3ds max

1 Autodesk® Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design About This Lesson This lesson introduces the student to Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design software. Using this application, students can realize their ideas by rendering, creating 3D models, and animating mechanisms.

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Autodesk® Design Academy

Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

About This Lesson

This lesson introduces the student to Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design software. Using this application,students can realize their ideas by rendering, creating 3D models, and animating mechanisms.

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2 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

Key Terms

align image map stock lens

camera Modifier List target

clone omni lights viewport

group render


Autodesk® Design Academy curriculum meets content standards for Science, Technology, Engineering,Math (STEM), and Language Arts. To review the list of standards for each lesson, view the NationalAcademic Standards Cross Reference PDF document.

This lesson relates to technology, engineering, and math standards.

Exercises■ Insert the Assembly■ Create an Image Map■ Create Scene Lighting■ Create an Animation

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 3

Exercise: Insert the Assembly In this exercise, you insert an Autodesk Inventorassembly into Autodesk 3ds Max Design.

The completed exercise

Import the Model 1.

In Autodesk 3ds Max Design, openskateboard.max.


Click application menu > Import.■ In the Select File to Import dialog box,

navigate to the folder containing theexercise files.

■ Select sk_assembly.iam. Click Open.■ In the Autodesk Inventor File Import dialog

box, under Merge/Replace Options, clickMerge With Current Scene. (1)

■ Under Inventor File Vertical Direction, clickZ Axis. (2)

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4 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design


Click OK to insert the Autodesk Inventorassembly.

Note: These images are shown with the griddisplayed. Your display may vary.

4. Click Group menu > Group.

■ In the Group dialog box, enter skateboard.■ Click OK. The parts in the skateboard

assembly are combined into a single group. 5.

On the Main toolbar, click Align.

■ Select the blue box under the skateboard to

display the Align Selection dialog box.■ Under Align Position (World), select the Z

Position check box. (1)■ Under Current Object, click Minimum. (2)■ Under Target Object, click Maximum. (3)

6. Click Apply to align the skateboard on top of

the box.


To complete the alignment of the skateboard:■ Under Align Position (World), select the X

Position check box.■ Under Current Object, click Center.■ Under Target Object, click Center.■ Click Apply.■ Under Align Position (World), select the Y

Position check box.■ Click OK.

8. On the File menu, click Save As.

■ Enter myskateboard.■ Click Save.

In this exercise, you inserted an Autodesk Inventorassembly model into an existing Autodesk 3ds Maxfile, and then aligned the model on an existing object.

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 5

Exercise: Create an Image Map In this exercise, you use the Material Editor to createand insert an image map.

The completed exercise

Map an Image 1.

Open skateboard01.max.


On the Viewport Controls toolbar, click Orbit.


Drag the mouse to create an isometric view asshown. Right-click to end the command.


Select the skateboard.

5. On the Group menu, click Open.


Select the skateboard again. The board shouldbe highlighted with a bounding box.

Note: If the skateboard is not selected correctly,no modifiers will be available in the next step.Check this selection carefully.


Press SPACEBAR to lock the selection. Thepadlock symbol at the bottom of the screen ishighlighted.


On the Command panel, click the Modify tab.

■ Click the Modifier list down arrow.■ In OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS, click UVW

Map.■ In the Parameters rollout, under Mapping,

click Planar.■ Clear the Real-World Map Size check box.■ For Length, enter 4.■ For Width, enter 10. Press ENTER. The

bounding box of the gizmo resizes.

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6 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

Import and Display an Image Use the Material Editor to import and display abitmap image. 1.

On the Main toolbar, click Material Editor (orpress M to display the Material Editor).

2. Click Modes > Compact Material Editor. 3.

Click Get Material.


Click the down-arrow and select Open MaterialLibrary.


Double-click PAINT.MAT to display the paintmaterials and maps.■ Click Paint-Bumpy Yellow (Standard).■ Drag and drop the image onto the top left

sample slot in the Material Editor.

6. Close the Material/Map Browser.


In the Material Editor, expand the Mapsparameter rollout. You may have to scroll downto view this rollout.■ Next to Diffuse Color, click the Map #1

(BUMPYEL.JPG) bitmap file name.■ In the Bitmap parameters rollout, click

the Bitmap path name ...\maps\PAINT\BUMPYEL.JPG.

■ In the Select Bitmap Image File dialog box,navigate to the datasets folder.

■ Select skateboard.bmp. Click Open. Thebitmap displays in the sample slot.

Suggestion: In this exercise, you apply anAutodesk® logo to your skateboard. Using thesame workflow, you can select and apply yourown logo to the skateboard.


In the Material Editor, expand the Coordinatesrollout.■ In the U row, clear the Tile check mark.■ In the V row, clear the Tile check mark.

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 7


Click Assign Material to Selection.

Note: Ensure that Show Map in Viewport istoggled on.

The bitmap image displays on the skateboard.

10. Minimize the Material Editor. 11.

Zoom and pan to display the skateboard in thegraphics window as shown:


On the Rendering menu, click Render.

13. Close the render window.

14. Press SPACEBAR to unlock the selection. Do not

save the file. In this exercise, you defined a UVW map on thesurface of the skateboard, and then imported abitmap image. Using the Material Editor, you placedand displayed the bitmap on the skateboard. Youcreated a quality rendered image of the model.

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8 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

Exercise: Create Scene Lighting In this exercise, you create and adjust target andomni lights to create scene lighting.

The completed exercise

Create and Adjust Omni Lights 1.

