1. g.r. no. 74854. april 2%2c 1991

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  • 7/27/2019 1. G.R. No. 74854. April 2%2c 1991



    [G.R. No. 74854. April 2, 1991.]



    Executive Judge, Regi!"# T$i"# Cu$t, B$"!c% L&&I, A!ti'#,

    Ri("#, "!d RU)INO DE *U+MAN,respondents.

    Ramon V .Sisonfor petitioer.

    Public Attorney's Officefor pri!"te re#po$et.


    1.R%&%DIA' 'A() *IVI' +RO*%DR%) A*TIONS) V%N%) DISTIN*TIONS

    -%T(%%N RISDI*TION AND V%N%, *IT%D. / T0e ot proprio $i#i##"l of

    petitioer3# opl"it 6 re#po$et tri"l ort o t0e ro$ of iproper !ee i# pl"i

    error, o!io#l6 "ttrit"le to it# i"ilit6 to $i#tii#0 etee ri#$itio "$ !ee.

    :e#tio# or i##e# rel"ti to !ee of "tio# "re "#i"ll6 o!ere$ 6 Rle 4 of t0e

    Re!i#e$ Rle# of *ort. It i# #"i$ t0"t t0e l"6i of !ee i# proe$r"l r"t0er t0"

    ##t"ti!e. It rel"te# to t0e ri#$itio of t0e ort o!er t0e per#o r"t0er t0" t0e

    #et "tter. +ro!i#io# rel"ti to !ee e#t"li#0 " rel"tio etee t0e pl"itiff "$t0e $efe$"t "$ ot etee t0e ort "$ t0e #et "tter. Vee rel"te# to tri"l ot

    to ri#$itio, to0e# ore of t0e o!eiee of t0e p"rtie# r"t0er t0" t0e ##t"e of

    t0e "#e. ri#$itio tre"t# of t0e poer of t0e ort to $ei$e " "#e o t0e erit#) 0ile

    !ee $e"l# o t0e lo"lit6, t0e pl"e 0ere t0e #it "6 e 0"$.

    2.ID.) ID.) ID.) ID.) %;;%*T I; D%;%NDANT ;AI'S TO *HA''%NG% V%N% IN A

    &OTION TO DIS&ISS. / Di#i##i t0e opl"it o t0e ro$ of iproper !ee

    i# ert"il6 ot t0e "ppropri"te or#e of "tio "t t0i# #t"e of t0e proee$i,p"rtil"rl6 "# !ee, i iferior ort# "# ell "# i t0e ort# of fir#t i#t"e pre##l6 or iplie$l6. (0ere $efe$"t f"il# to 0"llee tiel6t0e !ee i " otio to $i#i## "# pro!i$e$ 6 Setio 4 of Rle 4 of t0e Rle# of *ort,

    "$ "llo# t0e tri"l to e 0el$ "$ " $ei#io to e re$ere$, 0e "ot o "ppe"l or i "

    #pei"l "tio e peritte$ to 0"llee el"te$l6 t0e ro !ee, 0i0 i# $eee$


    ?.ID.) ID.) ID.) ID.) NOT I&+RO+%R'@ 'AID N'%SS AND NTI' D%;%NDANT

    O-%*TS TO IT IN A &OTION TO DIS&ISS) R%ASON. / le## "$ til t0e

  • 7/27/2019 1. G.R. No. 74854. April 2%2c 1991


    $efe$"t oet# to t0e !ee i " otio to $i#i##, t0e !ee "ot e trl6 #"i$ to

    0"!e ee iproperl6 l"i$, "# for "ll pr"ti"l itet# "$ prpo#e#, t0e !ee, t0o0

    te0i"ll6 ro, "6 e "ept"le to t0e p"rtie# for 0o#e o!eiee t0e rle# o

    !ee 0"$ ee $e!i#e$. T0e tri"l ort "ot preept t0e $efe$"t3# prero"ti!e to

    oet to t0e iproper l"6i of t0e !ee 6 ot proprio $i#i##i t0e "#e.

