1 the bear facts...1 september 2018 the bear facts pfa news a publication of the jessie beck parent...

September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff). If you haven’t already joined this year, you can enroll online at www.jessiebeckpfa.com or use the paper forms at the front office. Principal’s Pen …………………….................2 Library News………………………………..…3 Box Top News…………………...……………..3 Counselors Comments.…………………...…..4 Technology Tips…………………….…..…......5 Scarecrow……………………………………….6 Dear Jessie Beck Families, On behalf of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association (PFA), welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We’ve already gotten off to a terrific start with a delightful Ice Cream Social one balmy evening in August -- many thanks to committee chair Jamie Barrett, her volunteers, and all of the families who brought goodies and who came to join in the festivities! We’ve also completed our first two fundraisers: the Charleston gift wrap drive and Jog-a-thon. Thank you, chairs Lanny Hershenow and Malena Raymond, respectively! The kids had a ball running laps to earn those sponsor dollars and we’ll have beautifully wrapped gifts. For those of you wondering what the Beck PFA does, officially our mission is to “enhance and enrich the educational experience” of our students. In practice, that means we supplement the school’s budget by providing funds for classroom technology; computer instruction; the library, music, and physical education programs; science, playground and sporting equipment; and we supply, staff, and coordinate the volunteer art program. In addition, each year the PFA usually takes on a special project (or three or four). In 2016-17, this included the purchase of five new laptops/iPads for each classroom; in 2017-18, color laser printers for each classroom wing; a shed for P.E. equipment; a new kiln to replace its well-used, 15-year old predecessor; and two portable computer carts each equipped with 30 laptops. The PFA also organizes many wonderful social, educational, and beneficial activities, including the Hearts & Spades school garden, Walking School Bus, Go Green Club, the Strolling Art Show, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the Thanksgiving Basket Drive; and events such as the Science Fair/STEAM Night, and the always fabulous Fund the Arts Auction. This year, Jessie Beck’s 60 th anniversary will be celebrated at the 37 th Annual Sensational Scarecrow Contest on Thursday September 27 th , so mark your calendars! None of this would be possible without the very generous support of everyone in our Jessie Beck community who volunteers their time and expertise, donates funds and services, and enthusiastically participates in the activities. Our Jessie Beck families are fantastic! You demonstrate every year how much you care about the environment in which our children learn and grow. See you at Scarecrow! Best, Nancy Inouye and Jill Barlow, PFA Co-Presidents

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Page 1: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)


September 2018

The Bear Facts

PFA News

A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association

Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff). If you haven’t already joined this year, you can enroll online at www.jessiebeckpfa.com or use the paper forms at the front office.

Principal’s Pen …………………….................2 Library News………………………………..…3 Box Top News…………………...……………..3 Counselors Comments.…………………...…..4 Technology Tips…………………….…..…......5 Scarecrow……………………………………….6

Dear Jessie Beck Families, On behalf of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association (PFA), welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We’ve already gotten off to a terrific start with a delightful Ice Cream Social one balmy evening in August -- many thanks to committee chair Jamie Barrett, her volunteers, and all of the families who brought goodies and who came to join in the festivities! We’ve also completed our first two fundraisers: the Charleston gift wrap drive and Jog-a-thon. Thank you, chairs Lanny Hershenow and Malena Raymond, respectively! The kids had a ball running laps to earn those sponsor dollars and we’ll have beautifully wrapped gifts. For those of you wondering what the Beck PFA does, officially our mission is to “enhance and enrich the educational experience” of our students. In practice, that means we supplement the school’s budget by providing funds for classroom technology; computer instruction; the library, music, and physical education programs; science, playground and sporting equipment; and we supply, staff, and coordinate the volunteer art program. In addition, each year the PFA usually takes on a special project (or three or four). In 2016-17, this included the purchase of five new laptops/iPads for each classroom; in 2017-18, color laser printers for each classroom wing; a shed for P.E. equipment; a new kiln to replace its well-used, 15-year old predecessor; and two portable computer carts each equipped with 30 laptops. The PFA also organizes many wonderful social, educational, and beneficial activities, including the Hearts & Spades school garden, Walking School Bus, Go Green Club, the Strolling Art Show, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the Thanksgiving Basket Drive; and events such as the Science Fair/STEAM Night, and the always fabulous Fund the Arts Auction. This year, Jessie Beck’s 60th anniversary will be celebrated at the 37th Annual Sensational Scarecrow Contest on Thursday September 27th, so mark your calendars! None of this would be possible without the very generous support of everyone in our Jessie Beck community who volunteers their time and expertise, donates funds and services, and enthusiastically participates in the activities. Our Jessie Beck families are fantastic! You demonstrate every year how much you care about the environment in which our children learn and grow. See you at Scarecrow! Best, Nancy Inouye and Jill Barlow, PFA Co-Presidents

Page 2: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)





Integer metus.

