31) fernandez vs torres

FERNANDEZ vs. TORRES (1992) GR No. 102940, 215 SCRA 489 FACTS : 1. On November 18, 1991, the Firt N!tion!" #ri$!rtite Con%eren&e %or the 'rote&tion o% Overe! ntert!iner ! &onvene* in or*er to ev!"+!te ! Government $ro$o!" %or the &om$"ete inter*i&tion or $rohibition o% overe! *e$"o ment o% 'hi"i$$ine entert!iner !n* $er%ormin- !rtit %o""o in- the -ro in- n+mber o% *o&+mente* re$ort !bo+t e $"oit!tive or/in- &on*ition, h!rr!ment, %or&ib"e *etention, $h i&!" in +rie, *e!th, !n* r!$e . 2. #he &onen+ !mon- the m!n!-ement !n* "!bor re$reent!tive in the &on%eren&e ! th!t the Government ho+"* !*o$t ! $o"i& o% e"e&tive ( r!ther th!n &om$rehenive &om$"ete) $rohibition%or the *e$"o ment o% 'hi"i$$ine entert!iner !bro!* to !voi* !*vere e e&t to the &o+ntr 3 m!n$o er e $ort $ro-r!m. n !**ition, the "!bor re$reent!tive re&ommen*e* th!t the minim+m !-e %or $er%ormin- !rtit ee/in- overe! *e$"o ment be r!ie* %rom 18 to 2 . . n "ie+ ith the *e&iion !n* re&ommen*!tion in the &on%eren&e, 6O7 i+e* Cir&+"!r No. 01 91 *!te* November 20, 1991 entit"e*: Prescribing Additiona Requirements, Conditions and Procedures forthe Deployment of Performing Artists3. 4. 'etitioner A*e"$h! Fern!n*e , ;!ri! 6omin-o, +ni&e O%re&i!, Roe" n ;en*o !, Ar"ene C!b!""ero, A"mir! ;ir!n*! !n* ;!r Chritine <!"enton ho !""e-e* theme"ve ! =+!"i>e* $er%ormin- !rtit3 o% !-e 18 22 &h!""en-e* the &ontit+tion!" v!"i*it o% tem No. 1 o% the !i* 6O7 &ir&+"!r on the -ro+n* th!t it i vio"!tive o% the e=+!" $rote&tion &"!+e !n* *+e $ro&e &"!+e o% Contit+tion. #hi ! *one thro+-h >"in- the $etitiono% &ertior!ri !n* $rohibition !-!int R+ben #orre, Se&ret!r 6O7 !n* ?oe S!rmiento, A*minitr!tor o% 'O A to to$ the im$"ement!tion !n* en%or&ement o% tem No. 1 o% 6O7 Cir&+"!r 01 91. Item No. 1 o% the !%orementione* 6O7 Cir&+"!r $rovi*e ! %o""o : 1. No Fi"i$ino entert!iner h!"" be *e$"o e* o+ti*e the 'hi"i$$ine e &e$ "e-itim!te $er%ormin- !rtit &onitin- o% m+i&i!n, in-er !n* member o% *!n&e tro+$e. n !"" &!e, the $er%ormin- !rtit m+t h!ve ! tr!&/ re&or* o% "e-itim!te !n* re$+t!b"e $er%orm!n&e in the 'hi"i$$ine %or !t "e!t one e!r. n no &!e h!"" the $er%ormin- !rtit be be"o 2 e!r o"*. #he Se&ret!r o% 7!bor !n* m$"o ment m! , %or +ti>!b"e re!on, e em$t $er%ormin- !rtit %rom the &over!-e thereo%.3

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A Case Digest


Page 1: 31) Fernandez vs Torres


GR No. 102940, 215 SCRA 489


1. On November 18, 1991, the Fir t N!tion!" #ri$!rtite Con%eren&e %or the'rote&tion o% Over e! ntert!iner ! &onvene* in or*er to ev!"+!te !Government $ro$o !" %or the &om$"ete inter*i&tion or $rohibition o% over e! *e$"o ment o% 'hi"i$$ine entert!iner !n* $er%ormin- !rti t %o""o in- the -ro in- n+mber o% *o&+mente* re$ort !bo+t e $"oit!tive or/in- &on*ition ,h!rr! ment, %or&ib"e *etention, $h i&!" in +rie , *e!th, !n* r!$e .

2. #he &on en + !mon- the m!n!-ement !n* "!bor re$re ent!tive in the &on%eren&e ! th!t the Government ho+"* !*o$t ! $o"i& o% e"e&tive ( r!ther th!n &om$rehen ive &om$"ete) $rohibition %or the *e$"o ment o% 'hi"i$$ineentert!iner !bro!* to !voi* !*ver e e e&t to the &o+ntr 3 m!n$o er e $ort $ro-r!m. n !**ition, the "!bor re$re ent!tive re&ommen*e* th!t the minim+m !-e %or $er%ormin- !rti t ee/in- over e! *e$"o ment be r!i e* %rom 18 to 2 .

