300+best robin sharma quotes (till october 2012)


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Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (/dbz/; February 24, 1955 October 5, 2011 time management is life management We don't deserve success. We earn it. Life's your movie. Write your script. The main reason we waste time on small things is that we haven't identified our big things. Who you're becoming's far more important than the things you're accumulating. Daily Kickstart: Your Best is Nothing. Ok--before you say that i'm being hard on you or that i'm encouraging people not to celebrate their gifts+talents+progres s, pls allow me to explain. This morning I worked out. Hard. I was doing squat j umps and jumping jacks and all sorts of strange manoeuvers with my trainer. Then we got to the pushups. "Go to failure," she instructed. "I don't do anything to failure," i said--only half-joking. And then i got down on my hands. And gave i t my best. I pushed out maybe 40 pushups and then stopped. It's like my chest an d arms just froze up as i reached the edge of my strength. "Now go for more," sh e said. And guess what. I gave 15 more. The moment you believe you're a legend is the moment you become a fake. So here's the point that I'm messily trying to make: often, we push to our best and fall into the trap of thinking this is all we have within us. But the truth is: that's just our mental limits at play. We have more. We can do more. We can pushout more. And we can become more. Your best is nothing. So today, play big. Or go home. Your fan, Robin Blaming others is excusing yourself. Best "Law of Atttraction" i've ever witnessed: outthink+outlearn+outpractice+out work anyone you know. You'll "attract" everything you want :) Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak your truth. Riskless living is unbelievably risky. Have the courage to say no to the people who are calling for your time. Demand excellence from yourself. Don't ask politely. Demand it If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living.

Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. So valuable to set 5 daily goals. Just keep them simple and clear. And do it wit h consistency. In twelve months from today you'll have achieved 1850 small goals /little wins. A world-class career-+life happens via evolution versus revolution . So start today. Today, please use your best hours for your best things. And make today brilliant What's the point of being uber-productive doing useless things? Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades. Use facebook as a tool to connect (and create value for people) versus a drug to escape. Nothing works if you don't Big minds are rarely polluted with small concerns. Victims voice excuses. Leaders deliver results. Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices. Celebrate your mistakes. They were YOURS--not your teammates or your neighbors. They served YOU. And gave you insight+growth.

What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself? You're on this page because you stand for transformation. You want to Lead Witho ut a Title and do work that matters. You want to express your best in life. And do your dreams. So just remember--when you change, many people around you will f eel threatened. Because your relationship will them will change--prompting them to change. And most people are fiercely scared to change. So, instead, they ques tion you or criticize you or laugh at you. Ignore them. Please. No game-changer ever had a plan B. To double your income, triple your investment in learning and personal developme nt. When you transform your mindset, everything else gets transformed. Shift from being busy to achieving results. The best way to honor your dreams=to get them done! Who cares what others think of your dreams. They're your dreams. Honor them. Obs ess on them. And get them done fast. Let world-class become your new normal. today, look back at the things that you've achieved. And build little celebrati ons around them to grow even bigger better and faster in the gift that is your l ife. Why talk about people when you can talk about ideas? Sometimes, our assumptions are screaming so loudly we cannot hear the truth. Don't listen to the lies your fears have sold you. The TRUTH: you are here to ch ange the world--one person at a time! Every master was once a beginner. And every pro began as an amateur. So start no w. And stay patient. Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness. Those who workout in the morning have less time for an excuse. Doing my morning gratitude practice. I just listed 10 things that are blessings in my life. The human brain is hardwired for ingratitude--it served us well when we fought saber tooth tigers so many hundreds of years ago. But it limits our p erformance and creativity now. Positive psychology pioneers teach us that we sho uld practice "deliberate gratitude" to rewire our brains to notice all the good things in our lives. With practice, this will cause us to have more energy and g et better results as Leaders Without Titles. And human beings. Just wanted to sh are YOU are on my list today. I'm so grateful that you follow me here, read my b ooks, watch my YouTube Videos, read my blog and then live the ideas in your work and within your life. Thank you. Please help me make the world better "If you are IRRITATED by Every Rub, how will you be... P O L I S H E D?" ~Rumi # quote #wisdom Some disappointment is the price of brave dreaming. Daily Kickstart: energy is even more important than IQ. If you look at the best in business or sports or society in general, they not only had a big dream they had extraordinary levels of energy. You can have the greatest strategy and the b est ideas but if you don't have the energy to execute around them, nothing happe ns. So today, make a commitment to do whatever it takes to unleash your highest energy levels. richardbranson @richardbranson Just goes to show, if you don't excel at school it does not mean you can't go on to be successful If you can live with the worst-case scenario, then take the risk. richardbranson @richardbranson Go for what's hard. There lives your largest growth. Congrats to Sir John Gurdon for Nobel Prize win too his school report was almost as bad as mine! As we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create discont ent. But this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way th ings were and knew they could do better. Daily Kickstart: Today, focus on being excellent versus busy. No, I work on my mindset every morning RT @easyqrmortgages: @_robin_sharma @_tom

ahawk were you always like that Robin? It's so easy to get busy being busy and spend your best hours doing things that have zero value. Often, when we feel overwhelmed, we do things like checking our inbox or setting up meetings because they make us feel like we're making progre ss--even though they are really digging us deeper into the hole. So make the lea p from being busy to becoming monomaniacally focused on creating value. And doin g things that make your life better. And the world better. Ok--let's do this! Please devote yourself. Be one of those 1% people who really focus on the few th ings that matter. If you're in business, you're in show business. And every day's a performance. Shine brightly today. And then, wake up tomorrow and reach even higher. The best way to optimize your productivity is to optimize your thinking. One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understa nd the power of the word. They use world-class language. Not only do they refrai n from using profanities, but they use the language of passion. They use the lan guage of leadership. They use the language of possibility. They use the language of love. Failure only becomes a failure when you to choose to se it as a failure. Life's greatest challenges also present life's greatest opportunities. The things that frustrate you and challenge you and question your confidence are the very things that you can use to build yourself --and leverage into possibility. If being cynical is such a cool move, why has no cynic ever done anything truly great? Today, take out a nice, crisp white sheet of paper. Sharpen a pencil. And then s tart writing about the life you want to create. It's a lot easier than you may thi nk. Living life without a devotion to excellence dishonours the priceless gifts and t alents that have been given to you. The best way for us to create peace in the world is to find peace in ourselves. Nothing on the outside will ever give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not Ferrari s. From The Greatness Guide: Put mind over mattress. Win the battle of the bed. Joi n the 5 o'clock club. And get up early. Life wants us to win. We just need to step out of our own way. . The past doesn't need to influence the new day. You get to think new thoughts+ make new choices+create new results. And all it takes is a single choice--practi ced over and over--to take your life to a completely new place. So be great. Pla y at wow. And make your life matter. You begin to change the world the moment you begin changing your life. The pursuit of discomfort is the breakfast of champions (because no discomfort m eans zero growth). Your Daily Kickstart: According to the latest science, 50% of your mindset is he reditary. So if your parents were confident/optimistic/focused, you'll lean that way. Now here's the game-changer: ONLY 10% of your current mindset is the resul t of your current conditions (like the economy or where you live or what's going on in your life)---40% of your mindset comes down to your daily habits. In othe r words 40% of your mindset is within your hands. And if you do the daily practi ces i'm always sharing here (starting your day with exercise+deliberate gratitud e+setting daily goals etc), you'll get wow results. Read magazines you don't usually read. Talk to people who you don't usually speak to . Go to places you don't commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh +

hungry + brilliant.

The only standard worth working at is "breathtakingly great!" Otherwise, what's the point? If you're not failing regularly, you're definitely not making much progress. You dishonour yourself when you play small with your talent. Patience sits at the foundation of all Genius. To have more, we must become more. The average love leisure. The best love learning. You know you're doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you. Every visionary was initially called crazy. Fastest way to change the world is grow yourself.

