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Advance Effective Practical Motivation and Positive Thinking Training Skills December 2011 Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and Skill Phone: 077 55 76 76 E-mail: [email protected]

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This PowerPoint will help you to: -Cite the factors affecting the Behavior of your Working colleagues; -Describe the role of the leader in Creating Motivations for the working Staff; and Members -Apply the Techniques of Enriching Work to Give work motivation for the Staff.


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Advance Effective Practical Motivation and Positive Thinking Training SkillsDecember 2011Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] to motivation, Positive Thinking And DefinitionPresented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] ObjectiveCite the factors affecting the Behavior of your Working colleagues;

Describe the role of the leader in Creating Motivations for the working Staff; and Members

Apply the Techniques of Enriching Work to Give work motivation for the Staff.

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] is Motivation?

Motivation =Motive + ActionPresented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] do you see?

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] do you see?

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] is a Conscious or Unconscious Mind to Stimulating Or Directing Actions to Reach an Expected Objective.

To create Motivation for A person You to Make a person want to do this, Not the obliged to do.- Longman English Dictionary

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] Motivation is an Inner strange to Stimulate or it is the mythic that Lead The people Taking action without any fear To Reach Their Vision and objective.

Motivation is the process that account for an Individuals intensity, direction and persistence of efforts toward attaining the goal - Ghandhi Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] Motivation is a passion for the Idea, an inner Sense Of drive, or the sense of commitment, It is the Strength that lets leader move their Vision forward Despite all the obstacles, Despite all the people saying it Cant be done, Its too costly, we tried that before, or a Dozen other excuse. - Hong Da

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] is the Superficial Power of the Minds state that Encouraging People to Realize their Inner Potential and Talent and Using It with Confident And trust to achieve The Objective. - Henry Ford

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] a motivatorTo motivate your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for doing what you want them to do.Human beings do things because we want to.People do good work for the pay, or the prestige, or the recognition.

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] MotivatorThey do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get paid.They work really hard because they want to impress someone.Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] your teamIt is not enough that people are motivated to succeed at work.

They have to work together as a team to accomplish the group's objective.

After all, if we just want them to all "do their own thing we dont need you as the manager to mold them in to a team. Do we?Being a leader not a managerYou have built the best team from the best employeeavailable. You motivated them to peak performance. What ismissing?Motivating a team is worthless unless you provide direction;unless you turn that motivation toward a goal and lead theteam to it. Being a leader not a managerIt is the ability to lead others that truly sets a manager apart from their peers. Remember that leaders are found at all levels of the organization, so be one.

The Four Dimensions of EI? EI1. Self-Awareness4. Relationship Management2. Social-Awareness3. Self-Management5. Positive Impact on Organization

Self awareness?

Each of us experiences life through our body, ourmind, our heart and our spirit.

Take 10 minutes to make some notes and draw anintroduction of yourself.

Think to yourself, Who am I today as a leader?

Think in terms of mind, body, relationships, spirit,and heart.

Social awareness

Empathy: Sensing others emotions, understanding their perspective, and taking active interest in their concerns.

Organizational Awareness: Reading the currents,decision networks, and politics at the organizational level.

Service: Recognizing and meeting follower, clientor customer needs.X-Theory? Human beings do not like working and will avoid doing it if possible. Must give compensation if you want them To work and apply punishment if they do Not work.

They like being controlled , and directed to Avoid Responsibility, nurture little Expectation and often wish to Have settled life.

19Y-Theory?Human beings like to work in appropriate working Condition Want to be self-directed, self-controlled rather Than being controlledThey will devote to the objective if being self- Satisfied in work

20Y-Theory?They will accept and be responsible in work in Appropriate working condition

Skill and incentive are individuals hidden resource but Are not explored rightly.

