032 - performance of aeroplanes

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  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 Two identical turbojet aeroplanes (whose specific fuel consumption is

    assumed to be constant) are in a holding pattern at the same altitude.The mass of the first one is 95 000 kg and its hourl fuel consumption ise!ual to 3"00 kg#h. $ince the mass of the second one is "05 000 kg% itshourl fuel consumption is&

    3259 kg#h 3'02 kg#h 3 kg#h 3*2' kg#h

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-9"5) /hat is the ertical speed of a

    three engine turbojet aeroplane with one engine inoperatie (1-") and amass of 5 000 kg sing the following& g 4 "0 m#s " kt 4 "00 ft#min$61( ngle of climb) 4 (Thrust- 7rag)# /eight

    8"2' ft # min. -"2' ft # min. 0 ft # min. 83293 ft # min.

    032 6n relation to the net take-off flight path% the re!uired 35 ft erticaldistance to clear all obstacles is&

    the minimum ertical distance between thelowest part of the aeroplane and allobstacles within the obstacle domain.

    based on pressure altitudes. the height b which accelerationand flap retraction should becompleted.

    the height at which power is reduced toma,imum climb thrust.

    032 7uring certification flight testing of a transport aeroplane% the distancesmeasured from brake release to the 35 feet point are e!ual to& "5* m

    with all engines running "20 m with failure of critical engine at "%with all other things remaining unchanged. The take-off distanceadopted for the certification file is&

    "9 m. "9 m. "5* m. "20 m.

    032 +or a turboprop powered aeroplane (performance class ) on a

    commercial flight% a 2200 m long runwa at the destination aerodromeis e,pected to be wet. 6t must be ensured that the landing mass of theaeroplane allows a full stop landing on a dr runwa within a landing

    distance of&

    "339 m. "" m. "5*0 m. ""* m.

    032 t a gien altitude% when a turbojet aeroplane mass is increased b 5: -assuming the engines specific consumption remains unchanged -% itshourl consumption is appro,imatel increased b&

    5: .5: "0: 2.5:

    032 ;onsidering the take-off decision speed "% which of the following is


    6f an engine failure is recognis performance if aerodromepressure altitude is decreased

    6t will decrease the take-off distancere!uired.

    6t will increase the take-off distancere!uired.

    6t will increase the take-offground run.

    6t will increase the accelerate stop distance.

    032 /hat will be the influence on the aeroplane performance if aerodromepressure altitude is increased

    6t will increase the take-off distance. 6t will decrease the take-off distance. 6t will increase the take-offdistance aailable.

    6t will decrease the take-off run.

    032 ?ien that the characteristics of a three engine turbojet aeroplane are asfollows& Thrust 4 50 000 1ewton # @ngine g 4 "0 m#s 7rag 4 2 5'9 1Ainimum stead gradient of climb (2nd segment) 4 2.: $61(ngle of

    climb) 4 (Thrust- 7rag) # /eight The ma,imum take-off mass under2nd segment conditions is&

    "0" 59' kg 2' " kg * 0'* kg 209 0'* kg

    032 The minimum climb gradient re!uired on the 2nd flight path segment

    after the take-off of a jet aeroplane is defined b the followingparameters& " ?ear up 2 ?ear down 3 /ing flaps retracted * /ing flapsin take-off position 5 1 engines at the take-off thrust ' (1-") engines at

    the take-off thrust $peed oer the path e!ual to 2 8 "0 kt $peedoer the path e!ual to ".3 $ 9 $peed oer the path e!ual to 2 "0 t aheight of 35 ft aboe the runwa The correct statements are&

    "% *% '% 9 2% 3% '% 9 "% *% 5% "0 "% 5% % "0

    032 Ainimum control speed on the ground% A;?% is based on directionalcontrol being maintained b&

    primar aerodnamic control onl. primar aerodnamic control and nosewheel steering.

    primar aerodnamic control%nose wheel steering anddifferential braking.

    nose wheel steering onl.