The discomfort of change is always better than the heartbreak of complacency. We don't procrastinate because we're busy. We procrastinate because we're scared . The respect you show to others tells us the respect you show to yourself. Seriou sly. The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World) Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning . Why be part of the crowd when you can be one of the best? Today i saw a man trying to run who couldn't really run. He was pushing himself. Trying to get fit. Digging deep. He was full of sweat. Shaking legs. All heart. Pure guts. For just this day, this man is my hero. What the victim calls Genius, the true entrepreneur knows as practice. An exceptional life isn't the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices. Being called crazy is sometimes just another way of being called a visionary. What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself?

Robin Sharma 227,410 like this. 15 September at 02:22 Hi Everyone. i wanted to spend a few moments answering your questions, in my daily effort to help you do great work and live your best life. so ask away... :)

Harshit Arora how to get over past ? i still cant completely get out.. its memor ies r distracting me from doing anything i want to.. PLEASE help..

Hi Harshit. i dont really try to "get over" the past. i just stay massively foc used on what my painful times have taught me and made of me. Kadell Sayyed so tell me Robin how to get plentiful of energy?? Hi Kadell. Great question! i get my energy from: having a cause ive donated my l ife to+daily workouts+a strong diet+massages every week+nature walks every few d ays+work i live+great books i read early in the mroning

Venky Mudaliar what best should I do to get little success? Venky, to become more successful, the first thing i'd do is work on your mindset . read inspiring and powerful books and audiobooks. keep a journal where you rec ord your dreams and goals. recite a few affirmations every morning. and start sp ending more time with people with BIG dreams. my very best to you

Devina Bahadoor Higano How do you keep motivation fresh when you are doing what you love (so that your passion doesn't become 'work')? hi Devina. when im doing what i love, my passion's always fresh! :) Rabih Chatila How to find real friends? How to find ur true love or gain her bac k? hi Rabih. well first, im sure not "everything" in life is blocking your progress . im sure there are many opportunities and many blessings. you may not be focusi ng your attention and energy on them. my very best Ruchir Verma how to live larger than life ....? Hi Ruchir. i suggest we can begin to live a legendary life when we set legendary goals. big goals just change your mindset and open up new possibilities. then-of course--small steps towards them every day create BIG results over time. wish ing you all green lights!!

Salvador Agina what was the turning point in your life? Hi Salvador. the turning point was when i was a lawyer. i was a succees in the w orld but so unhappy in my own skin. so i started my inner work+getting to know t he real me+strengthening my character and mind. thanks for being a part of this community! Robin Sharma Hi Gul. well i think we can tell our impact on other people by whet her they shine when we are with them---or shrivel. best wishes Hi Hannah. youre welcome! you know what? i still practice all these things every day. its like getting to the gym: it only works brilliantly if youre there with consistency. my best wishes (i love San Diego :)

ROBIN! Thank you for one taking your time to do this! I feel extremely lucky to day! Being so amazed at how the leader who had no title has left me in my heart. . I have to ask how long did it take you to practice it everyday with out fail?! did it just become a habit over a period of time and what were the daily things you would do in the beginning to keep this thought process alive each day and m oment?! Hi Salvador. the turning point was when i was a lawyer. i was a succees in the w orld but so unhappy in my own skin. so i started my inner work+getting to know t he real me+strengthening my character and mind. thanks for being a part of this community! Cindee Khakdoust How do you make people feel comfortable around you when you are sooooo strong and independent minded??? Cindee--great Q! i suggest that the key is to be strong (as you are) yet respect ful to those around you so they dont feel overpowered. so be yourself yet honori ng of others. as i'm sure you are :) Hala Hamed Should I follow my heart or listen to my brain? Hala....Hmmmm...not an easy question. i think it's both. Listen to your brain. a nd hear the wisdom of your heart. having said that--this is my personal belief o nly--i've had the biggest wins in my life when i followed my heart--even when my head said the decision was crazy!!! :) my very best to u Sachin Chawla Hi Robin..what is single biggest objective of LIFE ? Why are we th ere in this world ? Robin Sharma Sachin, i think the biggest obstacle we face is ourselves! it's our lack of self-faith and doubts/fears that prevent us from going out there and ro cking the world! :) Tiina, my intuition tells me to get better at answering hard questions like your s ;) Alissa, you just have to go out there and do it. face the dragon in the face. f eel the fear but be a warrior. the more you stay in the fire, you more your powe r will grow. my very best! Kashma Raju Dear Robin, I can't seem to get past forgiving a few people (3 speci fically) who have hurt me and caused me tremendous pain. This makes me resentful and blocks me frm moving fwd - how do I let go and just forgive? hi Srikanth--the more i worked on myself through reading+reflection+learning+co nversations with excellent people, the more i trusted my vision> very best wishe s Thanks Kashma. just breath--and make the decision today to forgive. or do a litt le private ceremony where you bury the resentment ina garden or something so it comes to life. stay great.

Saying that you'll try is really saying that you're not truly committed. The ordinary wait for the energy to do a task. The exceptional do the task becau se that's how they get the energy.

Once you awaken your inner leader, worldly success is the guaranteed result.

The only people without problems and adversity are six feet under the ground. To life is to face problems, pain and suffering. These things are vehicles for grow th, expansion and lifelong learning. They are part of the human experience. "This world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things wer e and knew they could do better." From The Greatness Guide on Page 72 Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never kn ew you had. sooner or later you have to make a choice...leave behind your passion,your dream - or have the strength to look past all discouraging faces and look at yourslef and know that you have what it takes..and you will prove them wrong Every master began as a beginner. So start now. Success and happiness don't happen by accident. They occur through conscious choic e. Big people never make others feel small. Every time we step into the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more fr ee. Even if you do your dream and fail---you didn't fail because you pursued your dr eam. The billionaires I work with as a private business coach all have one thing in c ommon: massive discipline. It's a mark of wisdom to choose to spend time in those places that inspire and e nergize you and associate with those people who elevate and uplift you. Complaining is how scared people give away their power to the things they compla in about. See, the critics job is to knock you off your dream. Because they don't have the guts to do their own dream. #LeadWithoutaTitle Life's to short to spend your best hours checking your Facebook feed. To double your income, triple your devotion to personal development. I have things to get done before I die ;) We don't deserve success. We earn it. I'm thinking of doing a 7 day complaint-free fast here on my facebook page. In o ther words, not even the smallest complaint about anything for 7 full days on th is tour. "Like" this if you want to do this with me!

Don't settle for anything less than excellence.

Every master began as a beginner. So start now. "Most men die long before we bury them." Having talent is fantastic. Having confidence is even more important. Victims minimize people. Leaders construct dreams. I dream of a day when every single one of us owns our power to influence the wor ld. And then walks out there and does it. We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become a part of our wiring). If you arent making any mistakes, its a sure sign youre playing it too safe. Joh n Maxwell Being humble is cooler than being famous. RT @Billy_Cox: Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose, L. B. Johnson. Every time you say yes to something that's unimportant, you say no to something that is important. The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day as they march towards their biggest life. The greatest source of misery is pretending your dreams don't matter To double your income, triple your investment in your personal development. We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become a part of our wiring). Life's greatest betrayal is neglected genius. Express yours. The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions. From "Who Will Cry When You Die?" Cooler to be real than famous. We'll never build a reputation for excellence on a platform of excuses. Big dreams require amazing teams. Get that right--and you're golden. Blamers are not leaders. If you're not dreaming big, you're playing small. Genius isn't so much about genetics as it is about work ethic and sheer practice . Success doesn't just occur. It's a project that is worked on each day. Today:Do what you've been resisting + think what you've been imagining + reveal who you've dreamed of becoming. Victims talk. Leaders do. #LeadWithoutaTitle Giant goals without pristine discipline is an empty promise Today's Reminder: The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expa nd.

