7 proven local business online strategies

© 2011 | www.CTNetMarketing.com | 888-867-8019 7 Proven Strategies For Marketing Your Local Business Online…” Find More ProspectsConvert Prospects To Customers… Build Loyalty and TrustIncrease Referral BusinessAnd Watch Your Profits Soar! By Craig Paulson www.CTNetMarketing.com [email protected] 888-867-8019 CTNetMarketing.com Connecticut’s Small Business Internet Experts

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7 proven online business strategies that can be used by businesses in virtally every market to implement a highly profitable online sales machine


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“7 Proven Strategies For Marketing Your Local

Business Online…”

Find More Prospects…

Convert Prospects To Customers…

Build Loyalty and Trust…

Increase Referral Business…

And Watch Your Profits Soar!

By Craig Paulson


[email protected]


CTNetMarketing.com Connecticut’s Small Business Internet Experts

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First Things First…

1. Why Do I Need To Market My Business Online?

Facts About Internet Usage

Sources: comScore, Google, Kesley, NPD Group

97% of American Internet users use the Internet to shop of which 57% characterize their behavior as "shop online, purchase offline.”

90% of online commercial searches result in local “in-store” purchases

82% of local searchers follow up offline via an in-store visit, phone call or purchase

74% of Internet users perform local searches

73% of online activity is in one way or another “related to local interests”

66% of Americans use online local search to locate local businesses

61% of local searches result in local in-store purchases

If you read nothing else in this report, read the 2 CRITICAL POINTS below.

CRITICAL POINT #1: Marketing your business online goes well beyond "having a website". It’s all about your website being found when your potential customers perform searches for your local products and services. You MUST have top search engine rankings for the "money keywords" in your industry. If you don’t, your website and your business don’t exist in the customer’s eyes.

CRITICAL POINT #2: When potential customers do find your website, do you have a fully tested and optimized “sales funnel” that turns that potential customer from a nameless visitor, into a qualified prospect on your mailing list, and eventually into a loyal, paying, repeat customer?

In other words, is your website a member of your sales team?


"When Local Customers Search For What You Sell, Do They Find Your Business?"

If you can’t answer “Yes” to the above, your competition may very well be stealing easy sales from you right now through their superior online presence. If you do not take

action soon to “stake out” your online presence, you will eventually start losing more and more sales to competitors. Look at the statistics below if you have any doubts.

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54% (and rapidly growing) of Americans have replaced phone books with local Internet search

For every $1.00 U.S. consumers spend online, another 5-6 are going to offline purchases that are influenced by online research

So Many Local Search Statistics, But What Do They Mean For “Local Business Search”?

What these statistics mean is that finding businesses locally is becoming an Internet driven task. Thanks to local search tools, real local businesses are increasingly visible to local customers online.

As a result, the Internet is now driving sales for local businesses at a rapidly increasing rate. And as consumers continue to move online, their reliance on online tools to perform searches for local information, local businesses, and everything else local, will

grow exponentially.

Remember that conversion rate: 61% of local searches result in local in-store purchases. Almost 2/3 of customers using local search will go on to buy!

Is This An Opportunity That You, The Local Business Owner, Can Afford To Pass Up?

The fact that 61% percent of searchers go on to purchase locally makes sense. Think about it. When you see a 2 out of 3 conversion rate, something is clearly driving it. In the case of Internet searches, most people will not go searching for a local restaurant, plumber, accountant, dentist, doctor or any other local business, unless they’ve already decided to spend money. The Yellow Pages™ used to be “local search” Those days are

all but gone.

On the Internet, Local Searchers are “highly targeted, pre-qualified, ready to spend money” prospects.

What would it mean to you to have a daily stream of people coming into your business ready to spend? No TV ads, no radio spots, no newspaper ads, no yellow page display

ads. Just a highly optimized, well-ranked website.

To repeat the “Critical Points” made earlier, will your website be found by prospects performing local searches for your products or services?

