2009 sfuct year end report

SFU Community Trust Year End Report 2009

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2009 SFUCT Year End Report


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SFU Community Trust Year End Report 2009

Page 2: 2009 SFUCT Year End Report

How do we create financial and community value in a challenging local market?

Page 3: 2009 SFUCT Year End Report

Through a commitment to our goals and strategic investment that lays the groundwork for future growth.

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For those who followed the trajectory of the Vancouver real estate market in 2009 it will come as

no surprise that the past year presented some significant challenges for SFU Community Trust in

developing UniverCity. A significant slowdown in local markets that began in late 2008 took away

any demand for development sites in the first three quarters of 2009. The Trust responded by

reexamining core and discretionary spending plans in an attempt to weather a downturn that we

expected would last through 2009 and perhaps beyond.

Our strategy was a simple yet necessary one: defer all infrastructure spending that was not

immediately required to meet existing commitments; while at the same time continuing planning

work to allow for quick reengagement when market demand returned.

By the fourth quarter of 2009, increased affordability in the housing market (brought on by price

decreases earlier in the year and significant interest rate reductions made by the Bank of Canada)

encouraged buyers to return to the market, and along with them came renewed interest in

development sites. UniverCity saw significant interest in its sites during the fourth quarter, and

I am very pleased to report that, as of the end of 2009, we now have a completed lease transaction

on one development parcel and a signed offer to lease on another - both are scheduled to be under

construction in the spring or summer of 2010.

While 2009 was a challenging year for the Trust, UniverCity was able to take advantage of a

very quick turnaround in the local real estate market for two very important reasons: One, our

willingness to balance fiscal restraint with continued preparation for future growth; and two, our

ongoing commitment to creating exceptional value through the development of this community.

Past investment and planning decisions such as our support for the elementary school, the

implementation of our urban design and green building guidelines, and the development of a

vibrant retail area along the High Street add significantly to the attractiveness of the community,

for developers as well as residents.

As we move into 2010, we will continue to build on the value that has been created here in the

past to make the coming year a very successful one. We look forward to creating additional value

in the community directly through the completion of the Phase 3 rezoning and development of

parcels 27 and 28, as well as indirectly through the opening of the Nesters Community Market,

the completion of the elementary school, the development of a new childcare centre, and the

upgrades to Richard Bolton Park.

Gordon Harris

President and CEO

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SFU COMMUNITY TRUSTWho We Are 4WhAt We Do 4Why We Do It 4 the Four Cornerstones 5

UNIVERCITY IN 2009 MAnAgIng unCertAInty WhIle keepIng CoMMItMents 6 settIng the stAge For Future groWth 8responDIng QuICkly to IMprovIng ConDItIons 10ContInuIng to BuIlD vAlue In 2010 12

TELLING THE UNIVERCITY STORY IN 2009 AWArDs 15 ConFerenCes 15 MeDIA hIghlIghts 16

GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION BoArD oF DIreCtors 18 other stAkeholDer groups 19the trust teAM 20 ACknoWleDgeMents 21 key ConsultAnts 21

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Who We AreSFU Community Trust (the Trust)

manages the development of UniverCity

on Burnaby Mountain, a model sustainable

community neighbouring Canada’s

leading comprehensive university,

Simon Fraser University (SFU) in

Burnaby, British Columbia. Acting

as trustee of the lands that comprise

UniverCity, the Trust oversees the

provision of zoned, serviced, subdivided

sites to private sector developers on a

prepaid leasehold basis.

WhAt We DoDeveloped through a collaborative and

integrated planning process, UniverCity

is designed to be a compact, mixed-use

and transit-oriented community founded

on principles of sustainability.

The groundwork for UniverCity was

laid in 1963, when Arthur Erickson and

Geoff Massey submitted their initial

plan for SFU. Complementing their

vision for the mountaintop campus, this

plan saw the new university anchoring

a dense residential community. In 1996

SFU agreed to transfer 332 hectares of

University-owned land to the City of Burnaby to form part of the

Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area. In return, the city approved

an Official Community Plan (OCP), in 1996, allowing SFU to begin

developing a residential community.

