2014 december newsletter

ISSUE: 276 PUBLISHED BY Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society 8853 Selkirk St. Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6P 4J6 Tel: 604-267-0901 Fax: 604-267-0903 www.tccs.ca facebook.com/TCCSVan Email: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS 週一至週五 Mon- Fri 9:00am-5:30pm 週六 Sat 10:00am-5:00pm CONTENT 本月藝廊………………………… 2 衣索比亞鏡頭下的故事.…... 2 台加歲末感恩聚餐晚會….…. 3 台加近期活動講座...……….... 3 台加課程講座…………….. 4 - 6 金齡中心……………………….… 7 聖誕慶祝會……………………… 7 聖誕燈飾車遊…….……….…… 7 金齡賞鷹一日遊…………..….. 7 Christmas Fun…….………..... 8 大溫聖誕活動…….……………. 9 青年園地……….…….……..…. 10 台灣爸媽 Family Fun……… 11 身心靈專欄…………..….. 12-13 會務/社區報告…………...… 14 活動照片……..……….…….…. 15 本月活動月曆………………… 16 刊頭題字 張俊傑館長 封面封底照片 徐瑞玲 2014 回顧與展望 轉眼 2014 已來到最後一個月份,回顧這過往的一年,台加有許多值得回味感恩的事與活動, 就是這些點點滴滴的凝聚力,推動台加一步一腳印的往前邁進。 展望 2015 ,眼前有兩件正在籌備中的事,需要大家協力來達成。首先是延續我們與其他文化 背景的社區互動交流。二月 21 日大年初三,台加文化協會與德國文化中心,將一起舉辦一個 別開生面的農曆年文化歡慶活動。這個名為「台德香腸豬腳啤酒節」的活動,顧名思義,就 是通過台灣與德國都引以為傲的美食,來一場美味的分享與交流。除了美食,還有一整天的 音樂舞蹈表演、農曆年與手工藝展示,敬請期待。當天現場我們也需要幾個梯次的義工,歡 迎踴躍報名參加。屆時更需要大家廣邀不同文化背景的親友一起去參加。當天詳細活動時間 與內容,請密切注意一月份月刊。 此外,台加月刊也正籌劃在明年二月份起,從台加會員每個月的 newsletter,進一步擴充版面, 來服務更廣大的台僑社區,成為屬於所有台僑的 Taiwanese Canadian Monthly。這份免費的台 僑社區月刊,將成為社區社團資訊傳達與互動的平台。將增加提供大溫食衣住行育樂、生活 與健康相關訊息、中英台文寫作、移民故事、台裔各行各業訊息、加台旅遊、文化藝術專欄 等,以及台僑關心的台灣與加拿大事物。這像是不可能的任務,但卻是凝聚台僑社區互助互 惠,不可或缺的一個管道(媒介)。台加願盡全力來促成這份月刊的轉變,請全體會員同心來協 助與支持,也期待我們整個社區,因著這份月刊來得到益處。 這個月,我們將在許多活動中,與大家繼續分享這些好消息。預祝全體會員與鄉親朋友: 聖誕快樂! 新年如意!!健康平安!!! UBC Made in Taiwan 文創展 農曆新年 Community Dinner explorASIAN 亞裔傳統月節慶 母親節愛母親說母語鹿湖健行 Marpole Dance Festival 龍吟滄海音樂節 戀戀台灣年度募款晚會辦桌 Young Club 秧社 台灣爸媽園地

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  • ISSUE: 276

    PUBLISHED BY Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society 8853 Selkirk St. Vancouver B.C. Canada V6P 4J6 Tel: 604-267-0901 Fax: 604-267-0903 www.tccs.ca facebook.com/TCCSVan Email: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Mon- Fri 9:00am-5:30pm Sat 10:00am-5:00pm

    CONTENT 2 .... 2 .. 3 ....... 3 .. 4 - 6 . 7 7 .. 7 .... 7 Christmas Fun...... 8 .. 9 ..... 10 Family Fun 11 .... 12-13 /... 14 ..... 15 16

    2014 2014

    2015 21 newsletter Taiwanese Canadian Monthly() : ! !!!!!

