1841 tonsing, paul albums 07

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  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    $ s f i $ r

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    i Two Buddhist monks in their saffron robesin Ceylon,in 1975. They take oath of pov-erty ~anHTiave only one robe, eat one mealTypical street stalls in Ceylon. Thesecater to natives, while sonewfaat fancierones are for the tourists.


    Beautiful cocoanut trees overhand railroadtracks and parallel beach in Sri Lanka, abeautiful, hot, tropical country.Corner Buddhist shrines, seen by the doz-ens in Colombo, Ceylon, from simple tovery ornate.

    * * f < \Old gri:


    elephant in Ceylon zoo. Backin the forests hundreds of his relativesare employed in handling logs.Part of the buffet line in the Galie FaceHotel in Colombo. A very lovely old hotel,facing the ocean and bay.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Street stall in Ceylon with "beautiful vegetables andcocoanuts. A lush, tropical country near the equator"but having trouble feeding itself.

    Working elephants in the teak forests being bathedafter a hard day's work. They are more efficientthan bulldozers in many tasks.

    , >9f-^

    Oriental dancers performing inCeylon. A troupe of 12 or 1*+cameaboard to entertain us.


    A fishing catamaran in Ceylon, with sails unchangedin many centuries.

    An extremely intricate temple inColombo, Ceylon, depicting Bud-dhist history.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Extra-large Ceylonese tug pushing us intothe berth at Colombo. We were glad to seea wharfl as the tenders get old.Sri Lanka train waiting to transport theship's passengers on an interior excursion to Kandy.

    Native band greeting our arrival at Colombo. When greeted thus, we all rushed tothat side, visibly tipping ship.Enormous banyan tree in Colombo with permanent quarters for peddlers, who livewithin the tree, on the other side.


    lling Buddha statue. Buddha here is t n m ^while Japanese is fat, and Chinese resembles a mandarin.Dock sheds at Colombo, with a new distinctive tower rising in the background, asmost ports strive for something different.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Distinctive bullock cart in Ceylon. It appearsthe Orient couldn*t exist without this patientbeast of burden.

    Beautiful semi-indoors pool at theGalle Face hotel in Colombo. American tourists laying around it.


    Ceremonial Ceylon parade with bedecked elephants. There are still wild elenhants inthe interior.

    Lousy picture of the AsokararayaBuddhist shrine. Couldn't get apicture the first visit, so madea special trip. Buddhist priestgave us flowers, expected moneyin return.

    jeroan ile jPrinlers & (Zjlalioners

    12, BAIUi-IE L A N E ,COLOM BO 1 Tele: 2 4 7 3 7

    Business card of little back-street Drinter...said business

    Another Colombo street scenewith beautiful Buddhist templein the background.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    mTroup of Malay entertainers in the Loungeof the ship, putting on a fine performancefor the passengers.

    Native band, with Martha's approval, sere-nading us on the dock at Singapore. Theirtunes were obscure, but were enthusiastic.

    -Modern container port has made obsoletethe old fashioned method of loading andunloading ships by stevedores.

    Modern apartment flats characterized byfishing poles sticking out with the fam-ily wash.

    Chinese druggist with his array of drugsin a pharmacy in Singapore. They run heav-ily to herbs.Native fishing fleet at Singapore, restingon Sunday. Now diesel powered, they rangefar out of sight of land.

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    Hindu temple which we visited,and appeared to make its principal income from tourists.Storm drain common tomost streets...no curbso easy to fall off ordrive off.

    Modern revolving restaurant overChange Alley overpass in Singapore.



    Facade of the Shangri-La Hotel inSingapore, truly beautiful andmodern.New building going upin Singapore with pairof semi-circle powers',and they are filling inthe center with offices.

    Beautiful golden alter in Buddhist temple in Singapore...mainworshippers were women.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    S i J *mi

    Unique sidewalk restaurant in Singapore,feeding only six people. They specialize,and food looked appetizing.

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    One of dozens of sr.all Budd emples inSingapore. They have freedom of religionso there are hundreds of sects


    Crushing crowd on Sunday morning in Singapore thieves market. Very colorful, andwith every imaginable goodie for sale.

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    Beautiful example of Chinese round doorin Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Carvedwood shield behind it was priceless.

    Small Singapore print shop, with antiquehand-fed press and paper cutter. Theowner said business was great.


