the · 2015. 2. 3. · the bhffif'fi 11 [nuks, loch iffuks.i m ubur it elm all, n. j.,...

the BHffif'fi 11 [NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS .I m ubur It ELM All, N. J., SATURDAY, A.must IO, *1.00 PER YE Alt IN ADVANCE 3000 WILL UE IN THY HEABT. Good will be In thy heart To all " Lo tbcc Mimuiad! Bii: r 1'ului tn odn-i-V lJurt Arid tliisidiall cU»»e thy wound; Bo thou on earth and 1 ^ fr 'icaven be ('lomrr bound. For iny life It Jove, And boo thy life slmuld be; Oli, h't love's (diadiov, ijrief, Divide not thee and me; Look where tl»« dawn mutt blooms, ' Anu th-.iro my signal m*>. —Edith Thomas. A BRIDAL TRIP. “And when shall It I m*. tnydear?” The speaker wa* n inm) Who liad ptnwd the prime i*f life, and the lady would cer- tainly never xAe.-. S3 amiin, but the glamour of Cupid's Influence seemed for tbe time being to have obi iterated all considerations of nfie, nnd the happy couple wt*fc “Idlliiitf and coo|n«” In tho most approved style. “Oh, not for a loim time yet,” wild the lady coyly, calling up a must becoming blush ip her nalhnv features. “Shall we Hjiy m-st week?” sutffcested her lover, with all au ardeiit swain's Impa- tience. “Good gmciouK, no! Next year, more likely,” with u. little laugh. i **Wbat» W ait a whole year? Not me,” was theemplmjle if ungrammatical reply. And whUe the |mlnt is being argued let me briefly Introduce tho hero and heroine of m y *tory. Place aux dames! Miss Kliza Heed, only daughter of a village parson, had l>een an orphan for some 20 years, during which time she had raided In the town of Battle- moor, occupying a small villa in the out- skirts, Here, with oue maidservant, she lived comfortably on an income of some.&N> a year, derived from the savings of the de- ceiuw-d pai'Kon, her father. Mr. Georgi* Grant, the gentleman whose impatience she i* trying, to curb, having devoted 30 yearn of hf* life to the pushing -of an oil und color business in theOld Kent road, has recently retired from business, and purchased a small place In Battlem«x»r. where, meeting Miss Heed at one of the “amall and eurly” gatherings for which the elite oi tbe place are fumed, he straightway fell in love with her—-or, as the gossips as •erted, witb her fortuue. For the ex-oil and colortiiHii had only amassed a few thou- sands, which gave him a yearly income very little exceeding that of the lady, and It in possible tbat tbe increased comforts to be derived from a union of resources had quite or much to do with the engagement ns the “union of hearts," which is suppose*! to Influence such arrangements. “Then that’s settled,” remarked Mr. Grant at length, after some 10 minutes’ dis- cussion; “the flrst Tuesday in September, that win givo you nearly two months for preparation. And, now, where shall -we go for otiifhoneymoon?” “Ob. what a man you are, to be sure,”-, exclaimed.the lady, with another successful blush. v "Well, wo must go somewhere, I »up pose,” was the matter of fact rejoinder. “ 1 think a^week or two at Margate would be just the thing.” “Margate! tbat vulgar place!” Miss Reed waa leader of the genteel set in Bat tleuoor. “Why, you must be joking, George No. Let us have a qjiiet. week In Paris, away from everybody. Everything ia so cheap in France, you know, uud we do not want to begin extravagantly, do we?” George Grant was rather staggered. He bail always heard that Paris was the very reverse of if, cheap place to stay In. In his heart he would much have preferred the homely if vulgar Margate, and he offered some faint opposition Jo the plan, but it was He had had his way about the date-oFtlie marriage; hisiiancee secured hers about tbe locale of the honeymoon, and before the loviug couple separated tbat evening it was agreed that the first week or two of their wedded Ufa should be spent in the French capital. * * • . It waa the morning of the third day of the honeymoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant were seated at breakfast at their hotel, Idon iTOr, a hotel* in the BntignoUes quarter A shrewd business man, George .Grant bad made one or two inquiries from a friend who was used to continental traveling, and bad put.up-at a third rate but fairly com- fortable nnd very economical hostelry. “Not a bad place, this, my dear,” he re- marked, as he helped himself to auothe*- cutlet. “And really not expensive,” returned his wife, with "prudent satisfaction. “Now, we will do a little shopping this morning, and you had better let me carry the purse, George,? dear. It looks so stupid for a man to have to paw for everything.” Rather reluctantly her husband consent- ed. but witb the old business habits, be ex- amined tbe contents of tbe purse before handing it over. “There you are, Lizzie—there’s four fivers . and four louis. Mind you make them give you the right money for the notes—that is. If you have to change them. They are worth more than gold, you know.” “Oh, I will take care of that,” waa the reply. “Though I don’t suppose I shall want to spend more than 2 or S louls.” Mentally, George Grant rather doubted this estimate of tbe cost of a morning’s •hopping. But it turned out to be correct. They entered numerous niagasins, but tbe high prices of every article offered for sale quite alarmed the prudent couple, and after several hours’ waudering, sampling and pricing, they had only purchased some 40 francs’ woith of thingN, chiefly presents for frieuds in Battlemoor. Then came lunch at a Palais Royal taorant—2 franc* a head, vin coinpris et pain a discretion. And thenr feeling rather tired, Mr. and Mrs. Grant took a Batiguolles omnibus, which landed them within a short distance ot their hotel. They had left the vehicle and "'were approaching tbe Lion d'lJr, when the lady suddenly exclaimed: **Thtf purse—I bave lost itf MLost Itf Nonsense; feel in your pocket- yon bad It in the bus just this minute.” B ut poor Lizzie explored her pocket in vain—the purse was gone, and sh* »t once took refuge i» the relief of her sex—a flood of tears. “Here, don’t make a show of yourself in tbe street,” said her hushum! somewhat brusquely; "come ou to the hotel,” Arrived at the Lion d’CJr, Mr. Grant re ported bis loss to the proprietor, who at once advised an application to tbe police of the arrondjssement. But here all tue obsti- nacy of.the Briton came to the front. It wa«Mr. Grant’s opinion that the police of all and av^ry country were rank idjots as far as detection of crime was concerned. He believed iu advertising hi# loss with a reward. “Tbit* is how I look at it,” he said dog- gedly. ’- ‘That purse Is eitbtrr lost or stolen. If It is Jofflt, there is just a chance tbat an bonest person will find it. If so, au ad- vertisement |s |,|ie thing. If IP is stolen, the thieves are sure to see tbe fWtpers, and f-hf •eward will be nearly aa much a** they would get from a receiver for the stole? Dote*.” Accordingly, armed with a fresh supply «f money from Ids dressing case, Mlf. Grant took a fiacre nnd went around to the office* of th* principal newspapers. In each of which wa* inserted an advertisement offer- ing a reward of 126 francs for the return of a purse lost in a Bntignolles omnibus tbat afternoon. This done, lie returned to tbs hotel, mingling bis attempts to consol* bis aorrowful l»rldc over her loss with very natural comment on tbe carelessness of women In general. Brvakfnstwto still on the table on the following morning when the sleek, closely propped waiter ushered two strangers into tbe salon *iccupied by the Grants. "Soiiiei hiiiK nl.iont y.e purse,: m ’sieur,” he said, with a bi-oad grin. <>ne of t lie, newcumers advanced, and with a light bow said in fairly good Eng lisb: “My friend here, m'sieu,” and he waved bis hand toward Ids companion, *‘ees a com mis, vot you call « clerque, and be viis lu xe omnibus bunt, afterxenoou vlien be see you and your so cbarming<!ame”—another Ik>w to Mrs. Grant. "Aftalre you are go out ha find ya: purse on ze lloore of ze omnibus. ’K get out inmiediufi-meut, but In- not «•« vich go. 7A* m o r n in g be «<■<* your announce, lie not spik Ktngleesb, and I come vis eem to irit.erj»ct.” “You’re a couple of honest fellows,” ejac- ubited George Grant impulsively. .The Interpreter conveyed the remark in Freitch to bis companion, and -both bowed again. Then the-purse wjis handed to~ Mr. Grant, who, opening it, counted four £5 uot«*s und some bs>se gold—uilwuit Ut) framrs. “Ilere’s tins pron>isi-<l beward.” be said, holding ou t one of the noles. The Frencbman snlil something rapiVIIy to his eoTM|>n»i»n, who at once remarked; “Ah, zat ess so, monsieur! You cau yet anozzer favor do ’eem. ’K uny xnl eet «*es deefecult for ’eem to make ze change of /m Kijgclish note. Could you .las so very, good to make ’eem ze little present lu zu-Imvneb mouaiesf” “Ob, certainly. _cei- thluly,” said Mr. Grant, and going into the adjoining la*d room be quickly ret urned with OJouisi and a 5 franc'piece, which t he honest- Under of tlie purse received with every sign of satis faction. More Im> wm, more ioterpiet4-«l ex pressions of gratitude utul coiupliment^ to “monsieur,” and to bis “so cburuiiug duine,” nnd tbe visitors go out. “There, now, Lizzie. What did 1 tell yoti?” was George (iraut’s triumphant ex chimatiou us the door closed. “That’s mof'e than all their clever police would have done iu a lifetime. And now I’ll tell you what we'll do to celebrate our good luck. We ain’X"neither.of Us had much appetite lor breukfast this morning. Now, put on your things, my.dcar, and we’ll go down to Tor- tool’s and ’ave a slapup feed, aud just for once a liottle of chum, eh?” * The breakfast at Tortoni’s was a success. Everything from the delicate pawns and golden butler with which the tueal com mencMl down lo the demftasses witb which it concluded was perfection, und George Grant sighed a sigh of satisfaction as lie swallowed the hint drop of .his cotl’ee. The English speaking-waiter brought tbe bill with a smile aud u flourish, ouiy 42 francs 40 centimes "You-can. change a £5 note, 1 suppose?” asked Mr. Grant io> he drew forth the re- covered pui-se. “Certainly, m ’sien,” was the ntajfi’s reply its he took the note, but he was a very long time briugiug tbe change. There was au animated diVciissiou at the comptoir; then the waiter, accompanied by tlie proprietor, approached the little table where tbe Grants were seated. "This is a bad note, sir. what you call a forgery,” said the waiter coolly. "A what.?” cried George Grant Indig uantly. "A bad note?- t’ome. that is a good joke.- Still here is another, if you don’t like that,” and again producing the purse be selected at random one of tbe three fives remaining in it. But as he did so his face blanched. It was a "Rash’’ note, aiul a very poyrly execute*I one too. So Were tbe other two. Am?suddenly it dawneil upon hi» brain that the bonest visitors of the morning were two clever thieves, who had not only secured tbe original booty, but hud actually obtained good French gold for oue of their own forged substitutes. How tbe indignant proprietor of Tor- toui’s called iu a couple of gendarmes and gave the astonished pair into custody on a charge of attempting to pass false mouey. how they were conducted to die nearest po lice station; how poor Lizzie Grant prompt- ly fainted en route thei'eto. Iipw her hus- band raved and threatened every official with dire retribution for the insult-to an Englishman; bow'they wefe lucked up for 34 hours and only released on production of indisputable proof. Of identity aud no end of “badgering” from tbe police officials space will not permit me to record. Suf- fice it to say that within a doaen hours of being set free Mr. and Mrs. Grant were crowing the silver stveak in tbe direction of Albion’s white cliffs, and that were they to-live to the age of Methuselah nothing would ever tempt them to visit that “awful Paris” agaiir.—Exchange. f Treating* Sliillelali. Hugh had for many years been watching over the growth of a young blackthorn sap ling. It bad arrived at maturity about the time the diabolical article appeared. Tbe supreme moment of his life came just when the weapon on which he depended was ready. Returning" from the manse, his whole beart aud soul set on avcugiug bis niece, his first act was to dig up the black t horn so carefully that he. might have enough of the thick root to form a lethal club. Having pruned it roughly, he placed the butt end in warm ashes, night after night, to season. Then when it had become saplesaaud bard, he cut it to shape, then “put it to pickle,” as the saying g<»es. After a sufficient time In the salt water, he. look It otitaml rublied it with chamois and train oil for hours. Then he shot a magpie, dmined his blood into a cup, nnd polished the black- thorn till it became a glossy black with a mahogany tint. The shillelah was tlvn a beautiful, tough, formidable weapon and wben tip|>ed with an iron ferrule was quite ready for action- It became Hugh’s trusty com pan ion. No Sir Galahad ever cherished his shield or trusted his spear as Hugh Bronte iherishtd and loved his aliiUelah. Wheu the shillelub was ready, other preparations were quickly completed. Hugh made his will by tbe aid of a local ■choolmaster, leaving all lu- possessed to bis maligned niece, nnd then, decked, out in a new suit of broadeloRh. iu which he felt stiff and awkward, be departed on his mis- sion of vengeance.—McClure’s Magazine. THE'OLD FAI.M. The dear oid far nil Its every rod > In fraught with memories swi-e*. to mag * Each spot i-wealls some bygone lmur Uf joyous childhood, ^ny and free. Ilero nature seemed lo speak herself. In Villi and stream and sunny Held; In them I find companionship Thu crowded city cannot yield. W hat are Its shallow Joys to me. Its pomp ami show, its sordid wealth. Given in em-ha»*«e for beaven'u pure air. For bound lens freedom and rugged health? Let him who luves the sickly shade* Itehiud the counter wera|ie and Imwj . . To me it m'etu* a better thing To fuel the Munllghton my hrow. And to the one who falsely scorns The manly farmer’s houest toll. Degrading deems the work that gain* A living from the generous'mil — I'll (Milnthlmto some famous names. Our country's pride and glory now. Of men whose yoiiili-dht uot dimhda To wlefd thi* ax or drive the plow. But letlhe farmer knotv Ids worfli.' l^jfl./iviul U>Vil iiUwhMi stunihl Vs>. His will full strong, and clear his mind, (Iks duty and opinions 'free. Thus careful thought aud Industry Work wond. rs with the fertile sod; Ilis lalmrM high approval wiu From man, from conscience anil from Cod. —Anne Taylor in Farm Journal. *ir.v igber man bos rn vrr manifested him- Tin: secoxd dance . A Clever Clermau. Sparlich, the student, is an artful cu»- tonier- On fhe hist daj‘ of every month he Writes, undcp aq rtSHiimed name, an impas- iiouetl lave letter, aHernivtely in French and English, to hi* rather young^and sus- ceptible landlady. The young woman is naturally delighted to have at hand, tn the person of her lodger, a: confidential trans- lator of these letters. Very, naturally, too, the said lodger deduct* hisid-.argM for trans- lation from the amount, of the rent.—-il«- murbitische Blatter. . Girls of Thirty. The postponing of . marriage and tb® broa<ier educatiojjjof women has brought Into existence a class that'll id not forriierly exist—uamely, the class of “giri«” l»et»‘een 18 am i SO. They, are -bright, editcateil, ca- pable women, who are awaiting ^narriage, and Instead o f being given an interest in life and provided with something to do they are launched Into society with the idea that the proper thing for thent to do is to abuudou tbemsplv<* to Ihii pursuit of pleas- ure. One result of this is that wo Jiaya women after marriage taking very unkind- ly to the necessary slowness of domestic duties. They live for thrills, -sensations and e*pitepients. As these cannot be ob- tained at bome they v^oyt ti» expedients which eventually prove fatal to the real and nobly Idea of nmrriage. T'»e npi»er class girl Is becoming a lamentably selT in- dulging creature, who spend* the very prime of her life fu au Incessant round of iriu.seinent. Tbe great fejsirreejassof cul- Jlvated women cannot be held guiltless if .fc eviwle Individual responsibility and. squander the benefits of birth and eiiuco- tlou on its own amusement, -r-Exchange. ‘‘M'bo Is that uidnterestlng Dr. Stein who was introduced to me before? How do you come to this acquisition, Irene?" Baroness Elella asked of Countess Irene Bulfur. the young hostess, in the ballroom. “It is very simple,” replied the hitter. “Dr. Stein is a mineralogist. He has lieeu stopping down hi the village for several days to take advantage of our quarry for tbe purpose of his researches. P a p a lie- cJime acquainted with him, ami* in couse- qtieuce of his usual cordiality he has brought, this baser mineral among our set of select precious stones. “This pielieinn jiebble, however, seems to consider himself quite <>£& ' a par with us. He was artless enough to ask me for a dance, the second quadrille—think of it!— to ask me wheu I promised the-lust extra a week ago!” “ Well, it seems he was not discouraged by one refusal. I, too, have just, declined his invitation for the second quadrille. Be- sides, I did not save the dunce to give it to this Dr. Stein!” A bevy of young ladies, all in dainty ball gowns, gathered about Irene and. Eleliu. It transpired to the amusement of them all that Dr. Stein bail been refused the same second quadrille by each of them. All ilecliued on the same ground—that they would not squundersuch a dance on an uninteresting civilian without uamu or rank. W hat a deplorable contrast his appear ance aiid tbat of the lieutenants of ttie cuirassier* aud officers of the hussars lu the ballroom! It would be ridiculous to dance with such a man. “1 call that loyalty,” said Irene. “Bravo, girls! Now, niy stepsister is tbe only one left. There she is. I am really curious to know—Inez! I)o come here! Did Dr. Stein ask you for. tbe second quadrille?” she asked of the young lady approaching. “Yes, just a moment ago.” “Aud you gave him the danee?” “Yes—why shouldn't I?” “ Ah'. I thought so! Then let me tell you that you accepted after he lmd been re- fused by us all for the same dance.” “So much the better that I still had the qnadrjlle unengaged.” “You are indescribably artless, or at least you pretend to be so.” • “If you purposely offended I>r. Stein, I am glsul tbat 1 can make some amends. He papa's guest, and I shall treat him as such," Inez answered culm ly and departed. “See!” said Irene to Elelia, "sheds just as unbearable all the time—so different from us.” Inez was the daughter of Count Balfur by his first marriage with a woman of lim- ited means. The second time he married a countess of great wealth aud the possess- or of many estates. Irene waa the only child of this second marriage and the sole heiress o’f her moth- er. Inez’s prospects of an inheritance from her-father were u.ot very brilliant, and con- sequently at four and twenty she was still unmarried in spite of her winning ways and extraordinary amount of common sense, which' had soon influenced her to zealous activity. She was at the head of the large-house- hold and took upon herself all tbe work, which her stepmother disdained-to do. Be- sides, she found time for deep study aud intellectual work. The 18-year-old Irene, a charming, brilliant creature, was the spoiled darling of her mother ami of society. She tyrannized her father and the entire household. Tbe countess hod begun to make a match between her and l’riuce Ysenlob, a distant relative. She did no*, know him, but Was sure be was extremely wealthy ami very peculiar. Instead of en- joying life he was devoting hiknself to study and research, seeking his sole'recreation in traveling around the world. Upon ibeud- vice of the countess be fell lu with her plans, .since, with his 35 yeurs, it was high time to think of marryiug, as he wrote to her. The countess was expecting his arrival at Kumerau castle in the near future with intense iuterest. She did not. dofvbttbat Irene, with her irresistible charms, would Boon cure him of his peculiarities uud change him to au enjoyable as well as obedient husband. “Why don’t you dunoe. Dr. Stein?” asked Irene Sarcastically when she happem-d to come upon him during an in ter mission. He hiul beeu leaning meditatively in the recess of a window, not taking part in the dance. “Because I found no partner,” be re I torted, with a queer smile. “Too bad! 1 tun afraid you, will long for your stones anil will find life among .us uu bearable.” She looked down upon him nnd played with her fan. “And do you find fhp life yoq lead bear able, pountessii" “What a singular question!” “I should think . a |>ersou of your talent would not feel satisfied with it. <1 race,, versatility, elegance and a little wit are cer tainly necessary (o suoeessfully conduct these dapctM, hunts, lawn ^ennis and bil- liard game?, playing charades aiul singing duets, tO arrange social games ami theat- ricals, bnt no understanding, no intellect, no self sacrificing actlv ity nothltlg of that which makes the true worth of a human being.” “Dr. Stein, not ull -people are created to dig for minerals, to work leather or to in vent machinery. We, too. have our rights. VVe aristocrats are the blossom* on the tree uf civilization. 1 grant you that what we are with our refined taste, our harmonious .physical and spiritual culture and our en jipblci} humanity we owe to the work of centuries, but. > vmue« wholjy tbjft wljipbthe laboring class objects to. We are the result. We are the higher man.” Dr. Stein smiled again. . ’’Vil tO this time I have fouud the higher pine of n<eq only |p tho workshops, there where it is necessary tq apply the whole b^ Ing tq attain |he goal I here. Where It Is imjwnvtive to overcome all encumbrances, all obstacle^ and -threatening dangers, or t>> do snm|I laliors with natiHUt#* and J*»*lf wu^ribfii for the Is-nefit of the cotntnunity, In the spirit of brotherly love or merely for the sake of truth’ Ou a fox. hunt, with .oysters and ch*uipi<4 ue, or in a quadrille, , . • Yotiarcpartial, and you are u democrat,” ; j retie cried in anger, forgetting hersidf. ^Labor belongs to tlie pleb aiul the enjoy- ! no-tit <>f.Its fruits to the aristocrat. It baa i-oyer ls*en thus. One cauiiot put a noble JJjirsc t<» t he plow,” :She turned, her back on Dr. Stein and I joined thi* ranks of the dancers. “Ain you [ iu>t dancing, countess?" Dr. Stein asked of I Iirez, whom he met finally after a long. I vain search among t he servants iu the diu- j li$j* ball, where she wax giving ordeis and f drjectiiig the butler as to the wines for the tlll.le. ! ^1 must stop at tjnies to look after |t.hjbgs." wa , tbe friendly-reply. “Oiiecan- I not always ilepetu.l upon the siTVanta.” j “And you do not shun work?” . “ No, indeed. I could not live without It. |I nm >>ld enough Ui know the blessings ut labor.” j It was not long lx-foref be yoong I;idy and |the scientist had entered upon n conversa- I fcJon n liich Invoived-t bediH'iK'staiid gravest iiitweMtHrol' life. The conscloUHiieHS that the* were Of sym pathetic dispositions, hav- ing ^ In* K/uni; goal, turned away from the trivSilnies uf lif.-, seeking the grand, the gocst and the true aud accomplishing it wit h|faithful labor, udiled a great charm- |to tl^*ir interchange of ideas. For t he first time in her lifu Inez felt that she \c»is la-ing undeCstotMl aud appreciateil lu bc|?he~t pursuits. ileeply felt sympathy nttracted her to the unawsnmlhg man whose noble, dlgul fled opinions and firmness of charuct<-r ls-- cwiiie jinore evident lo her wirti every word, and v^io, with Ids intellectual superiority, showed so mu'-h moilesty anil liberality of judgment. They went back to the ballroom, but al- ways met again fu the Intermission Irre- sistibly drawn to each other aud inexhaust- ible in' their mutual Ideas. “Tl^it is just like Inez,” said Ireue. an- grily to Klelia, "to begin a flirtation with Dr. SUdu. It. is simply shocking!" It w|s shortly before the second quadrille that Ii$\ Stcii, m-kiii Inez to Ik; lib* wife. They |rere both alone in un adjoining apartment, where tbe5r had gone to cool off aud refresh thetiiselves from the heat ofthe ballrooAi. “I hope you will not look upon my pro posul us t4.H> bastj’,” he said. "1 know you as if I luul ulway s lived with you. For the last wee^, ever since my arrival at Kume- rau. J have taken notice of your doings. 1 will understand very well, however, I Imt you ask for time to consider, as I am as yet a total stronger to you.” "1 m-ed' no time to consider,” said Inez, witb radiant face. "Tbe surroundlngM among which I have lived up to this time have always remained strange to rue, but you seem like an old acquaintance. You are the friend whom 1 have al ways sought in vain.” "Aud do. yon not object-to a plebeian name? Is tjie rank of asiuiplescientist not too low for jlou ?” “No. Tlntre is nothing in a name to me. It is simply the liearer whom I care for,” smiled Inez. Almost speechless with happiness, Dr Stein claspeif the young girl in his arms. “Beloved,’* said he, "pardon this little mystification. Dr. Stein is my.pseudonym, with.Which fsigu my scientificurtides for publication. In private life- I am Priuce Ysenlob. I hope you will not object to that title either.” . Inez looked ujvln surprise. "No,” she answered, “you will always remain t lie same to me.” In the first joy of t heir uniou they over heard footsteps at tlie door. - “Inez!” Cou*itess Balfur called shatply. “How can you forget yourself to such au extent ? W hat a scandal!” . i fVCotintess,” the prince quickly Inter ipteil; “you surprised two happy people. I W e ask your blessing. I have only to stute j that besides my title as scientist, under I which I live in public, I have also the pri- j vate name Ysenlob, with which, I believe, -the countess is ucqtlaiftted. I “I may hope tliat you are not averse to j our union, as you kindly gave your conseat I-to such an arrangement between oue erf your daughters mid myself.” The countess; nearly fainted away, but there was nothing to do but to compose henjcllT and to congratulate the happy pair. "Now we tmist return quickly to the ballroom, so aa not to miss the second quadrille,” said the prince, after the count, j who had been called, hail gladly given his I paternal blessing; J .The count instated upon accompanying 1 the betrothed ci&ple into tbe ballroom, j there to publicly proclaim the engagement j before the beginning of the quadrille. The j news Hashed liktS lightning among tho I dancers, and them was not one among tho |young ladies who did not secretly rue the I’fact Uiat she had n^used Dr. Stein the sec- ond quadrille and \iibo would not have giv- en up 10 years of her life to atone for the error. . Irene was beside’ herself and could re- 1 strain her self jKissession with difficulty a* she wits doomed to tluuce opposite the bap py pair. Inez and the prince were so enraptured that tiiey hod no t hough t of either the good will or jealousy of their neighbors. Their marriage later was a happy lulioring in common to liencfit humauity, to furi.her progress and euligbtynment, to battle for light and truth.- Translated by Anne L. Waugemau For Chicago News. Tlie Glove la m OUI us History. It might lie readily supjsised tbat tht glove was an article of modern luxury. - On |tbe contrary, these band coverings date buck almost as far us history itself, iJoiner j mentions them in his writings, and Xeno- j phon also, stating that the great Cyrus ] once forgot, bis gloves on an important oc- casion. From the earliest times the man- I ufacture ot gloves has" been un important trade in France, and iu 700 Charlemagne ! granted liu uuliinitiHl right to theubiiot j and monk* if Sitbin to make gloves from i tbe skius of deer they killeil. Tbe word i glove being of Anglo-Saxon origin, it is j conjectured by some that t he Saxons intro- duced the trade of glovciuaking into |England.—WathV.'.gton Star. Didn’t Want It to Be ••t’aplinl.** I At ;i farmers’ club, which bail an exist i*pce iu Mohtville somt time ugn, |hey weie discussing the piatter of &upvt(ii punish qient, and a gissj citizen Is-ing a-«kiil to speak on the quest]ou, rose and said: “l j never lielieved in capital punisbtnent, and j 1 do not believe iu it now. I think the best- j way is to string ii murderer right up by the ‘ neck.”—Kennebec Journal. Explained. Duke de Veragua—Zat Is very estrange; Ze bar in ze river and ze bur on shore huve ze same name. Air. Hoffmuu Howes—Thut’s because waiter is scarce in both places.—Texas Sift- ings- .. ______ Tlie Desli-r'n View i.f Ondnen. There is an Increased interest, ns greater production, of dadu*>s and friezes. This is an age of economy. People think more for themselves than they used to. A decorator, must Ifriow nmi-p because hi* pOstomer is better educated. A buyer asks for a dado nowadays with a view to covering up the worn spots n|»on the Wall or stairway. "Ten j years ago she would liave hesitateil to do this, for the wall jiapqr dealer would have looked jipoq |ief dism^v^ljlf. A room fs now freshened bv a new frieze or some other accessory, nnd It Is no longer essential that the entire room Shall, lie treated unless the entire room needs tt. It | b folly to frown rfowq this growing Cu* tom, and the dealer who refuses to patch up an apartment simply jdunds In his own light. From a dollar and cents’ point of view, It is preferable to decorate the entire apartment, but on the principle that half a I. loaf is l*^tt* r t bun no bread so the furnish j IngH an>l <*ld detail* of this character are I better t han 110 sales ut nit.—Philadelphia Upholsterer. Where 1>revue* fla Not Kit W#*IL | The point where the average bodice Is not •what it should lie is just below the collar td. the back of the ........ There ar£ various j other weak sj»»ts, as, for example, where' j the .sleeve is sewn into the curve at the j shoulder, but it, is iu stitching ou the collar I that the unskillful dressmaker does her j worst. Even when hIh> bus fitted the shotil- ! ders of her client with tolerable accuracy, j she is sure to spoil her Work by gathering ! the islge a t rifle us she bastes on the collar, 1 or by leaving bebinil a superfluity of mate- rial which it is her duty to t rlyi away. Of { 40 everyday, women in. an elevated car often I not one rejoices In a good fit just below the IIU|H5 of her neck.- There are bubbles of j silk or wool which should lie Ui smooth perfection. There are collars curving out, j collars too big and collars too small, ami there are, take it all iu all, enough dress goods wasted in the coinbineil misfits to make nu cut ire new costume for oue of the , misfitted victims. New York letter, A Olebrlly at Thirteen. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps was only Ifl when her first story was pubNsbed, and she/as i 20 when her “Gates Ajnr" brought her i celebrity, so that she is usually thought to I I>e much older than she really is, her name having been so long before the public. She j does nil her literary work between ll A. m. [aud I p. m. % Two Aiuerlran V.iterary Women, j There are two llf-crary women of whom I tin* west has every reason to be proud. They j ure Mary Hartwell Cutherwood and Octave j Tbauct. We nre not abogevber sure tbat I thi-y are not pro<lucing the ls*st native iitei^ I attire now current in this country, j W ith Mrs, Cathcrwood’s work we are |particularly please*!. It has a delicate, fan 1 ciful quality which is simply delicious. 1Miss Octave Thanet is more of a humorist thaijf her Illinois contemporary is. Her |tidc^ty to nature gives i*j her studies of 1character great power uud convincing force- j fulness. ) Both these ladies are artists in the bent |sense, and both are In private life und iri |their everyday relations with humanity as I charming as t he most ardent admirer of : their delightful stories could imagine.— ]Chicago New:*-Record. l*ror«‘*Ni«uial I uriL. Ilolels and Itonnliiig Houses. M ki . hosi : I xn . \\ . 1 k ^ montu . Fac»-ii tbe broad Atlantic. Is ••entraf. and dl rc.-tly on ttie ts>m-li. Juis |j,rK«. w*'U ventilatisl r«M>ius. wl-l*- vr-ranOus on nl) a»ld<-s..aiHl ins»»**on- strui-ted ms n> rwi'ln- Hi* t**i»eHt ..f brreKes fr«*|u every quarter. Oissl drinking water and sanitary coudiiRkti In ilioroiigti order, ami no in>an|iiitiaii, BowrtqiK Alley an«l T*mi«UCourts. HfKS'litl rules for Juiie am i H«*ptemtier, * Hot aud Colil Sen Water Hath s. Tor terms and further tnforniation. address. MKI.KusE INN. Betmiir, N. 4. H1XTKENTM VEAIt. PHYHltTAN AND Hf RGEOK, r.t-:r.M\u. k . 4. 'OaHlim-e .at. Drw* «or»», eoniier F and FJghtti ftveuiw*. T he G’ aki .kton . HEI.M VUN. J. 1B0 «aw rsoM thv. s i’HK. Is now open for tbe seiiMon of iswt. Ail nnslern tmprovenientii. Newly furnishe.l. Accommodation for - jhh giK-abi.- AdilreMH. MBS. W. II. STOYIJK. , l*ro|jri.-u.r T he D ki .awakk . HF.t.MAK, N. S. - Tahle nnd ap|Hdatmeuls first class. T* wtthia IS« feet of tbe <w«an. L>wati»n -rnmioi iw »ur- I'SMHe-i for lieatiii and ••omfnrt. Wiirf liatluior HBsxcotled on tbe n « iit Vine ImimI uk. Sshliigaud <-ratilling. Helniar is a delightful and select family resort W ltH. S. €30*. HoTKK CoWUtBIA. BK1.M vlU N i. J)ll. A. S. HAILKV, HENTAL MTBtCBWK, faUBPtol. s. I. HKASCH UPFH'K: /*. O. RrH.P/.VO. ftrm sv LAKK. X. J. gUWtN I*. UnUMTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offie** tw o dkMU'K liehm tbe J\mt. MANASQIUN. N. J. H VLSTKU II W A IN K H ’.IIT , i »>rNHEU>U AT LAW. Am> Se«:ia u Masttb anij Examines is 1 CMASM'KHV- <>m. «* lit mMHwnee «•»* 'UtotW iU i M tNA»«*t A> . K . <f. S|s»*-t«l attrntlDB given ta e\nniiaais>n of Utte ! fi iiw ti ■sure «ll<fl FOB ALL THINUN ELECTRICAL. "IS® OiicwoiAJf A we,,, Asm mi r*iih jh. jl JOHN A. OSBORN, skhk riwi. cum to-•rtjrmji | Graceful Women Illders. j An eminent physician suys: "I have fre j queiitly hiul opiHirt unities to notice the ! difference, between the riding of Wnen and |women bicyclists, and I have beim much surprised ut tin- contrast la^tween the two. : The women, as u rule, are graceful, digni- j fled and easy. The men in the majority of instances Wave, looked more like agit ated : grasshoppers than anything else that I |could imagHie. They sprawl over their j wheels, sit with their spinal column almoiit iii a half circle nnd net us though it were necessary to work for dear life In order to get-uhead. I think it safe to say that not I oue man fu twenty-five rides really welL ) Tbe women siAuost—if not altogether—re- j verse this rule, for a very ungraceful rider j among them I rnrely see.” — New Yurk 1Ledger. i>oleful I.ooUIng .Spare room s. | W hy is It that a sparerooui has always such-a stiff aud formal air? The few pic- tures that generally udoru l.ts walls are 1hung with painful regularity, set pieces of bric-u brae jK«»e in solemn state upon the mantel, ami often the only intellectual pro- vision made for theoccu[*ant consists.of an old magazine or two. A few 11tore pictures hung in u less conveulionnl way, a half dozeu piiotographs scat tered here and there, a irVlu bookcase ciaituiuiug 11 score or morw of volumes suitable for filling au oct;at>iou- al spare hour, a sofa with two or three tempting pillows—these are not much, but yet sufficient to make the spareroom so much more atlractiveand add to it a home- like luxury.—-New York Tribuue. Til® Queen ItrewK IlerOwflTTca. The queen, when |»o*sible, brews her own teii. She uses orange pi4toe, at 5 shillings, and disupproves altogether of the general “blends.” The Duchcssof Edinburgh takes her tea io Russian fashion. It is brewed in a samovar aud drunk with a lemon in place of either sugar or cream.—Ixmdon* Tit-Bits. Queen Marie Henrtette of Bi-lglum is tbe last onu of the five noble ladies wbo have received from the present pope the decora tion of tbe tlolden Hose. The others thus honored are the queens of Spain and Por- tugal,* the empress of Austria aud the Countess d’Eu of Brazil. Eleclrii* liittOTH. This remedy I* Is'i'omlng wo well known and ho |M>pular iih to tM***d n o Mjs*i-hd ttiwi- |tion. All who have used Eloctrlc Bitters sing the Kume song or pniise. A pmvj ; medieine.doe.H not exist iumi It is guuraute<si ibi do ull that ix- claimed. Electric Bitters ! will cure all diseases of the Liver and VlCidneys, will removi* Piinpl«*s, Boils. Salt I Itheum and other uffections cuiisihI by impure bhssL Will drive Muluriu from the sysb'-m ami prevent as wejl as cure ujl I .Malal ia fevei’n. For eure of Headai’he, ( Vinstlputlon aud IndlgesfciOn try Ebrtrle Bilb’rs Entire satisfaction guarantt'ed, or money i-i>fumled. 1’riceK !M eenbs ami $ 1.00 |ier 1sit tie at F. P. l’lnlbrlck’s Drug Store, Bolmtuvaud C'ltas. A. Bye's, Spring Lake Beucli. Lieatlon iiMKurpasHe-l. IMiwtljr on iw> ocean fr*>nt. within t-r*n feet „t tbu surf, ltli-i-iri.- I«*tu, telepboue. teleijrHph. gss and water in all tt»* roomq. A larifu music nnd ball r.«>m for tbe exclusive U«e i.( guents. HUlmr>i and alley. . i>reb»Htru »n«-r Juiy 1st. Kina <ia«s livery atjacbed. S. A. MOWER. •Jhr**prtei,.:.r. Fskii E. Fostkk, Manager. NINTH SEASON. A tlantic H ouse . BELMAK, N. J. If, IhihI*. r. g A J M ltL A. rATTKUSOJff, J Attorney k Counsellor at Law. Solicitor and Master in Chancery. Rootiis 4 Sc M oniuoulh Huil«liu>r, L ASB'JP.Y P- RK. W. J. a, s. MTtmuai! a *»■ a. <*„ a. utrawom. a. m a. 1 COPING anti SILLS , 0®.-» a| m aiMt Ma BBna Awmumm. OCEAN CROVC. N. J. Tam adjmlmlac FrMgbt, BELMAR. N. J. Estinmtr* fu*nbrt>*d (or mark mt tmf point Iron Lon^ Bmoch lo AUutic City. BUtlTON UROTHKRS, HES 1 DENT DENTISTS j Price* Below all O nSH m . IKlWN-t. UUX'K. SOT. KVSiiM AVEJit'E. I ---- Jaa<t|on of «%sikiaau A»er«u«>. asbuhy park , newjers D ey . New York Offii-e. :!2 W est 2fith Street. * OfBem Honrs. » A. M. to * I*. V. Apisdioments mn*ir> hy Hail *nr Tebrpbcaae. MANUFACTURERS OF ZOZO. Splendid Lot on Cth Avenue for Sale Dinvtly ou the |i«aeh. Futy yards from tlie surf. For terms and partleuinrH. mMnv« O. A. AUSTIN. * Proprietor. 1 T he B uena V inxa . belmar , n . jr. About f(W»t from U10 surf. Delightfulocaau VittW. 4 s Heasou 1KW3 fr>an June to October. MRS. JkA. PEN ISON. milo H-CREOO: a t a BARGAIN. Justice of the Peace, NOTARY PUBLIC. U if Daa^Ia JomiiiissioDcr - of - Deeds. F STREET BELMAR. X J. ^<e* T he B elmar Ocean Grerr, H* «V« I * HitnaiiHl dlr»n-tly on Shark five iniioiteH Troni tbe Ik-b.-Ii With ntiaile trees, in itlway» eraidi ine aud nan oi k aim«.ni did drl voh lu all dtrweibtH*. All tbe of tlif Ilei in iu- House am itttht and airy. ^|<e.-iiil aitention Ih jciren t.) the taliie. and irueelM will Und tbe f.-«l of tlie tiettt quality. Ihire anriug water uh*h1 f.,r ail drink- ing purposes. Fur ail information addrew* MRS. E. 14. IMVlf*, Belmar, N. J.. or. COL. K. a HAVIH. Trenton, N. J. » N eptuxe H oi se . BELMAR, N. J. Directly'on tbe beach^ Apiiotutroents flrnt GEO., O. C. Wf'fiBOW. Pn>l«-ieuir. GEORGE W. ERICE, ;:\RPL\T£R AM BI1LIKI. 21 m a* mnwwqL Twelfth Awenue Near F Street, BELMAR, NEW JERSEY. Plans and Sf>ei-iil. ati.ais Fumtstaed 00 Application. Jobbing A Specialty. SAMUEL HABERST 1 CK PRACTICAL PLUMBE R, STEAM & GAS FITTER. com will nuu W indsor H ouse . belmar , n . j. (PokXK&LY OCK-VN BEACH.) ARC AND INCANDESCENT Electric Lights a * BELMAK, N’OKTU HPBIXO LAKK, And SPKINO LAKE, Fsr the Seasaa «i *ts. Piimi« <tt ail Kind* put In (tnd Repaired. I j iaS Ma«-hiue*i Rej«ttre.l and pMt ia < * r d [ Atove Re)wOrs of all kinds furuisbed ml Whort | Aildmm a iwMttal ■-•rd lo t ‘S u wm , ! •u\4 i1U|«i.-Ii. VSuemlk 'LmwI, Copjuec •*»— » 1 ** “ *«««* In u Worker. f pto«i» M t . »uo ,*ir thr«. i Stoves. . Ran ir63, and walk from beach an.l 1‘avtlto*,. Firel class. a*v.-iu in>Hlatloii • I OEORtiEW. M t LU K. Order** by nodi artil rei-eive pn^aipc Street, Between «th and Mil Atxagta. ftraOdete-e F iHttrwet. near Jttb A*«nu«. W. H. POTTER, .AKIi, N . J. Pr«l»ilet.i T enth A ve . ( J ottaue . coaNica o htkeet, BELMAR. N. J. A FIKST "CLASS BOABDINti HoFSE The rooms sre tarije iuid airy, nveri.M'kiug live aea.and Hie bonne I» )>eaiiiiriiity hiirr..uud«Hl liy laiRe ahaile trw-n. Helniar I m «i>ii>u«leri'il l«e one <>f tbe tiin«( summer resortH on the N>w .iersey coawt; tbe climate In rtry ami bealthy aud thera are uo >uo*u|«iib>es. Tbe tiatbin^r N .lelijftiirul. Itotli Htill and »uff. Jpowt■•’.itiee. I>e»ch. depot, and Shark River are n»*.re Vbau five rnluutea' walk fr.nn the h<<uw. shark River." its uortheru and western tK.un<larie». affords uurlvalied facllUiee for l>-»atnnr. UHhuiK a n d >-raVii>Ui|[. V*eople come from miles around to partake of its pleasure* Special rates f>.r the month*- of June. Septem- ber and Oeloher. Iipeu Julie Ini. : i i en D epoL Belmar, New Jersey. HEALER IN Next t«> Burton’a MUi«e. F Street, Belmar, N. J. J. H. H arris . P rop . 'Two deliveries daily at hotels and cottages. 3m ▲ H P 0 U I RESIST. I rjiH K MAPLE SIIAHE. H B i l e o l Insurance. HI'IMNIJ LAKH, NOItTII sriflNCi LAK K, (OMO AM* SKA C»IItT. Cotfujr**}* lor lCenl Ity tlu* .SeuKwn. C l i o i i ’c I ni]>r<>\ «‘<l a i u l 1111 i 111 pro- ved l*r«»i»erty lot- saltN W 'rilt* lor i'iitiili)|;iie. Ju n e 17. 189a. tr Jake your week ' swy andgo to DANIEL A CO.’S Cash Grocery Store, COOKNAN AVCNt'K, ANKDltY i'AKK, N. J., And jku can siivo olio day’s w««os by buying of them. OoR. FfETH AvENtTE AND F STREET, y^ELMA-R, N. 3. Opeu for the aes»..n of iw*a. an.l wtll K.ntluue open all the year. TbehoijBe faees Nhark River, aud has all the muveuiwueas of location ami turn taliin# to ren der tt attractive aiul comfortable U>. iwrmanenl, and transient ipierts. For terms and other Information address , T b » M am * shaiw . Belmar. N. 1. The 1)ei.kvan Hoi se. "Broaiiway. opp.mite «s-ean t'liib, . LONO BitANfH. N. i. Nicely furiiisbed rooms by the iiay or week. Meats at all Uvmrft. Choice brand* of Wine.*. Hn«.ir* an<i Olirar*. M.MVriN HAtrk'KiRTV. Jhr<»ta'ietor. FEED, HAY, STRAW, COAL, WOOD, And Charcoal, OFF ICE : COT . FS I. M II Me. Belmar N. J. mism BOATING ESTARLISIMEVT. COT T ST. ani KTTS ATX. 0> :T8K Ml VI Boats To-Ijk. Iwjr tlw* IllWijr- W M b .or ‘tim r SufHilWsj at Beat* ^iaJ At ttw He'taurant Meals are I a.t AU .Bcwtre,. wsn(neMkxon wn WIN *T Pt«GET THE PLMS «H L V R M B f AND FIFTH A tK X K , A. W . CORNELIUS, HOTEL WINDSOR-. W M k t r , Jeielei m Ooiicm. *- ^ w . GENERAL jHLACKSMITH, Tenth Ave. and F. fit-. OH THE EVRm-KA* 1 ‘iAN, Ij»k# Av«„ OpjaistU* Hal I niad Station, hfrinu lake . n . j . Now Open for th e season. ThonHijrhlj- me> rated. Livery aeooMuu'Wlailott. I^ttiKrat ass»n-tn>eut of Idamonds. Stlvw- J ware. "NVutehewf t'kteka, t*U*. Repairinj' Promptly Attended to. (’.10 (jm iK M A N AVK-VI K, "* Aabuury P»rh. wm, it. jrrmee. ( fOSKPH YONGKN, Proprietor. --------------------------------------- TONSOItlAL PAKLOK. Oho lM lttr will |*uy (Ur tUly-two v«t«wt. im «m«outk mb navaatu krm^m issue* of the Coast Echo. | mkumak. h . a. H I'.l.M A K. JiE^ .IKR h KY. W ork in nil its V>’ Horw u BpmeMk.y H*jx! M ud** Hh-i*t»». * All work w*rrauji*'‘l to git IfiKfcil. ljrr

