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Wrhlng Boy F. Petersen, Jr.

Edf arb1 Staff Editor-In- chief

L. Ross Babcock I l l Senior Editor

Donna Ippolito Editor

Jim Musser Miforial Assistant

C . R. Green

Praductlon Staff Production Manager

Jordan Weisman Art Director

Dana Knutson Prduction Coordinator

Tara Gallagher Uniform Design and illustration

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Jim Nelson Illusfration

Todd F. Marsh Jim Nelson Jeff laubenstein Rick Harris f im Bradstreet Tim Cornan

Typesetting Patrice A. Jones

Layout Tara Gallagher

The author would like to thank deborah for her assistance in preparing this manuscript.

\ /

BATTLETECH, MECHWARRIOR, 'Me&, and BatlleMech are Trademark of FASA Corporation misted in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Olfice. Copyright 0 1988 FASA Corporation. AI Rlghts Reserved. Printed in the United Stabs of America.

M S h e d W FASA . P.0. Box m Chicago, C m&lr

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Dress uniform (army) Colonel lvan ~chernovkov of the Eighteenth Royal

Mechanized Infantry Division (The Pride of Leningrad) - . wears the typical dress uniform of the Regular Army in 2602.

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Dress uniform (navy) Admiral David Peterson, commander

Star League Defense Forces, wears the I dress uniform in 2692.

In chief of the qaval officer's

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Duty unlform (naval Captain Catherine Janos, commander of $MI SLS

Jackson, a Vincent Class corvette, wears the standwd uniform of a Star League officer in 2820,

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h h C f l W ~ Major Saul Cameron ofthe 175th Ba#leMech DM-

don (The & t u b Mvldon) weammar League Me&- Wardor apparel. Note the small helmet, the emergency coolant pump on them, and the herrt exchanger on the Mt, all lost techndcgy.

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'. -, , . .---*- -- - .-+.- It:

Mmer Pl- CaptainTom HuUefofthe236lh Ground Aem Win&

mahd to Ihe 159th Royal Mechanized Infantry OM- don (The Athena Division), relaxes with his p i p while he w&s W his fighter to b readied for combat.

. -

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;.--. ,- +.<;:;>:~$~:y*~>~~:;~ .+---= !. ,? . - ..L. - < & - -. , < .: !L LC- 2 ,, .:. ,y;2>.i?:;

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lnfantty R d t Indlra Hosceejun practices with her half-

rifle. Though considered a sidearm, the weapon had the power of modern-day laser rifles twice its size.

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m < ,.. , - . - rus

TmchnM and mpport personnei Captaln Joanna Harrling 1s e member of a support

unltforthe Nlnth Mechanized Infantry Division. Her thick dothing, wrist himeter, and the fitst-aid symbol on her

- tool klt mark her as a health physicist charged wtth +ing vehicle cDckplts free of radiation.

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Engineer (navy) Technician Elaine Gorman, a reservist on a training

exercise, holds a sensor bundle that she will use to replace a damaged one on the outsidr of her JumpShlp. In her rigM hand, she has the oxygen hcakup for her maneuver unit. 3

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Duke hdfond Van T i m ol T d h , who was actCve in Star League pdics fn the 26209, wears his "work clothesn for the Hwse of Lords on Taim. m long WdWng Stid! that he can b e m e a stun stld! with the Rick of a button in its grip.

Duehew Duchess Salina Hamfey of Thorln wears the latest

.fashions of the 2660s. A qulet m a n d exceptional Idligence, she played a major rde in the revrtaliration of the diplomatic corps during her tenure as Commder of the Bureau of Star League Atfaim.

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- ~ h o G h high officials steered the Star m u e

government, lower ofWals made it run. P i r d here is a customs inspector, who# duties were to ensure that ships mng cargo to his world had nothing illegal or hazardous. fhwgh he occasionafly stumbled awoss a cache of contraband, he q m t most of his time examin- ing fruit for Proserpina Crop Devil larva.

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I ; .