See for yourself… go to Google and type in something you think a potential customer would type to find what you are selling. If your website doesn’t show up on page 1 of

Google, then the answer is….

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“NO, They Can’t Find You!” Everyone who IS on page 1, your competitors, are getting your business. Not good.

The bottom line…

• Local search is growing daily and is here to stay

• If you embrace this trend NOW it will significantly fuel the growth of your business

• It can open the doors to every customer located within the area you service at little or no cost

The Whole Purpose Of This Report Is To Show You How To Get In Front Of Potential Customers

When They Are Searching For What You Are Selling

It is written as a “Blueprint” for growing your business quickly using the Internet. There is nothing in this report that you cannot

do yourself. It is packed with “insider” information that even many Search Engine Optimization companies either aren’t aware

of or don’t bother using.

At CTNetMarketing.com the strategies described here are just a portion of what we do to get you “top 3” rankings for your “buyer

keywords” (We can’t give away all our secrets!)

So Let’s Get Started!

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The 7 Online Strategies You Must Embrace To Leave Your Competition in the Dust

#1 – Websites Whether you already have a website or not, I strongly urge you to read everything in the rest of this report. It is truly a “game changer”.

I am going to show you several different strategies you can use to make

your website more effective and ultimately help your business profit more.

But first…

1. Why You Need A Website…

Whether you like it or not, the majority of people are going online to find what they are looking for

The Yellow Pages™ are dying. Same with newspaper ads

Radio and TV ads are expensive and they are not targeted

Today, almost 70% of people go online to find what they are looking for. And that number is growing daily

Only 2-5% of people still rely on the Yellow Pages™ to find local businesses

The old ways just aren’t working as well as they used to

2. Getting Your Website Made

Most companies go to a web designer or web design company and have them build their site. If the designer is good, the company gets a good looking website (which

probably cost them way too much). Great. What’s next?

While the website may look great, more often than not, it is far from being an optimized selling machine, which is how you need to be looking at your online strategy. If your website isn’t bringing in business, what’s the point of having it? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have a plain website with 1st page Google rankings that makes

me money instead of a nice looking site that doesn’t sell.

The Internet is littered with nice looking websites that:

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a. Don’t show up in the search engines for the keywords your prospects are likely typing.

b. Don’t have an optimized “sales funnel” seamlessly integrated into the structure and design of the site.

c. Don’t enhance your offline (i.e. “in-store”) customer experience.

I’ll go into more depth about this later on in this report.

3. Your Website Should Be Your #1 Salesman

When you think of your website as a “selling machine” that works for you 24/7, a few very important things become obvious. It must:

a. Work on the right accounts (i.e. attract the right visitors) b. Make the right contacts c. Give the right “sales pitch”

1. Purpose – The are 2 major reasons that most small business websites fail

miserably to bring in new business:

a. They are not on the first page of Google for their “buyer keywords”

b. If they have managed to get decent rankings, they do not have a

CALL TO ACTION on every page of their site.

The main purpose of your site is to get your potential customers to take some form of action. You want them to either pick up their phone and call you, add themselves to your email list or visit your business in person. In order to get those

potential customers to take some action, your site should:

1. Give them a reason to browse your site. You have just a few seconds to grab their attention. Your competition is just a click away

2. Build trust with the prospect (there are simple ways of doing this in the brief time you have to interest the visitor)

3. Answer any questions the prospect might have

4. Brand your business as the expert, the leader, in whatever field you are in

2. Call To Action – You absolutely MUST get this part right. As stated above, you want every visitor to your website to take some sort of action that brings them into your sales funnel.

You need to give your visitors a reason to contact you. Offer them some sort of discount if they mention a website coupon, give them something free, have a newsletter, send out hints, tips and tricks relevant to your products and services. If you can get people to take the action you want them to take, you can often eliminate your competition and comparison shopping right then.

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3. Contact Information – Put your contact info opt-in form on EVERY page of your

site. You would be surprised how many businesses overlook this.

At the very least, put your phone number and email address on every page. And if you want or need to, put your address on every page as well.

