34th street

' C_ T5 U T? founjiei igg 5 Vol. Cl. Sw. |7 maAIIMPIIU, Tuesday, frbruars 19. IVH5 CopyngN IMS tha Omt, "t~»^«n*i Courting the CIA Students try agency for its'crimes' H> no in M BI yi nqi i. lu.i .ampus groups protested the Rival "I a <cniial Inlcllicctkc Veen cy recruiter yeaaerea) adMinam lion thai included a noci trial tor .III.-LH.I I I \ . rime's The Progressive Saadeati \Murxc and Ilk- Central American Solidaruv Alliance organized the Irul. which was held oa College Hall Green •Mtci Ihc hall hour CWttnoay, Hempen trom hoth organization- nun cd other students in ,i march ii> the I nivcrsitv - * arccr Planning ust Placement Service ofrfca ai 4n:< Chestnut Street when- a rails wav held outside the MII aim The e turning ol antiCIA songs hi|ihli)!hli'd the iiuieh .irxl t'i. aleo daaw Rgtirea ol Bead hiKiieN on I tKusi Walk During I he (rial, .ipprounuIcK 10 flapmemberscomicall) deputed a legal dehale in which the dctcndanls students clothed in BttftOIYptl garb, where convicvBd ol .runes perpetrated in Guatemala, the Raj Ot Pie- and 11 Saliadot Ihe large crowd •>t student rjbacrven served a- the iury calling (Hit guilty" when asked lor a verdict PSA incmhci Steve OoM. a College senior, said >esteida> that he leels the trial nas an appropriate wav to present the issue "It was a humorous setting with people laughing and getting involv cd. Ciold said Some |xoplc ma) think that there is a contradiction bet ween the gravity ol the CIA v crimes and the was wr brought out the '.•« Student charged with rape, freed on $50,000 bail OP Prngrevsite Slu<k-nts Mlianei in. ml., i Sieve Ciold with a nu g.i|>lion, I. admo protesters down I <H list \\ .ilk but I do n..1 leel that was I |*HI an is ini'. at the employment ot Qct dcnvousiiators were told t>\ Philadelphia Police that thev would not he- allowed to enter as a group More than III protesters entered the building individually . where a CASA icprcscn talivc read a general sialenient CASA incmher Pablo lautaro. a College senior, delivered a speech whieh fbcuaad on alleged CIA crimes in Central and South America "What we plish is to raise coravenuaneaa ahout how ihe I I \ i- acting in the- runic ot the I luted Stales Lautaro said after tits address Thes have committed several .rimes in II Salvador and - "*• .ua jn^i those aie onlv a tew instances II '.» .an Ihe (IV sav they are as tine, in the nan., ot denkkiacy when the hung about the downtall ol rJaanOCnlK governments like ' in Chile." he added I autaro added that he docs BOl teel the CIA should he aNmimed I here is a necCUH) lor a national intelligence agent) I aut.i: ( )IR- has to realize however that this should ii.X act corruptly hut in the name ol the people I I \ is not acting in oui in aided p nicmhers are plannim the- is,ue "It I \ tcctuilmcnt on um pus io the- adnunisiration. in an effort to in. He siud« nl debate aikl asv.ilen.-s We re BOl going to let the issue (( imlinurd un nmgr II) V. student nominated for Oscar II. I IS\ KKI l/KI When watchina Ihe Grammy and tnv Award .erenu.nies don't be suipnsed it si-u see someone who l.«Hvs ..leiieK laimliar Iwo I nucrsin graduate students both in the lolklore IV-panment have been nominated lor the prestigious awards loiklore Ph I) .andidatcs Marione Hunt and Glenn Hinson were reccntlv nominated tor an Acadcrm Award and a Grammv Award Marjoric Hunt was nominated lor an ai) \.s.iril lor "The Stone Carvers a short dmumcntarv film dcpkling Italian American stone .arvers at work in America. And Glenn Hinson received a Gram tin Award nomination tor album notes a,,ompanvine "Virginia Traditions oik songs a record issued h> the Blue Ridge Institute in Ferrum. Virginia (iraduate lolklore Dcpanmcnl Chair man Kenneth (ioldstein said Thurvlay that he is extremely pleased with their wink, adding that Ntth nominations are •deserved "The |.>bs done by MatjOTM Hunt and Dkaaa Hinson were superb and would be hard to match, he said Hunt, who now lives in Washington. I) C and works as lolklore specialist at the Smithsonian Institution - Office of I olkhlc Programs, said Thursday that she was "abvtlutely thrilled' about the nomination, which she leels will help the carvers she documented gain publklts It will help the stone carvers and their cratt to gain recognition die -aid "It is important lor such traditional crattworierv to be given credit - Hone ..users are rare these days doc to our modern technology and recent archne. tural advances, which have made their work obsolete Hum graduated from Simmons Col- lege in Boston, where ihe majored in history and politics She said she became interested in folklore because of a job she still holds in the Smithsonian InsiuutkMi Hunt is working on a dissertation on the same topic as her documentary stone carvers working on the National Cathedral in Washington while continu- ing her work at the Smithsonian. "researching and preserving traditional American culture through films. writings and folk festivals '" 7*r Slime Cuners a a film Hunt (Continual on page 5> Inside By LAURA SHAH vvharion poKM IWinainin Maldonado was telease.l trom ctlitod) vcsicr.la. alter being changed with allcgedlv rap ing a Koscmoiu ( ollege Ireshnun in the I'hi Siguu Kappa Iratemitv h.Hts*- Mal.lana.lo lelt the PollH IKparlmenl iHlention ( enter at M jn.1 kace St! vevlei.lav nhtrning when an undisclosed individual poatcd H' peronM Ol the 190,000 b.nl s»-| m his airaignim-ni \ prelimmarv healing is sclk'.tiile.l lor 'I a in nevl Wednc-sdav Mald.ma.los attornev NuM I man sai.I sesier.las thai his .lienl is inoocent aivl Ik- will light Ilk- charee again-i him Ibis boy i- complete!) n-'t emits luian -aid vV» re c'oine to pursue it until he s linallv vindic.it..l linari a t eniei City lawvet said he thinks the- ciicumatancca nirround the- alleged iikKleiil aie -u-pi. I.HIS Ihe behavior ol ilk voung girl is reprelk'nsihle * Ul in the carls iik>rn ing hours eoine to two .litierent pal tie- linari said NoOMCr) So pro test No iniunes nothing at all that W.HII.I even sh.»w a forcible act on the part ol Maldonado Tinan said he belk-ses Maldonado is rx-ine Healed unlairlv h\ the adminsira thin which MMpanded him pendr I incet-iiv nnestigaiion He added that students invoiced in an all., iapt at Mplia I an I lilk'ga tlalelllllv Iwo seats ,11:^ weie th'i SUS|VIKU.1 llu- difference is that there is an mi mediate suspension he s.u.l I here is a presumption ol guilt ralher than in assumption ol innocence lhal is what is disturbing ma at this point \ .or.ling to a I nuctsils slaleiiienl the woman allelule.l a parts Sallir.lav \l|>ha lau Omaga tralernils house with two triends The three w.iiik-n lelt at a|»piociniaieli t a in and Women's community is outraged By I \l H\ s||\N\ Ilk- alleged rape ot a woman at Ilk pii Sigma Kappa fraternity h.msc 1 .lav morning drew harsh criticism ft tik- I niver-itv women - comnaatai which .ailed loi a re es.ilualM.ii ot the I .reek \ Biaaiiiaaa Cortege rrethmaa am ,iic raped .ails Sutvias iiaiwinj VS hai ton tumor Heniaintti MaJdoaado He * >• am and and h on hail ve-lei.I as a wail in | preliminary heanng laaet this naoMk Hi. Peiin Womea i MII.UK. jaa* >men».nl yeaaerday prauing the *i lllinisllalion . actions hut asking NM liiither insfstigalioil ol ttk tlalernilv sc.iem rhe Women's Studaet Advt ' i—ued a -innl.it itattfl I 'K I niser-its .i| : 'aking Ihc propel -up- lo m-iire lhal the indicia! pt.se-- will 'H fall atkl the lc -olulion |usl the Women - Mii.in,,- naniima taad *hii. t( imlinurd on pugr v*| went to ilk- Phi Sigma Kappa II.HIS. wheie ilk- alleged tape look f A I niselsilv slu.leiil aikl a lemplc siudeiu I.Hiikl lk-r walkine aboat an hour laiei on l.kusi vs alk and ItJoi Puhli, Saieiv it',-, -la i" .1 them ol the It onlmurd on pagt III letter Apptal The I iklergraduatc Assembly is -pins,.ring a letter writing drive to in form Congressmen about students' view- ,.n the Reagan administration s proposed financial aid cuts Page 4 Cure Cancer Sight Sigma Alpha hpsilon brothers sere ed pitchers ol heer at Smokes loe s last week and raked $VX) for the Ank'ncan Cancer Sikiety Page .s Animal Debate I aviik-n atkl scientists engaged in a lively discussion ahout the ethical im plication- ol animal research last week Page ] A True Greek New l-raternity and Sorority Al- lans Assistant Director Patrick Farley is a Greek in every sense of the word Page i: BSL members walk out of meeting Students call administration unresponsive By rww KIR! IV Black studenl leadcls walked .Hit ol a meeting with I Mvenity aiaanatiiiiai .,-ster.las saving llkv weie talking lo a stoik wall In a related .leveli-pmenl I .gal Studies Prole.-or Muirav IMIman ce-terday issued an i|>,|,e> in response lo racist remarks he made in class last Soc ember Members ol the Mack commiinitv nut lesteidav with President Sheldon Hackney. Procosi Thomas I hrlich Via Provosi tor I'niversity I lie Jank"- Bishop and other administiators lo seek Ikillnun v dismissal Black Student I eague Chairman Alma Bone said ycvlcrday that the meeting did not adequately address the- concerns of the black* comniunity VA'e were thoroughly dissatisticd BoM said last night "\Nc wanted action and thev weten t willing io act Vke .hsctissc'd the p.«inis on our agenda and thev said thev were powerless." she- aaai I here was nothing else to b«- said alterwaids ! insulted ecerv hlack student on this campus The meeting also addressed the three demands made by the Black Studenl I eague last week •tligani/ing mandatory racism awareness seminars tor the entire I mcersity community •Setting up a svsiem which severely punishes prolessors who are found lo have made racist statements •Activclv seeking an increase in the number ot hlack laculty members Former Voi> r I .lit.-r Peter ( Lire said the administration has been deaf to the -indents concern We went in there with an agenda we aril, ul.ited lo them last week ,%IMI thev .lidn I treat it scnously." he said Ihev didn't undersian.1 where we were . omUag trom We walked out M the- rik-eting en masse- because- n became .lear we were lalkme to a -totk- wall. Clare added I , Idiioi Christina Sharpe said vesterdav lhal she leels the I nivcisitv is n.H listening to ihe hlack conmiuniiv s rns "We were ouiraged Sharpe sakl K-rallv leel that the- I niveisiiv i- not taking us serumsls We left lowatd the end because we felt there was nothing lelt lo discuss "They were itist hedging the issues she ad.ic.i fhc minor iwue is Dolfmaa and his dismissal He's part ol a higger pic Hue But Snarpa Had -he teel- rMAaaai -hould he- dismissed undci 1 ruveisiis guideliik- \ tdtng to the 1 ni-er-iic poliej >>n ecpial opportunity. it says lhal Ihc task is to act positively toward ihe elimination ol all pattern- ol unequal Irealment SfcoTpc -aid Wlk-ili IHH the I 'mveisitv will aci ,MI that we can I tell " Dolttnan issued a sialetiH-ni ve-terday in which he apologltad loi the alleged ract-l remarks made lasi seal I do admit that my presentation and leigned reac lion on November |J, l'"U was oceldramali. alnl untk-ccs., the statement said I apologized then ui those- who were diiedlv affected And 1 apologize now to ttk- entire I niseisitc (( unlinurd-tm page 41 Cart Wars Food trucks move after HUP clash By UM IS HAI' The food truck owners around the Hospital of the University of Penn sylvania have recently experienced problems with HUP management Earlier this rnonlh. they were ordered off their places on the sidewalk on the HUP sale of Uth Campus Life Street Most of the carts have moved across the street. Can owner Anna Bandis moved her truck to the other side of Spruce Street. While her business dropped off im- mediately after the move, it bla began to pick up again She said that she is now gaining student customers Before, her customers were predominantly hospital empfbyees But for other propnetnrs, the move has meant a loss of customers Cart owner Costas Zarbalas said business has been only a third of what it was before the move The conflict between HUP and the can owners has been brewing for three and a half years. Vendor Sotilts Vavouras said that in 1«8I the sidewalk adjacent to HUP (Contmmtd on pmgr ii Of/GHsnn rsueSStvutsett Students lining up in front of the food carts across front HIP Delaware Sen. to speak tonight By III MS HART Delaware Sen Joseph Bklen will address ihe current arms talks with the .Soviet Union in a campus speech tonight College senkir Jeff Jacohscn, who has worked for Bulen during his campaign efforts, arranged for the visit, which is being sponsored by Ihe Penn Political Union and Connaivsancc. Jacohscn. an Undergraduate Assembly member, said this week that he is enthusiastic about the senator v appearance at the University "I am glad that students will have a chance to hear Sen Bklen speak." he said "He represents the kind of leader that will he the future of the Democratic Party Bklen is in his third term in Congress and is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee At age M. he was the second-youngest person ever elected lo the Senate Jacohscn said that Bklen served as chairman of the Senate delegation to the Salt II arms talks held in Moscow in 1979 "He is a genuine espert on arms control in the Senate." Jacobsen said, aiding that he hat been mentioned as a poten- tial presidential candidate in 1988 FPU CiSjurman Dan Schweitzer said this week that he is also looking forward to the upcoming speech "I consider Senator Bklen a top-notch speaker." he said He added that he believes the lecture's topic is a timely oae. since arms talks are about to begin "His subject matter is particularly timely as the United Slates and the Soviet Union again prepare lo go to the negotiating table." Schweitzer said "He should be far more insightful with regard to that area than most other Congressmen Schweitzer said be eapects a full house at the lecture He added that Bstien is popular among Democrats who are cur- rently searching for a new leadership Coonaissance Chairman John Fsorello said this week that arms control and the arms talks, the lecture's topic, are ores* ag problems facing the world today ' The issue is very important and is relevant lo everyone fCaaaiaaaa* on page /•)

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Page 1: 34th Street

' C_ T5 U T? founjiei igg5

Vol. Cl. Sw. |7 maAIIMPIIU, Tuesday, frbruars 19. IVH5 CopyngN IMS tha Omt, "t~»^«n*i

Courting the CIA Students try agency for its'crimes'

H> no in M BI yi nqi i. lu.i .ampus groups protested the

■Rival "I a <cniial Inlcllicctkc Veen cy recruiter yeaaerea) ■ adMinam lion thai included a noci trial tor .III.-LH.I I I \ . rime's

The Progressive Saadeati \Murxc and Ilk- Central American Solidaruv

Alliance organized the Irul. which

was held oa College Hall Green

•Mtci Ihc hall hour CWttnoay, Hempen trom hoth organization- nun cd other students in ,i march ii> the I nivcrsitv - * arccr Planning ust

Placement Service ofrfca ai 4n:< Chestnut Street when- a rails wav held outside the MII aim

The e turning ol antiCIA songs

hi|ihli)!hli'd the iiuieh .irxl t'i. aleo daaw Rgtirea ol Bead

hiKiieN on I tKusi Walk

During I he (rial, .ipprounuIcK 10

■flapmemberscomicall) deputed a legal dehale in which the dctcndanls

students clothed in BttftOIYptl garb, where convicvBd ol .runes perpetrated in Guatemala, the Raj Ot

Pie- and 11 Saliadot Ihe large crowd •>t student rjbacrven served a- the iury calling (Hit guilty" when asked lor a


PSA incmhci Steve OoM. a College

senior, said >esteida> that he leels the trial nas an appropriate wav to present the issue

"It was a humorous setting with

people laughing and getting involv cd. Ciold said Some |xoplc ma)

think that there is a contradiction bet ween the gravity ol the CIA v crimes and the was wr brought out the '.•«

Student charged with rape, freed on $50,000 bail

OP Prngrevsite Slu<k-nts Mlianei in. ml., i Sieve Ciold with a nu g.i|>lion, I. admo protesters down I <H list \\ .ilk

but I do n..1 leel that was I |*HI an is ini'. at the employment ot

Qct dcnvousiiators were told t>\

Philadelphia Police that thev would not he- allowed to enter as a group More than III protesters entered the building

individually . where a CASA icprcscn talivc read a general sialenient

CASA incmher Pablo lautaro. a

College senior, delivered a speech whieh fbcuaad on alleged CIA crimes in Central and South America

"What we plish is

to raise coravenuaneaa ahout how ihe I I \ i- acting in the- runic ot the I luted

Stales Lautaro said after tits address Thes have committed several .rimes

in II Salvador and - "*• .ua jn^i those aie onlv a tew instances

II '.» .an Ihe (IV sav they are as

tine, in the nan., ot denkkiacy when the hung about the downtall ol rJaanOCnlK governments like '

in Chile." he added I autaro added that he docs BOl teel

the CIA should he aNmimed

I here is a necCUH) lor a national

intelligence agent) I aut.i: ( )IR- has to realize however that this

should ii.X act corruptly hut in

the name ol the people I I \ is not acting in oui in

aided p nicmhers are plannim

the- is,ue "It I \ tcctuilmcnt on um pus io the- adnunisiration. in an effort to in. He siud« nl debate aikl asv.ilen.-s

We re BOl going to let the issue

(( imlinurd un nmgr II)

V. student nominated for Oscar

II. I IS\ KKI l/KI When watchina Ihe Grammy and

tnv Award .erenu.nies don't be suipnsed it si-u see someone who l.«Hvs ..leiieK laimliar

Iwo I nucrsin graduate students

both in the lolklore IV-panment have been nominated lor the prestigious awards

loiklore Ph I) .andidatcs Marione Hunt and Glenn Hinson were reccntlv nominated tor an Acadcrm Award and a

Grammv Award Marjoric Hunt was nominated lor an

ai) \.s.iril lor "The Stone Carvers a short dmumcntarv film dcpkling Italian American stone .arvers

at work in America. And Glenn Hinson received a Gram

tin Award nomination tor album notes

a,,ompanvine "Virginia Traditions

V» oik songs a record issued h> the Blue Ridge Institute in Ferrum.

Virginia (iraduate lolklore Dcpanmcnl Chair

man Kenneth (ioldstein said Thurvlay

that he is extremely pleased with their wink, adding that Ntth nominations are

•deserved "The |.>bs done by MatjOTM Hunt and

Dkaaa Hinson were superb and would be hard to match, he said

Hunt, who now lives in Washington. I) C and works as lolklore specialist at

the Smithsonian Institution - Office of I olkhlc Programs, said Thursday that she was "abvtlutely thrilled' about the nomination, which she leels will help

the carvers she documented gain

publklts It will help the stone carvers and

their cratt to gain recognition die -aid "It is important lor such traditional crattworierv to be given credit - Hone ..users are rare these days doc to our modern technology and recent archne.

tural advances, which have made their

work obsolete Hum graduated from Simmons Col-

lege in Boston, where ihe majored in history and politics She said she became interested in folklore because of a job she still holds in the Smithsonian InsiuutkMi

Hunt is working on a dissertation on

the same topic as her documentary — stone carvers working on the National Cathedral in Washington while continu- ing her work at the Smithsonian. "researching and preserving traditional American culture through films.

writings and folk festivals '" 7*r Slime Cuners a a film Hunt

(Continual on page 5>


By LAURA SHAH vvharion poKM IWinainin Maldonado

was telease.l trom ctlitod) vcsicr.la. alter being changed with allcgedlv rap ing a Koscmoiu ( ollege Ireshnun in the I'hi Siguu Kappa Iratemitv h.Hts*-

Mal.lana.lo lelt the PollH IKparlmenl iHlention ( enter at M jn.1 kace St! vevlei.lav nhtrning when an undisclosed

individual poatcd H' peronM Ol the 190,000 b.nl s»-| m his airaignim-ni \ prelimmarv healing is sclk'.tiile.l lor 'I a in nevl Wednc-sdav

Mald.ma.los attornev NuM I man sai.I sesier.las thai his .lienl is inoocent

aivl Ik- will light Ilk- charee again-i him

Ibis boy i- complete!) n-'t emits luian -aid vV» re c'oine to pursue it until he s linallv vindic.it..l

linari a t eniei City lawvet said he thinks the- ciicumatancca nirround the- alleged iikKleiil aie -u-pi. I.HIS

Ihe behavior ol ilk voung girl is

reprelk'nsihle * Ul in the carls iik>rn ing hours eoine to two .litierent pal

tie- linari said NoOMCr) So pro test No iniunes nothing at all that W.HII.I even sh.»w a forcible act on the part ol Maldonado

Tinan said he belk-ses Maldonado is

rx-ine Healed unlairlv h\ the adminsira

thin which MMpanded him pendr I incet-iiv nnestigaiion He added that

students invoiced in an all., iapt at Mplia I an I lilk'ga tlalelllllv Iwo seats ,11:^ weie th'i SUS|VIKU.1

llu- difference is that there is an mi mediate suspension he s.u.l I here is

a presumption ol guilt ralher than in assumption ol innocence lhal is what is

disturbing ma at this point \ .or.ling to a I nuctsils slaleiiienl

the woman allelule.l a parts Sallir.lav \l|>ha lau Omaga tralernils

house with two triends The three w.iiik-n lelt at a|»piociniaieli t a in and

Women's community is outraged

By I \l H\ s||\N\ Ilk- alleged rape ot a woman at Ilk

pii Sigma Kappa fraternity h.msc 1 .lav morning drew harsh criticism ft tik- I niver-itv women - comnaatai which .ailed loi a re es.ilualM.ii ot the

I .reek

\ Biaaiiiaaa Cortege rrethmaa am ,iic raped .ails Sutvias iiaiwinj

VS hai ton tumor Heniaintti

MaJdoaado He ■*■>• am and and h on hail ve-lei.I as a wail in |

preliminary heanng laaet this naoMk Hi. Peiin Womea i MII.UK. jaa*

>men».nl yeaaerday prauing the *i lllinisllalion . actions hut asking NM liiither insfstigalioil ol ttk tlalernilv

sc.iem rhe Women's Studaet Advt

' i—ued a -innl.it itattfl I 'K I niser-its .i| : 'aking

Ihc propel -up- lo m-iire lhal the

indicia! pt.se-- will 'H fall atkl the lc -olulion |usl the Women -

Mii.in,,- naniima taad *hii. t( imlinurd on pugr v*|

went to ilk- Phi Sigma Kappa II.HIS.

