2015 annual eneral meeting verview - capft - …€¦ · milo thanked sponsors and exhibitors for...

2015 AGM Overview Page 1 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - OVERVIEW …inaugural joint Technical Session and AGM of the October 29 th & 30 th , 2015 The Expo Centre at Northlands, Edmonton ATTENDANCE: Three hundred seventy (370) members, non-members and special guests were in attendance, of which 215 were CAPF voting regulated members and Public Members. CAPFT voting members numbered 147. Draft AGM Minutes are posted on the CAPF website **Mark your calendar for 2016 AGM - November 3 & 4 at EXPO Centre in Edmonton** BUSINESS MEETING [CAPF Level 1 credit @ 5.5 hours LPPP] [CAPFT credit of 2.25 hours under Structured Learning and 3.25 hours under Participation and Involvement] _____________________________________________ Presidents Milo Mihajlovich (CAPF) and Samuel Elkins (CAPFT) called the inaugural joint AAFMP AGM (CAPF’s 27th AGM) to order at 0815 confirming numbers well in excess of quorum for both Colleges. Deceased Member tribute was a moment of silence for: Frank Appleby, first CAPF Public Member on governing Council (1997) Gordon Crowder, RPFT #970018

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2015 AGM Overview – Page 1

2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - OVERVIEW …inaugural joint Technical Session and AGM of the

October 29th & 30th, 2015

The Expo Centre at Northlands, Edmonton

ATTENDANCE: Three hundred seventy (370) members, non-members and special guests were in attendance, of which 215 were CAPF voting regulated members and Public Members. CAPFT voting members numbered 147.

Draft AGM Minutes are posted on the CAPF website

**Mark your calendar for 2016 AGM - November 3 & 4 at EXPO Centre in Edmonton**


[CAPF Level 1 credit @ 5.5 hours LPPP]

[CAPFT credit of 2.25 hours under Structured Learning and

3.25 hours under Participation and Involvement]


Presidents Milo Mihajlovich (CAPF) and Samuel

Elkins (CAPFT) called the inaugural joint AAFMP AGM (CAPF’s 27th AGM) to order at 0815 confirming numbers well in excess of quorum for both Colleges.

Deceased Member tribute was a moment of silence for:

Frank Appleby, first CAPF Public Member on governing Council (1997)

Gordon Crowder, RPFT #970018

2015 AGM Overview – Page 2

Bruce MacMillan, RPF #151

Gerald Matthews, RPFT #200055

Milo welcomed special guests and dignitaries:

Adrian Pritchard, Director, Professional Governance Unit, AB JSTL

Wayne Williams, Sr. Advisor, PGU, AB JSTL

Ivan Strang and Lorne Larson, Public Members-governing Council

Kevin Dunn, President, ACPA (Assoc. of the Chemical Professionals of Alberta)

Greg Boggs, President and Brian Munday, Executive Director, ALSA (Alberta Land Surveyors’ Assoc.)

Ty Faechner, Director Member Practice and CE, Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA)

Jen Sipkens, Executive Director, Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB)

Dave Blackmore, Executive Director, Woodland Operations Learning Foundation (WOLF)

Milo thanked sponsors and exhibitors for their financial support of the AGM.


Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA)

Altus Geomatics


Carson Integrated

CPP Environmental

Eagle Mapping Ltd

HUB International

fRI Research

GreenLink Forestry Inc

Lat60 Geospatial Solutions

Little Divide Environmental Services Inc

Lorrnel Consultants

Motion Canada


TD Insurance Meloche-Monnex

TimberNorth Consulting


WorkWild (AFPA)


• Altus Geomatics (Adrienne Maskalyk)

• CIF–Rocky Mountain Section (Heath Schnieder)

• Carson Integrated (Lorne Carson)

• CPP Environmental (Mike Poscente)

• Eagle Mapping Ltd (James Hume)

• Forests Without Borders

• Lat60 Geospatial Solutions (Lorne Carson)

• Lorrnel Consultants (Colleen Krahn)

• Motion Canada (Burk Urmetzer)

• TD Insurance Meloche Monnex (Jessica Gallant)

• TimberNorth Consulting (Pat Gallupe & Cary Gulka)

• Silvacom (Elva Fogarty)

• fRI Research (Bill Tinge)

• WOLF (Monica Schumacher & Bevan Davidson)

• WORKWILD (Ann Normand)

2015 AGM Overview – Page 3

Members were reminded of Resolutions from the floor being accepted until 1155.

