a committed neighbour hood

Qatar today  july 2011 74 grEEN ScENE  ven more convivial is the landscape inside. Green is not just a movement but a colour in abundance within the guarded gates. Landscaped lawns and lush gardens line the roads, while most o the residences seem to have a thriving vegetable garden with nu- merous papaya trees and date palms visible above the ences.  As you enter, the security guard cautions to keep to a speed limit o 25 kmph. I nod in acquiescence and press lightly on the pedal to nd the speedometer touching 30kmph. I learn to drive – or crawl to be more precise, and make my way to the ofce o the Al Khor Community, where I am met by Nabil Makarem, Community Director, and Laura Young, Events and PR Coordina- tor o Al Khor Community, who with their team mates, take the green concept quite seriously. So much so, they have a dedicated team and an allocated sizable allowance which is used directly or community developments, o which environmental activities take a sizeable share. "This is the largest community in Qatar which houses the expat operational working community o Qatargas and RasGas. It was a CommITTed neIgHBourHood  AL khor community redefines sustAinABLe Living aFtEr a 45-km loNg drIvE, aloNg ScENEry that at BESt BE dEScrIBEd aS dry aNd at WorSt, dEprESSINg, thE gatES to thE al khor commuNIty WaS a rEFrEShINg SIght. e B y sindhu nair

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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Page 1: A CommITTed Neighbour Hood

8/6/2019 A CommITTed Neighbour Hood

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Page 2: A CommITTed Neighbour Hood

8/6/2019 A CommITTed Neighbour Hood

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