousness, honesty.fra8an~ [plsng I N farsang] parasang (4 Roman miles).

  • frasAwand 33 friltan

    frasawand [pls)wnd] perishable, transient.--ih: transience.

    frasp [plsp I N farasp] roof·tree, bc:ull, mast.·fral [plJ] spear.fral(a)gird [pUkrt l I M prl(y)gyrd] the Restoration (at the end of time).--ig [-yk '] of Eternity (after the Restoration).

    fral(a)murw [pllmwlw' I M frlymwrw] peacock.fraln [pUn l ] question.frawahr [plw)hll Mprwhr-] man's immortal soul, guardian angel during

    his lifetime.frawAr [plw)ll N farwar(a)] bastion.fraward [plwlt

    'I M frwrd-] = frawahr.

    frawardag [plwltk'

    I M prwrdg] letter, epistle.·frawArdan, frawir- [plw)l-tn l ] present, serve (food).Frawardigan [plwltyk)n l I N farwardagan] festival of the frawards, the

    last five days of the twelfth month (Spandarmad) and the followingfive epacts (v. gahinig).

    Frawardin[plwltynl I Mfrwrdyn, Nfar.......] cal. the first month; 19th day.frilx [pl)hw l I N fariix] large, wide, spacious, ample, prosperous. fri;1-~--Ih: plenty, prosperity. l/J'

    frAxenidan, fraxen- [pl)hwyn-ytn l ] enlarge, make prosper.fray [pl)y I M pr)y] more, much.frayad [plyd)t

    'I M pry)d, N faryad] help, assistance.

    frayAdidan, frayid- [plyd)t-ytn l I M pry)d-] help, assist.--iln: help, assistance.--ilnig: helpful.

    fraz [pr)c I M pr)z, N faraz] forth, forwards.-- abgandan: throw forward.-- az: after, apart from........ brehenidan: fashion forth, create.-- griftan: undertake, perform; appoint, decide.-- 0: up to.

    frazaftan [plcptn'

    I (M przwps-)] finish, be perfected.frazaftan, frazam- [plc)jJtn l , plc)m- I M prz)ptn] finish, complete,

    perfect........iln: completion.

    frazAm [plc)m I (N farjam)] end, conclusion.frazamenidan, frazamen- [plc)myn-ytn

    '] = frazAftan.

    frazam-perozih [plc)m pylwcyh] final victory.frazanag [plc)nk l I P frz)ng, N farzana] wise, intelligent.--ih: wisdom, intelligence.

    frazand [pr~nd I M frzynd, N farzand] child, son, offspring.--ih: sonship.

    frazen [plcyn'

    I N farzin] (chess) queen (lit. 'guard').freb [plyp I N fireb] deceit, deception.freftan, freb- [plyp-tn

    'I N fir.......] deceive.

    C I\6R4 D

  • frettAr 34

    freftAr [plypt)l] deceiver; deceived.freg [plyk

    'I M pryyg] shoulder(-blade).

    freh [plyh IN Jirih] more, much, = fray.---bud(ih) [-bwt

    ', bwtyh] excess.

    frestadan / frestidan, frest- [SDRWN-(y)tn l < A '" IdTj plyst-)tn' ,-ytn' I M pTyst-)d, N Jiristadan] send.

    frestag [plystk l I M prystg, (N firilta)] apostle, angel.frez [plyc] duty, obligation.--banig, -wamg [-p)nyk

    ', -w)nyk

    '] obligatory.

    -banih, -wanih [-p)nyh, -w)nyh] fulfilling duties.frod [plwt' I M pTwd, N juro(d)] down.-mand [-m)nd] deficiency, shortcoming.

    frog [plwk'I N juror] brilliance, brightness.

    frogihistan, frogih- [plwkyh-stn'] shine.

    froxtan, fro(x)s- [MZBNW-tn l < A mzbn, ...; zbn I M prwxl-, NjUToxtan, jUTol-] sell. -

    frusag [plwlk' INjurIa] beestings.

    G (f)Itabr [gpl, gwbll M gbr, N ? gar] hollow, cavity, womb.-ih: hollowness.ga~ [gc IN,..,,] plaster, gypsum.-en [_yn l ] (made of) plaster.

    gad [gtl = Av. gaM-] club, mace.gidan, gay- [SL YTWN-tn l < A ...; sry ?; g)tnl I N -] copulate with.gAdar [g)t)l] husband.gadwar [gtwl = Av. gaSawara-] bearing a club.19ah [g)s I M g)h, N ,..,] place, throne, bed.lIgAh [g)s I N -] time; a fifth division of the day; = gAhAnbAr.agAh [g)s] a Gatha, hymn.gahAn [g)s)nl] the Gathas; those scriptures dealing with spiritual and

    theological matters.gAhAnbar [g)s)nb)ll N giihanbtir] the six divisions of the year, the five-day

    festivals celebrated at the ends of these.gahAmg [g)s)nyk

    '] relating to the Gathas; spiritual; the five epact days

    at the end of the year.gahbed [g)spt l I N ""gahbad] treasurer, banker.,..,ih: treasurership.

    gahl [g(')hl I N gal] sorghum, giant millet.gahug [g)hwk

    '] bier.

    ItlhwArag [g)sw)lk'

    I N gdhwiira] cot, cradle.all [g)l] household, following.

  • 3S iAwars

    galog [glwk l I N gulo] throat.gam [g)m I = M, N .......,] pace, step, stride; a yard (3 ft.) .

    ......., i do pay: a pace (5 ft.).Mganag [-k)nk' I M -g)ng, N -gana] suffix forming numerical adjectives,

    -fold.gand [gnd I N -..] stench.gandag [gndk' I (M gng), N """a] foul, stinking......,ih: stench.

    gandanag [gndn)k l IN gandana] leek.gandum [Hg < A /;lnth I (M gnwm), N .....,] wheat.gan) [gnc I (M gnz), N .....,] treasure, treasury........,war [-wbll M -wr, N -..] treasurer.

    gan(n)ag [gn)k'

    I (P gnd)g)] foul, corrupt (v. gandag)........, menog: the Evil Spirit........,ih: corruption.

    gar [gl] mountain.Mgar [-kl, -gil M -gr, N .....,] suffix forming actor nouns.-gar [-k)ll M -g)r, N.......,] suffix forming actor nouns.garan [gPn l I M gr)n, N giran] heavy, serious, difficult........,ih: heaviness, weight.

    garasman [glsm)n l I M gr)sm)n] = garodman.gard [gltl I N -..] dust.gardan [gltn l I M grdn, N.....,] neck.gardan