Chris Joly, Communications Director for CAPFT addressed housekeeping items on safety, facility layout, etc.

Milo called on Milton Davies (parliamentarian), to review meeting rules - specific to business meeting conduct and Robert’s Rules of Order – relating to motions.

Approval of 2015 AGM Agenda:

Motion carried by both Colleges to approve agenda, with no additions.


Milo Mihajlovich and David Fox (Past President, CAPFT) gave a joint keynote address which included an update on the merger between CAPF and CAPFT into the AAFMP and a plea for support and ongoing member input and involvement. They specifically thanked the Joint Council, CAPF and CAPFT Councils, members of the Act and Regulation Review Committee (ARRC), all Public Members and Transformation Consultants for all their patience and work to date.

Also thanked Todd Nash, MNP for his volunteer work on governance review – which would provide clarity around responsibilities and role of AAFMP and governing Council. Mentioned the revised scope of practice for forestry which provides for more breadth to accommodate what members do now and changes in how society perceives and values forests. Based on member surveys, members expressed that the current scope does not represent what they do; as many work in non-traditional forestry employment sectors. Future AAFMP organizational function – based on member input on: “what value does the College provide members” and “the College needing to speak out for the profession” - will more strongly reflect the following elements:

Oversight based versus volunteer participation

Greater ‘bench strength’ (i.e., increased staffing and outsourcing versus a dependence on volunteers)

Providing better support to members

Adding more value to the profession

With legal counsel input, the best means of protecting what we do is to demonstrate maintenance of competence. This lead to an open and frank approach to ALSA issue which resulted in establishing a dialogue on how to define and address overlapping scope issues. The proposed wetland science professional signoffs also speak to collaboration with other Professional Regulatory Organizations (PROs) on overlapping scope issues. In summary, AAFMP will focus on a new way of doing business which will focus on provision of value to its members and include: a stronger focus on advocacy for our profession, a heightened engagement with evolving practice of forestry and more support and facilitation of member’s professional development. Relating to Continuing Competence Program (CCP), members must be committed to life-long learning and the AAFMP will facilitate a supportive approach to CCP which includes mentorship, personal development and practice improvement. The merger is important but even more important we are moving into a world of holistic forest management which will entail collaboration across multiple professions and a new, more encompassing forestry paradigm. Joint Council has used the development of the new legislation for the merger to build this new outlook into our regulatory outlook. Legislation is still tentatively schedules for fall of 2016. Regulations are being roughed-in in anticipation of the new Legislation. Bylaws drafted in 2014 will be reviewed and aligned with AAFMP Legislation and Regulations. The future marketing strategy for AAFMP will provide:

Professionally developed marketing tools

Acknowledge that AAFMP members are the best representatives for the regulated profession

A flash site on the Internet

Focused, clear and straightforward messaging

Public Member Address:

Ivan Strang, Public Member (PM) on the CAPF Council provided a brief PM viewpoint on the merger and future AAFMP organization. CAPFT Public Members were unable to attend the event.

2015 AGM Overview – Page 4

Approval of 2014 AGM Minutes:

Motion carried by both Colleges to approve

respective 2014 AGM minutes.

Appointment of CAPF Accountant & Financial


Motion carried by CAPF to appoint the SVS Group LLP - Chartered Accountants (Suite 100, 17010-103 Ave, Edmonton) to perform the College’s annual review engagement and also that Servus Credit Union (10303-107 Ave, Edmonton) remain as the College’s official bank.

