10 things students should never do on social media

Should Never Do on Social Media

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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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Page 1: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media


10 Things Students Should Never Do on

Social Media

Page 2: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

Before you start your job search, you should do a full of ALL your social networking records.

Before you imagine that nobody is truly looking or that nobody can see your profiles, stop and think: organizations have incredible IT individuals on their staff that may be better than you at viewing your profiles.

Simply in light of the fact that you are not associated with a spotter or future executive doesn't imply that somebody at that organization or somebody they know socially isn't.

Page 3: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

Post Illegal Activities: -

Students should never post illegal photos and status on their social media which can hurt to anyone.

Recently IIT Madras University was banned due to one student who posted some illegal tweet on PM Narendra Modi on Twitter.

Even if your profile is set to private, a friend can always download and save incriminating photos that he or the authorities can use against you in the future.

Page 4: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today.

When a student turns to social media, blogs or virtually any online space as a forum for hurtful speech, the risks are unmeasurable.

Not only does that student face expulsion, but also serious criminal prosecution.

Check your school's policy on bullying. One California high school's student handbook reads, "Harassment on the basis of any protected characteristic is strictly prohibited.

Bullying: -

Page 5: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

Bullying doesn't just apply to student-to-student interactions.

Students who speak poorly of their teachers run a huge risk, too.

After all, your instructors have a right to privacy and respect.

"Posting a negative comment about any teacher at your school is like getting on a microphone to announce that you will be burning down a bridge," says Heather Starr Fiedler, associate professor of multimedia at Point Park University.

Trash Your Teachers: -

Page 6: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

So you all know that if you’re looking for a job, you shouldn't use a half-naked selfie as your profile picture, but it’s the "grey" area that I'm talking about. 

Don't post pictures of yourself flashing "gang symbols." 

Never post Inappropriate Pictures:-

Page 7: 10 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media

Posting While Upset:-

We’ve all made mistakes and said and done things we later regret.

It’s human nature to react emotionally and without thinking through the consequences.

Posting an angry message may feel cathartic, but will it be worth the damage it causes?  

Take a moment to breathe, and think through the consequences before posting anything.

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Ignoring School Policies:-

School policies vary widely, according to religious affiliation, type of school, gender, location, etc.

Behavior or posted opinions that maybe accepted at one school could be grounds for expulsion at another.  

While many types of content posted to social media are protected by free speech, your school could find a way to use such opinions toward disciplinary action.

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Posting Specific Location Check-Ins and Confidential Information:- It is never smart to share date of birth, social

security numbers, and other private information online. 

The user should also not be too specific with online check-ins.  

Posts like these make it easy for predators to locate the person. 

 It is especially unwise to check in on social media when a students is alone and/or in a remote location.

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Threatening Others:-

Threatening a person or group of people in any situation is considered serious.

Even posting an anonymous, empty threat to an obscure online forum full of strangers will raise red flags.

And as soon as authorities have been notified of a threat, they are supposed to take it serious and have the right to investigate — and they often do.

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Depending on Privacy Settings:-

Although most major social networks are continually working to make privacy improvements, the changes can get complicated or be too frequent to keep up with. 

The best rule to go by is if you don’t want something to be seen, don’t post it on the Internet.

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Lying and/or Cheating:-

Imagine:  A student has convinced an instructor to allow an extension on an assignment based on a bogus reason.

The real reason the student blew off the assignment is to attend a concert and then posts their status and photos to Facebook.  

The student shouldn’t be surprised when the instructor finds out they lied.

The same goes for lying about professional/academic achievements when applying to a job, college or an internship.  

More than ever companies are using numerous tools to verify and investigate.  

Just as they can use social media to investigate charges of plagiarism or cheating.

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