(8) thomas kuhn

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  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn





    The history of science

    could produce adecisive transformation

    in the image of science

    by which we are now

    possessed (TSSR, 1).

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    THOMAS KUHN (1922-1996)

    He is one of the most influential philosophers of science of

    the twentieth century. His academic life started from physics,the history of science, and to the philosophy of science

    His book The Structure of Scient i f ic Revo lut ion sis one of

    the most cited academic books of all time. His contribution to

    the philosophy of science marked a break with several key

    positivist doctrines, & inaugurated a new style of philosophy

    of science that brought it closer to the history of science.

    In seeing philosophy as historically-conditioned, his account

    of the devt. of science held that science enjoys periods of

    stable growth punctuated by revisionary revolutions.

    Ex: (Philosophy) Scholasticism to Modern Philosophy

    He added the controversial incommensurability thesis, that

    theories from differing periods suffer from certain deep kinds

    of failure of comparability.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    Traditional History presents science as:

    a. Developed by accumulation provided by textbooks (facts,theories and observations)

    b. Result of scientistscontribution

    Kuhn emphasized on the importance of the history of

    science for philosophy of science. Kuhn proposed a dialectical (non-linear) form of historical

    reading of the history of the philosophy of science, which

    traversed different forms and stages of struggles.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    Science is not a stable, cumulative acquisition of knowledge.

    It does not move in a linear path.

    Sciences progress is not uniform but has alternating normal

    & revolutionary phases. The revolutionary phases are not

    merely periods of accelerated progress, but differ qualitatively

    from normal science. Normal science does resemble the

    standard cumulative picture of scientific progress(superficially, at least). Kuhn describes normal science as

    puzzle-solving(TSSR, 3542).

    Science is a series of breaks interrupted by intellectually

    violent revolutions. After an important revolutions, oneconceptual world view is replaced by another. Ex: From

    Ptolemaic understanding of the world to Copernican

    Revolution. From NewtonsGravitational Theory to Einsteins

    Relativity Theory.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Philosophy of sciencestraditionalsubject matter is scientific

    knowledge, and the relevant philosophical questions concern

    the aim, structure, sources, methods, and justification of

    scientific knowledge. What is Kuhnsposi t ion?

    He ridiculed the conception of scientific knowledge as

    the subject matter of philosophical reflection as one

    derived from the presentation of science in pedagogicaltextbooks.

    For Kuhn,animageof science drawn mainly from the study

    of finished scientific achievements . . . is no more likely to fit

    the enterprise that produced them than an image of anational culture drawn from a tourist brochure or a language


  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    Contrary to traditional belief, Kuhn maintained that a

    scientists is not an objective & independent thinker. They are not conservative individuals who simply accept

    what they have been taught & apply their knowledge to

    solving the problems which their theories speak.

    He/she is a puzzle-solver who aims to discover what theyalready know in advance. The man who is striving to solve a

    problem defined by existing epistemology & technique is not

    just a naval contemplator. He/she knows what to accomplish.

    He/she designs instruments & directs his thought accordingly.

    Is th is perspect ive a under the context of normal or

    revo lut ionary science?

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Scientificknow ledge, l ike language, is

    int r ins ica lly the common property of a

    group or else nothing at al l . Tounderstand i t , we shal l need to know the

    special character ist ics of the groups

    that create and use it(TSSR, 210).

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    The central idea of this influential book is that the

    development of science is driven, in normal periods ofscience, by adherence to what Kuhn called aparadigm.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    It is a universally recognized scientific achievement which

    provide model problems and solutions to a scientific

    community (by employing shared concepts, symbolic

    expressions, experimental & mathematical tools &procedures).

    The functions of a paradigm are to supply puzzles for

    scientists to solve and to provide the tools for their solution. A

    crisis in science arises when confidence is lost in the abilityof the paradigm to solve particularly worrying puzzles called

    anomalies. Crisis is followed by a scientific revolution if the

    existing paradigm is superseded by a rival.

