11/1 朗讀曲目 happy birthday, you little rodent! ·...

Mickey Mouse in the early 1930s. www.ivy.com.tw 11 11/1 Cloze Test 克漏字 講解曲目 1 朗讀曲目 27 www.ivy.com.tw 11 Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent! is girlfriend has been with him for years. The two have yet to wed, but if they _(1)_, his best friends, a goofy- looking dog and a duck that few people can comprehend, would stand by his side. _(2)_ this creature is considered to be four-legged, he's been walking upright for over half a century and isn't succumbing to old age. While most humans about to _(3)_ their 78th birthday would be enjoying their retirement, this figure is just getting started. On November 18, fans around the world will sing out Happy Birthday to the adorable Mickey Mouse. As the animated mascot for the Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse has been a _(4)_ name for generations. The brainchild of Walt Disney, the founder of the legendary company, Mickey Mouse has achieved greatness like no other cartoon character known _(5)_ man. He is accepted across borders and his longevity is due to numerous factors. Walt Disney said it best when he _(6)_ Mickey's appeal as "When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity." To different people, Mickey Mouse represents diverse ideas. To some, he is seen as the spread of American culture to other countries _(7)_ he reflects American imperialism and ideas. Other people, however, view him as an ambassador of goodwill and peace. With his heartwarming smile and beloved personality, he has undeniably spread a magic that can only belong to Mickey Mouse. 1. (A) have (B) are (C) did (D) would 2. (A) As if (B) Even though (C) In spite (D) Ever since 3. (A) celebrate (B) attend (C) release (D) display 4. (A) first (B) last (C) family (D) household 5. (A) as (B) for (C) to (D) from 6. (A) mapped out (B) screwed up (C) kicked out (D) summed up 7. (A) when (B) where (C) what (D) which H As the top mouse in the house, this lovable creation has fans and friends from around the world. 米奇長尾巴,生日快樂! by Jerri Graham ©TPG

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Mickey Mouse in the early 1930s.

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11/1 Cloze Test 克漏字講解曲目 1朗讀曲目 27

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Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent!

is girlfriend has been with him for years. The two have yet to wed, but if they _(1)_, his best friends, a goofy-

looking dog and a duck that few people can comprehend, would stand by his side. _(2)_ this creature is considered to be four-legged, he's been walking upright for over half a century and isn't succumbing to old age. While most humans about to _(3)_ their 78th birthday would be enjoying their retirement, this figure is just getting started. On November 18, fans around the world will sing out Happy Birthday to the adorable Mickey Mouse.

As the animated mascot for the Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse has been a _(4)_ name for generations. The brainchild of Walt Disney, the founder of the legendary company, Mickey Mouse has achieved greatness like no other cartoon character known _(5)_ man. He is accepted across borders and his longevity is due to numerous factors. Walt Disney said it best when he _(6)_ Mickey's appeal as "When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity."

To different people, Mickey Mouse represents diverse ideas. To some, he is seen as the spread of American culture to other countries _(7)_ he reflects American imperialism and ideas. Other people, however, view him as an ambassador of goodwill and peace. With his heartwarming smile and beloved personality, he has undeniably spread a magic that can only belong to Mickey Mouse.

1. (A) have (B) are (C) did (D) would

2. (A) As if (B) Even though (C) In spite (D) Ever since

3. (A) celebrate (B) attend (C) release (D) display

4. (A) fi rst (B) last (C) family (D) household

5. (A) as (B) for (C) to (D) from

6. (A) mapped out (B) screwed up (C) kicked out (D) summed up

7. (A) when (B) where (C) what (D) which

HAs the top mouse in the house, this lovable creation has fans and friends from around the world.


by Jerri Graham

Happy Birthday,


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11/4 Vocabulary & Phrase Test 講解曲目 4朗讀曲目 30詞彙測驗


1. It is no _____ to say that Albert Einstein was the most influential scientist of the 20th century.(A) fulfillment (B) compound (C) exaggeration (D) limitation

