5.22.13 classwork wednesday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Wednesday May 22, 2013 Pretend that you are a famous author of many award winning books. What would you say to children about the importance of reading and writing? Edward Adrianette

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  • 1. ChristySamiraLeonKareenaPhiliciaAyannaLilahRemyDonovanMichaelYamileeJessicaLeslieCarlosBryanRicardoAlexisDavidJordanAlejandraKathyDianaIxzaEmilyJaileenJeffreyWednesdayMay 22, 2013Pretend that you are a famous author of many awardwinning books. What would you say to children aboutthe importance of reading and writing?EdwardAdrianette
  • 2. DO NOW:Write the x3Times Table tentimes.Morning Work
  • 3. ReadingAim: BalloonFlight (p. 710)Talk About ItNowadayspeople cantravel quicklyby plane toalmost any part of the world. Why do youthink people still like to go up in hotairballoons?
  • 4. Something that is launched is started inmotion or sent off.Particles are small bits or pieces of anelement.Things that are dense are thick or packedclosely together.Inflate means to cause to swell by fillingwith air or gas.
  • 5. Anchored means held firmly in place.Hydrogen is a light gas that burns easily.Scientific means having to do with or usedin science.A companion is a person or animal whokeeps somebody company.
  • 6. ReadingAim: The Science of HotAir Balloons (p. 712)Word PartsGreek Roots help youunderstand entire wordfamilies. The hydrogenhas the Greek root hydr.This root means "water."Most words beginning with hydr havesomething to do with water.
  • 7. ReadingMonitor ComprehensionMake GeneralizationsA Generalizations Chart helpsyou make broad statementsthat describe ideas or events.This will help you monitor yourcomprehension orunderstanding of what you read. To makegeneralizations, combine key facts from thetext and your prior knowledge.Informationfrom TextPrior KnowledgeGeneralization
  • 8. ReadingAim: Up in the Air:The Story ofBalloon Flight(p. 714)Nonfiction givesinformation andfacts about realpeople, places, events, and situations.Make GeneralizationsAs you read, combine information from thetext with prior knowledge. Use yourGeneralizations Chart.
  • 9. altitude: the measurements of the distanceabove Earths surface.chemist: an expert in chemistry, the sciencethat deals with the characteristics ofelements.helium: a very light, colorless, odorless gasthat does not burn.
  • 10. Informationfrom TextPriorKnowledgeGeneralization
  • 11. Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 210. Readthe selection, then answer thequestions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.Write the question and answerusing complete sentences!
  • 12. MathAim: Subtract LikeFractions (p. 625)Lesson:Complete pages625628Homework:"My Homework" pages 629630
  • 13. MathAim: Use Models toAdd Unlike Fractions(p. 631)Lesson:Complete pages631634
  • 14. Homework Summary for Wednesday May 22, 2013ReadingPractice book, page 210 (see lesson for directions)Math"My Homework" pages 629630
  • 15. Attachments1314158AnalogiesTTT.notebook