$ecurHy ofllmr .* I

J e t m y tDoffmann, a' member of an elho Marine honw guard, guarded Star l q u e diplomats. Members of this teain were trained In crowd control, terrorist techniques, and mmbat. These guards were pogted In front of all Star w u e diphatic missions. Included In Hoffmannt equipnml Is a device that can ' open w lock -dly dmrs dowsnrouphout the diplomatic compwnd. A small stun wand hanglw f m hls btt is hls only weapon.

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Davld Cameron 228 1 . 2339 (58)

(Olflcer In Alllance M~lrtary)

1 Stephanie Cameron Lady Margaret Stewart

2309 - 2379 I701 2310 - 2381 (71) 2312 - 2379 (66)

(Wrt[er) 2340 - 2367 (27) N

Alexander Ellis 2330 - 2386 (56)

I ~ltchet l Cameron

2331 . 2382 (51) 2339 - 2375 (26) (Wealthy Indusrr~al~st)

2367. 2382 (Cost w~th the explorer vessel Tao]

Katherine McQulston & Brian Cameron 2349 - 2419 (60)

(As Raymond's w~le had alfa~f w~th Bnan 2351 . 2.403 (52) 2359 - 2421 (62)

23tW 2387 0 1V whom she mariled after Raymod's dearh) 2388 - 2403 (15) V 3403 - 24 lg (16) Vl

1Crrpol6d by a~rplane accdenrl (Gored lo death by wrl) (Nouehs~ k f o r e bemrnlq s~xth Dlmtor-General)

hichard C= \ M I- Jesstca Dravens 2390 - 2449 (59)

(Duchess of Nonhur~ndl

Constance Zel 2416. 2461 (45) 24 15 - 2492 (77)

2433 - Zd6 1 1281 VNI (Actress) , ,

( b e d of stroke) I Joanna Slmons

2432 . 2482 (SO) I O I H 8n rum accdentl

2434 - 2479 (45) 2461 - 2479 (18) IX (D~ed of pneumonlal

~lexander Rimes 2452 - 2499 (47)

2479 -2501 (22) X [Duke of New Earth)

[Did of NBW Earth OX)

I I ~eborah ~ameron 1 2472 - 2542 (70)

259 1 - 2542 (4 1) XI [Her writ~ng a b v t Qovemlng lnsplred

her son. Ian, creator ol !he "Aprwswe Peacernaklng' dlpbmalle polues)

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In11 Cntncton

tydle merobn Nicholas Cameron I , 25n-2640(63) (0- d barn)

-e-m) m - B U S f 4 7 ) U

I , Jowphlne Franks JO-h ~mm~ron Deborah ~amsron JudHh Crmrron Mlkhmll Cameron

a e o r h w (56) - -1 (41) zsos-mr(ss) p a m - 2 ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ - z B B B ( B o ) LkDLaDmrQrmld I ruTmm~.

lpa-m ~kplcswhm-ml. aWh*--) < * h E h v D J d l m e ~ b n h ~ ~


Jonathan C a m e r o n 1

Simon Cameron Jeaalon Orillson

-, "" -. -. ,-, 271 1 - 2748 (38)

2m-zz1rrs) v ~ m ~ ~ t t m t m e y kPH-u~-.IBhon) -7 -

q i c h a r d Cameron I I

LIQJ ' C l W \WJ

2751 -27M (151 VI (Cart Fwst Lod.

Murbwed by M a n Amwlsl

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Calderon, Marantha: 49 Caldem, Mitchell: 44,47,48 Calderon, Nicdetta: 77 Cameron, Amanda: 83 Cameron, Brian: 22,25,26,29,38 Cameron, Deborah: 32,33,34.35,36,39 Cameron, Elise: 83 Cameron, Elizabeth: 32 Cameron, Ian: founder of Star League. 5 ,7 ; becomes Director-