2. Grace's ______ personality makes her a perfect candidate for the position of public relations manager.(A) arrogant (B) pessimistic (C) conceited (D) outgoing

3. Ryan is really ______. Before he makes any decision, he has to consult his astrology books.(A) superstitious (B) contemporary (C) superficial (D) cooperative

4. Due to the economic recession, the owner of the supermarket ______ announced yesterday that he was going out of business next month.(A) alternatively (B) officially (C) purposely (D) regularly

5. If you follow the ______ step by step, you can make a tasty apple pie.(A) garment (B) cuisine (C) recipe (D) lining

6. Doctors are still working on a way to ______ a pig's heart into a human being.(A) transgress (B) transform (C) transport (D) transplant

7. Elaine ______ trendy teen outfits from Japan for her sister's clothing boutique.(A) initiates (B) imitates (C) inserts (D) imports

8. If you ______ upon my privacy by coming in my room one more time, I'm going to tell Dad you skipped class yesterday.(A) proceed (B) intrude (C) embark (D) rotate

9. Please get ______ and just tell me how you feel. I don't have all day.(A) on the go (B) at a run (C) to the point (D) on the spot

10. Arrested in Turkey, the terrorist has now been ______ to the US authorities.(A) cast away (B) handed over (C) passed down (D) blown up

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B)

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11/7 News in Focus 講解曲目 6朗讀曲目 31新聞集錦

Australia (AP) A dramatic videotape of "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin's last moments shows him pulling from his chest the poisonous stingray barb that killed him, officials said Tuesday, as tributes poured in for the beloved naturalist famed for getting dangerously close to deadly beasts.

Police said there were no suspicious circumstances in the death of Irwin, who was stabbed in the chest on Monday while snorkeling with a stingray while filming a television program on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and no evidence he provoked the animal.

1. dramatic [ drJ`mAtIk ] a. 戲劇般的

2. chest [ tSEst ] n. 胸部

3. poisonous [ `pOIzJnJs ] a. 有毒的

4. stingray [ `stIG"re ] n. 魟 5. barb [ barb ] n.(動物的)倒刺

6. beloved [ bI`lVvd ] a. 受喜愛的

7. naturalist [ `nAtSJrJlIst ] n.(在野外研究動植物的)博物學家

8. snorkel [ `snOrkL ] vi. 用水下呼吸管浮潛

1. tribute [ `trIbyut ] n. 敬意,尊崇

pay tribute to...  表達對……的敬意

例: The concert was held to pay tribute to the late pop star.


2. pour in  蜂湧而至

例: Donations poured in to help the people of the small village after the mudslide.


3. be famed for...  因……而聞名

例: The restaurant we went to is famed for its chocolate fondue.


4. suspicious [ sJ`spISJs ] a. 懷疑的

be suspicious of...  懷疑……

例: The security guard was suspicious of the man wandering around in front of the bank.


5. stab [ stAb ] vt. 刺,戳

stab sb in the back  暗箭傷人

例: Ian really stabbed me in the back when he told everybody my secret.


6. provoke [ prJ`vok ] vt. 激怒,使腦火

例: The crowd provoked the soldiers and soon a small riot broke out.











Steve Irwin's Death Caught on Videotape

Australia’s “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin holds a pure bred Sumatran tiger cub at Mogo Zoo, south of Sydney in April 27, 2004.

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11/9 Guided Composition 引導式作文講解曲目 8朗讀曲目 33


提 示:

  面對失敗時,你是否有激勵自己的座右銘呢?請以 "My Motto" 為題,寫一篇文長至少120個單詞的文章,描述你的座右銘是什麼,並闡述它如何幫助你度過生活中的困境。

1. 引導句:偶爾我們會因無法達到目標而受挫;面對挫折與失敗時,人們需要座右銘來激勵自己。

a. From time to time, we may feel frustrated when we fail to achieve our goals.b. When we are frustrated with the failures in life, what we need is a motto to

cheer us up.