    UBC Made in Taiwan

    Community Dinner


    Marpole Dance Festival

    Young Club

  • 2

    276 December2014

    : 12 1 12 30 9am-5pm 10am-5pm :()

    2014 Christmas "Love and Giving" Action ""

    : 12 11 () 1:00pm : Urs & Juliet Fricker Juliet Urs 40 Canadian Association of Photographic Art (ACPA) Delta Photo Club

    12 24 T

    12 16 Request by Parents Support

    Society Services Winter jackets needed (clean and used) - For boy 10, 8 , 6 , 3 years

    old and 6 month infant - For girl 10 and 8 years old - Female adult size: medium

    and large - Man adult size: medium,

    large and extra large.

  • 3

    276 December2014

    2014 New Year Eve Thanksgiving Party!

    Dec 31

    () 6:30pm

    Welcome the year of 2015 ! : 12 31 () 6:30pm - 12:00am : (8853 Selkirk Street, Vancouver) : $15 (5 , 6-12 $5 ) 2014 2014! (:) ;

    Count down 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year!!! : 604-267-0901 12 29

    & Jacky Ho Jacky -(GIA) Jacky 10 !

    Dec 9 ( )7:15pm

    Sunnybrook 17 2015 ! 10 1/14 1 14 () 10:00am:


    Jan 14 () 10:00am


    : 20 10 ()1314 () 1314 ""

    Dec 16 () 7:15pm

    1 !

    : : 10:00am-12:00pm (1 6 ) : $90 ( $60 + $30) ;! ! ! !

    Jan 6 10:00am

  • 4

    276 December2014

    : : 10:00am-12:00pm 7:45pm-9:30pm : 20 () 3 40 () ? ! ! 12 22 &24 ! : 12:00pm-1:00pm () 1:00pm-3:00pm () 1:00pm-3:00pm () : 25 () Elaine 5 Ballroom: Denis TremblayLuana Conte Latin : Katerina MichtchenkoOlga Richardson 2010 Canadian Closed Competition (CCC) Senior Pre-Champ Standard Champion 9 12 23 & 26 ! : Elaine : 1:00pm-2:30pm 10:00-11:30am : 10 15 Drop in $4 : : 778-836-9699

    : : 9:30am : 604-275-6365 : The Zone Bowling (#180-14200 Entertainment Blvd. Richmond BC) No. 6 Road Steveston Hwy; Silver City Subway : 604-271-2615 - bowling !

    : 12 20 () 12:50pm 1:00pm : $8.50 (/)

    12 27 ! : & 604-985-8687 : A 1:00pm - 2:30pm ( 8 ) B 10:00am - 12:00pm ( 8 ) : 140 165 150 175 Drop in $25 37 : : & 7:00pm-9:30pm 10:00am-5:00pm : 55 75 drop in $3 ( office hour $1) / $20/ : 604-581-6191 ! & : : & 8:30am 10:00am : $1 $2 !

  • 5

    276 December2014

    ! : : : drop-in 2 : 604-678-9967 : : 12 20 () 10:00am-12:00pm : $18 : ( 3 : rubberstampheat

    gunpaper stocksstencilink... Michaels )email !

    ! : : 1:00pm-3:00pm : () 604-266-2926 : Antonia : 6 ( 4 ) : 10:00am-12:30pm : $250 /$280 () $200 $220 OK 12 27 ! : : 2:20pm-5:30pm : 604-418-1357 OK 20 drop in $2$3!

    : : $18 $20 12 8 ()10 am: Stollen 12 15 ()10 am:

    !! : : 12 12 () 1:30pm-3:00pm : : Rita (1892-1927) : 10 1 12 17 12 : 9:30am - 12:00pm : $ 180 ("A Concise Book of English Grammar") VCC ESL


    Pot Luck

    : 12 6 () 6:30pm !