    Moreover, a paradigm allows scientists to work successfully

    without having to provide a detailed account of what they are

    doing or what they believe about it.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    1. Paradigm is an exemplar.

    2. Paradigm is a matrix.


    - Kuhn noted that scientists canagree in their identification

    of a paradigm without agreeing on, or even attempting toproduce, a full rationalization of it. Lack of a standard

    interpretation or of an agreed reduction to rules will not

    prevent a paradigm from guiding research(TSSR, 44).

    - It consists of sets of methods, principles, assumptions,concepts & evaluative standards (blue print).

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Paradigms are thus first and foremost to be understood as

    large eyeglasses. They are accepted examples of actual

    scientific practice, which include law, theory, application, and

    instrumentation together. They provide models from whichspring particular coherent traditions of scientific research.

    In science, the heliocentric theory is a paradigm that

    superseded the geocentric theory and moderates mans

    scientific optimism.

    In philosophy, Analytic and

    Continental philosophies are

    examples of paradigms.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    2. Paradigm as a matrix.

    - It refers to clusters of methods & principles which organizes

    how research should be conducted & identifies what

    constitute a good scientific explanation.- In working with these shared models of successful work,

    scientists open a field of research possibilities, a disciplinary


    This matrix is the context within which shared concepts,symbols, apparatus, procedures, & theoretical models are

    used. It articulates a domain of phenomena as a field of

    research possibilities, which present opportunities,

    challenges, and dead ends.

    Ex: Newtons Law of Motion grounds the explanation of

    projectile motion

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Is a scient i f ic theory a parad igm?

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    A paradigm is essential to scient i f ic inquiry. Accordingto Kuhn, "no natural history can be interpreted in theabsence of at least some implicit body of intertwinedtheoretical and methodological belief that permits selection,

    evaluation, and criticism(TSSR).

    Paradigms help scientific communities to bound theirdiscipline in that they help the scientist to:

    1. create avenues of inquiry;

    2. formulate questions;3. select methods with which to examine questions, and

    4. define areas of relevance.

    "In the absence of a paradigm or some candidate forparadigm, all the facts that could possibly pertain to thedevelopment of a given science are likely to seem equallyrelevant(TSSR).

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    1. Inqu i ry begins wi th a random col lect ion of "mere facts"

    a. During these early stages of inquiry, different researchersconfronting the same phenomena describe and interpretthem in different ways.

    b. In time, these descriptions and interpretations entirelydisappear.

    2. A pre-paradigmatic schoo l appears.

    a. Such a school often emphasizes a special part of thecollection of facts.

    b. Often, these schools vie for preeminence.

    3. From the compet it ion of p re-paradigmat ic schools, oneparadigm emergesTo be accepted as a paradigm, atheory must seem better than its competitors, but it neednot, and in fact never does, explain all the facts with which it

    can be confronted", thus making research possible.

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    4. As a paradigm grows in strength and in the number ofadvocates, the preparadigmatic schools fade.

    a. "When an individual or group first produces a synthesisable to attract most of the next generation'spractitioners,the older schools gradually disappear".

    b. Those with "older views . . . are simply read out of theprofession and their work is subsequently ignored. If theydo not accommodate their work to the new paradigm, they

    are doomed to isolation or must attach themselves tosome other group", or move to a department of philosophy.

    5. A paradigm transfo rms a grou p into a pro fession or, atleast, a disc ipl ine.

    A paradigm gu ides the whole group 's research, and it isthis criterion that most clearly proclaims a field a science.

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    Kuhn claimed that science guided by one paradigm would

    be incommensurable with science developed under adifferent paradigm, by which is meant that there is no

    common measure for assessing the different scientific


    What is the pr imary role of incommensurabi l ity? This thesis of incommensurability, rules out certain kinds of

    comparison of the two theories and consequently rejects

    some traditional views of scientific devt., such as the view

    that later science builds on the knowledge contained within

    earlier theories, or the view that later theories are closer

    approximations to the truth than earlier theories.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    He initially used incommensurability predominately to

    challenge cumulat ive characterizations of scientific

    advance, and to challenge the idea that there are

    unchanging, neutral methodological standards forcomparing theories throughout the devt. of the natural

    sciences (like in evolution).