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Page 1: the · 2015. 2. 3. · the BHffif'fi 11 [NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS.I m ubur It ELM All, N. J., SATURDAY, A.must IO, *1.00 PER YE Alt IN ADVANCE 3000 WILL UE IN THY HEABT. Good will be In

th eBHffif'fi 11

[NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS.I m u b u r

I t ELM A ll, N. J . , SA T U R D A Y , A .m us t IO, * 1.00 P E R Y E A lt IN AD V A N CE


Good w ill be In thy heart To a l l " Lo tbcc M im u ia d !

Bii: r 1'ului tn odn-i-V lJu rt Arid t l i is id ia ll cU»»e th y w ound;

Bo thou on earth and 1 ^fr 'icaven be ('lomrr bound.

F o r iny life I t Jove,A nd b o o thy life s lm u ld be;

O li, h't love's (diadiov, ijrief,D iv ide no t thee a n d me;

Look where tl»« d a w n mutt b looms,' A n u th-.iro m y s igna l m*>.

—Edith Thomas.

A B R I D A L T R I P .

“A nd when sha ll I t Im*. tnydear?”The speaker wa* n inm ) W ho liad p tnw d

the p rim e i*f life, and the lady would cer­ta in ly never xAe.-.S3 am iin , b u t the glam our of C up id 's Influence seemed for tbe tim e being to have obi iterated a ll considerations o f nfie, nnd the happy couple wt*fc “ Idlliiitf and coo|n«” In tho m ost approved style.

“O h , n o t for a lo im tim e yet,” wild the lady coyly, c a lling u p a m ust becom ing b lush ip her nalhnv features.

“ S h a ll we Hjiy m-st week?” sutffcested her lover, w ith a ll au ardeiit sw ain 's Im pa­tience.

“ Good gmciouK, no! N ext year, more lik e ly ,” w ith u. lit t le laugh.

i **Wbat» W a it a whole year? N ot m e,” w as th e e m p lm jle if ung ram m atica l reply. A n d whUe the |mlnt is being argued let me briefly In troduce tho hero and heroine of m y *tory.

P lace aux dames! Miss K liza Heed, only daugh te r of a v illage parson, had l>een an orphan for some 20 years, d u rin g which t im e she had r a id e d In the tow n of Battle- m oor, occupying a sm a ll v illa in the out­skirts, Here, w ith oue maidservant, she lived com fortab ly on an income of some.&N> a year, derived from the savings of the de- ceiuw-d pai'Kon, her father.

M r. Georgi* G ra n t , the gentlem an whose im patience she i* try ing , to curb, hav ing devoted 30 yearn o f hf* life to the push ing

- of an o il und color business in th e O ld Kent road, has recently retired from business, and purchased a sm a ll place In Battlem«x»r. where, m eeting M iss Heed a t one o f the “am all and eurly” gatherings for which the e lite o i tb e place are fumed, he straightway fe ll in love w ith her—-or, as the gossips as •erted, w itb her fortuue. For the ex-oil a nd colortiiHii had on ly amassed a few thou ­sands, w hich gave h im a yearly income very lit t le exceeding th a t o f the lady, and I t in possible tb a t tbe increased comforts to be derived from a un ion of resources had q u ite or m uch to do w ith the engagement ns the “ un ion of hearts," which is suppose*! to Influence such arrangements.

“Then th a t ’s settled ,” remarked Mr. G ra n t a t leng th , after some 10 m inutes ’ dis­cussion; “ the flrst Tuesday in September, th a t w in givo you nearly tw o m onths for preparation. A n d , now, where sha ll -we go for otiifhoneymoon?”

“ O b . w ha t a m an you are, to be sure,”-, exclaimed.the lady, w ith another successful blush. v

"W e ll, wo m ust go somewhere, I »up pose,” was the m atter of fact rejoinder. “ 1 th in k a^week or tw o a t M argate would be ju s t the th in g .”

“ M argate! tb a t v u lg a r place!” Miss Reed waa leader of the genteel set in B at t leuoo r . “ W hy , you m u s t be joking , George No. Let us have a qjiiet. week In Paris , aw ay from everybody. Everything ia so cheap in France, you know , uud we do not w ant to begin extravagantly, do we?”

George G ran t was rather staggered. He ba il always heard th a t Paris was the very reverse of if, cheap place to stay In. In his heart he w ould m uch have preferred the homely i f vu lgar Margate, and he offered some fa in t opposition Jo the p lan , b u t it was He had had his w ay aboutthe date-oFtlie marriage; hisiiancee secured hers about tbe locale o f the honeymoon, and before the lov iug couple separated tbat evening it was agreed th a t the first week or tw o o f the ir wedded Ufa shou ld be spent in the French capital.

• • * • * • . •

I t waa the m o rn in g of the th ird day of the honeymoon, and M r. and Mrs. G rant were seated a t breakfast a t the ir hotel, Idon iTOr, a hotel* in the BntignoUes quarter A shrewd business m an , George .Grant bad m ade one or tw o inqu iries from a friend w ho was used to con tinenta l traveling, and bad put.up-at a th ird rate b u t fa ir ly com ­fortab le nnd very economical hostelry.

“ N ot a bad place, th is , m y dear,” he re­m arked, as he helped h im self to auothe*- cutlet.

“ A nd really no t expensive,” returned his w ife , w ith "prudent satisfaction. “ N ow , we w ill do a lit t le shopping th is m orn ing , and you had better le t me carry the purse, George,? dear. I t looks so stup id for a m an to have to paw for everything .”

Rather re luctantly her husband consent­ed. b u t w itb the old business habits, be ex­am ined tbe contents of tbe purse before hand ing i t over.

“ There you are, L izzie—there’s four fivers . and four louis. M ind you m ake them give

you the r ig h t money for the notes—tha t is. I f you have to change them . They are w orth more than go ld , you know .”

“ O h , I w ill take care o f th a t,” waa the reply. “Though I don ’t suppose I shall w an t to spend more than 2 or S louls.”

M enta lly , George G ran t rather doubted th is estimate o f tbe cost of a m orn ing ’s •hopping . B u t i t turned o u t to be correct.

They entered numerous niagasins, bu t tbe h igh prices o f every article offered for sale q u ite alarm ed the prudent couple, and a fter several hours’ waudering, sam pling and pric ing , they had on ly purchased some 40 francs’ w oith of thingN, chiefly presents for frieuds in Battlemoor.

T hen came lunch a t a Palais Royal ta o ran t—2 franc* a head, v in coinpris et p a in a discretion. And thenr feeling rather tired, M r. and Mrs. G ran t took a Batiguolles om nibus, which landed them w ith in a short d istance ot the ir hotel. They had le ft the vehicle and " 'w ere approaching tbe Lion

d 'lJr , when the lady suddenly exclaimed: **Thtf purse—I bave lost i t f MLos t It f Nonsense; feel in your pocket-

yon bad It in the bus ju s t th is m inu te .” B u t poor L izzie explored her pocket in

v a in—the purse was gone, and sh* » t once took refuge i» the relief of her sex—a flood

o f tears.“ Here, don’t m ake a show o f yourself in

tbe street,” said h e r hushum ! somewhat brusquely; "come ou to the hote l,”

A rrived a t th e L io n d ’CJr, M r. G ran t re ported bis loss to the proprietor, who at once advised an app lication to tbe police of the arrondjssement. B u t here a ll tue obsti­nacy o e B riton came to the front. I t w a«M r . G ra n t ’s op inion th a t the police of a l l a n d av^ry country were rank idjots as far as detection of crime was concerned. He believed iu advertis ing hi# loss w ith a reward.

“ Tbit* is how I look a t it ,” he said dog­gedly. ’-‘T ha t purse Is eitbtrr lost or stolen. I f It is Jofflt, there is ju s t a chance tb a t an bonest person w ill find it. I f so, au ad­vertisement |s |,|ie th ing . I f IP is stolen, the thieves are sure to see tbe fWtpers, and f-hf •eward w ill be nearly aa much a** they w ould get from a receiver for the stole? Dote*.”

According ly , armed w ith a fresh supply

«f money from Ids dressing case, Mlf. G rant took a fiacre nnd w ent around to the office* o f th * principal newspapers. In each of w hich wa* inserted an advertisement offer­in g a reward of 126 francs for the return of a purse lost in a Bntignolles om nibus tba t afternoon. This done, lie returned to tbs hotel, m ing lin g bis attem pts to consol* bis aorrowful l»rldc over her loss w ith very n a tu ra l com m ent on tbe carelessness of w omen In general.

B rvak fns tw to still on the tab le on the fo llow ing m o rn in g when the sleek, closely propped w aiter ushered tw o strangers into

tbe salon *iccupied by the G rants."Soiiie i hiiiK nl.iont y.e purse,: m ’sieur,” he

said, w ith a bi-oad grin.< >ne of t lie , newcumers advanced, and

w ith a lig h t bow said in fa irly good Eng lisb:

“ M y friend here, m 's ieu ,” and he waved b is h an d tow ard Ids companion, *‘ees a com m is, vot you call « clerque, and be viis lu xe om nibus bunt, afterxenoou vlien be see you and your so cbarm ing<!am e” —another Ik>w to M rs. G ran t. "A fta lre you are go o u t ha find ya: purse on ze lloore o f ze om nibus. ’K get o u t inm iediufi-meut, b u t In- not «•« v ich go. 7A*m o rn in g be «<■<* your announce, lie no t spik Ktngleesb, and I come vis eem to irit.erj»ct.”

“ Y ou ’re a couple of honest fellows,” ejac- ubited George G ran t im pulsive ly . .T he Interpreter conveyed the rem ark in Freitch to b is com panion, and -both bowed again. Then the-purse wjis handed to~ M r. G rant, w ho, opening it, counted four £ 5 uot«*s und some bs>se go ld—uilwuit Ut) framrs.

“ Ilere ’s tins pron>isi-<l beward.” be said, ho ld ing ou t one o f the noles.

The Frencbm an snlil som ething rapiVIIy to his eoTM|>n»i»n, w ho a t once remarked;

“A h , za t ess so, monsieur! Y ou cau yet anozzer favor do ’eem. ’K uny xnl eet «*es deefecult for ’eem to m ake ze change of /m Kijgclish note. C ou ld you .las so very, good to make ’eem ze lit tle present lu zu-Imvneb m ouaiesf”

“O b , certain ly . _cei-th lu ly ,” said Mr. G ran t, and go ing in to the ad jo in ing la*d room be qu ick ly ret urned w ith OJouisi and a 5 franc'piece, w hich t he honest- Under of tlie purse received w ith every sign of satis faction. More Im>wm, more ioterpiet4-«l ex pressions of g ra titude utul co iup lim en t^ to “ m onsieur,” and to bis “so cburu iiug duine,” nnd tbe visitors go out.

“ There, now, Lizzie. W h a t d id 1 te ll yoti?” was George ( ira u t ’s tr ium p han t ex ch im atiou us the door closed. “T ha t’s mof'e than a ll the ir clever police would have done iu a lifetime. A nd now I ’ll tell you w hat w e'll do to celebrate our good luck . W e a in ’X"neither.of Us had m uch appetite lor breukfast th is morning. Now , p u t on your th ings , m y.dcar, and we’ ll go dow n to Tor- too l’s and ’ave a s lapup feed, a ud ju s t for once a lio ttle of chum , eh?” *

The breakfast a t T orton i’s was a success. Everyth ing from the delicate pawns and golden bu tle r w ith w hich the tueal com mencMl dow n lo the demftasses w itb which i t concluded was perfection, und George G ran t sighed a sigh o f satisfaction as lie swallowed the hint drop of .his cotl’ee. The English speaking-waiter b rought tbe b ill w ith a sm ile aud u flourish, ou iy 42 francs 40 centimes

"You-can. change a £5 note, 1 suppose?” asked Mr. G ran t io> he drew forth the re­covered pui-se.

“Certa in ly , m ’sien,” was the ntajfi’s reply its he took the note, bu t he was a very long tim e b riug iug tbe change. There was au anim ated diVciissiou a t the comptoir; then the waiter, accompanied by tlie proprietor, approached the lit t le tab le where tbe G rants were seated.

"T h is is a bad note, sir. w hat you ca ll a forgery,” said the w aiter coolly.