wheie ilk- alleged tape look f A I niselsilv slu.leiil aikl a lemplc

siudeiu I.Hiikl lk-r walkine aboat an hour laiei on l.kusi vs alk and ItJoi !» Puhli, Saieiv it',-, -la i" .1 them ol the

It onlmurd on pagt III

letter Apptal The I iklergraduatc Assembly is

-pins,.ring a letter writing drive to in form Congressmen about students' view- ,.n the Reagan administration s

proposed financial aid cuts Page 4

Cure Cancer Sight Sigma Alpha hpsilon brothers sere

ed pitchers ol heer at Smokes loe s

last week and raked $VX) for the Ank'ncan Cancer Sikiety Page .s

Animal Debate I aviik-n atkl scientists engaged in a

lively discussion ahout the ethical im plication- ol animal research last

week Page ]

A True Greek New l-raternity and Sorority Al-

lans Assistant Director Patrick Farley is a Greek in every sense of the word Page i:

BSL members walk out of meeting Students call administration unresponsive

By rww KIR! IV Black studenl leadcls walked .Hit ol a

meeting with I Mvenity aiaanatiiiiai .,-ster.las saving llkv weie talking lo

a stoik wall In a related .leveli-pmenl I .gal

Studies Prole.-or Muirav IMIman

ce-terday issued an i|>,|,e> in response lo racist remarks he made in class last Soc ember

Members ol the Mack commiinitv nut lesteidav with President Sheldon Hackney. Procosi Thomas I hrlich

Via Provosi tor I'niversity I lie Jank"- Bishop and other administiators lo seek

Ikillnun v dismissal Black Student I eague Chairman Alma

Bone said ycvlcrday that the meeting did not adequately address the- concerns of the black* comniunity

VA'e were thoroughly dissatisticd

BoM said last night "\Nc wanted action and thev weten t willing io act

Vke .hsctissc'd the p.«inis on our agenda and thev said thev were

powerless." she- aaai I here was nothing else to b«- said alterwaids ! insulted ecerv hlack student on this campus

The meeting also addressed the three demands made by the Black Studenl I eague last week

•tligani/ing mandatory racism awareness seminars tor the entire I mcersity community

•Setting up a svsiem which severely punishes prolessors who are found lo have made racist statements

•Activclv seeking an increase in the number ot hlack laculty members

Former Voi> r I .lit.-r Peter ( Lire said the administration has been deaf to the

-indents concern We went in there with an agenda we

aril, ul.ited lo them last week ,%IMI thev .lidn I treat it scnously." he said

Ihev didn't undersian.1 where we were

. omUag trom We walked out M the- rik-eting en

masse- because- n became .lear we were lalkme to a -totk- wall. Clare added

I , Idiioi Christina Sharpe said vesterdav lhal she leels the I nivcisitv is n.H listening to ihe hlack conmiuniiv s


"We were ouiraged Sharpe sakl K-rallv leel that the- I niveisiiv i-

not taking us serumsls We left lowatd the end because we felt there was nothing lelt lo discuss

"They were itist hedging the issues

she ad.ic.i fhc minor iwue is Dolfmaa and his dismissal He's part ol a higger

pic Hue

But Snarpa Had -he teel- rMAaaai -hould he- dismissed undci 1 ruveisiis

guideliik- \ tdtng to the 1 ni-er-iic poliej

>>n ecpial opportunity. it says lhal Ihc

task is to act positively toward ihe elimination ol all pattern- ol unequal

Irealment SfcoTpc -aid Wlk-ili IHH the I 'mveisitv will aci ,MI that we

can I tell " Dolttnan issued a sialetiH-ni ve-terday

in which he apologltad loi the alleged ract-l remarks made lasi seal

I do admit that my presentation and leigned reac lion on November |J, l'"U

was oceldramali. alnl untk-ccs., the statement said I apologized then ui

those- who were diiedlv affected And 1 apologize now to ttk- entire I niseisitc

(( unlinurd-tm page 41

Cart Wars Food trucks move after HUP clash

By UM IS HAI' The food truck owners around the

Hospital of the University of Penn sylvania have recently experienced problems with HUP management

Earlier this rnonlh. they were ordered off their places on the sidewalk on the HUP sale of Uth

Campus Life Street Most of the carts have moved

across the street. Can owner Anna Bandis moved her

truck to the other side of Spruce Street.

While her business dropped off im- mediately after the move, it bla began to pick up again She said that she is now gaining student customers

Before, her customers were predominantly hospital empfbyees

But for other propnetnrs, the move has meant a loss of customers Cart

owner Costas Zarbalas said business has been only a third of what it was before the move

The conflict between HUP and the

can owners has been brewing for three

and a half years. Vendor Sotilts Vavouras said that in

1«8I the sidewalk adjacent to HUP

(Contmmtd on pmgr ii

Of/GHsnn rsueSStvutsett

Students lining up in front of the food carts across front HIP

Delaware Sen. to speak tonight

By III MS HART Delaware Sen Joseph Bklen will address ihe current arms

talks with the .Soviet Union in a campus speech tonight College senkir Jeff Jacohscn, who has worked for Bulen

during his campaign efforts, arranged for the visit, which is

being sponsored by Ihe Penn Political Union and

Connaivsancc. Jacohscn. an Undergraduate Assembly member, said this

week that he is enthusiastic about the senator v appearance at the University

"I am glad that students will have a chance to hear Sen Bklen speak." he said "He represents the kind of leader that

will he the future of the Democratic Party Bklen is in his third term in Congress and is a member of

the Foreign Relations Committee At age M. he was the second-youngest person ever elected lo the Senate

Jacohscn said that Bklen served as chairman of the Senate

delegation to the Salt II arms talks held in Moscow in 1979 "He is a genuine espert on arms control in the Senate."

Jacobsen said, aiding that he hat been mentioned as a poten-

tial presidential candidate in 1988 FPU CiSjurman Dan Schweitzer said this week that he is

also looking forward to the upcoming speech "I consider Senator Bklen a top-notch speaker." he said

He added that he believes the lecture's topic is a timely oae.

since arms talks are about to begin "His subject matter is particularly timely as the United

Slates and the Soviet Union again prepare lo go to the negotiating table." Schweitzer said "He should be far more insightful with regard to that area than most other

Congressmen Schweitzer said be eapects a full house at the lecture He

added that Bstien is popular among Democrats who are cur-

rently searching for a new leadership Coonaissance Chairman John Fsorello said this week that

arms control and the arms talks, the lecture's topic, are ores* ■ag problems facing the world today

' The issue is very important and is relevant lo everyone —

fCaaaiaaaa* on page /•)

Page 2: 34th Street

iwt.f : IHF UAH*. r»SNMI V \SI VS - IIKMIO rrtsruarv I*. IM5

Off the Wire Today's news compiled from Associated Press dispatches

Behind Open Windows DP - .*! langMon

i .1 i i\\ |\i . i il I ill llu nielli. dH IlllllUsklll HlllllllHs ^|tl | |s| t.i ...Mill. Is .IIHUII III. .1.1 Oil, l.lklll^ I'l.ll «

I*-IIIMII them Wh.it nl.-is. innovations. |>i.i.tkal pikes

.111 IM mt iii < .inn ii u|i .ii i -. i > t table hiuii'

Briefs International tod) a raiM. IM led jnn HIN n^lii

.inn IN l»o iru.ho\ shorter ilun his let!

Car bomb kills three. spurs ShiitC protest

Bl IKl I Ich.innn V ..ii bomb

ripfoded nmidc .i Shiac imlMu of flee yeaaerdey, kiiliaf three people JIKI miming more than 40 In Ski,MI

In*- southern port not ahaikloik-.l b)

laneli moee SfciHa i«K down i oaaaajae Hop and obliterated pic lutes of the Christian president. Aniin

QONMBJTOI I obaaanc nMwn da! not try lo Mop

the dciimnsttalimi in Sidnn. whulj

OHM law dayi iiii'' I'll .inm movod III he hind ihc Israeli pull-Hit The

Shiucv many ol whom won from Beirut. plastered posters "I Iran s Shut.- leader \vatollah Kuhollah kho tiK'tni caret pictufci >'t (Jcneiyel put UB before In- visit Sunday to nuik the Israeli withdrawal

MIBJ nt tk- Mm earn maod with assault rifles or nickel grenade IJUIKIKTS hut no shisstings ajon

roponod Beirut police said tin- ur bomb ex

plodMd inMiidf an oflke of the Amal illlliti.l in the Rwaiss lira J Shittc

suhurh south ol the capital I h»-s v.ii.1 the ,ai a Mcr.cdcs pask

td with explosives was parked JNHII

su (eel IriMii the thtee MOT) building

The MM. at a *•' p m M Mvenl >ji> jhla/c and heavily damaged Ihc bUlMmj and two a.l|.i.cnt ap.intiK-nl blocks .'I -n "i seven stores each It broke window, in buildings mure

than J block awav

POW returns to scene of torture, eaptivity

BANGKOK lhailand Rep li*n Mi (am veslerdav Htm back In

\ letnain. the land where he spent ■OH] than live pan as a prisoner of war most nt the IniK in ihc in famous Hanoi Hill.Ml

McCain returned In participate in a

teles iM.'ii docaaxatar) nurking the Khh anniversary of the defeat ol the I S hacked gnscrnment ol South

\ letnam When the former I S Saw pil.vt

hailed mil nl his crippled icl .MI OH M l0*"" huh his amis and his right

leg were hrnken His \'icirunicsc cap

Ban broke MB nt nis damhlan w.th a ink

His weight during .aptivitv drop

pad in lc»s than IUI pounds Vkhcnhr reluvcsj In he used Inr propaganda

purpoNCs. he was ...filmed for an en- ure summer K> Calcutta." a

kin : (not moan with a t> by ? inch window

I.nlas IIR II yaaj old Vn/.Mu KepuhlKan is while haired, sarrving 160 pounds on his S ti>« II) iikh

Iranic He HOkl healths hul IK- still

oafftai the phssKal ncan. of opera- lion* he underwem after hiv release in

Marsh l»T3 He iv uruNe lo hend his ri|(hi knee

National Released journalist: tree other captives

kNDRBWS MK POW I BASI M.I lV.laring hims.ll a horn

jc.iin \im-ri. .HI joaraalM knag

I .\in returned s.st.r.las in IIK-

l nite.l Stales and aaaaalcd 10 tin Islaini. l.irorisis wrm still h.>ld lour

aaaaj kaaaricaaa B IM arj braaaan

Mler I I imMilhs in sohlan ..inline nieni in eastern Ixhannn where IW

literalK sal in darkness .md deep

gloom in nuns an.1 nus,-r\." the

$i se.ii old teles ision repi'rler eineiged mto.iisp nnon sunlight Irnni a gleaming hlue aikl wliii.- (' |33 |et

pins ided h\ tin- Vt hue House \NHII limiainiK inemhcis. Inerkls

and Slale l>epartment otlu lals

.he-ered as he smiled hrnadls an.1 walked down the- red .jrpcle.l st.p-

wasmg a small Aincri.an Hag in his nghl hand and hugging his wile.

I ii, ill.- in his letl "Boy, 1 missed S.HI .ic told the

well-wisheis his son- iR-asmg with

etikKinn Sow. Im hsMne. free at last (iod has heen gikid lo me

U-xin who was C'ahle Sews Nel

work s Beirut hureau okM when he- was kidnapped March 7. was wel.niiK-,1 hs A,ting Seerelarv nl

Stale KeniH-lh Dam standing in Inr Ihc vasatinmng denrge ShulU. Dam

said levin's long and cruel eaplisits has aroused the nation s indignation and svmpathy and your courageous

aaDBBI lO Irce.hMii has w.vn our


Amputee athlete runs from coast to coast

MARINA Mi. Rl V Calil \

:: scar old athlete who lost hiv right leg In cancer as a child finished a coavi-lo-coavi run acmv. the UaJBjd Slates u-ster.la\ recetvetl congratula

linns Irnni Piesidenl Regan, and then

lubilantls lumped into the Pacific

(Vean Ml Keith ol PaMlaW, Conn .

hegan his run on an amlnial leg June

4 at Faneuil Hall in Boston He finish ad OKI miles later at .VOI p m F.ST

.ss.s.Ja.s. aiki g. • .I---'- ' "'' champagne

American Cancer Sncicts

..Munl.-ers lined ihe last ZOOyarOB and released helium hailnnns as Keith passed with an entourage nl lei low students friMii Boston College. w*«crc

he was a lacnnsc goalie He raised hoth hands in a

pn/cfigfHct s si.lory gesture when he

reached the vhorc and explained that he'd done n for amputees and douhtcrv the work! over

Thank you I know thank >.HJ IS

an understatement, hut I can't ciprcsa the gratitude that I feel. ' he told a

CfUWd I ktkiw that niaiu JourMcd me I know thai mans heli.sc.l that I e.Hild n.M ..miplete the run I alwass knew I WOUld

I wanted lo get ins in. -

to Ihe world that I'm rv>l phyncail) handicapped I was phyncally .hallcnged he said

Masor Inm Brailles aikl rvis.-rs

K.n Snnon an.1 Paul Gon/alcs .iml Othei athletes w.-ie ,»n hand

htm wlK-n he ODaaad lh>- Ink- and Rcaaaa callad i i.-w aamum later to add his .nngralulatioii-.

Engineer w ins riglu to run own train

(.1 I S\RM Md k6l-J engineer who loses the- .li.k.is ,la»k ol wheels against steel ha. »..n the

right In opi-rate a hall si,\ ai.Mind his IKHIS,-

loa Pmaatr. wh..s*- drcant .»t own ■BJ a railroad evolved during .. .oinmuting ■ work hs train, savs IK-

will stan laving IIMI leel oi met on nine as res as s.«.n as IIK weather warms

Mm two seals of legal "allies, a ..Mjntv (ii.uil C'.Hjn judge rccntlv

>!J\C I'msser ajMIUWal In run the train

Vveral neighbors uppov-.l the pro ie. t he. aiis." thev le.ire.l ttk- (rain might .real.- an ■BamBBBM park at

m 0 s p h e r e in their quiet ncighhorrkksj

There are vome raatncuoaa H. must plant hedges as a screen and can hlow the train s horn ant) OOCC cash

IIIIK- at.niml the DBjek

Peter Principle II cites "outstanding' teacher

Bl OQMSBt K<i. Pa A new hi»>k hv I miHBM Peter, author ol the hkik Prtrr /'rin. !/>/«-. sites Central

I'olumhia High School iea.rk-r IHiane Ford as an example others sh.»uld Inllnw in building their saner.

Specili.allv. I.-id s cartel is used

to model a |ob strategy thai Peter said is benelisial describing it as

"creative incompetence

Ford leaxhaa psychology, sosiolngv. csooiMiiics an.1 issues ,n

bKicthks He also ODaBBBJ varsity

basketball The new bik>k W/iv Dungs Go

■bang, ." Thr Prttr Pnn.iple Hi mi/.-./, updates Peter's theory that

n. K'IS idnahKnd n -ise to their lesel nl incompetence

Simply slated, it means that people who are competent ai one |oh are

otteri advaik.u until thev reach a level ol incompciciKc and no longer per lorm well enough in merit pmmolion

Weather Some ilnudincvs this morning then

rikistly sunnv with highs in the lower lo middle 4IK Clear tonight, lows in the lower lo middle Ms Sunns

,'w Highs in the lower -UK

Claiming victory, general withdraws CBS libel suit

SI V. XlRK \ lawver lor retired

(■en William Vtestiik-reland told a luslge veslerdav he had dropped Ihe

i IIIMHI libel suit against CBS veslerdav l^ut not before the IH week trial subie.led the lelevisi.vn network t,> a pubU and vinietimes em

I -ing inspe.lK*

V.estiik.rclan.1 de.lared I giH what I

wanted IIK- network said it was . in

di.atcd but slopped sb.>n nt .laiming 1 l.t.MS

Ihe trial also ended what may hase been the last nuioi battle between tin-

militars aikl the media over the Vietnam war

The settlement was annourxed in I s Distn.i ludge Pun. I ...il veslerdav a

t.-w davs hafbrc lealunony was to ruse ended in the It-Wtat irial The suit -i.-riiiik-.l tr.Mii a BDaajBBJBkJ) is. using

-s refamd rd suppressing the true strength ol .oinmiini.t lor..s in Viet

urn in \th" to maintain polilkal sup

l>.ri tor the war Mthough Ihe delcndants w,

ami three ol Us employees .nrrespon

dent Mike V.j|ia.e pr.»li»ci (kswgc

(rile and convultant Sam V Westmoreland was in last .hallengtng the networks do\ umentarv. Ihi In

, .-uni.j fju-m\ i IVaaaa /v. aaaian Westmoreland 70, COM

American lnr.es in Vietnam Imrn |s»f>l In l>*vH

The dssuiik-niars sakl Westiik.r.-land

insisted that intelligence reports show no more than V«l (««) ...mmunisi BTOOpi

d.-spue ■vaJaan pointing to a figure in

.i JO0.000

I nllkC hmi maga/irk whuh had lo .iMKede a la.tual eir.jr last itk>nth when it was sued by former lsr,k-li IVIenst-

u-r \-i.l Sharon. CBS was IK-S.-I

DfOVad wrong im a majof la.tual issue Ilk- trial in I S Disiikt Cnurl shaped

up as a matter nl which witnesses and

d.kutiK-nt- in believe

Weaaajnralaad maintained that CBS distuned an honest disagreement among iraclligcrxc analvsis in nuke it appear that he had delilx-ratclv misled his supcriois

B.nh sides heliese "their respective positions have heen etlectively placed

before the publu Inr its eiMisidcration an.1 .nntinuing the .ase w.^jld serve n.i

further purpose." the |oinl statement dated Sunday said

The statement said CBS "respe. i Oaaaral WaaBDjxalaad'i long and faithful aervtoa m his .ouniry" and ■aval iiK-anl lo impls llut West in. srelan.1

was unpatnnti. ■ .lislnval in perform ing his duties as he saw them

If thai sialctik-nt had been made alter ihe CBS program had been aired, it' would hase lulls salislied me. Wesiiiinreland sakl latei

"I g.M what I wanted he said That is what I asked Inr originally I ,,.n

sider that Ive won bv virtue ol that


Schroeder's spirits, health sag But new recipient recovering well

I in isvn i i K) Doctan oa paiaaad theWrahnai pasaare v.-i

nl William Sshrm-der s .onditinn la)

aaj IIK- wnri.is se.ntki artificial heart re. ipient is w nh.lraw n aii.l

diss.uragcd aikl nuv never leave Ihe hospital unless hi. slrcngth and spirit.

pi. k up ka) patient who like Schroedel

bs-gins |o lose the will to live nuv lose

ins stn-rigth ot he ma) comntM MK i.ie Humana Hean Institute International

( hairman Mian I aaaiaa tol.i taporieTi veslerdav inoriiing Ihe individuals

spirit is a very important dctcrriun.ini .1 survival

Km at BO afternoon briefing Lansing -n.i S,hr.v.ler a S3-year-old retired federal worker Iroai Jasper. In.1 ap

• tmrig-er than he had K'en Inr

icvcral dayi and had g.Ht.-n .HII oj ix-.l He sakl he was more .spiiiiiislic aboul Scheocdet i condition than ht- had baaa m Ilk- morninp based on his visit bet ween briefings

Pan of the problem is that cttorts hase

tailed to find the . BBBt of I l.vei that has rj S. hr.k-dcr lor two weeks I

He has had evers ktsiwn lest lor tn- le.lion that we .an think Of, and w, li.i.e

I.Hind ni^ sign nl inle.tinii .ins puM I allsing said "If hs* d.k-s nnt get

stronger and dOBB aol get over the lever then he will remain dis..mi i

Schroedei who re.coal his artificial heart 00 Snv ^V sullered lliree strokes 00 Dae l< and his nk-mnrv remains


Infill inaiioa about Schroedei s condi linn had been emerging from Humana olli.ials in Iragment- but more details

stand .iMiung out alter BCOTOa of

tapanen arrivad acre ovet the weekead tor the third artilniai hean implant The lalesl recipient. Murrav Havdnn. was icpnrtc.1 making .in ex.ellent re.nverv yesterday

I arising said S.hmeder is

withdrawn Al the present time he spends moat ol his nine in bed The

ojualii) oi life is not g.«Kl Scaroadei was aaari) well enough to

i in. when Ihe lever struck him. dodors s.ud

fins appeared to ix- a itsback, ai though he ii.ichl never get out of the hospital." said Ijnsing I am ml sun

that he will go home I arising said that he hail asked

Schroeder'i paycftiafriH, Laanaajca Mudd. ahout Scbiaader'a nK-nui aaaj aikl Mudd s repon was that Sehroeder

is v.rv much aware ol what's going

on He II waleh a hallgame or-

whatever." but "with his nK'mory pro

blems. ihe IK-XI day he may iM

lemcinber thai he watched Ihe hallgame." Lansing said. "He wU[ remember anything thai happened hclorc ihe stroke Bui things that hap> pened vetiterday lu- has a great deal of

tmuhle with."