Without patience, there can be no genius Where there are many excuses you'll find little results. Make this day amazing. Please. A little bit better every day causes phenomenally better over a lifetime. Worked out EARLY this am after a late night flight home. Didn't want to. But I h ad to. Because I'm commited to it. Tips for Today: #1. Expect more from yourself #2. Complain less #3. Make somethi ng better #4. Leave someone happier. The secret of passion? A breathtaking mission. The things that get scheduled are the things that get done. It doesn't matter what others think of you--only what you think of you. "There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a rea son, a special purpose a mission." from The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The Rules for Being Amazing by Robin Sharma 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Risk more than is required. Learn more than is normal. Be strong. Show courage. Breathe. Excel. Love. Lead. Speak your truth. Live your values. Laugh. Cry. Innovate. Simplify. Adore mastery. Release mediocrity. Aim for genius. Stay humble. Be kinder than expected. Deliver more than is needed. Exude passion. Shatter your limits. Transcend your fears. Inspire others by your bigness. Dream big but start small. Act now. Don't stop. Change the world.

Vision without Passion leads to frustration. "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." William Shakespeare "It's never too late to be what you might have been." George Eliot "You can't get to genius on a platform of excuses." Robin Sharma Play at Genius. Learn for an hour a day. Deliver more than expected. Create. Ren ew. Be bold. Smile. Care. Think for yourself.

Dream big. Start small. Act NOW. Just for today, zero complaints. And a radical focus on the best. We grow our courage via the doing of things that demand our courage. Multi-tasking has been shown to reduce your IQ by 5 points. So commit to Einstei n-like focus. #YourProductivityUnleashed. The quality of your results reflects the level of your commitment. When people mock your great dream, trust that it's definitely a very great dream . "I just read about a little girl who was born without a face. Just two eyes and a mouth. And we worry about traffic being heavy on the way to work." From The Gr eatness Guide at page 133 If we practice being spectacular long enough, spectacular will become our way of being. When you take yourself too seriously, no one takes you seriously. #EatMoreIceCre am

Risk more than required. Learn more than normal. Give more than expected. Be str ong. Rest. Be kind. Relax. Dream. Care more than necessary so you can deliver more than expected.

Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never kn ew you had. ONE OF THE GREATEST KEYS TO SUCCESS A key piece to playing at your absolute best as a leader (and as a person) is to ensure that your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. Anything less is a flight from integrity. One of the exercises I've been taking our clients through at my Leadership in Turbu lent Times workshop is called The 5 Main Values. I take participants through a powe rful visualization where they visit themselves, not as they now are but as they want to be at the end of their career. Then they record the main 5 values they w ill have wished they'd worked under. I wanted to share my own 5 Main Values with you. I hope you'll share yours with me on Twitter so we can continue this conversation. Anyway, here are the top 5 val ues I want to work by and stay true to: 1. EXCELLENCE. I adore this word. My goal is to work at a level of excellence, c onstantly refining my craft as an author and speaker while delivering outrageous values to our clients. 2. PASSION. Without passion, nothing great every gets built. Passion fuels innov ation, builds a fantastic team and makes the impossible possible. I want to expr ess my passion in all that I do. Otherwise, what's the point? 3. SELF-MASTERY. You can't be a better leader than you are a person. So every day, I work intensely on developing my inner life. I read. I reflect. I write in a j ournal. I exercise. And do all those things I need to do to express my best. 4. BEAUTY. I'm an aesthete. I love beauty in all forms. So I make the time to look for beauty, in both expected and unexpected places. Interesting conversations a re beautiful to me; brilliantly designed products (think Apple) are beautiful to me. Great food, fresh nature, cool architecture, a strong cup of coffee in the morning and modern art are all some of the things that fill my life with a sense of beauty.

5. CONTRIBUTION. Leadership is about doing deeds that live on long after your de ath. I want to do things that will help people awaken to the fact that, regardle ss of what they do and where they are, they have the opportunity (and responsibi lity) to show leadership in their work and at their life. Few things are importa nt to me than feeling I'm making a difference for people. And doing my part to bui ld a better world. Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want is a second denying focu s and energy from getting what you do want. If your goals aren't bold, you'll begin to get old! Innovation starts with imagination. Use yours. Please.

Today, I walked near lions. Lesson: run away and you'll die. Same applies to you r fears. Being interested in too many things sets you up for being average at most things .

Your Perfect Day Just recorded the latest video for The Monthly Coach program I do. One of the pi eces was on The Perfect Day. While nothing's perfect in business and in life, record ing what your ideal day looks like is a smart move. Because with greater clarity comes better choices. What was the best day you've had in the past 12 months? What made it so special an d unforgettable? What things were you doing that time that gave you those superi or results? Once you know what works, you can set about doing them with greater consistency. And consistency is the generator of Mastery. Here are 4 recommendations for a perfect day: 1. Get up early. Getting up early is a gift you give yourself once you install t he habit. Yes, that's hard at first but after a few weeks you'll have more time for yourself every morning time to think/read/visualize/exercise and set yourself up for superb results. 2. Run a schedule. I write more about this in The Greatness Guide where I say: Th e things that get scheduled are the things that get done. Success and happiness d on't happen by accident. No, they occur through conscious choice. Schedule your pr iorities and the most important things in your life so you can get them done. 3. Stand in Gratitude. While there are so many things you could do to ensure a g reat/perfect day, I find spending even 5 minutes in gratitude reshapes the way I perceive my day. Please remember, stress and gratitude can't share the same room. And you'll see more of what you pay attention to. So focus on best and block out the rest. 4. Growth. Much as we resist change, the fact is human beings are happiest when we are growing. To live perfect days, do things that move you out of your comfor t zone and into your Discomfort Zone. A day with zero growth is a day unfully li ved. Fears faced die speedy deaths. Perseverance trumps even intelligence. Stay with your dream well past when the w orld thinks you should! Change is so messy in the middle but so fantastic at the end. Stay strong my fri end. Your response to failure determines the height of your success. - Robin Sharma Respect isn't delivered by a title. It's earned by your behavior. Step out into the world each day and create your masterpiece. The world will be

better for it. Leaders don't make excuses. They create results. THE BEST HABITS OF EXCELLENT LEADERS You know you need zero title to show up at leadership both within your work and at your home. I've been in the trenches developing Leaders Without Titles within o rganizations for nearly 15 years. Here are some of the personal habits I've seen t he best of the best model: 1. They ask brilliant questions. 2. They are fit like athletes (as I mentioned on Twitter the other day Your #1 bu siness asset is your health.) 3. They are direct/clear/authentic communicators 4. They read (The best leaders have the biggest libraries! Read to Win). 5. They keep journals to record good ideas, lessons learned and dreams to be exe cuted on. 6. The run their own race. Leadership isn't about following the mob and being like everyone else. That's followership. 7. They are ethical maintaining pristine reputations. 8. They lead where they are planted, deeply understanding that leadership is a w ay of behaving versus a title on a business card. Distraction is the greatest thief of time Today, be more brilliant than anticipated, more courageous than expected and mor e human than is commonly seen. The beautiful thing about today is that you get the choice to make it better tha n yesterday. Do less of the wrong things so you get time to do more of the right ones. The excuses we make destroy the results we deserve. Tips for Today: #1. Take a risk #2. Make something better #3. Learn something ne w #4. Be a bit kinder. You can change the world. Or you can worry about being liked. But you can't do b oth. Sorry.

Today, please remember: you can Lead Without a Title, influence everyone around you without a position and make a fantastic difference in the lives of others--e ven if you have no formal authority. Today's your day. Be great. Best way to become a better writer is to become a bigger reader. A fantastic dream needs a brilliant team. Or it won't get done. Period. Knowing but not doing is the end of knowing I congratulate you for being you. No one else like you on the planet. Very cool. Don't worry about being loved. Obsess on being amazing. And then you'll be loved . Victims pursue distraction. Leaders hunt down their dreams.