    He used the term incommensurable to characterize the

    holistic nature of the changes that take place in a scientific


    Problems whose solution was vitally important to the older

    tradition may temporarily disappear, become obsolete or

    even unscientific. On the other hand, problems that had not

    even existed, or whose solution had been considered trivial,may gain extraordinary significance in the new tradition.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    For Kuhn, the history of science reveals proponents of

    competing paradigms failing to make complete contact with

    each other's views, so that they are always talking at least

    slightly at cross-purposes. Ex: (1) The Newtonian paradigm is incommensurable with

    its Cartesian and Aristotelian predecessors in the history of


    These competing paradigms lack a common measurebecause they use different concepts and methods to

    address different problems, limiting communication across

    the revolutionary divide.

    The process of scientific change is eliminative and

    permissive rather than instructive. In the process of

    confronting anomalies, certain alternatives are excluded, but

    nature does not guide us to some uniquely correct theory.

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    For Kuhn, The reception o f a new paradigm often

    necessi tates a redef in it ion of the corresponding

    science. Some old problems may be relegated to

    another science or declared ent i rely " uns cient i fic ."[e.g. alchemy] Others that were previously non-

    existent or tr iv ial may, with a new paradigm,

    become the very archetypes of signi f icant

    sc ient i f ic achievement. [e.g., t ido logy, the stu dy of

    the tides] The normal-scient i f ic tradi t ion that

    emerges from a scient i f ic revolut ion is not only

    incompat ib le but o ften actually incommensurable

    wi th that which has gone before" (TSSR, 103).

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    THEORY" (TSSR, 67).

    It is a significant transformation from one framework to

    another. It is conditioned by the dialectic

    movements/struggles of different societal and

    epistemological factors.

    H d di h b t?

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    How does paradigm change come about?

    1. Discoverynovelty of fact.

    Discovery begins with the awareness of anomaly.

    The recognition that nature has violated the paradigm-induced

    expectations that govern normal science.

    A phenomenon for which a paradigm has not readied the


    Perceiving an anomaly is essential for perceiving novelty(although

    the first does not always lead to the second, i.e., anomalies can beignored, denied, or unacknowledged).

    The area of the anomaly is then explored.

    The paradigm change is complete when the paradigm/theory has

    been adjusted so that the anomalous become the expected. The result is that the scientist is able "to see nature in a different


    N.B.: But assimilating new information does not always lead to

    paradigm change.

    Not all theories are paradigm theories.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Why should a paradigm change be called a revolu t ion?

    What are the funct ions of scient i f ic revolut ions in the

    development of science?

    A scientific revolution is a noncumulative developmentalepisode in which an older paradigm is replaced by an

    incompatible new one. A scientific revolution that results in

    paradigm change is analogous to a political revolution.

    It comes about when one paradigm displaces another after aperiod of paradigm-testing that occurs only after persistent

    failure to solve a noteworthy puzzle has given rise to crisis. As

    part of the competition between two rival paradigms for the

    allegiance of the scientific community.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    When paradigm s change, the wo r ld i tsel f changes w ith

    them. How do the beliefs and concept ions of sc ient ists

    change as the resu l t of a paradigm shi f t?

    It is really difficult to fit nature into a paradigm.

    How does science progress?

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    Geocentric Theory Heliocentric Theory

    Creationism Theory of Natural Selection Theory of Spontaneous Generation Theory of Biogenesis

    Contraction Theory Plate Tectonics Theory

    Newtonian Mechanics EinsteinsSpecial Relativity

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    The central distinction of Thomas Kuhns TSSR (1962) is

    that between normal science and revolutionary science.