" A what.?” cried George G ran t Indig uan tly . " A bad note?- t ’ome. th a t is a good joke.- S t ill here is another, if you don ’t like th a t ,” and aga in producing the purse be selected a t random one of tbe three fives rem ain ing in it. B u t as he d id so his face blanched. I t was a "Rash ’’ note, a iu l a very poyrly execute*I one too. So Were tbe other two. A m ?sudden ly it dawneil upon h i» bra in th a t the bonest visitors of the m orn ing were tw o clever thieves, w ho had no t on ly secured tbe orig ina l booty, but hud ac tua lly obtained good French go ld for oue o f the ir ow n forged substitutes.

H ow tbe ind ig nan t proprietor o f Tor- tou i’s called iu a couple of gendarmes and gave th e astonished pair in to custody on a charge of a ttem p tin g to pass false mouey. how they were conducted to d ie nearest po lice station; how poor L izzie G ran t prom pt­ly fainted en route thei'eto. Iipw her hus- band raved and threatened every official w ith dire retribu tion for the insu lt- to an Englishm an; bow 'they wefe lucked up for 34 hours and on ly released on production of ind isputab le proof. Of identity aud no end of “ badgering” from tbe police officials space w ill not perm it me to record. S u f­fice it to say th a t w ith in a doaen hours of being set free Mr. and Mrs. G ran t were crow ing the silver stveak in tbe direction of A lb io n ’s w hite cliffs, and th a t were they to-live to the age of Methuselah no th ing w ou ld ever tem p t them to visit th a t “aw fu l Paris” agaiir.—Exchange.

f T re a tin g * S liille la li.

H u gh had for m any years been w atching over the grow th of a young b lackthorn sap ling. I t bad arrived a t m a tu r ity about the tim e the diabolica l article appeared. Tbe supreme m om ent of his life came ju s t when the weapon on which he depended was ready.

Returning" from the manse, his whole beart aud soul set on avcug iug bis niece, h is first act was to d ig up the black t horn so carefully th a t he. m ig h t have enough o f the th ick root to form a lethal c lub. H aving pruned it roughly , he placed the b u tt end in w arm ashes, n ig h t after n ight, to season. Then when it had become saplesaaud bard, he cu t i t to shape, then “ p u t i t to p ick le ,” as the saying g<»es. A fte r a sufficient tim e In the sa lt water, he. look It o titam l rublied it w ith chamois and tra in oil for hours. Then he shot a magpie, dm ined his blood in to a cup, nnd w ith .it polished the black­thorn t i l l i t became a glossy black w ith a mahogany t in t.

The shille lah was t lv n a beautiful, tough, form idable weapon and wben tip|>ed w ith an iron ferrule was qu ite ready for action- I t became H u gh ’s trusty com pan ion. N o S ir G alahad ever cherished his shield or trusted his spear as H ugh Bronte ihe rish td and loved his aliiUelah.

W heu the shille lub was ready, other preparations were qu ick ly completed. H ugh m ade his w ill by tbe a id of a local ■choolmaster, leaving a ll lu- possessed to bis maligned niece, nnd then, decked, ou t in a new su it o f broadeloRh. iu w hich he fe lt stiff and aw kw ard , be departed on his m is­sion o f vengeance.—M cC lure ’s Magazine.


The dear oid far nil Its every rod >In fraught with memories swi-e*. to mag *

Each spot i-wealls some bygone lmur Uf joyous childhood, ^ny and free.

Ilero nature seemed lo speak herself.In Villi and stream and sunny Held;

In them I find companionship Thu crowded city cannot yield.

W hat are Its shallow Joys to me.Its pomp ami show, its sordid wealth.

Given in em-ha»*«e for beaven'u pure air.For bound lens freedom and rugged health?

Let him who luves the sickly shade*Itehiud the counter wera|ie and Imwj .

. To me it m'etu* a better th ingTo fuel the Munllghton my hrow.

And to the one who falsely scorns The manly farmer’s houest toll.

Degrading deems the work that gain*A living from the generous'mil —

I'll (Milnthlmto some famous names.Our country's pride and glory now.

O f men whose yoiiili-dht uot dimhda To wlefd thi* ax or drive the plow.

But le tlhe farmer knotv Ids worfli.' l^jfl./iviul U>Vil iiUwhMi stunihl Vs>.

His will fu ll strong, and clear his mind,(Iks duty and opinions 'free.

Thus careful thought aud Industry Work wond. rs with the fertile sod;

Ilis lalmrM high approval wiu From man, from conscience anil from Cod.

—Anne Taylor in Farm Journal.

* i r .v

igber m an bos rn vrr manifested him-

T i n : s e c o x d d a n c e .

A Clever Clermau.

Sparlich , the s tudent, is an a rtfu l cu»- tonier- On fhe hist da j‘ of every m onth he Writes, undcp aq rtSHiimed name, an impas- iiouetl lave letter, aHernivtely in French and English , to hi* rather young^and sus­ceptible landlady. The y oung woman is na tu ra lly delighted to have a t hand , tn the person o f her lodger, a: confidential trans­lator of these letters. Very, na tu ra lly , too, the said lodger deduct* hisid-.argM for trans­lation from the am oun t, of the rent.—-il«- murbitische B la tter. .

G irls o f Thirty .

The postponing of . marriage and tb® broa<ier educatiojjjof women has brought In to existence a class th a t'll id not forriierly exist—uamely, the class of “giri«” l»et»‘een 18 am i SO. They, are -bright, editcateil, ca­pable women, who are aw ait ing ^narriage, and Instead o f being given an interest in life and provided w ith something to do they are launched In to society w ith the idea th a t the proper th in g for thent to do is to abuudou tbemsplv<* to Ih ii pu rsu it of pleas­ure. One result of th is is th a t wo Jiaya women after marriage ta k in g very u nk in d ­ly to the necessary slowness of domestic duties. They live for thrills , -sensations and e*pitepients. As these cannot be ob­tained a t bome they v ^oy t ti» expedients which eventually prove fatal to the real and nobly Idea of nmrriage. T'»e npi»er class g ir l Is becom ing a lam entab ly selT in ­d u lg ing creature, w ho spend* the very p rim e of her life fu a u Incessant round of iriu.seinent. Tbe great fejsirreejassof cul- Jlvated women cannot be held guiltless if

.fc eviwle Ind iv idua l responsibility and. squander the benefits of b irth and eiiuco- tlou on its ow n amusement, -r-Exchange.

‘‘M 'bo Is th a t uidnterestlng Dr. Stein who was introduced to me before? How do you come to th is acquis ition, Irene?" Baroness E le lla asked o f Countess Irene Bulfur. the young hostess, in the ballroom.

“ I t is very s im p le ,” replied the hitter. “ Dr. Stein is a m ineralogist. H e has lieeu stopping dow n hi the v illage for several days to take advantage o f our quarry for tbe purpose o f his researches. P apa lie- cJime acquainted w ith h im , ami* in couse- qtieuce o f h is usua l cord iality he has brought, th is baser m inera l am ong ou r set of select precious stones.

“This pielieinn jiebble, however, seems to consider h im se lf q u ite <>£&' a par w ith us. He was artless enough to ask me for a dance, the second quad rille—th in k of i t !— to ask me wheu I promised the-lust extra a week ago!”

“ W e ll, it seems he was no t d iscouraged by one refusal. I, too, have just, declined his inv ita tio n for the second quadrille . Be­sides, I d id not save the dunce to give i t to th is Dr. S te in !”

A bevy of young ladies, a ll in d a in ty ba ll gowns, gathered ab ou t Irene and. E le liu . I t transpired to th e am usem ent of them a ll th a t Dr. S tein bail been refused the same second quad rille by each of them .

A ll ilecliued on the same ground—th a t they w ou ld no t squundersuch a dance on an unin teresting c iv ilian w ith o u t uam u or rank.

W h a t a deplorable contrast his appear ance aiid tb a t o f the lieu tenan ts o f ttie cuirassier* aud officers o f the hussars lu the ballroom ! I t would be ridicu lous to dance w ith such a man.

“ 1 call th a t loyalty ,” said Irene. “ Bravo, girls! Now , niy stepsister is tbe only one left. There she is. I am really curious to know — Inez! I)o come here! D id Dr. Stein ask you for. tbe second quadrille ?” she asked of the young lady approaching.

“ Yes, ju s t a m om ent ago .”“ A ud you gave h im the danee?”“ Yes—w hy shou ldn 't I? ”“ Ah'. I th oug h t so! Then let me tell

you th a t you accepted after he lmd been re­fused by us a ll for the same dance.”

“So m uch the better th a t I s t ill had the qnadrjlle unengaged.”

“ You are indescribably artless, or a t least you pretend to be so.” •

“ I f you purposely offended I>r. Stein, I am glsul tb a t 1 can m ake some amends. He

papa's guest, and I shall treat h im as such ," Inez answered culm ly and departed.

“See!” said Irene to E le lia , "sheds ju s t as unbearable a ll the tim e—so different from us.”

Inez was the daugh te r of C oun t B a lfu r by his first marriage w ith a w om an of lim ­ited means. The second tim e he married a countess of great w ealth aud the possess­or o f m any estates.

Irene waa the on ly ch ild of th is second marriage and the sole heiress o’f her m o th ­er. Inez’s prospects of an inheritance from her-father were u.ot very b r illian t, and con­sequently a t four and tw enty she was still unm arried in spite o f her w inn in g ways and extraord inary am oun t of common sense, which' had soon influenced her to zealous activity.

She was a t the head of the large- house­hold and took upon herself a ll tbe work, w hich her stepmother disdained-to do. Be­sides, she found tim e for deep study aud in te llectua l w ork. The 18-year-old Irene, a charm ing , b r il lia n t creature, was the spoiled d a rlin g of her m other am i o f society.

She tyrannized her father and the entire household. Tbe countess hod begun to m ake a m atch between her and l ’riuce Ysenlob, a d is ta n t relative. She d id no*, know h im , bu t Was sure be was extremely w ealthy am i very peculiar. Instead of en­jo y in g life he was devoting hiknself to study and research, seeking his sole'recreation in trave ling around the world. Upon ibeud- vice of the countess be fell lu w ith her p lans, .since, w ith his 35 yeurs, i t was high tim e to th in k o f m arry iug , as he wrote to her.

The countess was expecting his arriva l at K um erau castle in the near fu ture w ith intense iuterest. She d id not. d o fvb ttba t

Irene, w ith her irresistible charms, would Boon cure h im of his peculiarities uud change h im to au enjoyable as w ell as obedient husband.

“ W h y don ’t you dunoe. Dr. S tein?” asked Irene Sarcastically when she happem-d to come upon h im d u rin g an in ter m ission. He hiul beeu lean ing m ed ita tive ly in the recess of a w indow , no t ta k in g part in the dance.

“ Because I found no partner,” be re I torted, w ith a queer smile.

“ Too bad! 1 tun afraid you, w ill long for your stones an il w ill find life am ong .us uu bearable.”

She looked down upon h im nnd played w ith her fan.

“A n d do you find fhp life yoq lead bear able, pountessii"

“ W h a t a s ingu lar question!”“ I should th in k . a |>ersou o f your talent

w ould no t feel satisfied w ith it. <1 race,, versatility , elegance and a lit tle w it are cer ta in ly necessary (o suoeessfully conduct these dapctM, hunts , law n ^ennis and b il­liard game?, p lay ing charades a iu l s ing ing duets, tO arrange social games am i theat­ricals, b n t no understanding, no intellect, no self sacrificing actlv ity no th ltlg of tha t w hich m akes the true worth of a hum an being .”

“ Dr. S tein , no t u l l -people are created to d ig for m inerals, to work leather or to in vent machinery. W e, too. have our rights. VVe aristocrats are the blossom* on the tree uf c iv ilization . 1 g ran t you th a t w hat we are w ith our refined taste, our harmonious .physical and sp ir itua l cu lture and our en jipblci} hum an ity we owe to the work of centuries, but. >vmue« w holjy tb jft w ljip b the

laboring class objects to. W e are the result. W e are the h igher m an .”

Dr. S tein sm iled aga in . .

’’V il tO th is tim e I have fouud the higher pine of n<eq on ly |p tho workshops, there where it is necessary tq app ly the whole b ^ In g tq a tta in |he goal I here. Where I t Is imjwnvtive to overcome a ll encumbrances, a ll obstacle^ and -threatening dangers, or t>> do snm|I laliors w ith natiHUt#* and J*»*lf wu^ribfii for the Is-nefit of the cotntnunity, In the spirit of brotherly love or merely for th e sake of tru th ’ Ou a fox. h u n t, w ith .oysters and ch*uipi<4 ue, or in a quadrille ,

, . • Y o tiarcpartia l, and you are u democrat,”; j retie cried in anger, forgetting hersidf.^L a b o r belongs to tlie pleb aiul the enjoy-

! no-tit <>f.Its fru its to the aristocrat. I t baa i-oyer ls*en thus. One cauiiot p u t a noble JJjirsc t<» t he plow ,”

:She turned, her back on Dr. Stein and I jo ined thi* ranks o f the dancers. “A in you [ iu>t danc ing , countess?" Dr. S te in asked of I Iirez, w hom he m et fina lly after a long.I vain search am ong t he servants iu the diu- j li$j* b a ll, where she wax g iv ing ordeis and f drjectiiig the butler as to the wines for the tlll.le.

! ^1 m ust stop a t tjnies to look after | t.hjbgs." w a , tbe friendly-reply. “Oiiecan- I not always ilepetu.l upon the siTVanta.” j “A n d you do not shun w ork?” .

“ No, indeed. I could no t live w ithout It.| I nm >>ld enough Ui know the blessings ut labor.”

j I t was no t long lx-foref be yoong I;idy and | the scientist had entered upon n conversa- I fcJon n liich Invoived-t bediH'iK'staiid gravest iiitweMtHrol' life. The conscloUHiieHS tha t th e * were Of sym pathetic dispositions, hav­in g ^ In* K/uni; goal, turned aw ay from the tr ivS iln ie s uf lif.-, seeking the grand , the gocst and the true aud accomplishing it wit h | fa ith fu l labor, udiled a great charm-

| to tl^*ir interchange of ideas.For t he first tim e in her lifu Inez fe lt th a t

she \c»is la-ing undeCstotMl a u d appreciateil lu bc|?he~t pursuits.

ileeply fe lt sym pathy nttracted her to the unawsnm lhg man whose noble, d lgu l fled op in ions and firmness o f charuct<-r ls-- cwiiie jinore evident lo her w irti every word, and v^io, w ith Ids inte llectua l superiority, showed so mu'-h moilesty an il liberality of judgm ent.

They w ent back to the ballroom , bu t a l­ways m et aga in fu the Interm ission Irre­sis tib ly draw n to each other aud inexhaust­ible in' the ir m u tu a l Ideas.

“T l^ it is ju s t lik e Inez,” said Ireue. an­g r ily to K lelia, " to begin a flirta tion w ith Dr. SUdu. It. is s im p ly shocking!"

I t w|s shortly before the second quadrille t h a t Ii$\ Stcii, m-kiii Inez to Ik; lib* wife. They |rere both alone in un ad jo in ing apartm ent, where tbe5r had gone to cool off aud refresh thetiiselves from the heat o fthe ballrooAi.

“ I hope you w ill no t look upon m y p ro posul us t4.H> bastj’, ” he said. "1 know you as i f I luul ulway s lived w ith you. For the last wee^, ever since my arrival a t Kum e­rau. J have taken notice o f your doings. 1 w ill understand very well, however, I Imt you ask for tim e to consider, as I am as yet a to ta l stronger to you .”

"1 m-ed' no tim e to consider,” said Inez, w itb rad iant face. "Tbe surroundlngM am ong w hich I have lived up to th is time

have a lw ays remained strange to rue, but you seem lik e an old acquaintance. You are the friend w hom 1 have al ways sought in v a in .”

" A u d do . y on no t object-to a plebeian name? Is t jie rank of a s iu ip lesc ien tis t not too low for jlou ?”

“ No. Tlntre is no th ing in a nam e to me. I t is s im p ly the liearer w hom I care for,” sm iled Inez.

A lm os t speechless w ith happiness, D r S te in claspeif the young g ir l in his arms.

“ Beloved,’* said he, "pardon th is little m ystification . Dr. S tein is my.pseudonym , w ith .W h ich fs ig u m y sc ien tificu rtides for pub lication . In private life- I am Priuce Ysenlob. I hope you w ill no t object to that t it le either.”. Inez looked u jv ln surprise.

"N o ,” she answered, “you w ill always rem ain t lie same to me.”

In the first jo y of t heir un iou they over heard footsteps a t tlie door.- “ Inez!” Cou*itess B a lfu r called shatply. “H ow can you forget yourself to such au extent ? W h a t a scandal!” .

ifVCotintess,” the prince q u ick ly Inter ip teil; “you surprised tw o happy people.

I W e ask your blessing. I have on ly to stute j th a t besides m y t it le as scientist, under I w hich I live in pub lic , I have also the pri- j vate name Ysenlob, w ith w hich , I believe,- the countess is ucqtlaiftted.

I “ I may hope t l ia t you are no t averse to j ou r un ion , as you k ind ly gave your conseat I-to such an arrangem ent between oue erf

your daughters m id m yself.”The countess; nearly fa inted away, but

there was no th in g to do b u t to compose henjcllT and to congratu la te the happy pair.

"N o w we tm ist return qu ick ly to the ballroom , so aa no t to m iss the second quad r ille ,” said th e prince, after the count,

j w ho had been called, hail g ladly given his I paternal blessing;J .T he coun t instated upon accompanying 1 the betrothed c i& ple in to tbe ballroom , j there to pub lic ly proclaim the engagement j before the beg inn ing of the quadrille . The j news Hashed liktS lig h tn in g am ong tho I dancers, and th e m was no t one am ong tho | young ladies w ho d id no t secretly rue the I’ fact U iat she had n^used Dr. Stein the sec­ond quad r ille and \iibo would no t have g iv ­en u p 10 years of her life to atone for the error. . •

Irene was beside’ herself and could re- 1 s tra in her self jKissession w ith d ifficu lty a*

she wits doomed to tluuce opposite the bap py pair.

Inez and the prince were so enraptured th a t tiiey hod no t hough t of either the good w ill o r jealousy of the ir neighbors. Their m arriage la ter was a happy lulioring in common to liencfit h um au ity , to furi.her progress and euligbtynm ent, to battle for lig h t and tr u th .- Translated by A nne L. W augem au For Chicago News.

Tlie Glove la m OUI us H istory.

I t m ig h t lie readily supjsised tb a t th t glove was an article of modern luxury . - On

| tbe contrary, these band coverings date buck a lm ost as far us history itself, iJo iner

j mentions them in his w ritings, and Xeno- j phon also, s ta tin g th a t the great Cyrus ] once forgot, bis gloves on an im portan t oc­casion. F rom the earliest times the man-

I ufacture o t gloves has" been un im portant trade in France, and iu 700 Charlemagne

! granted liu uu liin itiH l r igh t to theub iio t j and m onk* i f S itb in to m ake gloves from i tbe skius o f deer they kille il. Tbe word i glove being o f Anglo-Saxon or ig in , i t is j conjectured by some th a t t he Saxons intro­duced the trade o f g lovc iuak ing into

| E n g lan d .—WathV.'.gton Star.

D id n ’t W an t I t to Be ••t’aplinl.**

I A t ;i farmers’ club , which bail an exist i*pce iu M ohtv ille som t tim e ugn, |hey weie discussing the p ia tter of &upvt(ii punish qient, and a gissj citizen Is-ing a-«kiil to speak on the quest]ou, rose and said: “ l

j never lielieved in cap ital punisbtnent, and j 1 do not believe iu it now. I th in k the best- j way is to s tr ing ii murderer r ig h t u p by the ‘ neck.” —Kennebec Jo urn a l.

Exp la ined .

D uke de V eragua—Z a t Is very estrange; Ze bar in ze river and ze bur on shore huve ze same name.

Air. Hoffm uu Howes—T hut’s because waiter is scarce in both places.—Texas S ift­ings- . . ______

Tlie Desli-r'n View i.f Ondnen.

There is an Increased interest, ns greater production, o f dadu*>s and friezes. This is an age of economy. People th in k more for themselves than they used to. A decorator, m ust Ifriow nmi-p because h i* pOstomer is better educated. A buyer asks for a dado nowadays w ith a view to covering u p the worn spots n|»on the W all or stairway. "Ten

j years ago she would liave hesitateil to do this, for the w all jiapqr dealer would have looked jipoq |ief d ism ^v^ljlf.

A room fs now freshened bv a new frieze or some other accessory, nnd It Is no longer essential th a t the entire room Shall, lie treated unless the entire room needs tt. It |b fo lly to frown rfowq th is grow ing Cu * tom , and the dealer who refuses to patch up an apartm ent s im ply jdunds In his own light. From a do llar and cents’ p o in t of view, It is preferable to decorate the entire

apartm ent, b u t on the princip le th a t ha lf a I. loaf is l*^tt* r t bun no bread so the furnish j IngH an>l <*ld de ta il* of th is character are I better t han 110 sales u t nit.— Ph ilade lph ia


W here 1>revue* f la Not K it W#*IL

| The point where the average bodice Is no t •w hat it should lie is ju s t below the collartd. the back of the ........ There ar£ various

j other weak sj»»ts, as, for example, where' j the .sleeve is sewn in to the curve a t the j shoulder, bu t it, is iu s titch ing ou the collar I th a t the u n sk illfu l dressmaker does her j worst. Even when hIh> bus fitted the shotil- ! ders of her c lient w ith tolerable accuracy, j she is sure to spoil her Work by gathering ! the islge a t rifle us she bastes on the collar,1 or by leaving bebinil a superfluity o f m ate­

rial which it is her du ty to t rlyi away. O f { 40 everyday, women in. an elevated car often I not one rejoices In a good fit ju s t below the

IIU|H5 o f her neck.- There are bubbles o f j s ilk o r wool w hich shou ld lie Ui smooth perfection. There are collars cu rv ing out,

j collars too big and collars too sm a ll, am ithere are, take it a ll iu a ll, enough dressgoods wasted in the coinbineil m isfits to m ake nu cut ire new costume for oue of the

, m isfitted victims. New Y ork le tte r ,

A O le b r l ly a t Thirteen.

E lizabeth S tuar t Phelps was on ly Ifl when her first story was pubNsbed, and s h e / a s

i 20 w hen her “ G ates A jn r " b ro ugh t her i celebrity, so th a t she is usually th oug h t to I I>e m uch older than she really is, her name ■ hav ing been so long before the public. She j does n il her literary work between ll A. m.[ aud I p. m . %

Two A iuerlran V.iterary W om en,

j There are tw o llf-crary women of w hom I tin* west has every reason to be proud. They j ure Mary H artw e ll Cutherwood and Octave j T bauct. W e nre no t abogevber sure tb a t I thi-y are no t pro<lucing the ls*st native iitei^I attire now current in th is country, j W ith Mrs, C athcrw ood’s w ork we are | p articu lar ly please*!. I t has a delicate, fan 1 c ifu l q ua lity w hich is s im p ly delicious.1 M iss Octave T hanet is more o f a hum oris t thaijf her Illino is contemporary is. Her

| tidc^ty to na ture gives i*j her stud ies of 1 character great power uud convinc ing force- j fulness.) Both these ladies are artists in the bent | sense, and both are In private life und iri | the ir everyday relations w ith h um an ity as I charm ing as t he most a rdent adm irer of : the ir de ligh tfu l stories could im ag ine .—] Chicago New:*-Record.

l* r o r « ‘* N i« u ia l I u r i L .I l o l e l s a n d I t o n n l i i i g H o u s e s .

M k i . h o s i : I x n . \\ . 1 k ^ m o n t u .Fac»-ii tbe broad Atlantic. Is ••entraf. and dl

rc.-tly on ttie ts>m-li. Ju is |j,rK«. w*'U ventilatisl r«M>ius. wl-l*- vr-ranOus on nl) a»ld<-s..aiHl ins»»**on- strui-ted ms n> rwi'ln- Hi* t**i»eHt ..f brreKes fr«*|u every quarter.

Oissl drinking water and sanitary coudiiRkti In ilioroiigti order, ami no in>an|iiitiaii,

BowrtqiK Alley an«l T*mi«U C ourts.HfKS'litl rules for Juiie am i H«*ptemtier, * Hot aud Colil Sen Water Hath s.Tor terms and further tnforniation. address.

MKI.KusE INN.Betm iir , N. 4.


PH YH ltT AN A N D Hf R G E O K ,

r.t-:r.M\u. k . 4 .

'OaHlim-e .at. Drw* «or»», eoniier F and

FJghtti ftveuiw*.

T h e G’a k i.kton .HEI.M VUN. J.

1B0 « a w rsoM thv. s i’HK.

Is now open for tbe seiiMon of iswt.Ail nnslern tmprovenientii. Newly furnishe.l. Accommodation for -jhh giK-abi.-


MBS. W. II. STOYIJK., l*ro|jri.-u.r

T h e D k i.a w a k k .HF.t.MAK, N. S. -

Tahle nnd ap|Hdatmeuls first class. T* wtthia IS« feet of tbe <w«an. L>wati»n -rnmioi iw »ur- I'SMHe-i for lieatiii and ••omfnrt. Wiirf liatluior HBsxcotled on tbe n « i i t

Vine ImimIuk. Sshliigaud <-ratilling.Helniar is a delightful and select family


W ltH. S. €30*.

HoTKK CoWUtBIA.BK1.M vlU N i .

J ) l l . A . S . H A I L K V ,


fa U B P t o l . s . I .

H K A SC H UPFH'K : /*. O. R rH .P /.V O .

f t r m s v LAKK. X. J.

g U W t N I*. U n U M T R E E T ,


Offie** tw o dkMU'K lie h m tb e J\mt.

M A N A S Q IU N . N. J .

HV L S T K U I I W A I N K H ’. I IT ,

i »>rN HEU >U AT LA W .

Am> S e « : ia u M a s t t b a n ij E x a m in e s i s 1CMASM'KHV-

<>m. «* lit mMHwnee «•»* 'UtotWiUi

M tN A »«*t A > . K . <f.

S|s»*-t«l attrntlDB given ta e\nniiaais>n of Utte !fi iiw ti ■sure




"IS® OiicwoiAJf A we,,,A s m m i r * i i h jh. j l


skhk r i w i . c u mto- •rtjrmji

| G racefu l W om en Illders.

j A n em inent physician suys: " I have frej que iitly hiul opiHirt un ities to notice the ! difference, between the r id in g of Wnen and | women bicyclists, and I have beim m uch surprised u t tin- contrast la^tween the two.

: The women, as u rule, are gracefu l, digni- j fled and easy. The men in the m a jo rity of

instances Wave, looked more lik e agit ated : grasshoppers than any th in g else th a t I | could imagHie. They spraw l over the ir j wheels, s it w ith the ir spinal co lum n alm oiit

iii a h a lf circle nnd net us though i t were necessary to work for dear life In order to get-uhead. I th in k it safe to say th a t not

I oue m an fu twenty-five rides really welL ) Tbe w omen siAuost—if no t a ltogether—re- j verse th is rule , for a very ungracefu l rider j am ong them I rnrely see.” — New Yurk 1 Ledger.

i>oleful I.ooUIng .Spare room s.| W h y is I t th a t a sparerooui has a lw ays such-a stiff aud form al a ir? The few p ic­tures th a t generally udoru l.ts w a lls are

1 h ung w ith pa in fu l regularity , set pieces of bric-u brae jK«»e in solemn state upon the m an te l, am i often the on ly in te llectua l pro­vision made for theoccu[*ant consists.of an o ld m agazine or two. A few 11 tore pictures h ung in u less conveulionnl way, a h a lf dozeu piiotographs scat tered here and there, a irV lu bookcase c ia itu iu iug 11 score or morw o f volumes su itab le for f illin g au oct;at>iou- a l spare hour, a sofa w ith tw o o r three te m p tin g p illow s—these are no t m uch , but yet sufficient to m ake the spareroom so m uch more a tlra c tive and add to it a home­like luxury .—-New Y ork Tribuue.

Til® Queen ItrewK IlerOwflTTca.

The queen, when |»o*sible, brews her own teii. She uses orange pi4toe, a t 5 shillings , and disupproves a ltogether of the general “ b lends.” The Duchcssof Ed in burgh takes her tea io Russian fashion. I t is brewed in a samovar aud d ru n k w ith a lem on in place of either sugar or cream.— Ixm don* Tit-Bits.

Queen Marie Henrtette of Bi-lglum is tbe last onu of the five noble ladies w bo have received from the present pope the decora tio n of tbe tlo lden Hose. The others thus honored are the queens of Spain and Por­tugal,* the empress of A us tr ia aud the Countess d ’E u of Brazil.

E l e c l r i i * l i i t tO T H .

