1 philip a. adams – llnl/national ignition facility john c. hax – oracle corporation database...

1 Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation Database File Systems in Support of eScience

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 1 Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation Database File Systems in Support of eScience


Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility

John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation

Database File Systems in Support of eScience

Page 2: 1 Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation Database File Systems in Support of eScience


Science – A product of data analysis

“Science does not result from the launch of a mission or the collection of data.

Rather, science only occurs through the analysis and understanding of that data.”

- Philosophy of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD)

Page 3: 1 Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation Database File Systems in Support of eScience


Questions to Ask

Are we building IT Systems that support Research and Analysis or Infrastructure that supports the collection of data?

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Scientific Computing History

Commercial Relational Databases

Scientific (minimal data shared)• Raw Data• Decentralized/Desktop Management• Open source software• Low quality of support/service

• Best Effort• Mission critical operations

• Primarily file based – HDF5,Lustre• Millions of Files• Write once, read many

• Background processing• Pipelines• Computationally intensive applications• Long running transactions• Output of Large Data Sets

• Single application profile

Scientific (minimal data shared)• Raw Data• Decentralized/Desktop Management• Open source software• Low quality of support/service

• Best Effort• Mission critical operations

• Primarily file based – HDF5,Lustre• Millions of Files• Write once, read many

• Background processing• Pipelines• Computationally intensive applications• Long running transactions• Output of Large Data Sets

• Single application profile

Scientific Systems


Enterprise (all data shared)• Metadata• Centralized management• Industrial strength software• High qualities of support/service

• SLA guarantees• Mission Critical Operations

• Mission critical operations• Databases & files

• Read and Update• Enforced data integrity

• Interactive processing• Interactive workflows• Transactional, intensive applications• Short running transactions (<8 hours)• Output of Individual Rows

• Mixed application profile

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Filesystems and Legacy Databases – The Gap

Superior query/search capability over filesystems SQL standard

Easy manipulation of data Functions PL/SQL Java, C, PHP, Perl

Low latency, interactive data access suited for application access

Provides a structured way of storing data and ensuring data integrity Tables/ConstraintsSuperior backup and recovery capabilities RMAN, Redo/Archive logging Block and Point-in-Time Recovery Block Level Corruption DetectionInstitutional Resources

Superior query/search capability over filesystems SQL standard

Easy manipulation of data Functions PL/SQL Java, C, PHP, Perl

Low latency, interactive data access suited for application access

Provides a structured way of storing data and ensuring data integrity Tables/ConstraintsSuperior backup and recovery capabilities RMAN, Redo/Archive logging Block and Point-in-Time Recovery Block Level Corruption DetectionInstitutional Resources

Database Benefits

Provided maximum scalability to meet data volume and ingestion requirements

HDF5GFS (Google Filesystem)Lustre

Ubiquity of accessing filesystemsNumber of protocols NFS, SMB, CIFS and FTP

Able to access the data right from the OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, HP/UX

Application programming interfaces support native access file open (f_open), file close (f_close) importing the java io package ifstream/ofstream C++ file I/O classes

Provided maximum scalability to meet data volume and ingestion requirements

HDF5GFS (Google Filesystem)Lustre

Ubiquity of accessing filesystemsNumber of protocols NFS, SMB, CIFS and FTP

Able to access the data right from the OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, HP/UX

Application programming interfaces support native access file open (f_open), file close (f_close) importing the java io package ifstream/ofstream C++ file I/O classes

Filesystem Benefitsvs.

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Data Challenges Physical Limitations

• I/O Intensive - limitations on max IOPS• Network speeds - time to ship data to compute nodes

Multiple Data Silos• Governance issues

Pedigree of the data Multiple access policies to get to the data Duplicate data stored in each silo

• Need to scale disparate systems as data grows Increased effort required for Scientists, Developers, Administrators

• Correlating the data across data silos• Coordinated backup and recovery plan• Multiple Data Aggregation Efforts

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The Result: The Split Architecture – a step in the wrong direction

These drawbacks include but are not limited to:• Data curation• Security• Availability• Recoverability• Manageability

Because no common database and filesystem access protocol was available, the burden shifted to the application developers and scientific researchers to make sense of the two silos of information

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How much of an issue is this?