  • 6

    276 December2014

    Mandarin Chinese Conversation Class Time: Monday, 7:00pm-9:00pm Instructor: Flora & Peggy Fees:$180 (12 weeks) For more information, please contact 604-267-0901. : Charles Mclarty : 1:00pm-3:00pm : 4 20 / 30 Mr. Charles Mclarty TCCS Toastmasters : : 12 3 () 7:00pm-9:00pm : 604-739-3382 12 3 TCCS Toast-master ! ! ! : 9 22 12 15 ( 1 5 ) : 10:00am-12:00pm : : $120 ( 12 ) :()

    : & : / 3:30pm 5:00pm : $120/ 10 $150/ 10 : : 3:30pm - 5:30pm : $200/ 10 $240/ 10 : : 3:30pm - 5:00pm : $150/ 10 $180/ 10 9 /! : : 3:30pm - 5:00pm : $150/ 10 $180/ 10 ABC // : : 4:00pm - 5:30pm : $150/ 10 $180/ 10

    : : 604-581-6191/ 778-985-1136

    : 1. () 2. Douglas & McIntyre 109 Walks in British Columbias Lower Mainland(6th Edition)

    109 Walks (Km) 12/6() 9:15 am

    Gladstone trail Vancouver 8


    SE Marine Drive >Elliott St. S >E Kent Bikeway E > park on the road side.

    12/13 () 9:15 am

    Burnaby mountainside trail Burnaby 13 5.5


    #7 HWY >Lake City Way >Arden Ave.> Grey-stone Dr.> Philips Ave. >Woodbrook >Squint Park

    12/20 () 9:15 am

    Lulu Island Dykes (South) Richmond 59 6.4


    West end of Williams Rd.

    12/27 () 9:15 am

    Burnaby Scenic Trail (West) Burnaby 9 5


    Hasting > Beta > Confederation Park

    1/3 () 9:15 am

    Stanley park Vancouver 6 7


    Dunsmuir St W >Melville St >> Melville St.

    Social Meeting!

  • 7

    276 December2014

    () 10:00am -11:00am - 10:00am -11:00am - 11:00am -12:00pm - 1:00pm - 3:00pm / * 65 * 65 $ 3 / $50 / $ 100 12 4 1:00pm : "" : : Free/ $2/ $3 "" 12 11

    1:00pm ( P2.)

    12 18


    ! Marpole Oakridge Family Place ! 10:30am-12:00pm

    "High Tea" Christmas party for the families with Santa, Singing Christmas carols. !

    12:00pm-1:00pm ( Free $5 $7) 1:00-3:00 THOMAS KINKADES CHRISTMAS COTTAGE Thomas KinkadeChristmas Cottage THOMAS THOMAS Thomas


    Vancouver -Burnaby - North Van-couver - Downtown Vancouver: Joy- Peace- Love : 12 22 () 6:00pm-9:30pm : (8853 Selkirk Street, Vancouver) : $1512 $10 : 604-267-0901 12 21 First day of winter 12 22 !!

    Eagle Viewing 28th Brackendale Winter Eagle Festival : 1 8 9:30am - 4:30pm : 1. 9:30am 2. 9:50am SeaBus Terminal, Van. : : $20() : 604-267-0901 28 Brackendale Squamish Valley Brackendale 1994 3769 2013 804 Brackendale Brackendale Art Gallery Theatre Teahouse Eagle Run! !

