2020年度...2020年度 学部別入学試験 英語 【注意事項】...

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Page 1: 2020年度...2020年度 学部別入学試験 英語 【注意事項】 (1)試験監督の指示があるまでは、問題冊子を開いてはいけません。(2)解答時間は60分です。(3)この問題冊子は14ページ、問題は【Ⅰ】から【Ⅳ】までです。(4)解答用紙は1枚


英 語

【 注 意 事 項 】




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【Ⅰ】 次の英文の 1 ~ 16 に入る最も適切なものを、それぞれ①~④の中から選び、番号をマークしなさい。

問1 Eric is not very careful about saving energy. He never remembers 1 off lights.

① at turning ② that he turns ③ to turn ④ turning

問2 The more sensational a story sounds, the more 2 people are going to retweet it. That’s

why fake news spreads far and wide.

① like ② liked ③ likely ④ liking

問3 Crowds gathered to watch the launch of a rocket. However, it 3 off because of strong


① postponed ② put ③ was postponed ④ was put

問4 We tend to avoid people we dislike or those 4 we disagree. But we may learn

something from them.

① to whom ② who ③ whose ④ with whom

問5 A: What time should we be at the airport?

B: The airline recommended we 5 there two hours before our flight.

① be ② were ③ will be ④ would be

問6 Your ankle is swollen. You’d better 6 by a doctor.

① examine it ② get it examine

③ have it examined ④ to examine it

問7 Many people 7 the ideas of the “internet” and the “World Wide Web”(WWW). But

the two are actually different.

① confuse ② distinguish ③ extinguish ④ refuse


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問8 We made $1,000 through a charity bazaar. The money will be used to 8 our school

with new computer equipment.

① assemble ② donate ③ provide ④ purchase

問9 Influenza is contagious. If you have it, you should stay home to 9 it from spreading.

① predict ② prefer ③ prepare ④ prevent

問10 Bob found it difficult to make 10 . His expenses were always larger than his income.

① away with ② ends meet ③ himself heard ④ the cut

問11 Shops in Sweden can 11 cash. You’ll find many stores have signs reading, “no cash,


① accept to refuse ② accept refusing

③ refuse accepting ④ refuse to accept

問12 Japan’s political arena has been overwhelmingly 12 by males. Only 10.1 percent of

lawmakers in the Lower House are women.

① dominated ② excluded ③ registered ④ resided

問13 Queen Elizabeth has banned plastic straws and bottles from the royal estates. She aims to

13 on the use of plastics.

① cut back ② make use ③ stay away ④ take part

問14 Technology is rapidly transforming the workplace. In order to 14 up with the changes,

workers need to continue learning.

① come ② feed ③ keep ④ make


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問15 Shogi is enjoying popularity these days. More and more youngsters are 15 up for shogi


① breaking ② giving ③ making ④ signing

問16 European governments set high taxes on gasoline. Gasoline in Europe can cost 16 as

gasoline in the United States.

① as twice much ② more twice ③ twice as much ④ twice more


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【Ⅱ】 次の会話文を読み、後の問い(問1~5)に答え、 17 ~ 21 に入る番号をマークしなさい。

Professor: Ah… Ms. Johnson, isn’t it? What can I do for you?

Jane: Please call me Jane, Professor Brown. I wanted to ask you if I could audit your course

next term. Advanced Communications, ACO 310.

Professor: Hmm. I don’t usually allow students to audit my classes. Why don’t you just enroll in it?

Jane: I can’t, Professor. I haven’t taken the necessary courses.

Professor: You didn’t take ACO 210 or 212?

Jane: No, I’m sorry, I didn’t. Let me explain. I’m not a liberal arts student. I’m majoring in


Professor: Why would you A ? It doesn’t seem it would be of any use to you.

Jane: Well, my thesis is about communications and interactions between primates. More

specifically, we’re studying communication both inside groups of chimpanzees and

between different groups.

