2006-2011 strategic plan

2006-2011 Strategic Plan School District of Somerset Somerset, WI

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Page 1: 2006-2011 Strategic Plan

2006-2011 Strategic


School District of Somerset Somerset, WI

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Table of Contents

Vision, Mission and Belief Statements………………………………………Page 3 Strategic Plan Objectives and Parameters...………………………………….Page 4 Strategies and Action Plans………………………………………........Pages 5- 19

STRATEGY 1: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Action Plan A: Infusion of Technology……………………….Page 6 Action Plan B : Infusion of Global Curriculum………………..Page 8 Action Plan C: Rigorous and Individualized Curriculum……..Page 10 Action Plan D Thematic & Relevant Instruction & Assessment - Page 12

STRATEGY 2: Character Education Action Plan A: Communication Program……………………...Page 13 Action Plan B: Modeling Program…………………………….Page 14 Action Plan C: Teacher Knowledge/Skills…………………….Page 15 Action Plan D: Enforce School Policy in Accordance with Character Education Outline…………..Page 16

STRATEGY 3: Career Education Action Plan A: Career Plan Development……………………...Page 17 Action Plan B: Career Education Infusion……………………..Page 18 Action Plan C: Adaptability and Teamwork Skills…………..…Page 19

STRATEGY 4: Community Involvement Action Plan A: Create Partnerships………………………..…...Page 20 Action Plan B: Enhance Knowledge and Awareness of Community ………………………....Page 21

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2006-2011 Strategic Plan

“The School District of Somerset is committed to developing motivated, educated and responsible citizens

who are prepared to successfully adapt to the changing global environment”

We believe that……….

We can educate every child

Character education is vital in the education of students There is an optimal environment for learning. That environment is:

• Safe • Healthy

• Differentiated • Respectful • Structured • Nurturing

• Goal Oriented

The school and community are interdependent with potential to positively impact each other

Positive relationships are key to being adaptable Learning needs to be linked to practical applications of knowledge

Technology should be infused into teaching, learning and assessment


Learning Today To Succeed Tomorrow

BELIEF STATEMENT (the district ‘s fundamental


MISSION STATEMENT (the purpose to which the

district is committed)

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Objective 1: 100% of our graduates will learn through a globalized curriculum,

with rigorous and relevant instruction and assessment, and infused with technology to prepare students for the 21st Century Objective 2: We will align curricular performance standards to practical,

relevant and authentic applications ** Objective 3: 100% of our students will create a Career Options Plan

by the end of their sixth grade year.

All decisions will be based strictly on what is best for students We will educate the whole student We will be mindful of the ever-changing global environment We cannot teach everything We may not always be able to stay current with cutting-edge technology We will not allow tradition to hold us in place We will not tolerate ineffectiveness

PARAMETERS (the boundaries and limits

within which the district will accomplish it’s mission)

OBJECTIVES (the measurable, observable or demonstrable results desired)

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STRATEGY 1: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

We will add technology capabilities to each classroom to be used for

instruction and assessment We will implement a globalized curriculum, to include instruction and assessment in

other cultures and the world at large We will implement a rigorous individualized curriculum in which students will

experience optimal learning environments We will implement thematic and relevant instruction and assessment

STRATEGY 2: Character Education

We will implement or infuse a kindergarten through twelfth grade character Education program (which includes life skills and conflict management skills) at

increasingly greater levels of depth at each district school building

STRATEGY 3: Career Education

All students will develop a career plan by the end of their 6th grade year All students will study career opportunities infused into each course and grade level

All students will learn to be adaptable while working individually and in teams

STRATEGY 4: Community Involvement

As a district, we will develop diverse intergenerational community input groups. “Community” is defined as being local, regional, national and global.

STRATEGIES (the actions we will take to meet the

districts’ mission and objectives)

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Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Action Plan A: Infusion of Technology

Objective: We will add technology capabilities and support to enhance student and staff instruction, learning, assessment, communication, and technology access.

Action Step Action

Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Establish the use of technology as a high priority tool to support curriculum.

