7-a, bapu bazar, udaipurnalwayaminerals.com/devpurmines.pdf · 2012. 7. 17. · 7-a, bapu bazar,...

Nc.J.J-11015j127 j2005-IA.II(M) Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests Paryavaran Bhavan, c.G.O.Complex,Lodi Road, NewDelhi-110 003. Shri N.K. ,\Jalvvaya, Managing Director, Mj~ NalwClya Minera: Industries Pvt. Ltd. 7-A, Bapu Bazar, UDAIPUR - 313001. Rajasthan. Sub: Devpur Soapstone Mine of Mjs Nalwaya Mineral Industries Pvt. Ltd., in village Deopllra, Tehsil Aspur, District Dungarpur, Rajasthan - environmental clearance - regarding. This has reference to your letter dated 24.02.2005 submitting the application and~.ubsequentletters dated NIL, 12.08.2005, 30.09.2005, ?1.12.2005 and 21.12.2005 on the subject mentioned above. The Ministry of EnVironment & Forests has examined the applicc.tion. It has been noted thatthe proposal is for expansion of the existing Devpur Soapstone mine for production ofsoapstone and dolomite over a total mining lease area of 31.91 ha., which is a forestland. Forestry clearance has been obtained on 15j16.12.1999. There are no ecologically sensitive areas such as National Parks andWildlife Sanctuary within 10 km of mine site. The project does not fall in the Aravalli Hills. The project does not involve displacement of population. Of the total lease area, area for excavation is 11.60 ha, 1.0 ha is for storage of topsoil, 3.67 ha is for OB dumps, 1 h~ is for roads,3 ha is for green belt, and 10:64 ha is for future explorat;on. Mining will be Opencast b~1 serni-mechanised method anj involves blasting. The project invol'/es expansion in production to an annual targeted capacity of 50,000 tonnes per annum (TPA) of soapstone and 20,000 TPA of dolomite. There is nQancillary operations existing o~ proposed within thp. ML. Mineral transportation of about 233TPD isby road! Water table is in the range of 172-177 mRL in the core zone and 182-184mRL ir l the buffer zone. Present workIng depth is156-165 mRL and ultimate workin~ depth of ~he mine 150 mRLand has intersected aroundwater. Peak water requirement of 13 r,,3jday will be met from groundwater. Approximately 0.73(" Mm3 is OB will be generated during the balance lifE of mine, which will be dumped: in externai OB dumps. B::lckming (100%) is proposed after ten years if additional l land for dumping OB is not availahle. Life of the mine at the rated capacity is 27' years. The Government of RajC1sthan, Directorate of Mine & Geology has approved

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  • Nc.J.J-11015j127j2005-IA.II(M)Government of India

    Ministry of Environment & Forests

    Paryavaran Bhavan,c.G.O.Complex, Lodi Road,

    New Delhi -110 003.

    Shri N.K. ,\Jalvvaya,Managing Director,Mj~ NalwClyaMinera: Industries Pvt. Ltd.7-A, Bapu Bazar,UDAIPUR - 313001.Rajasthan.

    Sub: Devpur Soapstone Mine of Mjs Nalwaya Mineral IndustriesPvt. Ltd., in village Deopllra, Tehsil Aspur, District Dungarpur,Rajasthan - environmental clearance - regarding.

    This has reference to your letter dated 24.02.2005 submitting theapplication and ~.ubsequentletters dated NIL, 12.08.2005, 30.09.2005, ?1.12.2005and 21.12.2005 on the subject mentioned above. The Ministry of EnVironment &Forests has examined the applicc.tion. It has been noted that the proposal is forexpansion of the existing Devpur Soapstone mine for production of soapstone anddolomite over a total mining lease area of 31.91 ha., which is a forestland.Forestry clearance has been obtained on 15j16.12.1999. There are no ecologicallysensitive areas such as National Parks andWildlife Sanctuary within 10 km of minesite. The project does not fall in the Aravalli Hills. The project does not involvedisplacement of population. Of the total lease area, area for excavation is 11.60ha, 1.0 ha is for storage of topsoil, 3.67 ha is for OB dumps, 1 h~ is for roads, 3 hais for green belt, and 10:64 ha is for future explorat;on. Mining will be Opencast b~1serni-mechanised method anj involves blasting. The project invol'/es expansion inproduction to an annual targeted capacity of 50,000 tonnes per annum (TPA) ofsoapstone and 20,000 TPA of dolomite. There is nQancillary operations existing o~proposed within thp. ML. Mineral transportation of about 233TPD is by road!Water table is in the range of 172-177 mRL in the core zone and 182-184 mRL irlthe buffer zone. Present workIng depth is 156-165 mRL and ultimate workin~depth of ~he mine 150 mRL and has intersected aroundwater. Peak waterrequirement of 13 r,,3jday will be met from groundwater. Approximately 0.73("Mm3 is OB will be generated during the balance lifE of mine, which will be dumped:in externai OB dumps. B::lckming (100%) is proposed after ten years if additionallland for dumping OB is not availahle. Life of the mine at the rated capacity is 27'years. The Government of RajC1sthan,Directorate of Mine & Geology has approved

  • the Modifications to Mining Plan on 25.0:5.2004.. No Objection Certificate has beenobtained from the State Pollution Control 8oi1rdon 24.12.2004. Public Hearing wasconducted on 22.11.2004. Capital cost of the project is Rs.l00 lakhs.

