7e7f sats question booklet

Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions) Question No. Level Mark Question No. Level Mark 1(05) 3 5 11(95) 5 5 2(01) 3 7 12(05) 5 9 3(01) 4 6 13(01) 5 5 4(01) 4 4 14(01) 6 7 5(03) 4 5 15(97) 6 4 6(03) 4 4 16(99) 6 4 7(97) 4 4 17(05) 7 5 8(95) 5 6 18(95) 7 3 9(99) 5 4 19(97) 7 3 10(97) 5 4 Rainford High Technology College 1

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Page 1: 7E7F SATs Question Booklet

Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

Question No.

Level Mark Question No.

Level Mark

1(05) 3 5 11(95) 5 5

2(01) 3 7 12(05) 5 9

3(01) 4 6 13(01) 5 5

4(01) 4 4 14(01) 6 7

5(03) 4 5 15(97) 6 4

6(03) 4 4 16(99) 6 4

7(97) 4 4 17(05) 7 5

8(95) 5 6 18(95) 7 3

9(99) 5 4 19(97) 7 3

10(97) 5 4

Rainford High Technology College 1

Page 2: 7E7F SATs Question Booklet

Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

1. Table 1 below shows the colour of universal indicator in acidic, neutral and alkaline solutions.


neutral alkaline

colour of indicator

red orange yellow green bluedarkblue


table 1

Ramy tested different liquids with the indicator solution.His results are shown in table 2 below.

liquidcolour of indicator


Milk green

lemonade orange

water green

fruit juice red

washing-up liquid blue

table 2

(a) Use Ramy’s results to answer the following questions.

(i) Give the name of one acidic liquid in table 2.


1 mark

(ii) Give the name of one neutral liquid in table 2.


1 mark

(b) Ramy dissolved some bicarbonate of soda in distilled water.This produced an alkaline solution.

(i) Ramy added the indicator to the alkaline solution.

Suggest what colour the indicator became.Use table 1 to help you.


1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 2

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

(ii) Ramy added lemon juice to the solution of bicarbonate of soda.

How could he tell that a gas was produced?


1 mark

(c) Ramy mixed an acid with an alkali and tested the mixture with the indicator solution.The indicator solution turned green.

What is the name of the reaction between an acid and an alkali?Tick the correct box.





1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Rainford High Technology College 3

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

2. The diagrams show two different types of apparatus for measuring volumes of liquid.Each piece of apparatus contains some dilute hydrochloric acid.

100 cm











apparatus B

dilutehydrochlo ric acid

6 5 4 3 2 1cm 3

p lunger dilute hyd rochlo ric ac id

apparatus A

not to scale

(a) What is the name of apparatus B?


1 mark

(b) What is the volume of dilute hydrochloric acid in:

(i) apparatus A? …………..….. cm3

1 mark

(ii) apparatus B? ..…………….. cm3

1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 4

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

(c) (i) Wayne wants to add exactly 3 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid to some chalk in a beaker.

How can he remove exactly 3 cm3 of the acid from apparatus A?



2 marks

(ii) Wayne adds the acid to the chalk. He sees bubbles.Which two things does this show? Tick two boxes.

A gas is produced. Chalk is a gas.

Chalk is an acid. The acid reacts with the chalk.

The acid is boiling.

2 marks

Maximum 7 marks

Rainford High Technology College 5

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

3. A Japanese volcano erupted in 1936. Molten sulphur poured out of the volcano.When it cooled it formed rock sulphur.

o lder vo lcan ic rocks so lid rocksu lphur

m oltensu lphur

(a) (i) Which word describes molten rock that is underground?Choose from lava or magma or oil.


1 mark

(ii) Which type of rock do volcanoes produce?Choose from igneous or metamorphic or sedimentary.


1 mark

(b) Sulphur is a non-metallic element. It is yellow and melts at 115°C.

Complete the sentences about sulphur.

(i) Sulphur is a poor conductor of


1 mark

(ii) At 115°C sulphur changes from

a …………………………………… into a …………………..……………

2 marks

(c) Sulphur burns in air to form an oxide.What gas in the air reacts with sulphur when it burns?