General, 34; canceives Star League, 35; diplomatic initia- tives, 36; arbitrates pace, 37; lays foundation of Star \ w u e , 38; betrothed, 39; marries, 40; appoints wife head of military, 41, 105; prepares military, 42-44; issues Pollux Prochation, 45; introduces propaganda, 46; starts Reuni- fication War, 47; invades Taurian Concordat, 49; invades Outworlds Alliance, 50: makes war on Canopus and Rim Worlds, 51; death of, 52; on the Accords, 99; chooses Cameron Star, 100; overhauls educational system, 104;

economic prospects, 159; Issues Executive Order 4, 166; pro- poses War Academies in Sol system, 174

Cameron, Jacob: 30 Cameron, Jmasta: born, 60; takes Holy Orders, 62; refuses coup

proposal, 63,107; advisor to Jonathan, 64; meets Kerensky, 69; confidant of Jonathan, 71 ; object of religious cult, 72

Cameron, John: 42 Cameron, Jonathan: becomes first Lord, 60-61; visions of, 62,

71 ; arbitrates brder war, 63-64; death of, 84; signs Council Directive 41,65,102; meets Kerensky, 69; object of religious cult, 72; military policy, 108; ability questioned, 107; uses Capella (world): 16,131, 162 Royal Command, 130; institutes SDS, 163 Capellan Confederation: 26,27,28,30,33,35,36,38,39,43,62,

Cameron, Joseph: 33,34,55,56,134 a,%, 67,88,89,90.97.102,108,139,141,145,146,147, Cameron, Judith: 22, 26, 27,28,29 148,152,153,154.155,156,158,160,161,170,171,173, Cameron, Margaret: 22, 23,25,26,27, 159 176, in, 1 7 9 Cameron, Michael I: naval officer, 16; becomes Olrectw-General, Capellan Republic: 18

20; reinstitutes nobility, 22; p-, 32; Di-r-General, Caph (world): 15,34,54,90,164,165, 367, 188.171 39; reinstitutes nobility, 101 ; establishes Business Informa- Carmichael (world): 49 tion Exchange, 159 Cartago (world): 27,29

Cameron, Michael II: s u d s Nichdas, 56; marries, 57; con- Carver V (world): 89,171 demns duelling, 58; establishes "Gunslinger" prwram, 59; Case Amber (invasion plan): 48 writes Journey of Humamty, 60; gives way to Jonathan, 61 ; Case Black (assassination plan): 49 proclaims Edict of 2650.69; appoints Peterson, 106; educa- Casere (world): 149 tion of, 108 Cassias (world): 37

Cameron. Nicholas: Director-General, 40; becomes First Lord, Castles Brim (fortresses): 25, 26, 29, 64, 80,82, 83, 87,88, 89, 52; attacked by Leonard Kurita, 53; military contingencies, 90,92,93, t32,162,171, 172, 173,175, 178 54; unifies economic system, 55, t 60; death of, 50; appoints Castor (world): 46, 179 Kind, 105; issues Executive Cdw 34,108 Centrella, Crystella: 51

Cameron, Raymond: 22,25 Cerbrus (world): 50 Cameron, Richard 1: 25, 29 Chalouba (world): 142 Cameron, Richard 11: qhaned, 67; c h i l d W of, 70-71 ; meets China (nath): 8, 9

Arnaris. 72;influenced by Amaris, 73-75; accompanies Ker- Clrclnus (world): 88 emsky on manewers, 74; reaches majority, 75; issues Ex- Clrebon (world): 143 ecutive Order 156,76; requests military aid, 79; gives Castles Clement XXV11, Pope: 83 &m to Rim WotMs, 80;death of, 82,8493; family killed, 83; Clinton Cutthroats: 98 reinforces Rim Worlds troops, 87; haunts Amaris, 89 Colonlal Marlnes: 11, 14, 17

Cameron, Simon: son of Jonathan, 62; becomes First Lord, 64; ComStar: 5,40,54,80, 110,129,170,174,177,178 measures against bandits, 65; death of, 66; speculations on Connaught (world): 89, f31, $79 murder, 67; meets Kerensky, 69; tied in with Saints Cameron Corlgan (world): 49 cult, 72 Council Directive 41 : 62,dS