Values, Attitude and Behavior Values = those that are most Important to an individual

Attitude = the evaluation to Something Objective from the individual

Behavior = a concrete action To reflect An attitude Controlled by value

22Abraham Maslow s hierarchy of needs theory PhysiologicalNeedsSecurityNeedsSocialNeedsEsteemNeedsSelf -ActualizationNeedsPresented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] Cycle?Reduce Drive




Need24 Result? Increase Productivities and ProductionAwarding Work Effect


Encouragement25Tools of MotivationMoney Motivation, Salary, Bonus, Incentives.. Reward or Present, Mottos, Cars, Fans..

Scholarship and Training, Workshop, Seminar, Conference, Inside and out side, or abroad.

Team Capacity Building.. Staff Retreat or Camping..

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] of MotivationFair Judgment to All Staff and Provide Equal Opportunity to All Staff Members...

Gender Responsive or Gender Equality In Staff Management.

Promotion or Upgrade Position

Party and Dancing

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] Thinking?Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] to Positive thinkingPresented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be happy all the time? Do you wonder why others seen to be unhappy? Why do some people seem to have one problem after another? Is life easier for some people than for others? No, life is not different for different people. It seems different only because we see it differently. A problem is a problem only if we see it as one.

We can go through life looking for and finding all the bad that comes our way. We can give it all our attention.

We can think about it and worry about it. Or we can do the opposite.

We can look for and find all the good that comes our way. We can think about what is good in our lives.

We can keep our attention on that. Which way of looking at the world do you think will make us happiest?

We have a choice of what we think. We have a choice of how we think. We can use that choice to improve our lives. We can learn to think positively. Positive thinking does not mean that you ignore a problem. It does not mean saying that nothing is wrong when something is wrong.

It means finding the good that is always present along with the bad. It means choosing to keep your thoughts on that. Positive thinking is a way of looking at the world that helps us feel better. It helps us move away from hurt faster.

It helps us solve problems faster. Any event in our lives can be seen in either a positive or negative way.

Choosing to see things positively is a good choice to make. Positive thinking is a good habit.

Learning ObjectiveThis text will introduce you to positive thinking. You will see how it works. You will lean how to use it in your life.You will start by learning why it is important to think about thinking. You will learn how your brain works to make thoughts into memories.

You will learn how attitudes are formed.

Learning ObjectiveYou will learn why a thought is more than just a thought. You will learn how your beliefs shape your actions and change your life.

You will learn how the things that you say to yourself affect your attitude. You will learn how to take charge of this self-talk to create positive attitudes.Learning ObjectiveYou will learn how to use this knowledge to change the attitudes that are causing you problems.

You will learn how to create new attitudes that help and make you feel better.

You will discover how you can picture yourself successful. You will learn how your imagination works to create positive or negative attitudes.

Learning ObjectiveYou will learn how to use your imagination to create attitudes of success and good feelings about yourself.

You will see that positive thinking can offer you a richer life. It can make you happier, more sure of yourself, and more satisfied. It all begins when you take charge and begin to think positively.

Begin Now by Discovering Positive Thinking

You are about to learn the most important secret ever told. Every person who is successful knows this secret. The secret is simple. It is not hard to learn. It is not hard to do. All you need to do to change your life is to change the way you think. That is the secret. You can change your life anytime you want-just by changing your mind.Are you happy with your life? Would you like to change the way others see you? Would you like to change the way you see yourself?

Thinking Creates Your Self-image

Your self-image is your picture of yourself. It is the way you see yourself. In your mind you have a picture of who you are.

That picture is made up of all the thoughts and feelings you have ever had about yourself.

Thinking Creates Your Self-image

Some time you saw yourself as smart, good, kind, or helpful. But at other times you may have seen yourself in other ways. Have you ever thought of yourself as dumb? Have you ever felt unwanted? Have you ever felt unlovable?

That happens to everyone. Your self-image is made up of all these thoughts. If you think good things about yourself most of the time, you will feel good about yourself. If you think bad thing about yourself most of time, you will feel bad.