Tips for Today: #1. Take a risk #2. Make something better #3. Learn something ne w #4. Be a bit kinder. #inspiration A recipe for misery is living in your history.

Part-time commitment=Part-time results. #just saying You can't win the game if you're not even in the game.

You'll have time to rest when you're dead." - Robert De Niro Big people are those that make others feel big. You can't get to who you're meant to be tomorrow clinging to who you were yester day. If all the things we've bought in the past haven't made us happy, then buying mo re things won't make us happy. Because there will never be a better day than today to become the person you hav e always wanted to be.

Taking a risk once and hoping you'll grow fearless is like going to the gym once and hoping you'll get fit ;) Victims pursue distraction. Leaders hunt down their dreams.

Make a commitment today to be impeccable with your word. And be a person of acti on. Spend more time with amazing people and you'll find you'll become more amazing.

Being humble is cooler than being famous.

Less travelled paths are where all your rewards lie. Have the courage to take th em. Life's an incredible adventure. Tons of highs lots of lows. But all of it is preci ous. Failure is the price of greatness. You can't win without leaving your safety zone and taking some calculated risks. No risk, no reward. And the more risks you take in the pursuit of your dreams, the more you are going to fail. There's huge value in getting good at saying no. Embrace change as a chance to grow. Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will ult imately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity. You and I have the power to choose to rise above our external circumstances. We

always have a choice to be strong and positive when things fall apart. We have t he right to use our stumbling blocks as stepping stones to our greatest life. When you think, behave and feel like leaders good things will happen. Don't blame the politicians. Don't blame those around you. Don't blame your parents or your background. Doing so is playing the victim and this world has far too many people playing the victim when they could be sharing their brilliance and makin g a profound difference. The farmer has patience and trusts the process. He just has the faith and deep un derstanding that through his daily efforts, the harvest will come.And then one d ay, almost out of nowhere, it does. Success doesn't just occur. It's a project that is worked on each day. Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success There is great power in focusing on what you want..... The person who tries to d o everything accomplishes nothing. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so they end up being nothing to anyone. Confucius nailed the point: "Person who chases two rabbits catches neither." Commit to excellence. Become massively innovative and wear your passion on your sleave. They might call you different or wierd or even crazy. But please remembe r, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinkier) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered. No one wants to fail. So most of us don't even try. Sad." If you don't act on life, life will act on you I love music. I find music just makes life better. Add a litle music to an ordinary experience and it becomes extraordinary.

Change is hardest at the beginning. Messiest in the middle. And best at the end. Genius has little to do with luck and everything to do with practice. Health is the crown on the well person's head that only the ill person can see . Fly 1000 miles for a 10 minute meeting (you can't build great relationships vi a email). Miss a meal but don't miss reading. What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their t ime. Too many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life. Life is short. Be of use. Invite people into your professional and personal life who inspire you. Who are outrageously committed to world-class. Sometimes, too much thinking leads to the death of doing. It doesn't matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you thi nk of you. Throughout your day today, keep asking yourself: how can I make this better? Apply it to your work. Apply it to your relationships. Apply it to your Self. Simplify your life. Strip away all that is unimportant then focus, focus, focus. You'll be surprised how good you will then get at being great. No matter how good or bad your life looks at this very moment, there really is s o much (and so many people) you can be thankful for.

Every Master was once a beginner. You can't win if you don't try. http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/06/7-articles-to-change-the-game/ The beginner does what's easy. The master does what's important. Everyone has an opinion. Please have the guts to trust yours. http://twitter.com/#!/_robin_sharma Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy. Have the courage to say no to those activities that are just really attractive, but you know they're not valuable. "Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is." - The Mo nk Who Sold His Ferrari. Creativity is all about seeing what everybody else is seeing and thinking what n obody else is thinking Happiness isn't always the same as success. Choose both. Please. The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day as they march towards their biggest life. "A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the optimist." -Elean or Roosevelt Leadership is a philosophy. It's an attitude. It's a state of mind. And it's available to each one of us. Hard times grow strong people. Who cares what the critics think leadership is about boldly trusting your instin cts, chasing down your goals and doing what you think is right. "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." -Harry Truman Care more than necessary so you can deliver more than expected.

"As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft your life." "The most successful people on the planet have failed more than ordinary ones." "Yes, reach for the mountaintop. But enjoy the climb as well." "Great achievement often happens when our backs are up against the wall." "Do a little each day to get you to your goals and over time you'll get there." "Blaming others is excusing yourself."

"Every challenge is nothing more than a chance to make things better."

"Keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better." "The best organizations I've worked with sweat the small stuff."

"The wisest among us - the genuine leaders - smile in the face of adversity." "Greatness comes by beginning something that doesn't end with you.

You'll never win if you don't begin. Not much point at being brilliant at the wrong things. #focus Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ. http://twitter.com/#!/sharmaisms Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making s ome decision. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time. Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself . "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." -John Dryden I like to say that what we all need to do is look ahead five years and predict wh at things in our current life we will most regret. Then we must take actions tod ay to prevent those regrets from being realized. You can make your life matter more by making your actions matter more. I'm not going to live the same day over and over again, and call it life. There is great power in focusing on what you want..... The person who tries to d o everything accomplishes nothing. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so they end up being nothing to anyone. Confucius nailed the point: "Person who chases two rabbits catches neither." If you don't act on life, life will act on you Either you set your goals and, in doing so, have your life governed by choice or

you do nothing and have your life governed by chance. The person who experiences most wins. There is no such thing as an unimportant day. I was more than my limitations, I was learning. And it seemed to me that all the excuses I used to make were nothing more than lies that my fears had been trying to sell me. But every time we do that which we fear, we take back the power that fear has sto len from us for on the other side of our fears lives our strength. Every time we step into the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free. The more fears we walk through, the more power we reclaim. Less excuses, more results. Less distraction, more focus. Less me, more we. Much of what we judge as "bad" in our lives results in very good things - in the end. http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/robin-sharma-podcasts/ When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your min d, you control your life. And once you control your life, you become the master of your destiny Tip of the day: Stop watching the news. Start doing your dreams. http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/5-ways-to-stay-happy-no-matter-what-happens/ "One?s best success comes after his greatest disappointments." not by robin --Henry Ward Beecher Inspiration+Innovation+Execution=Transformation Great to be graceful when all's going great. Show us how cool you are when it's all falling apart. Declare today: "I'll have a monomaniacal focus on the few things that count. Not hing else matters. Period." There's zero point in masterfully doing the wrong things. Being brave is more a practice than a quality. Leadership is all about doing the work now that will give you your dreams later. You can't win unless you first begin. So start now. We give our power to the things we complain about. Be so ridiculously great at what you do that the world cannot help but give you an audience. Tip of the day: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're late. Confusion is growth in the process of settling. http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/09/robins-73-best-business-and-success-lessons/ When we waste our time our time wastes us. Step #1: Dream Big. Step #2: Start Small Step #3: Repeat Daily. http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/12/60-tips-for-a-stunningly-great-life/ Quickest way to change the game is to change your brain. The 2X3X Rule: To double your income, triple your investment in learning. Believe in you. Even when no one else believes in you. Especially when no one el se believes in you. Please. Measuring your success against what others are doing=A Complete Waste of Time. M easuring success against the very personal definition that you have set yourself =Brilliant! http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/12/how-to-make-this-new-year-your-best-year-yetvlog/ Not a shred of evidence exists to suggest that today's not the perfect day to tr ansform your life. Life's just too short to be doing work that destroys your soul. Find work you ador