Don’t skip the every page part. When people are surfing the web, their attention span is very short and leaving your website takes just a click of the mouse. So make it easy for them to find your info and get in touch with you. Don’t make them hunt for a “Contact Us” page. By all means, have a “Contact Us” page. But put your business’s contact information on every page!

A good way to do this is to include your contact info in the footer (very bottom part) of your site or have your info in the header.

4. Keep Your Site Simple – You can add a lot of “Gee Wiz” effects to a website these days and website designers love to do this. Why? To impress their client – YOU. I can’t tell you how many business owners show off their beautifully designed website and their home page has no call-to-action. There is nothing wrong with a nice professionally designed website. But ultimately you MUST think of it as a salesman, NOT a fashion model. Your website visitors are typing in keywords to find products and services in their local area. That’s it. And once they find your site, you have a few

seconds to capture their attention. Your competitors are just one click away.

5. Testimonials – Put customer testimonials on your website. If you don’t have them,

get them ASAP!

Testimonials are a huge help in marketing your business. Nothing builds trust and credibility faster than testimonials. Have you ever read in a company’s brochure “Our quality is about average and our customer service is not too bad”. Of course not! Every business claims to be the best, the cheapest, etc. in their industry. To a prospect, this is all just noise. People will believe what actual customers have to say about their experience with your business. This phenomenon is called “social proof” and it’s a very powerful marketing tool.

6. Track Your Visitors – Did you know that you can track all of the traffic that your website gets? You can track the exact keywords people typed into the search engines to find your site, how long they stayed, what pages they visited and much more. Folks,

this is market research on steroids, and this is all done automatically.

One of the best tools out there for tracking all of that is Google Analytics. And it’s free. All you do is copy and paste some code onto the pages you want to track.

It’s what nearly all sites that I know of use.

Here is the link to get your own Google Analytics account so you can start tracking every detail of your website’s activity.

Google Analytics - https://www.Google.com/analytics

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Have your web guy install the code on your website. I use Google Analytics with all of my client’s sites.

7. Capture Your Visitor’s Contact Info – Let me ask you, do you think it would be beneficial to your business if you had a list of the names and email addresses of every visitor to your site? Absolutely it would. Someone who visits your site and leaves is just a number in your website stats report, an anonymous visitor. Someone who visits your site and signs up to your newsletter or free report is a prospect who can be brought

into your sales funnel (you do have a “sales funnel”, right?).

I hope you realize how powerful this is. You can stay in contact with your list whenever you want. Having a sale? Email your list and tell them. Email coupons that they have to bring in to get the lower price. Have new products? Let your list know. What other form of advertising gives you this much control and

power? NOTHING else comes close!

This is one of my favorite marketing strategies. And it’s easy to do.

What you do is put a form on your website for people to enter their name and email address. Of course, you have to offer them something to incentivize them to hand over their name and email:

a discount on their first visit

email list only specials

an informative report on how to make the best purchasing decision for whatever industry you are in

Your “Giveaway” must be something of real value.

Another reason you should be capturing your website visitors contact info….some people come to your site, and for whatever reason, they just aren’t ready to buy. They’re researching, browsing your store. When you capture their email address, you

can then follow up with them via emails with quality, informative content.

You want to establish your business as THE authority, build a relationship with your email list and build trust with them. So when they are ready to buy, they will likely think of you first because of the relationship and trust you’ve built with them through

sending out valuable, informative emails.

BIG NO-NO – NEVER send out emails that bombard your list with “buy, buy, buy” messages. Big turn off. Always offer valuable informative content. Then, at the end of the email put in your brief sales pitch – coupons, discount on the new item you just detailed in your email – a soft sell. If you “hard sell” via email, people will just unsubscribe from your list (and that only takes one click too; Federal regulation require that every email sent MUST have an “unsubscribe” link in it)

If this is something you are interested in, get in touch with me. I can handle everything for you… I’ll create the emails, maintain the database, email your list whenever you

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want, put an opt-in form on your site, give you monthly reports on how many people opened your emails, etc. I can handle everything. Of course, you can also do this yourself.

