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After a difficult divorce and near miss with bankruptcy in 1997, Dr. Orent found his practice, career, even his home in jeopardy. Life had kicked a lot of sand in his face! He put himself through an urgent, rigorous study of direct-response marketing and psychology of influence methods, devouring everything Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Ted Nicholas, Gary Bencivenga, and others had to offer. Within 3 years, he paid off every lease and loan, and shortly thereafter even paid off the mortgage on his office building (8 years early) to be debt-free. In the last years in practice, he was earning more than double the full year, full-time income of an average dentist while working only 40 days per year in his practice….turning instead first to speaking and being a road warrior, then, with Dan Kennedy’s guidance, converting to info-marketing and coaching, with media in place of most of the manual labor. Tom has now built the ideal-for-him info-business: his staff works in his old home converted to offices, he rarely visits and works from his dream home in the woods outside Boston; he takes no unscheduled incoming calls; he works on his schedule; and devotes most of his time to his family life and personal interests. His info-business (serving the dental profession) has continuity levels from $97.00 a month up, to a top-end coaching program at $60,000.00 per 10-month term. His company publishes and sells info-products in 47 countries.

AT THE SUMMIT, Tom will re-trace his steps of creating his info-empire for you, and let you in on some of his most prized business secrets for a variety of marketing media – as examples:

• Making Exhibiting At Trade Shows Work. How to get the e-mail addresses from 80% of the traffic flowing past your booth.

• Selling Top Price Coaching. A tactic revealed to Tom during a “closing call” with a prospect for his $60,000 program – that has changed his approach forever after

• Lean ‘n Mean: We’ve surpassed a Million Dollars in coaching revenue with a “staff ” of 2 high school kids who work after school, one part-time employee, and a 65-year-old retiree who loves being part of the fun

• Online: The one slide to show at the start of any webinar which locks in 80% to 95% stay with you (through your sales presentation) all the way to the end

A couple reports: from Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap: “….in 4 months, from zero, we took our coaching program income to $133,392.00 a month – Tom helped us a lot and continues to be a great resource. From Jack McDonough: “….the specific models I learned from Tom put me on the fast track to monthly sales averaging 6-figures. He provided me a complex but extremely useable advice.”


Dr. Orent is in my elite 2013 Titanium Mastermind Group for info-marketers, and has the others in the group in awe of his very thorough, scientific approach, and exceptionally high income from a small-numbers, simply managed info-business. Tom and I go way back. He was in my old info-marketer mastermind group for a number of years, I have consulted with him privately, helped market his events and also spoken at his events. I always look forward to consulting time with Tom and his brilliant wife, Elizabeth, because they are so very, very smart about this business. On occasion, at my suggestion he has brought small groups of info-marketers to ‘Spy On The Wall’ days at his offices and coached info-marketers, and the reports back, and the results, have always been stellar, whether from seasoned pros or beginners. THIS YEAR YOU HAVE A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to have Tom take you inside his info-marketing success story and his wonderfully designed business, as it began, as it was, as it is; and have some of his current techniques revealed. He is a master at selling top-price-level coaching. He is a successful newsletter/continuity program publisher. Hearing him will make you money.

DR. TOM ORENT: WOUNDED WEAKLING TO FINANCIAL ‘Muscle Man’ FromGroundZeroToAMillionDollarAYearIncome


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WHAT DO Tony Robbins, Suze Orman, John Gray, Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell in the movie CRAZY HEART, Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon in the Johnny Cash movie WALK THE LINE, super-model Tyra Banks, and the cast of the mega-hit TV show GLEE….and top corporate leaders, radio personalities and professionals…have in common? ROGER LOVE as their Voice Coach! MANY INFO-MARKETERS “DON’T LIKE” THEIR OWN VOICE when they hear it played back on a recording or webinar, but it is YOUR voice that must convey the true meaning of your words; hold the attention of listeners, viewers or audiences; motivate, persuade, create trust, spark immediate action! There are quickly learnable voice techniques that create certain effects on people; there are “tells” in voice inflection that reveal insecurity or anxiety and repel buyers. Your voice’s effect need not be random accident or thoughtless – you can take command of your voice power, and AT THE SUMMIT, Roger will explain and demonstrate. Roger created the bestselling audio program, ‘Vocal Power: Speak With Authority, Clarity & Conviction’, and has produced various CD’s topping 100-million units in sales worldwide. DON’T MISS THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR FROM THE VOICE COACH TO THE STARS, TO FORTUNE 500 EXECUTIVES, AND TO TOP PROFESSIONAL SPEAKERS.




GREG HABSTRITT businesses have collectively generated more than $250-million, and his training programs are used by clients in 63 countries. The late Steven Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People), Sir Richard Branson and even the Dalai Lama have spoken at Greg’s events. He credits his success to a thorough approach for differentiating himself in crowded markets – AT THE SUMMIT, he’ll detail his methods for successful and distinct differentiation in cluttered niches and hyper-competitive markets., something of critical importance to just about every info-marketer. In fact, the more successful you become, the more copycat competition, confusion and clutter in your market you breed! Being an “expert” in what you do JUST ISN’T ENOUGH – there are another 50, 500 or 1,000 “experts” vying for attention in your space. Here’s an important opportunity to re-think your “above the fray” positioning.

GREG HABSTRITT: BE THE STRONGEST OF THEM ALL, EVEN AT MUSCLE BEACH HowToRaiseYourRevenues,Profits&DominateYourMarketAsTheUltimateTrustedAuthority


Fresh off a unique kind of launch for a new style info-business, utilizing crowdfunding platforms (like kickstarter and indiegogo), Brittany Lynch will open doors to a Brave New World of fame ‘n fortune: how to find and assemble a massive audience – fast, develop a valuable list and attract and get cooperation from marketing partners and grab media attention. Since exiting a position at Google working with Fortune 500 clients on high impact AdWords campaigns, Brittany has built her own multi-million dollar information-marketing business and developed several programs for Google Adwords, Facebook, and social media marketing. She is currently at work on her most ambitious project ever, IdealMe.com,

a social marketplace and resources portal, to help people design and live their ideal lifestyles; a reality web-TV series as promotion; and a consortium of cooperating experts. AT THE SUMMIT, FROM BRITTANY you’ll get an expert insider’s look at the hottest trends and opportunities in the online world, and how they can be matched with sound direct-response marketing.