With famine relief, U. S. -Ethiopian relations thaw — but not completely

S \lk( >HI K.nva Western . ilk-ill. and .hatities ithshili/cd hv world

(Hihlis opinion, have rushed In III. aid of million, of starving I thiopian- m re,, in

iikinlhs What has bs-en learned Irnni ihe ex

ivneikc' Is the aid reaching those iK-e.lmg il iihist' Has the relict effort .hanged relations between the pro Soviet I thiopian gnverniik'nl and ihe

I niled Stales and nthcr W est.-rn don.irs ' Ilk- .kitpsMiring of assistarke had

pnliliial iniplicatinns Inr Tlhiopta's Marxist leadership in Ihe awkward

poaaaoa of aoaaptta] help Boai .nun tries it regularly had lambasted in Us of

(lead uwdia The Fthiopian gnveinax-nt appealed

Inr l.kkl lo save BUM million people al tested bv drought caused shortages But

millions, ol IBM hlhi.vpuns weie beyond Ihe gosernment's reach, in lands .onlrnllcd bv Tritrean and Tigrean

rebels in ihc north And Kthiopun authorities, while requesting assistance,

seemed w tiling to use denial ot food as a

weapon against the- insurgent

Pa the first time in years. American diplomats have been greeted with smiles in ihe cast Mri, an nation, and head of

state Mengtstu Hade Marum warmly thanked U S .ongressinnal del,-gallons Ini eiik'rgeiKV grain shipnK-nls

Bui the apparent lhaw in I S tela linns has its limitations, most ..bscrvi-rs

sautioned Few believe ihc nature of

Mcngistu's military govcmmaM, depen- dent on SovfcX arirs in its light against sc. cssiontsl rebels, has changed

dranuti.allv The official Fthiopian news media

have played up Sov let bl.K aid while dc

einphasi/ing or even ignnnng the- BBOVe extensive Wesiern elfnns

In January I fMDBBI sei/cd SI 2 million worth of Australian grain and other relief supplies hound lor rebel held areas For Western diplomats this

demonstrated, that Mengistu s stralegi. ...iKcrns still outweighed humanitarian

pan I thiopian pride also pri.kcd Ihe

Westerners Ijhor Minister BcrhaAu Bavih. the

e.'v.-ininent's top relief ciKirdinalor,

slhk.k up a nK-eting of Western donors

in December when he declared thai the pau.nv of Western development aid alter the 1474 Marxist revolution was in

blame lor "Ihe current tragedy ol death

and starvation I S Agcn. v Inr Inter naimnai

IVvelnpnvcnt Directnr Peter McPhcrson

desenhed F.lhiopia s .harges as a classic example ot "biimg Ihe hand lhat lce.l- vnu " He also said Ihe Ethiopian gnvernment's concern Inr Us nwn drought v Kiinis did not stop it from

spending substantial lunds on celebra- unns last September marking the rcvohi-

imri , lOih anntsersary As Inr presenting similar future

disasters, nunv scientists believe that

money alone could not have repaired the severe damage .aused by centuries of

agricultural practices thai denuded the I thiopian highlands nl forest cover and eventually helped change Ihc climate

Car Go OP/Gaa Schwana

YKAH. SPKISx, HKt- \k is still almost two weetcs

away, hut admit M — you're thinking ahoat U and looi- ing fiirssard lo It. So more tension. So more exams. So

more papers. And this ear looks like it's all read) to be loaded up for the trip and eo.

Page 3: 34th Street

THE l>\ll.i PENNSYI \ sM \\ - Tuesday trhruarv I*. IW5 VM.t J

Food carts offer a variety of munchies to students

I IK 1 1 carls on Mill Mini .in a hoi spot for ifltl lIlW breaks

R> I Ol IS MAI Working deep in I he recesses "I a

Van Pell study carrel, tnanv enemies erop up and attack one's eonccntra lion The number one oltcnder'

The muiK-hies As -fi.it petrified A.i,! i>t gum ding

ing 10 the desk light slowly begins 10 look more and more appcti/ing

students desise J course ol action mans hegin to gnaw on pencil erasers and pen caps Others gel up. lease the

lihrars and head tor a tood cart

Custom made lor the hustle ami hustle ol jn urban environment, loud

, ait, arc Iran popular with those* who want something cjuuk lo eat on I he

go In la, t thev are so popular lhal tan .ire iiK'ie than 20 !.■«! carls on campus catering lo the needs ol the studeni comminute

I I.H' would think lhal this high number would . reale .i competitive marketplace tor holh , ar- and

re-l.iuianl owners But area vendors sav il isn't s.

I wivuld sas lhal the competition is not oserheanng. said Kesm Wood who owns a h.it d.-g stand on the 'N«i

hl.ick ol tan Street Wood added that neighboring >arts including two Chinese klOd cans and j health l«ssl cart don t verse anything I

serve and I don I serse anything lhe>

serve In essence we re nol ■ uuve

I his mas he true tor areas with c arts ol dillercnl specialties hul (here

is also lillle competilion in areas where carts oltenng ncarls identical

ilems are dusiercd (ocek K.'w .-n Mth Street in

Iron! ol the Hospital ol the I mvcrsitv ol Pennsylvania I here are three hot

Iftl all serv ing basically the same things lor ahou! the same price Ihe owners ol the cans all tiicck

lusl .oineklcrkc according lo onc owner don't seem lo mind each other's presence

-an owner Anna Harnlis. business has heen all nghl She

said Iheie u enough business lo go arouiKl

VA ell we irs lo make the best."

B.IM.II, Hid wiih ■ smile adding that esen though the arts all have ahoul

Ihe sank- prues there s so mans people in Ihe ho-spital. so cvcrvlhing work- .

Bui cart owner Com /arbalas and his son |oked that Ihcir husim-ss has

been tough, sen. rough I IK-, .t.l,led lhal thev compete with

good service Md koowmadt Hani a lact accented hs the cherry cheesecake -iliini; prominently on the

counei t art OWIKT Sic k Isakins a veteran

who has beM M the hl.uk tor more lhan III sears Nakl lhal business has

remained consistent rsen alter :he ar rival ol the other earls

Bui things are not so rosy lor other carts in Ihe area OM hourrahanis who has been working his can l.saled at the corner ot «Nh and vAalnut lor almost nine sear-

described business j, not too bad m* loo

•nK Iwo ho-

this location hul hio rah.inis said business has dropped grealh UOCC the

other can moved m Compel not Bess, I eiNCMteua uud business |s

not but, weeded that ik- veteraa kouti.ihahis seems to be- doing better than she is

But busiiK-ss is booming lor ilk' Chines*- rood ,ans which are seal leied armind .ainpus Ihe iwo Chinese cans al Ihe corner ol Uih and Walnut both repot ■ ami OM esen makes il ■ point la s.iv

thai he- ,-.i- tlonj well with Ihe ,<her owtK-r

I an I al in^\ I a, Phuoe I

OOfOCri o| Hunan kitchen, work lunch on Cheslnui SHeet .IIKI move their cart lo 4IHh Slreel lor dinnei

'viler al lunch lhan al dinner

" and I isa hwan owners ol Kit,lien u said

Hi, ) .it, dome moil \ltcr N I .ition loi aboU a seal and a

hall Mberl hw.in pioudlv clalUK-d .cere sludenl knows this

,.ir number on, here Vlln III.in sonic restaurant

li also appM-i tii.it hud card nugm draw business Irom ihe reslaul.inls

around (hem I ' .it - really hard lo lell k.s'sl

I>av Managci korvn Hanson laid icecnllv II doaM I appeal lha' we're losing husiiK-ss IK addedlhal

IIK- Rooa] has a lutxh ipecia get, pizzas t<ui lo ,US|OIIHIS wiihin

live 10 III minutes making it almost as last as Imxl ,art, srrvm,

parable items Won resiauiatit owner Sui

Suh said he believes his clientele >li! lers Irom lhal ol Ilk- t.»*l c aft, le.lue ing Ihe lesel ol .oinpetition

"rhe people who come heft Bad ihe- people who , dil

leieni Suh said II the. want IUIK-

U lilac ami eai thev COOM belt Suh added lhal Ihe ,ans mas hat le, I during lunch hul ml al dinner

I "*! sending invoices mure than

lust parking vour ,art CO0KM| ami selling The Oat) problem loi thc , ustoiiK't is win, h ,all 111 '

Whal II it be' \ BOI .W Egg ,,,11' tail sandwich' Pork , how rikin ' IVssisions decisions W h\ not make lile simpler and Irs (hem all '

Much-ills .tss .iii ( hiiH'M- fikxl al Ihe mriier OP Pisoioi

f Mlh and Walnut

Double Takes

\ look ai the liiiin side <tj life

\ M lu-dule lor Ihe l.i/\ studeni

•in 00 a m U ■ ; I I 00 rim Mil UKHBC alatm

•III VI a in Miet hilling snooze alarm lor Ilk- tilth

link- Ihrtiw alarm clock hin„ r.- * lo ileep

•II '" a in del up to let in the ' • up

the- aewapapn Qd bacl la bed •I sii p in ( atch up on IIK nnp.in.ini t»-»« (read Hi,

iportt scclion and Ills coaTMCa) PbOM lot pi/za

•' (HI p m Bat viiir pi/za while watdMBJ reruns ,.|

(iilligan s Island Laugh al Ihe- Skipper a, he hils (nlligan

with his hal •I "i pm Have a clkKolate ali.kk I al a hac ol Double

Slull Oreos I all asleep

•J in p m Wake up itching Irom ihe cookie iiumhs in

v,nir bed

afcOOp.n De, i.K- il s dmiKT link- Have r.«ininaie

steal vmi a box of .rreal a c ip ol trail mu ami I s Bigelow

lea bags Irom Dining Service

•" I«I p in ( all , las.males lo gel mlcs Irom , !a,„-.

misse-d imlas when VIHI were seiv ,i,k

•Midnighl lK-cide vou are lire-d Remeve alarm dock

Irom across ihe r,«"ii Se-t n tor 10 HI a in (io to

Vendors cite cafeteria as cause of eviction

i< untinurd fnim pagr It

inaned with ■ .anetv oi cans

peddling kMd. clothing ami iiwelrs .vilh mans Otfcei ,oiisunR-r


Ihe- siiualion was so bad lhal Ihe cans were , leared awa\ Irom llu- area

Ilk- sidewalks remained eui|vtv lor

mik- Batata Bui bv lum- I1*!*' through ihe ellons of CMS Coum ilman

I iic ieii Blaskwell Ihe cans were ba. k

But now the- cart owners sas llk-v are

being evicted because thee arc delrimenlal lo HI I' s .atelena busim-ss

Vavivuras said lhal I decline in the-

cafeteria s huiineu has caused ihe

hoapital lo put pressure on t its Hall to revoke lt>e semlors II.CIIM-,

Bui Hospital Adiiiimvltaloi Doloces Brisban said last week lhal ihe iikive was initialed he-cause- ihe- bod ean. obsinie te-,1 Ilk- sidewalks ami caused ears to triple park in a Si PI A bus ,lop She1 said that ihe situation was dangettnis lor elderlv Ikispital patieiits patients

Hospital emplovec-s who patrom/e

Ihe ,ar|, are upset over Ilk- eviction Mllltall ol Ihe k.kllologv IH part iik-nt are circulating a pehlion through

HI I* requesiing lhal Ihe- siree-i ven dor. on Uth Slreel b,- allowed 10 Mt up

on Ihe sidewalk adiaeenl lo Ihe hospital

New Wave Disk players update sound

By KKNNKTH BRA( lim.ll The sounds of loda> 's lumlahlcs and

cassette deck, are pleasing Bui if the makers of the new compact discs have

their way,, these vninds will sexvn pale by comparison With Ihe advent of digital compact disks, audio buffs all

over campus are reevaluaiing then

stereo systems Compact disk players have heen

around for about two sears These machines pla> special disks which are incompatible with present clay record players The disks are 4 5 inches in

diameter, capable of containing up 10 70 minutes ot recordings They re

quire no special care and should - lechnKally - last forcser Surface scratches and dust arc not a concern

The disks contain music in the form

of digitally encoded nils of informa-

tion The 'code" become* music when read by the special CD player* The whole process is quite similar to a

personal compute reading informa-

tion off a floppy disk The scry nature of the " encoding-

decoding" process enables the system

lo proside -perfect" sound There is no hiss or audible noise evident when

listening to CD's The disks are now available at

almost any record store, including the Houston Hall Records Conns ner Jim

Wilson said this week lhal the disk, are selling extremely well, appropriate

ly 25 per week "' •At first all disks were special-

ordered. ' Wdson said "But now we are stocking fast selling titles Our best sellers include Bob Dylans In Tidels." Pink Floyd's Meddle and

Prince's 'Purple Rain ' Initially, owners of CD players e»-

penenced a frustrating lack of recor-

dings But in the pan two yean pro-

Compact Disk players represent a new era of musical lechnotoKy

duciion has been increased, arid there are now thousands of titles available

As CD's have gained popularity. the price of disks has been rumbling Wilton said thai he envisions CD'» selling for around $9 m the near future

The prices of the players have also

been dropping rapidly in the past year The first player - developed by Sorry

performed only hasK funxtKins and coat more lhan $1(110 It is now poasi-

ble to purchase a player with many features, such as multiple track pro- gramming, for as little as $350 All of the big electronics companies have

joined Ihe fray Because of their small size. CD

players are now finding their wav into

car stereos Sony and PKvne.-r have already introduced car players — a move that other manufacturers should Man soon Sony has already brought

to market a Walkman" style player.

OarTonvmy Laonarv>

nicknamed the "Ducman " This pot table player can also be hooked into a

home stereo system, making it very at- tractive to thoae who like their music

on Ihe go Wilson pointed out that at $260.

"the Discman will outperform any

turntable on the market "

There are those, however who aren't completely enamored wiih the ncw technology Audiophilce who in

dulge in cspcnsive esoteric e-quipoK-nt say lhal Ihe disks don I uiund

musical Computer programmer Sam Burns

lein. a writer lor Jhr Itatal

said lhal he "prelcrs an cucllcnt turn lable with a clean record over ihe new disks "

Another problem siems fan the spe-cial technology :k-eded to make

digital recordings All previously

recorded material must he Iransierred 10 ( l» s using ihe original aii.il..,.

masicr While lew argue Ihe qaajj

iv oi new digitally recorded ( i> , many complain that the old recordings do mu represent the hesi ihat ( I) icshmilogv has to oiler

Wilvm said that his best selling

disks arc digitally recorded "Madonna . I ike A Virgin has heen

moving particularly well. ' he said

But despite Ihe problems, many students have welcomed this mm is a lion m audio technology

College junior Neal Metker said yesterday that although he has not vet bought a CD player, he plans to buy

one in the near future "I have listened to a lot of my

friends's CD's and the umnd is in credible." Merker said "I hope to

buy one over the summer " While most cipcrts agree that CD's

will eventually replace IPs no one is predicting the imminent death of the phonograph There are thousands of

records that will nut be transfered lo CD for some lime Also, many people will be reluctant to pan with large

record collections that have heen built up over time According to Wilson, it should take at least 10 years before

"records are a thing of the past So. in the near future, if you hear a

flawless sound coming from your neighbors' stereo, don't be loo surpns ed The only question is "When will

you jump on the CD bandwagon?"

Page 4: 34th Street

I'U.r 4 1)411.1 PKNNM I \ CM AS - lus-sdav rrhruarv If.. IM5

Campus Events A listing of University news and events

TODAY MM •.«. I Hill** ell ctrjfri

mu M r»* UCl Tjee Fee i 11 p m Sponsored by P«»i«i Niawian

ALL PERFORMERS rtmmn d •oOKKWig lor Spring Fbng M*

tarfvrner* slvniad xgn up on Fee I) (. t» «i UcCkMUnd HM 1? 4 p m Com* (0*i *» *s» tun'

»•, M M


AUCXTlONS lor UTV T.i*«d*, 7 pm «i Sport* enterta*!

WANT TO HAVE Hoi ot tun win

proa* and evssn go on a data'' Try UTV a new moo tna daang con- nactcn Ca» fiys.

Atao Faca ass Unoaraay and Perm Soca

» NtW BEGINNING' Pann Newman now <yter* yssu Bvree tte*y fnaaaaa J jo a m I? noon and 5 p m Coma le-eoul* ma aucnanal van ua at 3W Cnaamm si

ANYONE INTERESTED <v fun • data and Dim*'' UTV rvat a lumpy new «» Tna Oakng Connac W C»K|* JrSMOSO Karen

1 «erer. jatvoeeo

ARE 'OU A cnad oi Hoiocauai aur »-»ors> Then pat ua tot an *itormai and mtorma*v» co"aa hour Tuaa

-Oruary 19 7 30 pm at Haw For 1*0 o» auaaaona. can Man 38? 1034

s »»i erMors Faaout Ptnn s acanca ticfK>n/tanutf

mag*/**» naada you' Orgertcr* tonal maal*ig - ' 30 February

»j*lon Had rm 310 Bring your*** and yom •»

WMARTON .n|fO#uCton/ inaatng Opan Is a> TuesrJav Fafuary to Oaincn 10* 4 30 p m Coma cftec« « out' Oueeton* cal John Bo 388-7911

COMICS COtiECTORS maatng ol tna Comics Coaacaya o> Umtm

■ P*nrny1vana FloOllOP 'rung* MRN 9 IS lci*»<!«> I•oruary 19 I98S For ntormatcn ,**R<«mg3e7«3u6

COJRSE GUIOE organuatBnai meeting to* ihos* interested *i Fart- ing An welcome' 48 McVianny Baaemem iMtf t Hamaion Waft Out**** oo>n*> o> Via Ouadi Tuaa day 8 00

IMMORTAII/E VOURSI . Hone' Design ma 198S Ivy alone

* Details avaaaOW *i tna omce ol sluOent M* or cal Mary

0 Oeadkne Ma-ch 14 1MB.


hour aponaored Dy Eaat Ana Houaa and Japan Culture Club Tue 8 00 pm t*gn R.se South 2nd «oor lounge Al wv'come

"IN* IX MEDITATION mMoton at Penn A*iido Club E.en, Tueaday Thuraday 8pm 7 30 p m lower level HutCftinaon Oym All welcome Jon the tun Bnng a mend

NUCLEAR ARMS Control Pann CoaWmn lor Peace Meeting Tue*

•■*. 19 at me Cnnaaan Asacoebort aecondfcaor 5 30pm I ~- '•** lo tat Roben S-eoei at Int. MM

PARAOOXES IN JUDAISM •eatix «g Mac** Kamnany o> Snapeaa Tueaday February 19m 8 00pm

HRN 2nd ItOO' lounge Ref'eanmema served

PENN IN Cordoba information meeting today Tueaday February 19 1100am Wakama Kal room 516


meet Tueaday) at 8 00 pm *i Towne Bu*>ng Room B2 A( are weicom*

•*ON COUNCIL a General Maebnga are every Tueaday at 5 p m Ben Franafcn Room Houaton Man New member* are welcome' Help plan emeru*vnem

PENN WOMEN S inmate tnebee learn a looiung tat players' Do you Mu> lo run or throw a r-eoee'' Ca» Roberta 386 Sail oi Mary 2221470

RABBI 0AVID Ebner ol Brovender s •*■ be apia>mg M Haw Tueaday February 19 on

Meitianitm M hta'iim A Ma*ticvMM* 4 30 pm

SELF-DEFENSE/ Kunc>Fu das* lot women F' ee demonetr aeon and Mat meeting on Tueaday 2/19/SS at 7 00 p m Upper Eaat I ounge H*

SOUTHERN AFRICA Softdarfy Aaaance meeuig *> nsom 303 Houaun Hal Tueaday Xe iWi Foaowmg mealing » Wedneadey March 13

TABLE TENNIS Club wal meal to- day (Tueaday) and Thuraday at 9 00 p m n Gimbet New memberi ■ rtomi Bnng PadOa More nk) eel mi 1424 or 387 7087

THE AMA »<v*M you lo aaend recrurang on campua a Mart* Fteeee/cn firm Tueaday Fab 19 4 30 pm OH 103

THE ISLAMIC WORLD F.kti aeraM Man and Nature and

Normad and the Cay 4-Si5pm 4*h Root Lounge Wavam* M4dM Eaat Cenier'Sourn AIM Raraonat

tlf*RER LECTURES Maria Ada* Magamae* Brocchmi Contem porary Branhan Art Tueaday Fab 19 4pm Houaton Hal Room 305


general nmang al the Spruce Ha Commune, Center 7 30 p m Tuaa day February 19 1985 There a a general meeting every i'O


UTV IS Ml noting lor atari con ■at ami and anyone .manned *i b»ngon TV Don t be «V No e* penance narxeeeary Cat Jay 387 MM

UTV NEWS mealing far a" reporter* Tueaday ' pat.. UTV BTucaoa Anchor aud*«*n war be diacuaaed Unfamud >eponert muatanand' Newcomer* welcome

WANT TO BE a •tar'' Move Maup a looiung lor co-hoett lo revatw *<• later* an Cat Jo. 862 1S48 or Jay 387M85

" POLO CLUB meat* T„e* day and Wedneadey ~ght* at I 45 at Genbel New memberi area,* welcome > mlaiaated cat Jon

TOMORROW ::■■.■ . «•■

aonataa* gsne Aw-y Wednesday

February 20*1 " OC to 9 00 p m Art Oaaery am hoor Houaton Hal A preaaraakon o- aapactt ol ac

guaintance 'ape

OFFICIAL AED PRE MED honor aocaXy Social and ptanrang meeting Sun- day February 24th. 7 30 pm m McNe* 285 rielieahmenn wa n*

CHASE MANHATTAN BANK NYC minority aummer undergraduate intern program Pro •on amors overview ol general banking operatione Subrr* ap- rjacanon materials lo B Coax* CPPS by Fab 25

ACQUAINTANCE FIAPE *n*oa gone awry Panel and dVicuaaron Wednesday Februan/ 20 700io900pm An Oaaery let Hoor Houaton Han into 898*3*0

AOVCE TO oner' Apply lo be a students helping students advaor 100 Logan Ha* lOSO SHJJH 110 Towne Hal Share your tnowtedg*

INTERNATIONAL OPPOR TUNiTCS n u S agencas and Orgarvjatvjns Three paneaeti *>- ctwkngaUS Amnamnry wed Fab 20m 7 00 to 9O0 pm Ben F-ararkn rm Houaton Hal Sign-up w*h Marca 888-7529

PENN HULEl * Proract Chaver present Danny Sagei How lo M a Menscfi Oeapaa your Coeeg* Educaion Wednesday Fee 20 4 30 p m at Heat

PftE-LAW PANELS Panel Dacue Bfon* wrtfi Practicing Anorneys

Legal Career* Outside o< the T raoMonai Law Fvm Wednesday February 2081 Benasmm Frankkn Room Houston Hal 4 30 pm to 6 00pm CPPS

WHARTON UNDERGRADUATE entfepeneunai Club pr*s*nts Donald F.sher Preaident and founder The Gap Stores tnc W*dnead*y Fat) 20th 4 30 p m SHiDH 1206 Al watcorne

2»JTA PHI BETA Presents m Traiut* lo Black Women Wednes day February 20 at 7 00 n W E B Ouboa Coaage House Men and women welcome Refreshments

ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE Stourtereee' Come meat Stouner 'aaxwnts and ata* on Fab tar ky wme and cheeee Apptcakona a alataa *i Stou"er orace For more rtormaaon cal 89*882'

COLUGE OF ARTS and Scanc*. 10b hur.iett Improve you' chance* Anend an vaarv awing wortuyhop at CPPS Sgnu; w*h Manca at CPPS omce 2nd aoor Houaton na*

COMMITTEE OF SEVENTY Phaa Summer Reeearch Poet bone Eipoaure ID maaor muncipai govarnmem Muat have etutler* wrang ekaa creakve 'eaaarch Hues Oeadkne March 15 Data** CPPS Flea

CON EDISON Summer Acooun kng anoVor EcorVMgmt Intsms NYC Spacrac proyacta Acct Oapl Corporate iteermaneit Jurors - Strong acct bacagraund Sub m* leaumi io B Coara - CFh?S n Fab 25