Level 0 (Raw) data is typically enriched with data from other sources.

What happens when/if a diagnostic is found to have incorrect calibration data?

Without strict relationships, this could be a nightmare. It may be easier to rerun analysis to reproduce the Level 1, 2 and 3 data. However, an unknown quantity of Level 4 content has been generated from this data and is stored on many researchers’ workstations and file shares.

Lack of pedigree in data analysis can result in instrument/machine damage, increased financial costs, or embarrassment to scientific researchers who rely on the data

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Future of Scientific Computing and Analysis

Data Intensive

Data Intensive Collaborative Science



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Data Intensive Collaborative Science





The WebThe WebNetwork CapacityNetwork Capacity





Moores Law

Moores LawStandardsStandards




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What’s driving the data volumes?

- Better and more diverse instrumentation

- Flexible optics- Coordinated multi-instrument

observatories- Increased Precision- Genomics

Diverse types of data generated: SQL/Scalar, XML, Image, Monte Carlo simulations, Audio/Video, telemetry, and spectrometers

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Database Filesystems

Bridge the Gap between Filesystems and Relational Database Systems

• Maintain Filesystem Performance• Leverage multiple access methods• Single Security Mechanism• Unified Administrative Tools• Data Pedigree• Unified Architecture and Skill sets• Leverage Institutional Resources for IT • Enabling Collaboration around Data• Optimized for Data Access

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Pedigree with a database filesystem

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Modern databases have much to offer in the realm of data analysis

RDF/OWL can allow semantic searching of data Predictive Analytics Spatial Data Analysis Text Mining of Unstructured Content

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Some of the native data mining techniques and algorithms available


Logistic Regression

Naive Bayes

Support Vector Machine

Decision Tree

Multiple Regression

Minimum Description Length

One-Class Support Vector Machine

Enhanced K-Means

Orthogonal Partitioning Clustering


Non-negative Matrix Factorization




Attribute Importance

Anomaly Detection



Feature Extraction

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Key Components of Secure Files Architecture

•Delta Update•Write Gather Cache• Transformation Management• Inode Management • Space management• I/O Management

Finally the database can accept both structured and non-structured data in an efficient manner

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National Ignition Facility

Page 18: 1 Philip A. Adams – LLNL/National Ignition Facility John C. Hax – Oracle Corporation Database File Systems in Support of eScience

National Ignition Facility and 11g SecureFiles

NLIT 2009

Philip A. AdamsSr. Systems Architect

National Ignition FacilityLawrence Livermore National Laboratory

June 1-3 2009

This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344


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Overview of the National Ignition Facility

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is known as the world’s largest and most energetic laser

When fully operational, its 192 beams will converge 1.8 MJ of laser energy onto a single target to achieve thermonuclear ignition

NIF will enable experiments that produce temperatures and densities like those in the Sun or in an exploding nuclear weapon

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Overview of the National Ignition Facility

The 192 laser beams of NIF will generate:

• A peak power of 500 trillion watts, 1000 times the electric generating power of the United States

• A pulse energy of 1.8 million joules of ultraviolet light

• A pulse length of three to twenty billionths of a second

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The Optics make NIF work

Optical components:• 7500 large optics including 3072 laser glass

slabs as well as large lenses, mirrors, and crystals

• More than 15,000 small optical components

Precision optics: • Total area of 33,000 square feet (3/4 of an


• More than 40 times the total precision optical surface in the world’s largest telescope (Keck Observatory, Hawaii)

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Example of Optic Damage

2 µm

3 ns

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On high quality optical surfaces initiated damage sites are very small

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Performance Gains found in NIF with 11g SecureFiles

Test Environment• Database Server

HP Blade Server w/ 4-way AMD Opteron CPUs RHEL 4 – 32-bit kernel 11g Oracle Database – 32-bit version

Single Instance ASM

Dual Port Fibre Channel Mezzanine Card (2 Gbit)