. n "ie+ ith the *e&i ion !n* re&ommen*!tion in the &on%eren&e, 6O7 i +e* Cir&+"!r No. 01 91 *!te* November 20, 1991 entit"e*: Prescribing Additional

Requirements, Conditions and Procedures for the Deployment of Performing Artists3.

4. 'etitioner A*e"$h! Fern!n*e , ;!ri ! 6omin-o, +ni&e O%re&i!, Ro e" n ;en*o !, Ar"ene C!b!""ero, A"mir! ;ir!n*! !n* ;!r Chri tine <!"enton ho !""e-e* them e"ve ! =+!"i>e* $er%ormin- !rti t 3 o% !-e 18 22 &h!""en-e* the &on tit+tion!" v!"i*it o% tem No. 1 o% the !i* 6O7 &ir&+"!r on the -ro+n* th!t it i vio"!tive o% the e=+!" $rote&tion &"!+ e !n* *+e $ro&e &"!+ e o% the Con tit+tion. #hi ! *one thro+-h >"in- the $etition o% &ertior!ri !n*$rohibition !-!in t R+ben #orre , Se&ret!r 6O7 !n* ?o e S!rmiento,

A*mini tr!tor o% 'O A to to$ the im$"ement!tion !n* en%or&ement o% tem No. 1 o% 6O7 Cir&+"!r 01 91.

Item No. 1 o% the !%orementione* 6O7 Cir&+"!r $rovi*e ! %o""o :

1. No Fi"i$ino entert!iner h!"" be *e$"o e* o+t i*e the 'hi"i$$ine e &e$t %or "e-itim!te $er%ormin- !rti t &on i tin- o% m+ i&i!n , in-er !n* member o% *!n&e tro+$e . n !"" &! e , the $er%ormin- !rti t m+ t h!ve ! tr!&/ re&or* o% "e-itim!te!n* re$+t!b"e $er%orm!n&e in the 'hi"i$$ine %or !t "e! t one e!r.

n no &! e h!"" the $er%ormin- !rti t be be"o 2 e!r o"*. #he Se&ret!r o% 7!bor !n* m$"o ment m! , %or + ti>!b"e re! on , e em$t $er%ormin- !rti t %rom the &over!-e thereo%.3

Page 2: 31) Fernandez vs Torres

JUDICIAL INQUIRY : #he >rm" ett"e* r+"e hen it &ome to !&tion invo"vin- &on tit+tion!" i +e i th!t the i +e i"" not be he!r* or re o"ve* b the &o+rt +n"e the %o""o in- re=+irement o% +*i&i!" in=+ir or revie !re met:

(1) the e i ten&e o% !n !&t+!" &! e or &ontrover @ (2) the $!rt r!i in- the &on tit+tion!" i +e m+ t h!ve ! $er on!" !n* +b t!nti!" intere t in the re o"+tion thereo%@ ( ) the &ontrover m+ t be r!i e* !t the e!r"ie t re! on!b"e o$$ort+nit !n* (4) th!t the re o"+tion o% the &on tit+tion!" i +e m+ t, be in*i $en !b"e %or the >n!" *etermin!tion o% the &ontrover .

5. A$$r!i in- the &! e !t b!r b! e* on the re=+irement , #he So"i&itor Gener!" +r-e th!t it *oe not h!ve ! + ti&i!b"e &ontrover %or h!vin- been >"e* $rem!t+re" .

ISSUE : hether or not the &! e !ti >e the >r t re=+irement %or +*i&i!" in=+ir (i.e. the e i ten&e o% !n !&t+!" &! e or &ontrover ).

HELD : #he &o+rt !-ree ith the So"i&itor Gener!" th!t the &! e h! been >"e* $rem!t+re" in&e the $etitioner h!ve %!i"e* to !""e-e th!t the h!ve >r t !n* %oremo t !$$"ie* %or the e em$tion $rovi*e* in tem No. 1 o% the ! !i"e* 6O7 &ir&+"!r here it ! e $re " t!te* th!t the Se&ret!r o% 7!bor !n* m$"o ment &!n e er&i e the *i &retion!r $o er to e em$t $er%ormin- !rti t %rom the &over!-e o% the !i* item in the &ir&+"!r. #here bein- no !$$"i&!tion or *eni!" o% e em$tion et, there i no !&t+!" &! e or &ontrover to $e!/ o%. #he $etitioner h!ve %!i"e* to ho the >r t re=+i ite o% ! +*i&i!" in=+ir i.e. the e i ten&e o% !n !&t+!" &! e or &ontrover . Ben&e, the $etition %or &ertior!ri !n* $rohibition !re *i mi e*.