Cameron, Theodore: 30,32 Council Edict 2650: 56 Cameron, Timothy: 40 Court of the Star League: 40,55,60,62,64,70,?2,76,80,82,83, Cameron, William: 60 93,94,167,178 Canopus IV (world): 46, 51 Coventty (world): 162 Canopus, Magistracy of: 42, 43, 44, 47, 51, t 55 Crucis Pact: 18

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4 4 D a M , Alexander: 38,39,44,#, 47 Edict of 2650: 58,6569 Davion, Edmund: 27,28 El Giza (world): 160, 179 Davion, Edward: 27, 28 Elbar (world): 26, 179 Davion, Etien: 27 Epsilon Eriiani (world): 131,153,160,179 Davion, John: 67,75 Epsilon lndi (world): 85.86, 179 Davion, Joseph: 63 Erldanl Ught Horse: 88, 89, 96.97, 171 Davion, Lawrence: 50 Davion, Mary: 63 Davion, Richard: 65 Davb, Roger: 63 Davion, Simon: 28 DeBurke, Caasle: 55 DeChavilier, General Aaron: 87, 88, 93, 95, 96 Deia (world): 145 Deimos Project: 8 Demeter (world): 75 Oenebola (world): 1 1,18,179 Deshler (world): 160,179 Diefenbaker (world): 49 Dleron (world): 90, 172 Donegal, Protectorate of: 1 8 Draconis Combine: 25.26,27,28,33,38,39,43,50,53,58,58,

59,60,61,62,63,64,65,67,68,75,76,79,84,87,88,89, 95,97,98,100,102,108,139,141,142,143,144,145,146, 147-149,15t,156,157,158,160,161,163, t 6 6 , , 172, 174,176, in, 179

Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS): 27 Dropships: 16, 17, 24, 30, 47, 57,63, 64,,86.88,

9$,92,93,97,98, 103, 107, t11,112, 130,132,134,138, t62,163,165, I67

DuKirl, Mitchell: 25 DuKirl, Sonya: 1525

Errai (world): 18, 131, 179 Exewtive Order 34: 106,108 Executive Order 156: 76 Exodus (historical epoch): 1 I, 165,172, 176 Exodus (of SLDF): 24,62,96-98, 107, 141 -1 58, 167, 171, t 73,

1 74 Expansionists (political party): 10,11, 13, 14, 15

-F- Federated Suns: 26.27.28,29,30,33,38,39,44,47,48,50,54.

83,#,67,79,#,89,90,98,97,W, 100,t02,139,141,144, t47,148,150-152,153,154,156,158,158, 160,161,171, 173,176, f 79

Fellanin Il (world): 39,179 Fedadral, General R-: 63,69,107 First Andurien War: 26, 35 First Circuit: 5 First Grand Survey (census): 8 Firs1 Hidden War: 58, M First Succession War: 98,180,188,176 Fletcher (world) : 1 3 1 , 1 79 Fontana (moon): 44 Fortwgh, General Amos (war criminal): 49,50 Fourth Grand Survey (census): 8 Fourlh Rasdhague Brigade (military una): 50 Fourth Royal Guard (military unit): 51 Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers (military unit): 97 Franklin, Admlral Janlssa: 50 Fredasa, General lkolar : 63,107 Free Worlds Lmgue: 26,27.28,32,35,36,38,39,45,62,63,65,

67,75,88,89,95,97,lM,llO,I39,141-14,144,147,148, 149,152,153,156,160,16t, 172,176,177, 170

Fuchida, Twoshi: 9,54

Galatea (world): i 8, 19.1 79- Galedm Regurn: 43,m Gdfer (world): 162 Geneva (Tenan city, capital of Hegemony): 10,34,35,36,99,40,

