2012 fringe program

9-10AM, FOYER ONLINE ACTIVISM: BEYOND YOUR FACEBOOK STATUS Many ALP supporters are active on Facebook and Twitter in favour of the causes and issues they support, but how can you get active in persuading and debating these issues beyond your immediate social circle? This session ill include insights from four party members doing very different things in social media. They’ll share what they’ve learned and why the think others should be active in this space. Whether you’re already blogging and active on social media, or want to know what a blog is, this session may have some useful tips for you. Speakers: Kirsten Andrews, Anna Minns, Emma Ashton, Ausseela Thanaphongsakorn 12.30-1.15PM, LOWER TOWN HALL B WHY THE BRANCH MUST DIE The branch meets, the attendance book is signed; they go through the agenda and the secretary takes the minutes. It’s been this way for a long time, but does this meeting structure belong in the past? does it promote collective activism? Is it time for the Branch Meeting, as we know it – to die? Join James Brann, Secretary for the Bathurst Branch and other secretaries from around the state as they look to alternatives to tradition. This session will look at the contemporary Branch Meeting and attempt to establish news ways of approaching collective activism, community belonging and political organisation at the local level. How can we as a local level political organisation to be more engaging, flexible and efficient? 12.30-1.15PM, VAULT CHRISTIANS IN THE ALP LAUNCH You are invited to an introduction to Christians in the ALP. Join as we begin to build a multi-denominational Christian presence in the Labor Party promoting transformative dialogue within the ALP around progressive Christian values. We will discuss the history of Christian engagement in progressive social change and set a vision for the road ahead. There will also be plenty of time to meet each other. Please note this group is not a platform to focus on divisive moral issues that divide Christians such as abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia. Rather Christians in the ALP gather to focus on issues that unite us for our common cause. 1-2 PM, FOYER WOMEN HOLD UP HALF THE SKY Join EMILY’s List for a panel discussion including: Dr Rebecca Huntley: Author and Director, Ipsos Mackay Report Sally McManus: NSW Secretary, Australian Services Union NSW Linda Scott: City of Sydney, Labor Candidate for Lord Mayor Barbara Perry MP: Member for Auburn & Shadow Minister for Family & Community Services, Aboriginal Affairs, Ageing and Disability Services Janelle Saffin MP: Federal Member for Page MC Helen Westwood AM MLC 1.15-2PM, LOWER TOWN HALL B DEBATE – IS IT TIME TO END YOUTH WAGES? They can vote in an election, serve on a jury or fight for their country, but Australians between the ages of 18 and 21 are still paid less than their older counterparts. Should young workers receive an equal day’s pay for an equal days work? Join the discussion as policy experts and union leaders join NSW Young Labor to discuss whether young Australians are getting a fair go in the workplace. 1:45 – 2:30, VAULT WOMEN IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT The NSW ALP Women’s Forum invites all female candidates and campaign workers to attend an informal networking session ahead of the 2012 Local Government Elections. This will be an opportunity to meet other candidates and volunteers, make valuable connections and to hear from Labor women who’ve made their mark in Local Government. 2-3PM, LOWER TOWN HALL B THE LABOR PARTY’S INFLUENCE ON FILIPINO MIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA Gough Whitlam’s historical visit to the Phillipines paved the way for Filipino migration to Australia. The Filipino Friends of Labor will introduce three prominent Filipino- Australians who have greatly contributed to mainstream Australian society. NSW Labor PROGRAM 2012 SUNDAY 15 JULY 2.30–5PM, VAULT NSW POLICY FORUM HOSTS CONVERSATIONS WITH OUR MEMBER COMMUNITY The NSW State Conference provides the perfect venue to launch into the community engagement phase of our policy development. The new policy processes can’t work without meaningful and regular engagement with our members. Over the both afternoons of the Conference there will be representatives of the different NSWPF Policy Commissions available to discuss the processes and talk to members about the issues that are important to you. This session is also being run 12-5PM on Saturday.