Thinking Creates Your Self-image

the way you see yourself affects how others see you. If you see yourself as dumb, ugly, unlovable, other people will too.

And If you see yourself as smart, kind, and lovable, you will act smart, kind, and lovable. And other people will see you that way too.

You choose your thoughtsHow you think affects how you feel. It affects how you see yourself and how others see you. Choosing how you will think is the most important choice you can make. And you do choose how you think.Some people believe that others make them think or feel a certain way. They may say, Susie hurt my feelings. She made me feel bad. Or, John made me angry. But that is not really true. Other people do thing s and you react to what they do in certain ways.

You choose your thoughtsIf you are feeling very good, what Susie says may not hurt you. But if you are not feeling good about yourself, you tend to see and hear things as bad. Your mood affects your thoughts just as your thoughts affect your mood. But you can choose to be in a good mood. You can decide not to think about bad things.

You can make yourself push unhappy thoughts out of your head. You start by deciding that you want to do so.

You choose your thoughtsYou see, only you have control of your thoughts. Only you! No one else can make you think or feel anything.

You decide which thoughts to hang on to your mind. And you alone can stop them from hurting you..

First lets look at how those thoughts got into your memory. Then you will see why you alone control how you think and how you feel.

Thinking About ThinkingYou can develop the habit of positive thinking.

Have you ever Stopped to wonder how and why you think? Probably not.

Most people dont think about thinking.

They just do it. But you should think about how your thoughts get into your mind.

Thinking About ThinkingThinking about the process of thinking can help you understand it.

Then you can better use your thinking process.

You can better control your mind.

You can use more of your mind.

Presented by Mr. Hor Hen Executive Director of Bas-Brain Activation and SkillPhone: 077 55 76 76E-mail: [email protected] About ThinkingMost of us dont make full use of our mind. Some scientists say that we use only about one fifth of our brain.

Much of our minds work takes place without our knowledge. Until recently science did not know much about how the mind works.

But more and more makes it possible for us to use more of our mind if we choose to.

Thinking About ThinkingWe now know that people who are creative people who invent things, who create art, or who just have a lot of ideas think in a special way.

We also know that people who are generally happy and upbeat think in are pessimists.

Pessimists are generally unhappy and negative.

Thinking About ThinkingWe now know that these different thinking processes can be learned.

Let us look for a moment at some of the things that scientists have learned about the mind and how it works.

Lets explore the territory of your mind so that you can begin to understand it better.

Making MemoriesA memory is information that is stored in your mind. Memories are held in your mind to be available for later use.

Memories help you sort out new information.

Imagine what it would be like if you had no memories. Each time a new sight, sound, or piece of information came your way it would have to be figured out anew. Making MemoriesYour mind would spend all its time and energy figuring out that That shape is a desk, That sound is a dog barking.

Your mind would have no time or energy to create new ideas. It would have no old ideas to work from.

Making MemoriesYour mind uses memories to compare the old with the new. It looks for patterns and relationships between old and new information.

How is this in formation like something you already know? How is it different? Then your mind files the new information, as a memory, into other files that have similar information. In this way your mind sets up idea networks that help you figure things out.

Attitudes, Old and NewIdea networks help you compare information. That saves you time and energy and helps you form new ideas.

Similar ideas come together to form groups of like ideas. These groups include both old and new ideas that fit a certain pattern.

Together they form what we call attitudes.

Attitudes, Old and NewWhen you were young you created the basic patterns and attitudes that color your world today.

Most of us have in our minds some old patterns that are no longer useful to us. Yet our minds still use these old networks. These old attitudes still rule our lives.

Not only that, some of these old attitudes can hurt us instead of help us.

Attitudes, Old and NewOur attitudes make us feel the way we feel. If we hold old attitudes of failure we will feel like failures today.

With each mistake, our idea networks bring up stores memories of past failures.

We not only suffer todays failure, but failures of the past as well.