Throughout each stage of its design and development, the Trust has

worked with key stakeholders to ensure that the new community

would integrate residential, commercial, and academic uses in a

manner that benefits the University as well as advancing innovative

solutions to sustainable community building. UniverCity is currently

home to nearly 3,000 residents and will accommodate more than

10,000 when fully built out.

While most parcels will accommodate owned and rental market

housing, some parcels will be developed as non-market housing in

order to produce housing for a broad spectrum residents. Additionally,

there are four mixed-used parcels along University High Street (two

of which have been developed) that combine residential development

with office and retail uses in order to meet the day-to-day needs of

residents and an expanding campus community.

Why We Do ItSFU Community Trust has two primary goals in developing the

UniverCity community: first, to create a model of sustainable

community development on Burnaby Mountain that supports

university life as well as contributes to the creation of a more

sustainable society; and second, to establish and grow an endowment

fund in support of teaching and research at SFU.

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the Four CornerstonesUniverCity has been developed as a model sustainable urban

community, internationally recognized for its innovations in green

building and community design. The community is founded on four

‘Cornerstones of Sustainability’ - Environment, Equity, Economy and

Education. These four cornerstones can be summarized as follows:


• Enhance university life, academic structure and activities;

• Create a model sustainable community that educates and inspires.


• Create a healthy, safe, livable and complete community;

• Provide an appropriate mix of housing types and tenures.


• Maximize the long-term value of SFU’s Endowment Fund;

• Encourage opportunities for commercial and community development.


• Provide a range of transportation choices;

• Preserve and improve the natural heritage of Burnaby Mountain;

• Provide sustainable and efficient infrastructure, public spaces,

and buildings

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The beginning of 2009 saw the

continuation of a pronounced slow-down

in regional housing demand that began

in 2008. Forecasts indicated that this

decline in economic growth and housing

market activity might persist for some

time. In response, the Trust and its Board

of Directors began a process of assessing

project expenditures. The aim was to

limit current year infrastructure and

related spending to meet only the

Trust’s pre-existing commitments.

Working closely with the Finance

Committee of the Board of Directors,

Trust staff identified more than $30

million in infrastructure and related

spending that could be deferred to

decrease the Trust’s financial risk.

Projects that moved forward in 2009

either had previous legal commitments to

assist our development partners, or were

required to maintain goodwill with the

UniverCity community.

Among the activities that did go

ahead in early 2009, one of the most

significant was the completion of

the public realm fronting the Hub

development project as it neared

completion. Prior to the move-in of

new residents into the Hub in June

and July of 2009, the Trust completed

significant upgrades to High Street,

Tower Road, Cornerstone Gate and

the Cornerstone Mews. In addition to

allowing for occupancy of the Hub, this

work significantly enhanced the overall

look and feel of the retail precinct of

the community.

MAnAgIng unCertAInty WhIle keepIng CoMMItMents

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With the completion of the Hub, the Trust

also completed the purchase of Hub retail

space and associated parking. As with

the Cornerstone, purchase of this space

is funded through retail rents and will

represent a significant revenue source for

the University once the debt is retired.

Occupying this space will be UniverCity’s

new grocery store, pharmacy and café, by

Nesters Market.

In July 2009, Nesters moved into their

space and began tenant improvements

with a scheduled opening in January 2010

(more on this below).

2009 also brought confirmation of funding

by the Ministry of Education for the new

elementary school. The elementary school

has been a long-standing commitment

of the Trust and represented a vital

expenditure, even in this period of cost

reductions. The Trust’s participation

through a contribution of $1.25 million

was a catalyst to kickstart this important

community facility, a partnership by the

Province of BC, the Burnaby Board of

Education, the City of Burnaby, and SFU

Community Trust.

The Trust has been working closely with

the Burnaby Board of Education in the

development of the new school since

the project approval was announced by

MLA Harry Bloy in January of 2009 .

