20131130 the future is now hybrid event presentation ruud janssen hybrid event process meet in...


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Techniques for creating remarkable Hybrid Events Session Description: When it comes to “Creating the New Connectivity” through hybrid events,it seems that meeting organizers and attendees may hail from two entirely different planets. Indeed, the phrase “going hybrid” is becoming increasingly common in the meetings & events industry, but meeting professionals and attendees typically interpret it differently, with conflicting meanings, criteria and expectations. To complicate matters, there hasn’t been a data-driven roadmap for the successful development of hybrid-event strategies, goals and objectives -- until now. The MPI Foundation, in partnership with Mediasite Events and TNOC, recently completed the most comprehensive study ever conducted on hybrid meetings.This session will reveal key insights gained from this study; and help participants understand how the most common obstacles to executing a successful hybrid event are often the result of differing expectations between organizer and attendee. Learner Objective 1 Use techniques that organizers and attendees agree make for remarkable hybrid events Learner Objective 2 Gain insights on types of technology, engagement and event formats that work best for hybrid meetings Learner Objective 3 Identify a skill set that should be assembled and built into partnerships to ensure hybrid event success Participant Toolkit = bit.ly/hybridtoolkit


Page 1: 20131130 The Future is Now Hybrid Event Presentation Ruud Janssen hybrid event process Meet in Reykjavik


Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 2

Discovering the Benefits of Hybrid MeetingsMeetings deliver value when participants do something (buy a product/service, become more efficient, learn a skill or procedure) as a result of having attended. Hybrid events are no different in that sense from live events. They give you opportunities for adding value in the following ways.• Reaching more delegates (face-to-face plus virtual)• Allowing virtual delegates to participate alone or in small groups• Providing new content delivery and communication options• Connecting multiple events that occur concurrently or at different times or locations• Extending the reach of your message by repurposing event content• Including people who could not otherwise attend (busy executives, global attendees)Attend hybrid events as a virtual participant prior to creating one for your own organization and seek the advice of peers who are experienced in the medium.

Benefits to Meeting Professionals Hybrid events create new opportunities for meeting planners to:• Become more involved in the content development,• Develop creativity in designing events,• Concentrate on objectives and strategy,• Learn how to strategically ask questions when selecting and applying technology and• Develop additional project management and planning skills.

Benefits to Onsite Planners Onsite planners who work for conference centers and other event venues can expand their client offerings to:• Centralized booking of conference rooms across multiple properties for hybrid meetings,• Centralized audiovisual technology ordering and support across multiple properties,• Videoconference facilities on multiple properties,• Centralized ordering of food and beverage across multiple properties,• Temporary staffing support across multiple properties and cities and• Internet bandwidth support.

Building Blocks of Hybrid Events One of the greatest advantages of hybrid events is that they allow meeting professionals to reconfigure the building blocks of an event. For example, instead of having a single venue, you could have four or five regional sites. Instead of flying attendees to a single city for a half-day conference, you can invite them to a two-hour conference at restaurants in their cities. Technology enables hybrid events to work across time and space. Before getting engaged with the technological options and requirements, it’s critical to understand the basic building blocks of hybrid events.

Spaces. Hybrid attendees aren’t limited to a single room or venue. They can participate online at the hotel, at a regional site or on the beach. Presenters and facilitators can be spread across time and space as well. Here are the most common spaces.• A hybrid event is a gathering of at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with participants in another or multiple locations.• A virtual event is a gathering of participants in multiple locations who connect by some form of technology (phone, video, computer).• A face-to-face event is a gathering of individuals in the same location. • A pod event (also referred to as a pod) is a gathering of individuals in one location linked to an event in a separate location.• A studio event is a gathering that includes a space for content production that is distributed to an online or pod audience.

Audiences. When you link audiences in vastly different locations, you need to consider their different needs and experiences. Here are the most common audience types.• The face-to-face audience of a hybrid event can be small or large. Its needs are the same as the needs for any face-to-face event, but there are new aspects to consider. Will the virtual audience interact with the face-to-face audience? Often face-to-face participants pay more to attend. Keep this in mind to ensure that other elements of the event don’t negatively affect the face-to-face experience.

What is a Hybrid Meeting? Hybrid meetings inte-grate technology with traditional event practices to create new types of attendee experiences and content delivery tools. They include any meeting or event with at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with partici-pants in another or multiple locations.

The best hybrid events create unique experi-ences for different types of participants in differ-ent places. Combining functionalities of face-to-face events and those of virtual meetings into hybrid events enables meeting planners to have a much broader spectrum of options to engage delegates. It’s important to become familiar with the components of hybrid events before you think and conceptualize available options.


Introducing Hybrid Meetings

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Ruud Janssen, CMM

Managing Director !

TNOC | The New Objective Collective !



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Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 5

Alternatively you can have independent events that are intercon-nected during which each pod has its own programming and connects with other pods for joint sessions.

For examples, refer to Chapter 3.