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Page 1: 2012 Fringe Program

9-10am, foyer

online Activism: Beyond your fAceBook stAtusMany ALP supporters are active on Facebook and Twitter in favour of the causes and issues they support, but how can you get active in persuading and debating these issues beyond your immediate social circle? This session ill include insights from four party members doing very different things in social media. They’ll share what they’ve learned and why the think others should be active in this space. Whether you’re already blogging and active on social media, or want to know what a blog is, this session may have some useful tips for you.

Speakers: Kirsten Andrews, Anna Minns, Emma Ashton, Ausseela Thanaphongsakorn

12.30-1.15Pm, lower town hAll B

why the BrAnch must dieThe branch meets, the attendance book is signed; they go through the agenda and the secretary takes the minutes. It’s been this way for a long time, but does this meeting structure belong in the past? does it promote collective activism? Is it time for the Branch Meeting, as we know it – to die? Join James Brann, Secretary for the Bathurst Branch and other secretaries from around the state as they look to alternatives to tradition. This session will look at the contemporary Branch Meeting and attempt to establish news ways of approaching collective activism, community belonging and political organisation at the local level. How can we as a local level political organisation to be more engaging, flexible and efficient?

12.30-1.15Pm, vAult

christiAns in the AlP lAunchYou are invited to an introduction to Christians in the ALP. Join as we begin to build a multi-denominational Christian presence in the Labor Party promoting transformative dialogue within the ALP around progressive Christian values. We will discuss the history of Christian engagement in progressive social change and set a vision for the road ahead. There will also be plenty of time to meet each other.Please note this group is not a platform to focus on divisive moral issues that divide Christians such as abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia. Rather Christians in the ALP gather to focus on issues that unite us for our common cause.

1-2 Pm, foyer

women hold uP hAlf the skyJoin EMILY’s List for a panel discussion including:Dr Rebecca Huntley: Author and Director, Ipsos Mackay Report Sally McManus: NSW Secretary, Australian Services Union NSW Linda Scott: City of Sydney, Labor Candidate for Lord Mayor Barbara Perry MP: Member for Auburn & Shadow Minister for Family & Community Services, Aboriginal Affairs, Ageing and Disability Services Janelle Saffin MP: Federal Member for Page MC Helen Westwood AM MLC

1.15-2Pm, lower town hAll B

deBAte – is it time to end youth wAges?They can vote in an election, serve on a jury or fight for their country, but Australians between the ages of 18 and 21 are still paid less than their older counterparts. Should young workers receive an equal day’s pay for an equal days work? Join the discussion as policy experts and union leaders join NSW Young Labor to discuss whether young Australians are getting a fair go in the workplace.

1:45 – 2:30, vAult

women in locAl governmentThe NSW ALP Women’s Forum invites all female candidates and campaign workers to attend an informal networking session ahead of the 2012 Local Government Elections. This will be an opportunity to meet other candidates and volunteers, make valuable connections and to hear from Labor women who’ve made their mark in Local Government.

2-3Pm, lower town hAll B

the lABor PArty’s influence on filiPino migrAtion to AustrAliAGough Whitlam’s historical visit to the Phillipines paved the way for Filipino migration to Australia.

The Filipino Friends of Labor will introduce three prominent Filipino-Australians who have greatly contributed to mainstream Australian society.

NSW Labor

P r o g r a m


sunday 15 July

2.30–5Pm, vAult

NSW Policy Forum hoStS coNverSatioNS With our member commuNityThe NSW State Conference provides the perfect venue to launch into the community engagement phase of our policy development. The new policy processes can’t work without meaningful and regular engagement with our members.

Over the both afternoons of the Conference there will be representatives of the different NSWPF Policy Commissions available to discuss the processes and talk to members about the issues that are important to you.

This session is also being run 12-5PM on Saturday.