    032 The take-off runwa performance re!uirements for transport categoraeroplanes are based upon&

    failure of the critical engine or all enginesoperating whicheer re!uirement gies thegreater distance.

    a ll engines ope ra ting onl. one e ngine inopera tie onl. fa ilure of the c ri tica l e ngine onl.

    032 /hich of the following distances will increase if ou increase "% but

    = remains unchanged

    ccelerate $top 7istance Take-off distance ll @ngine Take-off distance Take-off run

    032 /hich of the following answers is true " is lower or e!ual to = " is higher BC+ " is higher = " is lower A;?

    032 T he length of a clearwa ma be included in& the take-off dista nce aailable. the accele ra te-stop distance aailable . the take-off run aa ilable. the distance to reach ".

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 Dow does runwa slope affect allowable take-off mass% assuming other

    factors remain constant and not limiting

    downhill slope increases allowable take-

    off mass.

    n uphill slope increases the a llowable take-

    off mass.

    llowable take-off mass is not

    affected b runwa slope.

    downhill slope decreases allowable take-

    off mass.

    032 The following parameters affect the take off ground run& " decreasing

    take off mass 2 increasing take off mass 3 increasing densit *decreasing densit 5 increasing flap setting ' decreasing flap setting increasing pressure altitude decreasing pressure altitude /hich

    parameters will decrease the take off ground run

    "% 3% 5 and "% *% ' and 2% *% 5 and 2% 3% ' and

    032 /hat is the result of a large take off flap setting compared to a smalltake off flap setting on re!uired Take-off 7istance (TC7) and the field

    length limited Take-off Aass (TCA)

    7ecreased TC7 re!uired and increasedfield length limited TCA.

    6ncreased TC7 re!uired and decreased fieldlength limited TCA.

    6ncreased TC7 re!uired andincreased field length limited


    7ecreased TC7 re!uired and decreased fieldlength limited TCA.

    032Dow is A; influenced b increasing pressure altitude A; decreases with increasing pressurealtitude. A; decreases with increasing pressurealtitude. A; increases withincreasing pressure altitude. A; decreases with pressure altitudehigher than *000 ft.

    032/hich one of the fol lowing i s not af fe cted b a tai l wind the c limb l imited take -off ma ss. the field l imi te d take -off ma ss. the obs ta cle limi te d take -offmass.

    the take-off run.

    032 ; onside ring =% whic h statement is c orrect = is the speed at which rota tion should be


    = is the lowest climb speed after engine


    6n case of engine failure below

    = the take-off should beaborted.

    = is the lowest speed for directional

    control in case of e ngine failure.

    032 /hich statement is correct = must not be less than ".05 A; andnot less than ".

    = must not be less than A; and notless than ".05 ".

    = must not be less than "."A; and not less than ".

    = must not be less than ".05 A; andnot less than "." ".

    032 /hich of the following represents the minimum for " A;? BC+ A =

    032 /hich of the following represents the ma,imum alue for " assuming

    ma, tre speed and ma, brake energ speed are not limiting

    = A; 2 =@+

    032 7uring certification flight testing on a four engine turbojet aeroplane theactual take-off distances measured are& 3050 m with failure of thecritical engine recognised at " 2555 m with all engines operating and

    all other things being e!ual The take-off distance adopted for thecertification file is&

    3050 m 35"3 m 2555 m 293 m

    032 6n the eent of engine failure below "% the first action to be taken bthe pilot in order to decelerate the aeroplane is to&

    reduce the engine thrust. reerse engine thrust. appl wheel brakes. deplo airbrakes or spoilers.

    032 6f the antiskid sstem is inoperatie% which of the following statements

    is true

    The accelerate stop distance increases. The accelerate stop distance decreases. 6t has no effect on the accelerate

    stop distance.

    Take-off with anti-skid inoperatie is neer


    032 6n which of the following distances can the length of a stopwa beincluded

    6n the accelerate stop distance aailable. 6n the one-engine failure case% take-offdistance.

    6n the all-engine take-offdistance.

    6n the take-off run aailable.

