743rd world war ii memories lefevre

WORLD WAR II MEMORIES Letter from Arthur James LeFevre to Mr. G. W. Baker, Vie !resi"e#t $ Ge#era% Ma#a&er, LVRR, "ate" 'ovem(er )*, )+- for remarks for the retireme#t "i##er for !ete E%%is/ O# Oto(er -0, )+11, I 2as su33ose" to start a 2eek4s vaatio# i# the A"iro#"ak Mou#tai#s. I ha" m5 ar 3ake" 2ith ri6es a#" &ear 2he# I 2as a%%e" a(out 7 3m (5 Mr. Grove, the# Ge#era% Ma#a&er of the Lehi&h Va%%e5, e83%ai#i#& to me the5 2ere muh i# #ee" of 9ua%i:e" rai%roa" me# i# the Euro3ea# ;heatre of O3eratio#s as the rai% %i#es 2ere (eomi#& (a"%5 o#&este" a#" the5 2ere u#a(%e to move #eessar5 su33%ies u3 to the armies as the5 move" for2ar". Mr. Grove aske" me if I 2ou%" o#si"er e#teri#& mi%itar5 servie for the reaso# I 2as i# First Wor%" War a#" if so, I 2ou%" (e se#t to Washi#&to# a#" reeive a33oi#tme#t as Ma<or i# the  ; ra#s3ortatio# =or3s. I to%" him 5es, I 2ou%", I 2as &oi#& o# a hu#ti#& tri3 a#" aske" him 2he# this 2as to ome a(out, he a"visi#& me it 2ou%" (e 3ossi(%5 a 2eek or so. Whe# I om3%ete" m5 2ork that "a5, I 2e#t home a#" after havi#& a %i&ht %u#h 2as <ust &etti#& i#to m5 ar to 3ik u3 t2o other me# from Shortsvi%%e that 2ere &oi#& 2ith me 2he# the 3ho#e ra#&, Mr. Grove o#tati#& me a"visi#& I 2as to &et o# 'o. 1 that eve#i#& a#" &o to Beth%ehem a#" u3o# arrivi#& there I 2ou%" meet !ete E%%is, ;rai#master from Jerse5 =it5 a#" 2e 2ou%" have tra#s3ortatio# over the !e##s5%va#ia RR to Washi#&to#. A&ai# I raise" the 9uestio# 2hether 2e 2ou%" (e &oi#& "o2# a#" after reeivi#& our assi&#me#t if 2e 2ou%" retur# home to take are of our 3erso#a% a>airs a#" he a"vise" me 2e 2ou%". ?o2ever, this "i" #ot "eve%o3 as 5ou 2i%% see %ater o#.

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Letter from Arthur James LeFevre to Mr. G. W. Baker, Vie !resi"e#t $ Ge#era%


LVRR, "ate" 'ovem(er )*, )+- for remarks for the retireme#t "i##er for !ete E%%is/

O# Oto(er -0, )+11, I 2as su33ose" to start a 2eek4s vaatio# i# the A"iro#"ak

Mou#tai#s. I

ha" m5 ar 3ake" 2ith ri6es a#" &ear 2he# I 2as a%%e" a(out 7 3m (5 Mr. Grove,

the# Ge#era%

Ma#a&er of the Lehi&h Va%%e5, e83%ai#i#& to me the5 2ere muh i# #ee" of 9ua%i:e"

rai%roa" me#

i# the Euro3ea# ;heatre of O3eratio#s as the rai% %i#es 2ere (eomi#& (a"%5

o#&este" a#" the5

2ere u#a(%e to move #eessar5 su33%ies u3 to the armies as the5 move" for2ar".