Approval of Financial Statement:

CAPF: Milton reviewed the Financial Statement (unaudited) for fiscal year ending March 31st, 2015 that had been reviewed and approved by CAPF Council. Further detail can be found in 2014-2015 Annual Report - Appendix A (page 22) and in Finance Report (page 19).

CAPFT: Derek Fisher, Finance Director reviewed the Financial Statement (unaudited) for fiscal year ending December 31st, 2014 that had been reviewed and approved by CAPFT Council. Further detail can be found in

2015 Annual Report - Appendix A (page 19) and in Finance Report (page 5).

Both Colleges carried motions to approve their

respective financial statements.

Presentation of Operating Budget:

CAPF: Milton also presented the Council-approved 2015-16 operating budget. Refer to Finance Report and

Appendix B in 2014-2015 Annual Report for further details.

CAPFT: Derek presented the Council-approved 2016 operating budget. Refer to Finance Report and Appendix B in

2015 Annual Report for further details.

Approval of Annual Report: There were no questions raised by members on Standing Committee activities or reports for either CAPF or CAPFT Annual Reports.

Both Colleges carried motions to approve their

respective annual reports.

Incite Marketing update:

Cam Rollins, CAPF Communications Subcommittee Chair made a presentation on the progress on the Incite Marketing contract. He reviewed the business goals and marketing objectives; the development and reasoning behind the new AAFMP name, logo and splash site and key messaging aspects. The key positioning statement for AAFMP is: “As the provincial regulatory body for Alberta’s Forest Management Professionals, we provide the resources to support the ongoing development of our members and the profession so all Albertans benefit from healthy, sustainably managed forests.” Key ‘values’ that AAFMP will provide relate to being:

A Voice for its members, to advance the forest management profession on their behalf.

A Connector playing a vital role in connecting our members with each other, and with the broader community of stakeholders.

A Resource for information, training and opportunities concerning the forest management profession and its members.

The Regulator ensuring regulated forest management professionals are competent and ethical in managing the forests of Alberta on behalf of the public.

The Marketing Plan is focused on:

Helping members become ambassadors for the AAFMP

Reaching out to post-secondary students and schools

Marketing our profession to industry, government and other employers; disseminating more information to the general public

Positioning AAFMP to be ‘front of mind’ of media, influential groups and people, stakeholders and related professional associations

Cam demoed the new splash site AAFMP.ca which serves as an introduction to AAFMP as a unified voice for the forest management profession and links existing CAPF and CAPFT websites. The AAFMP.ca

domain name has also been registered. Natasha

Nelson from Incite Marketing was introduced and addressed the audience. She expressed interest and excitement in working with AAFMP in the next phase of implementing the marketing plan.

[Full presentation is posted on each College website – CAPF under News & Events menu and CAPFT under College News menu].

2015 AGM Overview – Page 5

Members raised questions on: Is a vote required to approve the marketing plan and AAFMP name, logo, etc.? Was a press release in the works to announce AAFMP to the public? Was ‘public interest’ aspect missing or under-emphasized in marketing approach (Public interest should remain paramount)?

Transformation Initiative and Legislative Updates:

Grant Williamson and Ray Hilts (transformation consultants) made a joint presentation to update membership on progress to date and near-future next steps which include:

Finalizing Policy Development Documents – for both the new Act and Regulation

Realigning Bylaws with both of the above Revisiting combined Code of Ethics/

Standards of Practice Transitioning to a new governance model

Also reviewed specifics on the governance review – relating to Council composition and responsibilities, and development of both a nominating committee and audit committee in the new AAFMP organization. Discussed a new common Continuing Competence Program with linkage to restricted activities. In terms of the merger, proposed that the new Act name be “Regulated Forestry Professions Act” to

merge two Colleges into AAFMP and be more inclusive of other natural resource professionals that also practice in the forestry arena (via creation of additional regulated and non-regulated registers); reflecting that ‘inclusivity’ in a new definition of practice of forestry. Members raised questions on: What professional designations, registers and membership dues would be created (for regulated and non-regulated) to deal with other natural resource professionals, if they were not able to become an RPF or RPFT? Would dues be harmonized? The existing Associate Category of membership (non-regulated) on the CAPF side was cited as an example but regulated status and professional sign-off aspects were envisioned in future.