2. 主題句:我的座右銘是『熟能生巧』。

The motto that I live by is, "Practice makes perfect."

3. 發展句:說明這句座右銘如何幫助自己。

a. I believe that there is no shame in failing, so I make sure not to give up easily but try and practice more.

b. With this motto in mind, when I have to solve a complicated math problem or to take on a new job, I'm not afraid of failing.

4. 結論句:唯有不放棄,才能在不停的練習過程中學習,終至成功。

Only if we keep on trying and learn in the process can we succeed in the end.

範 文:

Once in a while, we may feel frustrated when we fail to achieve the goals in our lives. Some people may lose their self-confidence and want to escape from reality. In my opinion, no one is perfect and capable of doing everything they want. When we face difficulties, what we need are words of strength or a motto to lift ourselves up.

One of my favorite mottos is, "Practice makes perfect." This motto helps me to a great extent whether I'm trying to solve a complicated math problem or undertaking a new job. I believe that there is no shame in failing. You'll never know when you'll succeed unless you keep trying. In the process of practicing, we learn and ultimately become successful. The most important thing is that we have to have faith in ourselves and remember not to give up easily.


根據題目 "My Motto",可知本篇是記敘文,因此可列舉過去的經驗,描述自己在面對挫折時,是哪


My Motto

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11/10 Reading Comprehension Test 講解曲目 9朗讀曲目 34閱讀測驗

by Julia Koprak

s a young woman growing up in Wisconsin, Georgia O'Keeffe always had a passion for drawing and

painting. After graduating from high school in 1905, she went on to attend art school and was quickly recognized as a talented painter by her instructors and peers. Despite her talent, O'Keeffe became frustrated with the limits of still life painting. Realizing she could never make herself distinct in this traditional system, she abandoned the art world in 1908.

A colleague who introduced her to oriental art and gave her some new ideas brought her back into the art world several years later. She began sketching again and created a series of charcoal drawings. These drawings caught the attention of New York photographer and gallery owner,

AHer timeless pieces of art captured the world as she saw it, allowing viewers to see the world through her eyes.

Georgia O'Keeffe喬琪亞.歐姬芙


Alfred Stieglitz. He was so taken with O'Keeffe's work that he convinced the young artist to relocate to New York, where he began promoting her.

Soon enough, the pair were married, and worked well as an artistic team. O'Keeffe was influenced by her husband's photography, especially the idea of using a lens to zoom in on an object. Her fascination with magnifying objects led O'Keeffe to produce her well-known flower paintings. O'Keeffe noted, "One rarely takes the time to really see a flower." She wanted her viewers to see this beauty the same way she did, and thus created vibrant and provocative paintings that explored her natural surroundings.

After Stieglitz's death in 1946, O'Keeffe moved to the beautiful rolling landscapes of New Mexico. In this peaceful land she found inspiration, and continued drawing, painting, and sculpting until she passed away at the age of 98.

Georgia O’Keeffe, “Pinons with Cedar”

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11/13-14 In-Depth Reading

11/14Believing in werewolves may sound humorous to modern man, but a recent study revealed

that 80 percent of Russian farmers surveyed believed in the existence of werewolves. As a result of this belief, the farmers have a negative opinion about wolves in general.

Though Europeans often considered wolves evil, wolves were also said to have magical powers. Pharmacies used powdered wolf liver to help ease a woman's birth pains. Women of one Native American tribe believed similarly. They rubbed their bellies with the wolf's skin to achieve the same effect. With a throat infection, one would tie a wolf's right paw around one's neck for a speedy recovery.

Wolves are members of the canine family and share many traits with household dogs. Their lifespan and litter size, for example, are very much the same. Wolf packs work together to take care of the young and hunt for food. They're nocturnal and only kill to survive. Wolves prey on weak members of large nomadic herds of deer, moose, caribou, elk, and bison. In this way, they help their prey survive by reducing their numbers. This means more food for surviving members of the herd.