This remedy I* Is 'i'om lng wo well know n

and ho |M>pular iih to tM***d no Mjs*i-hd ttiwi- | tion. All w ho have used Eloctrlc B itters

s ing the Kume song or pniise. A p m v j ; medieine.doe.H not exist iumi I t is guuraute<si i b i do ull that ix- cla imed. E lectric B itters ! w ill cure all diseases of the L iver and VlCidneys, w ill removi* Piinpl«*s, Boils. Sa lt I Itheum and other uffections cuiisihI by im pure b h s s L W ill d rive M uluriu from the sysb'-m a m i prevent as wejl as cure ujl

I .Malal ia fevei’n. For eure of Headai’he,( V instlputlon aud IndlgesfciOn try E b r tr le B i lb ’rs En tire satisfaction guarantt'ed, o r m oney i-i>fumled. 1’riceK !M eenbs am i $1.00 |ier 1 sit tie at F . P. l ’ln lbrlck ’s D rug Store, Bolm tuvaud C'ltas. A . Bye's, Sp ring Lake Beucli.

Lieatlon iiMKurpasHe-l. IMiwtljr on iw> ocean fr*>nt. within t-r*n feet „t tbu surf, ltli-i-iri.- I«*tu, telepboue. teleijrHph. gss and water in all tt»* roomq. A larifu music nnd ball r.«>m for tbe exclusive U«e i.( guents. HUlmr>i and alley. . i>reb»Htru »n«-r Juiy 1st. Kina < ia«s livery atjacbed.

S. A. MOWER.•Jhr* *prtei,.:.r.

Fskii E. Fostkk, Manager.


A t la n t ic H o u se .BELMAK, N. J .

If, IhihI*. r.

gA J M ltL A. rATTKUSOJff, J

Attorney k Counsellor at Law.

Solicitor and Master in Chancery.R o o t i is 4 Sc M o n iu o u lh Huil« liu>r,

L A S B ' J P .Y P- R K . W . J .

a, s. MTtmuai! a *»■ a . <*„ a. utrawom. a. m a. 1

COPING anti S IL L S, 0®.-» a| m aiMt Ma BBna Awmumm.

OCEAN CROVC. N. J .T am adjmlmlac FrMgbt,


E s t in m t r * fu*nbrt>*d (o r m a rk mt t m f

p o in t I r o n L o n ^ B m o c h lo

A U u t i c C ity .BU tlTO N UROTH KRS,H E S1D E N T D E N T I S T S j P rice* B elow a ll O n S H m .IKlWN-t. U U X 'K . SOT. KV S iiM A V E J it 'E . I ----

Jaa<t|on of «%sikiaau A»er«u«>.a s b u h y p a r k , n e w j e r s De y .

N e w Y o r k Offii-e. :!2 W e s t 2fith S tre e t.

* OfBem Honrs. » A. M. to * I*. V.

A p isd iom en ts mn*ir> hy H a il *nr Tebrpbcaae.

M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F Z O Z O .

Splendid Loton Cth A venue

f o r Sale

Dinvtly ou the |i«aeh. F u ty yards from tlie surf.

For terms and partleuinrH . m M n v «

O. A. AUSTIN.* Proprietor. 1

T h e B uena V inxa .b e l m a r , n . jr.

About f(W»t from U10 surf. D e ligh tfu locaau

VittW. 4 s

Heasou 1KW3 fr>an Ju n e to October.


milo H-CREOO: a t a BARGAIN. J u s t ic e o f th e P eace,


JomiiiissioDcr - of - Deeds.F STREET BELM AR. X J. ^ < e *

Th e B e l m a r

O c e a n G r e r r , H * «V«

I * HitnaiiHl dlr»n-tly on Shark five iniioiteH Troni tbe Ik-b.-Ii With ntiaile trees, in itlway» eraidi ine aud nan oi k aim«.ni did drl voh lu a ll dtrweibtH*.

All tbe of tlif I lei in iu- House am itttht and airy. ^|<e.-iiil aitention Ih jciren t.) the taliie. and irueelM will Und tbe f.-«l of tlie tiettt quality. Ihire anriug water uh*h1 f.,r ail drink­ing purposes. Fur a il information addrew*

MRS. E. 14. IMVlf*,

Belmar, N. J..or. COL. K. a HAVIH.

Trenton, N. J . »

N e p t u x e H o i se .BELMAR, N. J.

Directly'on tbe beach^ Apiiotutroents flrnt

GEO., O. C. Wf'fiBOW.Pn>l«-ieuir.


;:\RPL\T£R AM BI1LIKI.21 m a * m n w w q L

Twelfth Awenue Near F Street,

B E L M A R , N E W J E R S E Y .

P lans a nd Sf>ei-iil. a ti.a is Fumtstaed 00 Application.

Jobbing A Specialty.


P L U M B E R,


c o mw i l l n u u

W in d s o r H o u se .b e l m a r , n . j.



Electric Lightsa • *

B E L M A K ,

N’ O K T U H P B I X O L A K K ,

A n d S P K I N O L A K E ,

F s r the S e a sa a « i * ts .P iim i« <tt ail Kind* put In (tnd Repaired. I jiaS Ma«-hiue*i Rej«ttre.l and pMt ia < * r d [Atove Re)wOrs of a ll kinds furuisbed ml Whort | Aildmm a iwMttal ■-•rd lo t‘S u wm, !

•u\4 i1U|«i.-Ii. VSuemlk 'LmwI, Copjuec •*»— » 1 ** “ • “ *«««*I n u W orker.

fpto«i» M t . »uo ,*ir thr«. i Stoves. . Ran ir 63, and

walk from beach an .l 1‘avtlto*,.

F ire l class. a*v.-iu in>Hlatloii• I

O E O R tiE W . M t L U K . Order** by nod i artil rei-eive pn^aipcStreet, Between «th and Mil A tx ag ta .

ftraOdete-e F iHttrwet. near J ttb A *«nu«.


.AKIi, N. J.


T en t h A v e . ( Jot t a u e .coaNica o htkeet,

BELM AR. N . J .


The room s sre tarije iu id a iry , nveri.M 'kiug live aea .and Hie bonne I» )>eaiiiiriiity hiirr..uud«Hl liy la iR e ahaile trw-n. H elniar Im «i>ii>u«leri'il l«e one <>f tbe t iin « ( s um m er resortH on the N>w .iersey coawt; tbe c lim a te In rtry am i bealthy aud thera are uo >uo*u|«iib>es. Tbe tiatbin^r N .le lijftiiru l. Itotli Htill an d »u ff. Jpowt■•’.itiee. I>e»ch. depot, an d Shark R iver are n»*.re Vbau five rn luu tea' walk fr.nn the h<<uw. shark River." its uortheru and western tK.un<larie». affords uu rlva lied facllU iee for l>-»atnnr. UHhuiK an d >-raVii>Ui|[. V*eople com e from m iles a round to partake of its pleasure*

Special rates f>.r the month*- o f June . Septem­ber and Oeloher. Iipeu Ju l ie In i.

: i i en DepoLBelmar, New Jersey.


Next t«> B urton ’a MUi«e.

F Street, Belmar, N. J .

J . H . H a r r i s . P r o p .

'T w o deliveries daily at hotels

and cottages. 3m

▲ H P 0 U I R E S IS T .

I r j i H K M A P L E S I I A H E .

H B ile o l Insurance.

H I ' I M N I J L A K H ,

N O I t T I I s r i f l N C i L A K K ,

( O M O A M * S K A C » I I t T .

C o tfu jr**}* l o r lC e n l Ity t lu * .S euK w n .

C l i o i i ’c I ni]>r<>\ «‘<l a i u l 1111 i 111 p r o ­

v e d l* r « » i» e r ty lot- s a ltN

W 'r i l t * l o r i ' i i t i i l i ) | ; i i e .

June 17. 189a. tr

Jake your week's wy and go to


Cash Grocery Store,COOKNAN AVCNt'K,

ANKDltY i'AKK, N. J.,

And jk u can siivo olio d ay ’s w ««os by

b uy ing of them .


y ^ E L M A - R , N . 3 .

Opeu for the aes»..n of iw*a. an.l wtll K.ntluue open all the year.

TbehoijBe faees Nhark River, aud has all the muveuiwueas of location ami turn taliin# to ren der tt attractive aiul comfortable U>. iwrmanenl, and transient ipierts.

For terms and other Information address , T b » M a m * s h a iw .

Belmar. N. 1.

T h e 1) e i . k v a n H o i s e ."Broaiiway. opp.mite «s-ean t'liib,

. LONO BitANfH. N. i .

Nicely furiiisbed rooms by the iiay or week.

Meats at all Uvmrft.

Choice brand* of Wine.*. H n « .ir * an<i Olirar*.

M.MVriN HAtrk'KiRTV.Jhr<»ta'ietor.




And C h arcoal,


B e lm a r N. J.



0 > :T 8 K M l V I

Boats To-Ijk. Iwjr tlw* IllWijr- W M b .or ‘t im r

SufHilWsj a t Beat* iaJ

A t ttw H e 'tau ran t Meals are

I a.t AU .Bcwtre,.

wsn (neM kx on wnWIN *T Pt«GET THE P LM S

« H L V R M B f A N D F IF T H A t K X K ,A. W . CORNELIUS,

H O TE L WINDSOR-. W M k t r , Je ie le i m Ooiicm . *- ^ w .G E N E R A L

jH LA C K S M IT H ,T e n t h A v e . a n d F . f it- .


Ij»k# Av«„ OpjaistU* Hal I n iad Station,

h f r in u l a k e . n . j .

Now Open for th e season. ThonHijrhlj- me> rated. Livery aeooMuu'Wlailott.

I^ttiKrat ass»n-tn>eut o f Idam onds. Stlvw- J ware. "NVutehewf t'kteka, t*U*.

Repairinj' Promptly Attended to.

(’.10 ( jm iK M A N AVK-VI K,

"* Aabuury P »rh .

wm, it. jr rm e e . ( fOSKPH YONGKN,Proprietor.

--------------------------------------- T O N S O I t l A L P A K L O K .

O h o lM l t t r w i l l |*uy (Ur tU ly- tw o v « t«w t. im « m « o u tk m b navaatu krm^m

is s u e * o f th e C o a s t E c h o . | m k u m a k . h . a .

H I ' . l . M A K . J i E ^ . I K R h K Y .

W o r k in n il its V>’Horw u B p m e M k .y H*jx!

Mud** Hh-i*t»». *

A l l w o rk w *rrau ji* '‘ l to g i t I f iK f c i l . l j r r

Page 2: the · 2015. 2. 3. · the BHffif'fi 11 [NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS.I m ubur It ELM All, N. J., SATURDAY, A.must IO, *1.00 PER YE Alt IN ADVANCE 3000 WILL UE IN THY HEABT. Good will be In

C O A S T E C H O• . f


R K L M A R , N . J .


3. S T tL T S -


$1.00 IV AllVAN.'K,

T ow nship Comm ittee.

A special m eeting of the Township Coni-

I m ittee wiis * holt I a f Ba iley 's Corner, on ’

! Thursdays A ugust I7lh.

| The Tull Ism rd was pi**serit.

President Ph iibrlck called tho meeting to | ! o iilor, a m i the read ing of the m inute* of the

i last m eeting was om itted .

! It) compliance w ith the law, the C om m it-

! tt*o proceeded tt* revise the tax du|Hicate Of j

for the pro


A Jel'HC.V 1- Mbit'.

•Kimm Uie New; Suu.

Som ew hcio in th e region between Mana-

squan anti Shark R iver tho ie waS a plenie

last Sat u n lay , a ga ther ing of jo lly Jersey farmers on Salt AVater day. Thor

«aid assessment as hereinafter .-••I. forth, viz.: and that the Bum seveial taxes*, to*

! getlier w ith the law ful Intei'otd thereon } aeeruing. am i the cotde. toes, charges and | expenses In relation tt* the le.vy, assess-; ! ment, and collection o f said taxes have l*e- j come and rem ain unpaid more than six ! m on ths from and a fter the lim e when pay- ;

i Assessor John. M . Allei

! year. Tlte valuations we

.bath ing , feasting and lldd ling ..and if that j able. You are therefore hereby command- | • H..d ,,i.i Himlidiu-k *H| l " n»«ke the said several Taxes, w ith 1

and honey, old • W W * * * interest upon each, a t the rate .,f twelve * *' per cent, per a nnum , fitnn the Twentieth j

dav o f Decoml>er. A. 1>.. One Thousand.‘ - - — ......................... which i


trickled enough to spray some thirst;

th io ats , let us le inem lier that Sa turday w nL j no t temperate in its heats, lind

jack \viis Hot intended for a hill*

P U B L I C S A X L . K


tinixed. and when the Com m ittee had lin- I the plenieeis came to blows.'but it w as not j fur each name

I H int liptil^- Ij'.iwlil lliim lr-1 nntl .. . .......... . ...i ", ,,, f j day said taxes were payable, and tiie lol- lon. i w oo l : low ing fees, costs, charges, and expense**


Per transient »r contract price: mail "P ul tliontUrr, where ituiM'rl be also nuuh\

Entered at the Helmut- / W Offic,

claw* matter.

S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T lit, 18-J3.


Tile o u t lo o k fo r C o n g re s s to a r r iv e

speedily at. a c o n c lu s io n u s to . th e

remedy u e e tle d fo r l ln u i ic ia l d is t u r b - ! „{itt

ished the ir labtU’H i t was tho ir/unan im ous opinion that it was one of the m ost satis- !

factory duplicates ever p repared ’ in W a ll I Township, and they com plim ented the As- i

st'ssor upon his work.

Hoad Overs**er Corlles Reyno lds reported i

halving graded and graveled the roa<l from ; C urtis ’ Corner tn W n v k Pond -as Tar as tin- I-

appropria tion mtule would perm it h im t*»j

go. The work was about half done, and the com m ittee authorized h im to procoed am i complete t he work.

C om p la in ts were tndered to tho condition \

o fW iin e *»f the roads in D is tric ts Nos. 2. *.*. j

1(1. 5 and t'.. As the law compels, the ’Com -

have supervision o f the loads, I lie

apple jack that- tired the ir souls and

lists. I t -was the silver ipiestion. These

gentlemen so far forgot, the sacred laws-ol

holidays th a t they, discussed the silver

question. Now several m illions of iieisons

are ta lk la g iu I'

it. and a few of ta lk ing a lio u t.

longs the p iivilegi'


au o e s Is u o t e n e m i r a g in g 1. T h e pro- he follow ing resolution was adopted :

g r a m m e a d o p te d b y th e H o u s e o f] That M r. pTiiibrlck lie i,“ • .... C . 1..,. ..I llw>

> make I *ist riet m ;

i and <i. am i Mr. j .Woolley in D istric th *2 and 1*. and that they

s ilv e r ! have "such im provem ents made as ait* ■ ‘ v i necessarv. either by the overseers or some

a n d g o ld . T h e in f o r m a t io n roetdved j one else, the work to lie done under their

R e p n - s r n ta t iv e s ju- rm its ii D tim i« r o f “ i- l 'u /S .S ta * iH r tr iS T 'a 'i

v o te s to lie ta k e n u p o n th e e s tab lish- "

m e n t o f a n ew r a t io be tw e

i personal suiiervislon.

A mooting of the Com m ittee w ill Im» liold-

I at. Bailey's Corner, on M onday. Septemlior

. , , „ 4 ' - . . . j 4, at. 10 o'clock a. in.. to receive bills fort h e r e p e a l o f th e p u r c h a s in g c la u s e in . . , . it „

.................. . . . . ...................... _ • . t a i w w I . . l . y * « » .

r and against w hat they are

but iuit even to these l>e-

1' discussing the silver | ipiestion on Sundays aud 'holidays. T hese I t wo farniers all t he way from Squ nn ku iu o r j thereabouts forgot the rule, aad they were j puuish«*d for it* T h e y fell from the ratio I

of 14J to 1 to the ultima regum ratio: the last

argum ent to which American sovereigns'

resort . They .'slugged and swatted, they, j

coilitn*d aud culTetl. as if t hoy were.tlie Hon- j l*it‘rrt* Jackson and the lio n . Jtunpios Cor-1

lie lf, «-hosen t*i d«*cide by wager of ba ttle ;

the contest lietw»*«*n yellow and white. The I

scrap was hot . Judies cried, " O, isn 't (

it a sham e!'' And lin a llv the. giKnl pastor 1 A tte s t:1 Jamks \V'. Lauoiimv

this, to w it: S«nenet>iits , jn ists «>f return t«i County Clerk. tLft»*en j ■ cents for the fees of the Township Commit - 1 j tee and Clerk together, w ith your law ful i j fees for the execution th*‘ie«)f, of t he !and< . i ! tenements, horeditmmwts and real estate ; i on account: of which the same, were .so as- j j sessed as afoi\>said. by selling each of the) i said s»*veral p a r tf ls as w ill lie.nuflleiont for : the pur|M>se. r«a- the short**st term for

j which any iiersou or |iersons'will agree to j Uike tiie same aud pay such taxes, interest ' |and all costs, fees, charges; and'cxi'wases,. such term to he for ; period no t longer j

, than th ir ty years; and you are fu rthe r com m anded to pay the moneys raised by ;

; such sales to t he Township Comm ittee of (the-Township of W all, a u d to m ake return ! »>f th is W arran t am i your proceedings

; thereunder to the siti<i Ttnvnshlp C om m it­tee wit h in four mont hs from date thereof, ;

j List of |»<rsoh*t against, which w arrants I i have tieew IssiuhI for taxes on real estate, ] I to w it: For tax«*tf* or istH due Township or Wall.

HKN KY W A lN H K lllT , )K. P. H H ll iH H li ’K . i Cmnm ittee.IlK U lU iK I ’. W lX lU .K Y . t

W arrant to S e ll Land.

. Van Busk irk li. . N orth S p iin g ijik-v ‘ av

W ilson W m . F. ile n d o la . N ew m an p it pertv ! Walt AIU*rt aiftl Jo hn . H huiriitguurg . fa rm i W ..rthingt**n U. M.1 W hite J Parker. Ocean lU*ach, lo t 11 • 4

do. ||*I, lot 11**5' We-in te ln So lom on ** i»4. *»SSH| \ard y , II . North Spring iA k e , afl*-i i*iutT Yard l i . H .. “ k it m 3

15 It* 4 m

t..t 124 4 12 4 n

h.t 125 4 4 77.s.. 4

1.4 I Tit J oC 4 (ill*a « «

.* 0*14 *»* I

OU fi sH4 12 4 774 4 **14 .*2 4 sil

Wt* 6 mlift 4 sa

•O 4.1 4 11

\ l » l . l . \ I 1 * 1 C K \ M i ,

f r o m W a s h in g t o n in d ic a te s t h a t t h e i i

a t te m p ts t o tlx. a r a t io w i l l fi|il so fa r I

a 9 th e lio u s e is c o iu re rn ed , a n d t h a t , "

ol' t he tiVo

A sjMH'ial m eeting of theth e S h e r m a n s ilv e r b i j l w ill se cu re a

m a jo r i t y v o te , a n d be s e n t to th e Sen- [ aj

a te f o r i ts a p p r o v a l .

T h e m a k e - u p o f t h e S e n a te a n d the

p e c u l ia r r u le s g o v e r u in g th e b u s in e s s

b r o u g h t b e fo re i t , m ake- tin* p ro b le m

t o b e s o lv e d te d io u s a n d d if t ie u lt .

T h e s i lv e r p ro d u c e r s w h o a re in t e r ­

e s te d in m a in t a in in g a f ic t ic io u s v a lu e

fo r s i lv e r , h a v e a s tr o n g ly in t re n c h e d

fo rce i n t h e S e n a te . B y th e la e k o f

a n y r u le t o b r in g a d is c u s s io n to an

e n d a n d fo rc e a v o te u p o n a n y ques-

t io n ^ t h e a d v o c a te s o f s i lv e r c a n d e la y

t h e n e e d e d le g is la t io n , a n d .c o n t in u e

t h e u n f o r t u n a te f in a n c ia l s tr in g e n c y

f o r a n in d e f in i t e p e r io d . W i l l th e

g r e a t b u s in e s s p u b l ic p e r m it t h is to

b e d o n e , b e y o n d w h a t is r e a s o n a b le

a n d fa ir ?

T h e e s ta b l is h m e n t o f a f ix e d ra t fo

b e tw e e n s ilv e r a n d g o ld is a “ c o n ­

s u m m a t io n d e v o u t ly t o b e w is h e d .”

T h e U n i t e d S ta te s a re s u c h la r g e p r o ­

d u c e r s o f s i lv e r t h a t i t is a m a t t e r o f

g r e a t im p o r ta n c e t o th e c o u n t r y a t

la r g e . B u t a m is ta k e is c o n s ta n t ly

b e in g m a d e b y a s s u m in g t h a t th is

c o u n t r y c a n a r b i t r a r i ly f ix a r a t io

w i t h o u t c o n s u l t a t io n o r a g r e e m e n t

w i th th e re s t o f th e w o r ld . H e re is

r o c k u p o n w h ic h w e d iv id e . T he

f in a n c ie r s w h o m a k e g r e a t busi-

t r a n s a c t io n s a s tu d y , th e mer-

w h o b u y a n d se ll a l l th o v a s t

ic ts o f o u r o w n a n d o t h e r la n d s ,

m a n u f a c tu r e r s w h o c re a te th e

b u s y h u m o f in d u s t r y , a l l u n i t e in

asking f o r r e l ie f, b y s t o p p in g o u r

f u r t h e r p ro g re s s to w a rd a s in g le s il­

v e r s ta n d a r d , a n d w a i t in g fo r a n

a g r e e m e n t w i t h o t h e r n a t io n s as to

t h e p o s it io n w h ic h s i lv e r m u s t o c c u p y

a s a c i r c u la t in g m e d iu m . T h is is a

c o n s e r v a t iv e , a s a fe , a n d a w ise p o s i

t io n t o a s su m e .

?B u t th e s i lv e r m o n o p o lis ts a n d th e

m o n o m a n ia c s w h o h a v e fo r y e a rs a d ­

v o c a te d th e m o s t e x t r a v a g a n t f in a n

c ia l p ro je c ts , t h o u g h i n a m in o r i t y

t o o fe e b le t o be w o r th y o f c o n s id e r a ­

t io n o f th e p o p u la r v o te o f th e c o u n ­

t r y t o be t a k e n in t o a c c o u n t , a re sup-,

p o se d to h a v e c o n tr o l o f th e U n ite d

S ta te s S e n a te u p o n t h is im p o r t a n t

q u e s t io n . I n th is e m e rg e n c y w h a t

s h a l l be d o n e ? L e t th e p o w e r fu l i n ­

f lu e n c e o f p e t i t io n s g o f r o m every

s e c t io n ;— le t p u b l ic m e e t in g s be h e ld

t o g iv e th e se m e n a n id e a o f th e p ow e r

a n d e x te n t o f th e p u b l ic s e n t im e n t o n

t h is q u e s t io n , a n d p o s s ib ly e n o u g h o f

th e m m a y b e re c a lle d t o re a son to se

c u re th e t r iu m p h o f th e S h e rm a n re

p e a l b i l l w i t h o u t a c o m p r o m is e , o r th e

p a s s a g e o f a n y o t h e r m e a s u re q u a l i ­

f y i n g its re su lts .

williimmlt.1l ilnesday after

noon of next week a t .'5 o'clock, h i sell Ihi

property of de linquent tax-payers.

The new ly elected Township Treasurer

presented his Imnd, which was approved

and ordered tiled.There lie lng no fu rthe r business, the

m eeting ad journed . ..JA M E S W . L A U G IIL IN .

Tow n Clei If,

M i-h. shunu 'a

The tria l o f Lrs.Shann ttt Trenton, charged

w ith causing the death of her son by pois­

on ing , is near its end. The counsel for the State are expected’! t o flfiish s u m ­

m ing up on Friday . I t is possible that

tim e w ill also be found for Judge Abbott to

de liver his yharge and give the ease to the

ju ry before tlnal ad journm en t on Friday .

I t has. I**en aa in tensely'interest in g case, and has attracted crowds to hear the testi­

m ony. Ju d g e Abliett has gained ijew lau ­rels by his conduct or the case. H is p rom pt­

ness in decisions, h is aston ish ing m em ory

of evidence as presented, and his in tu itive

knowledge of the rules govern ing the pre­

sentation o f evidence, all combine to prove h im one o f tho ablest judges «m tho bench.

parted them andcutled the fray.

| * * * At th is m om ent we seem to

• " « » ' • • ........................... . *i a ll underneath the greenwood tree. Peace

| hath her victories,- and Victorious Peace

) m ay have her libations of applejack.

I The Apologue: T he Democrats in Con­

gress v\ ho believe in the free «>r freer ct'iln-

age o f s ilver ar»$engaged iu ardent contn>- j jn th . year 1WH, the versy. and will fie for some weeks y e t ; and

haul, th ings have.licen said and w i l l In1 said j faxes' tor saitl T on both sides; Hut aH er the vote is taken j w ill on these DcnioeiatK. w hether they are W hftes

if Yellows, will le inem lier. Wi

they are a ll Democrats, shake hands, and

Town Clerk.Notice ifi hereby given, that by virti;

me by

j Township Com m ittee or t in* Township ol'

J W all, i n the C oun ty o f M onm b iith and | State o f New Jersey, to m ake the unpaid . taxes uSsessed on lands, tenements, here*I- the Townsld|

■j tam ents and real estaU* in said Tovvnshl n.■ subscrilM-r, Adm in is­

tratrix or the estate or tin* late Collei-tor ol'

nsliip , (SAlo iMisitivei

A Hlfchtntown Factory la Clone.

Messrs. H . W . W a iioch ’s Sons, shirt m an­

ufacturers a t H igh tstow n, have deckled to

give up business and advertise the ir plant for sale. The factory w ill lie closed as the

irk ntiw on hand is completed, which will

be in a few days. I t Is saitl the m ovem ent is no t duetto a ny outside cause, b u t the re­

su lt of business differences between the lirm and the local im provem ent association

th rough whose efforts the factory was es­

tablished. The assticiat ion owns the bu ild ­

ing . W allaehs' factor}' now em ploys about.

50 operators, and ,1s. the principal industry

of the town. Its closing w ill seriously af­

fect the prosjierity of the place, especially as the on ly other factories of any size there

are A llen’s shot* factory and W illiam s's

S h irt Factory, and both are closed tempo­

rarily on account of’ the unsettled state of

affairs. »


Unquestionably the annua l shut-down of

indus tr ia l estab lishm ents liegan earlier thit-

Year th an usual, and m ay con tinue later, u nce rta in ty as to the outcome o f nnancial

leg islation , inab ility to procure currency to

.meet payrolls, and the na tu ra l slackening

o f business d a r in g the sum m er season,

have combined to afford u rgen t occasion

for a suspension o f operations, oven had

tb e usual anhua l repairs been unnecessary

Tbe pro longation of the period of idleness

has been severely fe lt in every branch of

trade and productive indus try . W ages th a t

are no t earned are no t spout, and the en­forced cu rta ilm en t of esiienses by a m u lt i­

tude of w orkingm en has been reflected in

th e lessened orders of retail traders and in

i l l accum ulation o f stocks fu the hands ol

{ ■wholesale dealers. B u t i t is Iiolioved that

: the worst Is j*& r . and tho situation is thus

referred tfe by W ednesday’s Philadelphia Record:

F rom every quarte r are heard ringing

notes of preparation for the fall am i w intei Reason, and a g ian t e a t each day 's new**

serves to d lsdo te the g ra tify ing fact that

the period o f suspension has passed its c li­m ax . The m ills are s ta rting up again , aud

w ith the passing aw ay of the foolish craze

for h o a rd in g currency the ir operations will

be unobstructed. Furthermore, they w ill

be unvexed by dread or linancial legislation

in im ica l to productive industry .

B y the close of the present week upward of 15,000 men w ill have resumed work in

th is section alone, necessitating the m onth

ly paym ent of nearly in wages.—

A t Colum bia , Pa., every indus try b u t one

Is in successful operation. The tw o largest

ro lling m ills in the town started aga in yes­

terday, a fter two weeks of Idleness. The Delaware Iro n W orks a t Newcastle. Del

have alao resumed work, as have also the

ro lling m ills am i tulx* works at. McKees­port, Pa.

In other branches of indus try m ay be 0 noted s im ila r evidences tif a qu icken ing ol

the pulses of traffic. M any of the sm alle i

m ills w ill ifOgln operations aga in thin week

and In the g roa t textile factories activ ity b

to he speedily renewed. The hopeful im

yuisa and brigh ter outlook Which have led to the m eum ption of work in the niilh*

Low ell, Mass., aud the s ta rt ing up of tin

h uge com bination o f cotton m ills owned

and ojieroted by the K n igh ts 'a t Providence

K . I „ are reflected in all the da lly record* of business and In current trade statistics

▼ery soon the wheels w ill a ll Ik* hum m ing

aga in .

In f lu e n c e .