Takeaways From This Section

• Purpose – Get people to take action, build trust, answer questions, brand you as the expert.

• Call To Action – Get your visitors to call or email you.

• Contact Information – Put it on every page.

• Keep Your Site Simple – Easy to navigate websites with clear calls to action win out every time.

• Testimonials – Include 5 minimum. Social proof. Very powerful

• Track Your Visitors – See how much traffic you get and from where.

• Capture Your Visitors Contact Info - Have a form on EVERY page of your site. Offers something of real value in exchange for their name and email address.

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#2 - Organic Search Results – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What Are Organic (or Natural) Search Results?

When people are looking for a product or service, they go online and use a search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc) to find what they are looking for. The results that show up are called “organic” or “natural” search results. The higher your site is ranked in the organic search results the more traffic you will get. The more traffic you get, the more money you make….assuming you can convert that traffic.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (or “SEO”) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via the "organic" search results. This involves specialized knowledge of how the search engines rank web pages. There are several techniques that are proven to work over and over again. By implementing these techniques, you will optimize your website, blogs, articles, etc. so they rank higher in

the organic search results.

Why Is Getting Ranked High Important?

Searchers rarely go beyond page 1 (first 10 listings) of the search results.

If you are not on page 1 (preferably no lower than #5 on page 1) most people will never find your site.

If most people never find your site, then your website obviously isn’t doing anything to help put money in your pocket.

If your competitors are on page 1, or just ranked higher than you, THEY will get your traffic and THEY will get your sales.

Before I go any further, you need to know what a keyword is. Keywords are words or phrases used by people searching online to describe what they hope to find when performing their search. Keywords drive all Internet searches. What you as a business owner want is to identify and optimize for what are known as “buyer keywords”, search

phrases that are typed in by people looking to spend money.

For example, if someone in Hartford, CT needs plumbing work done, they go online and type in the search term “Hartford plumber” or “cheapest Hartford plumber” or “best Hartford CT plumber” and a zip code. So those are the keyword phrases that you want

your website to show up at the top of Google’s first page results.

Ok, back to organic search results and ranking...

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Ranking Factors – On-Page and Off-Page – How To Rank Higher

1. On-Page Ranking Factors

Organic results are about relevancy. Is the page on your site optimized for the keyword you are targeting? The more relevant you are, the higher you


Your content – Is it congruent and consistent with your business.

Keyword phrase in your page title.

Keyword used in page link/URL.

Keyword worked into content (keyword density).

2. Off-Page Ranking Factors - Two Things To Keep In Mind About


A big part of SEO is getting backlinks. More importantly, quality backlinks. A backlink is when a link to your website is posted on another website. That site is linking back to your site. In terms of how the search engines interpret this link, the

site linking to you is “casting a vote” for your site.

There are many ways to get backlinks. Articles, classified ad sites, directory listings,

blogs, videos, social bookmarks, web 2.0 sites, and many more.

Quality of backlinks: Remember I said it’s important to get quality backlinks. And to do that, it’s all about relevancy and the strength of the backlinks.

Strength of backlink: Each web page on the Internet is assigned a PageRank (PR) by Google. It ranges from 0-10 with 10 being the highest. So the higher the PR of the page giving the backlink, the better quality the backlink is. How

many other backlinks are on the page also factor into the quality of the backlink.


• Relevancy – The more relevant you are, the more you show up.

• Keywords – Make sure to use your keywords properly. Make sure you identify the “buyer keywords” in your market. Integrate your keywords into the page title, all of your content, your URL’s, and your backlinks (links from other sites to your site.

• SEO – The process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "organic" search results.

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• Backlinks – Getting quality backlinks is very important in SEO. You can get links from posting videos, writing articles, posting your website to various web directories relevant to your industry, web 2.0 sites, etc.

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#3 – Pay Per Click (PPC) - Google , Yahoo, and Bing Ads

What Is Pay Per Click?