e. And get busy changing the world with it. Breathe. Laugh. Dream. Produce. Dare. Rest. Love. Lead. Be. oh, one more thing: You can play Angry Birds on Your iPhone. Or You Can Change T he World. But You Can't Do Both. Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you. Worry is a luxury we cannot afford. Life's short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average. http://twitter.com/#!/_robin_sharma Here are 5 big questions that I hope will cause you to go deep and become philos ophical as to what's most important in your life. Most people don't discover how to live until it's time to die. Ask these questions today, but come from the frame of reference that today is the last day of your life and you are lying on your dea thbed: Today, be brave. So you'll get big things done. Please. #1: Did I dream richly? #2: Did I live fully? #3: Did I learn to let go? #4: Did I love well? #5: Did I tread lightly on the earth and leave it better than I found it? I want to spend my days with people who don't know how to do mediocrity. No risk, no progress. No ask, no get. There...that's pretty much all I have to s ay this am. Oh, and be genius today. Everything that is now easy for you was once hard in the beginning. Victims talk about problems. Leaders speak of possibilities. Gentle reminder: you can't have all you want if you're focused on everything you 're not. Less rudeness - more kindness. Less mediocrity - more mastery. Less distraction - more focus. Less intolerance - more forgiveness. Hide the phone. Turn off Facebook. Shutter your TV. Close ALL escape routes. And then...do the work you are meant to do. The beautiful thing about setbacks is that they introduce us to our strengths. The smallest of actions is better than the best of intentions. "Your time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life." ~ Steve Jo bs To become a bigger person, walk into a bigger vision. Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never kn ew you had. This idea's helped me a lot: Do your best and then let life do the rest. No critic ever changed the world. How does one live an inspired, passionate life? The first thing I would say is every time you make an excuse and blame something or someone else, you're giving away your power. The second thing I'd say is beneath every excuse lives a fear. Work on moving thro ugh that fear and release your excuses. Number three: work is one of the most important things in your life, so no matte r what you do, work at a Picasso level. It's one of the greatest secrets of fulfil ment and happiness. Fourth, I'd say the old model of leadership and fulfilment is broken, lead without a title. Start with yourself, you can't find the time to lead and inspire other p eople if you're de-inspired. Find the time to expose yourself to great food, great art, great conversations, great beauty so that you enjoy the process of life. Lastly, I believe a life without impact and contribution is a very empty life, s

o use your life to make the world better.

our habits will define how close to your personal mountaintop you get. Ones I suggest to you include: Getting up early Under-promising and over-delivering (always give people far more than they expec t and you'll win) Being a passionate learner (by reading daily and listening to audio programs by big thinkers) Spending the first 30 minutes of each day planning (or thinking) Leaving every person you meet better than you found them Working out regularly. Just a few to pick from. To get you going. To plant your seeds. Keep Leading Without A Title. Robin The greatest sadness is to die with your dreams undone.

Never lose the fire in your belly. And the sparkle in your eyes. The having of a Dream is what make's life Life.

"What's the point of living in comfort if it comes at the cost of your dreams? Fill your mind with brave dreams so it contains no space for petty thoughts. In a taxi. Just saw a sign that read: "Faith always takes the first step." Apply that one to your business goals. The quality of success you will experience in your life ultimately depends upon the tiny choices you make every minute of every hour of every day. Oh, a quick question i wanted to ask you this Saturday morning: "What Extraordin

ary thing will you start today?" Winning starts with beginning. Your response to failure determines the height of your success. "Scared gets you nowhere. Lucky people don't get lucky. Lucky people create luck y." from "The Leader Who Had No Title" Robin Sharma Best way to get a few more hours into your days? Get brilliant at elegantly sayi ng NO. Don't spend your most valuable hours in valueless things. What time do I go to sleep? A lot of Good 2012 Goal: Sell your tv. And build a library Critics are just dreamers who got scared. In a world where mediocrity is viewed as "normal", world-class is considered str ange. There's no mystery behind Mastery. It's just about Consistency Here's a question to ask yourself: What one thing could I do each week to lift m y life to its highest level? Positive thinking is of zero value without positive doing. The key to ridding your mind of small thoughts is filling your mind with big dre ams. The best way to learn about life isn't from pages in a book but from the hours i n your day. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressi ng your best. Best idea i have to give you today: some of us have lived with our fears so long that being scared is so familiar to us that we can't see that we're scared. (In other words, being scared is our comfort zone!!!) Life's ultimate freedom is living life on your own terms. The greater the struggle the greater the reward. Excuses are just a bunch of lies your fears have sold you. Playing small with your potential is unfair to the world. Remember to keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you'll triple your success. Big lesson I've learned as an entrepreneur and as a human being: when we most fe el like giving up is the moment we must keep persisting. My bad times have taught me well. And so--I appreciate the goodness in them. Dream big but start small Remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving o ur world better than you found it. It never hurts to ask. There is no such thing as an unimportant day. I challenge you with my usual respect and affection, to raise your standards. Do n't tolerate any form of average. Don't accept Dis-excellence. Don't stand for mediocr e. If you're going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best. When you most feel like denying your dream is when you must deepen your devotion to your dream.

Too many high-potential lives have been destroyed by an addiction called Excuses . Character's more valuable than cash. "What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our comfort zones--which are, in truth--the least safe places to be." from p. 6 8 of "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" The person who chases distractions is the person who is frightened of results.

Why spend your time convincing your critics when you could be inspiring your bel ievers? Don't allow your doubts and fears to dismiss your hopes and dreams.

My 22 Lessons from 2011 (pls share with others): 1. Dream big but start small. 2. A problem is only a problem if you view it as a problem. 3. A strong family life is an awesome foundation for a strong career. 4. Have zero tolerance for mediocrity. 5. The more devoted you are in practice, the larger the rewards during performan ce. 6. Look people in the eye when you speak to them. 7. Say "please" and "thank you". 8. Do difficult work first think in the morning. 9. Chase beauty. Pursue mastery. 10. Get fit like a pro-athlete. 11. Whether you're a taxi driver, a firefighter or a CEO, make your work a livin g mission to model excellence--and better our world. 12. Never lose your curiosity. 13. Stop apologizing for standing for what's best. 14. Spend more time in New York City. 15. Respect your parents. 16. Get up when you've been knocked down. 17. Hire slowly. Fire quickly. 18. To have a great company, surround yourself wth great people. 19. You can make excuses or you can enjoy results. But you can do both. 20. A secret of happiness is producing your best work. 21. The secret of happiness is being of use. 22. Life's short. Make a difference. Your greatest joys will come after the conquest of your most difficult challenge s. In your work, be legendary. In your life, make history.

Some suggested goals to make 2012 your absolute best year yet: #1. Get Up at 5 a m daily #2. Invest in your personal development #3. Stop speaking like a victim #4. Do more than you are paid to do #5. Be world-class around the details I'd rather be bold and lose than settle and win. My hard times have made my good times great times. My wish for you this day: the passion of a child + the excellence of an Olympian + the wisdom of an elder. The person who most irritates you is the person who has the most to teach you.

My hardest problems have revealed my greatest possibilities. Robin Sharma is the bestselling author of "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who So ld His Ferrari" (HarperCollins). Follow him on Twitter () and visit Robinsharma. com Best way to grow in self-discipline is to start doing difficult but valuable thi ngs. One of life's best joys is pursuing a dream. Not your neighbors dream or society 's dream--your dream. http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/12/top-10-posts-of-2011/

This day is your life in miniature. And as you live this day, so you craft your life. 5 Productivity Tips to Make 2012 Your Absolute Best Year Yet: #1. Turn off all te chnology for at least an hour a day and do truly valuable work #2. Stop Watching TV #3. Use your best hours to do your most valuable work #4. Eat less food (to get more energy) #5. Don't answer your phone every time it rings.