How Positive Thinking WorksHappiness comes from looking at things in the best possible ways. Does it really matter what kinds of thoughts are in your mind?

Think back for a moment about the happiest day you can remember. Really think about it for a moment.

Picture that day in your mind. How do you feel? Good? Probably so. How Positive Thinking WorksIf you were now to think about the saddest day of your life, how do you think you might feel? Do you like to feel bad? Most people dont.

Most people like to feel good. But often people dont realize that they are making themselves feel bad by the thoughts they choose to let into their minds. Yes, you do choose the thoughts that you think. You choose them by choosing which of the thousands of thoughts going through your mind that you hold onto.

How Positive Thinking WorksBy paying attention to certain thoughts over other ones, you choose how you think and you feel.

Some people always seem happier than others. But they are not always the people who are Luckiest.

Many people are not rich. They may have some very big problems. Yet they are still happy because they choose to be happy.

How Positive Thinking WorksHappiness comes from choosing to think things that make you feel good instead of things that make you feel bad. Happiness comes from looking at things in the best possible way. There is an old saying that a glass can be either half empty or half full. If you think about that for a moment you will understand what it means. Some people would say, This glass is half empty.

How Positive Thinking Works They might wish for more. They might feel cheated. They would be thinking about what is missing.

Other people would say, This glass is half full. Their attention would be on the fullness, not the emptiness.

They would be thinking about what they have, not what they are missing.

How Positive Thinking WorksWho do you think would be happier with the half glass? From this example you might begin to realize that most things are not in themselves good or bad, happy or sad. They just are.

We make them good, bad, happy, or sad by our attitudes about them. And our attitudes are colored by all the old thinking patterns that we have grown up with.

You Get What You ExpectHaving a positive attitude, one that sees the glass as half full, is very helpful. Your attitudes have a big effect on your life.

Attitudes create beliefs, the things that you accept as true.Your beliefs head you to expect that certain things will happen.

It has been proved over and over in science and in history that you get what you expect.

You Get What You ExpectThe Scientists who study the mind say that a persons success is due mainly to attitude.

They believe that attitude makes up 80 to 85 percent of the reason for success. If you expect to be successful, you will be. If you expect to be happy, you will be.

When you expect and believe that something will happen, it usually does. Why should expecting something make it happen?

More Than Just A Thought

Your thoughts are real. They are something. They do something in the world.

Scientists do not understand all about how thoughts are partly electrical energy.

Electrical thought energy can be measured as brain waves on a graph. Electrical energy also works in other parts of the body.

More Than Just A Thought

Electrical energy makes the heart beat. It fuels the brain and the nervous system.

Electricity thought energy, is like the magnetic ability of our thoughts that somehow draws like thoughts into our mind. So a thought begins to create action.

Thoughts start things moving. Everything that exists today, everything you see around you, began as a thought. So, you see, a thought is not only something. It is everything.

The 51 Percent Solutions

Because thoughts are magnetic, when you think positive thoughts you draw more positive thoughts to you.

When you think negative thoughts you draw more negative thoughts to you.

Do you want to have a mind full of negative, unhappy thoughts? Probably not.

You get what you expect, and you expect what you think to be true.

The 51 Percent Solutions

Decide to set in your mind a pattern of positive expectation. Begin by thinking about the 51 percent solution.

The 51 percent solution simply means that if you make an effort to keep your mind at least 51 percent positive, you will slowly but surely move in a positive direction.

Your attitude will be more positive than negative way.

The 51 Percent Solutions

What if you decided to keep your thoughts 60 percent positive. 70 percent or more?

You can see that the more effort you put into holding positive rather than negative thoughts in your mind, the better your life will be.

That is because your thoughts create the attitudes that create your expectations. And you get what you expect.

The 51 Percent Solutions

Why not try the 51 percent solution? You have nothing to lose. You have much to gain. Begin today to create new attitudes that will give you the kind of life you want.