Brittany was in my Titanium Info-Mastermind Group, and is also a private client, and I am invested in her IdealMe.com business. She is wickedly smart. She has been consistently successful at bridging the canyon between the online and social media worlds and pragmatic, profit-driven info-marketing. And she has trained and coached countless “virgins” coming forward with little more than ideas, into knowledgeable users of online media and operators of profitable businesses. Even though 1/3rd of the time I have no idea what the hell she is talking about, 2/3rds of the time I do, and I can assure you, there’s no nonsense here: this is a young entrepreneur who knows how to make money materialize, and may well soon be seen on the front covers of Forbes, Fast Company, Wired, etc. as she becomes known as a new age media maven.

BRITTANY LYNCH: SUPER-GIRL, NOT ONLY THE STRONGEST BUT “FASTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET” HowToLaunchAnInfo-Product,Business,IdeaorPersonWithOnlineMediaAtMind-BlowingSpeed(AndGenerateAtLeast$100,000.00InJustDays)



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MICHAEL CAGE has absolutely MASTERED the art and science of using webinars, video seminars and tele-seminars – with success in 62 different info-marketing niche markets, sub-culture markets and interest categories. Whether you’re involved with business or professional niche markets, health and nutrition, personal development, finance and wealth or hobby/recreation, there is much to be learned

from Cage’s extraordinary breadth and range of in-the-trenches experience, possibly unmatched experience! Working side by side with varied clients, he has generated as much as $3.2-Million from a single tele-seminar/webinar event, and routinely created 6-figure and 7-figure campaigns. His methods can be used to LAUNCH A BRAND NEW info-biz from scratch; RE-BIRTH a stalled info-biz; SELL COACHING, EVENTS OR PRODUCTS. He is also ingenious at recognizing Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Opportunities within info-businesses. Now that he is mostly retired from consulting, he is willing to – AT THE SUMMIT – reveal his most powerful strategies, formerly provided only to 5-figure-fee private clients (even if it annoys some; even if it creates smart competition for some). His decision to share his “secrets They don’t want you to know”, whether ill-considered or not (!), can be YOUR gain.


I have known Michael Cage for many years, and I and clients of mine have profited from his specialized expertise in this important area of info-marketing. He has drilled down deep in this one thing: making tele-event or web-events work, and he has single-handedly invented, pioneered and protected more breakthrough techniques for this than any other living being, because he has lived, breathed, eaten, and dreamt about it while sleeping for over a decade! Having decided to cut his one-to-one consulting to a nib and instead focus on his own info-marketing and publishing projects, he let GKIC know that he was willing to share his private methods with one of our audiences and when asked, I said “GRAB HIM BEFORE HE CHANGES HIS MIND!” I say the same to you.





Tool #1: Tele/Web Event Promotion Roll-Out In 60 Minutes (Not days or weeks, like most info-marketers suffer with).

Tool #2: One Change To Tele/Web Event To Boost Revenue By 40%+.

Tool #3: Cure For Poor Attendance. (Registering, but not showing up….the bane of tele/web events, finally fixed with this dynamic Tool).


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DON CROWTHER has sold over $7-million in information products over the past few years. He came over to “Our Side” from a high-level career in advertising and marketing with giant companies like Kimberly-Clark and SC Johnson, and has successfully married big company strategies with small business budgets. He has quietly become one of the most credible and respected online marketing trainers.

AT THE SUMMIT, Don will delve into the High Speed Product Creating Methods he and his clients use to assemble amazing info-products in days (not months), the selection of the best, most profitable format for each product you bring to market, and the Crowther Predictive Model, to know whether your imagined product will succeed before you invest time or money in it. Don has also been part of a number of “monster” online product launches, and – ideal for those starting out – has launch strategies that do not require already having a huge list, hundreds of affiliates or a 5-figure to 6-figure budget for launch infrastructure and development.

DON CROWTHER: “ROCK-HARD” PRODUCTS IN 72 HOURS HowToAccelerateInfo-ProductDevelopment&Thrivewith‘SpeedToMarket’


Mars’ online product launches and “live” webcasts have generated more than $52-MILLION in instant, online sales, working with clients like GKIC, Rich Schefren, Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher, Ali Brown. You’ve seen “Live” webcasts – did you know they convert at a higher percentage than anything else done online? AT THE SUMMIT, Mars will reveal why this is so, how to plan, promote and prosper with your own “Live” webcasts and his newest format, the “Live” Micro-Launch. Mars is an expert in everything from the technology to the ‘science of persuasion’ of live webcasts. If you are already using ‘live’ webcasts and/or online product launches, you’ll undoubtedly “muscle up” your presentations with the behind-scenes secrets of one of the most successful webcast producers in the business. If you’ve never used this approach, you’ll discover an exciting new opportunity.

MARS OF LAUNCHMEN: POWER LIFTING: HOW TO HARNESS THE UNMATCHED SELLING POWER OF ‘LIVE‘ WEBCASTS JackLaLanne,RichardSimmons,SusanPowter,evenJakeSteinfeldHaveDominatedTV&HomeShoppingTV–ButYouCanOwnYourOwn‘Live’WebcastsAndList-Build,AcquireCustomers&BankProfitsLikeYou’veNeverImaginedPossible


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KEVIN HILL is actually a ROCKET SCIENTIST – he used to perform classified defense research for the government, but he traded in his lab coat for the all-mighty pen 8 years ago, and has since written countless sales letters for info-marketing giants. His engineering background and scientific thinking has yielded an ELEVEN-POINT FORMULA for starting from ground zero and getting a successful sales letter done in as little as 2 hours. Given the ever-rising need for more sales copy, more follow-up letters, more e-mails, more everything involving the written word required as fuel for info-businesses, this Formula can fairly be called an essential tool. IF YOU ARE “SLOW”, IF YOU STRUGGLE, IF YOU SUFFER WRITER’S BLOCK, this could transform you! AT THE SUMMIT, Kevin will give you the entire Formula, demonstrate it with examples, and provide a quick double-check to make sure your finished letter has left no escape routes from the path to purchase you want your reader to stay on.