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Page 2: 2012 Fringe Program

8-9am, lower town hAll A

contemPorAry Activism: oBservAtions from sociAl movements And issues cAmPAigningPolitical organisations and social movements are confronting a radical shift in the nature of contemporary political engagement. The most obvious, but by no means the only, manifestation of this is the decline in membership numbers.

This forum, drawing on recent research conducted by the Whitlam Institute and others, questions prevailing views on the means for organizational regeneration. It attempts to contextualise the place of technology and to explore the avenues available for nurturing civic and political engagement.

Featuring Dr James Arvanitakis (UWS) and Eric Sidoti (Director, Whitlam Institute)

12.30-2Pm & 5.30-7Pm, lower town hAll B

drama: the turBulent years Before the GFC there was the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression. Before the debt of Europe there was the debt of Australia, the Melbourne agreement and the Repudiation. Before the US Tea Party there was the NSW New Guard. Labor Prime Minister Scullin was gone, arbitration was gone, there was massive cuts to jobs, services pensions and benifits. Men were on the wallaby, women and childen on food lines. But there was also the Communist Party and Jock Garden. There was Tommy and Alma and Mick, and there was JT Lang, the best of people, the worst of times; these were the turbulent years.

Written by Dale Turner directed by Michael Piggott with Shane Portoeus as JT Lang, a drama of The Great Depression.

Tickets: $10 members and $15 non-members. You can book tickets online at www.trybooking.com/BPTF

12-1Pm, lower town hAll A

Putting resPect BAck into the refugee deBAteJoin us for a panel of guest speakers including:

John Menadue – founder and Board Director of the Centre for Policy Development (CPD) and former Secretary of the Department of Immigration 1980 – 1983 during the Indo China refugee flow.

Dr Louise Newman – Professor of Developmental Psychiatry at Monash University specialising in trauma and research into the mental health of detained asylum seekers and refugees.

Alex Pagliaro – Refugee Campaign Coordinator for Amnesty International, helping to ensure that the rights of refugees and asylum seekers are protected in Australia.

Lunch will be provided. For more information contact: Nizza Siano, Secretary L4R on 0404 532 249 or email: [email protected]

12-1Pm, foyer

confronting the wAr on scienceConcerned by the increasing attacks on science in our society? Frustrated by politics that ignores evidence? It’s time to put science and reason at the heart of policy and political debate in this country.

Join our distinguished panel for a lively public Q&A discussion on the politics of science. Our stellar line-up includes:

Anna-Maria Arabia: Chief Executive Officer, Science & Technology Australia

Anna Rose: Australian Youth Climate Coalition, author of Madlands: A Journey To Change The Mind of a Climate Sceptic.

Dr Ben Newell: Associate Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of NSW and author of Straight Choices – The Psychology of Decision Making.

Dr Will Grant: Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University

12-5Pm, the vAult

nsw Policy forum hosts conversAtions with our memBer communityThe NSW State Conference provides the perfect venue to launch into the community engagement phase of our policy development. The new policy processes can’t work without meaningful and regular engagement with our members.

Over the both afternoons of the Conference there will be representatives of the different NSWPF Policy Commissions available to discuss the processes and talk to members about the issues that are important to you.

1-2Pm, lower town hAll A

tAke the time – for A Better work/life BAlAnceWith workers’ leisure time currently at risk under O’Farrell Government proposals, the Take the Time campaign aims to make political leaders respect and retain the important remaining shared community days off each year. This forum will hear from these workers in the retail and finance industries about how important these days are for them, their families and the community, and explain how you can help in this important campaign.

Speakers include workers from the retail and finance industries, Peter Bentley, Executive Director, McKell Institute, Sophie Cotsis MLC, Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations. Chaired by Adam Kerslake, Unions NSW.

1-2Pm, lower town hAll B

gonski: where to?The NSW Labor Education and Skills Policy Caucus invites you to join us in a discussion about the recent Gonski Review and how Labor should be engaging with the education reform and funding debate. Join us for a panel including Verity Firth, CEO of the Public Education Foundation,

Carmel Tebbutt, NSW Shadow Minister for Education and representatives of education unions and the teaching profession.