The project is now well underway with

significant renovation and site works

completed. The project is on schedule for

the school to open in September 2010.

As part of the elementary school project,

the Trust identified a number of related

works that needed to get done. These

included road work along Tower Road

fronting the school site and a number

of upgrades to Richard Bolton Park—

these include new play equipment and

a new multi-use pathway—which needed

to be underway concurrent with school

site excavation.

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settIng the stAge For Future groWthWhile 2009 was very much about thrift and minimizing financial risk,

it was also a year to identify and plan for future expansion. While the

past year saw an emphasis placed on initiatives that represented

commitments made by the Trust, the Trust continued to pursue a policy

of readiness and flexibility in order to be ready to respond to local

market conditions.

A decision was made early in 2009 to delay submission of UniverCity’s

Phase 3 rezoning application due to the large cost and credit

obligations that the rezoning would trigger. It was felt that it would

be unwise to assume these costs without corresponding revenue from

parcel leasing. However, Trust staff continued working with the

City of Burnaby to ensure that application could be reactivated once

it became clear that demand for residential sites had returned.

The Trust maintained plans for addressing infrastructure

deficiencies in an effort to decrease outstanding Letters of Credit

obligations with the City of Burnaby. This will remove constraints

on approximately $1.5 million in lending capacity currently

impacted by bonding requirements.

Design work also continued on the

new childcare centre. As this project

is required by the City of Burnaby to

be underway prior to any new parcel

development, design work continuing

through 2009 allowed the Trust to

move this project forward quickly in

the event of land lease activity.

With the completion of the Hub

development came the launch of

Vancouver-based artist Erica Stocking’s

Yellow Fence, a public art piece that uses

the individual townhouse gates along

Cornerstone Mews to mark the boundary

between public and private space.

Ms. Stockings work takes its inspiration

from wire meshed construction fencing to

provide a bold point of expression along

a public face of UniverCity’s most recent

mixed-use development.

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Yellow Fence is the first work in a new

public art program at UniverCity aimed

at supporting artistic excellence through

partnerships between our developers

and the Trust. This unique program

engages emerging and established

artists in the creation of works that

generate dialogue and discussion about

community and sustainability.

The past year also saw the completion of a

new concept for the future redevelopment

of the Burnaby Mountain Transit Hub.

The approved design concept envisions

bus loading and unloading shifting from

the existing transit loop to a more urban

condition along East Campus Road and

University High Street. Buses will be

stored in a new structured facility to be

integrated into the future development

of Parcel 24. This will allow TransLink to

meet future demand for transit services

on Burnaby Mountain in a manner

that integrates the SFU campus and

UniverCity. The scheme is also flexible

enough to respond to the potential

development of a Burnaby Mountain

transit gondola. The proposed transit

hub will add costs to the development

of Parcel 24 and requires some redesign

of University High Street. Since the new

concept is not expected to be developed

for five to seven years, the next steps

require all three stakeholders, SFU

Community Trust, SFU, and TransLink

to identify future funding options for the

approved scheme.

In the meantime, TransLink will use

the existing bus loop to provide transit

services to the mountain. As the existing

loop is too small for the current volume

of buses, the Trust has agreed to allow

TransLink to use Highland Court as a

spillover bus storage location until the

final design is implemented.

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responDIng QuICkly to IMprovIng ConDItIonsThroughout 2009, the Trust engaged in conversations with a large

number of developers regarding the leasing of parcels at UniverCity.

It was not until the third quarter of 2009 however, that market

conditions began to improve and these discussions started to move

toward formal offers to lease.

By the end of 2009, the Trust concluded a lease transaction for

Parcel 27 (located at the southeast corner of Tower Road and

University High Street), and had a signed conditional offer to

lease for Parcel 28 (located east of Parcel 27 along the south side

of University High Street). Both will be wood-frame projects of

four to five storeys in height, totaling an estimated 150 apartments

and townhomes.

