10 reasons why people’s approval shouldn’t matter

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  • 8/11/2019 10 Reasons Why Peoples Approval Shouldnt Matter


    10 Reasons Why Peoples Approval

    Shouldnt MatterSeptember 25 byTova PayneinCommuniation! "#$ Shares

    If you want to live a life that is inspiring, fun, adventurous and meaningful, its going to entail

    letting go of your need for approval from others.

    Here are 10 reasons why others approval shouldnt matter to your life:

    1% &ts 'ot Their (i)eIts as simple as that. This isyour life to live. At the end of the day you are the only person

    who needs to approve of your choices. esides, its nottheir life. They have their own things

    to focus on and worry a!out. "ou can even remind them to mind their own !usiness and

    concentrate on their own life, while you focus on yours.

    2% They *ont +no, Whats -est .or /ou#o!ody will ever !e as invested in your life as you. $nly you %now what is !est for you, and

    that entails learning from your own choices. The only way you will ever truly learn is through

    ma%ing your own decisions, ta%ing full responsi!ility for them, and that way if you do fail, at

    least you can learn from it wholeheartedly, as opposed to !lame&shifting it onto some!ody

    else. If you want to live a meaningful and fulfilled life, you have to own your choices and

    learn from them. This will !uild your character and help you grow.

    #% Whats Riht .or Someone lse May -e Completely

    Wron .or /ou

    Its important to recogni'e that someones opinion is often !ased on what theywould do. This

    alone is the pro!lem. (hat is !est for some!ody else, can !e the worst thing for you. (hat

    one person considers gar!age can !e another persons treasure. (e are all so uni)ue, thus,

    only you %now what is right for you.

    % -e &ndependent 3) The 4ood 3pinions o) 3thers

    *piritual teacher +eepa% hopra writes:

    -If youre really spiritual, then you should !e totally independent of the good and the !ad

    opinions of the worldyou should have faith in yourself./

    This is one of the wisest teachings I %now. "ou see, often the people who give you theiropinions and even commands2 love you and have your !est interest at heart. They are telling

    you what they !elieve is !est for you. They have good intentions and thus their opinion is

    essentially good, since they are telling you what they !elieve is right. However, even if their

    opinions are coming from a good place, you still need to !e independent of them. Inside all of

    us is a deep intuitive %nowing that gives us solid information on what is !est for us. (hen you

    listen to that deep %nowing, you will feel a sense of 3oy, e4pansion, and deep peace even if

    the choice is a little scary and out of your comfort 'one2. The wise teacher is inside of you. At

    the end of the day, you must choose what is right for you5even when others well&intended

    opinions differ from your own.

  • 8/11/2019 10 Reasons Why Peoples Approval Shouldnt Matter


    5% /oure The 3ne Stu With The nd ResultIn life, you are the one stuc% with the conse)uences of your decisions. 6or e4ample, if

    someone suggests you !uy some stoc%s, !ut you 3ust dont feel li%e its the right choice, you

    are the only one who will live the conse)uences. If the stoc% falls and you lose a lot of money,

    you are the one that will have to live with the fact that you didnt follow your inner call. (henpeople give you their suggestions or even orders, there is no ris% for them. They dont have to

    live with your choices5!ut you do.

    6% /our &nner 4uidane Matters

    (hen you listen to the call from within5your deep desires, yearnings, and dreams5you end

    up living a fulfilling life. As 7oseph amp!ell famously teaches: follow your blissas this

    always ta%es you to the place you are supposed to !e. And onlyyou%now what that inner call

    is. It is !etter to live a fulfilling life that you can approve of than living a life for some!ody


    "% Trust /our Ability To Mae *eisionsIts common to want and see% the approval of others, however this can leave us in a terri!le

    position where we lose trust in ourselves. The more you see% approval of others, the less

    confidence you will have in your a!ility to ma%e your own decisions. 8a%ing decisions !y

    yourself is a%in to wor%ing a muscle. The more you ma%e your own decisions, the easier it

    !ecomes, and the stronger you !ecome inside leading to greater confidence in your choices.

    onversely, every time you give your power away, and rely on others to ma%e decisions for

    you, you wea%en the muscle of confidence and decision ma%ing. *tart strengthening your

    decision muscles today !y relying on yourself to ma%e your own decisions.

    7% (ive With &nterity(hen you live life !y your terms and with your approval you are living an authentic life.Alternatively, when you live searching for others approval, you end up living a lie since it is

    not the life you truly desire. 9iving with integrity means acting in alignment with what you

    feel is right. (hen you live !y others standards you are not living a true life, nor is this a life

    of integrity.

    $% 3thers *ont Care As Muh As /ou Thin

    If you find yourself worried a!out what others thin% of you, chances are they are not thin%ing

    a!out you as much as you !elieve. (e all have comple4 lives to attend to, and whatever

    approval you are see%ing from another, chances are they dont care as much as you worry

    a!out. Therefore, the !est thing you can do for yourself is ta%e the energy you put into

    worrying over others approval, and transform that energy into evaluating what you truly

    approve of. 8a%e sure you approve of what you do5thats what matters

    10% The 8ard Truth9 &ts &mpossible To Please verybody

    The fact is some people 3ust wont li%e you, and some people will never approve of what you

    do. *o you might as well get on with what you feel is right. (hether its regarding what you

    are wearing, a !usiness decision, or career decision, not everyone you %now5from family to

    clients and co&wor%ers5will approve of what you choose. Its 3ust the hard truth. ut thats

    part of the saving grace in all of this. *imply %nowing this gives us the freedom to act

    honestly in our lives. At the very least, youll !e a!le to sleep at night with peace, %nowingthat you approve of and are pleased with your choices.

  • 8/11/2019 10 Reasons Why Peoples Approval Shouldnt Matter