1a Provide access to virtual classes for high school students that need advanced coursework. These courses must be approved by the Instruction/Technology Steering Committee (see 1.A.6).

1b Incorporate electronic textbooks at all grade levels during the next replacement cycle whenever possible.

1c Provide access to educational software to support the curriculum.

2 Establish the use of technology as a high priority tool to support instruction.

2a Configure all systems so that each teacher and student can establish a personal library of digital assets (e.g. original work, resources, and bookmarks that follow each user from station to station).

2b Create a digital student publication to be available on the district website.

3 Establish the use of technology as a high priority tool to support assessment.

3a Require all students to turn in some assignments in a digital format.

3b Create a student-controlled, web-based electronic portfolio for all students.

4 Expand the district website to be an active resource to all district residents as well as students. Provide links to appropriate search tools and information services.

4a Link the district website to community websites (library, government, businesses).

4b Enable all staff members to use the active district website to communicate information to

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the homes of students and to the community. 4c Require that each teacher have a classroom

website to help them facilitate students’ learning. Use the site to showcase student productions.

4d Enable parents to use the district website to communicate with teachers and staff.

5 Increase access to technology in classrooms and in the school district.

5a Provide supervised after-hours access to computers for all students, parents and community members.

5b Provide access to digital still cameras, digital video cameras, and digital presentation equipment (e.g. LCD projectors) to all students and teachers for use at any time for instruction and hands-on learning to stimulate creativity, teamwork and communication skills.

5c Arrange computer and Internet capabilities so that they offer the most access to the most people possible and in a way that is flexible in usage (e.g. replacing general purpose computer labs with portable carts of laptops, wireless Internet access).

6 Continue the Information Technology Council consisting of the Curriculum Director, IT Manager, and representatives from teaching staff, students and the community. This committee will drive the implementation of this action objective and will meet at least once per quarter.

7 Offer professional development opportunities for teachers and staff to support teachers’ use of existing and new creative technologies in their classrooms (e.g. computer graphics, web design, information layout, music composition and video production).

8 Develop a process to provide district-wide technical support that is timely and reliable and where outcomes are measurable and monitored by the IT Steering Committee

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Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Action Plan B: Infusion of a Globalized Curriculum

Objective : We will implement a globalized curriculum to include instruction and assessment in other cultures and the world at large.

Action Step Action

Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Infuse a world view in the curricula to develop students’ appreciation of and sensitivity to all cultures.

1a Adopt a policy that will support and encourage international teacher exchange and study abroad programs.

1b Identify and create an ongoing relationship between the district and at least one international teacher exchange program.

1c Frequently communicate international exchange opportunities and related district policy (see 1.B.1.1) to teaching staff.

1d Annually seek opportunities to host international teachers.

1e Each grade level JK-8 will integrate a year-long focus on one global cultural view that is distinct from all other grade levels (e.g. grade 2 might study China, grade 8 might study Egypt, etc.).

1f The district will host a “World Fair” each spring at which all grade levels will showcase their studies of their selected culture. This event will be open to the community (See 1.D.1.1).

1g All teachers 9-12 will integrate at least one unit in their content area per term that has global perspectives or applications.

1h Develop an international sister-school program for all buildings.

1i Annually invite at least one international student to attend school in the district and communicate with the community opportunities for becoming host families for these students.

1j Encourage and facilitate high school group

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study abroad opportunities. 2 Develop global teaching and learning

resources to support instruction and assessment.

2a Develop a database of global teaching and learning resources for all staff.

2b Allocate in-service time each year for staff to develop their global curriculum.

2c Provide necessary funding to fully implement this objective (e.g. classroom materials, professional development travel, technology etc).

2d Integrate technology as an instructional and assessment tool to support a global curriculum (see 1.A).

3 Offer at least one foreign language at the elementary level using an immersion model.

3a Create one pilot section for a language immersion Kindergarten class at the elementary school by the fall of 2007.

3b In each subsequent year, add one language immersion class into successive grade levels in the same language.

3c Create a language club at the elementary school.

3d Provide advanced foreign language sections in the middle school and high school that build on previous language skills in elementary school.