The Trust’s timely response to changing market conditions in the

Lower Mainland grew from ongoing discussions with developers

throughout late 2008 and 2009. Previous decisions helped set the

stage for future land sales by ensuring that infrastructure works,

planning for the childcare, and an updated Phase 3 rezoning

submission were sufficiently advanced to take advantage of

changing market conditions.

In December 2009, the Trust resubmitted the rezoning application for

Phase 3 of the UniverCity community, with the aim to enacting

the zoning in the spring of 2010.

There are two variations to the previous Phase 3 zoning application.

The first is be the further subdivision of Parcel 22 into two sites to

allow for the planned childcare site, and a redesign of the potential

built form capacity of its new neighbouring residential parcel. The

second will be the consolidation of Parcel 23 and 24 into one large

High Street Parcel, similar to Parcel 25.

This will be done to accommodate the

needs of the future transit hub facility,

and to allow some flexibility in urban

form, density, and unit count.

The Phase 3 zoning also a new zoning

bylaw that will be the first in Canada

to call for specific and comprehensive

Green Building Requirements as part

of the city’s approval process. With the

enactment of this zoning, the buildings

developed at UniverCity are expected to

be 40% more efficient than traditional

buildings. The Trust has worked closely

with design and cost consultants to

ensure that these new standards do

not add more than 1% to the cost of

development, thus minimizing the

implications for our development

partners. As well, the zoning will allow

for an additional 10% density bonus for

developers seeking additional energy or

water management measures over and

above the basic requirements.

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Parcel 36

Parcel 41

Parcel 37 Parcel 40

Parcel 38Parcel 39

Parcel 33Parcel 32

Parcel 31

Parcel 30

Parcel 27

Parcel 25

The Hub Parcel 15


Town Square

Transit Hub Parcel24

Parcel 21

Parcel 19

Parcel 18

Parcel 17

Parcel 16

Parcel 20

Parcel 23Parcel 22Childcare

Future elementary school

One University Cresent





Novo Two




Parcel 28

Parcel 29

Parcel 35





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ContInuIng to BuIlD vAlue In 2010The Trust is looking forward to the

official opening of the new UniverCity

Nesters Market in early January 2010.

Our partners at Buy-Low Foods

(operator of the Nesters Market chain)

have been hard at work completing their

UniverCity location. Once open, it will

feature a pharmacy and a café, making

it one of the largest stores in the Nesters

portfolio. The new store will feature

a merchandise mix tailored to the

UniverCity and SFU communities with

a higher proportion of local and organic

goods, and a wide array of prepared

foods for easy and convenient meals.

Early in the New Year, the existing Post

Office outlet located in the SFU-operated

MicroComputer Store will be relocated

to Nesters Market. This will benefit the

UniverCity community by expanding the

operating hours.

As already noted, one of the highlights

of 2010 will be the opening of the new

elementary school at UniverCity.

The school is being developed through

a partnership between the Trust, SFU,

the Burnaby Board of Education, the

City of Burnaby, and the BC Ministry of

Education. The school will be the first

school renovation in BC to be built to

a LEED® Gold standard of design and

operational efficiency. The school will

also feature a sustainability-focused

curriculum, which will use the building

and grounds to teach students about their

impact on the local environment.

Infrastructure works in 2010 will largely

be focused on preparation for development

of parcels 27 and 28. This will require the

construction of the Slopes Mews – running

parallel to University High Street. This

significant piece of infrastructure will pave

the way for future development of Parcel 29

in Phase 3, as well as allow for development

of parcel 30, 31, 33, and 40 as part of Phase 4.

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With the leasing of parcels 27 and 28, the Trust will move forward with

the final design and construction of the new childcare centre. Starting in

spring of 2010, the Trust will begin construction of this much-anticipated

and important community amenity. Once completed in 2011, the facility

(to be operated by the SFU Childcare Society) will offer an innovative

model of early childhood education to 50 resident three-to-five year

olds. The state of the art facility will be built as one the first buildings in

Canada to meet a Living Building standard. This leading-edge standard

of design, construction and operation will make it one of the most

sustainable structures in North America. Water used in the building will

be almost entirely recovered from rainwater or recycled from within the

building itself. Power will be generated on-site from renewable sources,

and building materials and methods used in its construction will meet

exacting thresholds to drastically reduce carbon impacts and improve

indoor air quality.