Technology. There are five key tech considerations for all hybrid events. Your event priorities and objectives will determine how you allocate resources to each. • Production/audiovisual ensures that the event venues, pods and/or studios have high-quality lighting, audio and video.• Streaming Providers prepares content for the Internet, host it on a server, make it available for online attendee to watch and provide a place for viewing.• Online attendees watch content on platforms. They register and login and select sessions. Most platforms have an interactive element such as polling or Q&As. Platforms can be websites, online communities or dedicated virtual platforms. • You need strong Internet connectivity with dedicated bandwidth. This may come from the venue or a third-party provider.• Videoconference bridges ensure dedicated two-way audio and video connections between remote pods and main events, minimizing communication glitches.

Role of Communication in Live and Hybrid EventsThe role of communication changes when you spread attendees across multiple locations and include technology elements. This creates a different communication and participation environment for content delivery and collaboration. Technology provides new communication tools that were not available before. In the table on the next page you will find an overview of functions and why they are relevant when you consider organizing hybrid events. Dispersion of hybrid-event remote participants among many locations creates several communication challenges. Focus on building face-to-face connections in small groups or pods for remote participant networking and team building. Your building blocks can be configured in many different ways. Keep your audience, spaces and objectives forefront, as these factors will help guide your hybrid strategy. In Chapter 2, you’ll find the steps for developing and executing your hybrid events strategy.

See next page.

Equal pods

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 7

IBM, Wells Fargo, Nike and many other companies have discovered the value of including hybrid events in their meeting portfolio. These companies use hybrid events to help them increase sales, improve performance and increase attendance in their meetings. You can, too. The following are the steps in the process for organizing a hybrid event.

Hybrid Strategy Creating a remarkable hybrid event requires meeting planners to get involved in the messaging, content, technology and logistical execution. For some, it means getting more involved in the development of content than ever before. When you start the planning process, develop a strategy and business case for the event. This strategy will be a roadmap that you can share with your stakeholders. Here are the six elements of your strategic roadmap.

1. Defi ne meeting objectives2. Consider social, technological, political, internal factors and trends 3. Develop a budget and business case4. Determine how you will measure success5. Analyze your audience6. Outline your event execution strategy

At the end of this process, document your strategy for the virtual event.

1. Defi ne Meeting ObjectivesHybrid technology creates new types of experiences for attend-ees and professional challenges for meeting organizers. In order to create an experience that excites and motivates, you need to establish clearly defi ned objectives. As you develop these objec-tives, be clear about your priorities. This will help later on when you need to make trade-offs in the scope, quality and the design of the event. Here are some examples of objectives.- Expand our reach to a broader audience- Include attendees who are unable to travel- Reduce meeting/budget costs- Improve employee satisfaction- Extend the life of our face-to-face event- Keep revenue-producing staff in the fi eld- Expand education- Support sustainable initiatives- Generate revenue - Bring speakers together who can’t travel

2. Consider External FactorsExternal factors may affect your event, so examine them before moving forward. Circumstances relating to technology, politics and law, for example, may infl uence decisions about when and


Hybrid Event Process

where to hold your event, what kind of hybrid event will work best for you or even whether or not to produce your hybrid event at all.

3. Develop a BudgetFor most meeting professionals, hybrid event costs are rolled into the larger event budget. To the greatest extent possible, try to sepa-rate the costs so you can later determine business value. Here are some budget categories to consider for your hybrid event.• Video Production• Internet connectivity• Streaming services• Virtual platform• Décor • Content development and delivery• Consulting and labor

When you don’t have to bring attendees onsite, you save on hos-pitality and logistical costs such as travel and transportation, hotel and food and beverage. In addition, for attendees that are sales representatives or consultants, hybrid events reduce out-of-the-offi ce travel time, allowing them to maintain productivity.

CALL OUTBudget Tips• Streaming and production will likely be your largest costs, amounting to more than 50 percent of total budget. • In the United States, if your event is in a union facility, your production costs alone can be more than 50 percent of your budget.• Internet costs can range from $1,500 to more than $100,000 depending on the scope of your project.• Reduce production labor costs by looking for opportunities to: - Reduce camera operators - Use audio instead of video - Rationalize the content that you record and stream - Only stream the most popular sessions - Reduce streaming costs by maximizing the use of rooms with production and streaming equipment and labor

Here is a model for hybrid events that will help you get started quickly.

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 2

Discovering the Benefits of Hybrid MeetingsMeetings deliver value when participants do something (buy a product/service, become more efficient, learn a skill or procedure) as a result of having attended. Hybrid events are no different in that sense from live events. They give you opportunities for adding value in the following ways.• Reaching more delegates (face-to-face plus virtual)• Allowing virtual delegates to participate alone or in small groups• Providing new content delivery and communication options• Connecting multiple events that occur concurrently or at different times or locations• Extending the reach of your message by repurposing event content• Including people who could not otherwise attend (busy executives, global attendees)Attend hybrid events as a virtual participant prior to creating one for your own organization and seek the advice of peers who are experienced in the medium.

Benefits to Meeting Professionals Hybrid events create new opportunities for meeting planners to:• Become more involved in the content development,• Develop creativity in designing events,• Concentrate on objectives and strategy,• Learn how to strategically ask questions when selecting and applying technology and• Develop additional project management and planning skills.