As ou r body costs a shadow, so dties

charaetor cast an Influence, A s a shndow

m ay be e ither healing or hu rtfu l, so dties

e ither bless or d am n .— fiiW o*

( W E D N E SD A Y , A C d l 'S I 2:1, 1S:»:5,

hope th a t StiV4<¥.k - ,» M a l the-C..lle. t.n s Ofll* *•

.......................... •..................... a t Lake Como. In said Township. s**ll th.go ou t and Hike „a d u n k ot A polliuu iis a t j jam is-, tenem ents .' hereditaments and realt heir own ex pom e in t lie branch «if Congress' j estate

conducted by the I Ion’. T ho m as Jefferson ..... **““

M urrey, som etim e o f New York. A dollar

is no t a th in g th a t Democrats can afford to quarre l about.

I porsonaljLiroiierty hei rils*d al public w»idu**. fo i^tho sliorto!

• K K t l l 'K S .


Prepare a p in t irf flour by s irting in it

one teaspoon fu l o f b ak ing powder am i u

pinch of salt, tlum rub a teasiMMiuful o f b u t­

ter th rough it. Pan* six largori|»e jieadios.

cu t in b i halves. (aud take o u t th e stones.

Add one ls*aton egg to h a lf a cu p tif m ilk . 1

thicken w ith the prepared Hour, and pour

in a bu ttered bak ing pan. A rrange the I Annalathli- Mi

is*iu*hos over the top. cu t side up, p u t a


term not exceeding th ir ty yeiirs. for which any |ierson will agr****"t*» take the same am i pay such ta*es w ith legal interest thereon, together w ith all costs, fees, .•barges and expenses.

Acre Daniel, (ilendo la . houseand land. ........' S

Anuabaldi Mrs. I^m is , North Spring Lake, lot. I. block «», Ludlow , ave

Annahuld! Mi's. I jo iiis . North Sp ring Lake, hit 2. bltiek <», Lud low ave

A uua lia ld iM rs . liouis . North Spring l^ake, lot IJo*-k 11,Ludlow ave .........

i. Nor Miwpring Lake, lo t 4. bbn k (»,

vnnilln « « • « .< In each. Illl w ith {sugur. lay a b it o f b u tter <m tho centre of

each pitVe, and bake In a hot oven. Sei-ve

hot. w ith p la in sweetened cream or van illa sfiuce.


Chop up a lit tle parsley w itli equal quan-

Spring Lake, lo t 5, bl.M-k <S, Ludlow ave.

Annaltaldi Mrs*: l> iu is. North Spring Lake, lo t 1, block W, Lud low ave

Annlbald i M rs. Louis. North Spring Lake, hit 2, block W . Lud low a v e . .: .^ j .

titics of onion im ushroom s, if von have Auualia ld i M i’s. Louis. North . . . . . i tint-in.p l.iiL-i. 't' \V

Moiininutli Park’s License.

The certiorari proceedings o f the M on­

m outh P ark Association against? the Eat on ­

to w n tow ush ip cominitte** came up l*efore

Chief Justice Beasley last week. The com ­

m ittee had grantin l u license to the jmrk

for $5,000 a year. - This license has never tjoeri paid, am i as there is no w ay to col­

lect the money, the com m ittee petitioned to

have the license set aside. This the ass*►-

-iation objected to. The proceedings were

cu t short and the certiorari was sustained,

which means v ir tu a lly th a t the M onm outli

Park Association-will not have to pay the

£5,000 license or s tand in fear of hav ing their license revoked. The case w ill now gn

the supreme court, which convenes in No­


SI III After tiie Koce Track (him liters.

Hon .Thomas F, I^aue, ed itor t»f tho Orange

Herald, is s till a fter tho racetrack gamblers.

I t w ill be remembered th a t he was the

Demticratie leader of th** Assembly last

w inter and a lthough the race bilks wore I Missed w ith Democratic votes ho was out­

spoken in his denunciation tif JiiAm and the

means used to secure tiie ir passage, aud

did w ha t lie couhl to b ring abou t the ir de­

feat. H e is p ro m in e n t^ m entioned for

State Senator th is fall in Union county , as 1 pic

he lives In Sum m it, and should ho |s> nom i­

nated he will undoubtedly receive the .sup­

port of the moral e lum eu to f Is ith parties,.

them i, and a slice *.r h u m ; Try them lightly in a 'l i t t le b u tte r ; then lay in some neatly j

tr im m ed cutlets, and three parts fry them in the same pan, after which lif t tho |>au 'off i the lire and let tho cutle ts cool in it w ith

the m ince. C ut sonje heart-shaped, pieces

i f w hite jiaper large enough to hold the •utlets, and soil one side vvith go*>d salad

i i l ; lay a toaspoonful of tho m ince on each ;

tiion lay a cu tle t on th is , p u t a little more

i»f tiie ruinct* on t*»p, f«»l,*I the pai»er tigh tly ,

a n d bro il over a clear fire for a few m in ­

utes, then serve tin the papers) very hot.


ips tif corn meal, one cup of flour,

tw o t4 tiIos|MMinfuls«if uielteil Hour, one tea-

Spring la k e , lot :s. blcs k W .Lutlh iw a ve .............

Annaluddi Mrs. is>uis. North Sp rin g Lako, lot 4. block W ,

Lud low av eAmmbald i M rs. L>uis, N orth

S p iin g Luke, h it 5, block W , Lud low a v e .. . . . . .

Allen W ilson E., ( leean |Jea*-h,m ilf ctm tents...........................

Allen John IL . V illa Park, lo t 104

Duryea W illiam A., lot 102H, Ocohu Bea**h

Harrit- (i*H»jh«*irsi.Manas4piaii land near Van Schoicks.. . .

Hopper Thos., W est Brielle,lo t 30dl.........................

Haney C.. N orth Spring Lake.l o t 177. S t . C la l i av e ---

Leonard Peter, West Oi*ean

' " " " tables|HNiiiufuls o f sugar, " • • -m ilk . ^

ptivvder, one egg. t

one p in t of sweet t


. Po iir a little lem on Je lly in to a large

m yu ld ; when set m id a Jay e r o f mixetl fruits- sliced bananas, p lum s, peiu'hes, p ine j apples o r apricots -t hen more je lly , and

North Spring L ak e .lo t 4S,Cleverly a v e . . .. .............

M organ L . J,, North Spring Lake, part of lots !». Hi. 11. T uttle a v e .. . . . . . .

M eukiu Ju les A. am i J . S.,Ocean Bt'Oi'h, h it 3022...........

| M eukin - Ju les A. am i J- S., Ck*»*an lieach, lot. 2023.

oil t il l the m oultl is f u l l ; when firm , tu rn it i M orgaji L illie B,0*i-

o u t in a sahul Is.wl and place ou ice till wanteti. Tho weight o f th e fru it w ill cause




S*'<Mip Out tb^* insi*l** <»f tom atoes as for a “ farci,” cutt iftg out a sm a ll round pit*ce a t

the stem emlp lleu iove the seeds and re-i

lo t 1723.M organ W m .. 0 *-e

lo t 1M4!I....................

ii Beach,


place the pu lp wit h some corn grated from i Slnqisop Jas .

the mill and

|.n*r and salt

s e m i th e m to tli** ta b le in th e s a m e d is h ; S eas id e Ic e <

OslMirn Andrew J.M unasquan , Uaukin pro jiert.v ..

Bogers Ezekiel.Rt'sigors Park, l*»t 35, house..

BaiiKin Jam es E. Manast|uiiu. housi* and laml

roll seasoned w ith butter, pep-

Bakc in a pudding dish and

Beach, part. Sjieucor s . S ,

h it 1715

hen they were wt*ll browned. Itil 1040. Seaside IceC*

lot 1047

B ut It W il l Never Drop.

Eatontow n Is very' q u ie t th is sum m er, ]

CHIfKEN Pt»T PIE. ________

J o in t a chicken as for a fricassee, p u t it I Seaside ice C*

in to a widtf saucepan w ith a <piarter pound o f . salt |sirk or fa t bacon, c u t in to th in s tr ips ,and a m inced on ion. yPt*pper ttitast**.

b u t im s a lt; Ih e |*ork is suflleient. Pour in .enough A ild w ator to etiver the chicken

41. M ake a good b iscuit dough o r p la in

paste, c u t a round c rus t t o (•over the

top o f the kettle ,'and lay it u jsm the chick­en. Stew fo r tw o hours. H eat a shovel red

hot. and brown the crust by ho ld ing the]

shovel over It. Jieniove the browned crust |

carefu lly in ta k ing o u t th** f* it pie, th a t y*

m ay hav

estate, (Venn •f lo t 724. . 0 .e a n Beach,

, < leeail Bench,

, Ocean B**ach..

, -Oct* i Beach,

i Hea* h.lo t 104S..

Seaside bn* ( hit 104‘J.

Sponcer S .S , I >*-ean ,B**a*-h. hit1710..

S|s*ti*t*r S .S ,O cean Beach, lo t1717... ' '. .............

T*siker Sarah J.. North Springijuko, Tu:th*'av**., bhs-k J., hit 1

T*s>ker Sarah J..N* n th Spring Luke^ T uttle live;, hloek J.. lo t 2

T*sik*>r Sarah J .. North Spi ing i^ake, T utlle ave., IJ*M-k J., lo t 5

U hot and in tac t to p u t over tho j Ttsiker Sarah J .. N*>i Hi Sp ring i^ltk**, T uitle itv**., bl«n-k J ., lo t o • *risiker Sarah J., North Spi ing

uqtw ithH taiuling the ubiiputou^ra*-** course . warm**tl d ish h i which you serve the pi*

man and boy. Disturliances are very rare As s*hiii us the cover is *iff and the chicken

and when -they occur they a re kept very I 1”■pilot. This geuerul stillness m ay Is* be- j small

cause the citizens and ‘ taxpuyers o f Eat

town are llbtening am i w a iting to hear

iveil 11rop in to the iM.iling gravy ipiares o f the ro iua in lug dough. lo t 7

A*ld more w ater if there n*>t enough ! Ttyiker « a ra h .I. , No'rthSpriiLg gravy . 1 -et. these ih im p liugs *ns*k for ton J l 11 t c a v e .«u.- iN-k .L.

M onm outh Park's $5,000 license f*n* drop i.minutes'. Th*^i ia k e o u t the chicken dish To<ik«'rSarah J.. North Sp ring

in to the lap of the township tied Hunk Standard.

An Outside View.

Fmm the Newark Sun.lay (Tnll.

The gam e playml by the M on­m ou th Park Association w ith Jersey Ju s ­

tice is Slifllcient to. make the m<«d. inveter­

ate v ictim o f the M onm outh sw indle hlusli

w ith shame. The association will not pay its license, it declines to obey the sub(si:uas

of tiie law officers,', and .w hen censured re­

plies w ith jeering allusions to the corrup­

tion o f legislators. . I t is one o f the regret­

table featu ies of the whole .business that f ’hlef Justice Beasley lent h im self to the

-isstieiation's Schemes of dodg ing ttie law

by g ran tin g a w rit of certiorari on practi­cally the mere word *>r n hired attorney.

Sunday was A ud ito rium Day a t Ocean

drove. F ifty thousand do lla is wore asked

for to iiu lid a new aud ito r ium callable of

seating lO.OIMI people, and. Indore the *liiy i '•nded $ had Ij**Cii st*cure*I. A m ong -

those who gave $1,000 eiu-h were Dr. St*»k*-s. J

lames A. B ind ley , S. I,. M arsdeu. M . L . I

riMirJoe, Thos. P reston,. M rs. E. T. I s i vet. I, j

Buclinnon A Smts-k, C. B. Balx-ock, TIm-o |

B. Lewis. M iss S. M W is.tten, C*il. W . II

Hklrm, A. 11. D e linveu and O**o. An thony . 1

Arthur. A. Z im m erm an , of .Yfeanasquau. 'ias proved h ls i i ia im «if lie iug the elmm- pl*ni lih«M-llsL^»f the world by w inn ing the j

,irluci|ial events a t the Chicago tourna­

ment. ^

imm ittee. from the oven, where it is keeping hot,

| l«u ir gravy an<i du inp liu g s t»vt«r, th icken­

ing w ith Hour if tin* g ravy nee*Is It. L ay

I 1 lie .crust on lop of a ll. These tliroetious

I make an excclient js it pl*>•itiier hreast. o f veal or •hickeii.

I,ake, T uttle ave., block J.,lo t 0 .....................

T*sikecSarah J.. S*»(t.h Sp rin g Lake. T uttle ave,. Mock J., lo t 10,

by su l-d itu ling T‘ «'k»*i S iiruhJ N »f lam b for the j Lake, ruttle

A hug** lire o*-*h irred a l At lantic C ity on

T iniis*lay iiio in iug . The C ity Hall, the 0|s*ra House, uud a part *>r the Pennsyl­

vania railroad tia iirsh e d s weie desl.royetl.

Isws estim ated at $75.uoo.

jf —....................... .......

F O R S_A_X jE3 !

th u * <d' I Im.* m o st d e s ir a b le irn-

IM-oved p io p e i i i e s u l B e lm a r , N . .J.

( ' i i \s. M c D k k m i it t , .

B e ln iu i’, N . .1.

A H .K M I t s i ; i »

1TH5LIC S A L Eo r

Real lislalc for Taxes.

W arran t to Sell Land.

M onm outh County , I Wall Township. i **•

T*i the Collector of the Tow nship or Wall, in the County'.of M onm outh .

I«akhit 11

[ Thorn Mrs. W in,, West Occan ! Beach,. houMe am i lot.'l li«iiu|isoii t «o«i.,0*t*uii Ph-u*'|i ,

lo t 735Ta-vhir J u l ia E.. North Sp ring

Ivik**, J*ji«**a' ave., lo t'Jlu Taylor M . ^ la n b m , Spring

1-Jtke, bliH.-k 45. lo ts IS, lit. 20 i VfinW lnkle J . A . , Ocean Beai’li,i l o t 1020.; Wils*m W m . F.,Wlt*n*lola.N.*w-

man farm | W ilson W m . F., (Ilendola. tax

of 1MWI, Newm an farm | W orth ing ton II. M „ N. Sp ring ! Lake. St. C la ir ave.. lo t 2i'.M I Yar<! H. H .O iv au Heat h. Arch • ttilTord hind! Y ard II.H ..N orth Spring Lake.

2.50 5**et 1,1 ii IT. r Veriick Mat bias,Ocean Beach.‘ house and.lot.

\ a n I II II .. Como proiicrfv Yard II II t leean lieach. Jake

N ewm an lot 2 1 2 4 K4Yard II IL , Ocean Beach, two

1 lots tif H enry How land. L nr. 4

a m c L A i i >i : ( i c a k ; ,

J A dm in istra trix o f .litmet* C rain , L a ir Col-

| iri'tor 0/ W all Toirnnhip.

H . B U K S N A I I A N ,

2 42 4 1*6

2 12 4 84 i

2 12 4 S4 J

2 12 ‘ 4 H4 1

2 12 ’ 4 H4 '

2 12 ’ 4 K4

1 Oil T 4 7-1 i

1 (Ul 4 74

1 on 4 74 i

1 GO 4 74

1 00 4 74 |

25 20 •1 23

1 00 4 04 :

2 24 4 S7 :

2 00 4 M3 j

12 10 0 74 ;

2 12 4 S4 |

!1, 50 5 lu

I 00 4 04

15 04 7 47

2 20 4 87

2 20 ■1 87

: i :ui 5 07

2 20 4 87.

25 M l 0 35

22 40 8 70

0 :mi 5 «3

20 04 8 25

2 20 4 87

3 . a ) 5 07

2 20 4 87

22 IHI S IJ2

2 20 4 87

2 20 4 S7

3 .:io 5 07

il 30 5 07

2 12 4 H4

2 12 4 H4

2*12 4 H4

2 12 4 R4

2 12 4 K4

2 4 hi

2 12 4 H4

2 12 4 M4

2 12 4 K4

2 70 4 WO

4 40 5 28

1 10 4 05

47 :i4 18 4:1

i 34 5 07

14 !>lj 7 2M

IH 50 10 IN

4 24^, 5 - 2:1

2 Ofi 4 on

r. 30 5 4.1

7r. 5 i f212 IMI 14 7‘J

M onm outh County , I „W all Township. \ '

To the CtiU*s*tor o f th<^Township o f W all, in the Coun ty of M o n m o u th .^

W h k rk a s , it. ap|s«ars to the Tow nship C om iu itteeo f W all Township, tha t the |»*r- |

sons h*‘iv inaftor nam ed, were dnch o f them du ly assessed by the Assessor of said T.jivvn-

slilp, the several sum s here inafter s ta led as to each i-es|irt*llvely, k*r tiie Tax**s f^.r th.-

year One 'lim usand E ig h t Huutlretl, and Ninety-Two. on a*-count tif the lands, ten.*- >

inents. hi>m iitauii*nts, and real' estate o t sa id js^rsons, s ituated in said Township, nud d**scrllsHl by said Asst*8.s*ir iu m ak iug 's idd assesHin»*nt as hereinafter set forth,

viz.: am i th a t the said several taxes, together w ith the law ful interest thereon (

accruing, am i tli*' costs, h-es, charges and ox|»enses in relation to the levy, assess- 1 ment., and Collect.ion o f said taxes, have U vo ine am i reuiHin unpaid more th a n sl\ 1 months from am i after the tune, when, (myable. You are therefore hereby com m aud- ed to*mnke the sjUiI s**v**ral Taxes, w ith the lnt**r**st u|s>n each, a t the rate of twelve (

pe rcen t. pt>r a nnum , from the T w eutio th d ay *if Do**emU*r. A. 1>., One T ho u sa nd 1

E igh t H undred and Ninety-Two; on w hich d a y saitl taxes were |iayahlc. and th** f..i-

lo m n g fees, c*isis. ehargos, and ox|w>nses - for each nam e on th is , to w it: Seven cents

j costs of return to C oun ty Clerk. Ilf teen - cents for the fees o f the Township Comvu!l - too am i Clerk together, w ith your law ful foes for the execution hereof, o f the h im b . |

j tenements, hereditam ents aud m i l estate on aocm iut *»f which the same were so as- |

i» o f koss«‘*I as aforesaid, by s**IIIug each *.f the several pan-els as will lie Muftli-iont r.,r

tli**, th** ptir|Kiso, r*n- tin* Hlmrte».t term for which any person or persons will agio** to

take the same and pay. such tuxes, Interest am i a ll mists, fees, charges, and expenses,

such term to Im* for a (sm-UmI not.-longer .than th ir ty years; and you are fu rthe r !

commanded t j> pay the 'm oneys raised by such salt's to tie* Tow uship Com m ittee of........ .. .if W a ll, and to m ake return of th is W urrunt and v*my procee.tings

........unde r h i tiie said Township Com m ittee w ith in four mout hs from date thereof.

List of js>rsons which w arran ts have l*»eii issued for taxes V a real estate

to wit : For tnxCs for l«02 due Tow nship of W all. V JF. P. P I I IL B It lC K . jO E O ltO E P. W O O LL E Y , Comm ittee. C H A B L E S O IF F O itD . \

Attest: .J am es W . L a u o h l in . Town Clerk.

NoticM ti hereby given? Uiat-by v irtue .trf the. above-warrant Issued to mo by the

Township Com m ittee o f the T o w n s h ip of W a ll, in the CouutS’ o f ^Mommouth and

State or New Jersey, to m ake the unpa id taxes assosseil 011 lands, tenements, hered­

itam ents and icui estate hi saitl i'ovvnshlp. iu the year 185*2. the suhscril>er. Adm in is­

tratrix of tie* estate t»r the IntoC .illec.tor o f taxes fo r ^ a id Township, (Sale jsisitivei

will .111

4 ' - W E D N E S D A Y , yVIJODST 23, 1893,

at. 3ti'*itK,k,-1’. M .. at the late Collector's t i l l Ice, a t L jike Coino. in saitl Township, j»*1I the

lauds. t*‘ii<‘inents. hereditam ents and real estate aud personal property hereunder do.

Hcrilied a t public vendue, for the shortest term no t exceeding th ir ty years, for w hich

any person w ill agree to take the same nnd pay such taxes w ith legal interest thereon,

toget her w ith a ll costs, fees, charges aud expenses.

F. P. P H I L B R I C K

D R U G G I S T ,

Comer P Stroet, and IT inti. Avenue,

B E L M A R , N. J .


'* f..‘ 'Hi.- f o l lo w in g w i l l . * . . . 1.1 a , a t . i* p r ic e



Acre Daniel. Cdcudola, Auiialiahii M rs. Louts, ]

l l i i c k l e n ’ s A r n i c a H a lv e .

The Best. Sa lv7> In the world to r Cuts,Bruises, Soros, Hh*ors, Sa lt Bliouin-, Fever ......Hores, Tettor. ('Iiap|s*d Hands, C hilb la ins -ship, the

.(Jorns, and all Skin Eruptions, und positive- * y cures PHoh, o r no pay required, i t is

guaranteed to give porfect satisfaction or m oney refunded. Price itfi cents per Isix

WlTKUKAS. it ap|s*ars .to the Township C om m ittee of W all Township, th a t Ihe |s*r- stms heieinafl*>r named, were **a*'h o f them In ly assessed by Hie Assessor of said Town- [

ral slim s hereinafter stated 1

Allen W ilson E. A- Co.,Ocean Beach, m ill contents Allgor D. If. (estate), •* h it l«r>4' lien W . E.. “ h it 1435................................1. . -n John 11. ’ V. 1*. lo t 104. .Bunn 11. B., North Sp rin g l^ake, Third ave, hit 10lien nett Th**o„ W est Ocean lieiieh, house aud ltd ............... ......Bi-istol Ju liu s D ...North Spring Lake. Brighltiii ave, lot 210Brii^* Otsirge, Oceaii B**at.'li. h it 2355 ...........................Borden M is. Isaac;*West Brielle, lot..C lark Jam es H. u*statei. Occ'au Beiu-h, h it 1825.........................Clayt*»n R ichard and wife. New Bedford, fa rm ............ - •*Camp John , W est Ocean Beach, house and lotClayton iva, ihslgers Park. hit. 72 .............Curry W in.. O leudola, Jiemsen lam l ..........( 'orcy J . B., North Spring Lake, S t. ( 'la ire ave, hit 177 Cam pls’U Chas. E.. Brielle. h it 73, <»reen pmfs^rty Du tt* 111 Joseph L .. Baileys, house and hit.Du rye** W in A., Ocean Beuch, lo t .10*28D ittimu) A. D., •• l*il. 1712 ..............................................

h it 171:1 ....... .............lot. 1714 ........................................

Estelle M rs. D . W .. New Bedford. K ing propertyElmer Jo rdan and wife, Baileys, fa rm . ........Fielder Ellen, Ocenu Beach, lo t 2071F i ***4mii-ii Juii**. ** ' lo t 1562. . . .................

h it l »ti2. taxes 18*11 Fielder Ellon, -•* lo t 415(■rant Caroline, Olentlo lli, lot . . . . ......................... ..G ilford Weldron. Allenwood, farm . ........................ ................Hurley 'Hun*. <estate}, (>lem1o|a. f a r m ................. .......................Havens Caroline i**state), AIIoiiw im s I, houst* anti lo t.......Hager Mrs.. W est ( leeail Boai-h, house and lot. ............Harris (><**irgo .heirsi. AII*‘uwimsI. la n d ...........................Harris H ubban l, Baileys, farm , tax 1801...........................Hopper Thom: s West Bl'iollo. lot ..................Henderson Cu-orgc. (ilendo la . Brown property . ..............Heyniger. W in . L . Jr . and wife, tK*eau Beach, lot 1050........ ........Hutch ins H. G il more, “ lo t 810 ...- ..........

h it H17 ..............: I laic W illiam C., W . V. P .. lo t *208.Heron Addison. Oi*ean Beach, lo t 2010...................... n. ......................Kiugsborrow Henry, Coino, “ ......... _......................... ..

! Kerr 11. M „ 0*-ean Beach, lo t 1052................... ............................. ■ •K ing W aite and wife. Baileys, j»art of- K ing property .....................

I Lavuiut* Iv lwartl, All«*nwtssl. house and lo t . . . . . 1's-'............. .. - ■ • -| Isxjnard Peter. W est t.V-enn l^ 'iw h. tw o*.............. ................j Lucas Jo hn C. t&sUitei, Sea G irt , T re iuon t ihm se, bhs*ks 1, 2, 3j Lucas M rs. Jn o . C. “ Beach House and stables ........

lo t 1141 ..............................................M orris Brooks, G lendola, house am i lo t ...............................

lax o f 1801.........................I Morton ito liort M . Alb*mv«*>d, fa rm ....................................I M orton Peter, ’ • “ houst* and hit' Mort*hi Allen. B lanc iiigburg , fa rm .....................................I M ills Mrs. N orth Sp rin g Lake, T uttle avenue, lo t 0........................

“ ” “ lo t 7 .....................h it 8 ........... -

“ L ud low uvenue, lo t 15..............lo t 10

** ** lo t 17h it 18lot 1» .............

I Mowers T. (i. Ocean Beach. 10th avenue lia th ing g roun d s .M ann ing H arr ie tt ^estate* N orth Spring Lake, Beverly ave, hit

i Moori*: M artha P. •* W orth ing ton avenue, lo t 21

Moore Mins E .S . Ocean Beach, lo t 618............lot. 01H.....................................

Jdenk ln J . A. and J . S. •* ltd, 2022 ................lot 2023

Mowers M rs. “ h*Uol f iiru itu re ^iiersonnli.M organ L illv B ** hit 1723 .................................M organ W m . - lo t 184HMarston D. 1J., Ocean,Beiwli, lo t l ri4« ............................................

lot 1547 .................................. ...........lo t 154K .............................lid 154** lo t l r oltd l.r>41 .....................lot 1542...............................hit 1643 ................................................h it 1544......................................

lo t 1545 --lo t 1040 ............................................h it 1047 .............lo t l(i4M .....................lot 104*1 lo t 1745

ltd 1740 ....................................lo t 1747 h it I74s

I - lot 1M4U. ............................................hit 1H4I ............................lo t 1H42 .............................

. Ud 104:1 ,ltd 1044 ............................................•hit 1045 .....................lo t ‘2940 .....................•61 2947 .-................... ......................lo t 294H .................p lot B, stable .......

j Newman Ablsitt and wifi*. New Bedford, house und lot.1 Newuian F ia u k , G.*ean Beach, Yard 's addition , house ( isborh Andrew J . . Bi ielle, ta ru i ..................... . . .

B nnk iu p inpe rty ....................................Pearce lirU i'ea , W . F. Os Imilii m ortgage ...........Parker W in., O leudola, h*iuse, sbire, ole . . . --Poland H attie , Now ll**dford. house and lo tKuiiytHi I.villa. West, Oi-.-an lieach. hiatse am i lo t ...............Itoichwoin J lo n n a u . lto*|gcrs Park, lo t 73..Itankiu Jam es E., W est Brielle. fa rm ...............Beichweiii ller iuan . H islgm s Park, lot 71. l<ct>lstab Jo hn Jr ., (h-euu Beai-h. lot 525.

lo t 520lot 527...............

Stiilweli Samuel aud wife, G lendola. lo u d ...........j Sangle Fred, ItodgciH Park-, hit 17 Sherman John , house and lot. r iiir J . W. Borilens .Steen Janies. Dupont, house am i lot .Sherman W illiam . New Bodr.ird. house and hit

| Snediker Harry . North Spring ij ik c , Ma.lisou avenue, lot *J09 Scmhlei Mrs. ** part or hit IH50Savage E. S., Coino, ouo-hulf interest ill tract 00

2 5.1 4 mo t 1, 2 I JO 4 (Ul

2 2 U0 4 003. . 2 00 4 004 2 Ott 4 itii5. 5 (Hi 4 001 1 55 4 502. 1 55 4 503. 1 55 4 504 : . 1 55 4 50

1 55 4 5025 SO 0 5112 43 5 4111 30 5 34

1 03 4 521 03 4 520 05 4 974 10 4 774 .54 .4 so

H 12 4 533 :w 4 71

13 50 5 524 7W 4' 824 MB 4 773 !14 4 722 10 4 000 72 4 975 45 4 S82 it i 4 023 :iy 4 71

.3 39 4 71.3 811 4 717 20 5 028 20 r, 102 20 4 023 ;W 4 713 :I0 5 104 52 4 SO

HO 4 5127 (i 059 OU 5 100 10 4 933 29 4 712 ut; 4 0U

20 o«;1 10 4 54

f l no 5 3210 19 X> '.022 00 0 254 52 4 SO2 03 4 On3 39 4 712 00 4 OO

J 3 39 4 717 ‘Mi 5 020 00 4 974 90 4 s4

204 00 25 01315 00 29 04

5 09 4 900 35 4 955 27 5 49

‘25 29 0 404 94 4 82

30 i*o 0 st;1 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 521 03 4 52

11 30 5 341 03 4 52

lo t 21 1 03 4 52lo t 22 1 03 4 52lo t 23 1 03 4 52h it 24 1 03 .4 52ltd 25 1 03 4 52lo t 20 1 03

3 394 52 4 71

3 39 4 712 20 4 022 20 4 02

22 CO 0 253 39 4 712 30 4 022 20 4 02

2 20 4 022 20 4 022 20 4 022 20 4 02

2 20 4 022 20 4 022 20 4 022 20 4 02

2 20 4 022 20 4 (»2

22 20 0 252 20 4 022 20 4-02

S u m m e r C lo th in g ,

• Ladies* S lrirt W a is ts ,

M en 's N eg ligee SI 1 icts,

A ll S u m m e r D ress <>o*sls.