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Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Action Plan C: Rigorous and Individualized Curriculum

Objective : We will implement a rigorous and individualized curriculum in which students will experience optimal learning environments.

Action Step Action

Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Implement an electronic student data system that gives teachers, parents and staff members anytime- access to student data on which they can base instructional decisions. This student data will include, but is not limited to

• student asset profiles • student goals and plans

1a Student asset profiles: Identify student traits to be collected (e.g. learning styles, strengths, asset inventories, etc.).

1b Collect data (identified in 1a) for each student and enter it into a central database.

1c Convert all existing data systems so that all student data is accessible in one system.

1d Student goals and plans: Implement a data collection and reporting system that allows students, parents and staff to participate in the ongoing creation and modification of student objectives/goals. (The system will facilitate the development of plans/strategies for obtaining those objectives The system will also guide users to create thoughtful objectives and plans).

2 Provide opportunities that challenge critical thinking and problem-solving at all learning levels.

2a Acquire (purchase or develop) and implement several gifted and talented curricula that apply to different areas of ‘giftedness.’

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2b Implement the full Gifted and Talented Plan to include identified students in all areas of ‘giftedness.’

2c Students will integrate critical evaluation and research techniques into classroom activities.

2d Document evidence that students can find, decode, evaluate, and organize information.

3 Implement non-grade level programs in all district schools.

4 Implement standards-based learning groups (instruction and assessment) in all district schools, where appropriate.

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Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Action Plan D: Thematic and Relevant Instruction and Assessment

Objective : The school district will implement and utilize thematic and relevant instruction and assessment.

. Action Step Action

Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Organize appropriate courses, curricula, instruction, and assessments around thematic topics.

2 Document evidence that students are employing information to construct, apply, and communicate new knowledge in relevant situations.

2a Provide additional opportunities for formal presentations to the public designed to showcase students’ skills (e.g. “World Fair” from 1.B.1f).

2b Initiate and host district-wide and region-wide academic competitions (e.g. Math or Science Quiz Bowls, LEGO Robotics competitions, Forensics competitions, Young Authors, Destination Imagination).

2c Solicit community feedback on student work to provide authentic community interaction and assist in students’ assessment of same.

2d Require students to demonstrate proficiency in learning a subject by using technology, creative and/or artistic means in the media of their choice (e.g. a video of a science experiment, painting of the inner ear etc). Learning-outcome based rubrics will be developed to support the development and assessment of these projects.

2e Require students to apply learning to unpredictable, real-world situations.

2f Provide each student the means to explore for themselves the relevance of what they are learning.

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STRATEGY #2: Character Education

Action Plan A: Communication Program Objective: We will implement or infuse a kindergarten

through twelfth grade character education program (which includes life skills and conflict management skills) at increasingly greater levels of depth at each district school building.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Create a Character Education program outline with topics to be covered in the school year.

2 Require a Character Education orientation meeting for parents and students in grades 7-12 prior to the school year, which includes a review of the Co-curricular/handbook with an emphasis on consequences for violations.

3 Require parent signature on a return form for the Character Education outline and Co-curricular/handbook review.

4 Develop student Character Education Letter to the Editor program for publication in local newspaper.

5 Review Character Education outline with parents at scheduled conferences and put outline and upcoming events on school website.

6 Submit summaries of Character Education models to local newspaper for possible publication and post to school website.

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STRATEGY #2: Character Education

Action Plan B: Modeling Program Objective: We will implement or infuse a kindergarten

through twelfth grade character education program (which includes life skills and conflict management skills) at increasingly greater levels of depth at each district school building.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Create a group of teachers who are passionate about and trained in Character Education to plan and present Character Education forums and student modeling program. If possible, the group should include both athletic-based and academic-based teachers.

2 Search locally and regionally for character-based models (real people) for presentation to classes or assemblies.

3 Provide live forums four times a year to middle school and high school students from local and regional character models.

4 Develop a Character Education student modeling program for live or video presentations to incoming 9th grade students (both successes and mistakes).