778 Geneva, Treaty of: 36,38 Qlirnp, Professw Catherine: 90 Go~darnrnerurq (world): 79,M Gouderak (world): 51 Graham tV (world): 90,109,131, l a , 172 Grec, Admiral Jamw: 90, B2 Green, Henry (assassin): 33 Greenhaven Qetapo (mercenary unit): 83 Guided Light Expediions (seprrh party): 98 Gunsliqpr Program: 59,83,108,108 Gutara V (world): 97,W

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Hanseta (world): 49 Hassi R'Mel (world): 148 H-my Armed Forcas (HAF): 16,17,18,19,20,22,

23,24,2s,a,n.m,3~,33,34,35,36,m,41,105, 112,130.131.1!%. 163,165,173,175

Hden (world): 1 6, 97,173 . - H ~ ~ I l ( w o r l d ) : 1 3 1 , 1 6 2 - ; ~ ' ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~

Hobbs (world): 152 - - H c m i , Joshua: 55 - . House Centrella: 51 -.;. -."-- 2, - -. - House Davion: 27, 29,64,75;:?.-'. :" -' ' House Kuri?a: 58,59,62,63,64,84,89,97,161,176 Hwse Liao: 26,176 Hwse Marik: 26,181 Hwse Marsden: 27 Hwse Steiner: 27 Hyades Cluster (star cluster): 48,49 HyperPulse Generato 77 - iceships: 55 lrnbros 111 (world): 89, Ingress (wortd): t 7,179

4- Japan (nation): 8, B, 58, 108, 162, 169, 178 JumpShips:8,10,18,17,18, t9147,57,66,91,96,98, 103,109,

110, 111, 112, 130, l32,162,1B3,165,167,175

-K- Kaifeng (world): 41 I Kazutoyo, Amanda (duellist): 58 Kearny, Thomas: 9,54 Keamy -F uchMa stardrive: 7,8, 10 Keid (world): 90,109,131,163,165,167,173 Kentares (star system): 29 Kerensky, General Aleksandr: Protector of the Star League, 5;

military leader, 24; first battle, &B; named Regent, 67,69; ,, early biography. 68; fights in Periphery. 71.78-81 ;third side -* of Saints Cameron Trinity, 72; refuses to turn over Mses to Amaris, 73; stages maneuvers, 74; returns from Periphery, 75; reaction to Executive Order 1 56,76; and New Vanden- k g rebellin, n; approached by Amaris, 84; declares war - < -

on Amaris. 85; mentlaned by Braso, #; invades Rim Wcilds, 87; plans campaign against bgmmy, 88; surrounds Amaris, 89; takes Nirasakl, 90; Invades ~ b a , 91-92; cap- tures Amaris, 93; ~dersexecuOlon of Amaris, 94; meets with House Lwds, 95; and the Exodus, 98-98,107,132,167,174; Prinaples of Command, 109; a b d i s b Madal Olympiad, t 36; campaign to retake Terra, 139; att& Hegemony, f62, 165; lands on Catver V, 171: attacks Dbron, 172; liberates H e l m , 173; retakes New Earth, 175; departs Sabik, in Kurita, Hohlro: 169

Kerensky, Sergeant Tanya: 53 Kuriia, Katherine: 9 K e ~ l (world): 89,179 Kurita, lemwd: 53,54 Kimball ll (world): 162 Kurtta, Mlnoru: 84,87,88,09,98,97, 172 Kincaid, Charles (first MechWarrior): 31 - Kurita, Nlhongl: 25 Kincaid, General Arnarthia: 44, 50 ' KurRa, Robert: 28 Kinnd. General Nicholas: 105, t06 Kurita, Soto: 63 Klathandu IV (world): 63 Kurita, Takashi: 172 Kurita, Blaine: 53 Kurlta, faklro: 63,65167,76,79,80,84 Kurita, Drago: 84 Kurlta, Urlzen 11: 58,59,80,63 Kurita, Hehiro: 39,45, 50,53, 100 rita. Vincent: 83