2015 Bylaw Amendments:

CAPFT: Three Bylaw Amendments (i.e., Special Resolutions) were put forward by CAPFT governing Council and voted on.

Bylaw Amendment (CAPFT) 2015- 01: - relates to vacancies on Council and the

filling of such positions (section 4.04).

Motion carried (by > required 2/3rds majority).

Bylaw Amendment (CAPFT) 2015- 02: - relates to adding clear wording to existing

bylaws (section 6.06) to accommodate

‘electronic’ voting requirements.

Motion carried (by > required 2/3rds majority).

Bylaw Amendment (CAPFT) 2015- 03: - relates to a change in fiscal year from

calendar year to July 01 to June 30 (section


Motion carried (by > required 2/3rds majority).

CAPF: Two Bylaw Amendments were put forward by CAPF governing Council and voted on.

Bylaw Amendment (CAPF) 2015- 01: Change in fiscal year from current April 1 to March 30th to new fiscal year of July 1 to June 30…starting in 2016.

Motion carried (by > required 2/3rds majority) to adopt a new fiscal year.

Bylaw Amendment (CAPF) 2015-02: Replacement of wording in Section 5.5 with: Upon approval by the Council, a member of the Council or a member of a committee of the College may be entitled to be reimbursed for his/her reasonable travelling, living and accommodation expenses while engaged in the business of the College other than in connection with AGMs or Special General Meetings.

Motion carried (by >2/3rds majority, with 2 opposed).

2015 AGM Overview – Page 6

Final Call for Resolutions from the floor: With no further Resolutions brought forward from the

floor a motion was carried by both Colleges to cease Resolutions from the floor.

Recess of Business meeting (12 noon) until after

Awards Luncheon:

Both Colleges approved a motion to recess the business meeting until after the awards luncheon.

Resume Business meeting (1330):

Both Colleges approved a motion to resume the business meeting around 1330.

2015 Resolutions: Three Resolutions were put forward by both the CAPF and CAPFT governing Councils and voted on.

Resolution (CAPF & CAPFT) 2015-01: Resolved, that CAPF Council be directed to give consideration to the alignment of dues and fees within Bylaws. Both Colleges carried motions to approve


Resolution (CAPF & CAPFT) 2015-02: Resolved, that governing Council develop an estimated budget for such a structure [i.e., oversight-based governance model], including both the costs of operating this structure and an estimate of membership dues to support this budget. Both Colleges carried motions to approve


Resolution (CAPF & CAPFT) 2015-03: Resolved, that governing Council will revise the proposed AAFMP Bylaws to appropriately reflect the nature and function of AAFMP membership dues to support this budget. Both Colleges carried motions to approve


Council Elections:

CAPF: Seven nominees vying for 4 vacant Councillor Positions; Vice President elected via acclamation. 255 electronic ballots were cast out of 761 eligible voters (34% voter turnout). Election Results:

Incoming President Milton Davies (Executive Chair) introduced the incoming Council and portfolios (new

Councilors): Burk Strehlke, Lorne Larson and Ivan

Strang continue as Public Members; Alex Bloss is the

new Vice President (Finance Chair) and Milo

Mihajlovich steps into the Past President position

(Nominating Chair). Dawn Griffin and Jim

McCammon (PARB Co-Chairs), Chris Valaire

(Registration Chair) Mark Kube (Competence Chair),

Brent Dysart (Program Chair and UofA Liaison) and

Ryan Hee (Communications Subcommittee Chair) were all introduced.

