26401 st. josaphat drive warren, mi 48091 · 3/31/2019  · - na xorax - til/ky xorysty please...

March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Cell: 586-565-2600 www.stjoschurch.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. VOL. 56 / NO. 13 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT • TONE 4 MARCH 31, 2019 Молитва Покаяння Молитва покаяння – це не лише вияв жалю за провини, а й прибігання особи, що кається, до свого творця: "Як лань прагне до водних потоків, так душа моя прагне до тебе, Боже" (Пс. 42, 2). Покаяння людини проходить трьома етапами: 1) навернення – відвернення від гріха та повернення до життя в Богові; 2) очищення уздоровлення від пристрастей та очищення від наслідків гріха; 3) єднання з Богом у спогляданні. кожній з цих частин властиві відповідні за формою, змістом і глибиною покаянні молитви. Покаянні молитви складаються зазвичай із двох частин. Спочатку каяник усвідомлює, ким є Господь, визнає Його велич, святість, чистоту й діяльне милосердя до грішника. тоді каяник пізнає різницю між святістю Бога і власною гріховністю, неподібність власної особи до Бога. "ти праведний у всьому, що вчинив єси нам […]. Бо згрішили ми, вчинили беззаконство, від тебе відступивши" (Dан. 3, 27-29). Покаянна молитва полягає в проханні грішника про помилування, щоб з допомогою благодаті Святого духа осягнути подобу Божу й поєднатися з Богом. Прикладом покаянної молитви є слова митаря: "Боже, змилуйся надо мною грішним!" (Лк. 18, 13). найчастіше вживаною такою молитвою є літургійне взивання "Господи, помилуй". Hайкращим і найповнішим взірцем покаянної молитви є Великий канон преподобного Aндрея Kритського. це старовинна школа як спільнотної літургійної, так і особистої покаянної молитви. Cя молитва містить у собі покаянні роздуми над текстами Святого Письма, морально-аскетичні повчання та заклики, відображає глибоке зворушення і досвід каяття. канон має особливий розспів і супроводжується покаянними жестами –великими поклонами (метаніями). Tаким чином у динаміку покаянної молитви залучена вся людина – з її інтелектом, волею, почуттями і тілом. Плодом такої покаянної молитви є здатність прийняти благодать навернення, очищення та єднання з Богом – внутрішнє переображення особи, що молиться. (Xrystos Naqa Pasxa-816-18) Penitential Prayer Penitential prayer (or prayer of repentance) is not only a manifestation of sorrow for trespasses committed but also a turning of the penitent to his Creator: “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O God” (Ps41 [42]:2). A person’s repentance goes through three stages: 1) conversionturning away from sin and returning to life in God; 2) purificationhealing from passions and cleansing from the consequences of sin; and 3) union with God in contemplation. All three stages find expression in the penitential prayers of the Church. Penitential prayers typically consist of two parts. Initially, the penitent realizes who the Lord is, acknowledges his majesty, holiness, and purity, and his active mercy towards a sinner. The penitent then recognizes the difference between God’s holiness and their own sinfulness, and the dissimilarity between themselves and God. “For you [God] are just in all that you have done to us ... For we have sinfully and lawlessly departed from you” (Dan 3:27, 29). Penitential prayer consists in the sinner asking for mercy, so that by the grace of the Holy Spirit, they may achieve likeness to God and union with him. The words of the publican, “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” (Lk18:13), are an example of penitential prayer. The liturgical petition “Lord, have mercy” is the most common form of such prayer. The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete is the finest and most complete model of penitential prayer. This ancient text serves as a school of prayer for communal-liturgical and individual penitential prayer. The Canon contains penitential meditations on Holy Scripture, as well as moral and ascetical teachings and exhortations; it reflects deep emotion and the experience of remorse. It is sung to a particular chant and is accompanied by penitential gestures, that is, deep prostrations (the great metania). Thus, the entire person intellect, will, emotions, and body is incorporated into the dynamic of penitential prayer. The fruit of such penitential prayer is the capacity to accept the grace of conversion, purification, and union with God. In other words, the person who prays thus is able to receive inner transfiguration. (Christ Our Pascha-#816-18)