Who is your best friend? Who cares the most about what happens to you? Who cares most if you are happy? Who cares most of you have problems? Who sticks with you every day, every minute, no matter what? Yourself!

The 51 Percent Solutions

You are, or should be, your own best friend.

No one else, even your parents, has more interest in what happens to you.

No one knows you better. No one can better make choices for you.

Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend.

Trusting Yourself

One way to be your own best friend is to trust yourself.

Learn to trust and respect the friendship of your inner self. Your inner self is your wisest self. It is part of your subconscious mind.

Not only that, your inner self connects you not your values, your beliefs and ideals.

Trusting Yourself

Your inner self is in touch with all that you hold to be good, worthy, and true. It always leads in that direction. You can trust the ideas you get from your inner self. You can trust your intuition to lead you in the right direction.

The more you pay attention to the advice of your inner self, the more good advice you will receive.

Trusting Yourself

To hear the still, small voice of your inner self, you must listen for it.

But you do not listen with your ears. You listen with your heart.

How do you listen with your heart? Paying attention to your feelings is one way.

Trusting Yourself

Listening with your heart means that you go into your own mind, your own feeling, for answers.

You do not look for someone else to solve your problems for you.

Taking time to think and reflect on a question or problem is another way.


Another way to be your own best friend is to create a positive of your future. A positive vision has helped many people survive the hardest times of their lives.

Do you know how a great many prisoners of war survived their ordeal? They refused to focus on the bad parts of their situation.


Instead, they kept in their minds a vision of what they wanted life to be. The way you think is a habit. Positive thinking is a good habit. Negative thinking is a bad habit. Butt all habits can be changed.

Once you change your focus to the positive you are on the right track. You are headed on the right direction.


Begin to think a bout what you want to do in your life. Think about what you have to offer. Make a list of your positive traits. Make a list of your talents. Think about ways you can use your positive traits and talent to help yourself and others.

Use the vision of what you can be to become all that you can be. Hold that image in your mind. Let it be the pattern for your actions.

How Desire Affects Your ActionsHow much do you really want what you want in life? How hard are you willing to work for the energy that you will put to getting what you want.

Desire jumpstarts your ideas. It puts them into action. Desire is what you feed your thoughts.

Thoughts and ideas fed with true desire soon grow strong and take on a life of their own.

How Desire Affects Your ActionsDesire is important when using positive thinking. Desire keeps your attention on your goal.

The magnetic power of your attention then draws other helpful ideas into your mind.

Intention works in the same way. When you intend to do something, you hold in your mind the thought of what you are about to do.

How Desire Affects Your ActionsUse the power of attention and intention to male positive thinking work for you. Intend to have positive things happen in your life.

Keep your attention on the things that are positive. Do not ignore problems; simply pay less attention to their bad pats. Look, instead, for the lesson you can learn. Look for the useful information you can get.

Then focus on those and solve the problem with a positive, instead o a negative, attitude.

Have a Nice Day

How often do we say to one another, Have a nice day? How often do we really have nice days? You can have more nice days by just putting your mind to it. Here are some suggestions for things you might do to have a nice day:

Do something nice for yourself by yourself. Dont wait for someone else to make your fun for you. You are your own best friend. Take a quiet walk or ride your bike to a place that is special to you. Notice that it can be nice to be with just yourself.

Have a Nice Day

Do something nice for someone else. Make it a point to be nice to everyone you meet. Do something nice that you would not normally do. Speak to a shy person. Help a teacher. Being nice makes you feel nice.

Do something that needs doing. Do a chore. Finish your homework before you go to meet friends. Self-discipline puts you in control of yourself. And that helps you helps feel more in control of your life.

Have a Nice Day

Each day think about the good things that have happened to you. Also think back on the days problems and try to see them as opportunities.

What did you learn today? What new ideas did you come up with? What new paths opened up to you? What valuable lessons did you learn?

Every day is a good day when you are your own best friend. Be kind to the person you need the most-yourself.