    Subsequent devts. in cognitive psychology have vindicated

    Kuhns departures from standard theories of cognition. It

    may even be the case that what is worth saving in Kuhns

    treatment of revolutions depends on the account of

    cognition that he developed for normal science. After all,Kuhns own most informative characterization of

    revolutionary science is that it is extraordinary nonnormal.

    Kuhns account of normal scientific cognition as puzzle-

    solving practices is guided by the exemplary problemsolutions that he called exemplars, together with what he

    termed anacquired similarity relation.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    How does science work? Scientific work is highly routinary

    suggests that we might be able to characterize modern

    scientific practice in terms of a method. There is, of course,

    a long history of such claims, beginning with Plato andAristotle but dating especially from the time of Francis

    Bacon and Rene Descartes.

    Today the idea that there is a single general method that

    defines scientific inquiry (the scientific method) remainspopular among school administrators and the general

    public, but it has been virtually abandoned by historians,

    philosophers, and sociologists of science.

    Kuhn stated that nearly all mature science is normal science &

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Kuhn stated that nearly all mature science is normal science &

    that normal science is, in some sense, routine.

    How did he explain norm al science as a rout ine?

    Indeed, for him, the existence of routine problems (& problem-

    solving activity) is the hallmark of a mature science. This, if

    anything, is his criterion of demarcation of mature science from

    immature science and nonscience.

    Many issues, including our overall conception of what science

    is, who scientists are, and what they do, hinge on the answer tothis question. At one extreme is the view that scientific work is

    methodical, dull routine and that scientists themselves are

    rather plodding people with tunnel vision.

    Yet Kuhn strongly denied that scientific work, in its salientaspects, proceeds on the basis of logical or methodological

    rules. Scientists, he said, do not employ many rules explicitly,

    nor will any set of rules that captures past practice be reliably

    projectable onto the future of science (TSSR, V).

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    In short, Kuhn confounded the Popperians, logical

    positivists, & others by claiming that scientific work is far

    more routinized yet far less methodical than they had

    imagined. How is th is possib le?

    The answer to this question is that Kuhn denied that routine

    scientific work is normally methodical in the sense of

    applying a set of rules. Rather, scientists directly model their

    current problem-solving efforts on concrete cases consisting

    of previous problem-solving achievements, which Kuhn

    termed exemplars.

    Stated in another way Kuhns point is that traditions and

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Stated in another way, Kuhn s point is that traditions and

    established, successful practices cannot be invented overnight

    by an act of will on the part of an individual or a group.

    Kuhn rejected the Enlightenment view that rational political

    societies and scientific communities can be created at will bysimply destroying established traditions and replacing them by

    a rationally planned enterprise by means of a Popperian

    constitutional convention. His conception of science was pre-

    Enlightenment in several respects, including appreciation ofthe importance of tradition.

    Kuhns main efforts, in explaining the emergence &

    maintenance of normal science, were devoted to the human,

    social-constructive side of normal science. Even given the right

    sort of world, it takes a very special sort of community torealize normal science. Kuhns twin focus here was on the

    recruitment and training of new members of the community

    and on the maintenance of order within the community and the

    policing of its boundaries.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    Kuhn suggested that the scientific community operates

    surprisingly like a medieval guild:

    (1) It is a community of practitioners who possess expert

    knowledge.(2) The community sharply distinguishes itself from the non-

    expert, lay public, including other expert scientific

    communities. Boundaries are maintained by the high costs

    of admission and expulsion, enforced by professors, journaleditors, peer reviewers, and other gatekeepers.

    (3) There is a standard training procedure for novices in a

    given specialty area. They are trained on the same

    problems, using the same or similar textbooks & laboratoryexercises. At advanced stages, the training typically

    involves something akin to a masterapprentice relation.