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Lackhove (world): 45 Larnbredt (workl): 89, 160, 162, 167, Malagrona (star system): 44 LAMS: 138 Mallory's World (world): 89, 179 Larsha (world): 41 Mann-Cameron, Katarina: 57,60 Lee, General Carlos Dangmar: 49, 105 Marcus (world): 131, 179 Leiston (world): 59 Marduk (world): 63 Liao, Aleisha: 27, 28 Marik Commonwealth: 18 Liao, Barbara: 75 Marik, Albert: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 Liao, Kalvin: 35 Marik, Brion: 32 Liao, Terrence: 35,36,37 Marik, Carlos: 32 Liao, Ursula: 39,45 Marik, Ewan: 65, 66, 67 Liao, Warex: 65, 67, 69 Marik, Kenyon: 88 Liberals (political party): 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 Marik, Marion: 45, 51 Lima (world): 63 Marik, Peter: 28 Lipton (world): 35, 179 Mars (world): 8, 9, 11,12, 13,32,55, 57,68, 108, 129, 131, 134, London (Terran city): 160, 164 135, 140, 162,163,164,167,174,178 Luna (Terran moon): 15 Marsden, Alistair: 27 Luthien (world): 97, 108, 164 Martial Olympiads: 134, 135, 136 Lyons (world): 18,27, 179 Maskirovka (Capellan secret service): 33 Lyran Commonwealth: 18, 25, 27, 28, 33, 36,37,38, 42, 45, 54, McKenna's Pride (Kerensky' flagship): 91 , 96, 97

63,65, 66, 67, 68, 72,76,79,88,89, W, 97, 102, 139, 141, McKenna, Fleet Admiral James: AGM officer, I I ; early history, 144-146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158; 160, 12; establishes Terran Hegemony, 13-14; Director-General, 161,t63,t64,165,175,179 15; wages war on colony worlds, 16,18; death of, 19; legacy

tyran Commonwealth Armed Forces (LCAF): 38, 1 10 of, 20,23,29; remembered, 37; unable to fwce colonies into Lyran Regulars (military unit): 65 Hegemony, 159

McKenna, Admiral Konrad: 18,19,20 McQuiston, Katherine: 25, 29, 38 Meadowvale (world): 51 Merope (world): 98 Mhan-Gradium scandal: 56 Milos (world):: 43 Milton (world): 18,179 Minakuchi (world): 59,179 Minnesota Tribe: 98 Mizar (world) : 18, 1 79 Modern Chivalrists (philosophical movement): 64 Moscow (Terran city): 68, 92 Murchison (world): 89, 163, 174

4- Naka Pabni (world): 47 Nanking (world): 16,179 Ndlas, Graham: 20 New Avalon (wwM): 39,46,63, 109, 164 New Delos (world): 35, 162 New Earth (Tau Ceti IV) (world): 8,39,91,95,96,102, 104,109,

131,162, i63,165,167,173,175 New Earth Pox (disease): 32 New Home (world): 90, 163, 179 New India (world): 45 New Olympia (world): 28 New Samarkand (world): 97,163 New Silesia (asteroid): 66 New Vandenberg (world): 46,49, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 36, 105 Nirasaki (world): 90, 165, 179 Nirasaki Computers Collective (developers of SDS): 90, 165 Northwind (world): 30,131,168,179 Noruff-Cameron, Shandra: 39, 40, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49, 52, 105,

135,136 Nusaken (world): 27; 89, 175

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o l i (workl): 89, t 31, Sabik (world): 89, 164, 1 Omsd Accord: 44 Sadalbari (world): 39,179 Operaliwr tiberation: 91 Sadurni (world): 4?, 154 Operation MaiM Fisf: 51 Saffel (world): 54,89,179 orient9 (star system): 32 Saints Cameron: (religious cult): 72, 98 Oriente, Federation of: 18 San Antonio (Terran clty): 32 Outreach (world): 134,135,179 Santiago (world): 43,46 Outworlds Alliance: 42.43,47.50,85.156 Santiago Massawe: 43,44 Orawa (world): 89, 131, t60,162,163, f 76 Schrirneck (world): 50 Ozwa Mercantile Associatian: 18 Second Andurien War: 35