Have a Nice Day

Remember, you may not be able to control the things that are going on in your life. But you can control your attitude about them. And that is the most important thing of all.All day long thoughts are going through your head. All day long, you talk to yourself as you think. What are you saying to yourself all day?

Have a Nice DayAre you saying things like, I know I can do this. I know things will work out right. Or do you say things like, I knew Id mess up. I never do anything right.

The kinds of things you say to yourself all day are very important. They help create your attitudes, your expectations, and your actions.

The things that you say to yourself over and over sink deep into your mind. They become a big part of your idea network.

Have a Nice DayScientists know that repetition of thoughts is one very good way of form new attitudes.

What kinds of new attitudes are you forming each day? What attitudes are you repeating over and over in your mind?

Take charge of your thoughts. Take charge of the messages you say to yourself.

Have a Nice DayDont automatically think or say whatever pops indo your mind.

You may have error messages in your mind. Your mind may be full of negative thoughts, put-downs, or unhappy feelings.

But you dont have to say those kinds of things to yourself. You can decide to change the negative messages to positive ones that are helpful to you.

Listen to Yourself

That is the key. You can change the habit of negative thinking to positive thinking.

You begin by becoming aware of when you are saying negative things to yourself.

Start by keeping track to how many times during the day you say such things.

Listen to Yourself

Become aware of the habit that you have. You can than place a check mark on the card each time you put yourself down or talk negatively to yourself.

When you have done this for a few days, you may be surprised at how many marks you have on your card.

Most of us were taught not to brag about ourselves. We often find it easier to put ourselves down than to say good things.

Listen to Yourself

But that attitude does us no good. In fact, it makes us feel less capable than we really are. It causes us to be less successful than we can be.

Successful people learn to turn this kind of thinking around. They reprogram their mental messages to be more helpful messages.

You can do that, too. Once you are aware of the negative things that you say to yourself, you can change them.

Listen to Yourself

Whenever you start to say something bad about yourself, STOP. Dont do it.

Say to yourself. No, Im not going to do that. It does not help me.

You might say something like, Yes, I did make a mistake. But I am human Mistakes are bound to happen.

Listen to Yourself

I know now how to avoid this mistake taught me something useful. Or you might say, I know that if I keep trying I will succeed. Each time I am getting closer to my goal.

Positive statements like those work to reprogram your mind with positive attitudes.

In time, they will program over and erase the old attitudes.

Listen to Yourself

Use positive statements to prepare for a win.

Prepare yourself to win. Only you can reprogram your attitudes. Only you think in your mind all day and watch what you say to yourself.

Make your inner messages work for you, not against you.

Dont WorryBy now, you probably can see that worry is not a good thing.

Worrying is repeating over and over in your mind the things that you dont want to have happen.

Worrying over things that you cannot change does not help. It hurts.

It is not easy to stop worrying. But it can be done. Here is a good worry-reducing plan.

Dont WorrySet aside a special time of day to be your worry time. Any other time during the day you are not to worry.

If you start to worry say to yourself, No, I cant do that now.

This is not my worry time. Then make yourself think about something else.

It may not be easy to stop worrying about a lost love or other big problem.

Dont WorryBut you can do it if you want to. Place all your attention on something else.

Then when it is your worry time, spend about twenty minutes worrying. Worry hard. Think of nothing else. Do not take your mind off your worry.

After twenty minutes see how you feel. See what good effects came about because of your worrying.

Dont WorryDid your problem get solved? Did anything good come from your worrying?

You may discover that your worry time is waste of time. You can then decide to cut it down.

You may even decide to stop it altogether. You may find that spending the twenty minutes thinking about positive possibilities will do you better.

Talk yourself into it

Positive statements repeated over and over to yourself can help you reprogram negative attitudes.

There is a special way that you can make your positive statements work better to get into the habit of thinking positively.

Your mind accepts messages better when they are short, positive, and simply stated.