J O H N S T E I N B A C H ,W .O O H E N IS I I L I H N O .

j ’jjLake Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.

Eranch Stcre. W est End.

t i n :

n i 1 1I » K A L S O N L Y I X T H E

Goods the Market affords.

Sole i. P.

A g e n t f o r t h e C e l e b r a t e d B r a n . l y w in e B u t t e r , a n d fo r

T h o m a s ’ “ G u i l t K d iLre T h e s e l i r a n d s o f H u t t e r aTC

S u p e r io r K r a n d s o f C a n n e d F r u i t s

a n d G o r d o n & D i h v o r t h ’s S p e c ia l t i e s

Olives, etc.

a l l o f C r,os .s-& B l a c k w e l l ’s

j a m s . J e l l i e s , 1'r e s e r v e s .

H6II0KRT. rillS, REIBSg7 1 'l'.u.b.... U,.n.l. II'isikor Sarah J .

- «ieh ro*p**clively. for tin* Tiixes for the I year One fhou'Annd E igh t Huudi-etl and Ninety-One, on account~of the Iiuu Ih, lone-

„ . . . - . . . ----- m olds, heredlUimentH. and real estate ofh orsa fe by F. P. PliUbrlck, (l<yan Bea* h said jiorsoiis. s ituated lu said Township, and Clias. A. Bye, ,Hprhig Lake Bt*ach. v | and describe I by said Ashvbsoi- In m ak in g 1


Ice C ream Parlo r,

f m i . BIT. StVINlH AND IlfiHIH IVES..

07 farm

Vest < Icon 11 B*'iu^h. tioiis** and l*>t ‘ ilin g Lak 1* Jersey aveiiuo. lot 240

Tut tie avenue, lo t 1 ltd. 2 ltd 3 lo t tt lo t 7 lot H lot 9

' ltd 10 ltd I I

2 20 . 2 20 •2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20

2 20 2 2ti I 13 1 13 1 I I

IH 04 ti ;i50 09

25 74 » 5219 U0 9 80 f. 40

if 5 (35 7 21

20 0 41 IK!4 rs ;4 52

1 592 24 2 74 7 204 1115 09 2 00 2 O0

45 45 2 H:i1 072 00 2 0(1 2 00

4 02

4 02 4 02 4 02 4 02 j 4 02 1 4 02

DIRECT RECEIVER MINNESOTA FLOUR.G i n g e r A l e . A p p o l i n a r i e s W a t e r . H i r e s ' K < >*it B e e r , f u l l l i n e

o f L u n c h G o o d s , a n d e v e r y t h i n g t* lse f m in t l i n a f i r s t c l a -s G r o c e r y

S t o r e .

H. G ET3IN G ER ,A v p i i u p , N o r t h S p r i n g l . a k e v

Adjo in ing C>. 1!. Hrowivs Mauim nth FiVtiiiure Store.

0 , H .

I! largest Furniture lisialilishineiit,


Most Complete Assortment.FINEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES.

5 IK5 22 4 S74 1*75 02 0 04 j 4 524 SO | 4 so I7 III 4 70 I 4 57 1 4 02 I

4 00 4 00 s os

. I m p o r t e r o f F i n e

C H I N A S c G L A S S W A R E

B R I C - A - B H A C , K T C .

j- 1 Hotels and Cottages Furnished. (><>*idf deliver- ■ed free ct charge to any point.

BELUAH, N, J.r r i io m ^ o n Yitto.,Ocean Beuch, lo t 7H.V I Vaim ibdalc Jas,, U lendola, Parker pro jie ity

2 002 (Hi

4 40, s» n

1; —j 1;

s 4 :n as 4 7 4 1

T H I R D -A.3NT ID J E R S E Y A V E N U E S ,

Spring Lake, New Jersey.

Page 3: the · 2015. 2. 3. · the BHffif'fi 11 [NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS.I m ubur It ELM All, N. J., SATURDAY, A.must IO, *1.00 PER YE Alt IN ADVANCE 3000 WILL UE IN THY HEABT. Good will be In

‘O A S T E C H O

U T U R D A Y , A U G U S T |8»3.

Local In form ation .

H e I h i n r l* o « t O f f ic e .

»m* uP 'Depart ure m ill A rriva l u f M ail* .


» MAIlJ*.

jl*w> at helnmr ..nice fi to and 10 :w A. M.. 12 30 • 0. und f, 40 I1. M . daily except Sunday.Ik-rrive hi Helmar 7 u> nud 10 aO»A. M.. 4 OU*1 «"■»» I*. M.. daily except Sunday.i)»TlCK. -d.biW Sixth avenue nud r street.

CM!., P. M.

A d a m s l<;\|tr«‘Hs ( ' n m i m i i y .


New York and Eastward.—Clonus at B :ui. h (Ml . M., l*j,iu ami r. 0i» V. SI.Now Yuris nud Eastward. Aridves nt 0 41I. 11 12 M . 'i W and 7 I I I'. M.

Philadelphia anil. Westward—Clones at 7 IB.I 60 A. .11.. PJ15, »:«1, 3 Ml, ft.-IA 1*. M.

T.S. DILLON. Agent.

U n i t e d S t a t e s Kx|ir»*Hs C o m p a n y

Local News and Notes. Spring Lake._____ ^ _________ j t l<mi iif cross walks alone. B u t no m any

run iiUhi!. I “ th ltfcs have b***u li*rt undone ! Nonsense.

Rean Vaiinot** has the contract for putht- 1 A n m i r m l al the Eas tfcynne ! RW ’. A. F . W lliiatttson. pastor of tin* 1U»I- I r i s th«« easiest th ing in th*- world to llnd

In g our public sc|i*h*1 bu ild ing . : on Tuesday iift»*moon of th is week. • I t Ik ' m on t avenue Baptist church. w ill preach iu t . »*■*»•! flic m an w ho ilm n tlw mont

Tho nowofit s ta tionery la o f ft tnWny color. HuppoMil to have occurred from d ro pph igu Hi. A imIw w 'h M. K. Church oil Sunday mor- g rum b lin g It* sure I«. I>


New 'BnuUi-i 3 M and 7 I*'. 1*. M."New York mi.I all poinlt Ea*t. West. ami

Bout It -Arrives at r.-AS. 6 Ut. 10 17 A. M.. la 14. l.W*. 3 3a. ft 411. II 03 aud H 17 P. M.

Point Pleasant aud lniervenlug station*—= Closes Hi 6 I'. 57f IU 17 A. M .. la 14. I 22. 3 3a. 5 4«, 8-03 nnd tt 17 P, M.

Point Pleasant aud Intervening stations ArrtvfM at ti U2. »l 65. * a2, 10 41 A.M., a oa. 3 5a and 7 lW P .ll. «

8. C. HOPPOCK. Agent

P e n n s y l v a n i a R a i l r o a d .

■ „ ' , On anil after June 2Uh. 1HVW.

• TRAINS I.KAVF. helm a k , week Dayh.

For New York, Nevrarfc uud Elizabeth—6 3H. (7 la, Mondays only* 7 34, h ia. s 30. a oa a. in., 1 ol, 3 37..3 VI. 4 10. 5 22 and H 50 ji. iu

For ltabwny -« 3H, » 02 a. m.. 1 ol. 4 1«. S 22 auda 6f> p. m.

For Loug Braiifh—« 24. 6 38. 7.:»4. n :ic. 9 02. 10 14, 10 53. 11 an II. UI.. 1 01. 2 16, 2 37. *42, 4 1«. 5 12.5 22. 5 Ml, (1 15. 1; VW. 7 07 and KM p. nit

For Phlladirlplila • Broad Htm-i). ami Trenton— '6 ,16, 7 33. « 01, 9 20 a. in., 12 40, 4 OH aiid 5 39 p. ui. «r

For 1 lam den. Burllugton aud Bordeutown-7 3:i.9 20 a. in., 12 40 and 5 39 p. m.

For.Oiwudi>u and Philadelphia (viaToms River)—6 60 ift 21 Moudaya only) a. m. ana 4 40 p. in.

For Toms Rl\or und Inland Helgtala—6 50 <8 21Hnndayb ooiy) » 44. 11 15 a. m.. 4 40 and 4 69 p. m.

For Point Pleawaut—5 57. fl 50, 9 44. 11 15, 11 54 a. m.. 2 20. 4 :hi. 4 40, 4 59, 5 21. 6 III, 7 20 aud 9.10 p. 111.

For iiew Brunswick, via Moninoutli Junction— 6 35. 8 04 a. IU.. 12 40, 4 OH and 5 39 p. in.

Trains Leave New York (via Itesbrosstm and Cortlandt aiiW tn Kerris), fcuii Hklmak.

At 3 30, 7 Ml. » 10. 10 no a. in.. 12 10 (1 20 Saturdays onlyi a su. 3 in. 3 40. 4 20, 5 10 and 7 00 p. m.

Trains Leave Phh.auei.emia (Broad street) for BEl.MAli.

At 4 06. « 60, H 25. 11 39 a. m .. 2 40, 3 :»l. 4 09. 4 14 and <5uOHaturdaynouly) p. 111. Market street wharf, via OiuideU aud Trenton, at 6 10, 7 20. loso a. in.. aud 2 30 p. m., via Oamdeu aud JaiuesliurK. 7.20 a. m.. aud 4.00 p. m.

HI NDAV TRAIN’S.Leave Belmar for New York—9 06 a. ni.. 5 26 aud

9 01 p .m .Leave bHiuar for Philadelphia at 6 16 p. m.

' Trdina Leavo n-k f»>r Belmar—H 15. 9 45 a.111. and 5 15 p. ui.~

Trains Loave Philadelphia for Belmar- 4 05 aud 8 jS a .n i.

N e w Y o r k a n d L o n g B r a n c h

R a i l r o a d .

know n nn tfm •• *fold o f lin iln ."

MlHB lilaiii'hi* Novin h/ts l«*ft R idnuir fo ra y isit to th<*-fniitlly o f ex-(lov. H artran ft. a l

IhMU'll lla.VlMI, S . .f.

WIhh Mortio Ih ih lor rolnnifHl from Tr«*n*

ton Inst w«*»*k nft^*r 11 |ilcaHuul v ls ll to Mim.

Kprajfiu*. luto of tin* t'o liiin liia Hotol.

Sny, you liaii^fi*rH-on around th** stAtion,

hidultfo in a llttli* Iosh prof.-uiity in l.h«> pr«*H-

pm u of UitUos who ar«» w a iting for th«* ■

tra in .

Sp rlu k h ^H prlnklivlittli'i-arl; iindHprlnkU* j

o ftw ,W m < 'ih «*w 'A u g rth t duyw. Tho son-j

non w ill s.Hin lx{ o'or, and thou aftoi; tho Imttlo, roHl .

“ A ihM I u* (*Imh;Ic I'an io ItiB ik^tiT iiiii* of jtho lati'M tiiuiM lnil prodm-t ion’s. No\vwill j

not Htiin** tun* ploaHi* ^iw* us “ Tho t*lMH;k

Wouldn't-Ko V”

The work o f <-oiiipk‘tiiiK tin* t i i i i ’ks to ;

Shark Hivor for th o Aslm ry Park am i ltH-

m a r S tioe t Ita ilw ay I'om pa iiy wjim rosumod M onday.

li^h tod matoh ainoiiK houh* Iooho papor.w.I t wiyt dlrtfovoriMl Udoro o lita iu iu ^ luiul-

way, and wan oxtinffuiHhoil U'fon* any wm I-

ouk dama^fi* wiiH.iiono.

Kov. K. l l . i l . D.vkoii. I> IK-or Wuidiintr-

ton. I*. <’.. 0110 o f tho nioHt diHtliiKuiahod

proaohoi’K of th«>- A. M . I'.. I'ln u v h of tldw oountry. will proiu-h a t llo* i-amp lu iid iiij; j Lu

now in prnifivHH In IM u ia r , 011 Sunday , jn

lovvu an a uuis-

nin#f. Au*ruHt -Jo. am i* th a t oiiKht !<• nupprooiMWl.• Tidk

H traw rl.U-H >r.> tli.' .vb-r of tlx- .toy. ....... .. ■"-‘"l-rli.K “ II,.- r tg h l . ..t t . . .ou t I*1.'''*1-*- ' ’ hat won> tho authorltloM

.laiHldorlriHr wh.*ii lhoy ordiMod worn-out

avonuoH wi'avolrHl; whon thoy nia«li< pro- for a liettor lijrhtiuur of tho Htr»***tw;

am i whon 1 hoy onm-tod ot.h«*r nn*i»**iir**H

S lu^onu in Jo hn W hite had a |iarty M onday nm htt and on. Tiu*i*(lay aftermNHi

lie took a w o re or mo o f youiiKMteiH fro to j

•• Tho liiiMkia ” to AMl.iiry Park . .

Walt«*r W iiiuriKht, w lto whh mo Hfrioiisly I hifit-W<*ok. Is iW-overliiK alowly. It

ye t know n \>h«-thor I I ia* fu ll um»>

[ th a t tim e . TIiIh hjiIo w HI l>o po*dli\ o, and

i no proporty will U> roHorvod.

| The hop lo Ijo «ivon_a l tiie Hotel <:'olhm-

i hia on F riday evening. Au*f., 25th. for the I liem d ito f the ItalliiiiK.imi^terM of tSoniou’s

'a u d M o w o i 'm pavilions, tiv -Ih‘ a

| i;rand affair. 1'rof. i ’om I Io v 'h oiohostra has

whleh need not lie ouuoieratiN l UereVj >\h<^« " r ig h ts ” wore they oonsiilerlijtr. If (

Jiot thosi* of property hohlens? t>h, Im t i

there-i« Fourth avenue, and thoroare part* j

of ot.he.r a venuoh which have no t boon urrav- 1 e led! Vory likely ; l iu l Couneil did hot j

iare, and It had no riL'hl to further w ith i

TioniM w ith IliH iuot»>y In

adopttn la pay - an- y» >u-k< •

no <li•fih t'isil th a t early j

hero will " Im* n i lianu** -' i in tin- t-oii.iilioii am i np|ioHram-o o f the

m m li-tViivoU-d.'aveutics now complained of. ,

Chir Immrd or 1-**uit>ilui>*u work w ithou t j

i«aj-. am i tJu*y a Ki''*at *loal o f lutr<i work lulruiraMe one. ImiIIi hi tho iiKht aud ;,throiurt>out the yoar. l*-t the t'tuinldorH >

A d«H*p InipivMHloii was made up- . stop Mrriiliihlint;; am i if th«*y ar»- n<d. to ta lly

A ugust ‘Jii, a t :l.:ki p . nt. . j lh«: lim b w hich wan mo f i l t h i ly In jured hy

O n W ednesday afte inoon next a t :i «V k *k j the phoHphorou* w^Hm- fu lly nv too*.!, .

the AdminiMt ratrix-of^ the est ate--of., the lat<* 1 • A m atch K'»me o f hull was played a t the

.larneM (’raitf, Collector of W all T ow nsh ip .' M oh im iu lli Utilise tflotuidH on Tuesday itf-

will «elj the real and p«*iMoiiul pro jw rty o f teciioou. lnd.woeu Ih e S p r in u Lake d u L am i Hsnln*ei hm ui.M

<dl delh iip iont taxpayers lit puM lc Mide.'We | n nine repieMeiitiuu V illa l ’ark . N ine inm sin lit. They hav

would therefore m l vise all w ho have not in ^s were'played, rcMiiltniK in a v ictory for 1 |Nilk-y. am i I hav paid the ir taxes to call aud settle liefon* SpriiiK Lake. * p, t |M. ,„ ,st v,.„ r

ih •live M.I in St. Am ir

lv. Church on Sum luy nioruitiK last , hy Itev I). W . Sk«lleni;er..puMtor o f the W iihIiI iuit

avenue l ’rt*Mhy tot imi church. Scranton, Pa. was

•M il

Time Table lu effect June 25tb. 1893. Stations in New York: C. R. R. of New Jersey,

foot of Liberty street: P. R. R., foot of Cort­land and Denhrosses streets. Muudy H<M>k mute, foot of Beptr>r street.


Central—4 30. 8 15, 10 30, 11 30 a. m., 11 20 Satur­days -otoly) 1 30. 2 15, 3 30. 4 00, 4 30, 5 30 and6 15 p. 111.

Fenusyirunia—3 30. 7 30, 9 10, 10 00 a. m.. 12 10. (1 20 Saturdays only) 230. 3 10, 3 40, 4-20, 5 10. and 7 00 p. in.

New Jersey-Southern—1100 a. m.. (1 00Saturdays only) 3 15.4 30 and 5 30 p. in.


Central—(5 55 Monday* only) 6 0a. 6 5a. 7 23, 7 64 8 34. 9 32. 10 VI a. in.,12 07, 2 02. » 62 aud 7 02 p. in.

.Pennsylvania—6 38 (7 12 Mondays only) 7 34. 8 12, 8 36. 9(12 a. in.. 101. 2 37, 3 42. « 16,5 22 and8 56 p. m.

New Jerway 3otrtliern-e 31, 7 88, B 18 a. m, and

For PtdladnTpbla and Trenton , via Bound Brook route, a l 0 02. 7 *7. 8 24 a. m.. 13 07 and 2 02

For tfea'tiirt—5 57, C '.IH. G60. 7 Oil. 7 33, 8 04, 9 30.9 44. 10 18. I I 15, 11 54 a. m., 12 40. 12 45. 1 04,I 25, 2 20. 3 36, 4 08, 4 15. 4 30. 4 40. 4 59. 5 09.5 21. 5 31. 6 39. 6 05. 6 lo, 6 16. 6 20, 6 26, 7 30,7 26, 7 39. 8 20 aud 9 IO p. ni.

• For Point Pleaaaut—5 57. 6 50. 7 03. 9 44. 10 18.II 15, 1161. a. in.. 12 46. 104, 125, 2 20. 3 35, 4 15. 4 30. 4 40. 4 59. 5 09. 5 21. 5 34. 6 06. 6 10.6 16, 6 30. 6 26, 7 20. 7 25, 7 39. 8 A and 9 10 p. m.

For Trenton ami Philadelphia, via Sea Girt—6:t5. 7 33. M 04, 9 -20 a. m.. 12 40, 4 08 aud 5 39

. For Freehold— 8 04, 9.20 a. m .. 12 40, 4 08 aud 5 39

For Camden, via Sea Side Park—« SO, (8 21 Mon days.only) a. m. aud 4 40 p. m.'Tonis River—9 44.11 15 a. m. and 4 69 p. m.

, For*

C l i u r e h S e r v i c e s .

A Mtranker v isitim r Shark Jlive r a lio u t 11 etiKa«t!iI_fuiahe tH-casion. I he ol.ject

a. in. would im agine th a t i f la r«e jH a w orthy one, a iid for the sake of "the tion or Its |M‘ople Wer«» o u t w ith luiok am i j Imlhiritf mnstei s it .is hop«*tl ll i it l the Im p

line and erah n«*ls. ^ w ill prove a llnam ial miici-csb. All* wlm

M r. Neil (N nk iin , In c«Mii|»aiiy w itii Mr.] have paTroni^*<l the l.athhi»r tfrouutls aye iir o s ta r te d 011 a 1 under oh lljfa tions to the men whose luist-t ’has. Spins, a

ruiso to A tlantic H igh lands in J.lie yin-ht

M lif lit" o f S lif rlc U lver.

Mr. Spies of. th is place ca iiffh t 117 snap-

pln»r inai-kerel opt ionite Fred lie llile ’s, pue

day th is week. It. required on ly three

hobrs to haul-them in._

The entertainment- *riven hv the “ ISitf

Four ” Conihinnt ion a t the iW ln iar House,

in Tuesday evening., was h igh ly enjoyed

hy the m any quests of tha t house.

Charmin*? little seaside liatf. are in Ihe

Em pire kIuiim*. the liroatl h rim slantln»;

ness it is to carj* for the surety of luitfier-s.\

Ije t them luive-a roiisinK‘l>*'netit. \

The ctijil snap at. the llrst o f the week j

was ho t the lMjM:innhiK o f w in ter.’ We ha\ e had Mooi-chimr weather wince then and |

there is toore t o follow Mj±v*»mt- weeks of it. I

and it \tlll Im* de linh lftilly tampered w ith ;

ciHilinj' Lree/es from the j^reat i^servo ir |

whose waters unceasin j'ly lave o u r shore,.!

and whose h i# billows in the ir m ad riu-e to- j

ward the sands take a ilnal tum b le and j

knock ou t am i swash around the stoutest. |

, o f I lathers, api»arently_ ju s t for th e f u n dow n .In fron t from underneath , w hich thin*; *

The half-mile sw ininiluw rai-eat the lieach I ^ ,.rs4l|is W|K, the u iost ticketM th e 1st

• ■ , _______ 1 -> S a lu n la y m orn ing , last p ro veil a avev,, „ M|Sistilw ,.f a «o ld waU-h am i the ^ , . n dJohn L . . u lliva^ , x-l’r im of S Iu^ m rs. . }uterestiiifr event, a iid wiis w ituesseil b y a ,j- U|1 Bible <ieo W CtMik W m II

a p p e a m l a t A s .any Park on W ednesday ! ^ .,w r.Mll1w o f an O x u m i BtLle. «.eo. W . Cook. m .

evenlifjK. In “ The M an from Boston.” * ‘ * iai

• Hi the large audience pn*s<*ut.' ^ lost to every sense o f jus tice and fair deal

There are a uuiiiU*r o f bicyclers in Sp ring •»!«. they will llnd soiuethlu*? to couin.em l

Lake, but few; of them sjieml-iiiore tim e on ,, i|- they will stop a m om ent to compare the i the wheel, than W in. <!. Sohanek. the bor- S p iin g I ja k e o f ua w ith p ivylous years. I j

oug li collector. B ut he rarely rides •• Jn'st r“ r *',M- » •” entire ly sutistled w ith tin ' grail- |

fol- t he fun of the t h ing ;” it is business fy ing " chaugft “ which has lieen matle thus | that takes h im o u t so fre ip ieu ily on the •’at in the hi ie^space of .-iglit.-.-u m onths.

The tv ie rn m nn C oncert.

The e o n w t g iven by Prof. PeU*rmann and fam ily at the Hotel C o lum bia on W ed-!

nes< lay even ing of th is week was a gram I f

suei-ess artis tica lly If not Unancially. There

was a fa ir attendance, b u t uot w hat it i

should have«lM-en._ The almentOMM mi-metl a

rare treat. The selections were choice and rendered hi a style seldom *ur|MtsMed.. M iss

Peterm ann Ih a y oung lady of •wonderful

musical ah iih y . Her |i»-if<iinian« e <>n the conn-t was I o il lim it am i sh* *wetl aeotu|Hete

coiin iiam l o f tlw lnstriu iient, um well a» a [

l«e|,fiH*t know leilge »»f tin* mont delicuto

luiriuonl»*M «if ‘miiMle. M aster Ile t it i Peter-

niiu lii emtraneeti the audience w ith hi» sul>-

tie m an ipu la tions of the violin . The power

and « apiM*lty already developed In his p la y ­

ing gives piiaulM* o f j* b r il lia n t care**r in

tin* fu ture . > Tlw* P»of»*ssor h im self Is a !

thorough m usician, nnd is ga in ing new lau ­

rels In his profession a t every perform- ( atico. W e u utters Im id that he is <i|<en t > > i

engagem ent for eit her public or parlo r en ­

te rta inm en ts on llhetraJ t«i|rius. H is sum ­

mer address Is Point i ’leasanl, N.


A t S o m r o f I I m ‘ l lm is * *

i n I t e l m a r .

shows llte d a in ty edge of a closey shirred j ruffle of lace.


'v hhe Sablmth-si-l.oolsconnected w ith the

5J. j-:. ChufcheH of Sp ring Lake .am i Muna-

S<piian went on th e ir a nnua l excursion on

T hW sday .. A very pleasant, day wuf* spent at l.4larut Ile igh ls . The fonder hcIhmM 111 us-

U *iw lV i si-hiilaiw am i atlu lts , and 120 went

from M anasip inn . The excursionists reach-'

ed home alMiiit t» p. 111.The three n ig h ts en terta inm en t given

t his week a t S t. Jo hn 's M . K. Church a t­

tracted largo crowds and a h u ge iuilm was

I reali/e«l for the lieuetlt of the trustees and

stewards. Pri'/es were awarded Ur t;ln* two

n f NT No. i.

Council M eoting .

KOKTON»•' N tn v t , M ii|il

1 Be»i of coffee*. l,i Ml B.-sl .,f toitmr. l«-»t

ttf t0i»rar, Im'hi 1,

, ( u r . Tenth Avenue 1 Hint I m u > lir iH crir».

Triim iAV L vf.n in o , August 5, lS!i:t. 1 Iteguh if m eeting of Council was held on 1

the above date a t the eng ine house.

Piesent llio inpso ii. m ayor ; A IIen‘ Bur- rtiughs am i M arsh.

M inutes of m eetings hold J u ly is , Aug. 1

am ! Aug. s. 1*1:1, we«> ap|iroved as read,

j O rd inance C om m ittee subm itted an or­

dinance concerning the organ isation and regulation of the Urn departm ent. On mo- 1 tlou the ord inance concerning the lire <le- j Iiartinent.w .ts taken u p o n its llrst reading;

the ord inance was then read and further j

consideration |«>slponc>l un til nextr ii*gular*]

m eeting of Council s.i as to give tls> 10111- m ittee an opjMututiit-y lo confer w ith the

mem bers of the lire departm ent.

M r. A llen snbm ilted an ord inance pro- j

- i „ JP.rice, Thomas Lum o, l.a u ra A. Sc*»tt. and , ih a ll. w ith llrst, second am i th ird ;.prjvses, t Imw. W . Corsev acted as com m ittee of at-

T ^ . ™ , M t , » , , r i , > 1 | i lu i l t l l l ( I 4 l ( j i k l IuAtalB T i » - ’

nar tgWH* the Hon. Jo hn . won lf>’ ClitTonl Southwh-k, of Avon time. ; -

M r. an i^M rs . Geo. F ; Wih«>n, o f Toronto, j p2.4o; second, bva *• M r. Sm ith ” 1 name ti*- . “ . 1 * " , ' " ie . vi.lim r for the 1 lacin' i <b i*-at t o... io I . . , . . I..-* . 1 r, , - 1 i ta ry of the Nh-1*>1\ b>r the Prevention o f ; ' l,u|W h» i th« p la tin g ol ilio jig a te s a t the,0,1.. r r t , .m « l Ik..... I M » « * » H « ,.f I'ark . lu U .W ; th ln l l.y ......„.,r:U lly M w m l * s > Am- “ “ •* ..I tl»- N.-w

„ le „ ,a „ t stay o w e e ta a t .he : H o r ^ <•. S , , „ . l , » i ,k ,.f Avum. ... H * . ^ 1 .-vlnVn,. V,,rk « . . . 1 ....B Kn.,,,1 . K a il, ,* , . . T WBuena \tsta. Their depart tire was m uch w hile H arry Brown came lu a close fourth . I . . ; • „ . . . , , .‘.itliuMti. e wiu- i . I . n . i i.. tl... ........

^ „ y ^ , i , " „ , ...... ... Prnttk Van Ht.rn .-lime In lirtli. ................... j ^ ....... ......... - . » « Z p Z Z X S T Z

M u. M i l o H . C i .b m . m. ,.u ll„ ,r l» ., l to ....... W H * nu t - In It. |,i» s i ...... t l................................ ft*,.- iva ,ll.,K. i u l l a i , I .................... I

contract for advertisements and to receive Tuesday afternoon the Belm ar base ball j S)M.j,,tv in 1S7J iLs;ag.‘n tsiiavecap tu re « iam l 1 ^ « e r Com m itlee ixT idletl th a t t w.. i-om-

suliscriptions for the C oas t Echo . * ■ c lub visitetl Avon am i defeated the c lub of j destroyed M.>venty-six Unis of Im pure lit- I'iu in ts bail U*en> in reference to the

P ink te a s ’’ and s im ila r m illine ry e fhv ts I th a t place by a score of 15 to 3. Avon's ..rttt Ui-«» .a n d it. is s till tlo lag What it can to | w< irk ing of the sew ei. b u t investigation

are frowned on by the good s«M*iety o f near- ; p itcher, Osliorn . was h it quit** freely, am l.j , rt,t ,,jr the hands of the U iys and girls^-_--show»*«l that the st*ippages com plained of

by localities^ inc lud ing Hailey's Corner and i w ith «iuiiierous errors and |>oor tieliling. • t |„4 vj(,-. |MH,|%S which are secretly convey*-.! were in the connecting pipes am i not in the

Low er Squankun i. J and in f a i l lia«l p lay ing generally , ou r hoys j Ul H*-hiH>lsv am l ^en iiiu u ie s to Hoist in the »«w**r m ains. In reply to the M ayor

Found, near Ctimo station, on Wednesday. : an easy v ictory. I he jiame team s ; lu j(ll|s

A ugust l(i, a fMicket-tMMik con ta in ing a small tt,e expe;*te,| U. cnips I^Ls again th is after

sum of money. The ow ner eau have same »«aturday» on the B**lmar g round ,

by prov ing property uud |tayuig for th is i avenues. The Belm ar cluI

! m inds an il i-hin t he koiiS and daughters ■ tire



In qu ire ..( J . K. H u r t , a t ] 19 nuu le 'up u f K uu le .it and luusele. an,I ■ | a iiy team th a t runs up aga in s t- it must

,, , „ ,, ■ , , . p lay a mighty-go*kl ball o r e.\|KH-t to Ite ile-1-rank M . Porch, o f Bridgeton, spent j

last week in Belm ar w ith his fam ily , apd ihi M ^ptlav M rs I The public sale of B e lm ar hits w hich 'has

M ethod iat.