Professor: I’m still not sure I see the relevance of this course to your studies. Tell me more.

Jane: To be honest, I’m not entirely certain myself. But chimpanzees and humans are very

closely related, and we already know that they share many social traits with us. I have a

feeling that your course could give me some very useful insights which I could apply to

my current research.

Professor: Okay, I’m beginning to B . Could you tell me a little more?

Jane: ACO 310 covers international communication, and I think that communication between

different groups of chimps has some similarities with communication between different


Professor: That’s a fascinating idea. I’m just a little concerned that such an advanced course would

be over your head. Have you taken any sociology courses before?

Jane: I’m afraid I haven’t. I’ve studied a little about the subject on my own, but I have no

formal background.

Professor: I still think ACO 310 wouldn’t be helpful for you, but I think I have an alternative for you.

Jane: Oh, really? What would that be?

Professor: Professor Atkins has a course called Introduction to International Communication, IIC 110.

It’ll give you a good grounding in the basics, and he doesn’t mind students auditing his


Jane: That’s a great idea. I’ll set up an appointment with him as soon as possible. Thank you so

much for your advice, Professor Brown.

Professor: Don’t mention it. And good luck with your research project. I’d be interested to know

what you find.


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問1 Why is Jane meeting with Professor Brown? 17

① She wants to sit in on one of his courses.

② She wants his advice on which sociology course to take.

③ She wants to enroll in the course ACO 310.

④ She wants to tell him that she can no longer take his course.

問2 Which of the following best fits in A ? 18

① decide to change your major so suddenly

② choose Zoology instead of Sociology as a major

③ want to take an advanced sociology course

④ think that I would accept you as a student

問3 What does Jane initially think about the course ACO 310? 19

① It will be too difficult for her.

② She should take some easier sociology courses.

③ It may prove useful in her other studies.

④ Professor Brown is the only lecturer who can help her.

問4 Which of the following best fits in B ? 20

① see where you’re coming from

② doubt my own eyes

③ see the light at the end of the tunnel

④ think it’s all over

問5 What do they decide in the end? 21

① The course ACO 310 will be very useful for Jane.

② There is no point in Jane taking a sociology course.

③ She should change from Zoology to Sociology.

④ There is another course which may be more useful.


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【Ⅲ】2019年に書かれた次の記事を読み、後の問い(問1~6)に答え、 22 ~27 に入る番号をマークしなさい。

Hundreds of thousands of young people skipped school across the globe on Friday to march

through the streets for an international day of student protests aimed at pushing world leaders into

action on climate change. Classrooms in metropolises from Bangkok to Berlin and Lagos to London

emptied as organizers of the student strike led demonstrations in more than 100 countries. Students

flooded into the streets across Europe, North and South America, and Asia carrying placards reading:

“There is no planet B*,” “You’re destroying our future” and “If you don’t act like adults, we will.”

Despite three decades of warnings, carbon dioxide emissions hit record levels in 2017 and

again last year. Loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases at current rates will eventually lead to

an uninhabitable planet, scientists say. In Stockholm, Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg who

inspired the protests warned that time was running out. “We are living through an existential crisis

that has been ignored for decades and if we do not act now it may be too late,” the 16-year-old, a

Nobel Peace Prize nominee, told Swedish public television station SVT.

More than 1 million marched overall, according to estimates by organizing groups such as the

Youth For Climate movement and AFP* reporters. The Friday for Future movement said more than

300,000 young people demonstrated in Germany alone.

As youngsters hit the streets, nations meeting at the U.N. environment assembly in Kenya

announced they had agreed to “significantly reduce” single-use plastics over the next decade. But

experts said the agreement which only referred to man-made global warming and made no mention

of the fossil fuels driving it fell far short of the steps needed to tackle Earth’s growing pollution


The global action drew a mixed reaction from politicians. Germany’s Economy Minister Peter

Altmaier said the demonstrators should be in class while Australian Education Minister Dan Tehan

said striking was “not something that we should encourage.” But New Zealand Prime Minister

Jacinda Ardern praised the action, saying: “We hear you and we’re getting on with setting a path for

carbon neutrality*.”