Talk yourself into it

Talk yourself into positive thinking by using positive statements to replace negative ones.

Keep your message short.

Put your message in positive, not negative, language (I am or I will vs. I am not or I will not).

Keep your message as simple as possible.

Talk yourself into it

The more you say positive things to yourself about yourself, the more you will believe that they are true.

Try saying these positive thing several times a day:

I am in charge of my thinking. I am a valuable person.

Every day I am feeling better about myself. I trust myself.

Talk yourself into it

Every day my life is more positive.

Create your own positive affirmations that can help you in your life.

Replace negative with positive statements several times a day.

You will soon see the difference that positive.

Picture Yourself Successful

Turn your daydreams into positive dreams that give you a better self-image.

When you talk to yourself in a positive way, you support yourself and make yourself strong. You feel better about yourself.

You gain a better self-image, a more positive image of who you really are.

Picture Yourself Successful

With a good self-image, you are more likely to have good things happen in your life.

In the same way, you can gain a better image of yourself by choosing to see yourself in a better light.

By imagining or picturing yourself in a more positive way, you become more positive.

Picture Yourself Successful

In your mind you see pictures-thought pictures-as you think and remember.

You can use these thought pictures to help you be more positive.

How do you look when you see yourself? Are you strong and self-confident? Or are you meek, afraid, and awkward?

Picture Yourself Successful

If you see yourself as confident you will act confident. To change the way other see you, you must first change the way you see yourself.

You can do that by changing the pictures in your mind.

In the same way, we use other visual images as patterns in our lives. And You will see yourself in the future as your daydream of a special date.

Make Success a Habit

If you believe in yourself, you can do almost anything.

Picturing yourself successful will help you to believe in yourself and your abilities.

For positive thinking to change your life, it must become part of your life. It must become a habit.

Make Success a Habit

Are you willing to invest three week in your future?

Three weeks is about how long it takes to create a new habit.

For three weeks are you willing to focus on positive thinking?

Can you fill your mind only with pictures of how you want your life to be?

Make Success a Habit

Can you push out of your mind thoughts of defeat, unhappiness, and pain?

Can you change your mind when they try to come into it?For three weeks are you willing to keep track of your negative thoughts?

Will you change them-before you finish them-from negative to positive?

Make Success a Habit

Will you do it each and every time?

If you are willing to do all this, you will succeed.

You will obtain the habit of positive thinking.

Once you have created the habit, you will find that positive thinking becomes a way of life.

Make Success a Habit

You will see that your new attitude leads you to opportunities that you might have missed before.

You will see that you new attitude makes you feel better about yourself and your life.

Your will see that with your new attitude you can better face difficulties.

Make Success a Habit

Problems will not seem so large. You will be better able to see solutions.

You will not spend so much time worrying about problems. You will instead put your thoughts to ways of solving them. You will find that this makes your problems disappear faster. It helps you to learn from them.

Make Success a Habit

You will find that you are in a better frame of mind, that you are happy more of the time.

You will find that looking for the good in your life helps you to find it.You will find that you begin to seek out other positive people like yourself.

You will find that, because of this, you have fewer problems.

You will find that people enjoy being around you more. You will find that you enjoy your life more.

Positive thinking is more than a way of thinking; it is a way of life.

Make Success a Habit

People who choose to think positively are people who take charge of their lives.

They are people who go after what they want, who do not let problems stop them.

They are people who succeed.

Make Success a Habit

Decide which kind or a negative person you want to be: a positive person of a negative person?

Do you want to run your life or let life run you? Are you willing to take charge of your thoughts and create your own future?

If so, begin now to form the habit of positive thinking. You can if you think you can.

ENDThank for your paid hot attention!

Any questions??1116116References: 1. Services Marketing by Lovelock 2. The Essence of Services Marketing by Adrian Payne 3. The Marketing Management - An Asian Perspective by Philip Kotler 4. The Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler 5. The marketing of services by Donal & Cowell1117117