Open skateboard02.max.


On the Viewport Controls toolbar, clickMaximize Viewport Toggle.


Click Zoom.


Zoom out in each viewport until the skateboardappears small and centered.


On the Create panel, click Lights.

■ Select Standard from the list.■ In Object Type, click Omni.■ Place an Omni light in the lower left corner

of the Top view. Right-click to cancel. 6.

On the Main toolbar, click Select and Move.

7. Press SHIFT. Click and drag the light to the top

right corner of the Top view. 8.

In the Clone Options dialog box, click Instance.Click OK.

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 9


In the Front viewport, move one Omni light upand the other down. If the lights are not visiblein the Front view, zoom out until you can seeboth lights.

Render the Image Create and adjust Target Spotlights to create scenelighting. 1.

On the Create panel, click Lights.


In Object Type, click Target Spot.■ In the Top view, click once to place the light

(1). Drag the cursor over the skateboard toplace the target.

■ Place two more spotlights (2 and 3). Youshould locate them around the skateboardto produce suitable scene lighting.


On the main toolbar, click Select and Move.

4. In the Front view, select one of the spotlights.

Move it upwards to a new location.


Move the other two spotlights upwards to varythe lighting.


On the Command panel, click the Modify tab.■ In the Front view, select one of the

spotlights.■ In General Parameters, select the Shadows

check box for the selected light. Shadows istoggled off.

7. Click in the Perspective view to make it current. 8.

On the Viewport Controls toolbar, clickMaximize Viewport Toggle.

9. Zoom and pan to display the skateboard in the

graphics window. 10. On the Rendering menu, click Render. 11. Review the image. Close the Render window

and the Render Scene dialog box. 12.

On the Viewport Controls toolbar, clickMaximize Viewport Toggle.


On the main toolbar, click Select Object.

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10 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design


In the Front view, select a light. In theIntensity/Color/Attenuation rollout, reduce theMultiplier intensity setting to produce differentscene lighting conditions.


Render the Perspective view after each changein settings. Repeat this for each light until thelighting meets your objectives.

16. Do not save the file. In this exercise, you created Omni lights and TargetSpot lights. You adjusted the location and propertiesof the lights to create different scene lightingconditions for rendered output.

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 11

Exercise: Create an Animation In this exercise, you create and adjust the location of acamera.

Create and Adjust a Camera 1.

Open skateboard03.max.

2. Click in the Top viewport. 3.

On the Create tab, click Cameras.

4. In Object Type, click Target. 5.

Click to the right of the skateboard and dragtowards the skateboard to locate the target.

6. Click in the Front view. 7.

On the Main toolbar, click Select and Move.


Move the camera up above the skateboard.


Right-click in the Perspective view. Press C. Theviewport changes to a view from the camera. In the bottom right of the screen the ViewportControls display the camera tools.


Click the Modify tab.

11. With the camera selected, select from the list of

Stock Lenses and note the effect in the Cameraview.

12. Select the 35 mm lens for the animation.

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12 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

Attach a Camera to a Path and Create anAnimation 1. Click in the Top viewport. 2.

On the Create panel, click Shapes.


Click Circle. Click the skateboard, and thendrag the cursor until the circle is on top of thecamera.

4. Right-click in the Front viewport to make it

active. 5.

On the main toolbar, click Select and Move.


Select the circle. Move the circle up to thesame location as the camera.


On the Command panel, click the Motion tab.

8. Select the camera. Expand the Assign

Controller rollout.


In Assign Controller, select Position: PositionXYZ.


Click Assign Controller.

11. In the Assign Position Controller dialog box,

select Path Constraint. Click OK. 12. Scroll down the Motion Command panel to

Path Parameters. 13.

Click Add Path.


In the Front viewport, select the circle. Review the list. Successful selection of thecircle results in the circle being listed in theTarget list in the Path Parameters.


Scroll down the Path Parameters to PathOptions. Select the Follow check box.

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Quick Start for 3ds Max Design ■ 13


Click in the Camera viewport.■ On the Rendering menu, click Render

Setup.■ Under Common Parameters, click Active

Time Segment: 0 to 100.■ Under Output Size, click 320x240.■ Scroll down to the Render Output area.

Click Files.■ In the Render Output dialog box, change

the Save as Type to AVI File (*.avi).■ In Save In, navigate to the folder where the

exercise files are located.■ In File Name, enter my_skateboard. Click

Save. If a CODEC has not been selectedpreviously, then the following step isrequired.

■ In the video Compression Setup dialog box,from the Compressor list, select MicrosoftVideo 1. Click OK.

■ Click Render. The animation renders in afew minutes.

Note: The Microsoft Video 1 CODEC is generallyavailable on all computers. CODECs, such asthe current Microsoft Windows Media Video,provide superior quality and much smaller files.

If available, use the Microsoft Windows MediaVideo CODEC.

17. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the exercises

folder. Double-click my_skateboard.avi to playthe animation. The animation is 100 framesand takes 3.36 seconds to play.

18. Do not save the file. In this exercise, you created and modified a cameraand circular path. You attached the camera to thepath and then created an animation of the cameramoving along the path.

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14 ■ Autodesk Design Academy Quick Start for 3ds Max Design

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Copyright ■ 15

Autodesk® Design Academy


© 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Autodesk, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Autodesk Inventor,Autodesk Inventor Professional Suite, Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP, Autodesk 3dsMax Design are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarksbelong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings,and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical orgraphical errors that may appear in this document.



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