Benefits to Onsite Planners Onsite planners who work for conference centers and other event venues can expand their client offerings to:• Centralized booking of conference rooms across multiple properties for hybrid meetings,• Centralized audiovisual technology ordering and support across multiple properties,• Videoconference facilities on multiple properties,• Centralized ordering of food and beverage across multiple properties,• Temporary staffing support across multiple properties and cities and• Internet bandwidth support.

Building Blocks of Hybrid Events One of the greatest advantages of hybrid events is that they allow meeting professionals to reconfigure the building blocks of an event. For example, instead of having a single venue, you could have four or five regional sites. Instead of flying attendees to a single city for a half-day conference, you can invite them to a two-hour conference at restaurants in their cities. Technology enables hybrid events to work across time and space. Before getting engaged with the technological options and requirements, it’s critical to understand the basic building blocks of hybrid events.

Spaces. Hybrid attendees aren’t limited to a single room or venue. They can participate online at the hotel, at a regional site or on the beach. Presenters and facilitators can be spread across time and space as well. Here are the most common spaces.• A hybrid event is a gathering of at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with participants in another or multiple locations.• A virtual event is a gathering of participants in multiple locations who connect by some form of technology (phone, video, computer).• A face-to-face event is a gathering of individuals in the same location. • A pod event (also referred to as a pod) is a gathering of individuals in one location linked to an event in a separate location.• A studio event is a gathering that includes a space for content production that is distributed to an online or pod audience.

Audiences. When you link audiences in vastly different locations, you need to consider their different needs and experiences. Here are the most common audience types.• The face-to-face audience of a hybrid event can be small or large. Its needs are the same as the needs for any face-to-face event, but there are new aspects to consider. Will the virtual audience interact with the face-to-face audience? Often face-to-face participants pay more to attend. Keep this in mind to ensure that other elements of the event don’t negatively affect the face-to-face experience.

What is a Hybrid Meeting? Hybrid meetings inte-grate technology with traditional event practices to create new types of attendee experiences and content delivery tools. They include any meeting or event with at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with partici-pants in another or multiple locations.

The best hybrid events create unique experi-ences for different types of participants in differ-ent places. Combining functionalities of face-to-face events and those of virtual meetings into hybrid events enables meeting planners to have a much broader spectrum of options to engage delegates. It’s important to become familiar with the components of hybrid events before you think and conceptualize available options.


Introducing Hybrid Meetings

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 6

Function Why it is relevant?

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Page 4: 20131130 The Future is Now Hybrid Event Presentation Ruud Janssen hybrid event process Meet in Reykjavik



1. Use techniques that organizers and attendees agree make for remarkable hybrid events. !2. Gain insights on the type of technology, engagement & event formats that are best for hybrid events.!3. Identify a skill set to ensure hybrid event success. Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 2

Discovering the Benefits of Hybrid MeetingsMeetings deliver value when participants do something (buy a product/service, become more efficient, learn a skill or procedure) as a result of having attended. Hybrid events are no different in that sense from live events. They give you opportunities for adding value in the following ways.• Reaching more delegates (face-to-face plus virtual)• Allowing virtual delegates to participate alone or in small groups• Providing new content delivery and communication options• Connecting multiple events that occur concurrently or at different times or locations• Extending the reach of your message by repurposing event content• Including people who could not otherwise attend (busy executives, global attendees)Attend hybrid events as a virtual participant prior to creating one for your own organization and seek the advice of peers who are experienced in the medium.

Benefits to Meeting Professionals Hybrid events create new opportunities for meeting planners to:• Become more involved in the content development,• Develop creativity in designing events,• Concentrate on objectives and strategy,• Learn how to strategically ask questions when selecting and applying technology and• Develop additional project management and planning skills.

Benefits to Onsite Planners Onsite planners who work for conference centers and other event venues can expand their client offerings to:• Centralized booking of conference rooms across multiple properties for hybrid meetings,• Centralized audiovisual technology ordering and support across multiple properties,• Videoconference facilities on multiple properties,• Centralized ordering of food and beverage across multiple properties,• Temporary staffing support across multiple properties and cities and• Internet bandwidth support.

Building Blocks of Hybrid Events One of the greatest advantages of hybrid events is that they allow meeting professionals to reconfigure the building blocks of an event. For example, instead of having a single venue, you could have four or five regional sites. Instead of flying attendees to a single city for a half-day conference, you can invite them to a two-hour conference at restaurants in their cities. Technology enables hybrid events to work across time and space. Before getting engaged with the technological options and requirements, it’s critical to understand the basic building blocks of hybrid events.

Spaces. Hybrid attendees aren’t limited to a single room or venue. They can participate online at the hotel, at a regional site or on the beach. Presenters and facilitators can be spread across time and space as well. Here are the most common spaces.• A hybrid event is a gathering of at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with participants in another or multiple locations.• A virtual event is a gathering of participants in multiple locations who connect by some form of technology (phone, video, computer).• A face-to-face event is a gathering of individuals in the same location. • A pod event (also referred to as a pod) is a gathering of individuals in one location linked to an event in a separate location.• A studio event is a gathering that includes a space for content production that is distributed to an online or pod audience.

