3 ways to make native advertising campaigns successful

3 ways to make native advertising campaigns successful

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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3ways to make native advertisingcampaigns successful

Did you know…

Native Advertising is predicted to drive 74% of ad revenue by 2021.

(Business Insider)

Crazy, right?

So how can you ensure your business’s native content stands out?

1Speak to Someone Else’s Audience

Adjust your content to relate to different audiences in a deliberate & meaningful way.

This will both…

Help you reach more consumers

Make the initial ad spend that much more efficient— & —

2Work With Your Publishing Partners

The most successful campaigns are those whereadvertisers & website owners work together on a

sponsored content strategy that benefits both entities.


This helps foster positive relationships with hosts.

3Make Regular Updates

Native ads offer marketers the chance to update content to reflect current prices & deals.

A new promotion or product could lead to a conversion.

Want to learn more?

Check out the full article on our blog here