The Trust continues to move forward toward a sustainable

neighbourhood energy system for UniverCity. The goal is to create

a system that provides regulated utility service at a competitive

price for our future residents.

By developing a neighbourhood system,

the Trust is able to pursue alternative

energy supply systems for heat and

domestic hot water delivery. This will

significantly increase building energy

efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

Having completed the feasibility study in

collaboration with a private-sector partner,

the Trust has identified a combination

of biomass (wood waste) and waste heat

recovery (from a future SFU data centre)

as the two most viable sources of energy

for the community. The next step in 2010

is the negotiation of an infrastructure

agreement that will allow for the design,

development, installation, and operation

of the regulated energy utility serving all

future developments.

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During 2009, the Trust continued its

work with stakeholders to move the

Gondola Transit Project forward.

A significant milestone was the signing

of a Memorandum of Understanding

with TransLink regarding this project

that lays out each agency’s role and

outlines a process to achieve this exciting

transit link to the Millenium Skytrain line.

It also lays out a framework for future

cost sharing.

Looking forward to 2010, the Trust

expects to work with representatives

from TransLink, the BC Ministry of

Transportation, and the Government

of Canada to carry out further business

case development for this project with

an aim to receive approval for the

project and issuing a formal Request for

Qualifications in the coming year.

The Trust’s role in this project is, and

will continue to be, to facilitate the

implementation of the gondola transit

project at no significant cost to the Trust.

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Part of the mandate of the Trust is to educate the development

community and the general public on the many lessons learned

about sustainable community building at UniverCity.

In 2009, the Trust was able to highlight the project through various

awards and recognition for the work done to date. Conference

presentations, media mentions and profiles highlighting the unique,

innovative work occurring at UniverCity contributed to expanding

and solidifying awareness of the UniverCity Project, regionally,

nationally and internationally.

AWArDsThis year, the UniverCity project was honoured as a winner of the

Urban Land Institute’s Awards for Excellence: The Americas competition.

UniverCity was up against stiff competition for the honor with 140

other projects from across North and South America vying for recognition.

UniverCity was one of only 10 Projects to receive an award.

This year also saw Gordon Harris, SFU Community Trust’s President

and CEO, honoured with election to the College of Fellows of the

Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP). Election as a Fellow is the highest

award the CIP can bestow on a planner, and is given only to those

members who exhibit the highest professional attainment and wide

ranging experience.

ConFerenCesTrust staff also presented at a number

of conferences in 2009 allowing them to

further tell the story of UniverCity.

These included:

• Gaining Ground Summit in Vancouver, BC

• BC Land Summit in Whistler, BC

• UniverCities Conference in

Portsmouth, UK

• West Coast Green in San Francisco, CA

• Living Future in Vancouver, BC

• Canadian District Energy Association

Annual Conference in Halifax, NS

• Cascadia Transformative Lecture Series

in Kelowna and Victoria, BC

• Sustainable Connections Conference

in Bellingham, WA

• Neptis Foundation Forum in Toronto, ON

• Presentation to Alberta University

Administrators in Calgary and

Edmonton, AB

• Government Relations Officers

Conference in Burnaby, BC

• Prince’s Foundation for the Built

Environment Symposium on the

Business Case for Sustainable Urbanism

in Vancouver, BC

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MeDIA hIghlIghtsThe Trust received a great deal of local

and national media in 2009. Headlines

garnered by the project this year include:

• SFU Peak “SFU becomes the

first Canadian school in Prince’s

sustainability foundation”

(November 16, 2009)

• SFU Peak “SFU Gondola Project:

Feasible” (October 13, 2009)

• BC Business “PWL has forged a

reputation for innovative designs

that contribute to the development of

liveable cities” (September, 2009)

• The Daily Score “Density, Suite

Density” (September 14, 2009)