Audiences. When you link audiences in vastly different locations, you need to consider their different needs and experiences. Here are the most common audience types.• The face-to-face audience of a hybrid event can be small or large. Its needs are the same as the needs for any face-to-face event, but there are new aspects to consider. Will the virtual audience interact with the face-to-face audience? Often face-to-face participants pay more to attend. Keep this in mind to ensure that other elements of the event don’t negatively affect the face-to-face experience.

What is a Hybrid Meeting? Hybrid meetings inte-grate technology with traditional event practices to create new types of attendee experiences and content delivery tools. They include any meeting or event with at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with partici-pants in another or multiple locations.

The best hybrid events create unique experi-ences for different types of participants in differ-ent places. Combining functionalities of face-to-face events and those of virtual meetings into hybrid events enables meeting planners to have a much broader spectrum of options to engage delegates. It’s important to become familiar with the components of hybrid events before you think and conceptualize available options.


Introducing Hybrid Meetings

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Look at Hybrid Meetings from Six Angles

Production Technology

Attendee Experience Design & Preparing Content

Team Preparing & Training Speakers

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1,794 Survey Respondents !

37 Interviews & case analysis

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WHAT IS A HYBRID EVENT?Mashup of Digital and Face-to-Face Meetings



Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 2

Discovering the Benefits of Hybrid MeetingsMeetings deliver value when participants do something (buy a product/service, become more efficient, learn a skill or procedure) as a result of having attended. Hybrid events are no different in that sense from live events. They give you opportunities for adding value in the following ways.• Reaching more delegates (face-to-face plus virtual)• Allowing virtual delegates to participate alone or in small groups• Providing new content delivery and communication options• Connecting multiple events that occur concurrently or at different times or locations• Extending the reach of your message by repurposing event content• Including people who could not otherwise attend (busy executives, global attendees)Attend hybrid events as a virtual participant prior to creating one for your own organization and seek the advice of peers who are experienced in the medium.

Benefits to Meeting Professionals Hybrid events create new opportunities for meeting planners to:• Become more involved in the content development,• Develop creativity in designing events,• Concentrate on objectives and strategy,• Learn how to strategically ask questions when selecting and applying technology and• Develop additional project management and planning skills.

Benefits to Onsite Planners Onsite planners who work for conference centers and other event venues can expand their client offerings to:• Centralized booking of conference rooms across multiple properties for hybrid meetings,• Centralized audiovisual technology ordering and support across multiple properties,• Videoconference facilities on multiple properties,• Centralized ordering of food and beverage across multiple properties,• Temporary staffing support across multiple properties and cities and• Internet bandwidth support.

Building Blocks of Hybrid Events One of the greatest advantages of hybrid events is that they allow meeting professionals to reconfigure the building blocks of an event. For example, instead of having a single venue, you could have four or five regional sites. Instead of flying attendees to a single city for a half-day conference, you can invite them to a two-hour conference at restaurants in their cities. Technology enables hybrid events to work across time and space. Before getting engaged with the technological options and requirements, it’s critical to understand the basic building blocks of hybrid events.

Spaces. Hybrid attendees aren’t limited to a single room or venue. They can participate online at the hotel, at a regional site or on the beach. Presenters and facilitators can be spread across time and space as well. Here are the most common spaces.• A hybrid event is a gathering of at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with participants in another or multiple locations.• A virtual event is a gathering of participants in multiple locations who connect by some form of technology (phone, video, computer).• A face-to-face event is a gathering of individuals in the same location. • A pod event (also referred to as a pod) is a gathering of individuals in one location linked to an event in a separate location.• A studio event is a gathering that includes a space for content production that is distributed to an online or pod audience.

Audiences. When you link audiences in vastly different locations, you need to consider their different needs and experiences. Here are the most common audience types.• The face-to-face audience of a hybrid event can be small or large. Its needs are the same as the needs for any face-to-face event, but there are new aspects to consider. Will the virtual audience interact with the face-to-face audience? Often face-to-face participants pay more to attend. Keep this in mind to ensure that other elements of the event don’t negatively affect the face-to-face experience.

What is a Hybrid Meeting? Hybrid meetings inte-grate technology with traditional event practices to create new types of attendee experiences and content delivery tools. They include any meeting or event with at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with partici-pants in another or multiple locations.

The best hybrid events create unique experi-ences for different types of participants in differ-ent places. Combining functionalities of face-to-face events and those of virtual meetings into hybrid events enables meeting planners to have a much broader spectrum of options to engage delegates. It’s important to become familiar with the components of hybrid events before you think and conceptualize available options.


Introducing Hybrid Meetings

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WHERE ARE ATTENDEES?Onsite, in Pods or Online

onsite online from hotel room


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WHERE ARE ATTENDEES?Onsite, in Pods or Online


at home in pods

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70% of respondents agreed with the statement "Ultimately all events will become a hybrid event because technology will be a part of every conference that we produce."

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Hybrid meetings make up less than 25% of the event portfolio for most organizers.