Stories like Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs have made wolves the opposite of man's best friend. But if we were to come across one in the wild, the wolf would be more scared of us than we would be of it.

1. What is one of the factors that can infl uence the existence of a werewolf?(A) If it is exposed to the moon for too long.(B) Shooting it with a silver bullet.(C) Driving a wooden stake through its heart.(D) Putting on clothing made from a wolf’s skin.

2. Which answer is closest in meaning to "submit to" in the second paragraph on the previous page?(A) Follow up. (B) Suffer from.(C) Give in to. (D) Reach out for.

3. According to the article, which of the following is FALSE about wolves?(A) During full moons, they are inclined to howl at it.(B) They are closely related to canines.(C) People used to believe that they had healing powers.(D) They are a necessary part of the food chain.

4. For the most part, wolves are ______.(A) vicious animals that have killed thousands of babies(B) one of the greatest problems faced by Russian

farmers(C) part of the rituals used today by Native Americans(D) pack animals that live and cooperate with one another

to survive

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4820 Princess Palace

8527 Mindstorms

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11/15 Blank Filling Cloze 講解曲目 13朗讀曲目 38文意選填

Building the World One at a Time

magination is a fire. In some it burns brighter than in _(1)_. In children, it is a bonfire that is strong enough to ignite the world. This imagination can grow and _(2)_ in the right environment and with the right tools. One of

the best tools to fuel the imagination is LEGO bricks.

These brightly-colored plastic bricks have been a staple in playrooms for decades and in 2006, _(3)_ of disappearing. In 1932, Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen began making wooden

(A) refl ect (B) enthralled (C) enriches (D) stood the test (E) others

(F) show no signs (G) imaginative (H) sensation (I) fl ourish (J) came up with

Iby Jerri Graham

toys. Taking the first two letters of the Danish words Leg Godt, which means "play well," Christiansen _(4)_ LEGO. From day one, the philosophy behind this company has been that "good play" _(5)_ a child's life and subsequently his or her adulthood. In 1958, with the launching of the interlocking bricks, LEGO caused a _(6)_ that would greatly change the world of play.

The LEGO Group is the sixth-largest manufacturer of toys. Acclaimed as the "Toy of the Century" by Fortune Magazine and the British Association of Toy Retailers, LEGO bricks have _(7)_ of time.

Unlike video games and other new-fashioned toys, LEGO puts the power of creativity into the hands of the children playing with them. In the small hands of an _(8)_ child, LEGO bricks can become anything the mind can conjure up. Specifically designed kits for basketball fans, Star Wars buffs, and those _(9)_ by fairytale princesses provide a bit of guidance for those that prefer their LEGO bricks with a theme.

LEGO bricks have changed and developed over the years to _(10)_ the world we live in. The plastic, packaging, and kits have evolved, but the principle of "good play" helping shape the mind has remained the same.


本文圖片由 LEGO Taiwan Branch 提供


These little pieces of plastic may not feel good when you step on one, but for millions of children, they are the building blocks of creativity.


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Shall We Dance?

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11/16 Composition Based on Pictures 講解曲目 14朗讀曲目 39看圖作文



  請根據以下三張連環圖畫的內容,以 "Our graduation dance was held last Friday." 開頭,寫一篇約120


A. 第一幅圖中,主角正和他心儀的女孩 Emma 跳著舞,想必他一定十分緊張。本篇文章宜以記敘文的


B. 第二張圖中,可以看到主角可能由於舞藝不精或太過緊張而將 Emma 甩了出去。此處為故事發展的


C. 第三張圖中,Emma 被摔在地上,悲慘地看著主角,而主角一副『完蛋了』的表情,想必故事的結局


► 本刊編輯擬寫下列中文,請諸位讀者試翻成英文:







1. 畢業舞會:graduation dance

2. 應當……:be supposed to V例: Jack is supposed to be the leader of the

team, but he doesn't make decisions very well.