  • 8

    276 December2014Christmas Fun

    On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: A Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 8 Maids a Milking (lobsters nipping) 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple)

    On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 9 Ladies Dancing (mounties riding) 8 Maids a Milking (lobsters nipping) 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 10 Lords a Leaping (salmon leaping) 9 Ladies Dancing (mounties riding) 8 Maids a Milking (lobsters nipping) 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 11 Pipers Piping (sled dogs mushing) 10 Lords a Leaping (salmon leaping) 9 Ladies Dancing (mounties riding) 8 Maids a Milking (lobsters nipping) 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 12 Drummers Drumming (skiers skiing) 11 Pipers Piping (sled dogs mushing) 10 Lords a Leaping (salmon leaping) 9 Ladies Dancing (mounties riding) 8 Maids a Milking (lobsters nipping) 7 Swans a Swimming (beavers building) 6 Geese a Laying (whales breaching) 5 Golden Rings (hockey sticks) 4 Calling Birds (totem poles) 3 French Hens (snowmen) 2 Turtle Doves (polar bears) and a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Moose/maple) Troy Townsin The Twelve Days of Christmas !Merry Christmas to Every Family!!

  • 9

    276 December2014

    Things to do this Christmas with family *The best Vancouver Christmas attraction for younger kids is fun for the whole family, too! Bright Nights at Stanley Park has over a million twinkly lights transform the forest and the famous Miniature Train into a winter wonderland. Ride the train, visit Santa, see the Parade of Trees, and more at this top Vancouver Christmas attraction for kids and families. Time: November 27, 2014 - January 4, 2015 Info: http://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/bright-nights-train.aspx *Peak of Christmas at Grouse Mountain is an easily ac-cessible winter wonderland, complete with outdoor ice skat-ing, sleigh rides, reindeer, breakfasts with Santa, and live entertainment, which is why it makes this list of top Van-couver Christmas. Time: November 28 - December 24, 2014 Info: https://www.grousemountain.com/peak-of-christmas *The Rogers Santa Claus Parade in Downtown Vancouver is the only Vancouver Christmas attraction that lasts for one-day-only. It has become a bona fide don't-miss holiday event. The Parade features over 60 marching bands, dance troupes, festive floats and community groups, attracting over 300,000 spectators along its route through downtown Vancouver. Volunteers will also be collecting non-perishable goods for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society. Time: Sunday, December 7, 2014 Info: http://rogerssantaclausparade.com/ *Christmas at Canada Place Join this holiday season for the 27th annual Christmas at Canada Place, presented by Port Metro Vancouver. Stroll the outdoor promenade and see the historic Woodwards Windows, catch a glimpse of a classic Christmas movie in Rudolphs Theatre, experience the beautiful Canada Place Sails of Light early every morning and every evening with beautiful displays on the fire iconic sails towering over the Burrard Inlet and much more. Its all taking place along The Canadian Trail (Canada Place West Promenade) from De-cember 13 - 31, 2014. 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. daily. Info: http://www.christmas.canadaplace.ca/ *Can it be December without The Nutcracker , arguably the most famous and beloved ballet of all time? Many people makes it an annual tradition to see The Nutcracker with family. It's a beautiful way to make memories, dress up in your Christmas season best and support ballet all at the same time. Time: December 18- 22, 2014 Info: http://gohnutcracker.com/

    *The gorgeous Festival of Lights at VanDusen Gardens turn festive with elaborate light decorations, a Candy Cane Tree and a Gingerbread Walk. There are also nightly appearances from Santa, a Dancing Lights show, community choirs, and much more. Time: December 10, 2014 - January 4, 2015 Info: http://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/festival-of-lights.aspx *The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra's annual A Traditional Christmas series are the must-see Christmas concerts in Vancouver. Held at venues throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, each A Traditional Christmas concert pre-sents family-friendly, all-ages Christmas favourites and Christmas carols that are guaranteed audience pleasers! Get tickets early, as these shows do sell out. Time: December 11 - 21, 2014 Info: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/concert/14SPEC04/ *Handel's Messiah Vancouver Chamber Choir with the Vancouver Cantata Singers and the Vancouver Chamber Orchestra, Dec. 12 and 13 at the Orpheum Theatre If Christmas music had its own Billboard chart, George Fre-derick Handels Messiah would probably own top spot. Its a tradition not just here, but its a western-culture favourite, especially in English-language areas. Info: http://www.vancouverchamberchoir.com/concerts.php?idm=233#pl *An authentic German-style Christmas market, returns to Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza in downtown Vancouver. This holidays Vancouver Christmas Market-style are romantic, aromatic and twinkly. Stroll inside the village gate into a world of rustic wooden huts surrounding a soaring Tan-nenbaum festooned with thousands of lights. Partake in Glhwein, sausages, stollen, and gingerbread. Browse Christ-mas decor and gifts such as nutcrackers, Lauscha glass orna-ments, beer steins and wooden trains. Time: Nov. 24 -Dec. 24, 2014. 11:00am - 9:00pm Info: http://vancouverchristmasmarket.com/ *Ice Skating at Robson Square Ice Rink - located in down-town Vancouver, is opening on December 1, 2014 and will be open all through the Christmas Holidays. Skating is free with your own skates, otherwise rentals are available. The rink also features a concession stand with snacks and warm drinks. Info: http://www.robsonsquare.com/