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Page 1: 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 · 3/31/2019  · - Na xorax - til/ky xorysty Please Note: Now that Spring has come, our Banquet Center will be holding weddings, showers

March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1


Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 www.stjoschurch.com • Email: [email protected]

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

VOL. 56 / NO. 13 • FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT • TONE 4 • MARCH 31, 2019

Молитва Покаяння Молитва покаяння – це не лише вияв жалю за

провини, а й прибігання особи, що кається, до свого

творця: "Як лань прагне до водних потоків, так душа моя

прагне до тебе, Боже" (Пс. 42, 2). Покаяння людини

проходить трьома етапами: 1) навернення – відвернення

від гріха та повернення до життя в Богові; 2) очищення

– уздоровлення від пристрастей та очищення від

наслідків гріха; 3) єднання з Богом у спогляданні. кожній

з цих частин властиві відповідні за формою, змістом

і глибиною покаянні молитви.

Покаянні молитви складаються зазвичай із двох

частин. Спочатку каяник усвідомлює, ким є Господь,

визнає Його велич, святість, чистоту й діяльне

милосердя до грішника. тоді каяник пізнає різницю між

святістю Бога і власною гріховністю, неподібність

власної особи до Бога. "ти праведний у всьому, що

вчинив єси нам […]. Бо згрішили ми, вчинили

беззаконство, від тебе відступивши" (Dан. 3, 27-29).

Покаянна молитва полягає в проханні грішника про

помилування, щоб з допомогою благодаті Святого духа

осягнути подобу Божу й поєднатися з Богом. Прикладом

покаянної молитви є слова митаря: "Боже, змилуйся

надо мною грішним!" (Лк. 18, 13). найчастіше вживаною

такою молитвою є літургійне взивання "Господи,


Hайкращим і найповнішим взірцем покаянної

молитви є Великий канон преподобного Aндрея

Kритського. це старовинна школа як спільнотної

літургійної, так і особистої покаянної молитви.

Cя молитва містить у собі покаянні роздуми над

текстами Святого Письма, морально-аскетичні повчання

та заклики, відображає глибоке зворушення і досвід

каяття. канон має особливий розспів і супроводжується

покаянними жестами –великими поклонами (метаніями).

Tаким чином у динаміку покаянної молитви залучена

вся людина – з її інтелектом, волею, почуттями і тілом.

Плодом такої покаянної молитви є здатність

прийняти благодать навернення, очищення та єднання

з Богом – внутрішнє переображення особи, що молиться. (Xrystos Naqa Pasxa-816-18)

Penitential Prayer Penitential prayer (or prayer of repentance) is not only

a manifestation of sorrow for trespasses committed but also

a turning of the penitent to his Creator: “As a deer longs for

flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O God” (Ps41

[42]:2). A person’s repentance goes through three stages: 1)

conversion—turning away from sin and returning to life in

God; 2) purification—healing from passions and cleansing

from the consequences of sin; and 3) union with God in

contemplation. All three stages find expression in the

penitential prayers of the Church.

Penitential prayers typically consist of two parts. Initially,

the penitent realizes who the Lord is, acknowledges his

majesty, holiness, and purity, and his active mercy towards

a sinner. The penitent then recognizes the difference between

God’s holiness and their own sinfulness, and the

dissimilarity between themselves and God. “For you [God]

are just in all that you have done to us ... For we have

sinfully and lawlessly departed from you” (Dan 3:27, 29).

Penitential prayer consists in the sinner asking for mercy, so

that by the grace of the Holy Spirit, they may achieve

likeness to God and union with him. The words of the

publican, “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” (Lk18:13), are

an example of penitential prayer. The liturgical petition

“Lord, have mercy” is the most common form of such


The Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete is the finest

and most complete model of penitential prayer. This ancient

text serves as a school of prayer for communal-liturgical and

individual penitential prayer. The Canon contains penitential

meditations on Holy Scripture, as well as moral and ascetical

teachings and exhortations; it reflects deep emotion and the

experience of remorse. It is sung to a particular chant and is

accompanied by penitential gestures, that is, deep

prostrations (the great metania). Thus, the entire person

— intellect, will, emotions, and body — is incorporated into

the dynamic of penitential prayer. The fruit of such

penitential prayer is the capacity to accept the grace of

conversion, purification, and union with God. In other

words, the person who prays thus is able to receive inner

transfiguration. (Christ Our Pascha-#816-18)