LEE MILTEER has appeared as an expert guest of CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and CNN programs, on PBS, and even on QVC, and she has had a diversified and successful tenure in info-marketing, as an author – of 10 books, audio programs distributed by leaders in our field like Nightingale-Conant; as a professional speaker, appearing with countless celebrities and legendary CEO’s including Fred Smith (Federal Express) and Nido Qubein (High Point University), Chuck Norris, Marlo Thomas and Ted Koppel, and Dr. Phil, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, and in the metaphysical space, T. Harv Eker and Baeth Davis; and as a speaker, seminar trainer and peak performance coach, working with great companies and organizations like Disney, IBM, Ford, Federal Express, even NASA.; and as a publisher, effectively using direct-mail, online marketing, amazon and an amazon store. Her Millionaire-Smarts® Program is licensed, provided to and used with many info-marketers’ continuity, membership and coaching programs, including Titanium Mastermind Member Steve Adams, DIAMOND Member Michael Gravette and Titanium Mastermind Member Bill Gough- and, in total, this Program reaches over 50,000 listeners every month. As you should know, Lee leads GKIC’s Peak Performers/Implementation Group (Coaching+Mastermind). As an expert mind-set, peak performance and productivity coach, she holds the keys to moving from Ideas to Implementation!

AT THE SUMMIT: Lee will reveal why so many well-intended info-preneurs stumble and get so little implemented, done and into the marketplace, and will provide a process-driven approach to elevating your performance and the performance of those you rely on: staff, outsourced freelancers and suppliers.


As most reading this know, Lee and I have been working together on various projects – including, at GKIC, The Renegade Millionaire System and the development of the original Peak Performers Program – for many years. We are the best of friends because we know way too much about each other to ever dare break up. Lee is an enormously talented and skilled, insightful practitioner and interpreter of the important and rich legacy of the personal development/success movement including metaphysical leaders like Fox, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde, Neale Donald Walch, Don Miguel Ruiz, iconic figures like Norman Vincent Peale, and Napoleon Hill, Dorothea Brande, etc., and has “the gift” of uncovering, identifying and confronting whatever is preventing an entrepreneur from tapping into his or her full potential, and from most assertively achieving full implementation of their best ideas and opportunities. Peak Performers/Implementation Group Members who benefit from her advice in individual ‘hot seats’ can attest to this. She is also a tough-minded, profit-

oriented, battle-scarred and experienced, pragmatic entrepreneur. And she has traveled a momentous journey in this industry, from a Career Trak trainer paid peanuts and worked like a mule, to an exceptionally successful speaker, able to excel in environments where few women ‘sales-from-platform’ speakers have, and as a creator, author and publisher of numerous successful info-products. Her ‘Habit-Busting Program’, as example, achieved millions of dollars of revenue, sold via radio interviews, direct-mail and licensing. Her newest product The Complete Entrepreneurial Assistant’s Training and Motivation System is enjoying steady success online.

This is somebody with a magnificent creative spirit who inspires people to see the invisible opportunities, want more, do more and most importantly get more actually accomplished.

LEE MILTEER: YOU ARE WHAT YOU “EAT”: Linking the power of association with accelerated implementation ManagingChange,CompetitionAndYourself,ToProsperAsAnInfo-Preneur


INCREDIBLE BONUS:Someone attending this Session will WIN A

2-HOUR SALES LETTER OR SALES LETTER MAKEOVER done by Kevin while at the Info-SummitSM...

... and a copy of the work will be included in the December Copy Confidential/Look Over Shoulder package and posted on the Diamond Members’ blog. The “Before” or the notes taken by Kevin in conversation with the “client” and the finished product

will be shown off!


4th. Go to www.dankennedy.com/infosummit orcall800-871-0147.


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The Unusual Moneymaking Secrets Of The Richest, Most Successful and Most Respected Information Marketers In The WorldDiscoverTheLittle-KnownBeliefs,ActionsandSystemsThatUnlockTheVaultToMassiveWealth,PowerandFreedom

DAVE DEE has started and succeeded with just about every type of info-marketing business in virtually every marketing media, on his own, before and outside his stepping in as Chief Marketing Officer at GKIC. He built a niche-info marketing business (to professional magicians), a broad-market info-marketing business (internet and direct opportunity information), and he is the author of successful info-products, like his Psychic Selling System.

He has run his own highly profitable seminars, coaching programs and mastermind groups, and also occasionally assisted private clients with developing theirs. Dave is extremely adept at simple, effective uses of all online media, webinars, “live” webcasts, and tele-seminars, and has been intimately involved in the blockbuster GKIC online launches for ‘The Ultimate Lead Generation Machine’ and Dan Kennedy’s ‘Game-changer DNA’, each topping millions of dollars of sales and involving prominent leaders as affiliates. Dave also leads GKIC’s Platinum Mastermind Group, the Gold Member’s monthly audio series, and the Fast Start Implementation Boot Camps.

AT THE SUMMIT: Dave will reveal exactly what you need to do to experience an astonishing breakthrough in your info-business whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned pro. This training session will ensure you’ll get “massive gains” in your info-business that’ll allow you to kick sand in the face of your competitors!


Day 1



Day 2





Day 3




Throughout The Event

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In 2004, these two former college roommates created their first info-business, Gravitational Marketing, with a speaker-phone and $200. Out of that has come RICH DEALERS, one of the largest retail automotive ad agencies in the industry coupled with a hugely successful coaching program.