Mr. Grove

aske" me if I 2ou%" o#si"er e#teri#& mi%itar5 servie for the reaso# I 2as i# First

Wor%" War a#"

if so, I 2ou%" (e se#t to Washi#&to# a#" reeive a33oi#tme#t as Ma<or i# the


=or3s. I to%" him 5es, I 2ou%", I 2as &oi#& o# a hu#ti#& tri3 a#" aske" him 2he#

this 2as to

ome a(out, he a"visi#& me it 2ou%" (e 3ossi(%5 a 2eek or so. Whe# I om3%ete"

m5 2ork that"a5, I 2e#t home a#" after havi#& a %i&ht %u#h 2as <ust &etti#& i#to m5 ar to 3ik

u3 t2o other

me# from Shortsvi%%e that 2ere &oi#& 2ith me 2he# the 3ho#e ra#&, Mr. Grove

o#tati#& me

a"visi#& I 2as to &et o# 'o. 1 that eve#i#& a#" &o to Beth%ehem a#" u3o# arrivi#&

there I 2ou%"

meet !ete E%%is, ;rai#master from Jerse5 =it5 a#" 2e 2ou%" have tra#s3ortatio# over


!e##s5%va#ia RR to Washi#&to#. A&ai# I raise" the 9uestio# 2hether 2e 2ou%" (e

&oi#& "o2#

a#" after reeivi#& our assi&#me#t if 2e 2ou%" retur# home to take are of our

3erso#a% a>airs

a#" he a"vise" me 2e 2ou%". ?o2ever, this "i" #ot "eve%o3 as 5ou 2i%% see %ater o#.

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@3o# arriva% at Beth%ehem, I met !ete a#" Mrs. E%%is 2as 2ith him, 2hom I ha" #ever

met (efore

a#" 2as i#tro"ue" at that time. @3o# arriva% i# Washi#&to# the #e8t mor#i#&, 2e

2ere take# to

the !e#ta&o# (ui%"i#& 2here 2e 2ere &ive# the usua% 3h5sia% e8ami#atio# 2hiho#e reeives

2he# the Arm5 is i# "es3erate #ee" of 3erso##e%. It 2as o#e of those usua% 3h5sia%

e8ami#atio#s that as %o#& as 5our heart is (eati#& a#" the (o"5 2arm 5ou 2ere

ae3te". ;he

fo%%o2i#& "a5 2e 2ere s2or# i# a#" the# take# to the oers %othi#& stores 2here

2e 2ere

out:tte" 2ith a =%ass A u#iform a#" a khaki u#iform 2ith a ou3%e of suits of

u#"er2ear, ou3%e

3airs of soks, Arm5 k#ife a#" ha#"kerhiefs, ou3%e of to2e%s $ i# fat the (are

#eessities of 

trave%%i#& %i&ht overseas. A tai%or :tte" us to our u#iforms as fast as the u#iform 2as

se%ete" a#"

o# the "a5 of Oto(er - 2e 2ere s2or# i# as Ma<ors i# the ;ra#s3ortatio# =or3s of

Arm5 of the

@#ite" States.

We 2ere a%%o2e" the 0 %(s of (a&&a&e for overseas 6i&ht a#" i# the mor#i#& 2ere

take# toBo%%i#& Fie%" 2here I (e%ieve there 2ere -0 oers ra#&i#& from Ma<or or Lieut.


assem(%e" to (e 6o2# to Lo#"o# via Goose#ek Ba5, La(ra"or. O# this 3%a#e 2as a

ver5 2e%%

k#o2# 3erso#, We%%i#&to# oo a#" his Ai"e, 2ho 2as the =hi#ese Am(assa"or to

Lo#"o# a#"

2ho 2as 65i#& 2ith us o# this tri3, a%so four Arm5 #urses. Other me# 2hom !ete 2i%%


that 2ere 65i#& 2ith us 2ere Lieut. =o%. Lik, Ma<or Burh, Ma<or Brete#tCe, Ma<or

Burke, Ma<or

e#"a%%, Lieut. =o%. Be##ett, Lieut. =o%. M'amara, Ma<or Lake, a#" Ma<or Davis.

Goi#& i#to

Goose#ek Ba5 2e overshot the :e%" a#" ir%i#& arou#" for retur# 2e #ear%5 ha" a

fata%it5 (5

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missi#& the him#e5 of the =omma#"a#t4s 9uarters (5 i#hes. We 2ere &rou#"e"

for -1 hours

o# aou#t of 2eather o#"itio#s a#" :#a%%5 starte" our 6i&ht aross the oea#


mi"#i&ht. After trave%%i#& a(out *00 mi%es 2e tur#e" (ak to Goose#ek Ba5 o#aou#t of a %eak

i# the &as %i#e 2hih 2as re3aire" a#" taki#& o> a&ai# after re3airs 2ere ma"e. We

%a#"e" i#

!rest#ik, Sot%a#", some -0 hours %ater a#" ha#&e" 3%a#es a#" from there 6e2 to


2here 2e 2ere su33ose" to have a 3%a#e 2aiti#& to 65 us to !aris. ?o2ever, 2e

2ere &rou#"e"

i# Lo#"o# for t2o "a5s "ue to heav5 fo& over the =ha##e%, after 2hih a 3%a#e

arrive" from !aris

a#" 2e %a#"e" i# !aris a33ro8imate%5 four "a5s %ater.