ENGINEERING COMPUTER Science summer student trainee C«y ol Ph*a Water Dept interne n voivad w*h oonebucaon nepec •on plant oparebona comput**

op*r*tions SophiJuhiors Oeadkn* March 15 DeteM CPPS Flea

• INANCIAL WOMEN S Aaso NYC Summer opporturvtas Feianca Accounting 4 poasoty Marhebng VI mayor corporasona banks A brok*r*g* tvma Jurwy*

- 3 0 GPA Oeadkne March 1 Data** - CPPBFlea

FRESHMEN CHECK you' meaboiae kv an ■iilaann to a Career Psanrvng and Placement ovavaalKyi wheh wa b* cevrvng

ISM DEMONSTRATION day Fab 20 noon to 4 30 285 McNe* Feetufvig at computer electronic primers protessonai grapnc* daptay Sponaorad by Microcomputer Service* mlo Ert 1780

JUNIOR YEAR *i Scotland SI An- drew t Society Schcaarsh*) lo a Sconan UrmanMy sophomores ol Scottish aetcanl top a ol class Contact Mrs Power 133 Bennett Hal X466I Oeadkne March 22 1985

MANUFACTURERS HANOVER Truat. NYC summer credft mksrn Broad eipoeui* to undergrade »i lereeted n banking careers Muat be airvor Submit resume io B Col kn* CPPS by Fab 25

MASS PUBLIC Pokey Metnahp program Must be rumor or grad Maaa raadant Work lor governor

o' othe' stale depatlments Oeadkn* is March 1 Details CPPS


MEOCAl SCHOOL Deans The Road lo Medical School Properalon and Traneaion Tuaa day Fab I9m800to9!0pm Ben Ftenkkn 'm Houaton Hal


MINORITY PRE HEALTH students untverstly ol PatsOurg

and Cokjrntaa Medvai School wa be here lo chal .ntorma*, Mondey February 2Mh at 12 00 p m n rm 305 Houaton HM CPPS

NATIONAL HONOR Socaty m Psychology - Pa. Chi - Cuneney accapting apptcatayns FHycrvBBB mayors/minors welcome Appfcc* tons available m Psych Office Bug Due February 21

NURSING CAREER DAY Recruaars from 72 hearth care

«« Included at* maiof teaching and magnet hoepttale' Wedneadey Fab 20th 10 00 am

»i00pm3rd«oorNEB CPPS

SENIORS IN al Schools Resume, due lor Whanon Undergraduate E nirepreneunal Club t Resume Book rDatfOuled lo smaaemerg ing businesses ) Thursday February 21st Dy 4 00 pm to Jeanne DeVn* CPPS 2nd koor Houaton Hal

STUOY m Pan* 1985-86 Ra*) Ha*V PennCoiumbuj program mkx matKm meeting Tueaday Fab 19 at 3 p m 4th loo, lounge Waama Hal Cal 688-4M1 lot more .nlorma' m

SUMMER PLACEMENT program A reaume retenai service lor sum mar career related work opponun MM Attendance at tummei pba/mlernsho* workshop ragueed pnor lo regatrakon Data** CPPS. 2nd loor Houston Hal

UNIVERSITY REJkDaNOySkldy km piuienieni Service can hatp you cope wafi •■em* end papers A 3 Educauon Buackng 3700 Wamot 898 8*34


rnanegemeni al The Morgan Ban* Thuraday February 21 4 30 rm 351 SHOH

ASH WEDNESDAY maaaaa at Pann )ayafrayi are 1pm 5pm and 7 30 pm on February 20 Prepare now tor Is* Lenten and

COMMUNION CELEBRATION Bra* rtormel oornmamoraaon c* the Neat ol bread and eon* Chapel of Reconciliation Christian Aeeooekon JSOi Locuat IVek Every Fndey 12 10,12 45 pm

DINNER LECTURE becsn* Sunday Fee 24 Rabbi Steve Sewnan wet dacuaa Ma* og Jewan Educahon MearangM Has* Aud OVmar 5» lecture 7 00 reksssr ic* cknnar at Hae. X7381

GRADUATE ROMAN*: Asaoc-a son and True lecture* David lagmenovich El Nuavo Cuento Hspanoameicano Thu-sdey Febuery 21 6 p m waama fiat Waal Lounge

INTRODUCING the Whanon Undergraduate Entrepreneurial Club t reaume book datnbutad lo smal and emergng euain*aea« Resumes lo Jeanne OeVne CF»PS 2nd aoor Houaton Hal by 2/21 4 p m

LARRY LEVEY termer Hebrew

Chnekan rrveraonery who returned lo Judaum wa ckacuas rh* oa«s» story ol the maavonary 'novemam Thuraday February 21 800 p m


LECTURE SERIES at Hew - s*gn up tor subacnplion ol 3 lecture* and

dmnars by Feb 22 Feat acture on Feb 25 Oacount tof member*

NUCLEAR ARMS Control - Pann Coakbon tar Peace Free fern Thursday Feb 28 Cree»e Buackng L.wig Art* Lounge 33rd and Chestnut 3 45 p m Or Helen Cakbcort - 172 hr Mm

PENNINSalamenca ntormation

meetvig Thufaoay. Febtuary 21 11 uOam Wakama Hal room 517

PENNKUG (Kaypro User Group) meeting Thursday February 21 n am 301 Houaton Hal atto.

222 3006

SERIOUS FILM se-as presents The Buck end tna Green al

Houston Hal t Art Celery Noon

end 1 p m Guest Or Ketrma Ha/ardOodan F-ee

STUDENT OFFICE apace appbc* none are now avaaabt* « the ohVa ol Student Lite tor apace m Houaton nai and Irvine Audaonum Ap

March 15

UNOERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY SOCIETY present* Or L4a Gleitman speaking on

Language development «i Band Chidf*n Thevtday at 4 30 Houaton Hal nri238 Al welcome

UNIVERSITY WINO eraembte presents mac from the Golden Age ot bras* W*dn**day February 20 8 00 p m m the Bode* Lounge m Houston Hal Free

NOTICE »Ul -'.I'. , ■ • • , .

aa a pad pubkc service ol the universay ol Pennaytvama and are adrrvnakend tor she ijhrvarMy by The Oa<y r*anrksyrvey**n There • no charge to authorized ijnnnyrsvty arhkabM group* to' katmgt ot F RE E event* Latmgt may be maaed or pascad »i person at The Ot, Pevw

tyrvanayi Buamess Omce 4015 Wamut Street bom 9am to 5 p m Monday *vough Friday Campua Events •*■ not be arxapkad Dy phone 25 word km* The Oa*Y Ptnntytvtntn reserve* the ngnt to eot Campus Events accorcfcng to



i letter drive protests Post cards to Congress decry proposals

H. TAl'B SW\R1/

The I nuVti;r*lujic rsaMaatt) Ml

\pnnsor a ktlcr writing Jnvr tn CM

fiiiMncn thi\ »c«a in an clt.ni to in

l.irm CmgrcNs jhvuji uuuVm views on

drum i*l JKI Hal

I A ntrmhcfv will vet up J t*Wc nn

I MM Y«*lk tiHix^riiw Wcilncstii> and

Thursday where \tudenn »*n write fb~.t

.ifds in their irnjlnri and

( imgrcwincn

I A <"hjiniuii Hri»ik\ Kaflll NJH! the

MM i.h.HilJ he- jn clleiti»r ructhnJ nt

inlnrniing pflMicMM jhnut vtutlciaV

iiew» i»n the tcJeral hudeet iutv

The inip*t vhoold he M|initi.jni

H won t he in. OaaTJ s*lk«il duaa] Ml

the Whamm jnd I ayaMettMJ MMrl

vjkl IJNI nu;hl In j kiml oi drive asTCfe

j\ thiv assMlan *■>' CoMJIsskeMM P*v

jttemi.ti In then innMituentv

It x tjir li'e«p,-i t th*t rajOJI nl the let

tcr* will (tet revp>''i*<"s he .KJ.)I\! 1

■MMCI tlut il cnnuiih peiiplc turn nut.

tiiUTKul JkI MM w..n ' hi' v. socrc

Harris \jkl . .iruTi-iMiirul MMIWsTI

will he jvjilahlr M the uhlc l.n vtudents

tn li»>k up I he Turin- nl their rrprrvrn

ijiins He JIMI-.I thjt the I A will pj\

tut th»- p,i«tJ(,.|- (Ml HI i eirn-rjl tund

v\ ,• •,, •. i -urt nut with ll««l

pml cards if demand i\ high we II

Suv n«ire HasTTal ukl

rherc are a najple nl rej-mi why

pciple »hi*jld iiMtve .nit *» >utv in titun

kial JKI will .JUH- IIKicaved MM. he

VJHI "The prtipiiscJ financial JKI .uts

will hit Penn harder than n*ivt invlitu

IHHU hecauve the .IWI ol a Penn eduu

IHWI i» vi high

Mjrriv vaid thai the .ul\ would jtleil

4111) I nivrrsirv viutlenis who would

ea«h love jn average nl HMO in federal


I \ nicnihcr Roh (nirin URI he feel*

Ihc UA'l drive van have an imp*! in

Vvjvhinglon r»cr\ little hit hclpv it

•ngrewmen aware ol then .i*i

vtituenlv leclingv the Vs harion

Ireihnun vakl

We'll uTJTMJ 1" M aCTfaal I |MM1 . ih.it ilx- pnpoM allntiiK-nt lor

vludem linj/Kul aid is injuVqiute

(,orin said l'«' "uni >tmkni-

M| to he hurl

I \ \ ... . 'I.I . i 'i.-i-i Mi.ll.nl OOlssM

VJKI that hanilwrilten post ijrdv will

nuke the BWM "i"'e MMOMWl

It is si-r\ cllistue lor siiulents lo

wrile hjniiwriltcn posj .jrds to their

« .mgiessriK-n the- CoUfff sophomore

x.n.l I.-SIIT.IJS When ths's ■sTTVt in

hulk it v all the n»>re effcvlne

In i4her huvinevs. (nirdon SJKI trial

Wcdncvlav nighl'v I A mceling will ,n

v ludc a repon from the Residence Com

ininec. a mm I'A S»J> The group will

make revornmerklalHinv on possible

, lunges in rcsidenlul polin

IV l'» i Honor ( »le CrMMMc

will also make a siaiemcnl al ihe

meeting. (midon vakl The Honni

Code Commillec is making a general./

cd report he said It.tells how ihc

VA got involved and proposes pswvthle


The report will he suhmilloJ lo ihc

CIMIIKII of I ndcrgrjdujtc IVanv |

don added

I mrdon said ilui ihc- I A is redircvtin^

its ellorts lo ensure thai loreign leaching

assistants take l.nglish prnti. n-rkv |a**j

It doevn I livik like we .an nuke m.i

lor thangi'v" he.vakl "WtfMI

vpeuli. . ompljhv.s jbout sp<

I V .

The I'A had implored the pussihiluj

of resjinping Ilk- language proln icno

u-lirii: pfiigr.mi lor loicign TA'v

The Dining SsreiM C'otniiiuicc mci

I ri.l.ii to plan Us ,|rue lor hnnging •

SILK k rur lo I'ainpuv ,il whkh viudeniv

.jn use vrcdil ejrnc-d Ironi MaMrJ


Community House to switch dorms under renovation plan

••USAEVLU I onimunils. HIHIW will lx- resiruv

hired as pjn oi piiiivise.i QuMranglc

rernvations ihis sumnk-r

in. ssln. n will he lin.ili/ed in j

lew d.iss .all lor removing Provost

I *.-r jndliijilii.il. Hmisi- iron. (

inunilv House Ihsv will he-replaced hv

x.hhursi and Mjgec doiitis

IIIIH8W South I ampii. Dirc.t.it

Maureen Peterson said yeilenfll) tlut

the rooms in (ir.tvlu.ite will lx- rervovji.-.l

irvl PfOVUM lower will he- vonvcrtcd in

to J IIHII tieii-il lounge area with con

pulet rOOfM k it. liens and a lihrarv.

c miitiiunitv House will expand frOfll

I M) siuilenls io nmre than IWI students

and two Ri'vkleni Advisers Several

r-ri-vhnun Advisers will he added Io the


We will have I he sank- ptogrjins mi

Iv Ihev nuv he I little nnre miens,

MM Of the addtliitul stall Peterson

laid v cster.lav

Residential_l iv mg Bavfl are ,orxerik-.l

that Avhhursi arkl Magee which ale M

tacheil lo ( leeiiianii hul las k jnv COD

necting hallwavs nuv MnV the com

munitv spirit of the Ireshnun program

v\. krkiw thai il is going 10 lx- IMIC

.lilli.ull Peleis.ui said Hut Ilk stall

is yen willing lo make ilk- house -ii.

and MM ihc v.inimuniiv


("leeiuann will )x .ontk-vled It*

\shhnrsi ami Slag.-e when ;l is

ren..vaii-.l m-vl seat

l' lersofi -.nd iK.it (ir.i.lu.iie will now

hoaat uppci.lassiik-n who use,: to live in

\shhur.| .iii.l M.igee

We ire v.iv Careful ik>l to dupbee

i.' ihc s.n.l I here will he- plen

:v ..I riv.nis lor uppirslassrnen in

Ofaduaic ( iimmiiniiv House Head Resi.lenl

IVmgris said thai the renovations

will eliminale In. program s l.mnge in

Pruvosi lower

VSe have a gorgeous lounge that the>

are lakini: aw.iv from us."' IVrugris

.ii.l We relv yet) hs-aviU on lounge

■pact It is a gathering sort ol aie.i

| Ihc loungel is rcillv I hig part ol

Ihe philosophv he added "One or

two vnvall lounges iust doesn't help us

■HI' "

Drrugris said Ihe presenl graduate

lellow s rtkkii will heeonvencd into Ihe

I.Hinge lx, aus, il in, hides two r .

an,l a haihr.viii

Ihe giasluate lellow will move Irom

( leeman lo Ashhuisi |o reinlor.e Ihe

.oniiiiunitv spini IVnigris vjid he

ho|x-s the addition ol Ireshm.tri \<\

vise-rs atkl two more RA'l will help

create Ihe eommunilv atnktsphere

It would be Rice lo eliminjlc some

rooms lo build a new lounge in the ne\i

phase ol renovation, he .kl.led

IKnigns s.n.l it is difficult to Ibattl

communitv spirit when two unconnected

huildingv lorni pan ol ihe house

We are nol happy about |jnnexing

Ashhurst ami Magi-cl hecausc- they arc

nol connected and the population will he

over I Ml students. ' he said II is going

io he a really big job in unitving n. but

we want (omniunilv House lo survive

MI we arc willing lo work hard al il

C ommunitv House, which is l.xaml

in ihe low Ouad. is j freshman

residential option designed lo foster

,ommunit> spirit Pic Ihomas Penn

and Clceman donns also are included in

Ihe program

BSL leaves meeting angry It ■'iiimuril Irom pagi I)


II... kn, . vii,1 v,-si,r,|av thai he IccK

Dolltnaii o sin, ,-relv sorrv about the

Ilk idclll

I iik I sv nli llk.llnunl and talked lo

him about list iikulciii Haskncv sjid

I told him I IhoiiLhi Ik- stkHild

apolog,/. and Ii. i.-K-cd I think |ihc

apol.-gvl .|v.o- l,.r itscll He s verv

sons about il

[Whanon S. t..~.l IXan Russell

Painter| is asking Ih, ( I'lnmittee <*\\

\ IcHW I'eedoiii and Responsibilitv

lo itk-et aikl to I.HI*, at ilk- in. idem ami 10

advise him about what lurlhc-r sU-rvs will

lx- taken lie .kl.le.l

I Ik -haiges agjuisi Ikillnian were m

ilialed last sciikstci when he relened to

live Mask students j. e\ slaves ' and

a-kc-d Ibsiii lo recite bv heart ihe I'lh

and 14th \nicrkliiiciils to ihc Cunvlllu

Ina I wo weeks ago Dollinan I

,i-ked Iwo .uiict bljck siudenl. to do die

same thing

Hackncv said fie leels tit,- meeling

with the HSI was unprikluctiv, adding

dial il l.v.usc-,1 on IXillman t dismissal

and nol on black students concemi in


I don t think il was lernblv sue

ecsstiil ii, ..ii ! Ihe hrsi time ihev

c-vplained Ihe lull lange ol then con

.ems al Ihc I nivetsiiv Itn. morning

ihev i.kiiscd mote parriciilarlv on Ihe

Dollman in. idem

I alv. told them Ihai I wa- ..in.

lo promise IhoK things that I can do.

he added I hope Ihev II wotk with us

We wjnl lo maintain ,omniumsations

Hackncv said he is worried about the

problems black students ire lacing on

the 1 niversitv campus

I am concerned ■DIM ihe state til

race relations at Ilk- I nivetsiiv.'" he

said Clear!) we «y*M the laeiillv lo be-

as sensitive- as possible 10 all students at

ihc I niversiiv Ilk Dollinan in,iden!

underscores that there COT bv

in i s u n d e r v I a n d i n g and


We lold the siudcnls lh.it we would

■0 in ihe deans as a group and talk-lo

ihem ab.nU developing a wav lo raise

race awarelk-ss. Ik- .kl.le.l

Please recycle this magnificent piece of art


' I I If plunr

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Page 5: 34th Street

THE DAII.. rtNNSYI.VANlAN - Taws*,. FtWwi !•. IW PACI 9

Panel looks at animal research ethics B> si \ n v;

l-a>mcn and scientists Jcrvatrxl Ihc cthns of animal research in J panel dihruu-ion ai Houston Hall .>n Frida>

The discussion, sshkh dress more

than 2(11) people lnusr.1 .-n the mm Mieniilu community s role m iurhinc; animal research

Dissuvsion moderator Roger Carat, an ABC News reporter. asked animal

activists yshether they beliesc animal* hase right*

"To im kn.i»led|tc nothing thai is

legally designated a* propem has legal rights and if the lanner can slaughter his >oss at Kill is that animal anything hut

propens ' (aras asked the panel Center lor Interaction hetsseen

Animals and Sonets Director Alan Beck, a panelist said he hclirscs humans arc worth the sacrifice of animals in the lah

The animal sseltarc mosemrnt is »<

inherently inisanlhr.spic M males.>lcnt he saw But the Humane SOCM) must

rememhei people •">' rths ot amncHim

But I-avs School Protesvir liars l-ran CKMM an animal rights actisist.

countered thai humans cannot determine whether a cure for cancer is worth the sacrifice of animals

If I could impose lernhle suffering on 10 animals hul cure cancer that's

an interesting question, hul species can not determine thai." hrancionc said

liancione said that sacrificing 10 animals can he compared to sacrificing II) retarded infants for experimentation

I'lancixne said he supports the role ot the mm scientific community in deter

mining the prispnets of animal research, adding that he helieses that a break in this summer into a Medical School head iniurs lahciraton is justifiable

"What happened last summer is uciiliahle because non-human creatures

were used illegitimatels." he said

What gives |uientists| the special e» pertise lo pudge moral issues which are

separate and distinct from scientifk issues'

Iraiki.me urged Vrtcnnarv Mkial students io become more aware of the ethkal issues of animal research

Pleace please, hecume more moral Is aware of the issue." he said to the au

clience. whkh mostly comprised of Vrtennar> School students and faculty

Sloan Kettenng Cancer Insinuic researcher William Hards, who has done estensise research IKI feline leukemia, said that animal resear,h has led lo treatments for diabetes and


He added thai at ihe HM of a few animals hununs mas receisc trcmen

dous henefil*

Hards also propsoscd wass lo

upgrade animal research, hul said thai alieinaliscs to experimenting .m animals

including Ihc use ot mathematical and computer imslcl* are not viable

The use ol coinpuicrs and math models instead ol animals is being pro pi>sed. hut thev are nol reahsik right

now. he said

When the issue massed lo the floor, the au>lk-nse raised the question .it who

should determine the course of animal research in the laboratory

Ihe audience actiscls pursued panelists sicws calling lor "mure sigorous res icw hoard* to supers ise

animal research

Humane Society laboratory Animal Division Head John McCMtM also sup

ported Ihe involvement ot ihe nun scientific communiis in csptoting ihe

elhks ,.| aninul research He cited the example ..| a NASA protocol resiew hoard in which halt ol the board con sisted ol las men such as priests and lavsver-

Bul Hards countered that "contract research thai is closely monitored h, resiew hoards is often inellectual and


Contract research was a disaster free research is better " he said

Audience members praised ihe discus sum. calling || thought prosoking and usctul

'I ri: glad the whole thing lo.sk place n started a lot of people s minds

•WUug and it .lid a good |.J- ol coser ing all sides sakl a sophomore who

hei name he w uhheld

SAE waits tables for charity B) LAURA sH\w

Sigma Alpha hpsilon brothers icndcd the bar at Smokes lot s lad week and earned MB tor ihe American Cancer S.M,-I\

SAI members serse.l pitchers ol heer

to the Wednesday night crowd, earning a portion ol the profit on Ihe pilchcrs and receiving donations Ir.un custorik'rs

The eseni was wh.il ilk- lr..icriutv .all

c.l "An esening to benefit the Americ M ( .iikn Socic-n SUUM) Joe s called it

"Let's cure cancer night SAE I'icsideiii Jim Waters said that

Ihc patrons were sere suppoitise ol the

cause Mi«l people gave a dollar at the

door as a contribution, and we got the prikedes from ihc- pitchers he s.n.l

MOM people switched lo beer because it was cure cancer nighl

SAF. Vice President Jordan Kupcrschmid sard that the fraternity is

trying to become more insolsed in charitable esenis

I his is going to he our massive at

tempt at community service." he said It's not that big. hul we re going lo do

the best we can

Watery said that SAF is interested in becoming more aclise in Ihe I'nivcrsitv community

We clclinilcly want to make this an annual event." he said It helps us II

help- the community and we have a good time doing it

"This is pretty much the first com munity service event we've had in the

past lew sears he added ' ("omnium tv scrskc is something we re going lo

he committed lo in the future

kuperschnikl said il was dilticiilt lor SAI H generale enough manpower lor ihc- .-sent, since il is not a large Ir.ik-imls

We re doing this at ihe sank' lime we re doing \niiua1 (imng. he said

Il asking lor a big commitment from cscrvhody. with onls Ml brothers and III pledges

kupcrsthriud added thai Ilk- fraternity is pleased with the panicipaiion Ironi the tratcrnifv brothers and pledges

"All our brothers and pledges the

whole crew came .HJI he said

Two students are up for awards II untinurd from page II

wristc and produced together with Paul Wagner in cooperation with ihe

Smithsonian and with lunding liom Ilk- National l.rtdovvmcnl lor the Arts Folk Arts Progiam. Ihe WaahMglMI ("oni

muniiy Humanities Cikirkil and ihe ("atril/ Foundation, an an luikline

KX ids Hunt said lhal Ihe ROM careers base

passed their .i.ili down through the ecik rations

' I be sioik- .arsers arc Italian Americans who base been causine on

their special crall ttuough five geik-ra lions, she said While the dikumen larv inainls COVWI work doik- on the National ( .iihe.lr.il. these CVWI hase ■In worked on the Supreme (".Kin aikl