    Bicycle taxis that hold one passenger, andare very cheap if speed is not a factor.Drivers were usually old men.

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    Life size vooden figures in Philippinewood shop in Singapore. Remarkable worktook up to three months for each figure.

    Enormous flats of apartments going up inSingapore, a government project, and al-ready half the population live in them.

    r^nrim- i ; ; T ; j 1 - ! 1 - 1 l j l . l i i i l i r K J 1 1 1 1 , I I I I I I I ! ;i i; ii ! t I IT li I I M . i l l '

    Chinese meal cooking in kitchen in Budd-hist temple in Singapore. Cook gave Paula sample of something...very good.I ud flats along the StiftLts of Jahore, andlooking towards Malaysia, another countryacross the narrow channel.

    p S A V A L I A N T * B f * *

    Old WWII American LST being shepjieded bythree tugs...dead in the water, but out-fitted and presume just taking for repair,

    fMalaysian wedding ceremony being portrayedfor the benefit of passengers in a beauti-ful show one evening in Singapore.

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    Change Alley in Singapore,ten feet vide and severalblocks long, ana truly atourist's paradise. You didnot dare stop to look, forthey came out to grab you.

    Big vase of orchids in ourcabin, a memento of Singapore, and cost $3.00. Theygrow wild, and streets andhighways are lined with themand other flowers.

    Iw *


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    Lifelike scene in theTiger Balm Gardens inSingapore, and portraysa Chinese fairytale oftwo snakes who turnedinto beautiful women.

    One of dozens of displays Inthe house of jade in Singapore, a museum holding thepriceless antique works ofart, vith most of them several hundred years old.


    Singapore tree called "cour-ourpits," with a main trunkhidden within thousands oftiny branches all tangledfrom the ground and up thruthe big branches.

    A tale of compassionfrom Chinese folklore;dutiful daughter-in -law breast feeding herold mother-in-law whois blind and toothless.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Beautiful Chinese arch in TigerBalm Gardens in Singapore, a free"Disneyland" by medicine makers.


    ITorture scene in Tiger Balm Gar-dens, one of many, portraying thecourt of hell, judging the dead.

    Amitabha, the great Chinese godof mercy and sympathy, and chantsto him lead believers to heaven.

    A sinner portrayed having his bellysplit after death, for having beena slave trader in life.

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    1 X IR e p l i c a s of g i a n t a p e s ,n e a r b y i n t h e f o r e s t s o fn e o . T i g e r B a l m G a r d e n s .


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    w h i c h l i v eN o r t h B o r -

    v 5 8 S & &Lifesize figures portraying liondancing, a traditional Chinese con-test and exhibition.

    0Large Chinese pagoda with modelsof Chinese spirits which take hu-man form.

    After death scene in Tiger BalmGardens, of sinners who do bad dur-ing life, being tortured.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Handsome headvaiter on the Rotterdam, ina centerfold in an American magazine...avery fine young Dutchman.

    Our dining table for 8^ days, with vaiter"Franz" and headwaiter "Tao" posed withus.

    Partial photo of the "gym" on D decfa onthe Rotterdam. Three bikes and two rovingmachines were about all the equpment.Two printers on board the Rotterdam, withIntertype and Heidelberg press. A very fineand complete little shop.

    I i i l i t o f h an d c r a f t s made d u r in g c r u i se>y women...Martha g ot a m e r i t c e r t i f i c a t e'or her work.Young second officer of the Rotterdam, ina publicity photo published in a magazine.He was most courteous on visits to bridge.

    * ;..'

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Map board on the promenade deck of theRotterdam, with our route advanced everytime we are due in another port.

    Paul holding unwilling pet in small private zoo. Also held a six-foot python, butpicture didn't take for some reason.

    M ">V"

    Large bats in private zoo...Paul got incage with them to take picture...they chattered away in the corner.River cruiser we rode in on first trip upthe klongs of Bangkok...held about a dozenpassengers and a guide.

    i upozen ;

    Dining table in the Dusit Than! hotel...we sat on mats on the floor, and put ourlegs in 18" deep hole under the tab le.Small corner shrine in Bangkok, with wor-s. ippers buying leis nearby to'adorn it.Seemed busy and popular at midday.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Girl street vendors in Bangkokwith appetizing goodies...lookedto be clean and good.Traditional Thai dancein evening entertainmentat Dusit Than! hotel.