    2. The Ministry of Environment & Forests hereby accords environmentalclearance to the above mentioned Devpur Soapstone Mine of M/s Nalwaya MineralIndustries Pvt. Ltd., for expansion in production to an annual targeted capacity to50,000 tonnes per annum (TPA) of soapstone and 20,000 TPA of dolomiteinvolving lease area of 31.91 he under the provisions of the Environmental ImpactAssessment Notification, 1994 and sL:bsequent amendments thereto subject tocompliance of the terms and conditions mentioned below:

    . ,

    (i) Top soil should be st::lcked prcperly with proper slope ut ear marked site(s)with adequate mec.sLJresand should be used for reclamation andrehabilitation of mined out area.

    (ii) OS and other wastes should be stacked at earmarked sites only and ShOIJldnot be kept active for long periods of time. Slopes of the waste dumps shallbe made flat enough to e.,sure long term stability and not exceeding 2BO.P:antation should be taken up for soil stabilisation along the slopes of thedump. Sedimentation pits should be constructed at the corners of thegarland dwins. The surface run-off should be desilted through a series Iofcheck dams and drains before final disposal.

    Mineral should be stacked at earmarked sites only

    Catch drains, and siltdtion ponds of appropriate size and check dams shoJldbe constructed to arrest :ilt and sediment flows from the mining operatiorl,s.The drains should be regularly desilted and maintained properly. Garlanddrain (size, gradient & length) shall be constructed for both mine pit and forthe waste dump. Sump capacity should be ciesigned keeping 50% safetymargin over and above the peak s,uddenrainfall and maximum discharge inthe area Cldjoining the mine site. Sump capacity should also provideadequate retention period to allow 'proper settling of silt mate ial.Sedimentation pits should be construCted at the corners of the garlanddrains. .

    (v) Drills should be wet operated or fitted with dust extractors.

    (Vi) C~~trol.led blasting should be practiced and only during daytime. Themitigative measures for. control of ground vibrations to arrest the fly rocksand boulders should be Implemented.

    (Vii) Plantation ~hall be done over the lease area inclUding a green belt ofadeq~ate wl~th around .the ML area, along roads, and over 08 dumps byplanting. SUitable native species in consultation with the localDFO/Agnculture Department. The den~ity of trees should be around 1000-1500 plants per hectare.

  • Water harvesting measur2Sshould be taken up in and around mine site foraugmentation· of groundwater in the area. Further, desiltation of the waterharvesting structures shall be carried out every year before the onset ofmonsoon..

    A Consent to Operate shaH be obtained from the SPCB before expanclingmining operations.

    No chang(~ in mining technology and scope of working should be rn~dewithout prior approval of the Ministry of Environment & Forests. .

    No change in the cc.lendar plan includ;ng excavation, quantum of mintaland waste should be marle.

    Ambient air quality (RPM & SPM) should be monitored regularly and recordsmaintained. The monitoring report shall be submitted to the Ministryincluding its Regional Office (Cl) at Lucknow and the Rajasthan StatePollution Control Board/Central Pollution Control Board once in six months.

    Fugitive dust emissions from all the sources should be controlled regularly.Water spraying arrangement on haul roads, loading & unloading and at'transfer points should be provided and properly maintained.

    Adequate measures should be taken for control of noise levels in the workenvironment.

    Industrial waste water, if any, should be properly collected, treated so as toconform to the standards prescribed under GSR 422. (E) dated 19th May,1993 and 31st Decemb8r, 1993 or as amended from time to time.

    Occupational health surveillance program of the workers should beundertaken periodically to observe any contractions due to exposure to dustand take corrective measures, if needed.

    !he funds earmarked for environmental protection measures should be keptIn. separate ~ccount and should not be diverted for other purpose. Yearwise expenditure should be reported to this Ministry's Regional Officelocated at Lucknow (Cl).

    The ~egional Office (Cl) of thjs Ministry located at Lucknow shall monitorcompliance of the stipulated conditions. rhe project authorities should~xtend f~I.1cooper~tion to the officer(s) of the Regional Office by furnishingthe requIsite data/Information/monitoring reports.

    ~ copy of clearance letter will be marked t:J concerned Panchayatjlocal NGOIf any, ~rom whom and suggestion/representation has been received whil~processing the proposal.

  • (xi) State Pollution Control Board should disp ay a copy of the clearance letter atthe Regional Office, District Industry Centre and Collector's Officerrehsildar'sOffice for 30 days and provid= copies of the same to anyone requesting forthe same.

    (xii~ The project authorities should advertise at least in two local newspapersWidely circulated around the project, one of which shall be in the vernacularlangua£e of the locality concerned, within 7 days of the issue of clearanceletter infoJrming t.hat the project has been accorded environmental clearanceand a copy of the c1earanc~ letter is available with the State PollutionControl Boarrl and may also be seen at web site of the Ministry ofEnvironr-12nt & Forests at !.!.!.!J1://cn\'rOl'.nk.in.

    3. The Ministry or any other competent authority may stipul::3te any furthercondition, if deemed necessary, for environmental protection.

    4. Failure to comply with 'any of the cor,ditions mentioned above may result inwithdrawal of this clearance.

    5. The above conditions will be enforced, inter alia, under the provisions of theWatr:r (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention & Controlof Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and the PLlblicLiability Insurance Act, 1991 abng with their amendments and rules.

    ~~/~~~-l(Dr. S.K. Aggarwal)