    (4) The knowledge is imparted by example far more than by


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    (5) Hence, the crucial knowledge that distinguishes an

    expert from a well-read novice remains largely tacit,

    inarticulate, & more knowing-how than knowing-that. It

    involves teaching by showing & knowing by doing. (6) Strong personal commitment to the imparted tradition is

    expected. Being too critical of community presuppositions

    and practices threatens both the community and onesown

    career prospects.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    How does a normal science wo rk?

    Kuhn popularized the view that scientific work is problem

    solving, not in Poppers grand sense but as a matter of

    routine. In order to secure their position in the communityand thereby gain a professional reputation & accessto more

    resources, normal scientists must pose and/or solve puzzles

    that further articulate the paradigm without breaking with its

    central thrust.

    The problems they tackle must be challenging and the work

    in solving them original but not radically innovative. Normal

    scientists must walk a tightrope, one held taut by Kuhns

    essentialtensionbetween tradition & innovation

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    How is it that scientists can recognize their own kind, so to

    speak, that is, recognize a piece of work and its author(s) as

    belonging to their specialty area? More specifically, how is it

    that scientists can recognize that a problem falls within theirdomain of professional expertise and responsibility in the first

    place, & subsequently determine whether dealing with it is

    feasible, given current intellectual and socioeconomic


    First, normal science screens out as irrelevant the vast

    majority of potential problems that might present themselves.

    It further screens out many of those that do fall within the

    general domain of the particular specialty

    in question, on the ground that these problems are not yet

    solvable because there exist no suitable exemplars to

    indicate what a good answer would look like.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    What is the role of an exemplar in a paradigm?

    The exemplars in a particular puzzle are not merely abstract

    models but also contain the primary computational resources

    relevant to solving the new problems with which they arematched. One or more exemplars, suitably adapted, provide

    a model of ones current puzzle and the sought-for solution.

    One figures out how to solve the current puzzle by finding

    sufficiently close matches to puzzles solved previously.


  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    How is revolu t ionary scient i f ic inquiry pos sib le?

    Therefore, in seeking to understand revolutions, we are

    drawn back to the nature of normal science (my central topic)and how tradition-bound inquiry, almost inevitably, leads to


    Even subtle developments, such as one can find in the

    tradition-bound work of normal science, can haveevolutionary implications, once those implications are

    explored and explicitly embodied in theoretical and

    experimental practice.

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn met at a conference in

    swingingLondonto compare and contrast their views on thenature of theory change in science.

    The debate was recorded & extended in an influential book

    called Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. Although

    Kuhn was at pains to begin his paper (1970) by stressing

    similarities between his own views of scientific development

    and those of SirKarl,and albeit Kuhnsofficial line was that

    the differences between Popper and himself were

    comparatively secondary, it soon became clear that those

    differences were in fact sharp and apparently rather deep. Kuhn claimed, that Popper has characterized the entire

    scientific enterprise in terms that apply only to its occasional

    revolutionary parts.

    A d h t d th t t t hi t f

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    And he suggested that to accept his own account of

    science was, in effect, to turn Sir Karlsview on its head

    by accepting that itis precisely the abandonment of critical

    discourse that marks the transition to a science(ibid.).

    Popper responded by, amongst other things, admitting that

    Kuhns normalscienceis a real phenomenon and that he

    had indeed hitherto failed fully to recognize it

    Normal science is, said Popper, adanger to science and,

    indeed to our civilization!(p. 53), adding for good measure

    that [i]nmy view, the normalscientist . . . is a person one

    ought to be sorry for(p. 52).

    O th b i f thi i P i tl

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    On the basis of this comparison, Popper succinctly

    characterized his basic position in the form of seven


    1. It is easy to obtain confirmations, or verifications, fornearly every theory if we look for confirmations.

    2. Confirmations should count only if they are the result of

    risky predictions; that is to say, if, unenlightened by the

    theory in question, we should have expected an event

    which was incompatible with the theory which would

    have refuted the theory.