    032 Cther factors remaining constant and not limiting% how does increasingpressure altitude affect allowable take-off mass

    llowable take-off mass decreases. llowable take-off mass increases. There is no effect on allowabletake-off mass.

    llowable take-off mass remainsuninfluenced up to 5000 ft pressure altitude.

    032 6f there is a tail wind% the climb limited TCA will& not be affected. increase. decrease. increase in the flaps e,tended case.

    032 /hich of the following sets of factors will increase the climb-limited

    TCA (eer factor considered independentl)

    Bow flap setting% low E% low CT. Digh flap setting% low E% low CT. Bow flap setting% high E% high


    Bow flap setting% high E% low CT.

    032 The re!uirements with regard to take-off flight path and the climb

    segments are onl specified for&

    the failure of the critical engine on a multi-

    engines aeroplane.

    the failure of an engine on a multi-engine


    2 engine aeroplane. the fa ilure of two engines on a multi-engine

    aeroplane.032 t which minimum height will the second climb segment end *00 ft aboe field eleation. 35 ft aboe ground. /hen gear retraction is


    "500 ft aboe field eleation.

    032 head wind will& increase the climb flight path angle. increase the angle of climb. increase the rate of climb. shorten the time of climb.

    032 ssuming that the re!uired lift e,ists% which forces determine an

    aeroplane>s angle of climb

    /eight% drag and thrust. /eight and drag onl. Thrust and drag onl. /eight and thrust onl.

    032 Dow does the best angle of climb and best rate of climb ar withincreasing altitude for an aeroplane with a normal aspirated piston


    Foth decrease. Foth increase. Fest angle of climb increaseswhile best rate of climb


    Fest angle of climb decreases while best rateof climb increases.

    032 n operator shall ensure that the net take-off flight path clears allobstacles. The half-width of the obstacle-corridor at the distance 7 fromthe end of the TC7 is at least&

    90m 8 0."257 0."257 90m 8 "."257 90m 8 7#0."25

    032/hat is the effect of tail wind on the time to climb to a gien altitude The time to climb does not change. The time to climb increases. The time to climb decreases. The effect on time to climb will depend on

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    the aeroplane tpe.

    032 The angle of climb with flaps e,tended% compared to that with flapsretracted% will normall be&

    $maller. Barger. 1ot change. 6ncrease at moderate flap setting% decrease atlarge flap setting.

    032 , and with take-off flaps will be& lowe r than that for clea n configura ti on. higher than that for clean configuration. same as that for cle anconfiguration.

    changed so that , increases and decreases compared to clean configuration.

    032 Cther factors remaining constant% how does increasing altitude affect, and in terms of T$

    Foth will increase. Foth will remain the same. Foth will decrease. , will decrease and will increase.

    032 Dow does T$ ar in a constant Aach climb in the troposphere (under6$ conditions)

    T$ decreases. T$ increases. T$ is constant. T$ is not related to Aach 1umber.

    032The optimum long-range cruise altitude for a turbojet aeroplane& increases when the aeroplane mass


    is alwas e!ual to the powerplant ceiling. is independent of the aeroplane


    is onl dependent on the outside air

    temperature.032 ;onsidering T$ for ma,imum range and ma,imum endurance% other

    factors remaining constant%both will increase with increasing altitude. both will decrease with increasing altitude. both will sta constant

    regardless of altitude.T$ for ma,imum range will increase withincreased altitude while T$ for ma,imumendurance will decrease with increasedaltitude.

    032 Dow does the specific range change when the altitude increases for jet

    aeroplane fling with the speed for ma,imum range

    +irst increases than decreases. 7ecreases. 7oes not change. 6ncreases onl if there is no wind.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-"0"* re. 05.05.2003) ssumingconstant B#7 ratio% which of the diagrams proided correctl shows the

    moement of the GThrust =e!uired ;ureG. Aass m" is higher thanmass m2.

    c a b d

    032Bong range cruise is a f light procedure which gies& a specif ic range which is appro,imatel99: of ma,imum specific range and ahigher cruise speed.

    a ": higher T$ for ma,imum specificrange.

    an 6$ which is ": higher thanthe 6$ for ma,imum specificrange.

    a specific range which is appro,imatel 99:of ma,imum specific range and a lowercruise speed.