• The Georgia Straight “Public art in

private spaces” (August 20, 2009)

• SABMag “An update on the Living

Building Challenge” (July/August 2009)

• Burnaby Now “City may contribute to

new school gym” (July 22, 2009)

• Burrnaby Now “New school moving

ahead at UniverCity” (July 11, 2009)

• Vancouver Sun “Vancouver considers

tiny suites in effort to ease renting

crunch” (June 16, 2009)

• BCTV “Vancouver considers 205 square

foot mini-suites” (June 16, 2009)

• Vancouver Sun “Polygon offers

discounts for connections to SFU”

(June 13, 2009)

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• Burnaby Now “Developer offers discount –

Students, faculty can access major savings on

condo units” (June 13, 2009)

• Granville Magazine “Home Green Home”

(May 7, 2009)

• Vancouver Magazine “Kings of the Hill”

(May 2009)

• UniverCity Media Release “UniverCity Wins

Urban Land Institute Award for Excellence”

(April 24, 2009)

• The Peak – Campus News “Nesters Market

offers more sustainable way of living”

(March 23, 2009)

• Vancouver 24 Hours “Gondola idea floated for

students” (March 9, 2009)

• SFU News “Gondola aired” (February 19, 2009)

• Burnaby Now “Herculean effort to fix traffic

woes” (February 18, 2009)

• SFU Peak “Gondola Planned for SFU”

(February 16, 2009)

• The Province “Gondola proposed for Burnaby

Mountain run” (February 13th, 2009)

• Burnaby Newsleader “Whistler-style gondola

eyed for Burnaby Mountain” (February 12, 2009)

• Burnaby Now “Take the gondola? MLA pushes

plans for rapid gondola system that would run

up Burnaby Mountain” (February 11, 2009)

• Burnaby Newsleader “This gondola idea just

might fly” (February 11, 2009)

• Burnaby Now “Gondola considered for

Burnaby Mountain” (February 10. 2009)

• Harry Bloy’s Newsletter “Planned Burnaby

Mountain Gondola” (February 10, 2009)

• SFU News “ $8 million for UniverCity

elementary school 2010” (February 5, 2009)

• Burnaby Now “It’s the best of both worlds”

(January 31, 2009)

• Green Technology News “Province of British

Columbia: SFU Welcomes New Elementary

School” (January 30, 2009)

• British Columbia News Release “SFU

Welcomes New Elementary School”

(January 29, 2009)

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BoArD oF DIreCtorsThe Trust is governed by a Board of

Directors comprising key SFU

stakeholders, faculty and student

representatives as well as a number of

prominent real estate and development

experts. The Board of Directors

establishes policy for the SFU

Community Trust and plays an active

role in shaping the planning and

development of UniverCity.

David Gillanders, QC

Board Chair, SFU Community Trust /

Associate Counsel, Farris, Vaughan,

Wills & Murphy LLP

Gordon Harris

President and CEO, SFU Community Trust

Dr. Robert Anderson

Professor, Simon Fraser University

(Community Advisory Committee


Jane Bird

CEO, Canada Line Rapid Transit Inc.

Dr. Warren Gill

Vice-President (University Relations),

Simon Fraser University

Dr. Patricia Hibbitts

Vice-President (Finance and

Administration), Simon Fraser University

Barry Macdonald

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Howard Nemtin

President, Nemtin Consultants Ltd.

Daniel Pekarsky

Deputy Board Chair, SFU Board of Governors / President, Corporate

Advisory Group Inc.

Ravi Patel

Student Senator, Simon Fraser University (SFU Student

Association Representative)

Dr. Mark Roseland

Professor, Simon Fraser University (Faculty Representative)

Dr. Michael Stevenson

President, Simon Fraser University

Brian Taylor

Member SFU Board of Governors / Partner, Bull Housser & Tupper

Allan Waisman

President and CEO, Intercon Capital Inc.

Bruno Wall

President, Wall Financial Corp.