    3. Every good scientific theory is a prohibition: it forbids

    certain things to happen. The more it forbids, the better it


    4. A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event

    is nonscientific. Irrefutability is not a virtue of a theory (as

    people often think), but a vice.

    5 E i t t f th i tt t t f l if it

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    5. Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it,

    or to refute it. Testability is falsifiability; but there are

    degrees of testability: some theories are more testable,

    more exposed to refutation, than others; they take, as it

    were, greater risks.

    6. Confirming evidence should not count except when it is

    the result of a genuine test of the theory; and this means

    that it can be presented as a serious but unsuccessful

    attempt to falsify the theory. . . .

    7. Some genuinely testable theories, when found to be

    false, are still upheld by their admirers for example by

    introducing ad hoc some auxiliary assumption, or by re-

    interpreting the theory ad hoc in such a way that it escapesrefutation. Such a procedure is always possible, but it

    rescues the theory from refutation only at the price of

    destroying, or at least lowering its scientific status. . . . (pp.


    Popper does not explicitly include in this list his view on the

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    Popper does not explicitly include in this list his view on the

    correct scientific attitude to take when a theory fails a test.

    However, he does explicitly say in the preamble that If

    observation shows that the predicted effect is definitely

    absent, then the theory is simply refuted. Popper did take into account the possibility of a theorys

    admirers continuing to uphold a theory, even when

    refuted, that is, foundto be false,but he claimed that such

    a move carries the priceof destroying, or at least loweringits scientific status.

    On the contrary, Kuhn argued that theresonly 1 clear-cut

    sense where a scientist can be said to be testing a

    theorywithin the context of normal science (within acontext in which the scientist simply postulates), & takes for

    granted, his basic theory & basic methods; what can then

    be tested are statements of an individualsbest guesses as

    to how to connect his own research problem w/ corpus of

    accepted scientific knowledge.

    Kuhn insisted that

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    In unusual sense, however, are such tests directed to

    current theory. On the contrary, when engaged with a normal

    research problem, the scientist must premise current theory

    as the rules of his game. His object is to solve a puzzle,preferably one at which others have failed, and his current

    theory is required to define that puzzle. . . . Of course the

    practitioner of such an enterprise must often test the

    conjectural puzzle solution that his ingenuity suggests. Butonly his personal conjecture is tested.(45)

    If [this personalconjecture]fails the test, only [the cientists]

    own ability not the corpus of current science is impugned. In

    short, though tests occur frequently in normal science, thesetests are of a peculiar sort, for in the final analysis it is the

    individual scientist rather than current theory which is tested.


    As Kuhn, of course, recognised, the teststhat Popper had in

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    , , g , pp

    mind were, on the contrary, ones that (allegedly) do

    challenge fundamental theory.

    Kuhn listed, on Poppersbehalf, Lavoisiersexperiments on

    calcinations, the eclipse expedition of 1919, and the recentexperiments on parity conservation. Rather perplexingly, he

    conceded that classic tests such as these can be

    destructivein their outcomeand concentrated initially on the

    criticism that such tests, contrary to Poppers claims, areextremely rare in the history of science. This led to the

    already quoted remark that Sir Karl has characterized the

    entire scientific enterprise in terms that apply only to its

    occasional revolutionary parts(p. 6).

    The whole rhetoric of refutation and falsification suggests

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn



    disproofs or at least results that will compelassent from any

    member of the relevant professional community (p. 13). But

    there are no such things. His real position, then, was that

    what Popper seemed to be saying about tests never reallyapplies either in normal or in extraordinary science.