    032 twin engine aeroplane in cruise flight with one engine inoperatie has

    to fl oer high ground. 6n order to maintain the highest possiblealtitude the pilot should choose&

    the speed corresponding to the ma,imum

    alue of the lift # drag ratio.

    the long range speed. the speed corresponding to the

    minimum alue of (lift #drag)H3#2.

    the speed at the ma,imum lift.

    032 commercial flight is planned with a turbojet aeroplane to anaerodrome with a landing distance aailable of 2*00 m. The aeroplane

    mass must be such that on arrial the aeroplane can be landed within&

    " **0 m. " 250 m. " 090 m. " '55 m.

    032 t the destination aerodrome the landing distance aailable is 3000m.The appropriate weather forecast indicates that the runwa at the

    estimated time of arrial will be wet. +or a commercial flight the massof a turbojet aeroplane at landing must be such that the aeroplane can belanded within&

    "5'5 m. "00 m. 2'09 m. 2 00 m.

    032 /ith

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    brake release and corresponding flap angle will be&

    032 The correct formula is& (=emark& GJ4G means Ge!ual to or lowerG) A;?J4@+ J " ".05 A;J4 @+J4 " ".05 A;?J @+J4 = 2minJ4 @+J4 A

    032 ?ien& $4 $talling speed A;4 ir minimum control speed A4Ainimum unstick speed (disregarding engine failure) "4 take-off

    decision speed =4 =otation speed 2 min.4 Ainimum take-off safetspeed BC+& Bift-off speed The correct formula is&

    $J A;J 2 min =J A;J BC+ AJ4 A;J " 2minJ A;K A

    032=egarding take-off% the take-off decision speed "& is the airspeed on the ground at which thepilot is assumed to hae made a decision to

    continue or discontinue the take-off.

    is alwas e!ual to @+ (@ngine +ailurespeed).

    is an airspeed at which theaeroplane is airborne but below

    35 ft and the pilot is assumed tohae made a decision to

    continue or discontinue the take-off .

    is the airspeed of the aeroplane uponreaching 35 feet aboe the take-off surface.

    032 7uring certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane% the actualmeasured take-off runs from brake release to a point e!uidistant

    between the point at which BC+ is reached and the point at which the

    aeroplane is 35 feet aboe the take-off surface are& - "* m% all enginesoperating - "950 m% with the critical engine failure recogni

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 7uring a glide at constant Aach number% the pitch angle of the

    aeroplane will&

    decrease. increase. increase at first and decrease

    later on.

    remain constant.

    032 7uring a cruise flight of a jet aeroplane at constant flight leel and at

    the ma,imum range speed% the 6$ # the drag will&

    decrease # decrease. increase # decrease. increase # increase. decrease # increase.

    032 n aeroplane carries out a descent from +B *"0 to +B 20 at cruiseAach number% and from +B 20 to +B "00 at the 6$ reached at +B

    20. Dow does the angle of descent change in the first and in the secondpart of the descent ssume idle thrust and clean configuration andignore compressibilit effects.

    6ncreases in the first partL is constant in thesecond.

    6ncreases in the first partL decreases in thesecond.

    6s constant in the first partLdecreases in the second.

    7ecreases in the first partL increases in thesecond.

    032/hich statement with respect to the step climb is correct @,ecuting a desired step climb at highaltitude can be limited b buffet onset at g-

    loads greater than ".

    step climb must be e,ecuted immediatelafter the aeroplane has e,ceeded the

    optimum altitude.

    step climb is e,ecutedbecause T; desires a higher


    step climb is e,ecuted in principle when%just after leelling off% the ".3g altitude is


    032 /hich of the following combinations basicall has an effect on theangle of descent in a glide (6gnore compressibilit effects.)

    ;onfiguration and angle of attack. Aass and altitude. ltitude and configuration. ;onfiguration and mass.