Pay Per Click advertising are ads that appear to the right of the organic search results. They are identified as “Sponsored Links” at the very top of the right hand column of search results.. When someone clicks on a “Sponsored Links” ad, the person/company that put the ad there is charged a certain amount for that


Each click can cost anywhere from a few cents up to $50+ dollars in very competitive, lucrative markets. What you get for your money is a visitor. That’s it. Starting to see how important the website strategies I’ve discussed earlier are? If you’re paying $5, $10, $20 for a visitor, you’d better be damn

sure your website is optimized to get their name and email address.

Google AdWords is the most widely used form of Pay Per Click advertising.

Why Use AdWords – PPC?

You can reach highly targeted prospects at the very moment they are expressing

interest in your products or services.

You can have your ads shown only in the geographic locations where you do business.

By zip code

By metro area

By city

By state

Within a certain radius of your address

You can easily track all of the activity in a PPC campaign… what keyword was typed to trigger showing your ad, what you paid for each click, how variations of ads perform against each other for continuous testing of new ads. In short, you’ll know exactly how effectively your advertising dollars are being spent. There is

no other type of advertising medium that provides these capabilities.

Change your campaigns quickly, easily, and whenever you want.

Set a daily budget so you’ll have no advertising cost surprises.

Get your ads up and running in minutes.

Drive traffic to your website almost immediately!

Google AdWords – http://www/Google.com/adwords

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CAUTION Pay-per-click is not for beginners. Be cautious. There are countless stories of small businesses racking up thousands of dollars in PPC costs because of poorly designed, poorly maintained ad campaigns. PPC prices are determined by auction where you bid on how much you are willing to pay the search engine when a searcher clicks on your ad. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this.

You could easily end up paying say $4.00 per click on a keyword that a direct competitor of yours is only paying $1.00 per click. The amount you are willing to pay IS NOT the only factor in what you actually pay or how high up in the PPC ad listings your

ad will show.

If you want to try AdWords but are hesitant because of the learning curve and the possibility of racking up big PPC bills, you can contact us and we will set-up and monitor

your AdWords campaign for you.

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#4 - Submitting Your Business Information To Directories

You want to submit your business information to quality, search engine friendly directories. Both local and the big ones like Google Local and Yahoo Local. There are many thousands of directories you can submit to. However, the search engines pay attention to only a handful of them that have earned trust and authority. Mass submission of your website to hundreds or thousands of directories is a waste of time. But a lot of Search Engine Optimization firms will try to sell you this service as

something that will improve your rankings dramatically. It Won’t.

Submitting to the right directories can help, however. You will get a decent quality backlink. So make sure to include your website URL when submitting all of your


The more information you submit to Google and Yahoo Local, the higher up you can rank. So make sure to add things like pictures, videos, testimonials, and most

importantly, reviews from your customers.

Directory Listing Sites

Google - https://www.google.com/local/add

Yahoo Local – http://listings.local.yahoo.com

Bing - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmasters/?FORM=ZZLH2

Kudzu – http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com

Super Pages – http://www.SuperPages.com

Yellow Pages – http://www.YellowPages.com

OpenList – http://www.openlist.com/update

City Search – http://philadelphia.citysearch.com

Insider Pages – http://www.insiderpages.com/advertiser

InfoUSA – http://www.infoUSA.com

Cmac.ws – http://www.cmac.ws

Best Of The Web Local - http://local.botw.org

Merchant Circle - http://www.merchantcircle.com

DMOZ - http://www.dmoz.org

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5 – Article Marketing

Why Article Marketing?

Writing content rich articles and then submitting them to local article directories is a great way to help your rankings in the search engines

This will drive targeted traffic to your website and also build valuable backlinks to your site to improve your organic search results

Articles should be between 350-500 words and include the keyword phrase in the title and worked into the content twice. Ideally, once in the first paragraph

and once in the last paragraph.