Radio tils Music Hall " 77ir Sumr CaiYtn fOCMMI primarilv

on Ihe work ol ihe Iwo artist Roger

Mongi and Vincent Palumho Ihe dim .l.kinik-nls the skills,

customs, and •vcupalional tolklore ol the carvers.' Hum said 'U successful Is captures their crealoe spirit and

pride The dikuiik-nlarv c|u.ililied loi the

Academy \w.ird nomination alter winn

■ng an educational award l-oc other ikmiinecs are in conteniion lor ihe

QtoM Hum added thai she hopes nuns peo

pie would see the lilm lor iisediicaiion.il

value Il is now being distributed in schools

and libraries in an ellort to spread

knowledge ot the stone caisers who like

the challenge arkl Ireedom of expression in what they re doing she- said The work i»t Ihe careers ctpr.-sscs .i com

munil) aesihetk whkh is iinlortunaiels dyuNJ IHII now

Mmson oik- ol lice nominees lor the t ir.nnm> Award in his category . said he

is interested in the lolk HjdUoM ol the black workers wh.ise songs are recorded

in 'Virginia Traditions Vvorksongs These Afro-Americans are infre

c|uentlv rccogni/ed as the innovators ol mans spiritual songs ot white iik-n arkl Ihc origin.iiors ,.| the railroad workkong." he said The album

"MM are actually a <6 page booklet which accompanies the record

"The pamphlet contains a histoiidl essay ot black work songs, a collection

ol work.song related recordings and releierwcs Irom Virginia, togciher with eyiensise notes and photographs ol black workers." Hinson sakl "The album itself includes songs of oyster shuckcrs (those who open the shells|.

uiltoad workers crab pickers ship c.iulkers and other fishery workers

The workers sang the songs to scl a pace aikl lo dissipate their boredom alter

hours of tedious work." he sakl. adding lhal songs sung hs privmers laboring in

the fields are als.. included in the collection

Hinson is currently writing a disscrta

lion «»n black gospel music which he s.ns is closely related lo the work songs

recorded on the album for which he wiotc notes

"The award was a surprise, very

gralilying il means a Ispe .1 singing rr.klilion is .khiesing

iccoeninon historically ignore.: IIn son s.nd Ihe nomination sigmlies in c leasing awaierk'ss ol ariisiry ..| tradi

lional pcrlorm.iikc aikl c lions o| tradi

lional |x-rlorn .like aikl dlorts ol tolklorists |o make them hcaid



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HIUR 698-7391

Page 6: 34th Street

®je IBatln |Jemtsttlltanum The Independent Sewspaperynj the I nivrrsity of Pennsylvania

10ht Year oj PublhUion

WAKE THE KIDS/ Stefan Fatsis

PM.r ft lursdav, Irhruary I*. I«W5

Fair Judgment (>n ihr MCOOd anniversary ol the alleged gang rape jl

Alpha I.HI Omega tutcinity house .I Koscmont Col

Iccc lrc-.hm.in went in .in A l() parly. loll lhal party .il '

• m and went !>• Phi Sigiiu Kappa Iratcrnity house

j tu BVCMI ihai immediately followed in noa under in

^csligjtion. Uld J V\ barton |unu>r has been arrested and

charged with rape

hen yean agjo, cfimtnal chargei ware mi Hhd ■gainst IIK- Kcoaad rapists and ihc Univmit) became nvoJved in .1 length) smberraeeini indn ial circas I he A nivertM) was hauled into conn foi MM living ike \ M1 Jiuii\ KIU.IIV due process, and the inul decision against ■H aflaadan was merat) J slap on ihc ariani

I his link' with ,1 new BH "I student |udicial pro

gadurai lad 1 lunuhanaoaa police investigation behind Si. ihc I imciMiv ■ppean to he actiaf qnicU) on ■> naai charge Pjrsidcnt Sheldon Hncknt) "k-t with the Com iniiici on CoaauhaiMM on ihc- da) M ihc mcideni and 1IUIKI.II liu|uir\ Officn tan H.ui is heading the UnivertMy'i imemal inveatigamn

Ihc Unrvenit) should he applauded foi moving

A New Direction

ipiickly im Ihc caM, and we hope Ihc- new ludtcial pro

oadavai will insure ,1 t.ut hearing

While the incident is being rtimiTlf. lho*e involved

m the invealigalion and ihc red c4 ihc I nivenM) coea munitv should keep in inind HVBJBJ point* hirst, rape

is j vef) serious ctiflM .uul should he Ircjled as one

Ihc- Philadelphia I'olisc .uul the I nivcrsity must

.vjlualc the case JS completely and impartially as

possible Ihc I mn'iMli inusi also examine the conditions sin

lounding the incident ami then implications on the ,oin

munit) Ihc alleged npa took place in a Iralcrnny

house, ami it must he- determined how the enxironnicnl

might have e oninhuled lo the situation ami whether col

lective responsibility applies ilk- Qaaak rjrateai should

BOI .iiilonijiic.illy he- blamed lor this incident, hul ex

plonng ils role is valid

VA hencver a r.i|\- ih.irgc surlaves. people are ejuick lo

hold an uninformed trial m their minds ami dacidt m

lav or ol one ol the two involved parties I his time, lat'l

hope loi some heller nidi-iik-nl overall

Kuneaa Bunater'i reiignatkNi on Fnda) .is Pcnn Women'i Cental diracm ended a binei coatrovert) oser ihc cCMer't Ic.klciship hul lell I he question ol iis direction unresolved

Bunstet Hepped down iust ■ week aftet she asked the ombudsman to investigate charges thai ihc had made .inti Semitic. hoinophnhic ami racist comment! She said last week thai she tell the investigation would sin dscatc her, set day* later she resigned, stating. 'I can BO kmgei SufTei the humiliation 1 have been siihicv ted lo bv sonic members ol the dillereni women's groups

AppaicnK. the ombudsman is still Investigating the charges, but me controvert) over Banitei stretched beyond hei alleged continent! Since it- creation mom than III veals BgO, the Women's Cental has served .is .1

place lot women on campus to seek counseling, advice, advocacj and friendship I he centei and its directoi have liadilion.illx cniovcd a harmonious relationship

with woman'i leaden an campus

The role ol the CCINC! and its director changed last tall

when Minister took riffle* last month memrvrs ol

women s groups complained, that Buarttei had nut made

lici-clt vi-ihlc Bl .1 . ounsclor ailMk.ile. thai she had

harmed people from the center unless (he) were on ol ficial business M<\ that an prograswniaf was coming from tlk- centei

llu Women\ (enter Advisors Board which had been appointed bj Bssaster, agreed it would he best tor Hunsiei lo separate hers<l| trom the >enter, ami thev

siic'gcslcd that she lake a temporary leave ol al>scrkc

Minister refused Non she's goat

Yet the advisor) Kurd never agreed on what dim

lion the Women\ (enter should take Bunsier argued

that she implemented her changes hmM the >cntci

Was Ml sciv ing oil women on campus Her avscssiiR-nt

ol the situation is debatable Now the I niveisitv should

debase n Ihc Women s (enter serves SO important purpose on

campus W omen's croups and administrators must meet

lo disCUSS how Ihc ,cnler can best serve the commumtv

he tore another directrH is .hosen

Send Us Mail lh, Mii/v /'. MfiofiunriKi welcoiik-s OOasSSSBI trom ihc I nocisiiv >omniunitv in Ilk- torin ,>t sh..ri >olumns JIKI Idlers lo

Ihc- cdili'i Material nuv be on anv lopu ol national t IllVersit) --r psrSOBBl inlcrcsl Signed cotumns, lencn ami caltixms appealing on this page represent the i>pinions »»t the authots ami ck< IHH nc'ee-ssarily

reflccl ilk views ol ihe- Hoard ol Managers ol l)u l\nl\ l'nm\\l\tint<in ■sad all male-rial lor >oliinins or Lcllcrs 10 the I elilor lo Kiiben Malilowii/ I dMOnal Page I .III" /'K IKnU Prnnwha

asats 4015 Wamut Street niiUJasjmfa PA i^im or call ihe paper si (215) WHV583

(juot.ition ot the Ddy

'WamtuadnViicampmare«an>*ss**a*wwssya—a Soa/satmen gfamMgnWtsrrti - .n. andm tttilU

Wnniin's ( t-nlrr \ssislanl Ihrrtinr IK-hbk- I rxinvm cm the altrgrd rape Siinilav

Down to the Core When a university ulks about re

vamping its currkulum. one f said ki mc l«*l week, i! acts a» it it i» reinventing the wheel

Well, the I niversuv is talking at

IBM length and in great detail, in list JNHJI its wheel ara<ut the overall philosophy ol a Penn education, about Ihe sirenglhs and weaknesses .-t tin-

eurrieulum. about eitirsc tailing pat

icrn« about prcpfo|c*sionali*ni. re quirements. goals and Hleals

And two words tigurc prominent in the researeh bring eonducie.

eurrieulum Other major »ch<«ils have some tvpe

Ol a SSSI All sluelents at

( olumbia and the I noer silv ol ChkSSgO, lor in stjiiec lake Ihc sarm- croup >^t eiHjrsc-s that ei»m prise a general cdii.-ili.-n llsiisnl studrnls etk»>sr among ,<mrs.

• reared U expose them to 1 iv|x-s ol thinking

Ihe- I iincisiiy i. >learlv

ditlercm nTOBI il> BBM Pan'l is a laeullv of

hsssarchsn wtx- also hap pen to leach And like it .if not the broad interesiv ot

the undergraduate student b.»lv arc retle-eled in a

sprawling preprotessional university

I hose two features come ■ in the guise- of

iikicdiblc divcrsiiv haw

undergraduate schools. mOTC than Vl depanmcnis. sorik" l^t>l eourv

mgs Diveisiiv is both 1'enn s b»n»n ami barv li- ability 10 leach anil siudy

inv dillcrent tield- is

viewe-d bv mam as whai am PSSB B 1 tlM 'civ ilivcrsiiv has, idled

a siiualion in which Ihe uikkri-radu.ilc educalion l,kt, IS across IN

I,Ml. V, hal I'cnn naaM 00 is tirkl a w.iv SO

evploil ilse-ll maintain Ihe diveiMlv ami

at Ihe sank- tim- provide a common .,li.. .iiioii.il eapeneacc tor all under

lasss It c an ideal thai many laculty iik-m

bets iikl adnunisiralors are ,|uick lo

endorse Having some kind ol .ore education would tspats all students u vjrious concepts ami hisiones ethics. ecolulion Western eivili/alion II would

alla.i. material trom the perspective ol various disciplines 'Most ,.t alt, it would provide students with .1 .ouimoii intel

lectuai fodder, something Penn sorel) lacks

The phdosophv is gas) to racist; iiiiplc-iik-nlinc.- a .ore o tai less smiple The spec it is s ot tinkering with the curriculum raise- multilold questions that

now aie being invcsUgalod bv icveral graapS, most promiik-nl the College's

("oninnttc-e OH I ndergradu.ile BdUCS lion, which is .lev,King this vear toward slu,bun- tlk- curriculum objectives, ree)uiieme-nis OOWM pallern- spec ial programs and possible nkslilications in il. including the adoption ot BMM

tvpe ol Ongoing research has lound that

students lend to weed ihrmgh thc

.locrsiiv ,m Iheir own A study by Vhool ot \n* and Vien.es laaOCUBI IVan Ivar Berg sb.-ws that a lit facio

Ireshnun core alrcadv gSBtl .-•nsisiing ,-t SCOBamtaS, natural seK-ike-s (cal.u

tierlMslrs and phvcksl. a

loreign language an Knglish seminar and a smaflcring ol psv,' IKS and mahVag) Ihe aBBlaBJI lor Ihe I niversuv is to deckle whether that .ore-

is ihr right ine whether it sheHild he codilK-d and labeled and lk>w it .an he

expanded on

( ommrtlev on 1 ii.tergr.ielu.ite KltK.i

lion (hair He-rhert I evSM, an c-eonom

ict professot isyi he sspsctj tlk- Mad) n> be completed bv ve.u s <\Mi. wiih an eve-lowar.: ■ m proposals next

-iniilar panel issued an

anmeaac repm on sH bcsti ol under cruduale e-eluc.it ion. and lhe-n III.KIC-

rccotiirm-mlations ttiat were lost cMik-

wlierc between Vin.in OfCgorUMI - d!

panure as dean and the pre-cnl I he -urrcnl .omniittee is looking SO nuke

cure Us work be-ars Iruit In addition lo ihe study Ihere bSVC

been other signs pointing I'cnn in the

right direction toward some type ol

common academic life Several mu-rdis ciplinary onuses have he-en or are being

.rened that could serve as model core courses

One. a . las. in protession.il ethics, has

succeeded as .1 seminal foi two years three others have been approved tor the- f.ill 1 course known as "Interpretation" ihai will examine ihc nature ol the knowledge provided by M education in the humanities " a class called "The Organization ol SacUJUSS and one dubbed Ihe- Sell ami It- I'onrail- | sludv ol aulohiographv .iikl "the- rnMion

ot Ilk- sell in a varictv ol diseipliik- rcligious sluelies philosophv. psycholo

ev kociology, ptychiati)

A Tilth course that cnuhl *erxe at a

core rivulet is bring developed hy a gr.kip ol prolcssorc in the naturtl

seiemes examining evolution and gni«v anatomy Another possibility would he a

,lass in (he hr.ud sweep i»f Wcxtcm civilization, providing what ivnr proiej

sor calls a historical roadmap. withoat whkh s.. much about our civilizatkwi is

vague The key to the new classes whie*

were ,onecive-d by both the proi

lacultv Coaad on I ndcrgraduate Eds cation and individual protestors, is that they cross departmental and disc-iphnarv

lines melding the humanities MKial seiemes and natural «i ernes

They are the ixprs that

could he included in a revamped curriculum in whkh a core system re

placet the distributional ri-cpnremcnt. whkh in its currcni form em.Hirage.

little more than Tilling the BSeSaSsr) hole in the trah wript Sluelents. in rcecu

ing the general cduciii.r

that the distributional svv tern tails to oTTcr. would sludv inanv ot the sarne cnli.al .ub|e-et areas aikl Iben (x-rhaps be able Ira4e tlkmghis outside the elav

t r.-oni

But reiiocating the cum

culum in such a manner raise, many Ojaeatiom

W'h«» will design, sponsor maintain, turn] ami leaeh

tik-sc classea? How wjll changes affect long range- planning' What will they

do in the si/e. structure- ami lunction ot depart

nicnts' t

Those logistic questions are le>r groups like- Ihe Committee on I mlcigiii duale I du.aiion And ilics are hemg

addreaaad Piununon ami admimstra lors are tinallv re-cognizing Ihe m-cd to

in.ilv/e what I'cnn -ludents are doing

and then try lo improve their academic lives The catalyst tor change may he

the new SAS dean, who will have the power 10 sec that curriculum itnpnwe- mcnis make their way out ol the report


Ivat Berg, a pivotal figure in the Curriculum analysis savs that I'e-nn is likely to "build something new an-

chored with what we have " Berg, like- others, sani the need to nuuntain the diversity ol the research and preprdfe-

liOSSl atmosphere while improving the gtaarsl intellcctuil life of the student bod)

It is Perm's golden opportunity lo . re-.ue a truly unique learning environ meat lhat taps Ihe strengths ot Ihe

!acuity and the students The wheel is jori wailing to

invented he

Shnjhn fiaratt, « College BMlor, " s > 'i.-Hi iJiroro/Thc Dally Penn

lylvsniSK Wake the Kids uppeun tiltcrmitt /urw/t/u

Letters to the Editor Dolfman and the Black Student League Protest

Profs Value Is Too Great For Possible Removal

To tlk- l.dltot Legal Studies I can be a conceptually

difficult and challenging COBISI 101 over 2d years. Murray Dolfman has made it an emoyahlc. stimulating, and

understandable expe-rieme lor literally thousands ol students He is .crtainly

one ol the nnnl pipular professors at

Pcnn. and each semester his scetkvns are packed

His teaching style, whkh recently has come under question is intended lo ca- iole students into learning material and to help students develop self confidence

in speaking in tront ol the class On the lirst day ol each semester. Pmlcsvir

Dollman warns prospective students that he gives everyone a hard time in class

and lhat if they dun I feel that they can handle it. they should look few another

teacher Prole-ssor I tollman stands hy his

word When I took his class he gave me

and everyone else in the class a hard tant But I can honestly sav (ha( he is one ol the best teachers I've had in my

three ami a hall years at Pcnn His style challenges the students to learn an in

credible amount ol material in a very short period ol lime The best part about it is that be succeeds in his mission \ 11 tually every one of his students learns all

Ihe material in Ihe course I reviewed the Spring '84 issue of the

M/rurron tana*! magazine the other night and lound an inters icw w nh Pro

lessor Dollman In an answer lo one ol

the uvuestHHis he replied

"Sure. I ollcnd v>me people Most of my repartee is tongue in c heck I do it to needle the students Let me give you a

good example In I unit, when there was all that turmoil. I had one ol the smartest groups i>t students ever They had lo

learn Ihe material quickly. because they * had all this protesting to do I used to

needle them by saying. I am the

establishment" One day. I said that I was collecting tumls for the Lee Harvey

Oswald memorial lo enmmrmoratr one

UMC Supports Black Student League T^< the Editor

We. Ihe member organizations ol the I niied Minorities

Council and the minority community we represent, lulls support all act kins which were laken to alleviate the con .cpt ol racism as a wav ol lite Tor minontv students al

Pcnn. racism presents a continuous harrier to our

aeadeuik success Not only must we contend with ihc racist viewsof our uneducated c-ollcagucs but must also en

dure- prciudk'c and intimidation trom those who arc sup posed I y Ik-re to educate us baclors such as these ■ Irurh

uminhuif to nuking Pcnn "unattractive" to minority students It the Cnivcrsiiy is to continue lo extol Ihe v irtues

ot Hue diversity. fairness and the presentation ol cxjual op portuniticx. then 11 is hyptkriiieal 10 retain indiv kluals such as Mr Dollman

To those members of the community; who feel that the

actions of the Black Student League were harsh and destructive it is important to realize thai all established

I nivcrsity channels were explored The provost among otter tap level administrators, had been informed of Dollrrian's previous racist and sexist conduct This pro

duccd no tangible results Despite lollowing these pro

Saasrcs Dolfman began this semester without any change

in his behav lor ol insensilivity The silence ol the I'niscr sity administration leads us to believe that it is not tnily commuted lo enlorcing polkk-s and values whkh support

minority presence If President Hackney and Provost Khrlich are truly committed 10 "bring to swift resolution" incidents of racial harassment, then Dolfman'v termination must he vvughl

As the I niied Minorities Council, we reaffirm

•I The organization of mandatory racism awareness seminars for the Iniversity community

■2 A definitive policy whkh holds professors accoun- table for their acts of racism

•3 The active seeking of an increase in Asian. Black and Hispanic faculty. adininicii.iii.Hi and staff

We applaud ihc Black Student League and its action in the issue ol Ik'llman's behavior and actively seek the im-

plementation ol these three objectives whkh will bring about an atmosphere which is sensitive to and aware of the concerns ol it. minority students


ol ihc most unselfish acts in \iik-ii.an history One kid lumped up and yelled. You *>n ol a b ,' and pnvceded to

lay me out I said, 'Thank you. I have been waiting all semester lor somene lo

get on their feet and give it back 10 Ilk

The point of the nutter b that Prol

Dollman succeeds as a teacher where most professeirs don't succeed —

students Icam from him We have too lew professors al Penn who leach as

well as Prof Dolfman to go forcing him

into retirement

Vrlhur Penn Whan mi "85

Whaiton t.raduati »6

Dolfman Issues Formal Apology For His Remarks To the Editor

I spok* this morning | Monday.

Meant) It, IW| with Ml Murray Dolfman and emphasized the serkkisncss with whkh I regarded the incident in his class that led 10 a protest

from black students I told Mr Dolfman that a public apology from him was in order He readily agreed His statement toll..WS

"I do admit that my prescntatHm and leigned reaction on November 12. Is>84.

was overdramatk and unnecessary I apologized then to those who were directly affected And I apologize now lo the entire University community

Sheldon Hackney President

Teacher's Comments Have No Particular Groups As Targets To the Editor

This letter is in response to the recent turor over Professor Murray Dolfman I fell lucky that in my four years of col-

lege I was able to have as fine a pro

lessor as Murray Dolfman His class

was abseiluicly my nk>st enjoyable learn-

ing experience as an undcrgadualc

I'rolevsor Dolfman pokes fun at

everyone While it may he true lhat he teases black students n is also (rue that he teases white, male. Icmale, short, fat. or thin students as well It is always

done with humor and with no nulkc

Murray Dollman is a successful

center city attorney and leaches because he enjoys the mteractKWi with the students He doesn't need to (each, the hours spent doing so could be used to generate large legal fees for himself. The I'niversity and the student body is

greatly benefitting from being .ics.Ki.ited with someone as astute.

capable, and caring

The Black Student League should not exploit Murray Dollman in their effort 10 highlight what may be some very

valid concern, regarding discrimination against minorities on campus. Using a

scapegoat is not an appropriate way for ihc BSL to voice us dissatisfaction This

was not proper conduct and should be immediately rectified with a personal

apology to Professor Dolfman. as well as to (he students whose class was disrupted

Troy I av i..r \x barton 'M

Whartim (Graduate School 'M

£ltc Jlailtj ^Hcmtsylttanimt sf t/VA 1 mo i-xi 11 1 is, 1 Enron


Nt'HUil MiHIUHir/ EDtTOBIAI Pv.r r.wiolt

4\/7 I rf 11,7/tl f\ Si WS I OIK*

I.It K! IHIII \ss. H Bl SIM ss M IS VI IK

HA I //>(.( ill>MR(. Ms k is l-ninm It/// v(trY/)\ .