Please don't sacrifice your health for wealth. Just not worth it. Be so good at what you do today that people are left breathless after you leave the room. Seriously. Quick productivity tactic: turn off all your technology for at least 60 minutes each day and do deep work that matters.

you have been asking since watching the "How To Get Up Early" video I released

yesterday. The answer: 11-11:30pm. The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first. There will never be a better time to be the best you than today Ordinary leaders hear. Great leaders listen. The caliber of your performance comes down to the quality of your practice. i lo ve the line: "The one who sweats most in training bleeds least at war." Applies to us in business--and to us in life. No person playing victim ever changed the world. Victims wish. Leaders do. Life's short. Go change the world. simple productivity tip that has helped me a lot: when you sit down to work, set a timer for a 90 minute increment. check no email etc for those 90 minutes--jus t do your work with massive focus. when the 90 minutes end, the beeper/timer goe s off. get up, take a break for 20 minutes and then do one more block. my client s have received game-changing results with this tactic--in this Age of Dramatic Distraction where so many of us don't focus on one thing for even 10 minutes. ho pe this helps you.

A great goal for us in 2012: let's not spend major time on minor things. You can't do everything. But you can definitely do something. So why not start n ow? High-tech productivity tool: Get brilliant at saying no ;) The greater the challenges, the sweeter the victory. Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thou ghts. Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for wha t's best within them. If you're young, smart to do big things now. If you're old, smart to do big thin gs now. The 3 secrets of successful entrepreneurs: 1. focus 2. focus 3. focus :) Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 littl e victories by the end of the year. My hope is that the answers you arrive at help you live with more authenticity, passion and joy. We're really not here that long, when you think about it. So live your potential now. Dream. Dare. Shine. Deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to l ive our biggest life than now. And if not today, then when? the purpose of life is the life of purpose Good enough isn't so great. Change is hardest at the beginning. Messiest in the middle. And best at the end. The best way to learn about life isn't from pages in a book but from the hours i n your day. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressi ng your best. Nothing can stop the person who chooses never to be stopped. Life's ultimate freedom is living life on your own terms. An addiction to distraction is an escape from productivity. "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the suns hine warm upon your face." Irish blessing Listening to Ben Harper: "make sure the fortune that you seek is the fortune tha t you need." Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Lif e's short. You only get one shot at great.

I've grown the most from my most painful experiences. And so, I see them as gift s. Read hard books. Do difficult work. It is the things that you are most resisting doing that contain the fullest expression of your genius. The dangerous thing about mediocrity is that is you spend enough time around it, it becomes your new normal. dream 10X bigger. at the end of your life--you will have wished you would have. Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.

Today can be the day you burn the bridges that lead to your excuses. Today can b e the day you Lead Without Title & access your greatness. Do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do somethi ng. Today. Now. The world will be better for it. The key to creativity is to create even when you don't feel creative. It takes a big person to avoid small worries. In the battle of egos both competitors lose. Today's Leadership Declaration: DO IT NOW! This day is your life in miniature. So lead it well. The next 5 years will be rich with volatility. Victims will stumble. Leaders wil l win another line i just wrote in this month's newsletter: "I promise you that when y ou get to the last hour of your last day, you will regret having lived the life society sold you versus the life that you knew deep within was meant for you." Phenomenal Question to ask during stressful times: "What's good about this?". Playing small with your talent dishonors your Genius. Just because no one else believes in your dreams doesn't mean you shouldn't beli eve in your dreams. The power of your dreams lives in the action, not in the vision. Pilot just said "put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others." our le sson= by taking great care of ourselves we become able to take great care--and b e of service--to others. An idea - no matter how big - only assumes value when it's acted upon and brough t to life. The best way to do great work is to do a lot of good work. To get the results that only 5% of performers get, we must be willing to do what only 5% of people are willing to do. Fighting change is resisting growth. Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create value that has never been created. Day by day, step by step, you can move towards your own personal mountaintop. Yo u (and your organization) really can be, do and have a lot more than you've ever imagined. The life you are living today can be radically different from the lif e you can have 3 or 6 months from now. Take 60 minutes this weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days. Better to be real than popular. Even when you think you have very little, in truth, you still have a lot. Sometimes we need to lose our way to find our way.

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life. Devoted learning is the key to explosive earning. Criticism is mediocrity's tribute to Genius. Smart to have a To Do List. Genius to have a Not To Do List. There's a stratospheric difference between learning a new idea and living a new idea. It takes a lot of courage to become aware of your weakness. If you've grown, it's not a failure. It's a gift. The only people with zero problems are dead. I encourage you to read this articl e about transforming problems into gifts: http://bit.ly/NYpbeu To take vs to Give is to exist vs to Live. It is true to say that,candle looses nothong when lighting others. If you think a gym membership is expensive, pls remember that disease costs a lo t more. Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making s ome decision. So much of what we worry about never happens. So why worry about it? Remember the secret to happiness is doing work that matters and being an instrum ent of service. What the society thinks e myself. I know who who Take 60 minutes over the ental focus and physical is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I se I am. I know the value of my work. next few days and rethink what you are investing your m energy on.

I've learned that everything happens for a reason, the yogi Krishnan told him. Every event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson... Never regret your past. Accept it as the teacher that it is. Here's some of what i wrote this morning< just so you see it first :) 1. Confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. So pursue discomfort. 2. Logic is the dream killer. Instead, allow your instinct, creativity and passi on to take you where you need to go. 3. Be good at starting things. And even better at finishing them. 4. Connection with community is the main aim of commerce. i actually wrote 44 of these ideas this morning. If you want them all as well as "The Little Black Book for Stunning Success" (as my gift to you), just google " robin sharma" and go to my website and sign up easily in the pop up. make today awesome.

Potential unexpressed turns to pain. Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of gro wth. The daily choices you make makes your life. Our job is to see the best in people who have never seen their best.

Treating others with deep respect reveals the fact that you treat yourself with deep respect. Deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to l ive our biggest life than now. The quickest way to happiness is a devotion to helpfulness. Do work that is legendary. Live a life that makes history. "The way you start your day determines how well you'll live your day." from p. 18 8 of "The Leader Who Had No Title" Victims talk about problems and people. Leaders talk about ideas and dreams. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your go al." - Henry Ford The great danger of success lies in thinking what's made you successful will kee p you successful. We become fearless by visiting the places that scare us. Blaming others is excusing ourselves. We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Beco me the architect of your future. "The way you start your day determines how well you'll live your day." from p. 18 8 of "The Leader Who Had No Title" On the other side of your greatest fears lies your biggest growth. The 12 Hour Relationship Protection Rule: when you were upset, wait at least 12 hours before you respond. You get clarity. And make a more thoughtful move.

Review your mission + goals every 7 days so they become dominant obsessions vs. just good intentions.

Planning is profound. How can you accomplish what's most important if you have no idea what's most important.

Today's choice: Play Angry Birds on your iPhone. Or go express your Genius. And - in so doing - uplift THE WORLD.

When we most feel like giving up is when we most need to be keeping on. Please.

"It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple." Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co -founder To remain yourself in a world that wants to remake you into something else is on e of Leadership's great victories.

"the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do." Apple commercial Rather than breaking the rules, why not rewrite the rules?

You'll never get this day again in your entire lifetime. So why not make the bes t of it?

Throughout your day, keep asking yourself, "How can I make this better?"

I usually don't rely on willpower to get things done. Instead, I create systems, daily rituals and environments that set me up to get things done--even when i d on't want to.

Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of gro wth.

http://emotion-spirit.blogspot.in/2007/08/quotes-from-monk-who-sold-his-ferrari. html Quotes from Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Robin Sharma the Canadian born Indian author of best selling books has been the most adorable and inspiring personality. Though I have started reading his books in a very recent past. Some of his quotes in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari are very stirring

"Blaming others is nothing more than excusing yourself.." "Learn More to Earn More" "We receive from life not what we want but who we are". "Good people strengthen themself ceaselessly" "The most satisfied and enlightened people realize that successful and dynamic l iving starts from within. Before you can care for others, you must care for your self." "SOW THINKING REAP ACTION, SOW ACTION REAP HABIT, SOW HABIT REAP CHARACTER,SOW C HARACTER REAP DESTINY" "Everything that happens in your life is beautiful" "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master" "It's not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching ,it is what th e books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life" "Those who don't make time for exercise will eventually have to make time for il lness" "What you resist will persist; what you befriend, you will transcend" "Before someone will lend you a hand, you must touch their heart" "Be the change that u wish to see most in your world"

"Your Schedule Doesn't Lie" "I am more than I appear to be, all the worlds strength & power rests inside me" "We don't laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh". "Wake-up Early, Life is Short ,what if today is the last night of my life, so en joy life to the full" !! Become a Will-Power Warrior!!! "Pain is a wonderful teacher" "Those who find shall seek" "Never overlook the power of simplicity" "The less you focus on the result sooner it will come" "The difference between your planning and action is the measure of your lack of perfection". They keep making their today better than yesterday. The best stars have infinite energy and appetite for stretching their personal frontiers and im prove each and every area of their lives." "A man is as old he feels, the energy to keep improving keeps them young at hear t and provides positive thinking mind body and soul." "Health is very important part of the whole system of causing immortality and lo ngevity." "Perfect health is physical, mental, social and economic well being" "Wealth is not only measured by how much money you have, it is also measured by how much you are at peace within" "Kindness is the rent we must pay for occupying space on this little planet" "I am an artist at living - my work of art is my life" "The Price of Discipline is higher than the Pain of Regret" "Clarity precedes mastery, unless u r clear about what exactly u want to accompl ish in life you are always running behind a mirage and u fret and fume on yourse lf and this is just a process of self destruction. "AWARENESS PRECEDES CHOICE,CHOICE PRECEDES RESULTS". "Winners have two types of courage the courage to act and the courage to endure and they never quit regardless of the circumstances. Understanding that they are bigger than their circumstances is what gives them the courage to succeed" "When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice. "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of li fe is when an adult is afraid of the light." "Learn to say NO Learn to say NO back when you are saying YES to an unimportant thing, you are saying NO to an important one" "Work hard & get lucky" "I like that thing that he says on FEAR in Monk book..... its really inspiring.. do things that u fear....do things that u r comfortable....get out of your comfo rt zone" "Here are no limits for a person who accepts no limits." "When one door closes another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfull y upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us." "Either you set your goals and, in doing so, have your life governed by choice o r you do nothing and gave your life governed by chance." "When u were born u cried while d world rejoiced....live life in a way such that when you die...the world cries while u rejoice in peace" The PURPOSE of life is life of Purpose!!! You are meant to Shine! This is Robins Ultimate Quote When You were Born,You Cried while the World Rejoiced,Live your life in such a w ay that when u die,the world cries while you rejoice. You Can be a Fool for Five Minutes if you ask a Question, however u r a FOOL for A LIFETIME if you hesitate to ask a question!!!! On your deathbed you will never wish,you spent more time at the office. Destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes Sow a character,you reap your destiny We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Bec ome the architect of your future.

The most noble thing you can do is to give to others. Start focusing on your hig her purpose. Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return again. Those w ho use time wisely from an early age are rewarded with rich, productive and sati sfying lives. Wage war against the weaker thoughts that have crept into the palace of your min d. They will see that they are unwanted and leave like unwelcome visitors. The Universe favors the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnifi cent treasures. Never forget the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never neglect to see the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today, and this very moment, is a gift. Stayfocused on your purpose. The Universe will take care of everythin g else. The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then d irect all of your energy towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows int o your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace. DO YOUR BEST AND LET LIFE DO THE REST!!! NOTHING FAILS LIKE SUCCESS - From the Greatness Guide The bow too tightly strung is easily broken. Clarity precedes mastery. Every action is the offspring of a thought. Your thinking will create your reality. The price of greatness is responsibility." When you give your best to life, life gives it's best to you". The last one percent most people keep in reserve is the extra percent champions have the courage to burn. Live life as you would not be live tomorrow. You can't do good if you don't feel good. - Plato -adding value to others (from clients and co-workers to people in our communitie s) "Remember that we become our conversations. Our lives eventually look like the p eople we associate with. Surround yourself with people who are innovative, passi onate, interesting, provocative, caring and doing great things and your life can not help but get better." || You Find What You Seek || Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want in your life is a seco nd denying focus and energy from getting what you do want. Every minute you worr y about what's not working is a minute drawn away from creating what will work. And every hour spent reflecting on the disappointments of the past is an hour st olen from seeing the possibilities that your future holds. What I've discovered in my own life is that I see more of what I look for. Clari ty precedes mastery (big idea there) and the more clearly I look for what I want , the more powerfully I generate that result in my life.

If you do anything for twenty-one days in a row, it will be installed as a habit . Life doesn't always give you what you ask for, but it always gives you what you ne ed.

http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/24678.Robin_S_Sharma Robin S. Sharma quotes (showing 1-40 of 40) We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Beco me the architect of your future. Give out what you most want to come back. Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ. You can't make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself. The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions. Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us. I've learned that everything happens for a reason, the yogi Krishnan told him. Every event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson... Never regret your past. Accept it as the teacher that it is. If your life is worth thinking about,it is worth writing about. Robin S. Sharma Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things around you come from the same source. We are all one. Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe. You see, John, when you nourish your own mind and your own spirit, you are reall y feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And when you have the courage to advance con fidently in the direction of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of th e universe. As I told you earlier, life gives you what you ask of it. It is alwa ys listening. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but are spiritual beings h aving a human experience. Robin S. Sharma 19 people liked it like Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making s ome decision. Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned wi th your truth and your dreams? What the society thinks is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I se e myself. I know who who I am. I know the value of my work. the purpose of life is the life of purpose A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives you roses The doorway to success swings outward not inward. Life tests the big dreamers the Passionate revolutionaries. What gets measured gets improved.

investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you. Be the change you want to see in your world Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to o thers. Because the moment you stop doing the very things that got you to the top of the mountain is the very moment you begin the slid down to the valley. Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results. Victims recite problems, leaders provide solutions. Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed. never overlook the power of simplicity Be the Mick Jagger of the mailroom, the Warren Buffet of bookkeeping and the Bono of stapler selling. one must not allow the clock and the calender to blind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle --and mystery it is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly l ove others. it's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. when you feel centered and alive, you are in much better posi tion to be a better person.

http://yuppieland.blogspot.in/2006/01/quotes-from-monk-who-sold-his-ferrari.html Act as if failure is impossible, and your success will be assured. Wipe out ever y thought of not achieving your objectives, whether they are material or spiritu al. Be brave, and set no limits on the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same. When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your min d, you control your life. And once you control your life, you become the master of your destiny We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. The quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution. The best time to plant a tree was forty years ago. The second best time is today

. Nourish your spirit. Do the things you fear. Sure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyon d my endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable w ill to win, victory will not be denied us. One must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and a mystery. Self knowledge is the stepping stone to step mastery. Every second you spend thinking about someone elses dream, you take time away fr om your own. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. What really separates people who are habitually upbeat and optimistic from those who are consistently miserable is how the circumstances of life are interpreted and processed. Its only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly lo ve others. You will never be able to hit a target that you cannot see. Always declare your goals to the world. Once you make your goals known to the wo rld, there will instantly be pressure on you to work towards its fulfillment, si nce no one likes to look like a failure. Courage gives you the self control to persist where others have failed. The only limits on your life are the ones that you set yourself. Fear is nothing more but a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of consiousness. It is not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching. Its what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life. You sow a thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap a destiny One must never live in the thick of thin things. Wage war against the weaker thoughts that have crept into the palace of your min d. They will see that they are unwanted and leave like an unwelcome visitor. When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your min d, you control your life. And once you reach a stage of being in total control o f your life you become a master of your destiny. Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Having the courage to say no to small things in life gives you the power to say yes to big things. The most productive people in this world have cultivated the habit of doing thin gs that less productive people don't like doing, even though they ( more productiv e ppl) too might not like doing them. Laughter opens your heart and soothes your soul. No one should ever take life so seriously that they forget to laugh at themselves. Don't accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness. Its your birthright. Act as if failure is impossible and your success will be assured. The quality of your life will come to the quality of your contribution. Your life moves to a magical dimension when you start striving to make the world a better place. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Hope for what will appear in your future is what gets you out of bed in the morn ing and what keeps you inspired through your days. Today is the day to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Today is the day to seize the moment and live a life that soars. Today is the day to live from your imagin ation and harvest your dreams. And please, never, ever forget the gift of family . Life dosent always give you what you ask for it, but it always gives you what yo u need. Your genius will shine and happiness will fill your life the instant you discove r your higher purpose and then direct your energies towards it.