1 mark

Maximum 6 marks

Rainford High Technology College 6

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

4. Water from red cabbage can be used to find out if a liquid is acidic, alkaline or neutral.

Type of liquid added tothe cabbage water

colour of the cabbage water

acidic red

alkaline blue

neutral purple

John added three different liquids to the cabbage water.

(a) Use the information above to complete the table below.

Liquid added to the cabbage water

colour of the cabbage water

Is the liquidacidic, alkaline or


water purple

lemon juice acidic

washing up liquid blue

3 marks

(b) What word describes chemicals which change colour in acids or alkalis?Tick the correct box.

filters indicators

liquids solids

1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 7

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

5. The table below gives information about three fuels that can be used in cars.

shows a substance is produced when the fuel burns.X shows a substance is not produced when the fuel burns.

fuel physicalenergy


some of the substances produced when the fuel burns

state in kJ/kg carbon monoxide

sulphur dioxide


petrol liquid 48 000

hydrogen gas 121 000 X X

ethanol (alcohol)

liquid 30 000 X

(a) Which fuel, in the table, releases the least energy per kilogram (kg)?


1 mark

(b) Some scientists say that if hydrogen is burned as a fuel there will be less pollution.From the information in the table, give one reason why there will be less pollution.



1 mark

(c) Which of the three fuels in the table can be compressed into a small container?


1 mark

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

(d) Which gas in the air is needed for fuels to burn?Tick the correct box.

carbon dioxide



water vapour

1 mark

(e) Petrol and ethanol are both fuels. Petrol is made from oil. Scientists say that oil could run out in 100 years.In some countries people plant sugar cane and use it to make ethanol.

Sugar cane will not run out. Explain why.



1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

Rainford High Technology College 9

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

6. The pH scale shown below is used to measure how acidic or alkaline a solution is.

acidic neutra l a lkaline

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

pH scale

The graph below shows how the pH of the liquid in Barry's mouth changed as he ate a meal.

B arry sta rted to eatpH of theliquid inBarry 'sm ou th





4tim e

(a) (i) Use the graph to give the pH of the liquid in Barry's mouth before he started to eat.

pH ..................

1 mark

(ii) What does this pH tell you about the liquid in Barry's mouth before he started to eat?

Use the pH scale above to help you.Tick the correct box.

It was acidic. It was alkaline. It was colourless. It was neutral.

1 mark

(b) Look at the graph above.What happened to the pH of the liquid in Barry's mouth as he ate the meal?


1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 10

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

(c) Barry chews special chewing gum after each meal. The chewing gum neutralises the liquid in his mouth.

What type of substance neutralises an acid?Tick the correct box.

an acid an alkali

an indicator a solid

1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 11

Page 12: 7E7F SATs Question Booklet

Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

7. Dilute acids react with many things.

Tick the four boxes by the correct descriptions.Tick no more than four boxes.

Acids always dissolve glass.

Acids can be burned as fuels.

Acids damage teeth.

Acids react with metals such as magnesium.

Acids turn universal indicator solution blue.

Acids may harm your skin.

Acids react with limestone.

Acids are always poisonous.

4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 12

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

8. pH paper is used to show whether a solution is acidic, neutral or alkaline.

One type of pH paper shows the following range of colours.

colourof pHpaper

red orange yellow green b lue purp le


0 - 4 5 6 7 8 - 10 11 - 14

Some solutions were tested with pH Paper. The results are shown below.

(a) Complete the following table by placing a tick in the correct column for each substance.

substance colour of pHpaper

acidic neutral alkaline

orange juice red

egg w hite blue

oven cleaner purple

milk yellow

4 marks

(b) Which substance was the most alkaline?



1 mark

(c) Equal amounts of egg white and milk are mixed. What is the most likely pH of the mixture? Tick the correct box.

pH2 pH6 pH7 pH14

1 mark

Maximum 6 marks

Rainford High Technology College 13

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

9. The table shows the pH of five soil samples.

soil sample pH of soil

A 6.0

B 7.5

C 7.0

D 4.5

E 8.0

Use letters from the table to answer questions (a), (b) and (c).

(a) Which soil sample is neutral? ............................

1 mark

(b) (i) Most types of heather grow better in acidic soil. In which of the soil samples should heather grow well? .........................