CAPFT: Nominations were accepted from the floor and voting (when necessary) decided the appointment to a vacant Council position. Election Results:

Dave West appointed as Vice-President by acclamation.

David Price appointed as Continuing Competence Director by acclamation.

Joel Cornish appointed as Complaints Director by acclamation.

Derrick Kreger appointed as Exam Director by acclamation.

Derek Fisher appointed as Finance Director by acclamation.

Councilors continuing on include: Mark Solkowski as

President, Samuel Elkins as Past President, Nicole

Klita (Membership), Heath Schneider (Hearings

Director & CIF rep), Chris Joly (Communications

Director) and Pearl Stadelman (ex officio NAIT rep).

Shirley Raab and Michele Sheppard remain on as Public Members (PM) and one PM position is currently vacant.

Tributes to out-going Councilors & President:

CAPF: Outgoing President, Milo Mihajlovich thanked the 4 Councilors whose Council term had come to an

end – Todd Nash, Cam Rollins, Ryan Spooner and

Noel St Jean; recognizing them for their significant volunteer efforts. He thanked the Executive Director, Doug Krystofiak, for his ongoing commitment to the College and merger.

CAPFT: Mark Solkowski, incoming President, thanked

outgoing Councilors Tyler Caddey, Derek Fisher,

David Fox, Derrick Kreger and Kelton Percival. Mark also expressed thanks to Shonelle Wilkinson, CAPFT Executive Director. All outgoing Councilors received a framed picture.

2015 AGM Overview – Page 7

Incoming President’s remarks:

Milton Davies (L) thanked the Joint Council and staff and expressed an eagerness to keep up the momentum on the merger and transformation

initiatives. Mark Solkowski also thanked staff and Council volunteers; presenting outgoing Past President David Fox with a framed painting.

Tribute to Merger Secretariat: The Executive Directors presented the Merger Secretariat members

(CAPF and CAPFT Executives) – (L to R in photo below) Mark Solkowski, Milton Davies, Derek Fischer, Noel St Jean, David Fox, Milo Mihajlovich and Samuel Elkins [absent] with a framed photo as

thanks for their service.

Business Meeting Adjournment: Both Colleges approved motions to adjourn the business meeting around 1515.


2015 Frank Appleby Professional Award:

Robert Anderson, RPF 149 received the 2015 Frank

Appleby Professional Award. The award is the CAPF’s most prestigious award given to an RPF who has made exemplary and significant contributions to the College. It is intended to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding volunteer service. Robert is a self-employed forestry consultant with a distinguished career in GOA and with FORCORP. He graduated from the UofA in 1979 and has been a member of the College since 1986.

Robert’s key CAPF volunteer contributions included:

• 3 years of service on the Governing Council and Executive (2010-2013)

• Instrumental in development of MOU on Partnership Agreement and Partnership Initiative to merge Colleges

• Spearheaded development of merged Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for future AAFMP

2015 Forest Technologist Professional Award:

Mike Poscente, RPFT received the 2015 Forest Technologist Professional Award. The award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated professionalism in the field of forestry that promotes the principles of CAPFT. Mike was recognized for his many contributions:

- Executive Committee (2011-2013) - President (2012) - played a leadership role in merger process - mentor and leader to the staff and Council - advisor on the Wetland Science Competency

Advisory Group (CAG) - being dedicated to the profession

2015 AGM Overview – Page 8

Edgar Koehler Memorial Award: This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding volunteer to the CAPFT commitment and displays exceptional qualities set by Edgar Koehler. The award is presented in honor of esteemed Public Member, Edgar Koehler, who made significant contributions to the College during his extended term on the CAPFT governing Council (2007-2013). Edgar was an outstanding and highly respected individual and this award was established in his memory.