    The fundamental flaws in Poppers position on testing and

    falsificationstem, for Kuhn, from his complete misreading of

    the role and importance of normalscience. That is, of Kuhnstwo comparativelysecondarypoints of disparity with Popper,

    the firsthis emphasis on the importance of deep

    commitment to traditionwas indeed the more impt. Poppers

    misconception of the role & importance of normal science led

    him both to an incorrect demarcation criterion between

    science & pseudoscience and to a misappraisal of the merits

    of holding on to a basic theory when it runs into experimental


    Poppers view was that astrology, for example, is a

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    pp gy, p ,

    pseudsoscience because it is unfalsifiable. Kuhn argued that

    this is incorrect at least if unfalsifiability involves never

    making predictions that were agreed, on the basis of

    evidence, to fail. (Kuhn here cited Thorndike for mainly 16thcentury examples of failed astrological predictions.) The real

    reason astrology fails to be scientific, for Kuhn, is that it has

    not yet developed, and of course may never develop, a

    puzzle-solving tradition; it has not progressed to the stage ofsustaining normal science.

    For the 16th century astronomer, the failure of an individual

    prediction was a fertile source of research problems. He had a

    whole armory of ideas for reacting to failure: there were clear-cut ways in which the datamight be challenged & improved)

    &, if that was unsuccessful, clear-cut proposals for modifying

    theory by manipulating epicycles, eccentrics, etc. No such

    puzzle-solving ideas were available to the 16th-century


    On the central issue of reacting to falsifications (anomalies

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    g (

    for Kuhn) by continuing to defend the central theory, he

    argued that Poppersaccount is again quite wrong, since he

    always acknowledged that it is possible to defend a theory

    against a potential refutation by, for example, introducinganauxiliary or by questioning the data. But, as we just saw, he

    suggested that although undoubtedly possible, any such

    maneuver is automatically under suspicion: [Such a

    defensivemove] is always possible, but it rescues the theoryfrom refutation only at the price of destroying, or at least

    lowering its scientific status.

    Kuhn argued that, to the contrary, not only is it true that all

    theories can be modified by a variety of ad hoc adjustments

    without ceasing to be, in their main lines, the same theories,

    but it is moreover important. . . that this should be so, for it is

    often by challenging observations or adjusting theories that

    scientific knowledge grows(p. 13).

    What is Kuhnsreact ion against Poppersfalsi f icat ion?

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    g pp

    Is falsi f icat ion sim i lar to anomalies?

    A major step in resolving Kuhnsdiscontent is made once we

    accept that falsifications are of theoretical systems rather

    than central theories.

    Kuhns anomalies are at least in the simplest case,

    falsifications of overall theoretical systems that scientists

    regard (at any rate for the time being) as likely to be resolved

    by replacing that theoretical system with another that sharesthe same central theory and differs only over some

    auxiliary/instrumental assumption. Most Newtonians in the

    19th century regarded the observations of Uranus orbit as

    anomalies for, rather than falsifications of, Newtons theorybecause they expected that the best replacement

    theoretical system that predicted the correct orbit for

    Uranus would also be built around Newtons theoryand

    would differ from the current one onlyover some auxiliary.

    This attitude was, of course, dramatically vindicated by

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    y y

    Adams and Leverrier, who, holding on to Newtons theory,

    replaced the auxiliary assumption about the number of other

    gravitational masses in the solar system and hence produced

    an overall system that not only correctly accounted forUranus orbit, but also predicted the existence of a new

    planet Neptune.

    This success, in turn, made it more plausible to regard the

    difficulties with Mercurysorbit (known about, of course, longbefore Einstein) as similarly anomalous (rather than

    falsifying). It seemed likely that, by working within the basic

    Newtonian approach (that is, revising some auxiliary within

    the theoretical framework based on Newtons theory), a

    successful account of Mercurysmotion could eventually be


    There are also a couple of other passing remarks in Poppers

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    work about the importance of background knowledge and of

    a scientistsbeing immersed in a problem-situation. But he

    seems to have done nothing towards developing this outline

    idea into a systematic account. On the other hand, Kuhns account of the puzzle-solving

    tradition that comes as the benefit of buying into a paradigm,

    and his insistence on the importance of exemplars, were both

    attempts to put some flesh on this outline idea of maturescience buildingon itself.