3. 結果變成……:turn out to V 例: Our wedding turned out to be a total

disaster from start to finish.(我們的婚禮結果從頭到尾都是場災難。)

4. 惡夢:nightmare [ `nZIt:mEr ] n.

5. 鼓起勇氣做……:get up the courage to V例: Ed finally got up the courage to ask the

teacher if he could use the restroom.(艾德終於鼓起勇氣問老師是否可以去上廁所。)

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11/18 Translation 翻譯講解曲目 16朗讀曲目 41


1. 第一題可譯為:

Nothing can compare to taking a hot spring bath on a chilly winter's day.攻略:

a. Nothing can compare to N/V-ing  沒有事情比得上……

例: Nothing can compare to a bowl of shaved ice on a hot summer's day.(沒有什麼比得上在夏天來一碗刨冰更棒的了。)

b. take a hot spring bath  泡溫泉,泡湯

take a bath  洗澡(盆浴)

take a shower  洗澡(淋浴)

例: Ted likes to have a cup of hot tea after taking a shower.(泰德喜歡在淋浴後喝杯熱茶。)

c. chilly [ `tSIlI ] a. 冷颼颼的

2. 第二題可譯為:

However, you can never be too careful while bathing in a hot spring.攻略:

a. can never be too + adj.  再……也不為過

= can never be + adj. + enough例: You can never be too cautious when choosing a friend to confide in.(你選擇朋友吐露心事時再怎麼謹慎也不為過。)

b. bathe in...  浸泡在……

例: Vicky likes to bathe in a bubble bath after a long day at work.(在一整天漫長的工作後,薇琪喜歡洗個泡泡浴。)

3. 第三題可譯為:

Should you feel dizzy or if your heart starts beating abnormally, get out of the hot spring right away.

A 題組

1. 沒有什麼比在寒冷的冬天裡泡溫泉更享受的事情了。

2. 然而,泡溫泉時再怎麼小心都不為過。

3. 萬一你覺得頭昏,或你的心跳不正常的話,就立刻離開溫泉。

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11/20 Grammar Guide 講解曲目 17解析文法

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18. 下列動詞亦與 of 並用,但是與上述不同的是,of 之後要以表『東西』的名詞作受詞,而非以表『對象』的名詞作受詞。

a. rob  搶奪

例: He robbed my money. (╳)→ He robbed me of my money. (○)(他搶了我的錢。)

My money was robbed. (╳)→ I was robbed of my money. (○)(我的錢被搶了。)

b. deprive  剝奪(權利)

例: The court deprived the criminal's civil rights. (╳)

→ The court deprived the criminal of his civil rights. (○)


The criminal's civil rights were deprived/stripped. (╳)

→ The criminal was deprived/stripped of his civil rights. (○)


c. relieve  解除(職務、指揮權等)

例: The captain relieved the platoon leader of his command.


d. rid  解除,擺脫

例: Linda can't rid herself of the painful memories.

= Linda can't get rid of the painful memories.


注意: rid 三態同形。rid myself of 中的 rid 是動詞,

表『使脫離』;而 get rid of 中的 rid 是過去分詞,作形容詞用,表『脫離的』,get 相當於 be,但 get rid of(擺脫)表『動作』,而 be rid of(已擺脫)則表『狀態』。

比較:I'll get rid of those chores.


I'm glad to be rid of those chores.(我很高興擺脫了那些雜務。)

e. break  戒除

例: You should break yourself of the bad habit of smoking.

= You should rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking.

= You should break the bad habit of smoking.


f. cure  醫治

例: The doctor cured him of his disease.= The doctor cured his disease.(醫生治好了他的病。)

19. 表『提供』的動詞


offer、provide、supply、furnish、present 等。除 offer 外,其餘要與介詞 with 並用。

例: He offered me all I needed.= He provided me with all I needed.= He supplied me with all I needed.= He furnished me with all I needed.(他提供我所有需要的東西。)

但: He provided/supplied/furnished me all I needed. (╳)

注意:a. He offered me all I needed.= He offered all I needed to me.