Lee Gavel

Chief Facilities Officer/University Architect, Simon Fraser University

(Non-Voting Member)

In 2009, the Trust saw the retirement of long-time board member

Peter Eng. One of the founders of Allied Holdings Group, Peter served

on the Board of Directors of the SFU Community Trust for more than

10 years. We would like to thank Peter for his wisdom, guidance and

oversight during his tenure – Peter was a vital part of the success of

the Trust and UniverCity.


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The Board of Directors has two standing committees that oversee and

provide guidance to staff on specific aspects of the Trust’s planning

and finance activities. Members of these two committees are:

Planning Committee

Brian Taylor (Chair), Robert Anderson, Chuck Brook, Lee Gavel,

Warren Gill, David Gillanders,Mark Roseland, Allan Waisman,

Bruno Wall, Gordon Harris

Finance Committee

Howard Nemtin (Chair), Pat Hibbitts, Jane Bird, Barry Macdonald,

Gordon Harris

other stAkeholDer groupsTrust staff are also active participants in a number of community,

municipal, and university-related committees. These include:

SFU Community Association

This community-based association comprises representatives of

each strata residential complex plus the Cornerstone rental housing,

and the Trust as representative of the Cornerstone commercial

tenants. The SFU Community Association meets six times a year.

The Trust’s Director of Community Development sits as a member

of the association and provides ongoing support.

Community Advisory Committee

Comprising faculty and staff representatives, key outside

organizations including Canada Mortgage and Housing, BC Housing,

BC Condominium Homeowners’ Association, Smart Growth BC, and

others, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was established

by the SFU Board of Governors at the pre-development stage of

UniverCity’s history. Its role was to provide a forum for stakeholders

to discuss the development of the community in the absence of

a significant resident population. As UniverCity has grown to a

population of almost 3,000, these residents increasingly contribute to

community decision-making. Therefore, 2009 saw the wind-down of

the CAC. An event was held in September to allow the Trust and its

Board of Directors to sincerely thank the past and current members of

the CAC for their support and contribution to the UniverCity project.

Burnaby/SFU/Trust Liaison Committee

This committee meets twice a year to

review matters of mutual interest and

concern to Simon Fraser University,

SFU Community Trust, and the City

of Burnaby.

University-Related Committees

In addition to this major committee

involvement, Trust representatives

serve on a number of SFU committees

including the Transit Services Liaison

Committee, the Sustainability Advisory

Committee, the Emergency Management

Committee, and the Severe Weather

Planning Committee. The Trust also

offers its real estate expertise on a

consulting basis to the University

President and his senior executive team

on a number of issues. Most recently,

the Trust has provided insight into the

University’s examination of new district

energy options and expansion of the

student housing supply.

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the trust teAMGordon Harris is president and CEO of SFU Community Trust.

Under Gordon’s leadership, SFU Community Trust is developing

UniverCity, a sustainable urban community adjacent to Simon Fraser

University’s Burnaby Mountain campus. Gordon and his team are

making significant and innovative contributions toward the creation

of independent and universal green building standards, promoting

complete communities, increasing transportation choices, and

enhancing the overall quality of the urban built environment.

Prior to joining SFU Community Trust, Gordon had a distinguished

career as a professional urban planner. For 20 years he provided

consulting services to a wide range of Canadian and international

clients and was recognized as one of Canada’s leading providers of

market-based economic analysis and strategic planning support to

local governments and the private sector.

Gordon has served as a member of the Planning Institute of BC

Council and is the former Chair of both the Membership Committee

and the Professional Practices Review Committee. Other current and

past community and professional board memberships include the

Urban Futures Institute, Presentation House Cultural Society and

the Vancouver Contemporary Art Gallery. He is also a contributing

editor of the Ontario Planning Journal and a senior associate with

the Canadian Urban Institute. In 2009 Gordon was elected a Fellow

of the Canadian Institute of Planners in recognition of his significant

contribution to the profession in Canada.

Jonathan Tinney joined the Trust in April 2008. He is the Director of

Community Development and is charged with overseeing the Trust’s

initiatives to incorporate the development of leading edge planning

policy, innovative green building and infrastructure standards, and

pioneering community building programs to create a complete and

truly sustainable urban community.