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres offered his strongest support yet for the strikes,

writing in The Guardian newspaper: “Without ambitious action, the Paris agreement is meaningless.”

Guterres also called for world leaders to come to the Climate Action Summit in New York in

September “with concrete, realistic plans” to further reduce their emissions by 2020, in order to reach

a target of 45 percent lower emissions over the next decade, and to net zero* by 2050.

The Paris treaty calls for capping global warming at “well below” 2 degrees Celsius but the

planet is currently on track to heat up by double that figure. The U.N.’s climate science panel warned

in October that only an overall transformation of the global economy and consumer habits could

prevent a catastrophe. “My eyes hurt from pollution. My shirt gets dirty from dust,” 13-year-old


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protester Shagun Kumari said in Delhi. “I want fresh air that won’t harm my lungs and clean water to

drink so that I don’t keep falling sick.”

(注) planet B「代わりとなる惑星」 AFP「AFP通信(フランスの報道機関)」carbon neutrality「カーボンニュートラリティ(人間の活動によって排出される温室効果ガス排出総量を排出削減・吸収によって埋め合わせること。net zeroも同じ意味。)」

(Adapted from “Hundreds of thousands of youth activists join world climate demonstration”



問1 What did the teenage girl who inspired the protest argue? 22

① Things are changing faster than thirty years ago.

② People are suffering from poverty and hunger.

③ Teenagers have been ignored for a long time.

④ People should take action before it’s too late.

問2 How widespread were the protests on Friday? 23

① Demonstrations took place in more than 100 countries.

② More than 1 million students filled the streets in Sweden.

③ Hundreds of schools sent their representatives to Kenya.

④ About 300,000 young people participated by themselves.

問3 What was experts’ opinion about the agreement at the U.N. environment assembly? 24

① It should have referred to man-made global warming.

② Fossil fuels have nothing to do with global warming.

③ Reducing single-use plastics alone is not good enough.

④ It will quickly ease Earth’s growing pollution crisis.


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問4 How did adults react to the protests? 25

① Politicians all around the world opposed students’ demonstrating on a school day.

② Germany’s Economy Minister didn’t approve them while Australian Education Minister did.

③ The Prime Minister of New Zealand and the Secretary General of the U.N. supported them.

④ No one but the Secretary General of the U.N. showed support for them.

問5 Which of the following is true? 26

① Carbon dioxide emissions hit record levels two years in a row.

② Bangkok, Berlin, Lagos and London are worst hit by global warming.

③ The Earth is warming up by four degrees Celsius every year.

④ If the global economy improves, the crisis will be avoided.

問6 What is the main idea of the article? 27

① Students across the globe demanded that the U.N. hold a meeting to discuss global


② Students from all over the world demonstrated, urging world leaders to deal with climate


③ Students in developed countries expressed their concern about environmental pollution.

④ Student demonstrators around the world persuaded politicians to listen to their opinion.


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【Ⅳ】 次の文章を読み、後の問い(問1~6)に答え、 28 ~ 33 に入る番号をマークしなさい。

China is developing a system that recognizes individuals by their body shape and walking

movements. Systems that recognize human faces are already being used to identify people in crowds

or as a secure way to unlock personal devices. The new system, known as “gait recognition,” is

already being used by police on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai. The Chinese technology

company Watrix developed the system. The company announced last month that it had raised $14.5

million to speed up the development and sale of the technology.

The system works in a similar way to face recognition. Cameras capture video of people in

public places. Then, machines powered by artificial intelligence(AI)examine and study the video.

Facial recognition systems identify the shapes and expressions on a person’s face to identify them.