    032 Two identical aeroplanes at different masses are descending at idle

    thrust. /hich of the following statements correctl describes theirdescent characteristics

    t a gien angle of attack% both the ertical

    and the forward speed are greater for theheaier aeroplane.

    There is no difference between the descent

    characteristics of the two aeroplanes.

    t a gien angle of attack the

    heaier aeroplane will alwasglide further than the lighteraeroplane.

    t a gien angle of attack the lighter

    aeroplane will alwas glide further than theheaier aeroplane.

    032 /hat is the effect of a head wind component% compared to still air% on

    the ma,imum range speed (6$) and the speed for ma,imum climbangle respectiel

    Aa,imum range speed increases and

    ma,imum climb angle speed stasconstant.

    Aa,imum range speed decreases and

    ma,imum climb angle speed increases.

    Aa,imum range speed

    decreases and ma,imum climbangle speed decreases.

    Aa,imum range speed increases and

    ma,imum climb angle speed increases.

    032 +or a jet aeroplane% the ma,imum climb angle is achieed at a speedcorresponding to&

    the ma,imum ;B#;7 ratio the ma,imum ;B#;7 ratio ".2 s "." s

    032The ma,imum speed in horima,imum range speed>

    Ainimum specific fuel consumption. Ainimum fuel flow. Bongest flight duration. Ainimum drag.

    032The speed for ma,imum lif t#drag ra tio will result in& The ma,imum range for a propeller drienaeroplane. The ma,imum range for a jet aeroplane. The ma,imum endurance for apropeller drien aeroplane. The ma,imum angle of climb for a propellerdrien aeroplane.

    032 /hat happens when an aeroplane climbs at a constant Aach number The lift coefficient increases. The T$ continues to increase% which malead to structural problems.

    6$ stas constant so there willbe no problems.

    The G".3?G altitude is e,ceeded% so Aachbuffet will start immediatel.

    032 /hich of the following proides ma,imum obstacle clearance duringclimb

    The speed for ma,imum climb angle ,. ".2s. The speed for ma,imum rate ofclimb.

    The speed% at which the flaps ma beselected one position further E.

    032 /hich of the following factors will lead to an increase of grounddistance during a glide% while maintaining the appropriate minimumglide angle speed

    Tailwind. 6ncrease of aircraft mass. 7ecrease of aircraft mass. Deadwind.

    032 /hich of the following factors leads to the ma,imum flight time of a


    Bow mass. Digh mass. Deadwind. Tailwind.

    032 /hich of the following is a reason to operate an aeroplane at >longrange speed>

    6t is efficient to fl slightl faster than withma,imum range speed.

    6n order to achiee speed stabilit. The aircraft can be operatedclose to the buffet onset speed.

    6n order to preent loss of speed stabilit andtuck-under.

    032 ;omplete the following statement regarding the take-off performance of (i) " (ii) 2 seconds (iii) ccelerate - stop (i) 2 (ii) 3 seconds (iii) Take-off distance (i) " (ii) " second (iii) (i) " (ii) 2 seconds (iii) Take-off distance

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    an aeroplane in performance class . +ollowing an engine failure at

    (i) ........... and allowing for a reaction time of (ii) ........... a correctlloaded aircraft must be capable of decelerating to a halt within the(iii) .........

    distance aailable. aailable. ccelerate - stop distance



    032 6f the alue of the balanced " is found to be lower than A;?% whichof the following is correct

    " must be increased to at least the alueof A;?.

    The one engine out take-off distance willbecome greater than the $7=.

    The A;? will be lowered to".

    The $7= will become greater than the oneengine out take-off distance.

    032 6n accordance to M= 25 which of the following listed speeds are usedfor determination of 2min&

    $=% A; A;?% 2 BC+% A;. "% =.

    032 Aa,imum Tre $peed can limit the Bift-off $peed. /hich kind of speedcan be directl used to determine this limitation

    ?roundspeed. 6$. T$. @$$.

    032 =educed take-off thrust should normall not be used when& windshear is reported on the take-off path. it is dark. the runwa is dr. the runwa is wet.