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March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2


Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday, March 31, 2019 Heb. 6: 13-20; Mk. 9: 17-31 (Pr.Bk. pg. 222, 278)(Mol. st. 216, 269)

8:30 #625 + Walter Levandivskyj — M. Levandivskyj 10:00 — For The Parish

12:00 #546 + Nick Szram — V. & M. Senyk

Monday, April 01, 2019 (Ven. Mary of Egypt) 2 Tim. 2: 20-26; Lk. 22: 7-23

8:30 #520 + Ewhenia Kiekicz — I. & L. Zajac

#081 + Leonard Kraska — A. Jakubowycz 6:00pm — Stations of the Cross (English) Prayer Families: O. Karanec / A. Pereklita

Tuesday, April 02, 2019 (Ven. Titus) 2 Tim. 3: 1-9; Lk. 22: 24-38

8:30 # 478 Health & God' Blessings for AnnaMaria, David,

& Illiya — Mama Oksana

# 880 Health & God's Blessings for all UNA Members

— UNA Branch 175 Prayer Families: G. Karpinski / S. Peper

Wednesday, April 03, 2019 (Ven. Nicetas) 2 Tim. 3: 10-15; Lk. 22: 39-54

8:30 #797 Health & God's Blessings for Mary K. — O. Zanke

Ukrainian Village 11:00 #866 + William Sudomir — R. Dyell Prayer Families: B. Karpinsky / E. Pawlyk

Thursday, April 04, 2019 (Ven. Joseph) 2 Tim. 3: 16-4:4; Lk. 22: 55-62

8:30 #589 + Adam Sawka — Family

#331 + Pauline Futiak — N. Stetkewycz Prayer Families: D. Karpinsky / G. Pateryn

First Friday, April 05, 2019 Confessions

(Mrt. Theodulus)

2 Tim. 4: 5-8; Lk. 22: 63-71

8:30 #858 + Veronica Senyk - 40th day w/panakhyda — L. Nestorowich *5:00-7:00pm Silent Adoration of the Holy Eucharist

*6:00pm — Stations of the Cross (Ukrainian)

*7:00pm Liturgy / Mother’s Prayers / Healing Service Prayer Families: J. Katsaros / O. Papiz

First Saturday, April 06, 2019 Confessions (VBish. Methodius)

Heb. 9: 24-28; Mk. 8: 27-31

*8:30am — Rosary 9:00 #606 ++ Mychajlina, Antoni, Zenoviy, Palahia, Ivan

& Wolodymyr — M. Kloka

#855 ++ Olha & Denys Nestorowich & All Dec'd Members

of Bluj, Duma & Stasiw Families — L. Bluj * Sorokousty

4:00pm #575 ++ Eleanor (20 yrs) & Walter Warshawsky — Schaller Family Prayer Families: B. Kazewych / A. Panchyshyn

Sunday, April 07, 2019 Heb. 9: 11-14; Mk. 10: 32-45 (Pr.Bk. pg. 223, 282)(Mol. st. 217, 272)

8:30 #626 + Maria Levandivskyj — M. Levandivskyj 10:00 — For The Parish

12:00 #644 ++ Olena & Osyp Iwanec & Maria & Dmytro Fedorak — Fedorak Family

Altar Cleaning — Maria Tytusa and Maria Weliczko

Fr. Bernard Panczuk, OSBM, Fr. Lawrence Lawryniuk, OSBM, Emily Berezowsky, Eugene Berezowsky, Carol

Berry, Thomas Binkley, Renee Bosbous, Jackie Curtin, John DeHate, Alexandra Eillis, Irene Erard, Gregory Gazda, Vasyl Halayda, Ruth Hamilton, Vera Hnatiuk, Rebecca Holowaty, Dorothy Kail, Julia Kapitanec, Suzanne Kotas, Irene Krasicky, Pauline Krupa, Ulana Kushner, Christine Lash-Farion, Allyson Logan, Bohdan Melnyk, Virginia Michaluk, Brian Miller, Sophia Nigrans, Patty Oleksik, Tamara Olszewski, Lily Ondusky, John Paluch, Sharon Peper, Marty Peters, Christopher Portalski, Walter Roback, Catherine Rozmanek, Nestor Scherbey, Kornel Senyk, Stephan Shenduk, Pauline Shenduk, Rosemary Smith, Olha Soroka, Mary Spear, Katherine Spiewak, Gerri Stasinski, Dennis Tamm, Svitlana Tcherepieuk, Michael Tereck Jr., Lisa Thompson, Alex Trebek, Danylo Truss, Lori Truss, Teri Turak, David Tyro, Olga Wojtyshyn, Adya Lash-Wynarczyk, George Zwierzycki

**Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes

and home bound.**

Pray For All The Men & Women in Military Service - In Active Duty

- From our parish & families - Nicholas Bensette, Lina Calice, Vlady Calice, Nicole Iwanuisz, Jordan Wingon, Stanislav Zibrivskyy (Please inform the office of any updates

Stations of the Cross will be held on:

Mondays at 6:00p.m. in Eng. Fridays at 6:00p.m. in Ukr.

Xresna Doroha bude vidpravl]tys]

pid ;as Velykoho Postu: qo ponedilka anhlijs/ko[ movo[ v hod. 6-\j ve;ora

qo p']tnyci ukra\ns/ko[ movo[ v hod. 6-\j ve;ora

Sorokousty Services during Lent

Sorokousty services for your deceased loved ones will be held on

Saturday mornings after the 9:00a.m. Liturgy during Lent. Please

submit your list of names in the proper envelope and drop it into

the collection basket.

Sorokousty pid;as Postu

Molytvy za naqyx pokijnyx (sorokousty) budut/

vidpravl]tys] po subotax, 9:00 rano pid;as Postu. Bud/

laska podajte imena va'yx pokijnyx uwyva[;y ozna;eni


Memorial Easter Plants Easter flowers can be ordered that will be placed

in church for Easter. Each plant is $25.00.

Please contact the church office.

Kvity do Bowoho hrobu mowna zamovl]ty v

cerkovnij kancel]ri\. Cina - $25.00.

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March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3


Please arrive in time for liturgical services. It is stated that it is proper to arrive 5 minutes before the Liturgy begins. Please do not leave the church before the end. Please note: - Please turn off your cell phones before entering the church and do not use cell phones in church. - Please do not talk in the vestibule. - Please do not stand in the vestibule but enter the church. - Only choir members are allowed in the choir loft.

Do Va'o\ Uvahy:

Prosymo laskavo ne spizn]tys] do Cerkvy, osoblyvo na

Sluwbu Bowu. Vkazano buty prynajmi p']t/ xvylyn

pered vidpravo[. Prosyt/s] ne vyxodyty z cerkvy pered


Prosymo laskavo v cerkvi: - Ne uwyvaty telefony i vidlu;yty

- Ne hovorytyv prytvori

- Ne sto]ty u prytvori a zajty do cerkvy

- Na xorax - til/ky xorysty

Please Note: Now that Spring has come, our Banquet Center will be

holding weddings, showers and other private functions, so

please, do not go through or enter the hall while a function is

going on. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Koly vyxodymo z cerkvy, prosyt/s] ne jty do parkovo\

ploqi ;erez cerkovno\ zali.

Please Note: Please bring flyers to the church office by Wednesday. We ask

for 350 copies and a $20 payment per week.

Pryjma=mo lystivky do b[lytynu do cerkovno\ kancel]ri\

do seredy - 350 kopij i $20.

Condo for Sale - 3 bedroom (1 in finished basement), 2 1/2 baths, kitchen, living room and attached garage located in the Warren area and close to church. For more information, please call 586-604-3182

Meetings / Sxodyny

Marijs/ka Dr. Im. Zarvanyc/ko\ - Bowo\ Materi

povidomla= qo> 2-oho kvitn] v hod. 3>00p.p. - Sxodyny

O.L.P.H. Sodality –Tues. April 9th – Rosary at 1:00pm followed by a meeting.

St. Josaphat Knights of Columbus #8441 will hold their

meeting on Monday, April 15th - 7:30pm.