I# !aris, 2e 2ere take# (efore Ma<or Ge#era% Ross 2ho &ave us a# orie#tatio# o#

2hat 2as

e83ete" of us. 'e8t, 2e 2ere take# to the Su33%5 De3ot 2here 2e 2ere issue" :e%"


o#sisti#& of he%met, artri"&e (e%t, 1* automati, a#tee#, First Ai" kit, 2i#ter

&%oves, tre#hi#&too%s, a#" other e9ui3me#t #eessar5 for :e%" o3eratio#. We 2ere the# assi&#e"

various statio#s,

I (ei#& se#t to 0 Rai%2a5 Gra#" Divisio# i# Lie&e, Be%&ium, a#" !ete &oi#& to

Le?arve, Fra#e,

arrivi#& at our "esti#atio#s 'ov. 7, )+11 a33ro8imate%5 <ust o#e 2eek from the

"a5 2e %eft

home 2e 2ere assi&#e" a#" arr5i#& o# "uties 2ith the @#ite" States Arm5 i#


M5 =omma#"i#& Oer, Wi%%iam S. =arr, 2ho 2as a Su3eri#te#"e#t from the 'e2

 ork, 'e2

?ave#, a#" ?artfor" RR a#" si#e retire" from that rai%roa" assi&#e" me to 2ork i#

a#" arou#"

Lie&e, Be%&ium, u#ti% De. )0


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, 2he# he a%%e" me i# a#" to%" me he 2as se#"i#& me to A#t2er3,

Be%&ium, 2here the5 ha" a ommitme#t to move )*,000 to#s of frei&ht a "a5 i#to

the Area 2hih

2as the Batt%e of the Bu%&e the# (ei#& fou&ht, (ut 2e 2ere o#%5 movi#& (et2ee#

*,000 a#" ,000to#s. @3o# m5 arriva% there a#" revie2 of the situatio# I fou#" that I ha" u#"er m5




 Rai%2a5 O3erati#& Batta%io# om3%ete, t2o om3a#ies of the -+


 Rai%2a5 O3erati#&

Batta%io#, a#" o#e om3a#5 from the *7


 Sho3 Batta%io#. After a 2eek i# A#t2er3, Ge#era%

=arr a%%e" u3o# me a#" I e83%ai#e" the situatio# to him that 2ith the amou#t of

2ork a#" territor5

to (e overe" it 2as 3ratia%%5 #eessar5 that I have a#other Ma<or to assist me

2hih he rea"i%5

a&ree" to a#" 2he# i# a 2eek, 2ho 2ou%" sho2 u3 (ut !ete E%%is, 2ho ha" (ee#

2ith the 0


Rai%2a5 Gra#" Divisio#. Bet2ee# !ete a#" m5se%f 2e ma"e it a Lehi&h Va%%e5

Rai%roa" team,

!ete taki#& the Dok area 2hih ou%" (erth *-) shi3s at o#e time, ha" * 3u%%out

5ar"s from

various "oks 2here ars 2ere assem(%e" to (e take# to the =%assi:atio# ar". I

took har&e of 

the =%assi:atio# ar" 2hih 2as )0 mi%es outsi"e of A#t2er3, east, our out&oi#&5ar" (ei#& a

hum3 5ar" 2ith a a3ait5 of *,000 ars, automati o#tro%, (ut 2ith #o retar"ers.