Every 2 minutes a car is sold somewhere in America by a dealer in their coaching, “marketing done for them” or licensed advertising programs! In 2012, RICH DEALERS was named one of America’s fastest growing private companies by INC. MAGAZINE. Jimmy and Travis have been seen on or in Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, Advertising Age, Direct Marketing News, Brandweek, FOX Business Network and CNBC. Theirs is a classic niche-industry info-marketing business working exclusively with auto dealers (a very tough crowd!) – with info-products, continuity, ascension and a full done-for-them services portfolio, even including buying over $150-million of ad media for their clients using their advertising. For their info-marketing business, they utilize extensive print (trade journal advertising), direct-mail, online marketing & a tele-salesforce.

AT THE SUMMIT, YOU WILL GET AN ADVANCED INFO-BUSINESS LESSON; a look inside a full-scale, sophisticated, multi-million dollar info-business. It should be noted that Jimmy and Travis are both married with young children, and have organized their business to avoid business travel and to allow ample family time – as they put it, an “ESP business”: Enjoyable, Simple & Prosperous.

FROM DAN KENNEDY:I affectionately call these guys ‘the Penn & Teller of marketing’ – but, unfortunately, they both talk. I’ve known, watched, and had some influence on these guys as they’ve raised themselves from small operators to building and sustaining one of the very best examples of the Industry-Niche Info-Business Model that I first began developing in the late 1980’s. This IS an ADVANCED session, ‘cuz these guys are extremely smart, sophisticated and effective not just at marketing their business, but at managing it, for maximum profit. They’ve built what I call a REAL BUSINESS, something

that, candidly, relatively few info-marketers do. Theirs dominates its niche, has noticeably transformed the way business is done by its niche, is a stable business with steady and reliable income from multiple income streams, it has an effective team in-house, and is a multi-million dollar company with significant equity value.

Niche-ing is THE #1 FORTUNE-MAKING APPROACH that so many info-marketers have used. These guys have worked it to perfection. IF YOU ARE A NICHE INFO-MARKETER, you have GOT TO be in this room and see what these two are doing – it will inspire you, challenge you, and show you ways to better dominate in your niche. IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING OUT, this could be THE most valuable session you’re ever in, as you will see a shining example of the best, most reliable pathway to wealth there is in info-marketing. And let me make this clear: there are a lot of ways to just make money in info-marketing, and a lot of people have ‘bragging rights’ to different, impressive money-made numbers. But these guys are NOT “next hit”, “next promotion”, next “random and erratic income event” players at all. Their business generates “locked in” income day in and day out, predictably and dependably, just like a real company!

THIS is the way I conceived the info-marketing industry, and I’m frankly not particularly thrilled with a lot of the ‘hit ‘n run promotion’ activity that has invaded it. If you want to see the successful embodiment of my original vision AND a representative of the most powerful of the trends shaping success in this field now (notably, done for them services), you WILL be here. Oh, and for fun, try and guess which one of the two is the brains, which the brawn of this outfit!





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“How To Generate Massive Wealth By Selling High Priced Products and Services ”

We’re not talking about how to sell $97, $997 or even $1,997 products.

Duringthisone-timeonlyADVANCEDbonusday,you’llgettodiscoverinsidersecretsforsellingprogramsinthe$10,000to$100,000range–regardlessofthenicheorindustry you’re in.

Here’s a quick rundown of who’s on tap for this very special day:

We have one very SPECIAL Guest who for now MUST remain hidden behind the curtain. We’ll call him Mr. X… but you would DEFINITELY recognize the name and you’ll kick yourself black-n-blue a thousand times over if you miss out… he’s a guy who doesn’t speak at a lot of other people’s seminars, and he’s made

literally millions upon millions of dollars in multiple niches selling high priced programs. He has some EXTREME insights on what it takes to position and pitch high-dollar Information Programs… with a longer term strategic focus on building towards greater and greater returns over the long haul.

Dave Dee will be back to reveal the EXACT secrets to creating, pitching, and closing high priced area exclusive programs… which he’s done multiple times in niches like Dentistry, Law, and more. Dave will guide you through the step by step system you need to know to sell these high dollar programs with total confidence.

Sydney Biddle Barrows the Mayfowers Madame herself, will take you where no other sales expert has taken you before… You’ll discover how she was able to take a “commodity service” that everyone else sold for a mere 20 dollars and was able to upscale it 10X plus through systems and marketing....

and how today she continues to apply that same intellectual rigor and creative flair to other products in much more lucrative (and socially acceptable) markets. This session is recommended for adults only.

Last but, definitely not least...

Tom Orent, Founder 1000 Gems will dig deeper into how to design, market, and sell like crazy SUPER High Priced Coaching Programs… that not only produce massive upside results for your bank account, they also establish long-term streams of revenue as super-satisfied coaching members continually ascend up the ladder for greater and greater profits.

If, you’re ready to move behind scatter shot low-priced product sales and instead move into the upper echelons of the Premiere Info-Marketers, then you ABSOLUTELY must register for this bonus day immediately.

To register go to www.dankennedy.com /infosummit

or call 800-871-0147


Bonus DayNovember 10th

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DAN KENNEDY has literally invented much of the modern info-marketing industry and its best, most profitable business models, strategies and practices. He has also undoubtedly written more advertising, marketing and sales copy used in every media to successfully sell books, audio programs, home study courses, subscriptions, memberships, seminars and other events, coaching programs, mastermind groups, and done for them services for more companies and clients than any other human being, dead or alive.