• Application Server

Dell PowerEdge 2650 w/ 2-way Intel Xeon CPUs RHEL 4 – 32-bit kernel 10g Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle CMSDK (Content Management Software Development


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Performance Gains found in NIF with 11g SecureFiles

Test Environment• SAN Storage

3PAR S400

Production Environment• 11g RAC Environment

• 10g CMSDK Clustered Application Server Environment

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Measure the throughput of the environment

Perform dd tests to the disks to establish the theoretical max:


> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/raw/raw6 count=10000 bs=1M


> dd if=/dev/raw/raw6 if=/dev/null count=10000 bs=1M


> iostat –xdk 3 100

We saw 180 MB/sec Read/Write throughput to the disks

Warning: Be sure not to perform dd write tests on your ASM configured storage or else you’ll damage it

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Create a few test tables

Create a test table for BasicFiles and a test table for SecureFiles:

BasicFile Example:


SecureFiles Example:


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Throughput Results of Table Tests

Speed tests from database server (Oracle 11.1.0 DB, using Oracle jdk 1.5.0_11 in $OH/jdk, using ojdbc5.jar)

Inserting twenty 32MB image files per test

NIF server - server testsBlock Size 64k 1M 32MSecureFiles - jdbc thin 103.29 123.59 161.44SecureFiles - oci 118.34 130.94 139.06BasicFiles - jdbc thin 6.72 48.35 83.7BasicFiles - oci 7.48 45.75 73.86

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SecureFile vs. BasicFile Server Results

SecureFile Server vs. BasicFile Server Performance











64k 1M 32M

Block Size





t (M



SecureFiles - jdbc thin

SecureFiles - oci

BasicFiles - jdbc thin

BasicFiles - oci

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Measure the throughput of the network

Used a tool called iperf available at:


On Server run:

./iperf -s –fM

On Client run:

./iperf -f M -c blackstone


Client connecting to blackstone.llnl.gov, TCP port 5001

TCP window size: 0.06 MByte (default)


[ 5] local XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 58590 connected with XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 5001

[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth

[ 5] 0.0-10.0 sec 1120 MBytes 112 MBytes/sec

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Throughput Results of Client-Server Tests

NIF client - server testsBlock Size 64k 1M 32MSecureFiles - jdbc thin 59.3 83 103.12SecureFiles - oci 53.69 69.94 83.77BasicFiles - jdbc thin 7.14 46.51 75.08BasicFiles - oci 7.14 41.41 64.5

Speed tests from database server (Oracle 10.1.2 Client, using jdk 1.5.0_11 and ojdbc14.jar)

Inserting twenty 32MB image files per test

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SecureFile vs. BasicFile Client Results

SecureFile Client vs. Basic File Client








64k 1M 32M

Block Size





t (M



SecureFiles - jdbc thin

SecureFiles - oci

BasicFiles - jdbc thin

BasicFiles - oci

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SecureFile Performance Benefits

During our testing, we’ve seen a 2-20 times increase in performance using SecureFiles over traditional BasicFiles

We’ve seen equivalent or better performance using SecureFiles as we see writing the same file to our NFS mounted NetApp

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Database Tuning to optimize for SecureFiles

Create a separate tablespace for your LOB data• Use Uniform Extents – 1M seems best

overall• Tried 32M/64M extents with no performance

increase; your mileage may vary

Enable Automatic Segment Space Management on the tablespace

Create large enough redo log files• We used 200M – 1024M to reduce log file

switches during heavy loads

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Database Tuning to optimize for SecureFiles

Utilize the AWR Snapshots before and after a SecureFile load and note the wait conditions

SQL> EXECUTE dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot(); 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

Run the AWR report


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The ultimate goal of science is to create new knowledge and new discoveries.

Database Filesystems have a number of features which can benefit the scientific community and ease the burden of pedigree, data management, and analysis

Using a database filesystem will enable data intensive collaborative science.

As new discoveries are made and data volumes increase, it is imperative to have a robust database system that is not only capable of managing the pedigree of that data, but also serve as a knowledge repository for the future.

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For More Information



