16b speaker array,worth anything_ - audiokarma

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    16 speaker array,worth anything?

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    08-04-2012, 01:22 PM

    richd860Vintage addict

    Join Date: Feb 2009Location: torrington,CT(have to live somewhere)Posts: 1,899

    16 speaker array,worth anything?

    Found this "speaker" at the local GW.According to some writing on the back,it has 16 speakers @ 4ohms,with an 8 ohm tweeter in parallel.The tweeter is an Olson S297,andnot sure what the drivers are.They are all 5 inch drivers,and all appear to be working!!! Also,there is a date of 2-6-63. Anything of value here?

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    Adcom GFA 555 amp,with a kenwood basic C2 preamp,a Sansui TU 717 Tuner,and a Sony 300 disc CD juke box,Playing through a pair of Infinity QLS2's. Kenwood Eleven

    III,with a sony 100 disc CD juke box,playing through a pair of B&W DM 3000's.

    08-04-2012, 01:33 PM

    UrizenModerator GAD GOT

    Join Date: Mar 2005Posts: 25,696

    Google "Sweet Sixteen" speaker.__________________

    Peachtree Audio decco65 Marantz CD5004 Rega Jura Little Dot MK III Schiit Audio Fulla Sennheiser HD 600

    08-04-2012, 01:40 PM

    kirkendollAK Member

    Join Date: Apr 2012Location: clinton, arkansasPosts: 581

    i would have bought no questions asked so value yes!

    08-04-2012, 01:42 PM

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    visim91This Dude Abides.

    Join Date: Mar 2012Posts: 174

    Oh boy.. the "Sweet Sixteen" was a terrifically disastrous speaker design. In other words, a real P.O.S.


    Sure, there was a Popular Electronics article about a project called "TheSweet 16". It was composed of 16 el-cheapo AM radio speakers in a minimalbox. This was around 1960. I heard one at the time in a local electronicsstore, and thought it was some kind of a sonic disaster. It realized everyclich about trying to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear etc. that youever heard. Later on there was a sequel project called "The Sweet 16+1". Itadded a cheap tweeter. This was basically trying to put lipstick on a pig,polish a turd, you name it.

    In the day of "The Sweet 16", remarkably little was generally known aboutloudspeakers and loudspeaker systems, compared to what is known today. So,it can be excused on the grounds of general ignorance. The first problem wasthat the speakers the Sweet 16" was made out, of were systematicallylow-fi. The article argued that by combining many of them, the randomvariations would be evened out. In fact the speaker drivers wereconsistently low-fi.

    Then there was the problem of the Sweet 16" speaker array itself. Whenspeakers are placed close together, a variety of complex interactionsresult. These tend to add many more frequency response variations on top ofthe many that might be present in the individual drivers themselves.

    It turns out that there is a similar array that can work, but it has 25speakers, not 16. It's called a Bessel array N=25, and details relating tois can be found in some posts I made in the past few months. I recentlybuilt a Bessel Array N=5, and it works, but.

    When all is said and done, the Bessel array N=25 does not deliver 25 timesthe sound of one of the speakers that it is composed of. Some of the driversmust be connected with reversed polarity. The performance of about aquarter of the array is sacrificed to make the rest of the array workreasonably well. In the final analysis, you end up with a system thatperforms pretty much like just one of the drivers if you sit some distancefrom it. Close up is still not a pretty picture. However it does getconsiderably louder if you apply much more power.

    08-04-2012, 01:49 PM


    Join Date: Nov 2005Location: Wolcott - CT.Posts: 2,601

    Looks like a collector item to me .. and it works..


    Lots of Kenwood Stuff... ADCOM - CROWN -Infinty Q3's, Q5's Previous owner of IRS BETAS...


    08-04-2012, 01:50 PM

    visim91This Dude Abides.

    Join Date: Mar 2012Posts: 174


    Originally Posted by SicMan

    Looks like a collector item to me .. and it works..

    There are just some things that you leave for firewood..

  • 8/9/2019 16b Speaker Array,Worth Anything_ - AudioKarma


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    08-04-2012, 01:58 PM

    TebbieBearAK Member

    Join Date: Oct 2010Location: Ames, IowaPosts: 396

    How does it sound toyou. That is all that matters. It probably is a POS but It sure is a cool looking and interesting POS.

    08-04-2012, 02:10 PM

    canuckaudiogKef/IMF Fanatic

    Join Date: Apr 2012Location: Edmonton, CanadaPosts: 6,078

    Might be a fun project to find some high value, low cost drivers to replace with and see if it actually sounds OK.

    Probably won't though.

    Either way, neat little speaker.__________________IMF RSPM Mk IV, Yamaha RX-V1, DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0, Denon DP-A100

    Celestion 66, Harman Kardon 730

    Audeze LCD-2, Beyerdynamics A1, Teac UD-H01

    08-04-2012, 02:19 PM

    DCinDCI'm here to fix it

    Join Date: Jan 2010Location: Northern VAPosts: 4,716

    I'da bought it, but I can be indulged my idiosyncrasies.

    Luvin' that cloth covered wire...__________________1 Update your profile with your location2 Subscribe to AK so you can shop (buy/sell) in Barter Town.3 It happens slowly at first, then all at once.


    Originally Posted by BauhauslerI'm convinced that this is a horn that would convert horn haters.

    "You find it with your mind."

    08-04-2012, 05:02 PM

    richd860Vintage addict

    Join Date: Feb 2009

    Location: torrington,CT(have to live somewhere)Posts: 1,899

    can anyone tell me what the drivers are,other than POS???__________________Adcom GFA 555 amp,with a kenwood basic C2 preamp,a Sansui TU 717 Tuner,and a Sony 300 disc CD juke box,Playing through a pair of Infinity QLS2's. Kenwood

    Eleven III,with a sony 100 disc CD juke box,playing through a pair of B&W DM 3000's.


    08-04-2012, 06:40 PM

    Join Date: Mar 2010Posts: 8,709My Marketplace Items

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    janikphotoAK Member

    You never said what you paid... it might be worth it, just for the vintage grill cloth. A piece that size could easily recover a pair of small speakers. Plus, this thing mightrock as a guitar speaker. It may have some value, other than the obvious "I'm a speaker" value.

    08-04-2012, 08:36 PM

    roberttxAK Subscriber

    Join Date: Mar 2012Location: TexasPosts: 1,765

    433 is the EIA code for Cleveland. I don't know anything about Cleveland (and am too lazy to google, now that it's well past Beer O'Clock) so that's the only help that Ican offer.

    I think that janikphoto and others make a good point. While the primary value in any piece of kit is what it contributes to our listening pleasure, many things havesecondary value which can be turned into primary value by means of sale or barter.

    Then there's "having fun tinkering" value. Lots of people have a few AA5 chassis laying around, sans cases - how might that work with one of those?

    08-04-2012, 10:53 PM

    FLHXRIAK Member

    Join Date: May 2010

    Location: MichiganPosts: 216

    I think that thing is cool! I hope you did not pay much for it though. Like others have said you might be able to find some other use for it or tinkering would be cool. It hasother value if it does not sound good to you!

    __________________Current Config Nakamichi SR3A Technics SL 2000 KLH Model 17 DCM CX 27

    12-31-2013, 01:19 PM

    maxhifiAK Member

    Join Date: Oct 2007Location: CanadaPosts: 315

    Did you ever get rid of this speaker ?

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