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Principal’s Pen Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year! We have had a wonderful opening and are already into full swing with so many activities! Thank you to our entire parent community for supporting our Charleston Gift Wrap Fundraiser and our Annual Jog-A-Thon! Our Back-to-School Night and welcome back Ice Cream Social were both great successes and I look so forward to our upcoming 60th Anniversary and Sensational Scarecrow Contest that is scheduled for Thursday, September 27th from 3:00-6:00 p.m. I would like to welcome our new Staff Members: Ms. Cristy Fernandez in our Dual Language 4th/5th grade, Mrs. Angel Fischer, our new Librarian, Mrs. Leslie Boucher as our K-3 Interventionist, Ms. Mandy Eagan as our 4-6 Interventionist, and Mrs. Eva Vasconcelos as our PE Teacher. We are very fortunate to have these ladies on board with us at Jessie Beck! This year, our District Fundamental Focus will continue to be Climate and Engagement. In order to strengthen our already very strong supports and systems at Jessie Beck, we will continue to improve our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Support Systems) school wide. One way that we will be strengthening this, is by continuing to recognize students for being Respectful, Responsible and Kind in our morning announcements. We have also started our Self-Managers in 6th grade. Self-Managers must have ten straight days of behavior that exemplifies our Jessie Beck behavioral expectations. Students must also write a paragraph that shares the ways that they are Respectful, Responsible and Kind. They then receive a Self-Manager badge. As a Self-Manager they are afforded privileges that they all look forward to! I am very proud of our Self-Mangers. 5th and 4th Grade will soon be able to apply as well. Academically we will continue to strive for excellence in our Tier 1 instruction, while supporting all students to reach their full academic and behavioral potential by providing Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions as needed. Soon, our Nevada Performance Star Classification Rating will be released. I look forward to working with our Site Leadership Team to develop our School Performance Plan very soon. We will be looking closely at our academic data, as well as, our Parent, Staff and Student survey data to develop our annual goals. Finally, I would also like to say thank you to our PFA, for their continued support of all of our students at Jessie Beck! Through the amazing fundraising efforts of our entire school community organized by our PFA, we are able to give back to all of our students! We truly appreciate all that you do! We hope you all have a wonderful year at Jessie Beck! Ms. Lane Please Welcome in our 2018-2019 Jessie Beck PFA Board Members! Co-Presidents: Nancy Inouye and Jill Barlow Co-Vice Presidents: Colby Ballingham and Ro Lazzarone Past President: Liz High Treasurer: Lindsay Anderson Assistant Treasurer: Rachel Donahue Secretary: Anna Thornley Faculty/staff members: Principal Erin Lane, Marilyn Harper, Diana York, Dr. Ryan Brock Member Extraordinaire: Lanny Hershenow

Page 3: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)




SCARECROW CONTEST NEWS The 37th Annual Sensational Scarecrow Contest is fast approaching. It will be held on Thursday, September27, 2018 from 3-6 pm. Tickets will be sold in front of the school on Monday, the 24th and Tuesday, the 25th at 3:00 pm. This is a family and community event open to the public Jessie Beck is also celebrating its 60th Birthday. Former principals, teachers and students are invited SCARECROWS This is the time you start planning your scarecrow. Build it alone, with friends, or what about a family-built scarecrow? Entry forms are due September 21st VOLUNTEERS! VOLUNTEERS! Many volunteers are needed for the Scarecrow Contest. Volunteers are needed for ticket selling, carnival games, food, set-up, clean-up to name a few. Please e-mail you teacher(s) to sign up. PUMPKIN COOKIE BAKERS, DECORATORS & BAKE SHOP Cookie bakers, decorators and bakeshop volunteers are needed. Sign-up sheets are in the library where you can pick up your recipe and cookie cutter. If you would like to decorate cookies, the dates are Monday, Sept. 24th at 9 am and 6 pm and Tuesday, the 25th at 9am, if needed. Please contact Lanny Hershenow [email protected] for more information. PIES NEEDED Pies are needed for the Bake Shop. We need 6 pies from each classroom. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet outside your child’s classroom. Please no REFRIGERATOR PIES. Pies may be brought to school on Thursday, September 27th. Thank you for supporting Jessie Beck and have fun at the Scarecrow Contest! The Scarecrow Committee

Page 4: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)





LIBRARY NEWS    Meet your new Librarian! Hello! I am Mrs. Fischer, your new librarian! I am so excited to be here at Jessie Beck this year! I was first a reading teacher and last year I worked in the library at Wooster High School. I have a passion and a heart for children’s literature and storytelling, so it only seemed natural I come to an elementary school! I love fairytales, and books that transport children into a world of imagination and wonder! I have so many ideas for fun ways to get students involved in the library so please, stop in once a month (or more if you wish!) to see what’s going on! The theme this month in the library is “Books make your Dreams Soar!” so you will find hot air balloons and even the BFG’s (Book by Roald Dahl) shelves of dreams! I look forward to creating a comfortable and relaxing space for students to enjoy their time reading. Thank you! Angel Fischer Librarian-Jessie Beck Elementary School School: 775-689-2520