1 mark

(ii) Cabbage grows better in alkaline soil. In which of the soil samples should cabbage grow well? ......................................

1 mark

(c) Lime is an alkaline substance which is sometimes put onto acidic soils.What type of reaction takes place between the lime and the acid?


1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 14

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

10. The chart is taken from a bottle of Johnson’s pH5.5 Facial Wash.


7.3 7 .3

5 .5 5 .5

norm alsoap

soap w ithm oistu rise rs

norm alfac ia l

w ashes

Johnson 's pH 5.5

fac ia l w ash

hea lthyskin





pH m



(a) From the information in the chart give:

(i) a substance which is almost neutral.


1 mark

(ii) the substance which is most alkaline.


1 mark

(b) Tick one box to describe Johnson’s facial wash.

It is very alkaline.

It is slightly alkaline.

It is neutral.

It is slightly acidic.

1 mark

(c) A bee sting is acidic. Which one of the substances given in the chart would be best to neutralise the sting?


1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

11. (a) The table shows some of the properties of three different substances, X, Y and Z. Complete the last column by stating whether each substance is a metal, a non-metal or a compound.



conductivitysolubilityin water

effect ofheating

in air

metal ornon–m etal

orcom pound




113 ºC

962 ºC

–182 ºC

very poor insoluble

insoluble loses sh inysurface

alm ostinsoluble

ve ry good

very poor

bu rns toform oneproduct

w h ich is anacid ic gas

burns toform tw o


3 marks

(b) Complete the following using one of the phrases.

Closer together further apart in contact with more particles

Substance Z has a boiling point of –161°C. At room temperature the

particles of Z are ..................................... than the particles of substance X.

1 mark

(c) Substance Z burns in air. What must be present in air for substance Z to burn?


1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

Rainford High Technology College 17

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

12. Molly used a pH sensor to test different liquids. She dipped the probe of the sensor into each liquid and recorded the pH value in a table.

(a) In the table below, tick one box for each liquid to show whether it is acidic, neutral or alkaline. One has been done for you.

liquid pH value acidic neutral alkaline

alcohol 7

dilute hydrochloric acid 2

distilled water 7

vinegar 3

sodium hydroxide solution 11

2 marks

(b) Between each test Molly dipped the probe into distilled water.

(i) Why did she do this?



1 mark

(ii) Which other liquid in the table could Molly use between tests to have the same effect as distilled water?


1 mark

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

(c) Molly put a piece of magnesium into a test-tube containing 20 cm3 of vinegar. She

put another piece of magnesium into a test-tube containing 20 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid.

(i) Molly thought that magnesium would react more vigorously with hydrochloric acid than with vinegar.What information in the table made Molly think this?



1 mark

(ii) How would Molly be able to tell if a more vigorous reaction took place with hydrochloric acid than with vinegar?



1 mark

(d) (i) Complete the word equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

magnesium + hydrochloric .................................. + .................................acid

2 marks

(ii) After some time this reaction stopped. Why did the reaction stop?



1 mark

maximum 9 marks

Rainford High Technology College 19

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

13. Marie mixed 5 g of carbon with 5 g of lead oxide.She heated the mixture strongly for 15 minutes in a fume cupboard.

m ixtu re o f ca rbonand lead oxide

After 15 minutes, Marie found some shiny beads in the mixture.

(a) (i) Marie collected all the shiny beads from this experiment.How could she test them to show they were metal?



1 mark

(ii) Marie’s test showed that the tiny beads were metal.What metal were the beads likely to be?


1 mark

(b) Marie also expected carbon dioxide to be formed in this experiment.

(i) In carbon dioxide, what element is combined with carbon?


1 mark

(ii) Where, apart from the air, did this element come from in this experiment?


1 mark

(c) Give one safety precaution Marie should take during this experiment.



1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

Rainford High Technology College 20

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

14. Jessica was investigating the rusting of iron. She set up five experiments as shown below, and left the test-tubes for three days.






iron nail in d is tilled w a ter iron na il in tap w ate rw h ich has been bo iled torem ove disso lved gases

iron nail and a chem icalto absorb w ate r vapour

iron na il in sea w ate r iron na il in v inegar

Jessica wrote the following results in her book.