    4.ID.) *ORTS) RISDI*TION) OV%R D%;%NDANT, HO( A*:IR%D. / I t0e

    i#t"t "#e, e!e r"ti for " oet t0"t t0e "tio of petitioer i# " re"l "tio,re#po$et tri"l ort ol$ #till 0"!e ri#$itio o!er t0e "#e, it ei " reio"l tri"l

    ort !e#te$ it0 t0e e>l#i!e orii"l ri#$itio o!er B"ll i!il "tio# 0i0 i!ol!e

    t0e title to, or po##e##io of, re"l propert6, or "6 itere#t t0erei . . .B i "or$"e it0

    Setio 19 pe$itio#

    re#oltio of "#e#, #tie "$ f"ire## t"e pri"r6 iport"e. T0e e$# of #tie

    reCire t0"t re#po$et tri"l ort f"it0fll6 "$0ere to t0e rle# of proe$re to "ffor$ otol6 t0e $efe$"t, t t0e pl"itiff "# ell, t0e ri0t to e 0e"r$ o 0i# "#e.

    D E C I S I O N

    )ERNAN,C.J pE

    &"6 t0e tri"l ort motu proprio $i#i## " opl"it o t0e ro$ of iproper !eeF

    T0i# i# t0e i##e ofroti t0e *ort i t0e "#e "t "r.

    O &"r0 22, 198?, petitioer e## D"o6o6, " re#i$et of -"l"ti, *"it", Ri"l, file$

    efore t0e Reio"l Tri"l *ort, -r"0 'I, Atipolo, Ri"l, " opl"it ""i#t

    pri!"te re#po$et Rfio $e G" pr"6i for t0e "let of to

  • 7/27/2019 1. G.R. No. 74854. April 2%2c 1991


    O &"6 25, 198?, efore #o# ol$ e #er!e$ o pri!"te re#po$et "# $efe$"t

    t0erei, t0e RT* %>eti!e $e i##e$ " or$er reCiri o#el for petitioer to

    ofer it0 re#po$et tri"l $e o t0e "tter of !ee. After #"i$ oferee, t0e tri"l

    ort $i#i##e$ t0e opl"it o t0e ro$ of iproper !ee. It fo$, "#e$ o t0e

    "lle"tio# of t0e opl"it, t0"t petitioer3# "tio i# " re"l "tio "# it #o0t ot ol6

    t0e "let of t0e "fore#t"te$ $ee$# of #"le t "l#o t0e reo!er6 of oer#0ip of t0e#et p"rel of riel"$ lo"te$ i %#t"", 'i"6e, +""#i", 0i0 i# ot#i$e t0e

    territori"l ri#$itio of t0e tri"l ort.

    +etitioer "ppe"le$ to t0e Itere$i"te Appell"te *ort, o *ort of Appe"l#, 0i0 i

    it# $ei#io of April 11, 198, 1 "ffire$ t0e or$er of $i#i##"l of 0i# opl"it.

    I t0i# petitio for re!ie, petitioer f"lt# t0e "ppell"te ort i "ffiri 0"t 0e "ll#

    " eC"ll6 erroeo# fi$i of t0e tri"l ort t0"t t0e !ee "# iproperl6 l"i$ 0e

    t0e $efe$"t, o pri!"te re#po$et, 0"# ot e!e "#ere$ t0e opl"it or "i!e$

    t0e !ee. 2

    +etitioer l"i# t0"t t0e ri0t to Ce#tio t0e !ee of " "tio elo# #olel6 to t0e

    $efe$"t "$ t0"t t0e ort or it# "i#tr"te $oe# ot po##e## t0e "t0orit6 to ofrot

    t0e pl"itiff "$ tell 0i t0"t t0e !ee "# iproperl6 l"i$, "# !ee i# "i!"le. Iot0er or$#, petitioer "##ert#, it0ot t0e $efe$"t oeti t0"t t0e !ee "#

    iproperl6 l"i$, t0e tri"l ort i# poerle## to $i#i## t0e "#e motu proprio.