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Meeting Pros Are from Mars, Attendees Are from Venus:Techniques for Creating a Remarkable Hybrid Event

Presented by Samuel J Smith

Thursday, 2 August 2012

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WHAT ATTENDEES WANTTalk Show, News Program, Awards Show, Man on the Street Interviews

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source: copyblogger.com

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WHY DO YOU ATTEND VIRTUALLY?Why we are staying home - instead of traveling

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WILL HYBRID CANNIBALIZE F2F?Cannibalization was a Top Concern for Many Meeting Planners

50% of planners said cannibalization was a top concern in their organization.

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HOW IS ATTENDANCE? Free Hybrid // Fee Based Hybrid // Future Attendance

67% of respondents said attendance did not change with a hybrid event.

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HOW IS ATTENDANCE? Free Hybrid // Fee Based Hybrid // Future Attendance

23% of respondents said attendance increased in the future.

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“Lots of e-learning projects fail because the people who develop them don’t contact the learner.”

!- Gillian Broadhead, Director, Learning Light Limited

image source = http://www.trainingjournal.com/assets/e664c2f9-0f43-4ef4-86b8-9e17046c42ad/open/elearning%20button%20red%20banner%20large.jpg

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BOTTOM LINEMeeting Planners Are From Mars // Attendees Are From Venus

1. Formats !

2. Engagement !

3. Attendees Will Not Leave You

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#FUTUREISNOW | WWW.TNOC.ORG | @RUUDWJANSSENh"p://www.flickr.com/photos/1nochow/5489732009/sizes/l/in/photostream/

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#FUTUREISNOW | WWW.TNOC.ORG | @RUUDWJANSSENh"p://www.flickr.com/photos/1nochow/5489732009/sizes/l/in/photostream/

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#FUTUREISNOW | WWW.TNOC.ORG | @RUUDWJANSSENhttp://eventcampvancouver.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/ecv11-051.jpg

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#FUTUREISNOW | WWW.TNOC.ORG | @RUUDWJANSSENhttp://eventcampvancouver.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/ecv11-051.jpg

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HYBRID EVENT FORMATSMain Event with Remote Attendees

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HYBRID EVENT FORMATSMain Event with Remote Pods

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HYBRID EVENT FORMATSMain Event with Pods + Remote Attendees

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HYBRID EVENT FORMATSStudio with Pods & Remote Attendees

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Virtual Platform10%

31% Streaming Services

42% Video Production

8% Consulting

6% Content Development

2% Internet Services

1% Decor


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HYBRID ART PROJECTBuilding your Paper Airplane


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The presentation styles require certain specific skills in terms of talking to the camera and being comfortable around a camera. !Richard Davies, eBay Europe


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What is so exciting about hybrid meetings, is you don’t need big sets, and you don’t need a lot of production. It’s more nimble. !Beth Beutell, Event Manager, Capella University

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One of the things that we learned very early on is that in order for it to be very engaging we need to get away from people thinking of it like a business meeting.” !!Richard Davies, eBay Europe

Hybrid Meetings Case Study: eBay | Page 1

communications for eBay. That department created a structure for the weekly meetings that employees liked—one that allowed them to put faces to names and get a live, team-oriented experience that provided updates on important company business. Though the ETB originally began as a way for management to update teams, the format has evolved to one that is less hierarchical and more discussion-oriented. Participants from the various offices interact and ask questions in real time. Davies establishes an agenda and plans for each meeting several months in advance. “We currently have 14 offices in 13 different countries around Europe,” he notes. “It’s growing all the time as eBay grows. Last month, we added our recently acquired business in Turkey, Gittigidiyor.” The timing and frequency of the event has flexed around the needs of the business. When the need to connect the wider regional team was at its strongest, the briefing occurred at 10 a.m. Mondays. Company leaders liked how ETB could be used to set the tempo and tone for the week. Scheduling the meeting on Monday, a day when most people in the European offices avoid travel, also resulted in greater attendance. Recently, ETB meetings have moved to a monthly frequency, with occasional ad hoc meetings, reflecting a decision by the company to increase its local market focus. The ETB is marketed to European employees through email invitations and follow-up summaries.

PRE-PRODUCTION: Supersize with LifeSizeAfter experiencing difficulties with Microsoft Office Suite for a live meeting of this size and complexity, the eBay global IT team chose to invest in an HD videoconferencing solution called LifeSize. The organization has a technical support team that manages a videoconference bridge (to minimize communication glitches by ensuring a dedicated, two-way audio and video connection between the offices), working out of the U.S. and Ireland. In addition, the IT department provides onsite support at the larger locations. Otherwise, the ETB is managed in-house.