    Wonderful meal of honored-outpineapple, then refilled with ev- Iery kind of fruit imaganable-$l,1C


    Gorgeous chandelier at the DusitThani hotel in Bangkok...sort oflooked like a waterfall.Large statue, one ofmany, in royal palacegrounds in Bangkok.

    Elaborate and large Buddhist temple, one of hundreds, in Bangkok.New ones are being built.

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    Royal Siam hotel in Bangkok, set amidstspacious, "beautiful grounds and beautifulinside as veil as outside.

    Part of the "orchestra" at Dusit Thanihotel, with man playing circle of bells,and another at Siamese xylophone.

    Floating vegetable market along one of theklongs or canals. Other boats peddled manyinteresting items.Siamese equivalent of junks, on which livemany families along the klongs. They dosome hauling, as veil as fish.

    Fleet of unique boats, with auto motorssitting up high in the stern, and a longpropeller shaft direetly off the drive.Small part of the royal chapel of thegrand palace in Bangkok, where the kingperiodically worships.

    :-A^Tx W

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    ; ?


    Typical filling station in Thialand, sim-ilar to ours, but with hole in the floorat bottom left for servicing cars.


    Large band greeting us on our arrival atIhialand. We were met frequently at dif-ferent ports in this manner.

    Long, lean, fast water taxi in Bangkok, inwhich Paul was the sole passenger on acruise up the klongs.


    Bangkok, of teak logs from the interiorof Thialand


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    -ijk h'artha ent ertaming two Siamese childrenin a Bangkok shop e were warned not toouch their heads against their religion


    Traffic jam on one of the klongs. Life isvery dynamic and interesting on the river,and different from any other we'd seen.

    f -

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


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    z^sM"^oat, pulling logs or bargesiamese timany times its size, on the big river inBangkok.

    One of thousands of three-wheeled taxis,similar to Cushman, hauling up to threenatives, two broad-rear Europeans.

    A common sight along the wide river...Buddhist temples rising above stores andhouses.

    School girls posing in an old decrdpittemple. They were very cheerful and pleasant...but not a word of English among 'em.

    Ancient barges in Bangkok, to haul goodsup and down the river. Some were lived on,but to move needed the little tugs.

    Siamese figures along a Buddhist wall...intricate workmanship portraying ancienttemple dancers.

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    Typical side street in Bangkok, with shopsor stalls on the sidewalk, and livingquarters for proprietors above.

    Boats loading up in the early morning forpeddling up the river and klongs...many ofthe houses were not near streets,just river

    Trade on the river. Warehouses with work-er oats loading up. Farilies usually live Inpart of the boat, and haul in the other.Public market and crowded thieves marketwith mostly fruits and vegetables in thissection...merchandise in other sections.

    Sword dancers in the Dusit Thani hotel en-tertainment. Their swords stnnck sparks,3 one passenger nervously moved.Laborers unloading a truck of corn. Testerat right stuck tube into every sack, andchecked before giving the nod to rove it.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Siamese palace built by former kings of Siam,but used now only for diplomatic receptions andpresentation of credentials by foreign VIPs.



    wmmmmmInterior of the throne hall in the above palace. Its furnishings were gorgeous, but wefound it too hot to stay In long.

    Audience hall of the Grand Palace in Bangkol ,where the king sits on his gold throne, and ceremonies of the court take place.


    Outside entrance to the chapel royal of thsEmerald Buddha. We had to leave shoes outside,and mingle with worshippers as we gawked.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    I r*iar I * * > ' < >ttnri

    R o y a l p a l a c e i n B a n g k o k , t he D u s i t g r o u p , j u s t o n e o fs e v e r a l i n the e n o r m o u s G r a n d P a l a c e . S t i l l u s e d i n r e l i g i o u s c e r e m o n i e s a n d s t a t e o c c a s i o n s .

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    v!!i'7dancing girls

    iamese dancetaught through many centuries.

    One of thousands of vegetablepeddlers along the Siamese klongs...best seen early in the morning,

    Eeautiful dance atthe Dusit Thani hotelin Bangkok.

    Complete meal beingserved by woman inher boat on Klong.