His copywriting has launched numerous info-marketing businesses, including Bill Glazer’s original niche info-business, Rory Fatt’s Restaurant Marketing Systems, Jay Geier’s Scheduling Institute, Dr. Chris Tomshack’s HealthSource franchise network in chiropractic, as well as, way back, his own niche industry/profession info-businesses, one a seminar driven company achieving a 50% saturation level in one of its two niches in 48 months, the other dominating its niche, selling to over 40% of its population….his copy has played a role in iconic info-marketing events like the THINK AND GROW RICH television infomercial, the first TONY ROBBINS infomercial, the PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS campaigns by Nightingale-Conant….and his scripted copy has been delivered on TV, radio, online and in

audio recordings by NFL champion Fran Tarkenton, TV actor Alan Thicke, ‘Brady Bunch’ Florence Henderson (selling The Mental Bank Breakthrough) and numerous other celebrities….and his scripted speeches, seminars, audio recordings, videos, online launches, etc. have sold well over $500-MILLION of info-goods. Brian Kurtz from Boardroom, one of the three largest newsletter publishers in America, recently commented that, as he has gotten to know more and more of the ‘big name players’ in online marketing, he’s stunned that virtually all credit Dan Kennedy as someone they study. Today, Dan routinely commands upwards from $75,000.00 to $200,000.00 plus royalties to write copy for an info-business or product launch or for a seminar event, and over 85% of all clients utilizing him once, do so again.

AT THE SUMMIT: Dan will dig deep, deep, deep and present THE SEVEN SECRET SORCERIES OF MIND-CONTROL COPY, revealing the psychology that must be embedded, an unseen by guiding hand to move a reader, listener or viewer from skepticism, anxiety, resistance and procrastination to response or purchase – regardless of how it is delivered. He will also share specific copy examples, past and contemporary demonstrating application of Mind-Control Copy. A FULL 3-1/2 HOURS WILL BE DEVOTED TO THIS SEMINAR WITHIN THE SUMMITSM.




BONUS: ONE lucky attendee at this Seminar-Within-Summit will receive a COMPREHENSIVE CRITIQUE of their choice of ad, sales letter or voice or video script for an info-marketing product or

business, including written feedback plus a 20-minute 1-on-1 phone consultation.

BonusavailableonlyforthoseregisteredfortheSummitbyorbeforetheearlyregistrationdeadlineofJuly4th. Gotowww.dankennedy.com/infosummitorcall800-871-0147.

IN ADDITON TO THIS SEMINAR WITHIN SUMMIT, Dan Kennedy will be delivering TWO additional presentations:

First, On Day One: THE STATE OF THE “SPORT”: Info-Marketing Today & Tomorrow/Opportunity Forecast

Last, On Day Three: WHAT CHARLES ATLAS KNEW ABOUT WHAT WE DO: The Ultimate, Core, Most Valuable ‘Hidden Truth’ Of The Success Education Movement And The Info-Marketing Industry It Birthed (A Million Dollar ‘Weapon’ You Must Use)


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I’m Dan Kennedy, and I have an unusual message for you.

I’d like to talk with you about real security in an insecure world. You’ll have to bear with me, as I meander a bit in getting to the point. But I promise, it will be worth it. BeforeI’mdonehere,inthisletter,IamgoingtorevealaGREATFINANCIALSECRET,andonethatIhavenotspokenaboutasIwillhere,anywhereelse,atanytime!

40 years ago, a very young man placed his first magazine ad and orders arrived in the mail, and those buyers ordered again from the sales letter sent with the low-price product they’d ordered, and when it was all said and done, he’d made a few thousand dollars. And he was hooked.

That was me.

I’ve had a lot of highs and lows in this business over these 40 years.

But nothing quite compares with The First Time.

The first time you realize you can make money materialize from the heady chemistry of ideas and the written word, and nothing more – that’s really something.

That is, of course, routine now. Formulaic. You’ve probably heard me talk about the ‘income at will’ position, and John Lennon’s quote about sitting down to write a swimming pool. Being in this position is real security. (More about that in a minute.) And I’ve gotten there without any talent like John’s – just highly developed skill. Maybe you’re there too. If not, you certainly can be. The world of info-marketing offers such opportunity to just about anyone.

Come Inside A Secret World

This is a ‘secret world’, for most people are unaware of it, or see it but do not comprehend what they see. When they see the P90X fitness TV infomercial, they do not realize millions are being made with information right before their very eyes. Last year, a friend of mine mailed over 8-million sales letters, sold over 240,000 books on a health topic, and pocketed net income of more than $4-million. 240,000 people bought that book from a sales letter. Few grasped they were seeing info-marketing ANYONE with an interest or passion about a subject, with know-how or experience in any business or field, can do. Even entrepreneurs involved with pieces ‘n parts of info-marketing fail to understand it as we do and as you can, in the GKIC world of info-marketing.

Each year, once a year, GKIC swings the doors to this ‘secret world’ open wide and invites folks to c’mon in. And they do. Each year, successful owners of all kinds of businesses, doctors, lawyers, chimney sweeps come, discover, and turn around and launch exciting, profitable info-businesses of their own. People like Marty Fort, with a thriving music academy, now with a great second income, packaging and selling his know-how to other school owners. Ben Glass, with a seven figure second income from info-marketing to his peers in the legal profession, while still running a fine law practice. ASK BEN ABOUT THE WONDERFUL CHARITY HE’S BEEN ABLE TO CREATE AND FUND THANKS TO HIS INFO-MARKETING “SIDE BUSINESS”. Nelson Searcy, a pastor with his own churches, but also a publishing company, and the #1 coaching program on

church marketing. ASK NELSON ABOUT THE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS MADE POSSIBLE BY HIS “SIDE BUSINESS” IN INFO-MARKETING. There are those who dominate niches without ever having a business in them, like Jimmy Vee and Travis Miller, with auto dealers, or Rory Fatt, with restaurants. JIMMYAND TRAVIS WILL RE-TRACE THEIR REMARKABLE JOURNEY WITH YOU AT THE INFO-SUMMITSM. There’s incredible diversity in these info-businesses. Lily Noon, feng shui; Mike McGroaty, backyard gardening for fun ‘n profit; Arlene Eakle, geneaology.