He provided me with all I needed.= He provided all I needed for me.

b. offer 除了表『提供』外,亦可表『願意、主動提議』,此時接不定詞片語作受詞,句型如下:

offer to V  願意……

= be willing to V例: After he heard of my situation, he

offered to help me.(聽說我的情形後,他主動提議要幫助我。)

c. present(贈與)的用法與 provide 相似,不同的是:將間接受詞置於句尾時,要與介詞 to 並用。

例: He presented me with a watch.= He presented a watch to me.(他送我一支錶。)

第一章 句子的形成

第二節 動詞的種類及其用法(續)


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11/21 News Spotlight 新聞英語講解曲目 18朗讀曲目 42

11 Charged in British Airline Bomb PlotONDON (AP) Police found martyrdom videos and bomb-making components during the investigation of the alleged plot to blow up US-bound jetliners, prosecutors said Monday in announcing 11 people had been charged with terrorism offenses.

Officials confirmed for the first time that the plot involved the manufacture of explosives, which were to be used to assemble and detonate bombs inside as many as 10 airliners. US officials previously had said the plot appeared to involve mixing liquid-based chemicals to make explosives aboard the aircraft.

The briefing by police and prosecutors lasted less than eight minutes, but provided more information than had been released in the 11 days since the alleged plot was first disclosed and air travel out of Britain and around the world was thrown into turmoil.

They said investigators had found bomb-making materials — including hydrogen peroxide and electrical components — and seized more than 400 computers and 200 cell phones in nearly 70 searches.

More than 8,000 items used for data storage, such as compact discs, DVDs, and memory sticks, were reported found. Maps of Afghanistan, suicide notes from willing terrorists, and books on explosives also were seized, officials said.

In all, eight people were charged with conspiracy to commit murder and preparing acts of terrorism. One person, a 17-year-old, was charged with possession of articles that could be used to prepare a terrorist act and two people were charged with failing to disclose information that could help prevent a terrorist act.

1. What did investigators uncover?(A) The plot to overthrow the government of Afghanistan.(B) Attempts on the lives of more than 8,000 airline passengers.(C) A plan to create bombs and blow up passenger airliners.(D) A weapon that could have lead to a war between two nations.

2. What were the primary targets?(A) Military personnel in the UK.(B) Pilots on board several major carriers.(C) Airplanes headed to the States.(D) UN troops stationed in Afghanistan.

3. What was the end result of the plot?(A) It was foiled, people were arrested, and air travel was

disrupted.(B) Several airlines canceled their fl ights, the terrorists won, and

many died.(C) The planes landed safely, only eight people were injured, and

17 arrests were made.(D) The airlines canceled all fl ights for a total of eleven days and a

DVD of the day was made.


(A) The plot to overthrow the government of Afghanistan.(B) Attempts on the lives of more than 8,000 airline passengers.(C) A plan to create bombs and blow up passenger airliners.(D) A weapon that could have lead to a war between two nations.

(B) Pilots on board several major carriers.

in Afghanistan.

, people were arrested, and air travel was

(B) Several airlines canceled their fl ights, the terrorists won, and

(C) The planes landed safely, only eight people were injured, and

Page 12: 11/1 朗讀曲目 Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent! · 引導句:偶爾我們會因無法達到目標而受挫;面對挫折與失敗時,人們需要座右銘來激勵自己。

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11/22 Sentence Cloze 講解曲目 19朗讀曲目 43篇章結構

Seeing Double

ooking in the mirror, you see your reflection. Each morning staring back at you are the same nose, mouth, and eyes that you've had your entire life. _(1)_ Visualize staring across the dinner table and you see a person chewing on a

piece of bread that looks exactly like you. This is not science fiction or the future of cloning, but the wonderful world of twins.