I Oil!*

/ sit t/v/ />/( As/m Pimna.it vi-in I mum


Ml V/S lltMRUW >4tn Stun 1 TIXII*

Wl \/» hRI t Mi \ I IVOV1 DlKIt Tl*

RHHtRI CHASt S Puini l tH'S M \s ■ I \Ri'll HI zV\s \ss.« UIH Slant Linn*




'/ IN SHEHMih FIAII HI Bonm t/) \u GOKDOti


SPK HI. Pnoii-crs EotTon JEFFKt. Y METCALF

Cat I>II M vs vi.1 K

MRHIt S//lr/r.MtS MxKMIIM. DlKK u*

ELOAMETH iMim.RTi PsiHnt tins MxNxi.ia


CCPIHV isaa "• ot, *****.*—•• me so pan 1—»tf mm, tw nmviml a. an^ioni * wtioa* » « part aiawoia aw w«*n tamtmi * w hMWIMMgr

r»> SOM « kUnagm 01 ra> Oiay HMM^V* —" m* ■» ««»1 o»- aad sal •■annnaoo, tv wiwwiim -i«t»ii Noeamaanni ar* ai any «av nHpOfl*W» S> as* conktnl ol Wm

nva Oaair *m*mr**m* 4 pea avough Fnday ai PiwaoaiprMa PA 0Sjva« aw ail *"< a>«9111a 1 and ■ aaias du

I 11104 Seawcnpaon. ma, pa wdarad S» SJ5 00 p-

"tamm <w ■ aois Wavwi 9»a« n»iadai pnwPtitiOa OapUranae "«> oa PUJOM m rm apm* 'zisiassasei mm msn

Page 7: 34th Street

THK DAILY PENNSYLVANIA.1* - T«nd«, „ Mm rtk l«5

Letters to the Editor UA To Head An Anti-US Budget Postcard Drive To the hditnr

When ihe pr..|»>scd Icslcral budget was released Usi week rtum areas of ••pending were ciil hack in an eft.in to balance spending and mime government deficits Aiming the

hardest hit of these areas was finan c lal JK! ■ppM lor higher education Under the proposed budget 4.123 undergraduates will |OM an MM

Of Sl'tOO in federal aid Numerous i<her students will bSOOBM inelligihlc to l.irrow under the Guarenieed Siu dent I njn program

f-or those wh.. need IIIUIKUI aid the implications are immediate (iosernnient reductions unpK m

creased costs lor hudgets which are

already, strained The hardship ol such increases may force many c|u.ililicd students to pursue their

educations JI less etptnaivi institutions

I ceil students who do not r,

lirp quantities of tedcrdl aid will he

.•lulled The hurden ot cv\ernmeni cutbacks will not he- shouldered sole

K bv the VKIO economically disad • .imaged Many upper level ad minislrators hasc indicated (hat

university financial aid packages will rune to he- IIH rcised to olt>et propos

ed c uts rhe cosi ot these kstisasii will he financed through higher tuition.

Iinally. there are those seniors

who argue that because they arc graduating. lhc-se cuts won I ailed

Ihem. Any ol these critics who are considering graduate school should

consider that Ihe aserage graduate

student will lose thousands of dollars

in aid It >s important to realize that these

cuts are not tirulised The proposed budget mutt he passed hy Ihe Con cress and Senate hefore it can hemme law These bodies have the

power to restore financial aid and help the economic slate of Perm

To mike Ihe legislator's decisions easier, ihe Undergraduate Assembly is initialing a postcard petition cam paign In alert congressmen and senators to the desastating impact financial aid cuts would have A unified effort by Penn and other in

dilutions would provide a great in -entue lo maintian the current level ol aid

Stamped postcards will be pros id cd by ihe I'A in front of Steinberg Dietrich this Tuesdav

through Thurvlay from 10 AM to 1 I'M Address lists of .iwigressmcn and senators will he available lor

emir relerance \ Jnse like this will onlv he successful if sou make Ihe ct

tort t>nc postcard now cimld save sou hundreds of dollars ol tuition in

creases ne»t year

The most important aspect ol such an effort is that the pmicards be hand written li is essential that legislators

know that this protect has a wide hasc of appeal and is not just the I oh

hying effort of a small political minority

The not consideration is including vour address In your rcpresen

tatne know that you have the power lo cote lor or against him This is the kes lo the political privets in this .oumrv and has a strong impact If sou include your address viu can cs

peel sour congressmen or senator to respond to siwr concern

Many people complain about ris ing tuition and shrinking financial aid This is your chance lo make a

difference Unquestionable the lirul sole on Ihe federal budget will he a c lose one YiHir inpul will insure that Ihe programs you fat or will he maintained

Hrmslcv Harris

Undergraduate Assrmhly I hail MI.in

Wharton and I num.. nut 19115

Statement on Alleged Rape lo ihe l-.litor

We are deeply disturbed hv the repOT "I an alleged rape- in a campus Iraternity The University appears to

he taking the proper steps lo insure ih.it the ludicial process will he fair

and Ihe resolution itist In additum.

the administration must take Ihe tesponsihihis lor prodding strong

Mad sensitive support for Ihe victim This incident is a pamlul reminder

ol Ihe ordeal our community has suf lered since ihe Af() rape ivcurrcd

etadlv two years ago S„, ,i tragedies implicate our enure campus

bui most profoundly the fraternity system for perpetuating an environ

mem in which callous behaviour and sevual violence against women •* dire While we recogni/e that this

may he Ihe action ot only one in- dividual, we urge the Iratermts ssdem to >outrun; and change the al litudes and circiimstarkcs which lead

lo such misconduct

Prnn Women's \Miami

P»t.» 7

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Page 8: 34th Street


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Living and learning . College Houses add options


lor students shopping for a place li>

live next sear, ihr Residential living ( MIKC has lot» of mom

PK application pr.« ( UmMr'l college house and lit ing learning pritgrams has JU«I begun, and interested students must submit then

jpplKalBm* h\ rtctt friday

Applicants will he notified of their at

icplartcc h> Manh It, a week MM registration for the (itand Arena r.«*n


College House Coordiaiioi Christopher Dennis said last week that

the I'mtcmty offer* students Ihc oppnr

iunil> in live in three upes "I college tkwsc programs There are three theme

oriented college houses three college fusses without theme* and tout liv

ing learning programs Dennis added that the program is

. rig with the addition ot the latin

Amcrisan House Vs.sc added a new lis ing and learn

ing pr.vgram to H.irnwell House." he »r«- |Usl gotten jpprosal ami

lundin|[ for Ihc 1 aim ftfrarin H.AW I a»h sear almost I Vn student! live in

the college rmusc- Souk- c.illegc houses like Hill House, arc dctntrd B

helpmit Ireshmcn td)M*l 10 the I niveisits

Ihc other.. arc primarily

lot uppcrclassinen Dennis Hid adding

that it it up to each houte to decide him many spaces will he allotted to freshmen

each seal I Vnnis said that all adsisors pmilmns

in the college h.«ses are held b> graduate students

|t Graduate studcnt*| offer a signifi v ant pattern of role models in the proles SHHIS and academK ditciplinet ." he


The appimtion t.sr each house OH

lams j standard applkjtion requiring general information ahoul Ihc student and cither e--av- *r short answer


I>uHois College Hmsc Administrative I cllow Ml Johnson said lasi week thai ihc application tor ihc house requires «u

shon answer cssavs asking students about their interests and whs ihcs want kg lise in ihc house

OuBois College House i*. hased i«i Mm Amerkan lilc and culture

Whal were arc looking for is en ihutiasm." Johnson said We warn

people who arc willing lo communicate and he active in ihc ..immunity

There arc more than 70 spaces asailahlc for inleiesicd rtu.lctH-

Students »ho presently live in ihc house must re apply il they want to lise there, hut this polio applies lo all college 'WHIM'S

The Modern language College House is for students interested in living in an

environment where foreign language^ .

arc spoken Administrative fellow lim /ickin said

lhai the proiect (kkiscs five different languages Spanish. French. German. Italian and Russian An integral part of the program is that students eat together

Dinner at prirfvahl* the mm irnpor lant nan of ihc program." he said

Baoll language sits at a different table

and ihcs sneak il during dinner " Students interested in the program

must fill .mi an application and are inter viewed in a loreign language

• The rnwse docs require a certain

degree Of proli, icrxs li 'he language,

hul Ihc student Joes not hase to he • language maioi /iskin said "In fact. most of Mi students are not language

majors and Ihc eight stall members help

them with their language " VVatc College H.susc OIK- of three

Ihcmc vollcgc houses, is desoted to

siudcnis interested in health and science

in vxictt Both Stnufter l'ollcgc House and Van

IVIt (oll.ee House do not have specific

themes, but einphasi/c participation in activiiic- within the group and ihc I mver-itv

In addition, the I niversiiv offers four

living learning programs tfu- Tasl Asia

Program. Arts House, the latin American Program and International I'rocram The application process for

these is similar

Scholar will speak on literacy H> I Al K\ Kl l-IN

A literals rcscar.her will aigue th.it IlKfK) is M than .i Inindle of skills ' in a speech vronvrcd hv the

(naduate MkSOl of l.linah.vn

i iv I'niversitv Ol New Yoik I'w.rn.logs I Syrvil SvtihiK-t

BUd this week that liletavv slhnild n.H he ■ Ml ■•d solelv in .i. .klciiiiv letins Re-kling and writing should he taught JV

practical skills and then .ipplu.nionv -tussi-d m oidcr to aid in rtductnfj


(naduate School ol Tduvafion I.iteracs Centet Dire.tor |).iniel WlfMI

sakl this week thai Scrihncr is | well known vognilive psv.hologv svholar

"|ShC is| vcr\ well known in her

field. he sakl. adding thai she it a prov..vainc speaker " V> jgncr said that Scnbncr s iew s

lileracs .iv .i scries of pia^li.al skills with particular rclcsancc to the

workplace I "|Her work| vorkentratcs pnuurilv

on litci.k v as used in cversdas life." he

said Vv agncr added that Svnhncr has done

sigmtisant CflM v ultural rcse-arch on the relationship hetween lilerav > anil eogtn lion Het most reient work details

res<-arvh she has done in I iberia on the

Hlbject. he said "Dr ScribOM wrote /h< PncMog)

of IMtrmcy raoHd) IN -ml li is a


Nighl 1 dilor s N\N( \ HIKI l< II

('opt 1 lilt. II

III-KB IIARTMOT Sports Night Kditisr

IODI) Ml VKRMAN Ad Copt 1 .In..1

JOHN SAMCER Ifi.iio Nighl 1 .In.ii

jINiiou CHANG I'r.KliHtion Das Manager

-tudv ol the eftecis of lifcracv and cngni

lion ami intcllcit

Vnlmcr has alvi researched the ap- plivation ol literacs in Aiik-ncan in diisirs particular!) in Ballimoie

S.rihiK-r said thai her lecture will develop the thcort, lhal acquiring

litei.uv is not |iist learnini; I collection ol -kills, hut rathct a— .iiating these skills with vulture and values

I Keract is a broad term thai .uls

tCTDM nuns different actismcs of wnt- Icn language -lu- -aid It gels its

iiieaiiing fiom -.kial saluesand cullural as-.s. lalioll-

The advaike ol litetaw through ..liKation inii-t lake into awiHint Hs ap- plications, she added

s, nhner hclietes lhal lilerac) should be laught as a practical skill, rather than

an esoteric or academic discipline Reading and writing should be laught

with emphasis on Ihc individual and not in "one primer for all" fashion

"A concentration on specific interests and needs in leaching is a way lo in- ircase literacy." Scrihncr sakl.

Si ribner's lev lure will he held in room

HJd nl Ihc (iraduate School ol hduca- linn at noon t.sl.iv

advertisements brochures business cards invitations

dp Graphics letterheads magazines

newspapers posters

resumes 4015 Walnut Street


Page 9: 34th Street

lilt IUII \ PDMYM \M\N tuc«Ja». rrhruar. IV. IW< PAd «.

Communications classes fill up as school's popularity grows

B> SUSANNI SHERI IP *.tincoher>: S>h...i dam M more

pifuUf than ever hut the imrrivd enrollment itu> he due M mi*..n.ep tHMV\ about the «t»4 N .urrKulum

Annenher,! Vrmol IVan (w..t,te

(ie/hoet SJKI Pridq thai although he is pleased that classes ate leashing .apasi t> he heln'M- nurn students enroll in ihe ssho.il lot the wrong M

( lasses seem t«> he rilling up HOMI and »C are pleased as ans s»h.s.l he

said BUI »e rcsogni/c that VHIK-ol ihe populants might he due H the wrong

(V rimer said thai .onmiu-i

attea should he ■ncaad Man tnM Is ID ensure thjt students tin.leist.iikl the

■rhoal'l liberal jtis jpp'i'asti We hope tlul those inn. nm-reste.'

M |lhal Ihe school uses| ., tresh ap

prime h li> Ihe hbetjl jns lierhner

sjid Ilk- tiesh ,ippro.Kri KCDgMMi th.il liberal arts .annul he limned 10 the traditional boundaries i'l the huiiunnies arkl the s.ki*l s* tenses, hul must add lo

Ihe tsoundancs in whi.h vse live W« shiHii.i become ducraninaior)

users >l Ihe mass Media .nkl jppls ihe ir,«igtn famed Irom Ihe liberal arts to

evaryda) .uituui ami coaanaaicativc .ireuirsl.iii.es Oi hie. IK- added

Qcfbnei said ihai nuns siu,lents JHSIK iate Ihe vsotd .omnium..ition with the mass media. leading them lo Ixliese lhal a decree Irom the An

nenhctg School oilers nun) |oh 'I po-lunilies

V,minium, jtion is | (rend) word and II means iiunv things 10 people." he

sakl ' Ihe* reason is thai .omnium, .it ion

|'l i\s in important role in everyday lite jnd in the lonlext ol the mass medij

People think to be a celebnt) is tu he sisihle in Ihe mass media and this givei :hem the i.le.i lhat iheie are thousands ol

iohs , ;:: lanC. he added

Bui Ciethnei s.nd llul mM i»hs in ihe held are s.kationalls oriented and do

not esen require a college edUCMMM "More that hall ol the graduate

students in rourrulism or uimmuniii ikHi schools haven I heen *Ne to lind lohs. he-said \nd most (si*, that do

eml don't require a college decree (ierbnet said lhat the \nnenherg

Ssh.«>l .>lters a liberal arts program which essludes t national trainint

graduate s.h»»*l we suppls the asadenik pervinnel lor under graduate programs." he sakl It is .ongruent with the mission ol the Annenhere. Vhool to ollet a liberal aris pi

ralher than a socati.malK oriented pro gram temple I MVCfMr) provides Ihe s.sahonallv oriented piogram

lierhner said lhal students often mistake the Anncnherg School as a

' ate school

I he-re is a contusion between the •Xnnenhcrg School as a sshool and an

nkl>iera.lualc program, derbner sakl The Annenheig VtrtJ is priniariK a

c'raduale school and a degree in OHM munisalions is through Ihe college ii ■ not an Annenhctg .:.

Some students also .onluse the school

with the Annenherg ("enter "n-t .ontu-oon is with the

ecaan Qnbtai and ' lbs- word Ameal ib.HH pro

pie think |llk- Annenherg Vh.».l| has something to do with peilornuii.

M \ J mmistratise Coor.lmalor Colleen Das is said last week lhal mam students are

.onluscd ab.ml Ihe program tad .tdmis sions poll, s

There ii ■ lot ol folklore jbmi this majOl -be said Ihe inaior nnlh i. lhal ihe- students do no! see Ihe whool

MM nil s, lencc poml -'I * lew in.1 ihe) think the -.h.«il is toi broadcan loutnalisin

sik- .ki.ie.i a hvorae qaeaiioa uudcab is. "Vkhuh coanc is .- leaeh me how to be.ome a

ipnriTMiei' Das is said onli |S students are as

..pud int.. the m.nor each s.iikster ad ding thai this iias created a cornpetiiixc uniets among -tudents

' ITie main reason the a..epiaike is

kcpl d.«wn is to ensure lhal students gel goul BlvaMai bccaeai cash .me neeJs an advisor an.1 we have a small lasul -. Dasis said

Students who ate reie.t.-.l lor the ma "H arc cns.Hiraged to reapplv II the> have a s.vhercnt siHirv plan and have

dime well in their .omnium, ahon ..■urses the> will evenluallv be tccepajd into ihe BJBJOI Davis sakl

Sh.- sai.l lhal Ihe ptogram was onginalls mtt.slu.e.l 10 provide gtealei divcrsitv tor liberal arts majon

"A arocaaj ihai was lairodaccd n nunimi/e problems in lerms ol guiding

iheir asaslemi. .ar.-.-r. ha. now become an impcslimenl lo Iheir studies

Dav is sakl the administration is taking

an a.tise rSM in handling Ihe insi.a-e.l l«^Hilantv ol XniK-nlvik- School

\k.- arc offering more summer v.Hirses irv.lu.ting .me ol IIK* inlr.slu. iorv caaaet,' sh<- sakl \iki I do raj hari as |jr as a.lv.k.k . I -pend a 1.1 ol

tiiik- talking |o prot.-s-or. lot those- who reallv need a spv. ih, , las-lo ,-fa.lual.-

(omnHinkatiods pfof.-ssoi I

Marsin said lasi week lhal ihe- irxrease.l pimulantv ol .onimuni.ations caanea U

all.-.ung the- qualilv ol edu.jtion I here is j dramatK itk lease- in dc

man.! lor .onimunisation .lasse-s in the lasi two se-iik-.lers and thcte is ■ lion lhat ihi- kind ol tea.hing v.HI W.IIII

v'hangei wiih .lass -i/e she s.n.l M n S.IKI six- has alw.ivs impoacd a

und lima ,.i 23 Madeau lo her Hmor) nuni.alions .las. bsil

audcntJ .ntolled this se-nk-st.-i

Marvin sakl lhal a small semmat pro act dis« ii.sion ,nki a man

ini.-ns.- ,lass a9noa|

II thete aie t.«> inaiiv studenis in ■ t\ !.«.se- th»- se-n-.

iiklividuals and it is dncoaraging lo kn..w lhat is gomg io be irapntiiMc lo

learn taaaaa sik- vmi I ihmk |itx- m

created poaalarayl »t> a airpi seiiksier ami we will be- taking steps io ptevent this Irom happening a|

Women angered by alleged rape i( (iiiiiiim (i ifin eagi h

resogm/e thai this mav be' Ihe a.lion ol

onlv one individual, we urge the lial.t

nil] svstem io confront tad change the iiiilink-s and eirtumslanees whi.h lead

10 sueh miseotkliki

I'enn Vkomen s (enter \ssistani

Direelor Debbie levmson Mid v.stei .lav she is disturbed bv uakuiatnuj made h\ Muldiitudo s lawyer, who implied that Ihe woman is M laull and should noi has.- been IHII SO late ai inehi

Vkoinen on ilus ,ain|His are .-nulled io keep Ihe same hours as men -he -.iKl Hlammg ihe vuiun a an ollen

-ive .ukl arehai. defense- lasli.

M I'roles.oi Helen

l)a>ies a loriner president ol Women Fof I qual I Ipponaaa) ai ihe I mvcnit) ol il'ennsvlv.mia lasi nighl called H

v Nino I in.ir i - siaiemeiil iljresponsihl.-

'!'ll borders on an attempt lo its a C8H

in me (Hess a practice whi.h cornel

ven . lose to .i violation ol the ralca ol e'lrt - h\ whi.h lawyers are IvHind." site sjni Ihe MaHraeM is also muk v ill in that il suggest- tlul attending

■ rntv partial evca a ' <•• in the- Mioining crcatei I siiualion where ia|x- wia Id he' legal

Rapeb ofcoarat ■ crime aay cane ol tie night m dav. a last whkh Mi

I in.iri seems to have lorgotten in his

s airmen, -he added ''Suaeflteati - is.-*, as this siHild also he- inierprete.l M an attempt 10 intnnnlale a victim '"'in U stilvuii: Ihe women s moveiikiil deca nut ntend to discuss the BJMCilk lasts ol

ilus ctoc becaaac we believe the piopei lonim tor ItK-se lasts lo be heard is the




2227888 "lli-M In Hlsllll llnlilliils-

.ouils ol law Vnthr. Profcv r P

da) who is conducting an an ihtopologi.al Mud) ol male -evualilv ami Iraternilv lite arid lasi night lhat

-Ik- is concerned about Ihe environment which allows -u.h iikid.-nl- to IK.UT

Her stu.lv focuaei on an all,

rape al the Mpha lau Omega Iraleimiv house whish occurred on February I'm'

'I'm -tunned hv this IK.alien pening two vean after Ilk- -\l() inci denl Salkl.iv -aid II |usl .all- lo

nuikl the- vcfv deep -ealed la.k ^t

respect thai axM mee on ihe Paaa .am pus have lor voung wo:

I here s no doubt m m) mind thai Ihe [ninuil //on., 'iiciualitv .vists in KKM lial.-rnilus al IVin sh. added Hul

I HI not prepared lo sav ii .-vists m all lialetmties I'art ol tnv goal in this an

lhro|sologK.il siu.lv is to i.«.k vets . lose

Iv al the kind ot in.-iiiahu lhal giveN rise to this atk! Ihe Mil in. idem

Saiid.iv added that Ihe te,.in iikident

makes hei (VCfl mote .onvin-ed that -lep- must bs- laken lo pievent this kind ot bchav i.-r

I think we have i ,.. .on -i,I.-ration io ilep* we .an lake to abolish

ItK- -tno'i.i/ //on„ m.nlalilv in or,I.

protect humandifnit) dtesaai Ihi- iik klenl III-I mat nior,- ,,.n

,1 about Ilk- ilk-nlalilv aikl . ttkire committed lo siudv ii

r Won en - siu.h.-- \.lv i-orv

B i -t.ii.-iiHiu called i '"■< iion oi ih.- possible conncctton between Itaieiniiie- an.1 mpfl

I lie rc.urrcrv.e ol an alleged .on ik-.iion between rape and a fraterrury however raise- -etuHi- i|insiion- , on

ceraing ihi ihe I niversd) coinmiiniiv ha- ■ r

woiik-n - sal.-iv and respect on this.am piis the -lai.-iikni -ai.l II is iinpoi urn thai w. .ontinue lo ,-«amuk- the relalioiislnp «lu.h appears lo evisi b. i

ween rape and the Iraternilv culture Over ItK past v.ar a nuillbc-l ol loi

ma! I niver-ilv biklie- have inve-iig.it.-,I ilk' (iteek -v-l.-ni Ilk' -lalem.-it ..Kl

tinue,! \V'M'...I .-llort- lo modify ihai .uitute thai have been m.ki.- nevt .leaiiv not laccecded w. need aroag leadeiship lo in..-iii-al. ihe relalionship

ol Iralerrul'i. - lo tape



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Let us cater your next party with our fabulous 3 foot hoagies.