Corner of Ninth Aveuue and F street.

REV. S. M. NIC HOLS, Pastor. fttrHTtXx SERVICKS.—Seats free. Preaching at

10 30 a. m.. aud 8 p. m .: Sunday school at 2.30 p. n t : Class meeting at 9 30.a. m .; Children's class at 4 p. m .; Epworth League services at 7 p. m.

Week nimht Servicek.—Public Prayer Meet tng ou WnOnesday at 8 p. m. Netgtiliorh«>od Prayer Meeting at Isaac Newman’s cottage Thursday at 8 p. m.‘ Official Meetings, llrst Monday of each mouth at 8 p .m .. .


Corner-of Ninth avenue and C street.

REV. CHARLK8 EVKRlrTT. Pastor.Bi*Hi>AV Servicfs.—Preaching at 11 00 a. m at

Westminster Tabernacle, corner tif A street and 7th avenuo.

All the other services at the Presbyterian Church, corner of 9th avenue aud E street, v iz.: Sunday School at 2 30 p. ni. Y. P. S. C. E. Meet­ing at 7 15 p. m. KegUlar ».venlug Service at 8 P. m.

Week Night Sebvicki.—Prayer Meeting on Wednesday al B ji* m.

returned to Bridgetoi

Porch, accompanied by her soil; will -re­

m ain w ith her parents, M r. am i M rs. C. U. H u d nu t, untrl Sept. 1st.

I n another co lum n *»f th is paper w ill Im* found some advertisements in poetry,

penned by P. L'. Hefarari. which include

some o f the most p rom inent and reliable

tradesmen in Belm ar. A ny one who pa­

tronizes them m ay Im? su re o f fa ira nd cour­

teous trea tm ent.

IV n weeks ago we printtv l air item con­

cern ing M r. Bradley's uiefluMls <if runn in g a 'sum m er resort. I t pleased the A tlantic H igh lands H era ld so well th a t the local

ed itor of th a t sheet.appropriated every line

o f it and -gave i t to, thrf little world around

h im as a real. freslHfaeih eoiued from his

own fertile brain . T hanks, m any am i warm . No cards; no cake.

You can buy a bicycle, in good runn in g

order, for $20 cash tif F rank Parsons, Box

148, Belmar, N . J . *

LaSt't^aturday afterm sin the Misses L iz ­zie, M e iiie and L*)ni,e Btih ler, daughters of

M r. Jo h n Buhler, gave a c lam am i oyster

lx iaston.the opiKisite side of tiu r beautifui river. A ntuniier of invited guests were

present, inc lud ing M iss M aggie Buhler of

Ph iladelph ia, and the party o f ;oung i/en-

tlem en from Trenton wh*> have lieen ten t­in g on the river. .

The improvements which ‘ the trustees were authorized to. m ake to th e public

school b u ild ing are under way and will Im*

____________................. .......................................... ip iiry» com m ittee stated th a t the

■on&t)ii{gLami unsiiS|M*etiug iia ren tsof some ! eng ine Is used in Hushing llte sewer

of the liest-fam iliesIn the land . The entire I 'v,,*‘n '»»«***•**«I by the Fire Ap|»ra tua Com-

address was an earnest plea for ou r youS h ■ *uittee.

and for th e suppression o f d im e novel lit- M r. A llen suggested th a t a ,d o se inspac-

e ra lure am i «tf obscene iMMiks.ami pietmvs. Hon o l a ll s**wer conne*-tions shuu ld be

Such -an atldiea-* cannot, fail to result .in'^ made so as to guar .l aga ins t the use of

giMsl in a ny c tin im un ity , and i l cannot Im* J sm a lle r pipes than is requlrtHl by tirdiu-

K.ijinliy i^.m ..r ih. tm.-'-t nrawil.

And pjckitet* Unit we km-w *111 null Nuts auil rainius. i.tiiwlard keuu. S..«|>. ntar.-h and Olueiui;. k<-r*»**-ii**

This is their hobby, mark it well.None but the best of got.dr« they s*»llf|»Alltl prices low Hit here fo|-i*told.Sit■<are tleailngs await you at their store.

JO H N K. W A H K K N . Corner K Street u m I I' lftli Avenue, Leading KvalaurMUt. Boat* hy I lie l l a ) ur H our. The Best I* I ace for CrabbiuK, Koaliug am i KUIi Id k .

When coining lo BeMuar to txirry a while.Should you wish to l.c>M*rc.l for lu eKcelleut -tyle Warren's Is a filensant rws..rt.When the linn- of .day I'oiues To gel something to eat.UI s stews and his steaks Have a savor b*i rare.When once you have eateu You'D evftr go there.The must excellent coffee, fish , bam anti egg*.And be serves ti|> t.j stera lu raws, stewn and tries.He's convenient to busluesu.To banks ami the (.rains.And t he proprietor spares Neither aioitey or palus.

H . V. CH AM K K B LA IN , K Slreet. BcI m m u N in th aud Tenth Avenues, Laud ing M ar­ket. Chute*- M eat-uud Pou ltry .

Fresh'Hleaks. chops and •■uil.Hs,Nice r.tu»ts of beef ruid Veal.Are at Mj . i-hauilM-rliaM'a Market To s<*rve each dally inen l ;

iy Mr. fhaaitssrlata,

W m


\V*»ul*l ruirn- itlojytrv in miiii) h«‘»rt>. H o w janil-

ii u i»uhI Ih- gnattietl. ViMir *h»Hars will. jjp r , »%-... ..jn , * a in j mi r« l i a s i n-jf | » « c r ....ici b m jM f l

"*uir I'lloiliiiiiijr, Th** i l l iw ttttM fue, th e rngkn m t 'h a u m

d'aiie. I h r iM « h m a d riiijjiffhit.. A w iiiii ’# twia w y lm»

a wi'tii w lo*ii It** l«** l- t It..* i h r is w r ia r t i i^ l«ack uucti

la-r i hdhing. N»i s u c h • ia n * re r » bcu a t t i r e d iu

<on- in u n it ;tU lr :i«h>r> iiurtil fi»r lu n u k u id . T h e

r a t e a l w h ic h o u r ji-a r i u n i l s fr*t aw ttm i- th iay

'I iw y |»h-aw t h r i h e pHcfcets a n d t h e |»e.r-

• ‘iwiwi. IAua «§ji*iiwirtifi. u u . l y o a w il l r b k

H E N R Y ' S T E I N B A C H ,

O c e a n P a l a c e ,

M a in S t r e e t a n i» I ’w h k m a k A t b v p b t * S * r * T P A R K


ill V ults s lid ii

epeuted to oftei I t is well for pat ent.-' 1 ®nce.

to know tif the dangers and perils w ith I*11' fo llow ing hills am i cla im s were i

which the ir children u ie environ***!, a m i to : f e n ‘‘d to the Finani^* Comniitte**:1 Pay roll, J u ly 1893. . $ 887John H u e g ly ,su rvey in g ly , IMy.t 67- M ary H urly , lam p lig lfting ‘ do 40

been atlvertiseti for the past few weeks by

t i i^ ^ s s lg n e e t i f . M rs. Ciehtens was no t a

su -cess'. The enquiries made iit antici|w- j lie to ld from tim e to . tim e w hat. M r. C-om-

tlon of the sale were ^liimerous, b u t the J st«K-k's societv 'is do ing t*» aid them ill the ir _

bids were far below the values p u t upon efforts to tra in up 1 heir children in the paths j t . ’Y:!'’ Wurman.'’7

the properties by the Assignee. Tiiere was j o f v irtue ;yi.l m o ra lity .am l to p it dec t. them ! t- M c l'o iin ifka fa ir attem lance i I J . Newman, •Heeling garbage'. .


as 4H 51

ion no13 20- 4:1 05

T otal . . . . . . ^---- $ 1,218 94i j

M ayor calle^l a tten tion of Couneil to the

m ischievous act o f the jierson w ho entered

the. water supp ly statun i a t n ig h t anti

*2 .1 ruuius in a ll an.I they are hull. U, Uu-k» lh " " * ' ” •“ * « » •,.r r,,ur. M r ....n is live ree. „ ,u a ,v and ' “ ,,k . • « - l"tn ltli.W ap| »ra t„«is ventilated „ „ t,vo sides. The aisles are **tale.I tl.a t lie- „ | « d a K I ...... .w h whi.-l, tla-

Mve reel wide. ru i.lili.K nurtl, and » .„ lll, ! ... .................. entered « . m id l>e

and ea&t. and west., iu a .i.l iu .,1. to o the r j * 1 ' ' a *.,,IM' 'n.-.;.,i,m„Hl;tti,,ns there are t » u s low er A U.a.d la tla-sum ,,f one l,ui,dre.l .h J la r ,

lawns In.-unveuletd l- a tos.s a i.d th e ; w“” ’“ .'■'.“ tted hy C .» » l J J e Samuel (iar-

usu l f„i- th is and other |,u.t««es a l the i !'ls" " » “ l1' ......... .... ...... •-hath houses is ........ artesian water. | 1.) the * M a « h t« r the | « n » »

veyed th rough pi|M*s from tlu* M onm ou th j H*iuse well. The h ath ing su its are new and !

made o f the 1 test fabrics, am i there is an a ir t

tif neatness and cleanliness a lo u t the en- j

tire estab lishm ent rarely m et w ith at, other j .. . „ .. , i . . Vi, . #. . the Clerk attest, the same.(.Hints on the shore. I I too often happens ! . • ,............... I On motioni the mat ter tif lig h t in g street

1ami>s lim ler the H urley contract wan

referr**«i t«i the Street L igh t Com m ittee for

in v«*sligation am i report a t next m eeting as

to how str**et lig lit in g shouhl lie *-onduct**d,

d some interest maul- from fa llin g in to the grasp of publishers of ., . ,, , . - - • .

•fested in the sale, b u t a fter tes ting the j Hie vile s tu ff which carries ru in am i death ! s!*W . £ht\V*ils” [u:a*hihisl.' d isposition of bidders, a ll o f the lo ts were | in-its c*»ur;ie w herever it Is perm itted t*»gti

w ithdraw n. The depression in Hnaneial - I t Is doubtfu l whether a u j4 e s . , i t on the

a lla irs , which is eausinK a severe tension ,,^st.-auahow su.-h U tln iiK houses

in m one tary m atters , n o d ou l.t had .-..nsid- m * n . ly s.Mith o f the M onm outh

e ia iile inlliien,-,-. H .a ise b y the O io s t C um pauy . Then-

Three weeks ago IJenry VVachenhauscn. propriebu- of the B uck ingham Hotel, Avon,

caused the arrest o f Robert P . “Beil, of

Newark, on a charge of a pp ropria t ing and

emlM'zzling p art of the proceeds of a con­cert g iven u t th e B uck ingham by the

guests for the Lene flto f tin* crippled ch il­

dren. . Bell denied, tiie charge, am i accused

those responsible for his arrest, w ith try in g

to ru in h im . H e therefore had Waslien- hausen. Law yer Edw ard F lam met- -of N'ew

\ork am i E d w a rd S . E llis the novelist a r­

rested la s t week, cha rg ing th e n i w ith con­

spiracy. Oir Sa turday the accused parties

were given a hearing liefore Jtlstice C-rego

*»f th is Burough, which r**sult**d iu the I'llacing o f W acheiiliausen under bonds to aw a it the action o f the g rand ju ry . E llis

am i F lam m er were discharged.

I An ad joum etl m eeting of Council was

I hehl a t the Engine House on Thursday

j even ing. The M ayor being absent,, M r. A l­

t'vet y thing tee c l d aud awtjet. i fn readiness f.,r jrou.

He keeps on baad the choicest j nr mutton, pork au.l lamb.; Aud Hue eorueti tieef ami saunaf’**,- j Aud sugar cured ham:I He buys tbe best stock only, j Eight from th*- country yard*.And to all who meat desire, lie seudn bis kliid regards,

I U U i lA K U W K iH T . F Street and Seventh ! Avenue, Coal. Vt uud. Hay , »traw aud


-If you want to know i Whore to get feed ' That will make y..ur hume

Like lytaud H. S|*ff l.Why fume with me'to Wight's More.And buy a bushel ..r*, ur-ium-re;Or. is*riiai«n;, you may want corm For family use. .,r fee».l and grainP..i rhlcken ..r go.

of p ro tec ting h im aga ins t a ny loss in se ll­in g th** goo*ls of Ellen Fi**hler untler judg- j m en t in a Borough license su it. O n mo- j

tio u the M ayor was instructed to sign

the I wind subm itted by M r, Garrison, and j

th a t th*' bath house is a sm all, dark and Inconvenient affair, and Unworthy of

the nam e by which it is k now n; b u t ffie

houses a t Sp ring Lake, uver which 'Squire

Ed. H a ll presides, were bu ilt on a lil-eral scale and -the atvom m odations ure litst-

class ih every particu lar. A m i then the

patrons d tm 't have to ask any ' questions. Placards are- [Misled g iv ing any desinM in-

1 on le ied .

oompieted . in tim e f*»r the F a ll opening. | h‘ii was elected cha irm an pro tem . As^li

They w ill lie g reatly appre*-iate<l by the | rect**d by law^ the Assessor presented hi? youngsters as well as by the teathers w ho • assessment for the year 1893. On motion j lo rm ation , am i on lit** *>flice couliter is an

du rin g the w inter m onths w ill Im* obliged 'to ! it was accepted and referred to tla* Finance i abumfance of sm all cards announc ing the

s|iend a large jiortion of the ir tim e w ith in | Com m ittee for exam ination . The further j b a th ing hotirs^^ aiitl g iv in g prices of rooms,

the walls of the brick structure . | consideration^of the ordlnan**e requ iring | suits, etc

M r. Rol*ert C. liu h le r las t we*»k linishctl I the pain ting .o f the W estih lnster Tabernacle, (

and th is week he has completed his i

tract for iiR fntiiig th e new cottage recently j son> WII» appo inted to con fe r w ith the rail-j *'• ‘ enls. |»er week, $L M r. H a ll is assist**.t

erected a t io m o by M r H avis. He has a t , ruad a u th.irlties. respecting the cr.v tion of »*>’ W est, wh*i tu ts as IsHik-keejier and present a numlM.r o f workmen engage*! on ! ^ >faU>H r h f i reS4(lutiol, a t laM cashier : by Jo in . C o n ^ o f the C*.n... life-

keeps an eye on the

jo t license fees, w a s reconsidered, and ] tiutliers and tak*»s gt m m1 care th a t none «if

Catholic .

M. L. OLESNOS, Rector, on Sunday at 6 au and 9 a. m.

Protestant F.piacopal.

Church of The Holy^|>.M«tIeH. Firth avenue n ea r^gfcfreet.

REV. WTLLIASf A. NEWBOLD, Rector.^inutilon.—First Sunday of the monthHtdr Coi

t 10.30 a. m.Early Celebration. -Thlrtl Sunday ctf the mouth

a t 7-txi a. m.Xegnlar Sun.lay Services — Morning Prayer

and Sermon at lit,:io a. in.. Children's Church at 4 15 p. in.. and Services of Praise «t 5.00 p. m

• Haptlst MisHlon.

Corner F street and Sixteenth avenue.J . B. Hochel. Superiuteudeut.

Sunday School at 2.30 p. m.

The prices charged a t th is estal

| g a tte Ui lie erected a t the *>th and Hith ave- j lishm ent are : B ihuus i»er w**ek, inc lud ing

hue railroatl crossings, wais jnist poned un til ‘'^re o f tw*:» su its , $2.50; use next meeting. A . ctnnniittee consisting of t htttli. one. person, 25-cents;

the M ayor, am i Messrs. M arsh and Jack-1 P*r 25 een la ; su its to hire, per' hath,

I f W,f s a,M l. j m eeting respecting delinquents iu paym ent i sav ing station; w ho kJVof t street and 8tli avenue. M r .B u h le r - u{ !lt.enbe fees, was recoU8bier*>«i. am i ! buthers and takes g.MMlrep*»rts a gtMMl sum m er’s work, and lie has !

s t ill a rrmnlier uf orders *m hand.amendeil->so as to authorize the Sollcitor.Ui

commence legal pr*M*eedings if fe**s are hot

A llsh ing party from Spring I^tk** w ent j p a itt W ithin five days after notive is served

up the river on -Tuesday aftejnoon.^Irom j j i l ^ n said ile linqueuts.

W arren’s doyk, in quest o f crabs, snapping-1

ma*-ketvl, whales am i sharks. T h e y ‘had E lectric L ig h t ing .

rem arkably g«MKl luck. Und th e “cateli*'was j- The regu lar m eeting of the Borough

sent home by express the same evening. (*um cif^vas hehl on Tuesday evening. Aug In the p arty were Kev. M r: and Mrs. Skel-

lenger,.of Scranton, Pa., Kev. S. G . Pit t, and M iss Am anda Voorhees nnd M iss Alice

Florence tif New Brunsw ick.

Brti. M ille r’s suggestion th a t a town'clock he purchased for t hat " convenient open­

ing " I n the new'cupola of the M .E . Chnrcii. Is a gtMMl pm*. P u t the scribbler id' th is

Item down for a Plain! silver dollar. Any other.BuliseriptlonH w hich m ay be tendered

for tiie chM-k will Im* cheerfully acknow l­

edged through the colum ns of the Echo.I Now don ’t all speak a t once.

them float o u t to sea or go down to Davy 's,

locker - and also by his son P e rcy ,'w ho

presides over the s*mIh water foun ta in , am i

is kept busy serv ing customers -at the

reasonable price of 5 cents per glass.

A C h a n c e la N o t \ei

15th. A detailed report of the proceedings

w ill Im* found in ano ther Colum u. Two new 'ordinan*,es were lntrotluc*Hl—one to organ­

ize um i regulate a lire departm ent, and the other to provide Tor. safety Kales a . the Del, y iW U ttMIt h . M y « l« « lt ............— of

To tlie.CoAST Et l i u :

'l'ak ing for •. the Im s is u f his rem arks ,”

tiie recent profierty hohlerS m eeting held

in th is borough, " S um m er Res iden ts " has

and 10th avenue railma*! crossings. -• No j

inform atio ii vvas.vouchsaf**d resiiecting the I electric lig h t in g .. The contract calls for

tWenty.-two lights jdistriliuteil- th roughou t |

the B*irough. O n ly one-half o f th is nutn- ! Is-r-lias ye t been furnished, an il no t even I

oue has Im*c ii placed a long or near the ,

ocear front. The cha irm an *tf the street j

lighting ' c o m m itte e , was absent, am i iio j other memlMT of council could give Hie in-J

form ation asked for respecting the timefulHlletE

^ p o th e r Futa l Accident at Sea G irt.

Petttr H ankins, of P o in t P leasant, was in-

e tan tlv k ilh 'il a t Sea G ir t an' F riday n ightlast. H e hatl purchased a ticket for Po in t w ith splaice..

P leasant, and wa*J w atching Central tra in j T ll„ ornyloyees .if the Melrose In n w illJ io . 319 com hig from the north, and stopped g^am i concert am i hop there on

r ig h t in f ro n t of P. U. K. tra in No. 398, 'fu e s t ln v e v e n in g n e x t . Th.......... w il l

W hich was m ak in g i t s sU^* a t the station. „ , nH,st , lf sn|41Hf duets, and p lanta tion melo-

Eng ine i‘r George Morris, of M anasiptan. dies. ‘ Ice cream am i all the delicacies of

saw the m an ’s danger ami-blew the w hittle , y ,,, w ill . I- served by a committee

0.n4 the Hreman w as.ring lng the hell, b u t 0f young ladles." M r. W . F. M iller, head-

tliey m uih i n*if save h im . H ank ins was a wai t4., <1,.. Melrose, is th.* « hairm au of

la ljorer fu r H . H. Yard, am i leaves a wife j com m ittee o f arrangements, n n d three children,

Large quan tities of splaice have lM>eu

caugh t th is week iu the vic in ity of the

th e pound iietween Be lm ar and Avon. A

party on Tuesday, secured over 100 pounds.

Some of the largest w e igh ing ten pounds 1 to re-arrange the lig h ting o f the oil lam p

each. On Wednesday o r six |iarties | c u ttin g off all th a t are unnecessary. Col

pushed put. for the llsh ing grounds, and j |»t:Uir Philbrick rejMirle*! a num ber of lots each came back w ith a I mat well laden 1 iMHight In by the BornUgli a t tluv recent.

Sp ring Lake am i t he u n tid y appearanc the phu-e in lust, week’s Stjat<iilr < in ;vth .

f le seem s'to be *iiMt;rcsscd tiver w hat has

lieen " le ft undone " iu o u r iM irough; of the

bad condition o f streets " where there is iiiu i h tra v e l; " of the u n tid y condition of

s idew alks; of the m uddy condition of

streets where they are sprinkled am i of

tliejr' du s ty condition where they are no t spr ink led ; am i lastly o f the “ don 't c a re "

appeaiance o f th ing s iu general. Then he

j when the contract wou IiL Im: I street lig h t in g ctimmitl*'*-

Plie w inds up by say ing th a t “.we w ho pa>


A coroner's inques t was hehl a t Manas- i One of the p leasant 1 ents

sale for taxes. A 11st of unpaid licenses was

rea*i, am i the whole m atter was referred to

tin* ito rough Stillcitor for colh*ctlon by legal inelhtMls, if unad juste ii *ui the -llrst of Sep-

tem lier ensuing.

Since w r itin g the alMive ano ther htstall- m e iit of an- lig h ting has been furiiish***! by

the Coast ( ’om pany . On Thursilfty **veh-

in g seven lam ps were lighted on Ocean

avenue. - We are th ank fu l for the sm allest

favors. The long interval between F s tn

taxes ought to be considered.’’

- The entire com m un ication is a liou t as j sessor for hi-

un fa ir as a ny til ing I have seen in p rin t for a long tim e . Very little has been left un ­

done by the l«irough authorities tha t was

really .iiecessary to Im* done th is ye«f: \

certain am oun t of money was ordered to !

lie riilsiHl, am i w ith th is am oun t a tm iulior 11 if stnn 'ts liave ls*en graveled.street sprink- 1

Clerk re|xu1e*t th a t M r. J . I i . H egenuin ,

san ita ry ‘ojM*ralj»i:. Jia* ! returned the war-1

ran t of live tt* 1 5 - drawn' iu his favor j

by order o f . th*‘ l^oai.l *.f H ea lth , ow ing

to the fact th a t his bill hm l a lreiuly la<en :

|iai*l t*i h im by private parti**s.

On m otion the w arran t in favor o f M r. j Hegem an was cancelletl.

•f r mii 1 a* * I itej^ort of ( ‘ollector Ph ilbrick was , |m 1 i de ta iling his proceedings tinder 'the tax !

are of su its - , ' , , . . , „ . 1w arrant issueil t*i h im by the Borough 1

Council, inc lud ing a complete lis t *if the |

pro|iertie8 s*ild by h im for taxes on August ;

12, I8H3.

O n m otion the 'report o f Collector Phil-

brick was received am i tiled.

Mr. Allen s tated that tis Cha ir ipan of the

F inance ('ouuuittt*e. he had bought in sev­

eral of the properties sold a t the recent tax I

sale by.C-*illect«ir Phllbi i*-k.

On m otion th a t the action of the C ha ir-1

m an of the Finance Com m ittee in purchas- j

j in g lo ts for a ivouu t of the Bortuigh l»e

; apprtivtnl. was so ordered.

| Bill of Collector Ph ilbrick in th e sum of •

! $4(19.(19 for. h its sold to the Borough a t tax :

1 sale was referred to tbe F inance Cuui- i

, m ittee.

U ceuye Com m ittee subm itted a lis t tif the j

‘ persons de linquen t in | my in g li*-ens**M for 1 j 1893.

j On m otion th a t list of de linquents he

1 fu rn is lvd to ' the Boroogh Solicitor, w ith !

! instructions to no tify each *if the parties

| th a t unless lke»st*s ate paid by Septemltei- :

j 1. 1893, legal pr*M-*»eilings w ill be cotn-

j menced. w as s.. ordered.

M r. M arsh presented duplicate which he

i had t>e**n requested to procure for use of |

i the Assessor. 'O 11 m otion th a t dtq ilicate procured by Mr.

M arsh Im* accepted aud. handed to the As-1

so ordered.

M ayor Thompson stat**d th a t Assessor I

M ille r hail informed h im that he would la* ]

ready to subm it .his assessment to Council i pu 'T hursday eyening, August 17, 18513.

1 On m otion tha t when we ad journ it lie to !

u iect aga in on Thursday even ing. August

1893, w as so ordered.

Well, bere's tbe place to tbe b At prices lower tt iau a l l the rea t.Feed, lia r ley or co m .Are sold to a ll a l eve or m orn :W hether for m ak in g lotivea ..r 1,1 read.O r lu your harn-yard to b*> M , lr you waur 10 get your live-slock fat.J u s t buy of h im rem.*mt»-r tbu t.Aud you 'll never regret the day yoji went To buy <>f h liu when by us sent.

F . 1*. I ’ H IL U IC IC K . F s tre e t. C o rn e r » t l i

A v e n u e . I .e n . l in u lir u g t f l i . l . P u re l» rug>

a n d iM f t lk ih m .

Hea lth |s w ealth, pu re <lrag» im part.Restore the hea itli. g ladden the hoart.Mr. Ph ilb rick g rm u* us wealthli i d rugs to guar.l ..u r b loom ing heattli.H is veracity l«. ko-.wu, w h ich m akes it mire. Cuexcetle.1 h is g.M..lH au .l s trictly pure.To pres»;rlptiou;> he ever Klves great beed Ami keeps a ll re uie,ties we m ay need Toilet aiti.-les lu num eratile grace b is store. Perfum es anti col.ignes tbat a ll m us t atiore.

MAM I I E L H A 11 F i t S T IC K , L e a d in g I 'lu u i-

b e r m il l th is F it te r . J n b h i i iK u n d l i n -

r . iu l l i ig a S p e c ia lty . O th A v e n u e u n d F

S tree t. A g e n g lo r Ih e I X L Vt l iu l M il ls .

I f you w an t to live in com fort and hea lth .S.-e th a t your d ra luage is guod.For i f you g«*t s ick, iu- luouey >,r wealth t-au m ake u p tor it. "11s um lerslwHl Y'otir ch ild ren are ap t to have a c .u g h . f the pip>'s art-- wrong in your house.

H um may verge In an I IIuchb Tha t m ay fakiv thom off. .

Ju s t ca ll on Mr. llul»-rstick. have everything

Ou the latent S’-lentitle p lan.Ue'll do up the job m uch chea|M*r you 'll Bud Than w ill any 'o ther m au :Or if you want a hnud itt.ue faucet, o rnam e nta l as well as for use. lie 'll sell you one. qu ick ly |.ut it lu Al a price you canno t refuse.

A . W . I tK N N K T ’r , C o rn e r o l F S treet a u d

lO th A v e n u e . L e a d in g H o m e S h o e r a u d

B ln c k n n i i t l i . C a r r ia g e W o r k in a l l its

B r a n c h ea.

Ou lUth aveuue A b la cksm ith yo u 'll rind.W here Mr. Beuueil w ill shoe And sharpen In a m an ne r rare.All k in d * ot horses W ill w ith n lte u liou meet;.A s ja 'c ial care in g iven - To the .Hies w ith lender feet.For best of w..rk tu sh .«'luy .If y o n 'Il believe a friend.

JUHl ca ll on Mr. He;.nett:On h im you can de|iend.

K t lK K K T C . B U H l- F R . F S lr e e l. B e tw een K th a n d U tli A v e n u e * . H o u s e n n d S ig n

F a in te r . F in e .W a l l F a p c i a n d Uecora-

t io n s .