    +ri!"te re#po$et, o t0e ot0er 0"$, "it"i# t0"t t0e $i#i##"l of petitioer3#

    opl"it i# proper e"#e t0e #"e " Bre"$il6 e "##e##e$ "#

  • 7/27/2019 1. G.R. No. 74854. April 2%2c 1991


    to ri#$itio, to0e# ore of t0e o!eiee of t0e p"rtie# r"t0er t0" t0e ##t"e of

    t0e "#e. 4

    ri#$itio tre"t# of t0e poer of t0e ort to $ei$e " "#e o t0e erit#) 0ile !ee

    $e"l# o t0e lo"lit6, t0e pl"e 0ere t0e #it "6 e 0"$. 5

    ILuna vs.Carandang, i!ol!i " "tio i#titte$ efore t0e t0e *ort of ;ir#t

    I#t"e of -"t""# for re#i##io of " le"#e otr"t o!er " p"rel of "riltr"l l"$

    lo"te$ i *"l"p", Oriet"l &i$oro, 0i0 opl"it #"i$ tri"l ort $i#i##e$ for l"

    of ri#$itio o!er t0e le"#e$ l"$, e ep0"#ie$E

    B0"#t t0e !"rio# "lter"ti!e o$e# of #er!ie of #o#

    $er Rle 14 of t0e Rle# of *ort, i.e., per#o"l #er!ie $er Section , ##titte$#er!ie $er Setio 8, or #er!ie 6 pli"tio $er Setio 1 0e t0e "$$re## of

    t0e $efe$"t i# o "$ "ot e "#ert"ie$ 6 $iliet iCir6.$p0il

  • 7/27/2019 1. G.R. No. 74854. April 2%2c 1991


    Di#i##i t0e opl"it o t0e ro$ of iproper !ee i# ert"il6 ot t0e

    "ppropri"te or#e of "tio "t t0i# #t"e of t0e proee$i, p"rtil"rl6 "# !ee, i

    iferior ort# "# ell "# i t0e ort# of fir#t i#t"e pre##l6 or iplie$l6. (0ere $efe$"t f"il# to 0"llee tiel6 t0e !ee i " otio

    to $i#i## "# pro!i$e$ 6 Setio 4 of Rle 4 of t0e Rle# of *ort, "$ "llo# t0e tri"l to

    e 0el$ "$ " $ei#io to e re$ere$, 0e "ot o "ppe"l or i " #pei"l "tio eperitte$ to 0"llee el"te$l6 t0e ro !ee, 0i0 i# $eee$ "i!e$. 11

    T0#, le## "$ til t0e $efe$"t oet# to t0e !ee i " otio to $i#i##, t0e

    !ee "ot e trl6 #"i$ to 0"!e ee iproperl6 l"i$, "# for "ll pr"ti"l itet# "$

    prpo#e#, t0e !ee, t0o0 te0i"ll6 ro, "6 e "ept"le to t0e p"rtie# for

    0o#e o!eiee t0e rle# o !ee 0"$ ee $e!i#e$. T0e tri"l ort "ot preept

    t0e $efe$"t3# prero"ti!e to oet to t0e iproper l"6i of t0e !ee 6 motu proprio

    $i#i##i t0e "#e.

    I$ee$, it "# ro##l6 erroeo# for t0e tri"l ort to 0"!e t"e " proe$r"l #0ortt 6$i#i##i motu propriot0e opl"it o t0e ro$ of iproper !ee it0ot fir#t

    "lloi t0e proe$re otlie$ i t0e Rle# of *ort to t"e it# proper or#e. Alt0o0

    e "re for t0e #pee$6 "$ e>pe$itio# re#oltio of "#e#, #tie "$ f"ire## t"epri"r6 iport"e. T0e e$# of #tie reCire t0"t re#po$et tri"l ort f"it0fll6

    "$0ere to t0e rle# of proe$re to "ffor$ ot ol6 t0e $efe$"t, t t0e pl"itiff "# ell,

    t0e ri0t to e 0e"r$ o 0i# "#e.

    (H%R%;OR%, i !ie of t0e foreoi, t0e $ei#io of t0e Itere$i"te Appell"te

    *ort, o *ort of Appe"l#, $"te$ April 11, 198, i# 0ere6 llifie$ "$ #et "#i$e. T0e

    opl"it file$ 6 petitioer efore t0e Reio"l Tri"l *ort of Atipolo, -r"0 'Ii# re!i!e$ "$ rei#t"te$. Re#po$et ort i# eoie$ to proee$ t0erei i "or$"e

    it0 l".

    SO ORD%R%D.

    !utierre", Jr., #eliciano, $idin "$%avide, Jr., JJ., or.