    Another dance vith girls wearinglong metal-made fingernails, us-ually to welcome dignitaries.


    Dance depicting Thailegend of half-bird,half-nymph

    Typical Thai meal, vith manysmall dishes, and napkin starchedinto rose pedal shape.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    I WEttWtTOm\m



    Masquerade party on the ship brings out manyhidden talents. Martha as a little girl won aprize, Giselle MacKen zle and her new husband asnewly-weds (which they were), and others. i

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Trip hoard with our oorts so far, zig-zag-ging around the world, crossing and re-crossing the Equator.

    The "building of a junk outside of HongKong, with vorkmen hand caulking the hull.They had few power tools.

    Hong K0ng as seen from Kovloon...a large,iGodern city with skyscrapers, and morebeing erected rapidly.Typical of thousands of shanties in HongKong, mostly housing refugees from China.K ost are settled by now in apartments.

    Kartha waiting at a small walled villagein the New Territories, surrounded by theHakkai women (there for the tourists).Poor photo of the Sam Man Printing Co. inHong Kong, with boy hand-feeding a smallpress.

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    Inside of Chinese Buddhist temple, showingthe elaborate altar, with fruit offerings.They would stay awhile, then be eaten.

    Hong Kong duck farm, looking much the sameas our duck farms, but lots of these willend up as pressed duck.

    2 rf

    Small v/alled village, the same for centur-ies, except now taken over by artists andtourists.

    Armored car, almost a tank, used by policein the New Territories. They must have arough beat.

    Small city in the New Territories, vithcattle on the median of a busy freevay,minding their own business, apparently.Bush trained into the form of a large dog,with big cockeyes, on the grounds of aBuddhist temple.

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    Hong Kong floating village, with peoplewho are "born on, live on, and die on thesejunks, seldom getting onto land.


    Old London double decker bus gaily decor-ated with advertisements near the dock atHong Kong.

    Buddhist temple in New Territories, withlittle action on a weekday morning. Theydon't hold formal services.SAM MAN PRINTING C O.


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    XIII 757387621 ^iao note , worth about 5>7

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    UTIAOKlfl 757387621 Jiao note, worth about 5-7

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    The modern wine of the Tung Fang hotel inCanton vhere we stayed. We stayed in olderpart, and this courtyard was in center.

    Our twin "beds in the Tung Fang hotel. Fold-:ed canopies are let down at night to makea tent effect, I presume for privacy.

    Giant mural of Mao with Chinese workersand soldiers, in the hotel. Work and produce is their religion.Another mural of Mao, this time itfr theworkers of the world. Europeans, Africansand Asians are all Pictured with slant eyes

    Typical small commune vith paths and flooded rice paddies right up to the walls...with water, water everywhere.Dining table set with one of our giganticmeals. Six guests and two Chinese "at eachtable, with Chinese loading up our plates.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    i jr- i\Counter of the Friendship Store in Canton,ch like our small department store, b utno Chinese are allowed to trade there.

    IThe enormous Canton railway station, almost deserted except for us passengers...haps they cleared everybody out.


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    mmm-M iiiiiinn

    orial gardens in Canton correroratingthe I artyrs of the Kwangchow Uprising...formerly an imperial Chinese -arden.


    Beautiful garden, one of few in Canton,in a Buddhist temple, preserved to showChinese the old error of their ways.


    * * )\

    Typical crowd of Chinese, either afoot orwith their black bicycles...all ^earingthe blue pajama-type clothing.

    Delightful Chinese kids at commune re visited, clapping at us foreigners. '..e clapped back at them and put them in stitches.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    \ B iArtist In the Artistic Pottery-Factory, who vorks eight hours aday, six days a &$&!

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    ichool children inside the Tali communegather to add their greetings and applaudthe foreigners.

    Typical bicycle rider with a large loadstrapped on hack. Most loads appear to hecarried by bikes.


    Rice paddies and water reservours with asnail city in the background...all lookeddreary, but China is a poor country.Street repair crer- mixing cement on thesidewalk, with women seen as often as mendoing the hard labor tasks.


    I few passenger cars are produced in China,>ut all are ovned by the state, none by)rivate enterprises or people.I ore green garden patches right against anindustrial building, and sluices carryingirrigation vater.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    je administration building of the Talicommune near Canton. One of largest in thecountry, with some 60,000 people.