Most people have a sibling or two. The physical similarities can be striking, but with certain types of twins, these likenesses are incredible. Identical twins share 100 percent of the same DNA, which means that they are physically the same in almost all respects. _(2)_

Besides sharing the same looks, some twins even have a language of their own. Young twins often communicate with one another in a made-up language. There are even cases where twins keep this language throughout their lives. _(3)_ In addition to speaking a language all their own, twins are also said to have the ability to feel one another's emotions and physical sensations. In studies, researchers have conducted experiments where they have separated twins. In one room, one of the twins may have received an electric shock unbeknownst to his/her sibling. _(4)_

Oftentimes twins, especially those that are identical, want to be considered separate from the other. Dressing in a different style may help, but this only scratches the surface. _(5)_ With the aid of a plastic surgeon, some twins achieve a level of being different that a new shirt could never provide.

(A) Meanwhile in another room, the other twin reacts to this pain.(B) On the other hand, fraternal twins may look somewhat alike or be complete opposite.(C) Some become so desperate to forge their own identity that they seek out the help of

professionals.(D) Can you imagine what it would be like not to have to look in the mirror to see a refl ection of

yourself?(E) No matter how old they become, they will continue to communicate with one another in this tongue.

LHaving a brother or sister can be great. Having a brother or sister born on the same date might be even greater. Or is it?


by Jerri Graham

Page 13: 11/1 朗讀曲目 Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent! · 引導句:偶爾我們會因無法達到目標而受挫;面對挫折與失敗時,人們需要座右銘來激勵自己。

www.ivy.com.tw 69

11/23 Improved Student’s Essay 學生作文講解曲目 20朗讀曲目 44


What I would like to change about myself is my cerebration. I'm the kind of people that have high expectation toward my performance, and demand that everything has to be the most perfect. As a result of my pressuring thoughts, I become so tense that I couldn't hardly study. Beside, I could never relax and have fun because I was always worrying about my score.

I have to stop giving myself tall orders. I'll try to make sense into myself that it's all right to make mistakes. Failure is not ashamed or the end of the world. As long as I believe that if I work hard, I'm doomed to do well and get good grades. Then, I'll be able to feel loose and handle my schoolwork more easily, and therefore have fun in my spare time.


1. What I would like to change about myself is my cerebration. (╳) → What (= The thing which) I would like to change about myself is my way of thinking. (○)



a. cerebration [ "sErJ`breSJn ] n.(大腦)思維

b. 原句中的 cerebration 指的是『大腦的思維』,用在此處雖然意思上無誤,但是過於艱澀,並不適合整篇的調性,故改用 my way of thinking 即可。

one's way of thinking  某人的想法

2. I'm the kind of people that have high expectation toward my performance, and demand that everything has to be the most perfect. (╳)

→ I'm the kind of person that has high expectations of my performance and demands that everything (I do) be perfect. (○)



a. 此處的主詞 I 為單數,故應將其後的補語 people 改為單數的 person 方正確;同理,that 子句中的動詞 have 和 demand 也應改成 has 及 demands。

b. expectation [ "EkspEk`teSJn ] n. 期待,期望(常用複數)

live up to one's expectations  符合某人的期望

注意: expectation 為可數名詞,一般用複數形,且表『對』某事物的期望,介詞應用 of,故修改如上。

例: Don't work yourself to the bone because you'll never live up to his expectations.(不管你怎麼做都無法符合他的期望,所以別把自己搞到筋疲力盡。)

c. demand 為一意志動詞,其後接 that 子句時,動詞要用原形動詞,故將 has to be 改為 be。 demand + that + S + (should) + V   要求∕請求……

例: I demand that you show me what you're hiding in your hand.(我要你將藏在手裡的東西給我看。)

d. perfect(完美的)本身就有最高級的涵義,不可再用比較級或最高級,故將 the most 刪除。

The Thing I Would Like to Change about Myself


Page 14: 11/1 朗讀曲目 Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent! · 引導句:偶爾我們會因無法達到目標而受挫;面對挫折與失敗時,人們需要座右銘來激勵自己。

Opening graphic for Mad Labs.

www.ivy.com.tw 73

11/24 Reading Comprehension Test 閱讀測驗講解曲目 21朗讀曲目 45

Mad Labs

ish fart. Germs can make you fat. You can light a fire with an old Coke can and a bar of chocolate.