  • 10

    276 December2014

    ! Boxing Day ? Karaoke KTV !!! : Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014, 8pm -12am : 8853 Selkirk St, Vancouver : * Early Bird $3 // Drop-in $5 : 604-267-0901 * 12 24 12:00pm


    Family Fun

    Linda ! ~ : 12 13 5:30pm-8:30pm : : $10 7-12 $5 3-6 $3 under 2 free : 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:15pm-7:30pm ( 30 45 ) 8:30pm

    Megan Kuo : 30-35 100 () 12 7 3 50%

    365 Club Taiwanese Canadian 2014 !

    365 Club - !

    12 31 365 Club 2014 604-267-0901

  • 11

    276 December2014

    () 30 1986 (Berkeley) Berkeley (International Council for Science)(President)

    1978 1984 Stephen Gould 1992 NGO Al Gore (12 $20)

  • 12

    276 December2014

    : !

    "" ( 604 267-0901 )

    : : : ? ? Dr. Nelie Johnson ? ""(HEALING)! "" AWARENESS HEALS: Awareness and intention are powerful factors for personal transformation and healing. Dr. Johnson

    Dr. Johnson Dr. Johnson Dr. Johnson

  • 13

    276 December2014

    : ? : : () 10:00am - 12:00pm : ? ? ! : 16 Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics CMMT (University of Western States)


    : : : () 10:00am - 12:00pm : UBC

  • 14

    276 December2014/

    . 136 630 138 87 90 12 . ( 2 ) ! . ( 9 ) ! Ya-Chen Chiu . Marpole MarpoleOakridgeAreaCouncilSociety(MOACS): "Itiswithgreatsadness

    thatwemustclosethedoorsatMarpolePlace.MOACSwillstillexistasaregisteredsociety;however,duetofinancesweareunabletoofferourregularprogramsorservicespastNovember14th,2014...theclosureofMarpolePlacewillaffecttheseniorsofMarpole..." MarpoleOakridgeFamilyPlace MarpolePlace Servicesbeingofferedbycommunitypartners,Gapsinservicesbeingprovided,Whatsupport/space/time/involvementcancommunitypartnersoffertohelpbridgethegaps,WherecanwegofromheretoprovideservicesforSeniorsintheMarpoleOakridgearea Marpole Marpole Marpole Marpole

    .! 6042670901

    . 6042670903oremail:[email protected]

    ( 2014 10 17 - 2014 11 16 )

    The Forbidden City Inside the Court of China's Emperors

    Vancouver Art Gal-lery 200

    30 80 1 11

    Tea and Origami Folding Before the holiday season gets too busy, welcome to join for tea social and to fold decorative patterns with origami storyteller Yukiko Tosa. Also includes a peace meditation for all those who died on December 7 at Pearl Harbor, and those affected by those actions that day. When: Sunday, Dec. 7: origami, 2:00 to 4:00pm; tea and social, 4:00 to 5:00pm Where: Historic Joy Kogawa House (1450 West 64th Avenue, Vancouver) Tel.: 604-897-7438 Admission: by donation Register: please email [email protected]

    Secret Pal

    ! ! !

  • 15

    276 December2014