WXPN makes changes in programming *> I-1) SI SS.MA.N

^ M'N has matlc several Khcdulc .rtangrs sshuh arc designed l<> attract a uklcr iudK-rx,- to Ihe stalnxi

The IMlfUH) I PM railKi \talnm j|s>> plant to discrsir\ il> funding

HMi and apnl> for more federal ■ppM

WXPN I'uNiuls Dirednr I isa MrmMcn \JKI ihe sshcdule shanfct hasc been nude in response ■ s lessors ['IClCTCfKCN

VNhji it'll doing i\ ir>mg to res r»>nd M »hal HiVMfl sas thc> like. ' the ( dflfjga, arvl \k nanon |unH>r \aid

Shosss that nasc hecn popular in the

pM hasc retained their tinic slms \ tin* railed rVornrfan i MM MUU<

/.ni>i\ is slated to he expanded ' DM a sscck to niphll) broadtaM Mote

| m and lefftc arc iho planned Stjuon MMMM IVtci ( uo/zo MJ

that \A\PN will also appl> lot more •niiR-nl Mipport

Sirxc Ilk' station iiirrcntls tufivtv '*' perscW ol Us funding tn.ni , iHiimunils

tOlifCCt, it has to rcis hcasils ■« puMu donations

We're n.M even a caUflMAlt) licensee rxit wc haw a scrs losjl lollop

inf! I in the ,iMimuinit>| who support u>

firunualU he said *f re tr>inn to change thai." he ad

ded ' I don't think it's lair tot either the I msersits or the listeners to assume that kind of * hurden lor such a good

product W, It .losing in on the resear,h on

hoss rat gtt aNnit getting mooes hi

said "A radio station needs lull time deseli-pment perv-nal to nuke sure all the .oordination works That's

vmiething »c tc working tossards He said that I nnersits support lor the

station irxludcs pasing the salars ol the

station manager and three other lull lime cmploxccs

lust nose see re getting a |m. •■ .crncd) goserning hivard." he said

Thcy'sc rcalls some in like the .asalrs In the ne«l less months the hoarJ is meeting to COM up »ith a fisc scar plan

(uo//o said Ik- also wants to make Vs\|'S j more sell reliant organization hs drawing more cmplosecs trom the

student hod> Mi proposal is to sreate a manage

iiKiit training program in the station that would pros KIC lor the demands ol

management ol this station." he said (uo//o said that the station tries to at

trad a wide aodierne »ithout MM priHtusing musual standards

"The idea i» to put on mum that's un

proccsied. musK that comet straight trom the anist without going through the pri>n*4ional clearing h.»isc he said

V.e re interested in musk that's goul and diverse, not that it will sell to the

largest number ol pcplc ,.- senior Hruce Ri-h. a v\\l'S

.lis. hikes an.1 work studs student, said he helieses the schedule change will at irast more students to the station

It's a step in the right direction \ li« ol new students are getting insols ed." he said Student msolsement has

heen .letlining lor the past couple ol sears, now it s puking up again

There s a place lor students here hut it s

rvot the RKW

this is not a student oriented station It s a ,ommumt\ MMa it's not real Is the Penn radio station, he added

vs M'N Program Dues tor ScM Baker said he thinks that students will take a stronger role at the station in the future

V»c ie c'ot enough power to ■) 411

miles Vi in some direction*, he said

•h» a cornmumry pro»rim But we sc realls increased the student msolsement in the suit Students are definitels mote

insolscd then thes were a lew sears

He added that while UoOVOrcH)

students do not make up the maM»rHy ol the station's listeners, their programm

ing prelerences are considered ■ Penn students have >rr> strong im

pacl." he sakl "We broadcast all leaker looOOOl and hackcthall "

Bui he added that the station must establish a degree ol consistent) in

order to maintain a steads audience V.,- hasc shows that hase been on

the air 10 sears, he said Baker said vine shows ..mid not he

handled bs students we hasc one gus doing the- Rhsthm

and Blues show he said lhat gin

•ui 10 t««l sesen inch records at home

\ -Indent couldn't Jo that aid the station has begun

receiving more support Irom the I nnersits goserning hoard which

mOfOOOO the station Ihs-s se taken a stronger interest

thi-n in the past, he said

Grad Towers gathering increases interaction II. SI I II N(.

1 nnersits administrator c .in,l

students mMfM last week in a rtOEOfl lion to encourage lacults siudenl

interaction I he escnt Icalure.l luo HoCfcOO)

I mmciol \i>i DirackM WiUoooi vhiii |00J -iikl Kesidcnti.il I ising |lo

Carol KOMOI UraduatC School ol hine \rt. -tudent

loycc Prcs.les .i senior resident in

DP GftilPHICS w*(-o"«t" •#>« ■ • -.., i «.

«<•■■«*/•« -•_>« •, ■■»!»■>■'* ■»»••••

•*<«Ota»*t fV~i * a •« 1 •»^-«%

DP Grophiti ' * ■ '..,,..

■ • to tM« «f s>*

•^O^oVaV i«*»l""( »"■•» mm**mtl . i «•

898 1111

Nichols l-'wets said the recc|Kion was

ds'signc'd "lo en. idem tasults interaction

Mans students onls 000 lacults dur ing class hours and in structured silua

11.■!!> we d like lo hasc more inlerac lion with laculli and a<lniinistraloic

l'r,c-lei said List week \p|no\imatels 1*^ invitations were

sent lo lacults members hailing from all I nnersits schools ( drier top lesel ad

Sen. Biden {( onlinuiJ Irnm page I)

Mr re hoping lor a large 'turnout " he said Sen Hidcnccrtainliknowswh.il

'u - t.ilking about I lorello added lhat Hidcn represents

ilk' tspc ol KKaluEl I onn.ios.iiKC tries to .ittf.Kl to tin- I msersits n.ition.illi known tigures wh,i spc-.ik on wboBCtl ot

iniciesl to iii.un pOOfNC

I lie OBOOdl sAill be he-Id m n-otn ll«i ol tlh-I aw School Building 011 llpm toniglil

ministialors ami dOOM WWC ibo mi ned

10 the* VKUI htmr V. e ie had representatives Irom

KSCIolOfy, inatrH'malics art histon . the'

international program the linatkial Aid Office ucjoiial scieiKc cits pl.iiur

I'tc isles s.ud Ml ol the txults

nieinlvrs expressed intere-t bi calling

in IVspile the scant ttMMaMCC most

students praised the clliirt made 10 en

( student lac nils i.iletaction

Rahul Khaoorkar, J lost yen v.ii.n Ion gr.klii.ite student s.nd that he

thiHighl the event did not attract .is nuns

lacults as MpOrtrd lx\ MM 0, live pool

timing I he liming'i not right, although it

was a icis good idea most people

hasc class until siv or are bus) with oilier things because most students .ire more inlependenl .itul are siudung

more," he Hid John Mostcller. an art histon

gr.kluale student, said that he was pleas

ed with this tspc ot lac nils and student


Bs and large the lacults respond

lasnrahls lo students M\\ there is prelti ,'ood interaction he- said

H.kkrvcs ,.nd she was delighted to

be he r c She s.ud she also supports csents like

this which encourage .loser student

tae'ults inlerac lion

"I think there should be nmre ol it things like Ihis are ohuousls sers

she said

A Ircqucnt hoHca M I nnersits students. Hacknes Mid the ke\ 10 sue

ic'sslul interaction lies m making t.iciiln

atkl students comtortahle in such -itu.iiions

When the students are conilortablc

and the t.i.ults is comlortable. things work better and people .ire alwass think ing ol more w.iss to do it." Hackim

added This first tune reception was ipoo

sored bs the North Campus Residential

I.is ing I lllue .m<l (ir.iduale lowers residents


MAILBOXES! lor an invitation to a CPPS orientation which will bo coming soon.



/" BJMBI "//





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with Sermon and Musk sund.i, Eucharist 8 & 10 10 ^ M

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Page 11: 34th Street

!HK 1)411 ^ Pr-'.NNSMA 4M4N - TiM»*a». rrhntao l«\ IW5

Students stage mock trial to protest CIA I UNDERGRADUATE STUDY IN PARIS

m.t it

(( onlinurd from pagt I) die." WKI PSA mcmher t-.ihan M igpBerf. J College scnu.f *,. IMlllId Kills Kkl li- M.T J JlssllssKKl nl the ISBBI h\ trulls jnd student iraap

*>■ ■ J"t I" nuke il km.\»n trut ihc i IV »huh ilissrnniruies m ihc rusis .■I ..<ii.il preference jnd uhisri hjs .unlimited M cucnsne numhrr M in tcriMiiorul srinves. is I>K stekumc 41 :1K- I miciMlv ..| PennssIsjnu Kl

bef| *dded hlinphcr* *klcd ihjl he Icels Ihc

1 I \ dOM nm need ID W run .m .jrnpus The CIA un res run ,l..\»nt.mn il

■Ins »i\h in do iO," he Mid "there's no reason tor them ti> .nme here The

1 ,jn |UM jv IUSIK |0 mli> iht-. n\ la nicci Ihcm

I jii-n F'ljriiunv jnd PlKCMM Ser DkwM Nub.ii R>'M.- MM UM

light Ihjl I he puiesl ».i. n..( durCflUVC | The pr.>le--.i| hjp-xne.l during Ihc

t.kh hour M. il did ,JU\C jnv mj|..r .lisrupoon Rant sjid li jppejrod Ml v rt-jeelul Jrnl hMIUltH

<>hsi,Hisl> Ihc students tell MrMgh INHII this issue .iixl lhe\ deserved the

Bfl OfHtrMC -he j.tded k'is^ also s.ml ihjl the prtMesi did nut

tiled ihc ClA'l interne*. I hi- CIA hjd J lull ink-mew

schedule -IK SJI,| Ihc protest did •i>'i prevVIM -ins »»i feoK interviews from \surrinj:

Student I ilc DlrCCSOf ( hjrl.Hte )j«.vh .11 s.ii.l scskidjs 1h.1i ihc prmcsl *js

ACII organised


Information Meeting: Tuesday. February 19 at 3 p.m. 4th Floor Lounge. Williams Hall

•I.II..I iii-liis are eligible ( nnt.H i i )iii< r HI International Programs IIN

furthei information i i i Bennett Hall H'IM li

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Il Mettled *er\ well WCM Ihroogh ihc

pljnncd jnd propel *i

•e, urc their the) minisirjlne t tunnels I nehi M ptOMM SIK-

\--.M.HC Snjdem 1 tfc 11 sine Wallun s.nd ihjl .IK' hclicses the proMM idfcei d 10 ih>- I nrverur) s

Student freed on bail (( imlmurd /rum paft I)

jllegod incident Chi Si):mii k.ipp.i President l-.d Anton

..iid yeslerdl) ihjl the lr.iternn\ is not ikinf .ins .Kiion .lejinsi Maldoaado

He nod HO lunhcr sonimcnt Hui KllilUOl Womw ICCMCI Dues

101 Dehhie I csinson Mid she does not led the CircumotOOCCI surrmindinj: Ihc IK idem ire suspicious

I don't think 11 s .11 .ill 11nusu.1l lor students to he visiting ejeh other Ijlc at ni^ht." she suul

Judicial lnquir> Ollicer Ann Han said icMerdfl) 1 ti.it ihc i- condoctiof .m m leslijralion ol the incident htil added she .s unsure vsli.il aslion will he taken iiMinst cither the Iratcrnils or M.ildonado

^ hen I eet ■ ComphuM, I imcshjialc 1 Han said \lter there arc three possibilities the chonjM can he- dismiss

Ctfl he' settled inlormalK or it .an 11 10 a Univcnit) hearing It's oh

viou. that a serious charge would pro tiahh he sent in a I nisersin hearinj:

I ist spring Ihc I imcrsitN adopted

new procedures toi iK-anne enoM ajrainsi .lu.lciu- Ihree

serious tocoH)

nicnirx-rs arkl two siiulcnis sit on i hoord whish he a ISC and ihcn rCCOni mcrkis 1 peonlt) w Vice Provooi RM

I nivcnut) I ifc lai

President Sheldon Ha. kn. scstcrdas Ihai il is looewl) lodclerrinne whether the entile traieiiiils will hi-held ■CCOOMatric loi the in, idem uikler the- Collective res|xmsihilii\ cloosc ol ihc Ul ivertlt) . Irateinits re. oeniti.Mi p»lr \ Hut lie tdded 1h.1i the nidkial proii-diires used hi in.. plaints ae.tinsi individvali arc hemc. employed

"We're foUowing them ssmpuious U he said

Hasknei added ili.n li, .oni.uteil the Koscuionl ColkfC piesident lo oiler his support

"I did talk to Di Doroth) Brown, the president ol Rose mow College and ex- pressed nil disinas and said we d do everything we sotiid 10 eel tin.nigh this in the hesi r>«ssihle was he S.IK!

Get out of the elevator and

into a real resi- dential living


Stouffer College House A HOUSE THATS ALIVE

()p»'ii HOUH

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CuHllinec .MI .fx-n e\pressM«i

Ms lunxtion during sush pruMMU is In nuke »ure Ihjl the pr.Kcsier- rights

1 Vk alker said It ttx-re were am ..Hinter deinonsi- ,

people who hcsklcd or disrupted Ihc ■iisiration than thc\ w.Hild he- in

siolalmn ol I ninrsiis potst)

I in- proMaacii dMnualva did follow the I mvcrsit) - euiik-lini-s on open I'I

PSA and < ISA menthen ais. disirihuied leaflets whi, h offered i>»h op pnrtunilies WNh ttk CIA IIIHICI

ikf do |rOM wani nlerna iionai urrronsm ' i.nn the t I \

i/alioii- said yesterday ihey would menspi u preveM ihc rccruitei froo moductitif

N made

IAN MCKWAN. ■ i-li-lu.iiiM 1 British in 111 in writei

pii-Sfllts Ills si I 1 1 ■ 11111,1 \


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conriAissAncE present

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Page 12: 34th Street


The Undergraduate Course Guide

is holding an

Introductory Meeting For students interested in reviving

the Course Guide All welcome I

Tuesday - 8:00 46 Mcllhenny Basement

(Corner 36th & Hamilton Walk, at the far outside corner of the Quad)

Call 386-2118 for further details

Greek affairs Administrator has a fraternal interest

l»» I Al UK SHAM WM Vn^inu I nitcrt.it> Act run

ulicn attarJ Ptkl's in fraternit) affairs In I*.I no» 1 ralcrnilv am] Sorority At lairs Assistant DOTCM Patruk Farley is Ihc fir\i V. \ I ,,-ra.luaic ID cam a tot lor ale in the lnl.l

I jtlev. a Phi kapfta Phi alumnus, has had J long histors »ith the <ireel tyaMa



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Mandell Theater

.-.. - a R......i.o«. 895-ARTS

\. i Vt \ I iirklercrjtlualc Farlcs n* ntad a * hapu-f ««i Pi kappa Phi MM

he graduated, hi- vrorkad hH lite Iralcr mu's njtinn.il otti,<- .i. .in ad mmttmoi He lam fwrt to w\ t to cam his .lostoratc in alixation •pecMluTiai MI Oredt irTain

1 toutsded I ^riaplci ol a iution.il ■nits |jt »M I Mk) SJKI

\nd I si beM ms .ilseil ssith it evei sin,.

Ilk- .•pportunits to test his skills CMM s...ii jttei IK- earned his device Ml in tctsicsscd loi live I mscisiit posJlKM whish ssjs vacated hs Man Thomas and {«< the ioh

I m ths- .innourkrment in The ',-/.,(....'' tikj .ip

kc Mid HJSKJIIS that »as it

I »js soming straight out of ms doclttrai program without hating any .ad- ministralue experience

Farlcs said he leels strongly thai the Greek, -ssirni ean he a integral nan of snllegc life

'When you're insolsed ttiih a fralet nits vim re a life memher of thai imp; he said I think that s vMiiething that s tery imporlanl

And HI far. I ar les has heen impr c\sed ttiih sthai he ha* seen of the I niter sits's Greek iWcm. particularly Ihe support the administration pros hies

I think that e\er\r*nlt is storking lottard nuking this Iralcrmty sssiem ■ON t»hat it should he a support group tor the members." he said So mans , ampuscs I t»enl to. the umsrrsiis .I'K-sn I csen recognize Ihe fraternities and viorities as student groups

Although his offisial \<*< intoltes overseeing the maintenance of the houses Farlcs is also soncemed ssith iniproting and encouraging the entire

• -s.tcm "I'm real sel in my otsn stats |o nuke

sute thai Ihe undergraduate ccpericrke in Iralernitics and vironties i« «s good as ■MM,' he said Thai s mt main object

lo start stith Ihe inditidual I think sou hase lo start al Ihe basics

I irtt) 'us ad|usied quisklt lo ihe net*

OP'Ga.i Scnwaflr. F raternitt and Sorority Affairs \ssistanl Director Patrick larky in his office

surroundings ol Philadelphia ami the sampus He sees lntle dirfclWCC net sseen llx- Iratcmitt ssstem hen- arnl ihe one at W \ I

(ircek lile is arxHii the Ml i-sers tthcre.' he said hrjti-rnities arc Iralernitics

Inlertraternitt ('mm, il I'n-sidenl

Mike She in said thai he thinks Paries tt as the pcrlcit ihoice for the )oh

*t M aipaCMi) lupps thai Pal t»as sclctid tor Ihe job." he said "I think he'll he go»*l lor ihc j<»h because he hr n .i lot ot cspencrkc ttiih the fralerm it an,l si-routt sssiem ttiih him


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««A*ral ■Mt'Mo-rarxa .f facial). KakMina «Nr :•*>*,.,*«•. MHif« • r«<«aa iltrillMtl

HPTWI, P*tlMM.|*ia. ►• 1<«ar lf« ■MaMMftl •iir^ililHUH |*«l*a»4 >>-<•.raia. for»'aalli«.

tatalaaaa ■—»■■■»< MM — 'a-, a. raa-M «f-«'lMC*

• ■*■ •»• %<■ a -..- •• * aSSPf !•". It** .....-,...,. .,-'■• araaaf a^-J

.■„.•• ar j a»»*r fira* ar aavuaai

Itkar •l*a- M Pi IP. tl '. r»*CaU. a*»« aaar.aart ■i«racaa*teia»

aaa«at«li .anca««at M*i ala- >aarB*« l* WOML*. ■■!., CMM «M taVWC

■•al af rallaaja aaWaliar- !• Winaj aaraaavlly riM«rc*« ■*.« ' kftaaa Ja^ff arl aaaa'a.' *i iaa»a*r Ol*«f Kaak.aa i-vrl-aa awraMatinfj. Oaaa.

rlaaairatl aiaaai ari -aa>p»atar ajaakaa aiakalatiaaM


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^aaaMa* Ja-.-y . « t* •*•■« ■ r-a>«aaf»-»»ei v-»o. iaa>n>n Maaajffja. aod tax itia Pt. lama .

• - - p*m Nt^wia li.rara.f ••

fatVaa i*Ml •

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'oa»fc*l "tail« «M aafar '.am. a* —Jlal •*•»

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Page 13: 34th Street

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Freshmen gaining recognition for W. Cagers Kimnxurd from back paKci

PUyillf II minutes per fune. she has j>Cflgol JusI I • p..ints hul j rrnrc .-snrsiaMc 2 •• rebound.

'Bcs rises a Imlc mote cash f amc \shles said She"l -worked ■ b*nM lore phssnal

One ol Ihe (.Juak.-r. i-nmi glaring KI-US this MM has hcen | roue m ihe

ndslle Time and again Penn has |M fimm neiause ol us ituhiliis to s.>ntri>l alkrr upponenls in the lane I r,l *hose phssual huild does not c\a>ll> -i-srmhat thai ot PMnci I wing her MM known male sitini.-rparl hopes

a huild her sitenj-rh this summer hrnn-f-h weight training Hs tokm H

V .mild add .in eniircls new dimension »penn on hmh ends ,.| the Moot

"I in n.1 used toa> phssujl j gjT«.-js .a plus here.'" Furd said Mta the

Mm I'm going to lift a lot When I gain strength. I'll he mure ol a pMMH in the .enter III ir> to get in their laics

and make it more diltisull It I san't do it with mi height III do it s»ith rm weight

But ollseavm training won't he all that will he nevessars in Ford's iicscl--p

MM dame ctpcriensc will he the most important I* tor

Bes has got to learn to pla> hettet MtH *. shies said Now she has a

lot hetter knowledge ol it than she did She'll learn hs getting heat a simple ol times

Kight now though, r-ord like most ol the Oukers is hcsl adapted lo pljs

■otside game She has had little opportunits to displjs it m game silua turns hut lord possesses an asiuralc haseline lumper

II she .an make Ihe hig people pla> her. she .an some awas Irom the hmp \shl.s said "That'll gel Ihe hig

a»a> Irum Ihe hoards She plass

r-vtlrt lhan ansonc on the learn with her h*k to the haskei That's the mark ol a

.enter But. now she .an I hold thai [■"Mtl.Ml

Neilhei I .'id nor MoMI .mid have

progre\sctl vi raptdls without team sup port Despite the loting WJSS whi. h have plagued Penn. ihe Quakers have remained palient with Ihe two rookies

A lot y*1 ins improsenvenl has had lo do with mi sontidetke M.iorc said

The team put up with me not plasing lip to mi potential

V-ither ptascr has hopes ot starting at -ins time in the near future, regardless ■>(

h»m quiskls tne\ impro.e \lon-; with phs.kal development has some an as

.eptaixi o| role, and a heller MM

ding ol the team .onsept In the hegmning. I was unsure ahimt

m> plasing time ' lord sjid Mm I'm happs with m> minutes and I hope lo make more ol a pretence as the season . - .

Plasing lime should he the lea»t ol Iheir worries As Ashles attempts to gise Ihe soung (Quakers a shame lo

MM Moon and rord hase n.1 gone unnoti.ed

' One ot m> goals now is to gise Shan and Bes more plasing lime.' A shies

said "The most imponani thing a coach .an do is siand behind them

• in Penn 16-1). 2-4 Isiesi ta.es

Philadelphia reside p pm at the Palestui I jsl .ear the (Quakers iMMcd lh( Ham.

Ivy League is shuffled after weekend of play • , U imunuti Irom back watt) ■*.i wphonion .t n.u.iiu m iyscd in Har>aid IsCOrUaJ tallied 14 ...nt.

I iii.ird Boh I err. usu.ills ihs' third ol

Harvard. Ilirs's- Hu. kii.-er. dmnd i.nissll mired in a weekend long slump

IIKI sould add Oral) III [>oinl. to at) with ik iKitine lhs- rii^'hl hcfrOfC M


.surpnsingU Harvard and Columbia ...re lied. 12 12. .it h.ilttnils' I h ..i. BO .lose wilu eight lie. and onl.