Countlesspeoplehavecomethroughthesedoorsmerely curiousandemergedmillionaires.Thisisreal.Even vendors, manufacturers, ad specialty sellers transform into info-marketers as they engage in our world. Keith and Travis Lee at 3DMailResults.com, started as sellers of promotional merchandise, but have become accomplished info-marketers, with courses, turn-key done for you packages, and Keith has begun, this year, a new, additional info-business.

Even people with “pasts” have re-birthed, with my kind of info-marketing. A client, Stephen Snyder, turned his catastrophic and humiliating bankruptcy into the basis for a “Credit After Bankruptcy” publishing, seminar and coaching business with hundreds of thousands of customers and major-name corporate sponsors. A friend, a former “infamous Madam”, Sydney Barrows, has created two coaching businesses. I, myself, very early in my business life, crashed and burned financially, and started over with what little I then knew about info-marketing, in a tiny apartment, with my only help from my cat who licked stamps. Info-marketing cares nothing about anyone’s past.

Also, each year, top professional info-marketers with 6-figure and 7-figure incomes, with large businesses, gather here at the Info-SUMMITSM, to re-charge, to re-invent, to meet up with and exchange information with and create business alliances with other top info-marketers, and at times, to lift up someone new with the power of their platforms. Often, people meet at this Info-SUMMITSM, and find ways to aid each other or cooperate for profit. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU WILL MEET!

The annual Info-SUMMITSM is always important and pregnant with opportunity and amazing discoveries.

But THIS YEAR is special.

It is my 40th Year Anniversary in info-marketing.

Four decades is a long time. We are celebrating, and I’d like you to be part of the celebration. People who credit their eyes being opened to opportunities they never knew existed, who have million dollar and multi-million dollar “ideal lifestyle” info-businesses thanks to my

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lighting their paths will be coming together, many to say a few words at the Evening Celebration Event. Something one of them says could be the stimulus for you to make a fortune or a better life. (I once heard two sentences at a seminar that altered the way I did business forever and helped make me rich.) This is a history-in-the-making evening that will never repeat. I seriously doubt I’ll still be active here, for a 50 Year event.

If I have been instrumental in you discovering info-marketing opportunity or in you creating success for yourself in this field, frankly, this is the time and place to say thanks.

If you are new to this world, this will be an eye-opening, ambition and confidence inspiring time for you like no other.

Now,let’sforgetMYcelebration,andtalkinsteadaboutyouhavingsomethingworthcelebratingeverydayfortherestofyourlife:realfinancialsecurityinaremarkably insecure world.

One of the members of my Titanium Info-Marketers Mastermind Group, Donna Krech, recently told me that it was a life-changing moment for her, when she finally grasped that you cannot possibly pile up enough money or assets to achieve true security, for there is always possibility of loss or confiscation – that real security is in a skill-set that empowers you to make money at will, as needed, as desired. I was taught very early that “the only real security is your ability to produce” – the only question being, what should “produce” mean?

While labor is honorable and some labor is needed, if only to look at the merchant account statement to see how much money has flowed into your accounts, info-marketing is the most powerful liberating force ever invented for “ordinary” men and women to break free of the work-money link, create leverage, own high-value skills, and own real security.

If you understand the processes of info-marketing and the psychology of info-marketing, then, always, any time, with your own customers and assets or with other peoples’ customers and assets, you can – at will – materialize money from thin air. No buildings, no equipment, no locked up capital, no employees, nothing needed, but your knowledge and a group of reachable people with a known interest.

Many people without wealth live desperate lives – but many people with wealth are fearful hoarders. A person of my acquaintance, two years ago, actually won one million dollars from an Ohio lottery “scratcher ticket”. He was just 58 at the time. To him, this was a great deal of money. Unlike many lottery winners who blow it all, fast, he was timid about it. He felt he could never replace whatever of it was spent, so he skipped the cruise he’d always wanted to go on (and brochures for, taped to a wall). He did little. A year later he was diagnosed with cancer and a year after that, he died. I am not a lottery winner. I have made a practice of living beneath my means and saving, accumulating and conserving money. But I have also indulged most whims – I own about 30 racehorses, 4 classic cars, 2 homes. I am secure in my ability to manifest money. This is a very good thing. You should have this security, too.

In many, maybe most businesses, such security simply does not exist and cannot be made to exist. A friend owns three Wendy’s restaurants. He can manage well, he can promote, but basically, his income is locked in place, inside a small range of high and low; only so many people can be pushed through each week. But then, two years ago, the streets around one were ripped apart and under

construction for 7 months, wiping out the profits of the prior 16 months. Recently, Wendy’s has introduced a bargain menu, trading down average transaction size and margin, so he is doing more transactions for less net. Obamacare just tripled his cost of having employees, but he cannot triple his prices. If he wakes up tomorrow morning and wants to make an extra $20,000.00 or $200,000.00 flow to him in the next 3 weeks, I promise, he has no idea how to make that occur and, as a practical matter, in that business, he probably can’t.

In info-marketing, we are much more agile.

And Now I Will Reveal A Great Financial Secret

There is a little-understood connection between agility and security.

Most people think of security in very physical terms. A paid-for home or office building. A safe loaded with gold bricks. A fat stock portfolio. Real estate. A company of size and substance.

But the hazard and falsity of such things is constantly demonstrated to us, if we will pay heed. Homes, real estate, stocks, even gold can crash in value, literally overnight. Gold has even once been confiscated by the American government. Wealth in bank accounts has just been confiscated in Greece. The stock market has recovered since 2008, but what may happen to it when the current ‘zero yield’ of safer, fixed income investments gives way to inflation and rising interest rates – will there be a stampede of money out its doors? So much of what seems solid stands on thin ice. And being “locked in place” can often lead to ruin. Borders Bookstores, with long-term leases on big brick ‘n mortar locations, vs. Amazon.com. The Wendy’s store with the torn up roads. A medical doctor in private practice vs. Obamacare. The owner of healthy retail business on Main Street in a very nice town wakes up to the news of the big company that employees 3,000 people there is laying them all off, closing, moving. Oops. (DHL, Dayton, Ohio.)