Secortd Hidden War: 63 -P- Second Soviet Civil war: 9

Paris (world): 68 Second Succassian War: #, 160,168 PmpWs Independent Pay : 13 Selirn, Mohammed (Rim Worlds R-): 87 Periphery: 5,28,36,42-47,49,50-52,54-57,62,64,65,87,69, September Revolt: 34,35

71-82, 84#,91-93, 95-98, 100, 102, 106,108,132, 139. Sevon (world): 50 142.143.f#, 146,148-152,754, 155-IS, 161,162,164, Sheratan (world): 61, 179 I# Slan (world): 46, 1 &4

P m , Lydia: 55 Sidus VI (world): 15, t62, ?63,1#. 165, ln P e t e m , Admiral David: 106 Sirius Division (milky unit): 84 Phact (world): 33 Skye (wwkl): 38,66, I09 Pierce (world): 49 Skye, Federation of: alliance, 18, t9,25; Lyran W c e , n , 3 8 Picaim Legion: 50 Slocum (W): 89,179 Picairn, Colonel Elias: 50 Small Wwld (world): 1 50,179 Pohtical E m e r m Response Team (PERT): 103 Sol (star system): 91,134,162,177 Pollux (world): 45, 13t, 179 Space Defense Systems (SDS): 61,84,80,83,85,86,88,89,90, Pollux Prdamatlon: 45,46,47,51 Q t , 92,106,107,163,165,t75,176 Prestm (world): 180,179 Squam-Turk, G e n d Killim: t 08 Procyon (world): 90 Stanzach (world): 160,179 Pr-na (world): 10,109 Star Guards (military units): 49 Puget Sound ( s L of Star League capitol): 40,83,93.167 Siar League Accords: 99,160

Star League Defense Forces (SLDF): 5.24,38.40,41,43,47-50, 4 52,s-59,61-65,67-69,71,73,74,76-8!5,87-92,M-99, t 01

Quentin (world): 16, 179 104, 105-158,160,161, i64,165,170,172-175,177,178 Star's End (world): 66

-R- Steiner, Craig: 36, 38 Rasalhgue M i l i District (Draconian Province): 172 Steim, Katherine: 28 Redfield (wortd): 75 Steiner, M i l : 65,67,68

Regulus, Dominion of: 18 Steiner, Richard: 76 Reunification War: 42,47-51,53.54,56,65,78, 102, 105, 129, Steiner, Tradal: 37.38

132,1h, 161, t62; ends, 52 Steiner-Dinesen, Viola: 39,43,44, St Rim RepuMican Army (RRA): 4551 Styx (world): 30,89,179 Rim Worlds Republic: 42,44,45,47, ST, 52,56,65,70,71,73,76, Sullivan (world): 151

n, 79, 80, 84, 85,87,88, 89, #, 158,167 Suzano (world): 41

R m (wwld): 49,50,t A Svetvik (workl): 98 Rome (Terran cily): 83 Sword of Light (military unit): 68 Royal (wwld): 63,64,68 Syma (world): 18,19,20,89,179

Royal BId Watch (military unit): 82-83 Royal Omgoom (millmy unit): 68 Royal Guards ( m i l i i unit): 110 Ryan Cartel: 10,s

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Tabayama (world): 50 Wapakoneta (world): Talitha (world): 141, 160,165, 167, 179 Tamar Pact: 1 8 Ward (world): t 62 TAS Dreadnought (McKenna's flagship): 1 2 Wasat (world): 131,179 TAS Pathfinder (first Jumpship): 8, 175 Tau Ceti (star system): 8 Weippa (world): 49 Taurian Concordat: 42.44,47,48.51,52,68,76,77,84,85,157 Weissau (world): 50 Taurian Freedom Amy: 76-79 WeFfer (world): 49 Taxation Edict of 2763: 76, 79 Western Alliance: 7,8,9, 1 1 Tellman IV (woM): 50 Wexworth, General Charles: 49 Telos tV (wortd): 89,179 Wolf's Dragoons: 98 Tentativa (world): 48, 50 WwkMechs: 22,23 Terra (homeworld of Human race): 7 , 8 , 10-13,40,42, 108, 159,