For a house welt n|>|*>tnted..We bear them atl siiy Buhler'i* p a lu r ing is the l«*st We've »eeu f..r m any a day,Aud t.Vplainl-y in troduce h is place

--lar-je 1---- •

T i n : l . A K t iK S T A M > M O S T t ' o i l P L K T K L I N E ^ O F L A D I E S ,



O n . t h e C o a s t , in a l l w id th s f r o m A A t o E . a u d a t p o p o l i r

A c a n 'lie a t tlwe 1,1

Stai* Shoe Store,"W"IML N A F T A L ,

147 and 14-3 Main St., Asbury Park.


L in s' H i Turn u onords m si.oo.

M i e n ' s Russel Bluitos ni

SA IL IN G ,= e =

m m m mOIT SH A R K R IV ER .


To-Let by the Hour, AVeek <h- J feason. Oldest Established. Best Equipped.

Finest Fleet of Boats.

JO H N A. BUHLER, Prop’r.


I ts a ud ..II e d ish a


q uan A ugust Ifi. The ju r y b rought in a ; WH8 th ‘’ verdict .rf car**lessne«s *g, the p a r t of En- j 11?.

glneer Morris.

f last week a „d Oceap avenue is still a lm ost entirely

lin g ap jx iratus has 1m*ou purchased,

t nu ts - spr ink ling st rccts have 1m***h

aw aitle ih *‘l«,ctric lights lulve Im***ii intro-

thiced, atitl o ther th ings done for the com ­

fort and convenience of sum m er residents;,

bu t no t a word of credit is given tbe M ayor

o r Couneil by th is grum b le r , who seems to ' have it bad and to U* in the las t stages or

the disease.

Every reasonable p ian opght to lq* .yilltiichre |iiittv at the Buena Vista j w ithout tho promised light- T|)ehrjlljancy

-lav evening. Tiie p layers tieeii--0f the extrem ities makes the tlarkness lie- * - ........................ . • • • u » . <. ......., toU m . i l , » Hnrt ,.r l» . f„r M f c * ; i.h.i.- lirtraw.. W « h o p . t l iu l thn >"“ t». w lu .lt llu.1 111.- tMllln.r1U,« lui.,- d w “ “

F inance Com m ittee re|Mirted that note *if ;

$2.iMKJ rec»*ntly authoriz**d had-iieen dis-j

counted and placed to Lliecredit o f the Bor- !


M ayor called a tten tion of H ighw ay Com- j mitt*-** to the d(Uig*M’ous condition of some

u f the w* mm ten tfruius hi the streets a n d ! recoinmeml**.I prom pt repairs.

I M r. Marsh called atten tion o f H ighw ay] ; Comm ittee to the dangerous condition of ......den ■ dram at s(h a w n u e and railroad

And tin- lt\idiug o _He mauuractui-es .,Ked. y»n»*w. b ine or g«.dd.The rlchcst fer.'wh'.t we've Steen.The rtuesi ever sold.Kii.e wall am i tie.-orallous.Aud frescos *>U the wall«.Aud wb*>ever wane- thc-e articles.He w (ll«ti o|- «»u him ca lls . .If a houtw you are i.u ild lug .Or wish to make re i,a|i'r‘.Sublet-will su it you In am i of b is ws*r.*»-

M . <». BI.KN1S IS . F Street, Corner ttth Ave­

nue. B re ad . Cakes a n d Fles.

The pub lic always I W ith wheateu brt'a.l And choicest rye.And every noob at d in ne r hour Oeticioue I at us of cUoi-v_^i Hour.VII .*.rt-< of brc id O .m « in Betiuar Tli© g M bam aud On* round .Pies. I.M4. of every gra.lo.And i hoiee ivufet'tl'ous are displayed.I ’n io your iut**rest, a w ill is- To pure 11 use here. Call In and se*\

WILLIAM St. BtKiiFN, 7tt> Aveuue aud

F Street. Lending l.lvery -**»d Boardiug

Stable*. K«tublished 1S~4.

For business am i f*.r pleasure Mr Bergen will provide A rig ytftl'lt uot oljject-Sboiiltl you Wish to take a ride.He lias buirgten hacks and carriages The r.K»ny ahd the sm all.Aud the stroliKest. Ileelewl horsesLlo here aw ait you f callHis t^ruoii|a are uutw*ualJ.H|By guy iu tho land



T h e L a r ^ c - .t , t j e s t a n d c h e a p e s t l i n e o f S h o e s a n d H a t s f o r M e m

o n t h e c o a s t . - *

PORTER’S,634 Cookman Ave., - k**! Askary


ii y.-.u t h is .

le fall top wo foi

M. Brenuahan. i


i pled p

w a sa handsiiniediilcher^wliich was won by | y re num lier til lig h ts proposed by the

j Mrs. J a r re ll o f New YoiHt. The! se«-«*n*l I street. L ig h ting Comm ittee will Im* fur- ! p rtw a cuke dish, was won by Mi-s. Denni j uishetl lM*f.ue the etiil «>r the treason. While

| son of the Buena Vista. The ImmiI iv was it js |Hp. us to Im* of little service. t*» tin*

*•11 red by Mrs. K llb tim of W ashington Sl,m iner population, yet it w ill Im* a il indi-

for goutlnmen was J ,-ation o f what m ay Im* ex|M*cted next year.


FO K S A LK One-hor

O^arlv new; a bargain

c«t| a t th is office.

O o t*» W einstein’s, F street, between I c ity . Tiie llrst prtz*-

f i in tb aud Teirfh avenues, for Imrgains in taken by Mr. Blrksdale. I t eomdated ot One th in g can be relied Upon,

a ry gcttMls. c lo th ing, shoes/ ladies’ and j a china cigar ho lde r The second prize, a |.^ut ta k e no steps bahkivai'ii.

gents' fu rn ishing goods. G ents ’ su its china tray, fell to M rs. Uiedel who took tljs ----—--------:—

ready made or to order, P lra t^ ia ss watcli j place of a gen tlem an in the gam e. M r. Subsoil!** for T h £ Co a s t E c h o . Dm* to ld th a t no |ee» than tifteen hundred dol- a n d jewelry repairing a specialty. * Coster won the booby, b u t lie hopes to be dollar per year. lars have been expended iu the construc-

alM»ut all that could Im‘ tlone. w ith the

mentis at the ir cum m and . The streets

were never in a better condition nor were

they ever so thorough ly lighted, am i since las t year hundreds of feet thousands? 1

m ig h t say of Hags have Im*c ii laid on h ith ­erto uupaved sidewalks, and none of the

sidewalks except iu out-of-the-way places

wnar if " don't tiifi'e' ap|fearq.|)cp. WJiy. 1 am

id railr. rnetl,

AM1-KL C.ILLLN, Cl**lk.

The Priiu'etou Laundry and Em ploym ent

Ottl**e. on F. stie**t, jM*tween yth am i lUth

avenues. Belmar, Mrs. Catharine Scudder, Proprietor. Shfi ts , Collars am i Cups a sjm*c-

ja lty ; also Nurses Caps anti F lu ling .

Is prepHivd to furu ieh oolorsd help, both m ale aud r«*ma^'. t l

j He always is on baud,For Spring am i Sum m er weather He has everytbtug complete,

•I Then eutiie am i m ake the tria l i Vor h is charges art' but fa ir.


F Street. Bet. Ot li and tOth Ave*.


a m y Ba«k«ta, l-ip>«. jCty,

F lerrevtlle. F . 1,1. t a uadu .

srMMK*‘FLA«ns OF BCS1XC9V4. 'Sfc _

H K LM AK , - - > I H JE R S E Y !

corner mini Avenue and B Sireei. m ifM K o m s n t u n m m m

SFKtNfci LAItfcl. - N K W J 'K K tB r .

H O T E L C t l l . l M t i l A , A t 'u ll St**k o f

S I M JK K S E Y .B FLS lA ft.

Branch S ta ldcs a t Sea G ir t .

l*ratn Pt|« KuruMcU and Sewer* Laid.


K . U . C A M I ‘B f L L . e s t im a tu s fc&isisukx> o h

Page 4: the · 2015. 2. 3. · the BHffif'fi 11 [NUKS, LOCH IFFUKS.I m ubur It ELM All, N. J., SATURDAY, A.must IO, *1.00 PER YE Alt IN ADVANCE 3000 WILL UE IN THY HEABT. Good will be In



The Raccoon anil the Kuhhlt.

A raccoon and a rabb it were cross}tip a r iver together ia an olt) tu b . W hen ai>out m id w ay between tbe tw o shore*, they din covem i th a t the ir boa t wan leaking badly They had no th ing w ith them w ith w hich to b a ll o u t tbe water, and neither them cou ld Hwim, ho you m ay be an re they’ were badly frightened. A t length the rabbit b i t upon a p lan w hich he though t m igh t nave them.



•‘L e t ns ,” said he to' his companion, " fa il t o d r in k in g the water in our bo a t, and per baps iu th is way we may so reduce it that we sha ll be ab le to reach the other shore in safety .”

The raccoon readily agreed to th is plan, a nd both a n im a ls set to drill k ing w ith a ■wilL B a t though they were ab le to-reduce tbe q u an tity of water iu the tu b it con tinned tat-settle and presently w ent down W ith the tw o unfo rtuna te travelers.

F rom th is sad tale we m ay learn the wholesome lesson th a t sh ift ing a respousl b ility ia no t r idd in g one’s self o f it .—Peter Newell in S t. N icholas.

The Boy W ho K ille d a Cblckcn.

The boy w aa covered w ith m ud to the to p o f his k i l t sk irt, there w ere m ud patch «s on h is face nnd hair, aud he Imd lost his b a t, b u t in h i» hand he grasped a chicken — a lim p , wet and m uddy chicken. I t was the cause of his trouble , for he bad throw n ■tones in the yard th a t afternoon and had acc identa lly k illed the chicken. H is sister b ad declared tb a t she could not love such a cruel boy. Then he had disappeared and b a d been found stuck in a swamp.

W hen he sai*t his mother, his feeling* overcame h im , a n d be burst in to a loudwaU:

“ M y sister doesn’t love me! my sistei doesn’t love mel I w an t to get losted in tbe woods aud le t the bears eat rtiel”

“ B u t ,” said his mother, "you cried-«hen you pinched your finger w ith the c lo thed , .pin, and i t would lm r t y6u far more if the b e a n should eat you ."

The boy was interested and dried his tears.

“ I m ean a k ind , tame' bear.” he said, e h ok in ga sob .

••But a tam e bear has sharp teeth."The boy rubbed his eyes w ith his m uddy

2mdd and was lost in th ou g h t for awhile. Then be raised his head. H is countenance w as cheerful, there was no t a-trace of sor row .in his tone, and ‘be cried, “ 1 m ean—1

e-little, curly dog w ifou t any '» Y oung People.

| H ow English Boys Tra in Puppies.

Eng lish boys excel a ll others fn tbe way they tra in the ir puppies to grow up and be come good dogs. Their mastiffs are tbe m ost sagacious, the ir h u n tin g dogs are the jn o s t sk illfu l, the ir collies “ heel” beyond a l l criticism , and the ir greyhoundsare fleet p as t a ll believing. Y ou shou ld read the records when the dogs race each year for

W hen an English boy tm la a jU a dog, he is very firm w itb h im , but ^ w y MadL ¥ oang Jo hn ny B u ll never loses )d* temper w H b his fa ith fu l Tour footed

W hen be sets ou t to teach bis don a trick, be 'coaxes h im un tir in g ly and r»

I f dOMfte faiOut of spirits , he is allowed to rest u n t il he feels better, and i f punish snent is adm inistered i t is done a t the tim e and no t delayed u n t il doggie has forgotten b is m isdemeanor. Teasing is never in du lg ed in, nor is the w h ip ever p layfully

*• flourished to strike terror to the poor fel low ’s heart. I f i t is w rong for doggie to do a t h ia g today, i t is w roug for h im to do it tomorrow . A n d good food is fed to h im on a d e an plate, and he gets bones to gnaw on ly fo r b is amusem ent, ju s t as boys some­tim es lik e to chew licorice root or sassafras^ ba rk , b u t o f course they do no t w ant it fo r d inner.—New York Ledger.

He G ot tbe A utog raph.

A sm a ll boy once saw Charles Sum ner’s fra n k on a pub lic document, and. aVari c ious o f autographs, straightw ay sat down a nd wrote to h im , saying: “ By tbe aid of *” ‘ r’s Unabridged, the La tin and Greek

i and the assistance of m y high ihef I have made i t -out to be

I f th a t is so, and you can do it •lease do i t fo rm e .” The senator,

by w ha t the flippan t people in these days w ou ld ca ll the g a ll o f tbe youth, rep lie d “ l a m glad.** he w^rfete, “ to.learn

a have so m any helps to education. y name. 1 can do i t aga in , and \ Yours very tru ly , Charles Sum

r.” —-New Y ork Record ert

repiiea. i " V tb a t yon fcavx-4iwa*JE7 n

, ~ T he Coaehlng Party.fW • Away we goSi*. Jn oar tally ho• From Africa to Chinatown!

W ith horses fleet,! - The folks we meet

Must clear tbe way or be run down.

Now. ready all!And a-j not fall.

Ton’ll get left surely If you d a i ’ll crack the whip '■ And make them skip.

And.Jennie’U b

She L ikud P ink .

■a rery little g ir l w ho was being ' by i*er m other for the jMtrty that

was go ing to be the w inding-up of her first danc ing school season. Her m other could f ind no th ing but a blue ribbon for her d augh te r ’s braid, b u t tbe lit t le g irl d id n ’t fancy blue and objected strenuously to the

course, you like b lue ,” said her ‘I t ’s ju s t the proper th in g for ar. Y our eyes are blue, aren't

“O h /d e a r ,” replied the child , “ I wish they were p in k .” —Boston H era ld

F o r an ord inary set of p la in handker­chiefs a single in it ia l , j ju ite sm all and per- feat^r Simple in form , is in excellent taste •n d would form an easy beginning for those w ho are not yet very sk il lfu l o r ex­perienced in th e work.

A n eg£ m ay be “blrrlnested” for a te r ~ ~ d ious breakfast—th a t is. have its

I in to a stiff p ile . o f fro th , in Volk la ligh tly baked*

» , 2 U 8 , 0 7 2 .

These figures represent tho num ber of . bottlflB of D r , K ing 's Now Diswovery for C onsum ption , Coughs and Colds, which were sold in the U nited States from M arch, *91 to M arch *02. Two M illion,. Two H u n ­dred and T wenty-Eight T housand. Six H undred and Seventy-Two bottles sold in

a year, and each and every bottle ' was on a positive guarantee th a t money

w ou ld be refunded if satisfactory results d id no t follow its use. The secret o f it* success Is p la in . I t never d isappoin ts and ean a lw ay^be depended on as the very best rem edy for Coughs, Colds, pto. P rice 50e. a nd fl-OO. A t F? P . ttiilb riH T s , B elm ar,am l C hm . A . Bye’s, S p rin g Lake , D rugs to ie .

B u t H ow the Corn W e n t Win* W h a t Both- ’ t i e d H im .

A n old m nn from somewhere Iw jond the suburbs stood yesterday on a Forty-sev­enth street- rorner w atch ing n trolley cur m oving sw iftly eastward w ith a heavy load of passengers.

•‘T hat's one of-those ’lectric cars, a in ’t it?1” he said, tu rn in g to n Itoral. lo ok ing m an w ho was leaning aga inst a telegraph pole.

“ Yes.” .“ I don ’t see how . ’lectricity can m ake a

car fu ll o’ people flip a lo ng over the ground like th a t.”

“ You d on 'tV 1 exclaimed the other, be­com ing interesljed. “ W hy . it's easy chough to see through when ypu once understand i t .”

“ I ’xpect no. b u t l 'v e nover heard enough abou t i t to understand it . "

“ I t is a ll u m atter of watts., A w a tt, don't, you see, is-a fraction of a horsepower, expressed iii the technical language of elec­trical engineering. You know w ha t all »in- per«-is-, don’ t you ?”

“ A whatP”“ j^u ampere. I t is a q uan tity of elec­

tric ity th a t goes th rough the w ire a n d de­velops the w a it. Theclectricitycomes fromthe central dy iisuho 'tliro imh th a t w ire you see ru nn in g a long .overhead, runs down tnrough th a t iron pole and g«s-s to the m o tor, w hich is* an ingeiiious but perfectly sim ple arrangem ent o f w ire coils W ith a revolving frajite, acted upon by the cur-, 'rent, which sets if. to sp inn ing and .th u s p u t in m o tion ti sm a ll cogwheel th a t en­gages another cogwheel th a t communicates the rotary movement to a th ird cogwheel fastened to' axle o f the car. It 's pit as tljiy when you get. the idea.’ !

“ Yes, b u t how” '——“ D on ’t you Understand i t yet? There.’!

a sprt.of w ire brush th a t presses aga inst a copper plate connected w ith the motor, and the jvire is woim d on the frame 1 was te lling you about, set that when the current enters the m o to r i t can .go either way, and |i it goe/! one way and part tlie other^*«o th a t tbe pressure is app lied iu <>im^fte «lii-* tions, and U nit’s w lin t m ake /fh e jigger r volVe and sets the wheels in i m otion . The current goes back underground wire. Sec th rough i t now '

"Y-yes. I th in k I k ind o’[get. the idee.”’ The affable stranger strolled dow n the

street, am i the old m an took another look a t .t h e overhead wire, gazed earnestly iu the direction in w hich t he car had gone took off his h a t am i w iped his forehead.

“ W h a t I ’d like to know ,’’ he muttered, “is how in . thunder the electricity makes the car go!”— Ph ilade lph ia Inqu irer,

W e M erely M ention ALL AHE DELIGHTED,The fact, that when in want of anyth ing in the way of

Dress Goods, Trimmings, Domestics, Hos­iery. Notions, Clothing, Millinery,

Underwear, Hats, Caps, in.fact.V*=liYiytl ling in Dry Goods line,

You will it I o your Pecuniary Advan­tage-to give i;rs ti call. We embrace a . greater vniety of above -goods

and sell at closer prices than any house on the sea coast. Our

steadily increasing trade demonstrates this fact. -:- -:- -:-

Cook’s Bee H ive ,

Established 1872. O ldest Estab lished Place on Shark films}

J O H N R . W A R R E N ,* Iiili 'HA,I I he People of Belmar are highly pleased with the popular prices

for-superior goods which prevail at'

« W |

j Their enthusiasm resembles the hilarity of a circus audience in!| that it is spontaneous and genuine. Good digestion, the effect ofj pure food, is also a potent cause M good feeling.

O ur stock will stand the closest scrutiny an '1 our patrons and ■ the public are invited to inspect it carefully.

□ur Dry Goods & Shoe Departments SOUTH-WEST SIDE OF SU A R K R IV E R BRIDGE.

will afTortl you pleasure ant! profit to look at. ' C O : R - 5 ™ **= = * S T . ,

B O R T O N B R O T H E R S ,Corner V Street and lo tll Avenue, ltelmar, N. J.


A sbury P a rk , N e w J e r s e y .

Injarged Store! -

Increased Stock!

CHARLES L E W I S ,’ Successor to Charles Lewis & Co.

Wh<il«-»:il*> n ie l lio ta il fiettter Jn

I.l|l Surmru -From Tln-iu.l Kiting.

In d ies w ho do a great flea I o f sew ing fre­quently suffer a great deal from soreness of tbe .m outh and--lips and are often a t a loss to ascertain the cause of the trouble. H a lf the tim e it is s im p ly the result o f b it­ing off thread instead of us ing a pair of shears for cu tting . In the case of si'.k thread the danger is qu ite m arked , because it i« usual to soak the thread in acetate of lead, partly to harden it aud give it a good sur­face and also perhaps to increase its weight somewhat. I f th is practice is followed reg u iarly and very m uch s ilk ' th read is used, the results m ay be q u ite serious and even lead to blood poisoning.

I t S h o u l d B e I n E v e r y H o u s e

W ilson. 371 C lay St., Kharpsburg. Pa., says be will no t l*e w ithou t D r. K in g ’s New Discovery for Consum ption, C oughs and Colds, that it cured h is wife who was threatened w ith Pneumonia-after an attack of •• L a G rippe,” when various other remedies and several p h y s ie la n s jf td done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cwfcsport, Pa., c la im s D r . K in g ’s New D is e a c ry has done h im more good than a ny th ing he ever used for L u n g Trouble. N oth ing like it. T ry it. Free Trial Bottle a t F . P . Phil- brick 's D ru g Store, Belm ar, also Chas. A. Bye's, Sp rin g Lake Beach.

H av ing enlarged our warcrojoms to double their late, size, we | will now cease hand ling factory harness, and w ill manufacture all

Harness by Hand.W e em ploy on ly the i>Hjt w orkm en th a t ean lie to und , and w arrant all »*»ir giH>ds to

be as represented. \V°e keep abou t 100 Sets constan tly on hand , o f diffe-rent styles S ingle and Double *

Buggy. Surrey, Coach, Hack and Buss Harness, and only ask you .to come ayd exam ine ou r stock before you buy elsewhere. We are m ak in g a special­ly o f a '

^uggy and Livery Single Harness for $15, which cannot bebought anywhere else fo r-$20. W e also carry a fu ll line <*f

Blankets, Robes, W hips, Ktc.

T. S. KING & CO.,

H I B ,

Boats to rent "by the Day, 'Week or SeasonA T M 1 W E S T K A T E S .

„ The b e s t p l a c e f o r b o a t in g , * f i s h in g a r t d c r a b b i n " .

A ll kinds of fisliing tackle, oars, o a r - lo c k s , anchors, etc.

Clam Bakes at Short Notice

And at Reasonable RatesMeals a t all hours. - Oysters and clams in every style.


Builder Hardware, Sash,/floors, Blinds,

F Street'. Belmar, New jersey.




BEI.JIAK , S. .J.To F H ends an*l Patrona o j B e lm ar a iu l V ic in ity :

M y UeKlt*>t<> Jllt-HM**

every one to the best o f m y ab ility . an«l by K‘»wlw o r k r a a n- h )i i p a n <1 s tr ict a tten ­tion to bus! ness, ns no in arli i n o r y can produce a s h o e s o

------- _ _ _ _ _ t h o r o u g h lypertect, tau ter in po in t o f u i o r style, us ca ji the b u m a n baud .

|A ca ll ou m e w ill convince every one of tbe tru th of. the above assertion, wbieb 1 have learned d u r in g m y twenty-live years’ experi­ence as a boot an d shoe’m aker.

I G U A R A N T E E A G O O D F IT ,

w ith ease a n d comfort-mind feet confident of my ab ility to give en tire satisfiu iio u to a ll who m ay be please<l to favor me w ith th e ir patronage. M y p lace o f business is

N i n t h A v e , , n e a r R . I t . S t a t i o n .

# A 5i ® S K * S S t X T Q J S ,

Cabinet Maker and Undertaker,M A IN S T R E E T , U E A 1 ) O F - W E S L E Y L A K E ,


Slone Of All kinds.

A S B U R Y P A R K . N. J- Cu r b IKQ AN D FLAG G IN G .

Asbury Park, New Jersey. Branch Yard S p r in g Lake N. J


> J Opp. Lake House, Spring Lake.. ] Mrs. Miller's; F Street, Belmar.

AND BURIAL CASKETS Send for E stim a tes B E F O R E B U Y IN CO f E v e ry A]>prove<l S ty le , F in is h e d a t a M o m e n t '* N o tic e .

U pho lstering In a l l Its branches carried on. A fu ll lin e of

P I O T U B K F K A M K S and M 6 I L D I N U 8kept constan tly ou h an d . W indow Cornices o t a l l descrip tli.n s ,

’’n a v ln g lu u l several yearV experience in th e un d e r ta k in g bus iness In A sbury Park and v ld i i l

I feed irompetent Ui k Ivo s a ils fa c lio n to all. wh«» m ay favor m e w ith th e ir pntr«>nage. - Telepboi,

connections w ith p r in c ljia l ^o te ls an d stores in tho P a rk and Grove.. Office <.'(.cn day an d u igh t.

,1AM K S I I . S E X T O N .

Charles McDermott,

l & e a i ^ l u a u E O T i c e -Office Near Railroad Depot, Belmar, N. J.


P L U M B E R ,


A General Real Estate and Insurance Business Transacted.

Cottages Rented, Rents. Collected and Loans

Secured.~ ^ j r . — -— -----------------

C o lie s out) Desirable Building Lois Foi SoleAT BELM AR, CO M O AND SPRING LAKE.

Maps Furnished. Y our Business Solicited.


Sonilory Plumbing A Specii.P U M P S

O f all descriptions put in and repaired!

Orders by M ail w ill re<-eive P rom pt A ttention.

F st h eet , Bet . 7th a n d hth Aven ges ,

B E L M A R , N. J.

B E R G E N ’S

Livery and Boarding Stables.Tiif Loigesi, Oldest Established and Best [ lip p ed Livery

A T B E L M A R .

W M . M. B K R G K N , Proprietor.



And Dealer in

Faints, Varnishes Oils, Kalsomine,

W all Paper, Brushes,;W indowG l a s s , O H . C l o t l i , " W in d o w

S h a d e s , E t c .

F Street, Bet. 7th and 8th A v e s ..

B E L H A i t , N E W J E B S E I .

K s t lm a te a C h e e r fu l ly F u rn ish e d *

*>- THE TEETH.' I F inest "Appointed and L O W E S TI L H U U L j I , P R IC E D iirst-C lass D E N T A L | C O N C E R N in the country.I ’ Best TeeVi. S8.00 up. F illing , Gold^ f t -50 up.

Soft. 50 cents up.. Extracting , w ith Gas, soccnts w ith ou t Gas, 35 cents.

New York Office Never Closed -Day. Night or Sundaymmm! Mbw York, 205 6th ave., cor. 14th st.] Brooklyn, 478 Futton »t., naar Elm (Mace.

Jersey City, York, cor. Grove.


Orders solicited and delivered free of eliarge

Hotels and Cottages Supplied at Reasonable Prices.

F S t r e e t , B e t w e e n S e v e n t h a n d E ig h t h A v e n u e s ,

Belm ar. New Jersey

The Oldest Established Express in Belmar.


LOCAL EXPRESS.S m m e r and Winter-

O rders b y M ail P rom p tly A ttended to.Baggage and Furniture Delivered and Called for at all Hotels and

Cottages upon the arrival and departure of each train.

C. T. CLAYTON, P r o p r ie t o r .

t__ 'Work done in nil parts ot the State.

GENUNG & Co., Asbury Park,I*. J.


And Dealer in

JO S E P H 4 . W A IN B I8H T r I N E H A R N E S S ,The Leading Dealer in

F U R N I T U R E ,

■ 11 house mmm qqods.

Trunks, .Traveling Bags, Trunk Straps.-Slnawl Straps., L ap Robes,

. Dusters, Sheets, E tc., and a F u ll Assor^Sfent

' o f I I

OCEAIT GROVE, N. J.Fo ld ing Beds of our own make a Specialty, and the prices are

so low they w ill astonish you. Come and see them.

W e have also a full line o f

r a n

q Complele Ml ol Gitii; ’Y O U R C U ST O M IS R K S I'K C T I'U L L Y S O L IC IT E D .


M A N A S Q U A N . N - J-

Collections on all Points at Par.

IiepaiiingrAIamess and Trunl^Xa Specialty.A t R e a s o n a b le Rates an<l#in a "Workuiarslike M a n n e r .



P B O P L K S ; S T O R ENos. 680. 688 CooKman Rvenue.

Past Experience is one of

Our Future Guides, and

the Lowest Prices our aim . «

A Large and Complete Assortment of

C. J. P A R K E R ,

Pr e s id e n t .

M. D . L . M A G E E ,

C a s h i e r .-'


A Large and to m p i

*y Gotnls, NntioiiR,Clothing, Men s Fnmishiugs,

Fine SIuh's and Xlij>|>ers.

Another Feature to our B

[Siicoeesaor* .to C am p & Exprt*w».)

ESS. millinery Depanrnent.'l'lie oldest established Express in Iielinar. 1

S U M M E R A N D W f N T E H .

Her*’ we tabu" prwli' in sliowinyr m iiili! oil i<‘> m T r i m s ' l l ai.ii*I I t

Kluwrrs anti Ti ininuii^s.


A Large Assoi

L a d ie s ’ and Misses’ Ja ck e ts ,C h ild ren ’s Coats- Etc-

W e respectfully solicit a call from yen* f*»r Our Goods" - are all showiii on *me How. f'Hir fftcwe i* flic ligliitrst. mndt

Brightest in town. W ith a bright new and lVrsona.1

, „ . . . « .. . r . • A ttention to tlu wants the trade we to h r 1 n t a fare•Pianos and Furniture moved With care. Baggage called lor and j share o f your custom

delivered to all parts of Belmar at short notice. For carefultransportation and prompt delivery ship your goods in care of Mail Orders w ill receive Prompt A ttention.

Naylor’s Express. Orders by mail promptly attended to. p n f n . . M m . o n - n ■. « . .- 1 n. N ay lo r, i-rop. Cliarles Scnwaoer & Co., RsDury Pari. N. J .