2-a concise history step into history

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  • 7/29/2019 2-A Concise History Step Into History


    A C o n c i s e H i s t o r y o f R e n n e s - l e - C h t e a u i n L a n g u e d o c

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    Step into History...WELCOME Is it by chance you came to Rennes-le-Chteau ? Probably not !

    Perhaps have you read The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail , seen the

    movieDa Vinc i Code or visited websites and shared ideas on discussion

    forums about the Mystery ?

    Maybe do you expect to unravel the Enigma ? Or perhaps even share in

    the Treasure ?

    Go ahead, but please brush the legend aside and step into history !

    THE LEGEND The Legend started at the end of the 19th century with Abb Brenger

    Saunire discovering a so-called "treasure". In the Aude backwater at the

    time, nothing else could reasonably explain the apparently sudden fortune

    of a simple country priest.

    It has now been largely demonstrated that Abb Saunire owed his wealth

    to a methodically organised and large-scale traffic in Mass honoraria. His

    meticulously kept ledgers testify to this.

    As for the "treasure", whether it be money, documents or artefacts andwhether or not it carried some secret whose divulgence or concealment was

    profitable, it has fed some of the wildest speculations for over 50 years.

    THE HISTORY The Mystery would have been unveiled long ago had a flurry of pseudo-

    historical and dubious esoteric litterature -swollen to cosmic proportions

    in recent years- not drowned any scientific approach and routed all serious

    historians and archeologists.

    No wonder that Abb Saunire's discovery of the burial vault of the lords

    of Rennes - the existence of which is proven by an 18 th century document

    found in the priest's papers - has been completely overlooked although it

    was revealed almost 30 years ago.

    Apart from amateur excavations carried out in the fifties and sixties by

    treasure hunters and some more promising ground-penetrating radar

    soundings in recent years, the revelation of this portentous discovery hasfailed to yield any scientific follow-up.

    The only serious academical study of Rennes, its church, chteau and

    fortifications, is an essay submitted in 1978 by Brigitte Lescure, today a

    reputed archaeologist, for her master's degree in history of art at theuniversity of Toulouse-le-Mirail.

    Only professional archeological excavations will allow Rennes-le-Chteau

    to showcase its historical heritage and shed some light on still obscure

    corners of Languedoc's history.

    There lay the real treasure !

    THE BOOK My purpose is to put Rennes-le-Chteau on the map of history, that of

    Languedoc and the former county of Razs, pages of which still need to

    be written.

    What follows is therefore not yet another esoteric essay about the Priory

    of Sion, Secret Dossiers, Plantard and Chrisey, Jesus and Mary

    Magdalene, the Bloodline of Christ, suppressed church secrets, hidden

    gold troves, pentacles or sacred geometry !

    My sincere hope is that you may leave Rennes-le-Chteau knowing who

    were the lords of the manor, that their resting place lies beneath the church

    and that it probably shelters one of the most ancient, yet to be unearthed,

    crypts in France.

    MY ADVICE "It is true that the philosphers stone cannot be found, but it is good to

    keep looking. In so doing, you shall uncover quite wonderful secrets you

    had not been looking for."

    Bernard le Bovier de Fontene lle (1657-1757).