1-2Pm, nsw trAdes hAll Auditorium

ArABic friends of lABor lAunchThe Arabic-speaking community is one of the fastest-growing in Australia. According to the 2011 Census, Arabic is the second most commonly spoken language in NSW followed closely by Mandarin. Arabic Friends of Labor will be re-launching at the 2012 Labor State Conference with a banquet of Lebanese cuisine and an introduction from Arabic Friends of Labor Convenor Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.

Guest speakers are Graham Richardson and NSW Labor General Secretary Sam Dastyari.

There will be a raffle. All welcome.

2-3Pm, lower town hAll A

nsw lABor Policy forum Presents: whAt is the role of Policy in connecting us to our BAse?The NSW State Conference provides the perfect venue to launch into the community engagement phase of our policy development. The new policy processes can’t work without meaningful and regular engagement with our members.

Over the both afternoons of the Conference there will be representatives of the different NSWPF Policy Commissions available to discuss the processes and talk to members about the issues that are important to you.

2-3Pm, foyer

let’s meet online – A new PlAtform And wAy for memBers to join the conversAtionNSW Labor members and friends are invited to have their say in this workshop about the Party’s first online

branch. Co-convener and Federal Member for Chifley, Ed Husic will discuss this new platform which aims to give members an alternate way to connect with people in the labour movement and beyond their local electorate. This is also a great opportunity for Country Labor members to provide input and shape this new and exciting way for members to meet.

3.30-4.30Pm, lower town hAll B

cAmPAign insightCampaign Insight provides grassroots activists and our next generation of Labor Leaders with the skills, experience, networks and confidence required to have an impact on Labor Party campaigns across the country.

Join Milton Dick, Queensland Councillor, Graeme Kelly, Secretary of the United Services Union, Sophie Cotsis MLC, Shadow Minister for Local Government, and Peter Primrose MLC in a panel discussion about the latest campaigning opportunities in the lead up to the Local Government Elections in September. The Panel will be hosted by NSW Labor Organiser, Kaila Murnain.

4-5Pm, foyer

geek-A-PAlooZAFor seven years, Zach Alexopoulos and Nathan Lambert have been analysing data for Labor candidates and campaign directors around the country. In this very special, members-only event, they look back at the dizzying highs and heart-breaking lows, and reprise some of the great data stoushes of the noughties, such as:

Howard’s Battlers vs Aspirationals – was there a difference?

Postal vote campaigns – are they worth it?

Green voters – who are these people, and where did they come from?

If you are interested in campaign data and the changing structure of the Australian electorate, Geek-a-palooza

will provide an overview of some of the things we have learnt in recent years (and some of the many we still haven’t). There will be fun facts, pop quizzes, and Q&A with other Labor geeks.

Please note: This event is only open to party members.

5.30-6.15Pm, foyer

how do we Address mentAl heAlth in the lgBti community?

Recent data from the Commonwealth has shown that LGBTI people are many times more likely to attempt suicide and or suffer from a major depressive episode in their lives.

Join Rainbow Labor and a panel of experts to discuss the issue including: Adam Searle MLC, Shadow Minister for Mental Health, Michelle Lancey, Coordinator of PFLAG Newcastle and Psychologist Sekneh Beckett, who is a specialist in the treatment of youth from diverse backgrounds

For more information contact Ashley Ubrihien on 0421 559 335.

5.30-7Pm, lower town hAll B

drama: the turBulent years Repeat of 12.30-2pm performance.

saturday 14 July

couNtry DelegateS luNchLord mayor’s recePtion roomThis will be a valuable opportunity for country members to meet each other informally and share their stories and experiences from around NSW – or just catch up with old friends. Justine Elliot MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Member for Richmond and Janelle Saffin MP, Member for Page will both address delegates and welcome them to Conference.

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