The ability to “follow the money”, to move about fluidly, to sense and respond to changing conditions and consumer interests and technology and opportunity is a huge benefit of info-marketing. These days, we mostly publish on demand, with little reason for inventory. We have media we can change within hours. Out-sourcing works. There are few geographic boundaries or limitations. The internet makes the globe an info-marketer’s territory – and more and more info-marketers are garnering more and more profit from beyond U.S. borders, GKIC included.

Agility is ours. During the worst years of the recent “investing in real estate – not on your life!” years, an info-marketer client of mine continued making over $100,000.00 a month selling real estate opportunity by re-packaging it as “make money from home, with your computer” and “make money with finder’s fees.” That’s agility. Another client, seeing business conditions in the niche market that was nicely supporting him disintegrate, simply took himself to another, better, stronger niche, and has ten-timesed his income over the past 5 years. That’s agility. A friend of mine, a ‘millionaire next door’ type, had built up a good, solid, mid-6-figures income over years, from a small business, fabricating a variety of industrial parts, importing others, serving over 2,000 accounts all over North America. A few years ago, Chinese companies began encroaching, direct-importing at much cheaper prices. Had he fought the good fight, stayed on the ship as it slowly sank, he’d have faced a financial disaster. I introduced him to our world, and had him start a newsletter all about buying from direct importers, and, broader,


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controlling and cutting costs in industrial plants. In 4 months, he converted over 400 of his 2,000 accounts to subscribers at $995.00 a year, equaling the net income from his first business. As that first business dissolved, he learned info-marketing, and this year will hit $800,000.00 in sales, with about $600,000.00 profit….from a home-based office added onto the back of his garage, with a redwood deck facing his lake. That’s agility.


I have moved about quite a bit myself in these 40 years. I’ve had niche info-businesses in three markets, one rising to become the largest seminar-driven company of its kind and time. I’ve built a “generic” marketing-information business that I have made a great deal of money from, and monetized twice by selling it. I’ve also helped build a second company on the first’s back, which provided me with a very nice financial windfall. Just 2 years ago, I created, with a client, a multi-million dollar coaching program in the financial advisor niche. It ran its course; we are about to create another, bigger, better, more automated business in that niche. The business that is now GKIC, began fueled by my manual labor as a speaker but later had that entirely replaced by non-laborious marketing; grew as a newsletter publisher but morphed to membership; pioneered forced continuity; moved from offline to online marketing; mastered the multi-million dollar online product launch. I have been agile.


But this not the only Great Financial Secret here in this letter….

The Magic of Thinking “BIG”You may recognize the subhead above as the title of one of the all-time classic books in the self-help genre. But here, I mean “BIG” in a different and specific way. I mean it to be flexibly defined, to give you a “big” life of your choosing.

Most people, even most businesspeople live small lives. Timid lives. Unremarkable lives. Lives of compromise. Quiet disappointment. Asking: is this all there is? They live in places they don’t love and fantasize about being somewhere else. They are bored and fatigued with their work.

With info-marketing, you can live anywhere you like. Hawaii, Colorado, or, as I do, Cleveland. I am here because the only harness track that races year-round, 52 weeks a year is here. You would obviously have a different reason for choosing your preferred place to live. But why not live in your preferred place? Or two places, as we do? Or maybe, three?

With info-marketing, you can live a “big” life. Just for example, I have put myself in the company of, in fascinating and intimate conversations with, and on stage with Gene Simmons (KISS) and Donald Trump and George Foreman and Joan Rivers, etc., etc., etc., and any info-marketer can do the same. A client of mine, Jay Geier, likes to fly his helicopter from his home to his office. You can be driving down the road and hear your radio commercial extolling your virtues, like my Titanium Member Ron LeGrand. You can create a business that pays you to travel to great resorts to hold conferences there, or even on adventures like Yanik Silver. You can be a hermit, like Michael Jans (info-marketer to the P/C insurance industry) or you can make yourself famous, be on TV in a reality show and on FOX Financial from time to time, like Ali Brown.

With info-marketing, you can make a mark. Entire industries

and professions have been made to sit up and take notice of info-marketers who “made themselves big”, and these industries have been dramatically and permanently revolutionized by these info-marketers. Joe Polish was a dead-broke, failing, ready to quit carpet cleaner when he transformed his business with direct-marketing and then, in turn, influenced his entire industry: arriving on the front cover of its trade journal, dominating that journal with his ads, and literally changing the way carpet cleaners conduct business. My very-long-time client Craig Proctor, similar story, in real estate, and by his leadership and students-turned-teachers, hundreds of thousands of agents follow a direct marketing rather than a prospecting or image-advertising model. (See this, in Chapter 13 of my new book, No B.S. Guide to DIRECT Marketing for NON-Direct Marketing Businesses, 2nd Edition). Think of all the lives that have been made infinitely better by the Joe’s and Craig’s and Dan Kennedy’s of info-marketing!

So, a Great Financial Secret is: think big. Come to this year’s Info-SUMMITSM, a place ideal to begin thinking bigger than you have ever thought before. Envision the big life of your choosing, then make it a reality with info-marketing.


Jake Steinfeld’s book title is terrific: “I’ve Seen A Lot Of People Naked And They’ve Got Nothing On You.” Listen, I’ve worked intimately with hundreds and hundreds of Joe Polish’s and Craig Proctor’s and Me’s, and I can promise you, they’ve got nothing on you. They; we are not alien beings from the distant galaxy Fumquobus, imbued with super-powers.

I graduated from Revere High School in Bath, Ohio in 1973. I have set foot on two college campuses, Notre Dame, and High Point University, as a guest. I am by education, training, all normal standards, qualified for a minimum wage job – and that’d be tough. I can’t cook. I have never changed a tire or spark plug or hammered a nail straight. I stuttered a lot, now a little. I have risen by being an information gatherer. And I have risen to pinnacles in professional speaking, in authorship, and in info-marketing….as well as direct-response copywriting. MORE IMPORTANTLY, I HAVE LIT THE PATHS of so many others with equally unimpressive resumes.