    Portion of the large dining room of theTung Fang hotel, where we had an enormouslunch and dinner, and two breakfasts.

    ft*fKChildren in kindergarten doing exercisesand, I'm sure, shoving off for us. Theywere very bright-eyed, fine children.

    Miniature tree, said to be very old, inthe Artistic Pottery Factory, compares insize with my tape recorder.

    Older boys at the kindergarten taking thedaily dip in the school pool they said wasa ritual the year round.

    Part of our party in Canton, getting offone of the 12 or 13 srall buases re rodeduring our visit. * .

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    inese commune houses, tied closely tothe land. Rice and other food is paramountand everything else is secondary.

    Bathroom of the house we visited in theTali commune. V,rater is drawn from a shal-low cistern by these wooden buckets.

    Large crowd staring at us as ve emergedfrom the train station at Canton. We werezreat curiosities to the Chinese.Very primitive motor hike used as we dopickups. But vast majority had no motorsand ran on pedal pov/er.

    Pearl river traffic in Canton, and ve sawa few junks with people living on them,but nothing like in Hong Kon g.Children in kindergarten playing game be-fore large mural of Mao, with children andtractor, which the Chinese almost worship.

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    Giant pandas in the Canton zoo. Was alarge, beautiful zoo, but we were short oftime and drove thru the rest of it.

    ^?JS \

    Chinese children playing ring-around-a-rosie, as children do everywhere, with theteach accompanying them on an accordion .

    ]Lathes in the small machine shop at theTali commune, which exists only to keepa few tractors and generators going.

    /Commune home in half open house. The vaath-JJP gets chilly, but we saw no sign of heaters, and some windows were not ciosable.

    Small commune with terracing completed onhill in background. They till all availableland, and reclaim other in their spare time

    Two Chieese hosts in our group. One on leftwas a party cadre, while the one on rightspoke fine English, and was intelligent.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    5-ZMitJ} - .- "

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    'Idren entering the memorial to the National PeasantIovement Institute in Canton, an important site in thecommunist take-over of China.

    Imposing skyline of Canton along the Pearl river, oneof the most important v/aterways in China. It used toe disastrous floods regularly, but seldom any more.

    SB*"iu park in Canton, OJCI ith flowers, as they are"forded yet.

    i t # 3 ^LOST AND FOU,

    Hotel Tung lost and found, withmoney and other things. If youleave a tip, it gets into here,as they regard tips as demeaning and warned us against them.

    Inner courtyard and two storybuilding in the Artistic PotteryFactory...sort of rambled allover the place without plan.ie fe"1'- places , e sawa luxury not to be

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Tali commune hospital garden, growingtheir own herbs and medicines, over 300varieties in these pots.Kids at kindergarten playing on equipmentmuch the same as ours. Their clothing wascolorful, in contrast to their parents'.

    Old shabby looking factory, typical ofmany in China, with tilled fields goingright up against the walls.

    3* '&

    Bamboo scaffolding on new factory building. The buildings looked old before theywere even completed.

    ^mmStorehouse at the TJ ; u n e , w i t h k id ss t a r i n g a t u s . M o st c om m u ne s a r e o l d i m -p e r i a l e s t a t e s . Fc^reftaf k(dsOne of our many tea sessions,at the Artistic Pottery Factory,ened to speech of welcome at the

    this oneT"e list-time.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07



    Paul and I-'artha with sharp young Chineseguid. A fine young man, who could thinkin English, and gave much information.

    The kids playing at tug-of-var, and having great fun shoving off for us. Theyvere bright and happy.

    Concrete railroad ties on Chinese railway, vith bolts cast in. Very smooth rideon welded rails...no clickety-click.Typical group of workers, men and women,mowing and carrying dirt, fertilizer andmaterials to gain another inch of land.

    Little kids in classroom singing and nutting on a program for us. They had brightmakeup, the only time we saw it in China.Display case in Artistic Pottery Factory,shoving some of the beautiful work theyhave done for centuries.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    J ru?

    Paul and Martha with sharp young Chineseguidd. A fine young man, who could thinkin English, and gave much information.

    The kids playing at tug-of-war, and having great"fun shoving off for us. Theyvere bright and happy.