    In sum,Kuhns,should be seen not as advocating dogmatism,

    but rather as advertising the fact that commitmentto the sort

    of framework supplied by well-developed science bringsenormous epistemic benefits. Without such commitments,

    mature science would be incapable of making the progress it

    has in fact made. Poppers claim that normal science is a

    danger to realscience & indeed to our civilizationbetrayed

    complete misunderstanding.

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    1. Popper sees philosophy of science as historically-conditioned.

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    1. Popper sees philosophy of science as historically conditioned.

    His account of the development of science holds that science

    enjoys periods of stable growth punctuated by revisionary

    revolutions called incommensurability.

    2. Kuhn proposed a dialectical form of historical reading of thehistory of the philosophy of science. This is in reaction against

    traditional textbook science which is merely a narrative of facts,

    theories and observations of scientists.

    3. Science is for Feyerabend a non-cumulative acquisition of

    knowledge. Sciencesprogress is not uniform but has alternatingnormal & revolutionary phases.

    4. Scientists are not conservative individuals. They strive to solve a

    problem defined by existing knowledge & technique called

    paradigm which is within the context of revolutionary science.

    5. A crisis in science arises when confidence is lost in the ability of

    the paradigm to solve particularly worrying puzzles called

    anomalies. Crisis is followed by a scientific revolution if the

    existing paradigm is superseded by a rival.

    6. In paradigm constructions, a pre-paradigmatic school appears first

    b f d ll ti f f t A di i

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    before a random collection of facts. As a paradigm grows in

    strength and in the number of advocates, the pre-paradigmatic

    schools fade.

    7. The process of scientific change is eliminative and non-permissive.

    In the process of confronting anomalies, certain alternatives are

    excluded, but nature does guide us to some uniquely correct theory.

    8. A scientific revolution that results in paradigm change is analogous

    to a political revolution. It comes about when one paradigm

    displaces another after a period of paradigm-testing that occurs only

    after persistent failure to solve a noteworthy puzzle has given rise to

    normal science.

    9. Kuhn stated that all mature science is normal science & that normal

    science is, in some sense, routine. He confounded the Popperians,

    logical positivists, & others by claiming that scientific work is far

    more routinized yet far less methodical than they had imagined.

    10. Kuhnsmain efforts, in explaining the emergence & maintenance of

    normal science, were devoted to the human, social-constructive side

    of normal science. Even given the right sort of world, it takes a very

    special sort of community to realize normal science.

    11. The scientific community operates surprisingly like an ancient

    i ti It i it f titi h t

  • 8/13/2019 (8) Thomas Kuhn


    organization: It is a community of practitioners who possess expert

    knowledge. Moreover, the community sharply distinguishes itself

    from the non-expert, lay public, including other expert scientific


    12. In a scientific community, there is a standard training procedure for

    novices in a given specialty area. They are trained on the different

    problems, using the same or similar textbooks & laboratory


    13. Normal science screens out as irrelevant the vast majority of

    potential problems that might present themselves. It further screensout many of those that do fall within the general domain of the

    particular specialty in question, on the ground that these problems

    are already solvable because there exist no suitable exemplars to

    indicate what a good answer would look like.

    14. The exemplars in a particular puzzle are not merely abstractmodels but also contain the primary computational resources

    relevant to solving the new problems with which they are matched.

    One or more exemplars, suitably adapted, provide a model of ones

    current puzzle and the sought-for solution.

    15 Popper did not take into account the possibility of a theorys

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    15. Popper did not take into account the possibility of a theory s

    admirers continuing to uphold a theory, even when refuted,

    albeit such a move carries the price of destroying, or at least

    lowering its scientific status. On the contrary, Kuhn argued

    that theres only 1 clear-cut sense where a scientist can besaid to be testing a theorywithin the context of

    revolutionary science.

    II. Answer this question in not more than 5 sentences. Whenparadigms change, the world itself changes with them: how

    do the beliefs and conceptions of scientists change as the

    result of a paradigm shift? (10 pts.)