+ Hybrid Meetings Case Study: eBay

eBay: Hybrid Across Borders

When Pierre Omidyar started eBay in 1995, he said he wanted to “create an efficient market where regular people could compete with big business.” Seventeen years later, eBay has become big business, with 90 million users and more than US$9 billion in revenue a year. As with any company’s rapid expansion, there were bound to be growing pains. And, because of a major restructuring, eBay experienced a problem many large companies encounter: The multinational Internet corporation needed to find a way for colleagues in 14 offices in 13 European countries to interact with and see and hear their leaders talk about business strategy on a regular basis. Enter the European Team Brief (ETB), developed by communications specialists at the company in 2008. The first briefs were limited to weekly emails with embedded video. But after a year, the team introduced Web conferencing on a shoestring budget. The 14 offices had a one-hour, live, joint meeting each week using Microsoft Office Suite. And slowly the meeting evolved into today’s HD (high-definition) videoconference solution. Participants in the weekly, multi-office hybrid meeting now interact both face-to-face (in large designated areas within their offices) and virtually (connected to the other offices via the videoconference system.) The ETB has become highly popular among European eBay employees for its useful information, fun approach and the team spirit it engenders.

STRATEGY: Team Approach“[Our] objectives are to connect employees to their leaders and to our business strategy so that employees understand where we are going and why—and also how we are performing as a business,” says Richard Davies, head of European employee

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Hybrid Meetings Case Study: eBay | Page 1

communications for eBay. That department created a structure for the weekly meetings that employees liked—one that allowed them to put faces to names and get a live, team-oriented experience that provided updates on important company business. Though the ETB originally began as a way for management to update teams, the format has evolved to one that is less hierarchical and more discussion-oriented. Participants from the various offices interact and ask questions in real time. Davies establishes an agenda and plans for each meeting several months in advance. “We currently have 14 offices in 13 different countries around Europe,” he notes. “It’s growing all the time as eBay grows. Last month, we added our recently acquired business in Turkey, Gittigidiyor.” The timing and frequency of the event has flexed around the needs of the business. When the need to connect the wider regional team was at its strongest, the briefing occurred at 10 a.m. Mondays. Company leaders liked how ETB could be used to set the tempo and tone for the week. Scheduling the meeting on Monday, a day when most people in the European offices avoid travel, also resulted in greater attendance. Recently, ETB meetings have moved to a monthly frequency, with occasional ad hoc meetings, reflecting a decision by the company to increase its local market focus. The ETB is marketed to European employees through email invitations and follow-up summaries.

PRE-PRODUCTION: Supersize with LifeSizeAfter experiencing difficulties with Microsoft Office Suite for a live meeting of this size and complexity, the eBay global IT team chose to invest in an HD videoconferencing solution called LifeSize. The organization has a technical support team that manages a videoconference bridge (to minimize communication glitches by ensuring a dedicated, two-way audio and video connection between the offices), working out of the U.S. and Ireland. In addition, the IT department provides onsite support at the larger locations. Otherwise, the ETB is managed in-house.

+ Hybrid Meetings Case Study: eBay

eBay: Hybrid Across Borders

When Pierre Omidyar started eBay in 1995, he said he wanted to “create an efficient market where regular people could compete with big business.” Seventeen years later, eBay has become big business, with 90 million users and more than US$9 billion in revenue a year. As with any company’s rapid expansion, there were bound to be growing pains. And, because of a major restructuring, eBay experienced a problem many large companies encounter: The multinational Internet corporation needed to find a way for colleagues in 14 offices in 13 European countries to interact with and see and hear their leaders talk about business strategy on a regular basis. Enter the European Team Brief (ETB), developed by communications specialists at the company in 2008. The first briefs were limited to weekly emails with embedded video. But after a year, the team introduced Web conferencing on a shoestring budget. The 14 offices had a one-hour, live, joint meeting each week using Microsoft Office Suite. And slowly the meeting evolved into today’s HD (high-definition) videoconference solution. Participants in the weekly, multi-office hybrid meeting now interact both face-to-face (in large designated areas within their offices) and virtually (connected to the other offices via the videoconference system.) The ETB has become highly popular among European eBay employees for its useful information, fun approach and the team spirit it engenders.

STRATEGY: Team Approach“[Our] objectives are to connect employees to their leaders and to our business strategy so that employees understand where we are going and why—and also how we are performing as a business,” says Richard Davies, head of European employee


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I am more likely to hire vendors who have worked in my industry and know my industry...even if I had to pay little more. !- VP of Meetings, FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY

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“It is all in the pre-production. It is all in the planning. It is being able to properly envision what the outcome should be.” !- Bill Finlay, Technical Director, ICON PRESENTATIONS


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“have a rehearsal.”- Various

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Case Study: Hybrid Meeting | Page 1

+ Hybrid Meeting Case Study

Thrivent Financial: The Case for a Hybrid Meeting

When Steph Pfeilsticker, CMP, CMM, saw a presentation on hybrid events given by former MPI CEO Bruce MacMillan in 2010, she experienced an a-ha moment. As senior event planner for Thrivent Financial, she knew the impact her National Sales Meeting had on the fi nancial representatives who attended, and on the company’s bottom line. She uncovered data showing that reps who attended increased their sales in the three months following the event. However, only 40 percent of her fi nancial reps were attending. What if the company could somehow reach the other 60 percent? That was her business case when she presented the idea of a hybrid event to her leadership in early 2011. Pfeilsticker won approval for that event proposal in February 2011, and began the process of planning and collaboration leading up to the November NSM.