    Concrete railroad ties on Chinese railway, vith bolts cast in. Very smooth rideon welded rails...no clickety-click.Typical group of workers, men and women,mowing and carrying dirt, fertilizer andmaterials to gain another inch of land.

    Little kids in classroom singing and nutting on a program for us. They had brightsup, the only time we saw it in China.Display case in Artistic Pottery Factory,shoving some of the beautiful work theyhave done for centuries.

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    Tali commune hospital garden, growingtheir own herbs and medicines, over 300varieties in these pots.Kids at kindergarten playing on equipmentmuch the same as ours. Their clothing wascolorful, in contrast to their parents'.

    Old shabby looking factory, typical ofmany in China, with tilled fields goingright up against the walls.Bamboo scaffolding on new factory build-ing. The buildings looked old before theywere even completed.

    at the Tali co witn kidsstaring at us. Most communes are old im-perial estates. 'Ba^t-efid kfdgOne of our many tea sessions, this oneat the Artistic Pottery Factory. We list-ened to speech of welcome at the time.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Stabilizers on the Rotterdam. They extend outsome 15 feet, and are automatically controlledfey a gyroscope.Part of line of air compressors in the engineroom. It was very clean down there and spac-ious, compared to some ships.

    Part of the kitchen, with enormous electricovens. Waiters take orders, then come down anesculator and stand in line here.One of two propeller shafts, sore 30" thick,coming out of turbines to rear of ship. Wottoo noisy there, but strong vibration.


    Controls in the engine room. Orders are tele-graphed down from the bridge, and changes inspeed and direction are executed here.Lain passage in engine room. Most functionsare automatic now, so laboto consists of watch-ing dials, maintenance and cleaning.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    r a n H F i c 9

    Balloons on the dock, welcomingus to Kagoshima, our first Japanese stop.


    Unique cabbage-like flowers inpark in Kagoshima, portrayingthe Japanese love of nature.

    Shopping mall, with beautifulstores comparable to the States,alker in the foreground.

    It. Sakurajima, an active volcano which belches smoke atall times, and last eruptedin 191^. Residents at base aresaid to wear safety helmets atall times to keep ashes out oftheir hair...sort of statussymbol now.


    Tall fire-fighting mast of tughelping us to the dock at Kagoshima.

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    Girl hand greeting us at Kagoshima, onthe dock. They were so cold they had toclutch knees together while playin g.

    Goldfish, unique only that they are bya cut-out sidewalk in front of a restaurant. Our winos and hippies would have afield day with something like that.V^/WP

    Looking out across the short causeway toMt. Sakurajima, barely seen in the haze,over the Japanese etyihe oofs.Line of school children waiting for abus. One bunch was hilarious as I tooktheir picture with my lens cap on.

    Jaul at shrine on top of hill at Kago-shiraa, reached by a short finicular.' Oneof most gorgeous gardens imaginable.Leautiful garden in Iso park, with shaking cable bridge, fountains, and giganticbird cage.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Typical street in Kagoshima, a modern, up-to date city, but not as busy and franticas the larger cities to the north.The Ambassador, one of the most beautifulrooms afloat, with a bar and trio entertaining afternoons and nights.

    Beautiful icesculptures often made out ofa 100-lb.chunkof ice. Fade bychipping only,not melting.

    1AX \ ! l \ 1 \ NlklM M \ S I )


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 07


    Bulletin "board on the Rotterdam, showing outprogress around the world, to date.Shopping arcade, with a hundred or more tastefully decorated and stocked stores.

    0Passengers on board one of the tenders or lifeboats going into I'iyajima. They held 60 comfortably, but people complained in rough seas.

    O'torii the great gateway of the Kiyajimashrine, said to be one of the largest in theworld, out in the bay.

    Old houses in Miyajima, which in spite of beingnear Hiroshima, escaped much of the bombingduring the war.Five-storied pagoda, about 500 years old in theJbackground, with ancient "One thousand mat hal^jin the foreground. "-* "

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    . 4 x H I H H i r J ^ V m i vAncient rooden building in I'iyajima park, sodry we were not permitted inside, with smallstone shrine in front of it.

    [tsukushima shrine, dedicated to three Shintolieties, and some 800 years old. Used daily,...:'. " eautifully maintained.

    One of the very tame deer on the grounds ofthe Miyajima shrine. Food can be bought andfed to them. They are said to be sacred deer.

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