Random bits of information are always fun to know, but when these facts are backed up with science, they have much more validity. To learn the basis for these oddities of science, tune in to one of the most interesting, strange, and irreverent series in the world—Mad Labs on the

National Geographic Channel. This series explores the everyday science of our lives through some of the most mind-blowing experiments known to man.

Mad Labs is a bit crazy, and the experiments, inventions, and findings in nature featured on the show are rather off-the-wall. In episode one, meet a special breed of goat that doesn't run away when it is scared—it faints instead. Viewers can also discover what it would be like to soar above the masses on a magic carpet. A flying rug has yet to be invented, but a personal helicopter can give passengers the same sensation.

In the second episode of Mad Labs, meet a scientist who adores his pet chicken. He loves him so much that he's figured out a way to send him a hug over the Internet. If you long to hug a human instead of a feathered friend, the way you smell may play a role in this quest. The right deodorant or lack of it may help get you noticed.

Few people in the world enjoy washing dishes. For the rest of us, a handy invention that makes dishes on demand may be the invention we have been waiting for. In episode three of Mad Labs, this neat machine that may mean the end of dishpan hands will be unveiled. Oh, and have you ever wondered if your eyes might pop out if you sneeze too hard? Find out if they will in episode five.

Nearly a dozen fun-filled episodes from the Mad Labs of National Geographic Channel are just waiting for the enjoyment of viewers.

National Geographic Channel will showcase some of the wildest and craziest stories from science this month. Tune in and see the mad labs of NGC come to life.


by Jerri Graham


11/24 Reading Comprehension Test

Mad LabsNational Geographic Channel will showcase some of the wildest and craziest stories from science this month. Tune in and see the mad labs of NGC come to life.


Page 15: 11/1 朗讀曲目 Happy Birthday, You Little Rodent! · 引導句:偶爾我們會因無法達到目標而受挫;面對挫折與失敗時,人們需要座右銘來激勵自己。

84 www.ivy.com.tw

11/29 English Through Songs 講解曲目 25朗讀曲目 49歌曲園地














1. soaking [ `sokIG ] a. 溼透的 & adv. 溼透地(修飾形容詞 wet) get soaking wet  全身溼透

a soaking downpour  傾盆大雨

soak [ sok ] vt. 浸,泡

例: The jacket was soaked with blood.(那件夾克沾滿了鮮血。)

2. torture [ `tOrtSK ] vt. 使痛苦,折磨 & n. 折磨

例: He was tortured with anxiety.(他因焦慮不安而飽受折磨。)

3. stare at...  注視……

例: Don't stare at me like that.(別那樣子盯著我看。)

4. in sorrow  悲傷地

例: Sara is in sorrow over the death of her beloved pet rabbit.


5. somehow [ `sVm:hZU ] adv. 不知如何,未知何故;設法

例: He is nice, but somehow I don't like him.


例: I must get it finished somehow.(我必須想辦法完成這件事。)

a. 溼透的 & adv. 溼透地(修飾形容詞 wet) get soaking wet  全身溼透

a soaking downpour  傾盆大雨

soak [ 例

(Walking in the rain...)

Just walking in the rain, getting soaking wet, torturing my heart by trying to forget. Just walking in the rain, so alone and blue, all because my heart still remembers you.

(Chorus) People come to their windows. They always stare at me, shaking their heads in sorrow, saying, "Who can that fool be?"

Just walking in the rain, thinking how we met, and knowing things could change, somehow I can't forget.

(Repeat chorus)

Just walking in the rain, thinking how we met, and knowing things have changed, somehow I can't forget.

(Walking in the rain...)

Just Walking in the Rain