    032 =educed take-off thrust should normall not be used when& anti skid is not usable. it is dark. the runwa is wet. the CT is 6$ 8"0I;

    032 =educed take-off thrust should normall not be used when& the runwa is contaminated. it is dark. the runwa is wet. obstacles are present close to the end of therunwa.

    032The use of reduced take-off thrust is permitted% onl if& The actual take-off mass (TCA) is lower

    than the field length limited TCA.

    The take-off distance aailable is lower than

    the take-off distance re!uired one engine outat ".

    The actual take-off mass (TCA)

    including a margin is greaterthan the performance limitedTCA.

    The actual take-off mass (TCA) is greater

    than the climb limited TCA.

    032 /hen " has to be reduced because of a wet runwa the one engine outobstacle clearance # climb performance&

    decreases # remains constant. increases # increases. remains constant # remainsconstant.

    decreases # decreases.

    032 /hich statement concerning the inclusion of a clearwa in take-offcalculation is correct

    The field length limited take-off mass willincrease.

    The usable length of the clearwa is notlimited.

    " is increased. " remains constant.

    0326n c ertain c ondi tions 2 can be limi te d b ;A Bow ta ke -of f ma ss% la rge flap e,tension%

    low field eleation.

    Bow take-off mass% small flap e,tension% low

    field eleation.

    Digh take-off mass% large flap

    e,tension% low field eleation.

    Digh take-off mass% small flap e,tension%

    high field eleation.

    032 /hich of the following factors faours the selection of a low flapsetting for the take-off

    Digh field eleation% distant obstacles inthe climb-out path% long runwa and a highambient temperature.

    Bow field eleation% close-in obstacles in theclimb-out path% long runwa and a highambient temperature.

    Digh field eleation% noobstacles in the climb-out path%low ambient temperature andshort runwa.

    Bow field eleation% no obstacles in theclimb-out path% short runwa and a lowambient temperature.

    032 The approach climb re!uirement has been established so that theaeroplane will achiee&

    minimum climb gradient in the eent of ago-around with one engine inoperatie.

    obstacle clearance in the approach area. manoeurabilit in the eent oflanding with one engineinoperatie.

    manoeurabilit during approach with fullflaps and gear down% all e ngines operating.

    032Dow is 2 affected if T#C flaps 20I is chosen instead of T#C flaps "0I 2 decreases if not restricted b A;. 2 has the same alue in both cases. 2 increases in proportion to the

    angle at which the flaps are set.

    2 has no connection with T#C flap setting%

    as it is a function of runwa length onl.

    032 /hat is the adantage of balancing "% een in the eent of a climblimited take-off

    The safet margin with respect to therunwa length is greatest.

    The take-off distance re!uired with oneengine out at " is the shortest.

    The accelerate stop distancere!uired is the shortest.

    The climb limited take-off mass is thehighest.

    032 7uring the flight preparation the climb limited take-off mass (TCA) isfound to be much greater than the field length limited TCA using 5I

    flap. 6n what wa can the performance limited TCA be increasedThere are no limiting obstacles.

    F selecting a higher flap setting. F selecting a higher 2. F selecting a lower 2. F selecting a lower flap setting.

    032 /hich combination of circumstances or conditions would most likellead to a tre speed limited take-off

    high runwa eleation and tail wind. low runwa eleation and a cross wind. high runwa eleation and ahead wind.

    low runwa eleation and a head wind.

    032 7uring the flight preparation a pilot makes a mistake b selecting a "greater than that re!uired. /hich problem will occur when the enginefails at a speed immediatel aboe the correct alue of "

    The stop distance re!uired will e,ceed thestop distance aailable.

    The one engine out take-off distancere!uired ma e,ceed the take-off distanceaailable.

    2 ma be too high so thatclimb performance decreases.

    6t ma lead to oer-rotation.

    032 / hich of the following state me nts is correct The climb limited take-off mass is

    independent of the wind component.

    The performance limited take-off mass is

    independent of the wind component.

    The accelerate stop distance

    re!uired is independent of therunwa condition.