Gait recognition uses a person’s body shape and their way of walking to identify them. The system

records a person’s shape and movements and then creates a model of the way they walk.

Huang Yongzhen is a former researcher who co-founded Watrix in 2016. He told the

Associated Press*(AP)his system can identify people from up to 50 meters away. It is designed to

work even when a person’s face is covered or hidden. Successful facial recognition usually requires

clear, close-up images of a person’s face. Currently, the Watrix system is not able to identify people

in real-time. Users have to enter video into the system, which then takes about 10 minutes to process

each hour of video.

Huang says his gait recognition system is correct 94 percent of the time. This is below the

success rate of many face recognition systems. But he says the system can still be helpful to police

and for other commercial purposes. He also believes the system can be effective when used together

with face recognition.

“You don’t need people’s cooperation for us to be able to recognize their identity,” Huang

told the AP. “People still don’t recognize they can be recognized by their gait, whereas everybody

knows you can be recognized by your face,” he added. He said the system would not easily be misled

by a person changing their usual way of walking or other body movements. This is because the AI

system is designed to examine all movements over the entire body. “We believe you are totally

unique in the way you walk,” Huang said.

Gait recognition is not new. The technology has been researched by scientists in Japan and

Britain and by U.S. defense officials for about 10 years. But attempts to sell the technology have been

slow. One of the reasons the technology has not developed further is because the systems are more

complex than facial recognition. Mark Nixon is a leading expert on gait recognition at Britain’s

University of Southampton. He told the AP the technology requires bigger computers. “Because you

need a sequence of images rather than a single image,” he said.

Security officials in China’s far-western province of Xinjiang have reportedly expressed


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interest in the system. Muslim ethnic minorities in the province are already subject to intense

government surveillance and control. Shi Shusi is a Chinese writer and commentator. He told the AP

he is not surprised that the technology would launch in China before the rest of the world. He said

this is because of the Chinese government’s use of social control methods. “Using biometric

recognition to maintain social stability and manage society is an unstoppable trend,” Shi said. He

added: “It’s great business.”

(注) the Associated Press「AP通信(アメリカ合衆国の通信社)」

(Adapted from “System Recognizes People From Body Shape, Walking Movements”



問1 Which is true about “gait recognition”? 28

① It recognizes people by their body shape and walking movements.

② It is already in use as a secure way to unlock personal devices.

③ It was developed by police of Beijing and Shanghai to identify people in crowds.

④ It brought the Chinese company Watrix a profit of $14.5 million.

問2 What do facial recognition and gait recognition have in common? 29

① They were invented by a Chinese technology company.

② They analyze shapes and expressions on a person’s face.

③ They involve cameras and artificial intelligence.

④ They can identify people from as far as 50 meters away.

問3 In what way is Watrix’s gait recognition superior to face recognition? 30

① It can identify a person more quickly even when his or her face is covered or hidden.

② It can identify a person within 10 minutes if an hour-long video is available.

③ It will be helpful in fighting crime rather than pursuing commercial success.

④ It is less likely to be deceived by people who try to hide their identity.


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問4 What is one of the advantages of face recognition systems over Watrix’s gait recognition?


① They don’t require clear and close-up images.

② Their success rate is higher in many cases.

③ They work without people’s cooperation.

④ A person’s face doesn’t change over time.

問5 Which is true about the development of the gait recognition technology? 32

① Governments haven’t been supportive of the development.

② Japan, Britain and the U.S. have fallen behind China by about 10 years.

③ There are not enough researchers to develop the systems.

④ The complexity of the systems is slowing the development.

問6 Which would Shi Shusi most likely to agree with? 33

① Security officials in Xinjian province are reluctant to adopt gait recognition.

② Gait recognition technology meets the need of the Chinese government.

③ Muslim ethnic minorities in Xinjian are taking control of gait recognition.

④ China has caught up with the rest of the world in gait recognition technology.


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