Suzan Fairfield is the Trust’s Controller and has been working with

the Trust since 2002. Suzan is responsible for all financial accounting,

reporting, and budgeting for the Trust and she is the principal liaison

to the Board’s Finance Committee.

Dale Mikkelsen is the Manager of

Planning and Sustainability for SFU

Community Trust. Dale and the Trust’s

team are making significant and

innovative contributions toward the

creation of independent and universal

green building standards to ensure a high

level of urban design and environmental

performance. Dale is charged with

raising the bar of sustainable community

planning to ensure UniverCity remains

on the leading edge of energy efficiency,

material conservation, healthy

environments and community building.

Dion Doepker was the Trust’s Manager of

Development Engineering. His primary

role is the oversight and coordination of

UniverCity’s infrastructure works. Dion

left the Trust in 2009, but continues to

be involved with UniverCity through his

new role as a land development engineer

overseeing the project on behalf of the

City of Burnaby’s engineering department.

Nicole Young joined the Trust in 2006

and is the Trust’s Manager of Office

Administration and Executive Assistant.

She ensures the smooth running of the

Trust and is responsible for all Board and

committee-related activities.

Alexandra Tudose joined the Trust

in May 2007 as our Administrative

Assistant. Alexandra plays a key role

as the “face” of the Trust at the front

counter. She oversees the Community

Transit Pass program and assists in

many community activities and

programs at UniverCity.

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Cheryl Stronach is the Trust’s

Administrative Assistant and has been

with the Trust since early 2002. Cheryl’s

duties include lease administration and

related administration duties.

Jesse Galicz joined the Trust in late

2008 as a Planning Assistant. He is

currently a master’s candidate in SFU’s

Urban Studies program. At the Trust

he assists in general planning and

community development activities.

ACknoWleDgeMentsSFU Community Trust acknowledges

the following people for their continued

support and commitment to UniverCity

and for all the time that is devoted to

the work of the SFU Community Trust.

Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan;

MLA Harry Bloy; Burnaby School Board;

Board of Education; SFU Community

Corporation Board of Directors;

SFU Community Advisory Committee;

SFU Community Corporation Finance

Committee; SFU Community Corporation

Planning Committee.

key ConsultAntsThe Trust’s professional and administrative staff continue to be

supported by a core group of professional consultants with a long

history of providing planning, design, engineering, green building and

sustainable development advice, and other services to UniverCity.

These include:

• Bill Cox; BDO Dunwoody

• Peter Joyce; Bunt and Associates

• Rod Guertler; Butler Sundvick and Associates

• Alan Endall; Endall Elliot Associates

• Gabor Vasarhelyi; GMV Engineering

• Dick Butler; Golder & Associates

• Karen Marler and Roger Hughes; HCMA Architects

• Ken Dobell; Hill & Knowlton Canada

• Norm Hotson; Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects

+ Urbanistes

• Declan Rooney, Jennifer Nam and Nick Lawlor;

Hunter Laird Engineering

• Ben Garfinkel, Matt SamyciaWood and Steve Mynett; Industrial Brand

• Anson Lee; Karo

• Ted Steele and Bill Christensen; Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.

• Ron Kistritz; Kistritz & Associates

• Lisa Vogt and Elizabeth Yip; McCarthy Tetrault

• Peter Arbuckle and Vincent Thompson; MKT Arkle Development

Management Inc.

• Nancy Spooner; Nancy Spooner Consulting Inc.

• Bryce Tupper, P. Eng; NORR Architects Planners Inc.

• Marta Farevaag; PFS Planning, Urban Design and

Landscape Architecture

• Susan Wilkins; Pottinger Gaherty Environmental Consultants Ltd.

• Margot Long and Jason Wegman; PWL Partnership

• Robert Brown and Heather Tremain; reSource Rethinking Building Inc.

• Randy Sharp and Teri Cantin; Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architects

• Jeff Burton; Trilogy Management Services

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