•our lead .lunge. lh.it ilk Ijre.-sl lead

-,.il Harvard rVho had pteviou.lv been ijiinc aiop ihe league Uandinfs

wa. oniv teven points Jti i.i.i. Cokambta led s.j <*,>■ *„-, s-

• i-tunds lelt bjefon I ii.ihino hil lour Fret throw, m ihe final 12

-•.tonds lo sea! the win I he Iin.il two

aitie on a one .IIKI OIK* .iiiution with Mir ti. k. Icll on the . I.s. k and Jlarv.ird

.adine J1 M I amblfM) . •.jiti .ill.inpts 10 i.e Ihe L'.IIIK .irul pm •I.- the tin.il s.onng

But it wasn I .i vintage weekend lor 'he previ.Hi.lv presetting Crimson \nd HKV kmw it

vA. .e eo' to plav j l.« txMler rx'vl

Ihinsan said than this I .ure

I p m Sew Haven on I

110-11 ' h Ivusi broke a fan lo.mg Mreak with j 4HJII upHt DVCI

Princeton |7-I2 ' a I.U-.I ,m u M M.-

.on.1 lip in hv wiphofnore .voter I'hn.

Ihs- wm over ttv Iiger. w.i. ihe-

B lust over tlk- I IfCTI HKC I onlv itu-ir fourth M., .■»■■■

Mtii er.ihhiii ,t sh.-rt lived

ten |s'iiu lead earls in Ihs- tirsi li

saw Princeton come ha»k to *cut .i 11nmis.- lead Vinh M* "1>'1 U

I'litMit,. leli in Ilk- gatik li

Ircthman Brian Fnzpatnci d Rookie oi ibe Week Kmkeit in .i .ivi loknot the -.or. at III Yak never tr.ul

although Pun,eton slid lie Ihe game Liter .it ah with I '4 kit

t-To a certain psychological study in his own right - ' When 1 say go home and study I mean it It's not that we I don't want you here it's )ust that we don t want to hear r you griping later on about how you tlunked abnormal All 'the same you were missed - it was too quiet up here [ Although the lack ot noise was retreshing

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, ourse starts Feb ^ 182-4480

•dls-.l lol Ihe linal .li'l .iikl won MMM ilk- s>u«hh win in then

on Duslliv s Ij.l aHoad

ii.. \ akc . kcadinrj throughout the season with a 13.1

ije Iim.hcd Ihs* night with IH

BtMM .ind t.»ir .teal. Dudles who had

ban ■vcrafaaj 12 i pamu per game aivl is MDMrJ Ih.- nation . leaslers with

Nvuikls added 14

in odtei Bcina Pnacctoa upended Blown i" l< Ift IVMJ "4 -.4. while

('olumhia looped Dartnu-uth tit n '

Quaker Oats \l MMilMIsM fhis man will surety he remeinbeicd b) Wkakaithc

man who gels all the* Ix-.t nrjrtUfCi in ( hi/e Junior David less will jlso hs- cap

tared tor pMeraj hevame h. kin-w ih.n Jioi Km- ., i m.- niconi t.» itiimalaii into ihe in.- twin killings m ., MMfl - ' aill .nil heal the

pinsi11|k. oil ihs- rest ot ihs- division (hi. v.-jr km »a) v.HI ,an he imrrMulali/

SaalOMI pn/ei it sou answer tada) I l>ailv Peiinsv Iv.mian

QaakerOai C M BanerOpaaTnvaConMI Vthji tfriole hn ths- iir.i home Mm in Memorial st daMi aAei the leant moved there ' (all strf

Scoop it K-W l<NJII ll v.m think v.HI koara

l.r OKI.r Br M II .. .. ,i prcU) ipnct WellhlnW milk- penallv area hut . hit tin ..HI. i aikl ikiw he isn I looniii. k up.IJIIS He .IIH-.II t reiik-mhei

run. h am riKir. n s all a Mur Hut sou sh.Hil.1 rerik-rntk r that MyllS S|xirl

•III" it. hrojskast dav .ii sfp.m. Sal v.nir i.ktio dial at '' ill ih.- .istion iporU (ana It must lx- it's Ihere

/H«» II.' .si- .i man WIK- .poke P IK| ,,Hild jlwav. put the

bal in the ha.k ol the net Bui Ik- was a hitler man when he pal dumped hv Ki^si ,it»l ilk- Italian. Mrtrn .. ■ .ilv j hitter nun when Ik- got dutii|v.l m hoop* aikl ttkii gi* slu. k wiih a lale night Sons hig fa) them. Ihe bl ■

i.l Kit Ml I I IK StidVss In sav IK- alwjvs came up hig around Mai M Ik-tinuclv bigger than >skipp> hut thai . not saving nuish Bv tlk wjs tlk onlv siafl that nialli r. , .in boLOHie huge in Ihi eve. ol (hell editor, it the)

sign Ihs* lale riigtil ahCCI l>on t worr. SsiMifi loccei will .ilw.iv. hi- king IV...i mull boa imehol

i llird Annual

Gala Auction to benefit the

I nivcrsity City Arts League SATURDAY, MAROl 2, 8 PM D0NAJI0N-J4

NEWMAN CENTER at UNTV. OF PA, 3720 CHESTNUT ST. ■O-O I'M rons rock lull Itirty t) -300^

$30 Donation (2 tickets for party and auction)

To cotiVu-buAe. an <Xejn, pu\cha6t ticket* on. &o\ molt *.nbo>u«CLtA.on, call Jt?-7tl1 OK Atop in at:

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ADOPTION Happ<iy mamad *nanciaa> aacura thidliss coupla w4h much tova and warmai ani- ou«y wvjhaa whaa nawborn wa grva our char) Mat baat Ptoaaa IMP tojaj our draam Eipanaas paa) LagakConAoaritaa CM o» aciawitpm at 416 3319622

ADOPTION: Wa ara a happay mar nad ooupM wan a fn* yaw ok) ;*tor*a-TI son who warn to snara our Ova wan an mam Our tama> can grva a chad a lewng noma a good a-Oucaaon. and a cnanca lo

halp maaa sSa drRoutl kma aaaaar tor you You can grva youraaa your baby and our Mmay a happ*> tutura Ptoaaa CM ua coaact


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POSTERS' FLVERS1 OP Qraphca writ phototypaaat a camara^aady macharacal and provsoa you wan laat guafcty sannca CMMS-im

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TYPIST — ATTENTION PRESTIOE TYPM0 and Word Procaaa-ng SpaoaMM • n Thasas D.ssariaiions ManuacnpM. Fonagn LanguagM Maoscai Staaaacal. Rapawrva (al an naaumaa Compiaia Won) P'Ocaaa.ng sarvca Campus •apraaamalwa 179-7160 oMyanD aasaanda

PROFESSIONAL TYPING ■JpacaMn, - Law Faal accunaa rsaaonatas rakM CM S7S-4071

TVPM0 SERVICE Work dona 7 days a www* Carnpua pekup and daavary Bob 7637310

TYPSST SpaoakM - daaarta tons manuaenpts tranacnpauna E icaaant prcISM itma-sracadamic ralaraniaa Diana, SS6ST16

LARGE ONE Badroom apt ■Miauls Juna t»u Auguat 40m and Spruca 1370 month CM 367-JJS4

6 CM 9666339 HUTR«

SK) VAC wan osa Parm Ski CajO March4ii Omy saw 00 tor round top a-rtara horM and M kekato For mora -mamaMan oM Pag 2223149

Wendy and Ertel:

Thanks for all the space. I put almost all of it to use.

- A

. »

Page 14: 34th Street

SPORTS Page 14 The Daily Pennsylvanian

Tuesday. February 19. 1985

M. Squash disappointed with results Penn drops matches in U.S. competition

Bv M\M» l-KH ks<>N Micv ."HjlJn t have JUIK- much vrnry

hul thev couldn I hjic done it al a worse lime

1 Ml Tridjv jivl Safur.ljv the Pcnn men v scjua.li learn ih4> traveled ID

..ti.ul la parti, ijvatc in ihc I S

Scjuash Kac.|uci. National Champion rhtpi rhyen ot jii age. and IHIIMIOM

ir V.ttli \iin'rKj |urti. ipai.-d in Ihc

ftHirn.imcnt while competing as part ol a live nun (cam or lending lor

fhcmtclvci in ihc individual competition

DM Quakers number two through

nurnhci MI .eel. compMCd a. J (cam in ..•nl IV 'in lo.t its lir\l match IB

H.irvat.1 *• >> .IIKI then lost l.i lull. 4 2 1'cnn s nunibcr one plavci

nphnmofc Dae! PradM .iwnpctcd in (IK iiklivHlii.il .JU

I'fikli'i won his tir.i nulch against

Andre Sjnuh b) j < II margin Bui when Prnclot ta.c.1 I diversity ol

FofOMo's PMll Dcralncv he Marad

Ihc I 0 loss pui him out nl the l.k.ilUIIHIII

I was mil) disappointed llial I didn I |'lav well I'loclor said, hul I Ml.I ..in I explain what happened

PlDttot heal Dcralncv earlier lhi\

n when the Quakers won ihcir nnsi I itfiHMo " - MI ihc

tophomoic w.i. lavored m mt OOMM

I had etpecicd thai David would win Penn coach M Molloy <aid BM I didii I -e. Ihe match David said alter vv.o.l. I never reallv gut going and I

ih.il . whai happened In these na luMial .ompciiti.ms vou have to make

sine Ih.il v.ii eel |OUI| uu-vcrv nul.h

Ihe- rest ol Ihe Quakers also tailed In

perform heller than then competition

tpected Pcnn fell lo Harvard the K-.i learn in ihe nali.vn in a ] Q ,lci

Mini I v.n Ihoagh Harvard . top two plavei. Kent.in Jcitugaii ainl David

liovum competed in ihc indivklual r.miki rob nbrackaf, Moiloy tell thai DM

■am played well all the MM ajjaiM the ( rimson

In the consolation I.Hirnaincnl. Ihe

Quaker* encoumeied lull.. ■ MM ihai plav. .HI a level comparable lo Pcnn\

nandard ol pla) Ihe Quakers expect..! ipture ihi. nuuh and advance in the

, .iii..'laiinn hra. Let Bin Pcnn IOM its

vofkcntiaiioii .iikl tell M ihe Jumbos

lulls nuinhci CM) plavcr diJ compete with hi. (cam not in ihc individual ."iiipciilion hul MOM) Mill an

ted a win ir.Mii the Quaker.

i ».i. ,i link dtaasptiMad Mollo) s.u.1 I thotiL'lii we were ihc better leant

Nuinhci .i\ Mad Itcshman Tern Spain aikl minor Kon Bobman whti plav. al the number live spot wi.n Ihe11 matches against Tullv Senior MM

Sokolow iPcnn . number lour player) aornpeled in his close nui.h to the hitter end hul tiiullv he IOM the tilth game.

I* 14 CaptaM In. kogan also put up a pood light, hut the inauh fnullv went lo the liiinrvo. and Pcnn wav out ol the* louinamcnt

W. Cagers get veteran efforts from freshmen

OP * vrvmy L*onardi

FrcshitLiM shari Moon CM I'-1- proxided Ihe iiu.iku-. wilh fronllint' depth and accurate shooting


Juvi rememher that >ou heard it here tu.l

Pre»entlv. Ihc names Shan Mi»rc and Bcv Ford arc ivnonomouv onlv with

otMcuntv Bui these two trevhman n>emher\ i>l the Penn women . havkct

hall team have heen Mcadilv improving MIXC the Man ol the season and are go-

ing ahoul the hu.inev. ol making a name fi>r thenuelvcv

Moore a ^ si forward has recent

ly made Ihc most visible impavt on the Ouakcrs Main ha. scored t| points

and grabbed 14 relsounds during Penn's last tour games, and in doing so. she has

begun to earn the respect ol all who hase seen her play

"She was a little slow to come around." Pcnn ioach I oiv ^shlcv said'

Bui she's COM i lot further than I ci peeled She's very polished for a


Moore . development has prosidcd

Ihc Quakers wilh additional depth on the tront line Though she has not sianed a game this season. Moivre is averacine 4 ) points per game and has seen in

creased plaving time because ol her ahilitv, to .rn.it over the /one

"II soriR-hodv puts on a /one. Shan ,aii sh.«« over it." Ashlcv sanl

"ISenior eaptain| Fran |Frci| can

penetrate II I have both ol them in there, it give. u. a lot of (legibility I'm

very confuicnl about the »a> she has played

Without doubt. Moore's accurate

shooting has been her biggest asset

Though she has taken .on.i.lerahly tewer shots than Ihe starting plavcr..

Moore'l SO pcrecnt field goal shooting (31 Ot-ti!) rank, second onlv to Janet Blair's S3 4 percent ih.t-of 1181 among

the Quaker.

"Shooting is one of mv stronger points." Moon said "Mv high school

coach used lo tell IIK- that Shooting

DP ' -rimy Laonard*


I'm hiipp\ with m\ minuh •■

nukes up lor a multitude of sins ' One ol mv biggest sins is MM

MOMII s dclcnsc is orx- MpM ol her

game which still warrant, improvement Making the ad|us(mcnl to .ovcring lasier players lhan she .onipcted against

in high school has been lar Irom an ca.v

one In tact, overcoining her lack ol quickness may he HoM'l largest ivbstadc lo all-around success

' 1 want her to become a better defen sivc plavcr and rchoundcr." Ashley

said "She's a tremendous rchoundcr compared to what she was al the heginn ing ol ihe season I also want her lo get

the hall down Ihc floor lasier Thai may take iikire tune

Ironicallv, the strengths and weaknesses of Ihc bt) Ford Penn's tallest player are in direct opposition

to Moore's Though she loo has seen limited action. Ford is relied upon to

become a dclensive force in Ihc future.

K uniinurd on page 13)

M. Track readies for the Heps Quakers give strong performances at Delaware Invitational

Hi\m cox Si M,y in $5 meter hurdU\

B> KDGVBN Ncarlv twenty ol the athletes Irom the

Pcnn men's n.i.k team participated in the Delaware Invitational MM Sunday in preparation tor this weekend'. Hep lagonal I hampionships

"There wasn i vcrv mush pressure on

them al Delaware." Penn coach Irs Moiklsehctn said

Alter losses in then last two dual

iiket. .ii Saw and Piiikcion. pressure was something that the Quaker, didn'i need But In captain Randy I'm leli that Ihe lack ol pressure was reallv not much

ol a htn in Pcnn s performance* at IVIaw.ii.

In comparison wilh Annapoli. and PrMMM, I think it was a mailer of itkire contidcnce and less lirlw." CM said, referring lo a hug thai had af- te.ied S.H1VC ol ihc- Quakers in Ihe past week.

1 • wh,. MChCM the mile relay

arvd run ihe V»l meters finished se-

cond in Ihc S3 meter hurdles with a lime ol 4h seconds

Penn garnered lirsi place honors in two events, the high jump and pole

sault Jim Rose and Todd Ream each

lumped 6-8 in a lie lor first place, while Dave Schal/lc vaulted a winning I*-h

Sieve oleks/vk and Bill Bushncll

tinished in third place in the shot put and WHO meter run. respectively Dave Ott (1500 metcrsi Robin DcLcon (5000 melcrsi and Martin White (55 meter*) each placed lourth in their events White's time ol 6.56 seconds was just

over the IC4A qualifying time of 6.50

But perhaps the most notable ac- compli*hmrnt was that of ihc two mile

relay In finishing second, the Quaker relay team Dave Rose. Bill Fit/ maun, c OJ Kasthcrg and Ken Feller

qualified lor Ihe IC4A's Moods, hem wa» especially impressed wnh the ef-

torts ol Fil/maunce. who is |ust a freshman

B0) I tell V.HI. every tune he |Fit/

mauricel ftoes out there, win or lose. vou know he gave il his all." Mond schcin said "We're very happy with him

"In tact." Mondschein added, "we

are pretty happy with just about everything thai happened al Delaware We showed some enthusiasm, some

determination, and some good learn spirit That's going to help u» this week a* we prepare for ihc Hep*

Penn is the defending Heptagonal champion, and the Quaker* have won

the championship seven times since 1971

"We have a history of doing well at

ihe Heps." Cot said. "'The key this year will be how well our Ireshmen do Hopefully thev will respond when ihc pressure s on"


Ivy standings shuffled By STUNK (,oi imn

Whal s Red and Blue on lop. Cirecnon bottom, and full ol Lions. Tigers and Mart "»h my'» in Ihe middle '

None .Hhcr lhan the lopsv turvv basketball standings ol ihe Ivv league At lea.t tor this week

And il Ihe Ancient Fight has proven Use It lo be a lopsv luivv league a trait which hv this time is well known lo basketball alti. lonodos as il has been all .e.i.oii ihc-re is om- icam thai has grabbed hold ol ihe "lopsv" position And that team is Pcnn i*)-It). 6 1 Iviesi.

who after two crucial road victories this

past weekend have grabbed sole posses sion ol lirsi place, a half game ahead ol

Cornell and slumping Harvard Alter .Ideating Brown on Friday.

13 66. and Vale on Saturday. 7*> 7*. ihe

Qukcrs are all alone silting al Ihc lop ol Ihc heap In sweeping it* game*. Penn has Ictt ihc other seven members ol ihe

league lo lake care of the lurvymg

All. that is but Cornell (12-8. 6-2 Ivies I

The Big Red MM both ol their games la-t weekend - the only other Ivy team to do MI - and kept pace w uh Ihe streak ing Quaker, iwho have won live Mraight and seven ol their last eight gamesi

Cornell began its hontcswing wnh a 64 43 trouncing of Harvard In thai

J game, senior center Ken Bantum who wa. named Ivy Plavcr of Ihe Week for his eltort. was ihe key. scoring ten ol Ihc learns first 16 point*, when Ihc Big

Red ra.ed lo a 164 lea.1 From ihcre on in until halllimc. it was

lun under Ihc biglop a. (lie Itanium and Bain./ ( it,us cntcnaincd (he home-

crowd Cornell never looked back domin.itiui' Harvard behind the plav ot Ihe b X Bantum and sophomoie yuard John It.iiu./ who hit his lirsi si* sh.«ts

Ihc- MM .oinbiiK-d loi 2X ol the teams V4 lirsi hall points i 14 points

each) as Cornell li«-k a commanding


PENN 6-1 9-10 Harvard 6-2 14-4 Cornell 6-2 12 8 CoKimbta 4-4 8-12 Princelon 3-4 7-12 Yale 34 10-11 Brown 3-6 7-15 Datlmouth 2-8 3-18

>4 2(1 lead at the hall Harvard nevci .rept ,loser lhan 14

points the rest ol the wav as H.niium hmshc-d wnh his game high 2' points

and seavm high II rebounds Cornell ..each I om Miller was onlv

loo pleased wilh Ihc production he got Irom his big man

I thought Kcnnv played in the firsi hall as well as I'M ever seen him plav.

Miller said "He was powerful sir.nig wilh the hall, and sharp with everything

IK- w.i. doing

In Salurdav s game al Ithaca against

DaitiiHHiih the entire Cornell lineup was powertul strong and sharp wilh everything thev were doing

The Big Red made 22 .onsc.uiivc tree throws m the second halt and Banlum Ihrcw in anothci 2" points [hat was

about all the Big Red needed, despite a llal .tan and a halltimc dclicit of one point. <l Ml

Cornell oulscored Dartmouth (3-18. 2 x Iviesi 14 I midway through ihc se-

COad sian/a lo go up 61-4*) and pul the (ii.cn awav Ihe Imal margin grew lo 21 poml. 73 54

"I think our iik-ntal appnuch was pro hably our biggest slkin.oming Miller said Dartmouth came rcadv lo play

Ihev l.kik advantage ol all our mistakes " Bui il wasn I crxiugh B slow Cornell Irom nuking a push lo ihe lop ot ihc I- y standings

Harvard, meanwhile, avoided a weekend shut.mi and slaved in con- tention lor Ihc league lead in Ihc process

v uh a tight win over Columbia (8-12. 4 4 IVI.-SI The outcome wasn I decided

until the game's final minute The Crimson il4 4. 6 2 Ivies) was

BOMMl hv strong play from a irm of plavers. but it wasn't Ihc usual depen- dable trio Center Joe Carrabino had a tvpi.al game-high 17 points steady tor

ward Arne Duncan added his usual 12 points and surprise .tar Keith Webster

U'lmtimttd om pmgt lit

0*'J Stuart OOMWI

Ken Banlum (34) i* the Ivies' Waver ot the Week

Armstrong placed on USFL waivers

Ross \rinsif«ni>:. J tree sjlcty on Pcnn s I-JM4 1,n*b*\\ tc-m hjs hcen pljs'Cvl *K1 *jivcis hv Ik- Scvs lcrsc> (k*ncrjls ««! itx I'mial Suics tt-xhell I cjk'uc Ifw MWt tmWmt lh-** Arm ■mag whu hjs tx-cn uiKk-r , »'iiiffc.t wnh V- )crsc> JIKI prjK.iicinij M Ihc OenefBfa irjimn^ i-jinp in OrUnJo I londl -.-in he piiwcti up (n jn\ Mm in ihc league *iihin ihc next 24 htnirs

II he |0Ci unslaiimcil. tanLttlNef ^>"> Ihjt he will pfi»*ViWv he ollefld J *ttn tr.Ki lo remain wilh Sew ItfW) as part t'l J ikvcliipilK-nUr Of lUl S4a]Uald

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W. Track hopeful after victories at Delaware tourney

By PHI UBffB The Penn women's indoor track team traveled to Newark.

Delaware on Sunday lor its final meel this seavm before thu weekend s Heptagonal Championship* al Dartmouth The oc- casion wa* Ihe Delaware Invitational and. although the results

weren't sensational Ihc meet did provide some encouraging hope* for this coming weekend.

Approximately ten schools participated in Ihe meet, and Ihe competition was tough The entire learn did not participate, and the (Quaker distance contingent did nil compete at all because ihe* were resting lor Heps

"Overall. Betty |head coach Betty Co»ian/a| and I were plea»ed with the limes and mark, recorded." Pcnn assistant coach Julio Piazza said "We were also happy that ihe team seemed lo pull together for the meet ''

The Quaker* were particularly strong in the high jump Senior Colette Fleming won Ihe event with a jump of 5-7. her

bett mart of the season, wtule Alex Fields and Michelle Payne tied for third Payne also look third in the long jump

Penn took two first places in middle distance events Junior

Kate () Hern won the 800 meters in a tune of 2 13 13. her best of the year The 1000-meler run was won by Jill Delfs <2:5»>5).

"Some of the best team* in the East were there, and our team's performance should put u. in a great frame of mind for Heps." Piazza said "The sprinter* who participated were particularly strong."

"Thu was basically a prepatory. low-tension meet which should get us psyched for this coming weekend." Penn ln-

captain Debbie Bnede said "We were trying to get in some practice, especially for the relays."

The Quakers' efforts in Ihe relays proved worthwhile Both the one and two mile relay learns finished in second place The

mue relay team - Van Graver. Beth Waddell. Shaunon Moten and O'Hcrn - recorded its best time of the year (3:511)