5 Develop a Character Education student modeling program for live or video presentation for incoming fifth grade students (both successes and mistakes).

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STRATEGY #2: Character Education

Action Plan C: Teacher Knowledge / Skills Objective: We will implement or infuse a kindergarten

through twelfth grade character education program (which includes life skills and conflict management skills) at increasingly greater levels of depth at each district school building.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Provide specialized training for the Character Education group of teachers (teachers running modeling program).

2 Provide in-service training for all other teachers, including ways to integrate character education into the curriculum.

3 Assess teacher performance on Character Education through a specific performance objective.

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STRATEGY #2: Character Education

Action Plan D: Enforce School Policy in Accordance

with Character Education Outline Objective: We will implement or infuse a kindergarten

through twelfth grade character education program (which includes life skills and conflict management skills) at increasingly greater levels of depth at each district school building.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Document school policy with written consequences for violations.

2 Develop parent communication program for school policy violations.

3 Consistent enforcement of district-wide consequences for violations of school policy.

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Action Plan A: Career Plan Development Objective: All students will create a career options plan by the end of their 6th grade year. Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Using multiple strategies, students will identify individual interests between 5th through 8th grades. (Strategies to include interest inventories, career surveys, personality inventories and skills assessments.)

2 Annually, hold a required fall meeting for 5th grade parents to overview career education and to guide course planning.

3 Hold an individual parent / guardian career and educational planning conference for all students by the end of students’ 8th grade year.

4 Infuse career education opportunities into individual student/parent conferences for all students not meeting social, behavioral and/or academic benchmarks in grades 6 through 12.


Annually review career option plans with all students grades 5-8.

Strategy #3 Career Education

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Action Plan B: Career Education Infusion Objective: All students will study career opportunities infused into each course and grade level. Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Using the Career Cluster Model from the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium, expose all kindergarten through fourth grade students to the 16 core career clusters.

2 Increase the rigor and relevance of the 16 career clusters in fifth through eighth grades, infusing four career clusters into the curriculum per grade.

3 Implement one lesson, unit or topic into each high school course based on identified student interest in the 16 career clusters.

4 Implement specific career-oriented experiences at each high school grade level (example: Career fair at 9th grade, job shadowing at 10th, School-To-Work or Education for Employment infusion in 11th, job application completion in 12th etc.

Strategy #3 Career Education

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Action Plan C: Adaptability and Teamwork Skills Objective: All students will learn to be adaptable while working individually and in teams. Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Create classroom learning opportunities that require students to adapt to changed or changing conditions.

2 Infuse world of work concepts into character education terms, attributes and lessons.

3 Infuse the topic of global change and its impact on students’ future lives into all applicable lessons.

4 Employ instructional techniques and lesson designs that require students to problem solve in similar and dissimilar teams (i.e. by gender, learning style, leadership style etc.).

Strategy #3 Career Education

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Strategy #4 Community Involvement

Action Plan A: Create Partnerships Objective: As a district, we will develop diverse inter-

generational community groups. “Community” is defined as being local with an awareness of regional, national and global.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Create a resource committee of students, faculty and community members not currently active in the school or who do not have children attending school.

1a This committee would annually select and execute two action ideas from current best practices regarding school-community involvement (i.e. “Constructing School Partnerships with Families and Community Groups”).

2 Annually review, assess and continue to enhance the successful partnerships created in previous strategic plans.

3 Create an on-going repository of skill sets and available resources in the community to assist two way communication and student learning.

4 Evaluate and sustain the success of student’s involvement in the community through developing and setting annual student goals .

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Strategy #4 Community Involvement

Action Plan B: Enhance Knowledge & Awareness of

Community Objective: As a district, we will develop diverse

intergenerational community groups. “Community” is defined as being local with an awareness of regional, national and global.

Action Step


Assigned To

Start Date

Completion Date

1 Provide Teacher in-service opportunities to learn about community involvement.

2 Educate the community regarding ways to be involved with the School District.

3 Annually identify educational needs for ethnic family groups in our community and implement a plan to address these needs.

4 Utilize School Web site to involve, inform and educate our Community Partnerships