Test–tube observation






nail slightly rusty

nail still shiny

nail still shiny

nail very rusty

nail slightly rusty, bubbles of gas seen

(a) Explain why the nails had not rusted in test-tubes B and C.

in test-tube B ……………………………………………………………………….


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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

in test-tube C ……………………………………………………………………….


2 marks

(b) In test-tube E the iron nail reacted with the vinegar.

(i) Is vinegar acidic, alkaline or neutral?


1 mark

(ii) When the iron reacted with the vinegar, bubbles of gas were formed.What gas was formed?


1 mark

(c) Before putting the iron nail in test-tube D, Jessica weighed the nail.After three days she dried and weighed the nail and the rust which had formed.

(i) How did the total mass of the nail and rust compare to the mass of the nail at the beginning?


1 mark

(ii) Give the reason for your answer.



1 mark

(d) Jessica concluded that the presence of salt in the water made the nail rust more quickly.Explain why she drew that conclusion from her experiments.




1 mark

Maximum 7 marks

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

15. The flow chart shows how zinc sulphate can be obtained.

zinc ore zinc oxide zinc zinc sulphate

(a) In the reaction zinc oxide zinc an element is removed from zinc oxide to leave zinc. Give the name of the element.


1 mark

(b) (i) Zinc sulphate can be made in a reaction between zinc and an acid. Give the name of the acid.


1 mark

(ii) In the reaction between zinc and the acid, hydrogen is formed.Describe the test for hydrogen and the result if hydrogen is present.



1 mark

(iii) How can crystals of zinc sulphate be formed from a dilute solution of zinc sulphate?


1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 23

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

16. A teacher designs a flow chart to show how to find the names of three gases.Complete the flow chart.

A dd four d rops of lim e w ater toa test– tube con tain ing the gas

P ut a bu rn ing sp lin tinto ano ther test– tube

conta ining the gas.

The lim e w a te r changes.Its appearance becom es The lim e w ater does


The gas burns w itha quie t pop .

The bu rning sp lin tburns m ore brigh tly.

The gas is

The gas isThe gas is

4 marks

Rainford High Technology College 24

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

17. In the eighteenth century, scientists had different ideas about what happens when metals burn in air.

(a) Imagine you want to investigate the ideas of Priestley and Lavoisier.Assume you have been given three pieces of different metals.In a laboratory, metals are heated to high temperatures in crucibles.

You would also have access to all the usual laboratory equipment.

In your plan you must give: the one factor you would change as you carry out your investigation

(the independent variable); one factor you would observe or measure to collect your results

(the dependent variable); one of the factors you would keep the same as you carry out your investigation; the evidence that would support Lavoisier’s idea.










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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)


4 marks

(b) In the box below, draw and label a table you could use to record your results.

1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Rainford High Technology College 26

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

18. Magnesium burns in air giving a very bright light.

(a) Complete the word equation below to show this reaction.

magnesium + ............................................. .............................................

1 mark

The diagram shows four gas-jars. Each contains a different gas. Burning magnesium is put into each jar.

air exhaled air n itrogen oxygen

(b) In one of the gas-jars, the magnesium goes out immediately.Name the gas in this jar.


1 mark

Explain your answer.



1 mark

Maximum 3 marks

Rainford High Technology College 27

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Unit 7E (Acids and alkalis) and Unit 7F (Simple chemical reactions)

19. The exhaust gases of a car with a petrol engine are analysed during its ‘MOT test’. The results are shown below.

gas % volume

carbon m onoxide

carbon d ioxide


other gases

3 .0

13 .0

0 .4

83 .6

(a) The air going into the engine contains about 20% of oxygen.Explain why there is only 0.4% of oxygen in the exhaust gases coming out of the car engine.



1 mark

(b) (i) Petrol is a mixture of compounds which contains only carbon and hydrogen.

Complete combustion of petrol produces carbon dioxide and one other substance. What is this other substance?


1 mark

(ii) When petrol is burned in the car engine, carbon monoxide is produced as well as carbon dioxide.

Explain why carbon monoxide is dangerous and may kill you.



1 mark

Maximum 3 marks

Rainford High Technology College 28