Calender of Events

March 31st …... Lenten Mission at Immaculate Conception

April 7th …….. I.C. School Ladies Tea Fundraiser at UCC

April 12th ….... Last Friday - Fish Fry at St. Josaphat Hall

April 14th …… Palm Sunday / Kvitna Nedil]

April 21st …… Easter / Velykden/

May 5th …..… First Solemn Holy Communion - at I.C.- 10a.m.

May 11th…….. May Crowning - 4:00p.m.

May 12th…….. Mother’s Day

May 12th …… First Solemn Holy Communion - at St. Josaphat

May 19th …… Mother's Day Celebration by UNA Br 76

June 16th …... Summer Liturgy Schedule Begins

August 3rd/4th.. Sunflower Festival at St. Josaphat

American Red Cross Blood Drive - Sunday, April 28th

8:00am to 2:00pm at Our Lady of Grace Church

Local hospitals are dealing with blood shortages due to the

prolonged cold weather. Please come and donate blood. It will

help and save someone's life.

Our previous blood drive was held at St. Josaphat back in

December. We had a great turnout. Thank you!

For more information, please call Dan at 586-246-5574.

Immaculate Conception Schools

2018-19 Bengal Raffle

Friday, May 10, 2019 drawing 6:00-8:00pm $5.00 per ticket

Tickets are available at the school office and both church offices.

Proceeds from the raffle goes for the upkeep of our schools.

"Solodka Tarilka do Velykodn]"

So[zanky 76-ho Viddilu SUA hostynno

zaproqu[t/ ukra\ns/ku hromadu na

rozprodaw solodo'iv do Velykodn]

v nedil[, 14-ho kvitn] po vsix liturhi]x

pry cerkvi sv. Josafata.

UNWLA Branch 76 will be having a Bake Sale for

Easter on Sunday, April 14th after each liturgy at St.


Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Mary Katsaros, Edward Sukiennik, Stephen Novak,

Joanne Klymyshyn, Anna Czykalowskyj, Sharon Bregin,

Annie Sciacca, Maria Garapiak, Eugenio Tavares,

Irene Kuzmik, Elizabeth Cusick, Evan Sharon,

Andrea Hnatievych

Mnoha] Lita!

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday


. S







# 00125

Page 4: 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 · 3/31/2019  · - Na xorax - til/ky xorysty Please Note: Now that Spring has come, our Banquet Center will be holding weddings, showers

March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4 St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church

26401 St. Josaphat Drive

Warren, Michigan 48091

Tel. (586) 755-1740 Fax. (586) 755-1399

E-mail: [email protected] www.stjoschurch.com

Parishioner Information Form We are updating our parishioner list. Whether you are a registered parishioner or newly registered, please

fill out this form if you have any changes to be made. The information is strictly kept confidential.

Please return the form to the church office in a sealed envelope marked "office" and drop it into the collection

basket or send it to the office. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Person (Single) Env. #:

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Male Female


Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Date of Marriage: Church (w/ city/state):

Status: Married Divorced Widowed


Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Date of Marriage: Church (w/ city/state):

Status: Married Divorced Widowed


City: State: Zip:

Phone #: ( ) - Cell #: ( ) -


Children (at home)

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Membership dues per year:

$25 per family

$12 per single person

$10 widow / widower

* Children (at college age) should be registered separately

* Would you like to have the church envelopes sent to you

yes no (circle your response)

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March 31, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5


St. Josaphat Banquet Centre

26440 Ryan Rd in Warren (One Block South of I-696)

Dine In Or Carry Out (586) 565-2600 For info (586) 755-1740

Every Friday

March 8th


April 12th

4:00pm till 8:00pm



SHRIMP COCKTAIL $5.00 COMBO PLATE $10.00 (cod, shrimp, smelt, clam strips, coleslaw with pyrohy or fries)



Tuesday Evening Faith Formation Sessions!

New Session

Forgiven—The Transforming Power of Confession

Started March 26th at 7:30 p.m. — St. Josaphat Classroom

This session will explain the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of

Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the

confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition,

and God’s passionate desire to be with you.

For more information contact: Orest Sowirka or Zach Gala

at [email protected]

Please like and follow our page on Facebook (IF you have Facebook account) or just access the page and treat it as our website (IF you do not have Facebook account) - click here: https://www.facebook.com/TuesdayNightFaithFormation/