8_ archipelago concept

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    Indonesian Archipelago concept is the way tosee upon:

    Itself and its environment

    Based on the Pancasila and the 1945’sconstitution As an Indonesian aspiration hich is independent! autonomous and

    graded "nderstanding the way of life and its wisdom In pursuing the national purposes

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #he Indonesian Archipelago $oncept%awasan &usantara' as the way to see inunderstanding! (ehaving! and thin)ing to

    Indonesia As the result of psychological interaction

    process! socio*cultural and A+#A,-A#Aaspect

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #he human relationship consists of: ,od . religion $arrier . ideology Authority . politic #he ful/llment of needs . economy 0uman (eing . social the (eautiful feeling . art and culture the nature’s eploration . science and

    technology feeling of safe . defense and safety

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #he Indonesian Archipelago $oncept is a dynamicsocial phenomenon which has three elements:

    A coordinating institution . the region of &2-I isan archipelago with its own institutions as a unity

    A content: an Indonesian aspiration! that is aIndonesian aspiration in the future which in lineto the Pancasila and 1945’s constitution

     #he way of (ehaving . the (ehavior to apply the

    content (ased on the concept of Indonesianarchipelago commits to the national defense

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #his concept as a visional concept to runthe national life

     #he purpose is to avoid the lost andconfusion to pursue the national purposes

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    Pancasila . ideal 1945’s constitution . constitutional #he Indonesian archipelago concept .

    visional #he national defense . conception ,B0& . operational

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    1. ,3,-AP0I$ #he Indonesian Archipelago as well the

    ocean area consider as a unity #hey are notseparated each other

     #he land and the ocean consider as oneunity #he ocean considers as the unityelement of Indonesia than as an element of

    separation of Indonesian island

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    6 ,3P7I#I$+ #he Indonesian geopolitical is (ased on the

    Indonesian geographic conditionconsideration as a unity

     #o achieve the national purposes (ased onPancasila and 1945 constitution

     #he (asic way of thin)ing in the fourth

    paragraph of the ac)nowledgement of1945’s constitution do not containepansion and eploitation

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    8 ,3+#-A#3,I$ Indonesia is located in the cross*position of

    the world It’s a strategic situation which hascaused the positive and negative eects

     #he positive eects cause Indonesia to (e apluralistic country %religion! social! languageand culture'

     #he negative eects have to (e considered

    as the challenges It needs the concept ofnational defense which (ased on the conceptof Indonesian archipelago

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #he uanda’s declaration . ""4;

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


     #he (ase continental is the source ofnatural wealthy which is found under the(ase continent

    It’s an eclusive right to the country as faras 6

  • 8/17/2019 8_ Archipelago Concept


    ?33I is the freedom of sailing and aviationin Indonesia

     #he freedom of ca(le setting and pipesetting under the ocean

    It is guaranteed (y the international law