166, 171,176, 177;centerofTerran Hegemony, 15,18,19, -Y- 30,32,34-36,41,170,173; liberation of, 24; ancestral home Yaklma Iferran city) : 31 of Camerons. 26; center of Star League, 43,47,52,53,55. Yorii (world): 165, 179 57,58,60,62.63,65-67,70,75-77,79,80,82,84,87,QS, 99. Y u ~ ~ s (wosld): 154 100,102, 104,109,1,29,131,132,139,140,162, 163-165, 167,174; defenses of, 61 ; birthplace of Kerensky, 68; center 42- of religious cult, 72; maneuvers around, 74; fighting on, 83. Zaproudy (wwld): 145 92; military objective, 88-91 ; profiled, 178 Zebebelgenubi (world): 89,182,163,179

Terra Firma (wosld): 16,27,28, 163, 165, 179 Zoli, Qrant: 13 Terran Allianoe: 7, 8, 10-14, 19 Zollikofen (world): 144, 160.17 Terran Hegemony: 7,14-16, 19,20,22-29,32-34,37-41,45,53, Zurich (Tm city): 13

54,56,57,61, w, 72,74, n, 79,80, 82,~-90,94-96,99. Zurich (world): 179 101-104,106, 109, 110,129,131, 132,138,139, 159-169, 170-179

markad (world): 38,41,55,68, 109, 132, t 63, 164 The Edge (world): 65,179 Third Andurien War: 35,36 Third Hidden War: 66 Third Succession War: 98, 179 Thirty-fourth Fleet Aero Wing: 57 Thirty-fourth Royal BattleMech Division: 85,8688 Thorin (world): t6,22,24,32, 165, 166, 167, 168, 179 Thurrodc (world): 51 Tigress (world): 131, 179 Tkonov, Oleg: 7 Tintavel (world): 28 Towne (world): 16 Tsamma (world): 75 TybaR (world): 131,179

4- Umka (worid): 51 Union of Soviet Sociiist Republics (nation): 7,9 United States of America (nation): 7 , 8 , 12, 17 United Triumph Mllltary Exercises: 43,47 Unity City: 40,41,62,70,71,76,82,89,93, 95,100,101 , t 73 Universal Curriculum (educittisnal system); t Oq, 166,_i_S9 -- -

.<p-".-c . -- -v-

V a M (world): 43 Vandenberg White Wings (legend): 98 Vatican City (center of Catholic Church): 83 Vega (world): 89 Venus (wwld): 8,11,12,162,163,164,174, 178 Victral ta (world): 49

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gle man ruled'and control18 3,000 star systems.

The Lords of Davion, Kurita, Steiner, Marik, and Liao . b' . >:?:I&$ 6* <h,

h 9y4*$k 5- -c&:ik$?L> 'deferred to his will. 1 &: , $ 8

' = -: i

Affer the explosive spread of mankind thrdugh the stars and before the chaos of the Succession en age of advancement. -.

Unequalled levels of technolog an rights, and prosperity were reached.

Planets bent to the will of man, as terraforming and weather control became. both possible and economical. ., <! <. ',

r %

, ,, , >*

Agro-technology fed billions. The average human lifespan was extended to 108 standard years by medical science.

- - - > -. - - - - 6- ---- --- ---.

But those some oavances carried a curse, tor the engines of war from the Star League era possessed power unequalled in fhe Successor States today. I

- - - - - -

. A I

r And in that time of great deeds stood the greatest warrior of all time, Aleksandr Kerensky.

'he Star league is a ComStar document detaiting the history, commerce, organization, and military campaigns of mankind's

i finest moment, and the tragic failures that doomed it.

ISBN 1-55560-070-0 FASA 1 500