I#(ou#" 5ar"

2as a%so a hum3 5ar" 2ith automati o#tro% o# the s2ithes a#" #o retar"ers, 2ith

a3ait5 of 

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7,000 ars. ;he o3eratio# 2as a -1 hour o3eratio# a#" (et2ee# !ete a#" I after

a#a%5Ci#& the

situatio# thorou&h%5, 2e fou#" that i# the i#omi#& 5ar" the E#&%ish, Be%&ium, a#"

@.S. fores

2ere a%% tr5i#& to shi3 their ars throu&h the same 5ar" (5 taki#& ertai# traks,2hih "i" #ot

seem to 2ork out to the e>et the5 2ere (a"%5 o#&este" a#" the :rst thi#& 2e


2as to se3arate the E#&%ish from the 5ar" a#" 3%ae" them i# the Shi#e3ort ar"

2hih 2as

a33ro8imate%5 )0 mi%es east of our 3rese#t %assi:atio# 5ar" a#" 3%ae" the

Be%&ium i#

Amster"am Rou#" ?ouse 5ar".

Withi# o#e mo#th4s time after !ete ha" arrive" 2e took tur#s, sometimes !ete

2orki#& i# the

=%assi:atio# ar" a#" I i# the Dok Area, 2e 2ere for2ar"i#& )*,000 to#s a "a5

a#" (efore the

e#" of the thir" mo#th ha" i#rease" the to##a&e to -*,000 to#s a "a5 for 2hih I

mi&ht sa5 here,

!ete a#" I (oth reeive" a itatio# from the =it5 of A#t2er3. ;o sho2 5ou the

ma&#itu"e of the

assi&#me#t 2e 2orke" ))0 5ar" e#&i#es "uri#& -1 hour 3erio"s i# (oth the "oka#"

%assi:atio# 5ar". Short%5 after 2e 2ere statio#e" there 2e ra# aross a Lieut.

Me##a, 2ho

2as 2ith the *7


 Sho3 Batta%io# at Amster"am Rou#" ?ouse, 2ho 2e fou#" out %ater o# 2as

former%5 from Sa5re Sho3, 2hih (rou&ht our status u3 to a 7ma# Lehi&h Va%%e5

o#tro% team

over the o3eratio# at A#t2er3. !ete, Lieut. Me##a, a#" m5se%f o#ti#ue"

o3eratio#s i#

A#t2er3 re3rese#ti#& the Rai%2a5 Gra#" Divisio# a#" su3ervisi#& the 2ork u#ti%

hosti%ities ease"

after 2hih I 2as se#t to =o%o&#e as Liaiso# Oer 2ith the

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 British =o#tro% team a#" !ete 2as

se#t i#to Fra#kfurt a#" the# as I rea%% he 2as assi&#e" to the A%%ie" =o#tro%

=ommissio# i#


I# Fe(ruar5 )+1, !ete a#" I ha" or"ers to re3ort at Fra#kfurt 2here 2ith

a33ro8imate%5 70 other

oers 2e e#trai#e" (5 !u%%ma# to !aris a#" from there to Le?arve to (e retur#e"

to the @#ite"

States 2here 2e (oth reeive" a 3romotio# to Lieut. =o%o#e% a#" 3%ae" o# i#ative

"ut5, !ete

retur#i#& to the rai%roa" a#" I <ust a(out rea"5 to retur# to the rai%roa" 2he# I

reeive" or"ers to

re3ort to =am3 Di8 to retur# overseas 2here I 2as 3ike" u3 (5 Lieut. =o%. !reish,


Su3eri#te#"e#t of the Lehi&h Va%%e5 a#" se#t (5 him to Mu#ih as Su3t. Motive

!o2er a#"

E9ui3me#t of a%% souther# Bavaria# rai%roa"s. ;his a(out e#"s our tour of "ut5

(et2ee# !ete a#"

m5se%f. I mi&ht sa5 that 2hi%e i# A#t2er3, !ete a#" I ha" rooms i# a :vestor5

a3artme#t house

2hih 2as re9uisitio#e" so%e%5 for oers a#" "uri#& our tour i# A#t2er3 over ,000(om(s hit

the it5, o#e 2reki#& the (ui%"i#& 2e 2ere i#. We survive" severa% air rai"s, a#"


2hih 2ere "ro33e" i# A#t2er3 at the time. We 2ere (oth i# the o#tro% statio# i#

A#t2er3 2he#

a (uCC (om( %a#"e", 2reki#& 3art of the (ui%"i#& a#" e#tire area surrou#"i#& it

a#" t2ie (om(s

"ro33e" i# the rear of our 5ar" oes i# the !ort of A#t2er3 2he# 2e 2ere o# "ut5