http://antinomian.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/who-will-cry-when-you-die-by-robin-sh arma/ Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma Today: Excel. Innovate. Renew. Commit. Dare. Believe. Breathe. Push. Reflect. Ap preciate. Energize. Learn. Lead. Do. Be. Discover your calling; bring more of yourself into your work and focus on what y ou do best Every day, be kind to a stranger Maintain your perspective; Is there a wiser and more enlightened way to look at the situation? Practice tough love, which is self-discipline! Keep a journal, analyse and evaluate what you do, lessons learnt, personal growt h Develop a honest philosophy; don't say what you don't mean Honor your past; Every second you dwell on the past, you steal from the future. Every minute you spend focusing on the problems, you take away from finding the

solutions. And thinking about all those things that you wish never happened to y ou is actually blocking all the things you want to happen from entering into you r life. Given the timeless truth that holds that you become what you think about all day long, it makes no sense to worry about past events or mistakes unless y ou want to experience them for a second time. Success is not measured by the pos ition that one have reached in life, but by the obstacles he have overcome while trying to succeed. Start your day well, first 30 minutes only purest thoughts and finest actions. F ocus on all the good things in life, and good things that you expect to unfold Learn to say no graciously, concentrate on areas of excellence Take a weekly Sabbatical Talk to yourself; select your phrase and train yourself to focus on it Schedule worry breaks; Mark Twain: I've had a lot of trouble in my life, some of w hich actually happened Model a child, they are more energetic, creative Genius is 99% inspiration, be inspired in life! Care for the temple Learn to be silent. To reconnect with who you really are as a person and to come to know the glory that rests within you, you must find time to be silent on a r egular basis. Experiencing solitude will keep you centred on your highest life p riorities Think of your ideal neighbourhood Get up early See your troubles as blessings Laugh more!! Spend a day without your watch Take more risks Live a life, there are no tragedies, only lessons. No problems, only opportuniti es waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom Learn from a good movie Bless your money Focus on the worthy; know what needs to be left undone Create a love account; random acts of kindness, senseless acts of beauty Get behind people's eyeballs List all your worries Practice the action habit See your children as gifts Enjoy the path, not just the reward; the real value of setting and achieving goa ls lies not in the rewards you receive but in the person you become as a result of reaching your goals Remember that awareness precedes change; you will never be able to eliminate a w eakness you don't even know about. By paying attention to weakness, you attract so lutions into your life Master your time Keep your cool, use only words that are true, necessary and kind Cure your monkey mind; present moment awareness Get good at asking Look for the higher meaning of your work Develop your talents; too many people spend more time focusing on their weakness es than developing their strengths Connect with nature Use your commute time Go on news fast Get serious about setting goals Remember the rule of 21 Practice forgiveness Drink fresh fruit juice Create a pure environment Walk in the woods Get a coach

Take a mini vocation Become a volunteer; learn to serve Listen to music daily Write a legacy statement Find 3 great friends Meditate Have a living funeral, practice dying Stop complaining and start living Increase your value. To get more, you have to be more Be unorthodox. Don't do things because everyone else does them. Do things that are right for you. Carry a goal card Be more than your moods. You are just the thinker of your thoughts. Savor the simple stuff; the only things we can take away are our memories and al l those great life experiences that adds value to our lives Stop condemning. See the richness of the society from its diversity Take your li fe into your own hands and you have no one to blame See your day as your life You change your life from the second you make a decision from the depths of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being. The effort to maintain that d iscipline takes much longer Create a mastermind alliance Create a daily code of conduct, values, virtues and vows Imagine a richer reality. To improve your life, you must first improve your thin king. We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. Be the CEO of your life Be humble. You have so much more to learn Don't finish every book you start Don't be so hard on yourself, human beings are designed to make mistakes Make a vow of silence Don't pick up the phone every time it rings Recreation must involve re-creation Choose worthy opponents Sleep less Have a family mealtime Become an imposter, fake it till you make it Take a public speaking course Stop thinking tiny thoughts; Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never ho any higher than you think. It's not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. It's not what you are that's holding you back. It's what you think you're not. Don't worry about things you cannot change Re-write your life story. At any moment I could start being more of the person I dream to be- but which moment should I choose? Plant a tree Find your place of peace; youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind Take more pictures. Record the best times of your life Become an adventurer. Make a list of pursuits and go for them! Decompress before you go home Respect your instincts Collect quotes that inspire you Love your work Selflessly serve Live fully so you can die happy. When all the clutter is stripped away from your life, its true meaning will become clear; to live for something more than yours elf. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, being a true force of Nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to ma king you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community,

and, as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I lo ve. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It's a sort of splendid torch which I've got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

60 TIPS FOR A STUNNINGLY GREAT LIFE I want to shift gears from leadership to a pure focus on crafting an exceptional life for this blog post. Ultimately, life goes by in a blink. And too many peop le live the same year 80 times. To avoid getting to the end and feeling flooded regret over a live half-lived, read (and then apply) these tips: 1. Exercise daily. 2. Get serious about gratitude. 3. See your work as a craft. 4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst. 5. Keep a journal. 6. Read The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 7. Plan a schedule for your week. 8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life. 9. Say no to distractions. 10. Drink a lot of water. 11. Improve your work every single day. 12. Get a mentor. 13. Hire a coach. 14. Get up at 5 am each day. 15. Eat less food. 16. Find more heroes. 17. Be a hero to someone. 18. Smile at strangers. 19. Be the most ethical person you know. 20. Don't settle for anything less than excellence. 21. Savor life's simplest pleasures. 22. Save 10% of your income each month. 23. Spend time at art galleries. 24. Walk in the woods. 25. Write thank you letters to those who've helped you. 26. Forgive those who've wronged you. 27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accola des. 28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love. 29. Have 5 great friends. 30. Become stunningly polite. 31. Unplug your TV. 32. Sell your TV. 33. Read daily. 34. Avoid the news. 35. Be content with what you have. 36. Pursue your dreams. 37. Be authentic. 38. Be passionate. 39. Say sorry when you know you should. 40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another. 41. Have a vision for your life. 42. Know your strengths. 43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Be patient. Don't give up. Clean up your messes. Use impeccable words. Travel more. Read As You Think. Honor your parents. Tip taxi drivers well. Be a great teammate. Give no energy to critics. Spend time in the mountains. Know your top 5 values. Shift from being busy to achieving results. Innovate and iterate. Speak less. Listen more. Be the best person you know. Make your life matter.

http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/09/robins-73-best-business-and-success-lessons/ Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons The 73 Best Lessons I've Learned for Leadership Success in Business and Life By Rob in Sharma, author of the international bestseller The Leader Who Had No Title Hi There, I'm skiing in South America but have also been doing a lot of thinking. I wanted t o thank you for all your kind support of my work. So I have summarized the 73 be st ideas/insights/lessons I've learned for winning in business and life below. I h ope they help you. And I hope you'll share them with others who will benefit from them. Again, thanks for supporting my mission to help people in organizations ar ound the world Lead Without a Title. I'm grateful. Robin

You can really Lead Without a Title. Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do. Give away what you most wish to receive. The antidote to stagnation is innovation. The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having. Leadership is no longer about position but passion. It's no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0. The bigger the dream, the more important to the team. Visionaries see the impossible as the inevitable. All great thinkers are initially ridiculed and eventually revered. The m