Each article you write will also include a “Resource box” where you can present a brief bio and a little information about your business. Most article directories where you will be submitting these articles will allow you to use what’s called “anchor text” in your resource box. An example of how anchor text is used in HTML is shown below

<a href="http://www.yourdomain.com">Target Keyword Goes Here</a>

Example: <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com">best philadelphia


You can also use articles on your site for branding purposes. You can educate your potential customers and email list subscribers on problems, mistakes to avoid, misconceptions, solutions, “How To” articles. Just make sure your articles are quality, original content AND include the all important call-to-action.

If you don’t want to write the articles yourself, there are plenty of freelance writers out

there who will write keyword optimized articles for you. We also offer this service.

After you write your articles, or have them written for you, you should submit them to the article directories listed below. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of article directories out there, but the 10 listed below are generally considered the top one and the ones that the search engines pay the most attention to. As with website

directories, the search engines ignore all but a handful of article directories.

Article Directories

http://www.ezinearticles.com http://www.articlesbase.com http://www.goarticles.com http://www.articlealley.com http://www.isnare.com

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http://www.articledashboard.com http://www.searchwarp.com http://www.articlesbase.com http://www.articlecity.com http://www.buzzle.com

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# 6 - Classified Ad Sites

Why Classified Ad Sites?

You can post ads on classified sites and get them ranked in the search engines.

Thousands of people browse classified ad sites looking for products and services in their area. I’m sure you’ve heard of Craigslist.org. This is one of the MOST visited sites on the Internet. A very active marketplace. So classifieds can lead to

visitors and sales.

Like articles, this is also another way to get backlinks to your site.

How to optimize your classified ad for your chosen keywords…

Start ad title with keyword (Philadelphia Plumbing Contractor – Joe’s Plumbing)

Use keyword in the first sentence of your ad

Use keyword a couple of more times in the ad

Include a link to your site with your keyword ar the “anchor text”

Include an image – your logo, a screen show of your website, etc.

Classified Sites








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#7 – Work With An Experienced Direct Marketer

The direct marketing approach is much older than the Internet. However, many proven direct marketing principles work just as well, or better, on the Internet. What’s the

point of paying money to have a website made if no one is ever going to see it?

That’s exactly what will happen if you just pay some web designer for a website and throw it up on the Internet. “If You Build It They Will Come” definitely does not apply to websites and Internet marketing.

You need to build it and then market it properly so people will find it. The only way to do that is by knowing how to do SEO and/or PPC to get traffic to your website.

Because without targeted, relevant traffic your site is useless.

But, When You Do Get Traffic, You Are Sitting On A Goldmine!

Analogy – Let’s Say You Want To Sell Your Car

- You wash it, vacuum the interior, wax it, and then put a “For Sale” sign on it but

leave it parked in your driveway.

If that’s all you do, do you think you will sell your car? Of course not! But that’s what it’s like when you pay lots of money to have a website made and then do nothing else

with it. You wasted your time and your money!

What If Someone Else….

Washed, vacuumed, and waxed it

Put a “For Sale” sign on it to let everyone know it was for sale (your website)

Put an ad, listing the benefits and a call to action, in car magazines and on craigslist and other classified sites (classified ads and article marketing)

Parked your car in a parking lot that was on the corner of a very busy intersection or in a dealers lot (local directories and search engines)

Kept in contact with potential buyers (email list)

Knew how to market the car properly so you could sell it for an extra $800 but yet he only charged you $200 to do everything listed here

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Do You Think It Would Sell Now? I’d Say So!

Truth is, you could do all of that yourself, but why would you? Especially when you save your time AND you make more money.

It’s A No Brainer

Again, the only way to get that targeted traffic is to learn SEO and PPC yourself or work with someone who already knows what they are doing and has a track record of

achieving results.

Online marketing is a full time job. It’s not something you learn in a few hours. So it’s important to work with an SEO firm that knows exactly how to take your offline

business and market it properly online.

So, what Is Your Next Step?

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Your Options


Do nothing. Keep doing what you’ve been doing.