VIRTUAL VALUEHigh-performing fi nancial reps receive complimentary or discounted access to the face-to-face event. The vast majority of those who had not attended face-to-face in the past had not qualifi ed for gratis access. “I wanted to place a value on the virtual stream [free implies lack of value], but not price ourselves out of the market,” Pfeilsticker says. She knew if she got them to log onto the virtual meeting, those who usually didn’t attend the national sales meeting would get the content and education they needed to increase their production, so remote participation was priced at a $49 early-bird rate and $99 regular registration.

About Thrivent FinancialThrivent Financial for Lutherans is a faith-based, not-for-profi t fi nancial services organization of nearly 2.5 million members with the strength of more than US$75 billion in assets managed.

What would current Steph Pfeilsticker tell pre-hybrid Steph Pfeilsticker?“Don’t get bogged down with the naysayers who might not understand it. Keep the fi re in your belly and don’t second-guess your plan when you recognize the value and know that it’s the organization’s future. Don’t let the technology scare you. It’s a machine, and we know how to make machines work. If we can understand it, we can trust it.”

�������� ����������������

OUTCOMESHybrid Meetings Delivered Results for Thrivent Financial


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VIRTUAL STUDIO IN GENERAL SESSIONConnection for Remote Attendees

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWSSpeakers, Senior Leaders and Content Providers

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MAKE IT PERSONALWorkbook for Hybrid Attendees

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BUILD A COMMUNITYChat Session Moderators Made Conversation Lively

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Teams and People

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TEAMS AND PEOPLEWhich roles do you consider to be of most importance for a Hybrid Event Team?

Production Director

Creative Director

Technical Director

Digital StrategistConsultant

Virtual Emcee

Meeting Planner

Marketing Manager


Important Unsure Not Important

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“...to effectively implement a hybrid event both the local live and the broadcast portions need to be produced in different ways.” !- Joe Frascella, Technical Director, Swank Audio Visuals

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“I believe there is an entirely different skillset that planners need to add to their toolbox. Everything from understanding the technology, to user experience to proper speaker techniques for virtual education.” !- Kyle Hillman, Meeting Planner, NASW IL PAC

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In addition to current skill set of meeting professionals, we need to have a good understanding of engagement, creativity, gaming, social networking and project management. !Janet Cooper, Director of Convention Services Radiological Society of North America

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Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 5

Alternatively you can have independent events that are intercon-nected during which each pod has its own programming and connects with other pods for joint sessions.

For examples, refer to Chapter 3.

Technology. There are five key tech considerations for all hybrid events. Your event priorities and objectives will determine how you allocate resources to each. • Production/audiovisual ensures that the event venues, pods and/or studios have high-quality lighting, audio and video.• Streaming Providers prepares content for the Internet, host it on a server, make it available for online attendee to watch and provide a place for viewing.• Online attendees watch content on platforms. They register and login and select sessions. Most platforms have an interactive element such as polling or Q&As. Platforms can be websites, online communities or dedicated virtual platforms. • You need strong Internet connectivity with dedicated bandwidth. This may come from the venue or a third-party provider.• Videoconference bridges ensure dedicated two-way audio and video connections between remote pods and main events, minimizing communication glitches.

Role of Communication in Live and Hybrid EventsThe role of communication changes when you spread attendees across multiple locations and include technology elements. This creates a different communication and participation environment for content delivery and collaboration. Technology provides new communication tools that were not available before. In the table on the next page you will find an overview of functions and why they are relevant when you consider organizing hybrid events. Dispersion of hybrid-event remote participants among many locations creates several communication challenges. Focus on building face-to-face connections in small groups or pods for remote participant networking and team building. Your building blocks can be configured in many different ways. Keep your audience, spaces and objectives forefront, as these factors will help guide your hybrid strategy. In Chapter 2, you’ll find the steps for developing and executing your hybrid events strategy.

See next page.

Equal pods

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 7

IBM, Wells Fargo, Nike and many other companies have discovered the value of including hybrid events in their meeting portfolio. These companies use hybrid events to help them increase sales, improve performance and increase attendance in their meetings. You can, too. The following are the steps in the process for organizing a hybrid event.

Hybrid Strategy Creating a remarkable hybrid event requires meeting planners to get involved in the messaging, content, technology and logistical execution. For some, it means getting more involved in the development of content than ever before. When you start the planning process, develop a strategy and business case for the event. This strategy will be a roadmap that you can share with your stakeholders. Here are the six elements of your strategic roadmap.

1. Defi ne meeting objectives2. Consider social, technological, political, internal factors and trends 3. Develop a budget and business case4. Determine how you will measure success5. Analyze your audience6. Outline your event execution strategy

At the end of this process, document your strategy for the virtual event.

1. Defi ne Meeting ObjectivesHybrid technology creates new types of experiences for attend-ees and professional challenges for meeting organizers. In order to create an experience that excites and motivates, you need to establish clearly defi ned objectives. As you develop these objec-tives, be clear about your priorities. This will help later on when you need to make trade-offs in the scope, quality and the design of the event. Here are some examples of objectives.- Expand our reach to a broader audience- Include attendees who are unable to travel- Reduce meeting/budget costs- Improve employee satisfaction- Extend the life of our face-to-face event- Keep revenue-producing staff in the fi eld- Expand education- Support sustainable initiatives- Generate revenue - Bring speakers together who can’t travel

2. Consider External FactorsExternal factors may affect your event, so examine them before moving forward. Circumstances relating to technology, politics and law, for example, may infl uence decisions about when and


Hybrid Event Process

where to hold your event, what kind of hybrid event will work best for you or even whether or not to produce your hybrid event at all.