The 2015 recipient is Derrick Kreger in recognition of his work on Council as both a Councilor and Chair of Exam Committee.

Vic Toutant, son-in-law of Edgar Koehler, was on hand to present the award to Derrick Kreger.

CAPF 2015 Employer Appreciation Award:

Travis McDonnell, Acting Manager, Right-of-Way Planning & GIS/Cartography, Transmission Division, ATCO Electric accepted

the Employer Appreciation Award for supporting Noel St Jean’s volunteer commitment to the College – 4 years of service on CAPF

governing Council & Executive (2011-2015).

Milton Davies thanked outgoing President Milo Mihajlovich and presented him with a gift for his dedicated service during his


Mark Solkowski thanked David Fox, outgoing Past President

for his years of service on CAPFT Executive.

2015 RPFs and RPFTs:

Brooke Martens and Derrick Kreger, Co-Chairs of the joint Professional Examination Committee, recognized 67 regulated members who recently achieved RPF or RPFT status after passing the professional exam and satisfying post graduate work experience requirements of either College. They went on to recognize the highest marks achieved at the 2014 CAPFT exam and CAPF and CAPFT 2015 Exams.

Newest crop of RPFs and RPFTs in attendance.

2015 AGM Overview – Page 9

Professional Exam Achievement Awards:

David Price, RPFT [below R] obtained an 89.76% grade

on the 2014 CAPFT Professional Exam. Allison

Brown, RPF [below, 2nd from L] and Christopher

Breen, FIT [absent] each obtained a 91.5% grade on the 2015 CAPF exam. Kyrstle Fedak, RPFT [absent]

obtained an 84.5% on the 2015 CAPFT exam.

Highest 2014 and 2015 exam grades recognized.

Maira Duarte (L) and Sheila Brown (Admin Assistants) were thanked for their efforts in planning

the inaugural AAFMP AGM.

Sheila Brown is presented with a picture to commemorate her upcoming retirement in May 2016.


– OCTOBER 29TH [CAPF Level 1 credit @ 2.5 hours LPPP & 4.0 hours G/T]

[CAPFT credit of 6.5 hours under Structured Learning]

The following presentations were given…and PPT presentations are posted on both the CAPF and CAPFT websites:

Mike Wagner, Forest Hydrologist “Forest Hydrology in Alberta”

Thorsten Hebben, Director, Surface Water Policy, Water Policy Branch, AEP “Wetland Policy Implementation & QSWP Designation”

Bill Tinge, General Manager, fRI Research “An Overview of fRI Research”

Jen Beverly, University of Alberta “Masters of Forestry Program’

Jeff Renton, Project Manager, Agroforestry Woodlot Extension Society “Design and Renovation of Shelterbelts”

Mike Flannigan “The Future in Wildfire”

Lee Martens, Reforestation Specialist, FMB, AAF “The Importance of RSA Performance Assessment Data”

Tim Vinge, Planning Branch, AEP, LARP “Biodiversity Planning at the Landscape Level”

Bruce Maier, Deputy Minister, AAF “AEP Department Update”

Paul Whittaker, AFPA. “State of the Industry, Programs Update & Softwood Lumber Agreement”

Tanya Rushcall, Aquatic Invasive Species Technician, AEP “Alberta’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program”

2015 AGM Overview – Page 10

Bruce Mayer (L), provided an update from GOA, then thanked by MC Brent Dysart.

Paul Whittaker (L), Executive Director, AFPA provided a presentation; thanked by MC Kelton Percival.

Jeff Renton (L), AWES.

Michael Wagner, AAF

Mike Flannigan, AAF Tanya Rushcall, AEP

Lee Martens, AAF Thorsten Hebben, AEP Tim Vinge, AEP Bill Tinge, fRI

2015 AGM Overview – Page 11

ALSA (Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association) reps, Brian Munday (middle L), Executive Director and Gregg Boggs, President (middle R) were in attendance along with reps from ASPB, AIA and ACPA.