BOX TOP NEWS Welcome Back Jessie Beck Families, We are pleased to announce that Jessie Beck raised over $1,000 for the 2017-2018 school year by clipping over 10,000 Box Tops! We appreciate all of the classrooms for motivating students to bring them in. A huge shout out goes to the following classes for turning in 100 or more box tops each quarter : Ms. Condon's 1st grade class Ms. Haygood's 2nd grade class Ms. Champagne's 3rd grade class Ms. Keller's 6th grade class The following classrooms were the top Box Top winners for the 2017-2018 school year: Ms. Haygood's 2nd grade class- 691 Ms. Espinosa's 5th grade class- 784 Ms. Keller's 6th grade class- 784 This year, there will be three collections on October 22nd, February 22nd, and May 22nd. Each class who brings in at least 100 Box Tops each collection will earn 5 Class Bear Paws. The classes who earn 100 or more Box Tops for all three collections will earn a popsicle party at the end of the year and the highest class Box Top collector in K-3 and 4-6 will earn an end of the year celebration. Again, thanks to all of the families, teachers, and staff for continued support. Our goal this year is to raise $1200 for the 2018-2019 school year. So, start clipping and bringing in those Box Tops! Thank You, Andrea Bertrand and Jenn Dahlen


Thanks to all of you who support “Jessie Beck Night” at El Adobe Restaurant (55 W. Arroyo Street) and the Natalia Berumen Scholarship Fund. Natalia was a Jessie Beck student who passed away in August of 2013. In her memory, her family donates 25% of their restaurant’s proceeds from the first Tuesday of each month to the scholarship fund. All high school seniors who are Jessie Beck graduates may apply.

Page 5: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)




Counselor’s Comments Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year! You have heard about WCSD’s new attendance policy, which aims to reduce the rate of chronic absenteeism in the district. Chronic absenteeism, which is defined as students attending less than 90% of school time, impacts not only student learning but also Beck’s star rating. The new policy indicates that make-up work must be completed within the number of school days a student is absent, plus one day. Once the make-up work is completed and turned in, the absence will no longer count toward chronic absenteeism or retention/failure. This year at Beck we have seen students, teachers, and parents working together to make up work missed during absences. Let’s keep it up! You may have also heard of a new program in WCSD called SafeVoice. SafeVoice is a platform for reporting threats to student safety. Anyone can report via telephone, mobile app, or the website. Students and parents should continue to let school staff know of any concerns, however, SafeVoice is a good option for after school hours or anonymous reporting. Please take care and let me know if you need anything. Robyn Davis, Counselor Jessie Beck Elementary School [email protected]

Page 6: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)






Jessie Beck Elementary School will be celebrating its 60th Birthday on Thursday, September 27th, 2018 from 3-6 pm. It will coincide with The Sensational Scarecrow Contest. We invite all current families, staff members, and the public. A special invite goes out to all Jessie Beck Alumni, former principals, teachers and students--please fill out our information form on the Scarecrow Contest page and tell us what you've been doing since Jessie Beck!

1900 Sharon Way, Reno, NV 89509 Phone: 689-2520 Fax: 689-2598


Absence Line: 689-2520

Principal: Erin Lane email: [email protected]

TECHNOLOGY TIPS We are off to a GREAT year in Technology! This year we continue to use a program called DreamBox that we are utilizing in both the Classroom and the Computer Lab. One of the best features of this program is the ability to use it at home. To Access DreamBox Using A Laptop/Desktop/MAC:

• Visit our Washoe County homepage www.washoeschools.net

• Click on the Students and Parents Link • Under the section “D” click on the link for

DreamBox • Students will enter their username as

Washoe\StudentID Number • Students will enter their password that they

have chosen previously

To Access DreamBox Using An iPAD/Tablet: * Because Washoe County uses Single Sign-On to access DreamBox you will need to launch the DreamBox apps from the Dreambox link on the WCSD Website in the Safari web browser the same way you access DreamBox from a computer.

• Visit our Washoe County homepage www.washoeschools.net

• Click on the Students and Parents Link • Under the section “D” click on the link

for DreamBox • Students will enter their username as

Washoe\StudentID Number • Students will enter their password that

they have chosen previously

If you have any additional questions about accessing DreamBox please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you! -Nicole Norwich  

Dates to Remember September 13th…………………...Picture Day September 27th …………………….Scarecrow October 1st-October 6th…………....Fall Break

Page 7: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)




Jessie Beck PFA Newsletter Pricing Sheet 2018-2019

Our mission is to enhance and enrich the educational

experience of our students. We accomplish this through the generous help and support of our parents, teachers, staff, and our community.

We issue a printed and electronic version of a

newsletter 7 to 8 times during the school year. This newsletter reaches over 300 households and families

whose children attend Jessie Beck Elementary School.

Make checks payable to: Jessie Beck PFA 1900

Sharon Way Reno, NV 89509

Federal Tax ID


Full page - $200 1/2 page - $100 1/4 page - $50

Business card size - $25

Prices are per newsletter 10% discount for school

year commitment

Page 8: 1 The Bear Facts...1 September 2018 The Bear Facts PFA News A publication of the Jessie Beck Parent Faculty Association Reminder: PFA membership is annual ($10/families; $7/staff)