That’s what I’ve done for 40 years.

Nobody in this legion has anything on you. Except for their determined gathering of information and their putting it into action to create their Big Lives.

Now, a warning:


I’ll close by warning you of four evil temptations.

Temptation #1 is to stubbornly insist on dis-qualifying yourself. I have no ideas worthy of info-marketing. I’m too busy making a living – I have no time. I can’t write. I’m too old. Too young. It’s too expensive. I see incontrovertible proof that lots and lots and lots of others can, but I can’t. Not me. Who would care about getting information from me? And so on. There’s a long story I won’t repeat here, the end of which is Satan’s revealing that his greatest of all evil weapons is: a wedge of doubt. Dis-qualifying yourself is evil. It’s a moral failing. Unlike all

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other animals, you have been given the gift of free will and intellectual capacity. That’s all you actually need for info-marketing, to then create whatever Big Life for yourself and benefits for others you wish. But many are tempted to look at this world, and in micro, at the doorway to it the Info-SUMMITSM represents and say: for others but not for me.

Temptation #2 is to wait. Wait for a better time. A more convenient time. When it seems easier. When it will not be a stretch, financially. When the kids are finally off to college. Someday Island is a crowded place. And an unhappy place. Most people procrastinate away all their opportunity. They get on a treadmill and run in place until, finally, they die. And most act as if taking up a matter next year is just the same as now. It isn’t. Look, I’ve got sealed boxes in my garage that I’ve put off unpacking from a move 10 years ago. No harm done. But to put off your Big Life? Many will read all of this, then be tempted to set it aside, mull it over, get to it later, do it next week, and finally, wait to go next year. Many go through this dance with the devil year after year. But there is no power to be had from “later”. There is only power in now.

Temptation #3 is to underestimate the importance of discovery. What you don’t know, you don’t know. Who you don’t know, you don’t know. If you do not place yourself where experience, wisdom, innovation and fortune-making, life-liberating, security-creating plans converge, there will be opportunities you never know exist. The Info-SUMMITSM is one of the greatest bazaars for discovery I’ve ever seen, and I’m proud to have created it. This really is a doorway to an amazing, brave, different world. This place dynamically changes peoples’ lives through discovery.

I have found and assembled fortune-making formulas that have served me very well. I’ve made up from mud only a few of their elements. Most have been discovered. Some, in books, in study, in isolation. But most by going out, going to places, going when it was inconvenient, going when I couldn’t afford it, going in ardent search without knowing exactly what I was searching for let alone what I might find. There is just no telling what you might discover at this nfo-SUMMITSM. But it’s certain you won’t discover much at home.

Temptation #4 is to be too smart for the room – to think you are so experienced, so successful, so jaded, that you’ve seen and heard everything there can be to see and hear. Such unbridled arrogance! There will be people at their 5th, 8th, 10th Info-SUMMITSM, with 5, 10, 15, even 20 years’ tenure with me, with million and multi-million dollar businesses, and they can’t conceive of anyone like them who has benefited so much choosing to stay home. There will be people with similar experience and success who do opt out, who are arrogant and foolish. I’ve got 40 years in. I’ve seen people disconnect out of arrogant too-smart-for-the-room-ism, only to see their genius dry up, to wind up returning, chastened, bruised, bloodied, dulled. If you shrink your breadth and diversity of exposure and discovery, and stay inside a small circle of peers, you automatically, unavoidably retard your creative capacity.


Register for the Info-SummitSM right now, today, before it gets away from you.

Review the entire info-packet and main presentation brochure about this year’s SummitSM. Read every word. Consider the incredible collection of real-world expert practitioners of every aspect of successful info-marketing assembled. This is efficient discovery! Then, register. Do not waffle. Do not delay. Do not excuse yourself. Use the enclosed Form or go online to www.dankennedy.com/infosummit.

There are discounts, perks and benefits ONLY FOR those who register by the deadline on the Form. But there’s a more important reason to go ahead and register right now – not later. Delay feeds and empowers evil temptations. Only immediate action prohibits their power over you.

Because we are celebrating and memorializing my 40th Year Anniversary in info-marketing, GKIC is “pulling out all the stops” to put on a most-valuable-ever Info-SUMMITSM. THIS is NOT a year to miss!


Dan Kennedy

PS: I carry on a grand tradition. In the depths of the Great Depression, George Haylings created booklets about odd and unusual moneymaking opportunities on a manual typewriter while living in a tent, placed small ads in magazines, and created first a good income, then a Very Big Life of his choosing…all immortalized in his book, ‘A Lifetime of Homework’, and early source of inspiration for me. Jerry Buchanan found a fool-proof method for ridding his garden of gophers, wrote a report about it, advertised it for sale, found his mailbox stuffed with cash orders, and then wrote about his discoveries as ‘The Writer’s Utopia Formula’, another early inspiration of mine. From then, before, and to the present day, in my case, throughout 40 years of my work, people have been awakened to opportunities they never knew existed, to capabilities and talents they never knew they had, and been led to Very Big Lives of their choosing, that they could not have imagined without new information pushed in front of them by an info-marketer.

You, too, can have a part or a bigger part than you do now, in carrying this grand tradition forward. By all means, come and help celebrate my 40 years. But make this a year of new, exciting discovery for yourself too. Get yourself to where this grand tradition lives today – the GKIC Info-SUMMITSM, 2013! This is the home of a great, global Movement changing the way industries and professions do business for the better, providing Success Education to millions, and transforming lives. It is no small thing, this info-marketing! Don’t be left out. Don’t be a spectator.

PPS: Jake Steinfeld is a Very Big Thinker living a Very Big Life. He’s our special Celebrity-Entrepreneur guest, and this is a great opportunity to meet and hear from a Great American Success Story. Don’t miss it!

November7th - 9thBonusDayNovember10thChicago,IL

800-871-0147 www.dankennedy.com/infosummit