3. Develop a BudgetFor most meeting professionals, hybrid event costs are rolled into the larger event budget. To the greatest extent possible, try to sepa-rate the costs so you can later determine business value. Here are some budget categories to consider for your hybrid event.• Video Production• Internet connectivity• Streaming services• Virtual platform• Décor • Content development and delivery• Consulting and labor

When you don’t have to bring attendees onsite, you save on hos-pitality and logistical costs such as travel and transportation, hotel and food and beverage. In addition, for attendees that are sales representatives or consultants, hybrid events reduce out-of-the-offi ce travel time, allowing them to maintain productivity.

CALL OUTBudget Tips• Streaming and production will likely be your largest costs, amounting to more than 50 percent of total budget. • In the United States, if your event is in a union facility, your production costs alone can be more than 50 percent of your budget.• Internet costs can range from $1,500 to more than $100,000 depending on the scope of your project.• Reduce production labor costs by looking for opportunities to: - Reduce camera operators - Use audio instead of video - Rationalize the content that you record and stream - Only stream the most popular sessions - Reduce streaming costs by maximizing the use of rooms with production and streaming equipment and labor

Here is a model for hybrid events that will help you get started quickly.

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 2

Discovering the Benefits of Hybrid MeetingsMeetings deliver value when participants do something (buy a product/service, become more efficient, learn a skill or procedure) as a result of having attended. Hybrid events are no different in that sense from live events. They give you opportunities for adding value in the following ways.• Reaching more delegates (face-to-face plus virtual)• Allowing virtual delegates to participate alone or in small groups• Providing new content delivery and communication options• Connecting multiple events that occur concurrently or at different times or locations• Extending the reach of your message by repurposing event content• Including people who could not otherwise attend (busy executives, global attendees)Attend hybrid events as a virtual participant prior to creating one for your own organization and seek the advice of peers who are experienced in the medium.

Benefits to Meeting Professionals Hybrid events create new opportunities for meeting planners to:• Become more involved in the content development,• Develop creativity in designing events,• Concentrate on objectives and strategy,• Learn how to strategically ask questions when selecting and applying technology and• Develop additional project management and planning skills.

Benefits to Onsite Planners Onsite planners who work for conference centers and other event venues can expand their client offerings to:• Centralized booking of conference rooms across multiple properties for hybrid meetings,• Centralized audiovisual technology ordering and support across multiple properties,• Videoconference facilities on multiple properties,• Centralized ordering of food and beverage across multiple properties,• Temporary staffing support across multiple properties and cities and• Internet bandwidth support.

Building Blocks of Hybrid Events One of the greatest advantages of hybrid events is that they allow meeting professionals to reconfigure the building blocks of an event. For example, instead of having a single venue, you could have four or five regional sites. Instead of flying attendees to a single city for a half-day conference, you can invite them to a two-hour conference at restaurants in their cities. Technology enables hybrid events to work across time and space. Before getting engaged with the technological options and requirements, it’s critical to understand the basic building blocks of hybrid events.

Spaces. Hybrid attendees aren’t limited to a single room or venue. They can participate online at the hotel, at a regional site or on the beach. Presenters and facilitators can be spread across time and space as well. Here are the most common spaces.• A hybrid event is a gathering of at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with participants in another or multiple locations.• A virtual event is a gathering of participants in multiple locations who connect by some form of technology (phone, video, computer).• A face-to-face event is a gathering of individuals in the same location. • A pod event (also referred to as a pod) is a gathering of individuals in one location linked to an event in a separate location.• A studio event is a gathering that includes a space for content production that is distributed to an online or pod audience.

Audiences. When you link audiences in vastly different locations, you need to consider their different needs and experiences. Here are the most common audience types.• The face-to-face audience of a hybrid event can be small or large. Its needs are the same as the needs for any face-to-face event, but there are new aspects to consider. Will the virtual audience interact with the face-to-face audience? Often face-to-face participants pay more to attend. Keep this in mind to ensure that other elements of the event don’t negatively affect the face-to-face experience.

What is a Hybrid Meeting? Hybrid meetings inte-grate technology with traditional event practices to create new types of attendee experiences and content delivery tools. They include any meeting or event with at least one group of face-to-face participants that digitally connects with partici-pants in another or multiple locations.

The best hybrid events create unique experi-ences for different types of participants in differ-ent places. Combining functionalities of face-to-face events and those of virtual meetings into hybrid events enables meeting planners to have a much broader spectrum of options to engage delegates. It’s important to become familiar with the components of hybrid events before you think and conceptualize available options.


Introducing Hybrid Meetings

Hybrid Meetings: How-To Guide | Page 6

Function Why it is relevant?

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Ruud Janssen, CMM

Managing Director !

TNOC | The New Objective Collective !

