9.1 group 2

Occasion Location By Tyler Allcorn, Dylan Hicks, Oliver O’Dell and Jashvanth Srikantharajah

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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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Apps for Good Competition entry


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Occasion Location

By Tyler Allcorn, Dylan Hicks, Oliver

O’Dell and Jashvanth Srikantharajah

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Occasion Location is an app for parents and young adults who wish to find and book

venues for parties and social gatherings. This app is designed to relieve the stress of

planning social events and finding locations to hold them at . The app is designed to be used at home or on the go, as long as there

is internet access.

The Background Situation

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In the situation which we are trying to address with our app, people would be

struggling or finding it stressful to find and book venues to hold parties and social


What problems do people encounter which our app will address?

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The question that our app is addressing is where can I find an appropriate location for my party, one that has been reviewed and

rated by other users and has been checked for my safety and peace of mind?

What is the core question which our app can answer ?

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People during scoping have said that they often don’t know where to hold a party. This

leads to them getting very stressed and making them unpleasant to be around. Having a simple and user friendly-app

where you can search by postcode or party venues which have been checked for their

safety and peace of mind would help relieve some of that stress and would lead to them finding venues which they would not have

been able to find on their own.

How our app would solve genuine problems for our users

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Our team, Dolphin Productions, is developing a mobile app

to help parents and other adults who struggle to find a location for their party find,

book and rate venues where parties and social gatherings can be held.

Occasion Location, Designed by Dolphin Productions

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During scoping, we have learned that many parents who had younger

children feel that Occasion Location would be a helpful app when planning a party.

They like the idea of being able to leave ratings on a location without needing to give an email address, and they liked that the app also having

a website link or a telephone number where you can book the venue, saving time and hassle.

However some users did not like the idea of making this app a paid app and felt put off by this, but we feel that making this app a paid app is the

best option because by we would be able to avoid having advertisements on our app, which would make the app slower and less user-friendly.

Our users

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Having searched the market we have found an app called

‘VenueFinder.com’, which allows users to find a venue near them and offers special offers on booking the locations.

However, customers have complained about its slow working speed, and a long and complicated login where users have to enter email addresses and telephone numbers which many users may wish not to do; meaning they can send you unwanted notifications and advertisements. A much

more detailed and complicated search is also required to find a location, so the average browser would prefer our simple, user friendly app with

no email address or personal information required.

Alternative apps in the market

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The core feature of our app is to allow users to find locations for parties or

social gatherings near them which meet the criteria they have set in the simple search menu.

One user has said that with young children they have planned and been to many parties and gatherings before, and planning them can be stressful and time-consuming. Our user said that an app which allowed you to find

an appropriate location through a simple and user-friendly app, which includes images and ratings of the venue meaning you do not have to go

to the venue in person would be a useful and much-welcomed app; so fully backs our designing of Occasion Location.

Core features and User stories

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Our app will open straight onto the login page where users can open or edit an existing profile or create a new profile, or

continue without opening a profile. Users that have not opened a profile will then be taken to a search page where they are able to search an area by postcode for party locations which will be viewable on a map. Users that have opened a profile

will be taken to their profile page where they are able to access venues they have recently searched, or be taken to the search page. From the map users will be able to view a page

on the location that they have selected and access a telephone number or a website where they will be able to book the venue. Users with a profile will be able to rate and review

venues, whereas users without a profile will only be able to view other user’s reviews.

Users with a profile will also be able to access the Occasion Location website from their profile page, where they are able

to leave user feedback on our app which we will do our best to listen to.

The flow of our app and user feedback

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Our app will be quite technically complex because the app will have to be able to access the internet and it

will need to view a map so will require quite a lot of data, however we believe that the app is still technically feasible

and the app, from a user’s perspective, will still be easy to use from the

simplicity of the layout.

Data, Content and Technical Feasibility

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We have decided to charge users 69p to use our app and we will not allow

adverts on our app, because we feel that including advertisements in our app would make it less user friendly and would make it slower and not as easy to


We will also charge companies or individuals to have their venues able to be viewed and rented on our app, since we would have to send people to check

the venue to ensure they are safe before they can be added to the app.

During scoping we received 12 customer pledges, with the main deterrent for most people being having to pay 69p for the app, but we feel that to ensure the best possible user experience our current business model of charging

users and not allowing advertisements is the best option..


Our business model

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Our marketing strategy is to make a

Facebook account and a Twitter page for our app to raise awareness to users, and

we would also design a website which would allow companies to put forward venues which can be put on our app.

We feel that these marketing activities will help raise awareness of our app and will

give our app a wide array of locations which people can view and book.

Our marketing Strategy

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During the making of Occasion Location, we created a four-page website for our app where people are able to view our mockups, leave reviews of our app and

contact us with their locations which we can put onto our app.


We also had two people from the company designing the World Cup app view our app and give us useful feedback on design and integrating user feedback.

What else did we do?