Let your competitors take business from you.

Remember, just having a website and nothing else is not enough.

As many wise men have learned, “If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you’ve been getting.”


Spend many, many hours learning everything in this report on your own

Potentially waste much time and money if you happen to mess something up – time and money that you will never get back

Deal with the time-tested, but highly inefficient “trial and error” learning method

Do your own keyword research to find the “money keywords” in your industry

Run and manage your own Pay-per-Click (PPC) campaigns, if you decide to try PPC

Hope that implementing the 7 strategies outlined in this report pays off in the end when you try to do them all yourself.

While I do think this report gives you enough detail to implement the 7 strategies, the descriptions and explanations are necessarily brief. A fully detailed step-by-step “blueprint” would run a few hundred pages. Plus, the search engines are constantly changing so any written blueprint would become obsolete as time passes.


Page 22: 7 Proven Local Business Online Strategies

© 2011 | www.CTNetMarketing.com | 888-867-8019

Hire Someone Who Knows What They Are Doing To Help You With Some Or All Of The Strategies Presented In This


Our Services

SEO – Backlinks, Articles, Classifieds

PPC Campaign Management

Directory Submissions

Article Marketing

Website Design

Website Optimization

Email List Building

Web 2.0 Sites – Squidoo, Blogs, HubPages

Video Creation and Marketing

Social Networking Setup – Facebook, MySpace, Twitter

Content Creation – For blogs, website, articles, etc.

General Marketing Consulting


95% of the work is done for you.

Free up your time so you can work ON YOUR BUSINESS, instead of IN YOUR BUSINESS.

You won’t need to learn anything new.

Working with a marketing expert that has 20+ years of small and medium sized marketing experience, both online and off.

Generate more traffic to your website.

More traffic means more money.

More money means you can invest back into your business, take time off, buy toys, enjoy your business because it’s profitable

Page 23: 7 Proven Local Business Online Strategies

© 2011 | www.CTNetMarketing.com | 888-867-8019


There is no way for me to give “set pricing” in this report.

Every business has different wants and needs.

Not every business is at the same point right now.

Not everyone wants the same services.

Every market is different.

Some areas are more competitive than other areas.

The more competitive the market, the more work for me, the more work for me, the more I have to charge.

What To Do Next

Contact Us:

Phone: 888-867-8019

Email: [email protected]

After That:

We will decide on a time to discuss exactly how I can help you and what your wants and needs are for your business.

If you’re local, we will meet face to face. I am in the Hartford, CT area.

If you’re not local, we can discuss everything via phone/email/skype/etc.

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© 2011 | www.CTNetMarketing.com | 888-867-8019

I can’t work with everyone who contacts me. I have developed a detailed questionnaire that all of my potential clients must fill out. The purpose of the questionnaire is to make sure that we do not waste each other’s time.

If the numbers don’t add up, then I can’t take you on as a client. If your average transaction value is too small, you will be wasting your money. No sense in you spending hundreds of dollars a month on marketing if you are selling a $2 widget and only sell 50 of them a month. If you’re selling 50 $1,000 widgets a month, or 50,000 $2 widgets a month, then you can easily justify the investment in your website. Make sense?

Due to the nature of what I do, I can only work with 2 business owners per market in any city. This includes strict confidentiality. My goal for every one of my clients is a top 5 ranking in Google. Limiting my work to 2 businesses per market is the only sensible way of achieving those kinds of rankings. I don’t make any exceptions to this rule.

If you decide not to take action to start building your online business activities after reading this report, either on your own, with us, or with another

marketing/SEO company, you are running a serious risk of getting left behind. The statistics cited in the beginning of this report are only going to grow

stronger with time.

Don’t Forget…

1. 90% of online commercial searches results in local offline purchases.

2. 61% of all local searches results in a transaction.


“When Local Customers Search

For What You Sell, Do They Find Your Business?”

How to contact CTNetMarketing.com:

Phone: 888-867-8019

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.CTNetMarketing.com