11 chinchilla rat macrophage

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  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage


    Re Biol Trop 34 ( 1 : 8388 986

    Rat macrophage activity against Toxoplasma gondistudied by electron microscopy

    Miael incila Potilla and O M . GuereoCento d Invtin Dinto en Prtolog (CIDPA) Deptmento de Pritoog Fcutd de Mco-o Unvidd d ot R

    (Reeed: June 1 8 1 985 )

    Aa An electom mcoscope model ws used to study the effet of t peitone mcophges onTplasma gnd ID tchyzoites wee inyected ip. n 30 dysId t. Afte 1 , 2 4 8 nd 24 hpetone exudte ws wthdwn nd nfected phgocytc cells wee peped fo eectoc mcoscopetudie Tplasma ognisms nside of t mcophge showed emkble lesOns such s cuo!zonnd ognm wee toty yed nide 0 mcophge of moe thn 8 h nfection ts. he esuts ont molecul lee , the mpotnce of t mcophge n the ntul dpttOn of ths odent to gnd


    Expemental animals Thityday Spague-owley at and 30 dayWia mice wee uedin hee expeimen. Al the anima wee keptin cage at 21 1C and ed ad libim

    Parasies The RH ain o Toxoplasmagondii with known caacteic wa ued toinec te expeimena anima

    Pat o he exudate wa paed me

    hough a No 27 gauge needle to eeae ina-celula paate (lyed yed o not Iyedexudae wee aned with mehylene bluepepaed a i i done o the ye Te (Sabin-Feldman 1948 The numbe o tained andnontained paaite wee counted and pecen-age o both wee deemined. NonIyedexudate a ued to detect and obe e thoe

  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage


    inec te expeimena anima exudate wa ued to detect and obee thoe


    Small vacoles were observed in the releasedparasites as early as 1 h after infection. Thesevacoles increased in size in the organisms

    obtained from peritoneal exdate of rats withmore infection time ntil the organisms appeared totally Iysed

    Eect cscyTacyzoites fond in macrophages of 3 day

    ifected mice showed the normal cytological

    aspects previosly described (Scholtyseck,1973) Organisms nlded in the parasitophoros vacoles presented a reglarly densecytoplasm withot any mportant lesion orateration Nles (N) and cytoplasmicmembrane (cm) as well as rhoptries and conoiddid no present any anormality either (Fig

    and 3)Organisms obseved inside of rat macrophages

    aer h infection presented soe alterations(Fig. 4, 5 ad ).

    nitial parasite degeneration was observed ina tachyzoite inside of the phagocytic vacole(pv), since small vacoles (arrows) were fondin the cytoplasm (Fig 4)

    Vacolzation was more evident in soeachyzoites (arrows) observed n other macrophages (Fig. 5) and not only cytoplasm lesionsbt aso celllar membrane destrction waslearly shown in soe organisms (Fig ).


    Stdes carried ot in vitro showed that the

    nmber of Toxopsma tachyzoites inside of ratperitoneal macrophages was ower after 4 hrsinfecton as compared wih the orgaisms fondn macrophages from ssceptible animal s (hinchla t al , 19 8 1 b 1 98) However we do notknow whether the low nmber of parasitesis de to g or jst de to mltipli

    caon fre. The reslts obtaned heexperments repored he re indicated hatdestrction of parasites is probably the principalmechanism for the extraordinary resistan ce ofthe whte rat. n fact a progressive lysis of Toxoplasma tachyzoites was seen inside of ratmacrophages. Vacolation started as early as

    1 h after ifection (Figs 1 , 5, ), which indicates that the ezymatic effect begins as soon asthe parasite invades the macrophage and conldes in a vey short period of time. Thesedings correlate with previos work whereToxoplasma was not seen in the rat peritonealexdate after 1 day ifection (hinchilla t al ,

    1 98 1 a)The effect seems to be ver strong sce aer8 h there is important membrane destrctionbesides the vacole formation (Figs. 1 3 , 14 , )and in the methylene ble test it was verydifclt to nd any intact organisms (Fig 1)

    Since soe of the vacoles were fond

  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage


    CHINCHILLA et a Rt mcophge nd ooplm 8



    , 0o"



    o- l z

    T I M E (O ' n . )as

    Fig. 1. of Tooplasma inide of a peitonealmacophage

  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage



    Figs 7, 8 9, 10. Macrophges from 2 h infeced ras with soe tachyzoies inside showing citopasmic lesions

  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage


    CHINCHILLA et al R phage nd xpl 87


    S o n stdo al mrosoo ltrn

    o dl fto d los marfagos d la rata bla sobr l Tooplasma gondii. Ratas blanas dn ms fron noldos on 1 0 taqotos y dss d 1 2 4 8 y 24 oras s ls xtrjo l xddo riotonl l l f rodo ra l stdo a mrosoo ltrnod las llas fagotas nftads.

    Los toxolasmas obsrvados dntro d losmrfgos d ratas mostraron lsons myvdnts tals omo forman d vaolas ydstrn d l mmbrana llr . Est ftof amntndo onform asab l tmo dnfn y ya dss d 8 oras todos los organsmos staban lsados.

    Estos rsltados onrman nvl mollr l mortn d los mrfagos n l adatan natral d la rata blan al T gondii

    So animals r rssn o Tooplasmainfon. rsistn of rts for xamls bn stdid by svral tors (Srfrns n Cnll t al. 1 9 8 1a. W av

    sown rmarkb ntral adton by tsanmals sn ty r abl o rsst 1 0 Ls o -Tooplasma wtot ny symomat manfstion ong fators ndng ts kndof rsstn w fond tt g s vrymortan sin 1 o 5 dyold ras wr lssrssan tn 1 0 1 5 or 30 dyold animals

  • 7/30/2019 11 Chinchilla Rat Macrophage




    Tis iesgio ws sppoe p eVierreor e esigi " of eiers of Cos Ri Proeo No 27173) e Cosejo Nio e esi- Cie eo CNC)Te ors k H. Meo for orreige srip for e sggesiosr ppreio o e Ceer of EeroiMirosop of e iersi of Cos Ri o Ew Veio Fio Co Z for e ei sppor

    REFERENCESChichi M, M Ao & O M Gueeo 1 98 1a

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