    The take-off distance with one engine out is

    independent of the wind component.

    032 The drift down re!uirements are based on& the obstacle clearance during a descent tothe new cruising altitude if an engine has


    the actual engine thrust output at the altitudeof engine failure.

    the ma,imum flight pathgradient during the descent.

    the landing mass limit at the alternate.

    032 /hich of the following statements% concerning the obstacle limitedtake-off mass for performance class aeroplane% is correct

    6t should be determined on the basis of a 35ft obstacle clearance with the respect to theGnet take-off flight pathG.

    6t should not be c orrected for 30I bank turnsin the take-off path.

    6t should be calculated in such awa that there is a margin of 50ft with respect to the Gnet take

    6t cannot be lower than the correspondingclimb limited take-off mass.

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    off flight pathG.

    032 / hich of the following state me nts is correct = is the speed at which the pilot shouldstart to rotate the aeroplane.

    = should not be higher than ". = should not be higher than".05 A;?.

    = is the speed at which% during rotation%the nose wheel comes off the runwa.

    032 The >ma,imum tre speed> limits& BC+ in terms of ground speed. " in kt T$. =% or A if this is lowerthan =.

    " in kt ground speed.

    032+or jet aeroplanes which of the following statements is correct /hen determining the ma,imum allowablelanding mass at destination% '0: of the

    aailable distance is taken into account% ifthe runwa is e,pected to be dr.

    6n an case runwa slope is one of thefactors taken into account when determining

    the re!uired landing field length.

    n anti-skid sstem malfunctionhas no effect on the re!uired

    landing field length.

    The re!uired landing field length is thedistance from 35 ft to the full stop point.

    032 /hich statement is correct The climb limited take-off mass depends

    on pressure altitude and outer airtemperature

    The performance limited take-off mass is the

    highest of& field length limited take-off massclimb limited take-off mass obstacle limitedtake-off mass.

    The climb limited take-off mass

    will increase if the headwindcomponent increases.

    The climb limited take-off mass increases

    when a larger take-off flap setting is used.

    032 /hich of the following factors determines the ma,imum flight altitudein the GFuffet Cnset FoundarG graph

    erodnamics. Theoretical ceiling. $erice ceiling. @conom.

    032 /hich data can be e,tracted from the Fuffet Cnset Foundar ;hart The alues of the Aach number at whichlow speed and Aach buffet occur atarious masses and altitudes.

    The alue of ma,imum operating Aachnumber (AAC) at arious masses and

    power settings.

    The alue of the critical Aachnumber at arious masses andaltitudes.

    The alue of the Aach number at which lowspeed and shockstall occur at arious massesand altitudes.

    032 /h should the temperature of the wheel brakes be checked prior totake offG

    Fecause oerheated brakes will notperform ade!uatel in the eent of a

    rejected take-off.

    To ensure that the brake wear is note,cessie.

    To ensure that the wheels haewarmed up eenl.

    To ensure that the thermal blow-out plugsare not melted.

    032 /hich is the correct se!uence of speeds during take-off A;?% "% =% 2. "% A;?% =% 2. "% =% A;?% 2. "% =% 2% A;.

    032 jet aeroplane is climbing with constant 6$. /hich operational speedlimit is most likel to be reached

    The Aa ,imum ope ra ting Aac h number. The $ta ll ing spe ed. The Ain imum cont ro l spee d a ir. The Aa ch limi t f or the Aa ch trim ss te m.

    032 jet aeroplane descends with constant Aach number. /hich speed

    limit will be e,ceeded

    Aa,imum Cperating $peed 1eer @,ceed $peed Digh $peed Fuffet Bimit Aa,imum Cperational Aach 1umber

    032/hich stateme nt about re duc ed th rust is corr ec t =e duc ed thrus t c an be used whe n the ac tua l

    take-off mass is less than the field lengthlimited take-off mass.

    =educed thrust is primaril a noise

    abatement procedure.

    =educed thrust is used in order

    to sae fuel.

    6n case of reduced thrust " should be


    032 /hich statement% in relation to the climb limited take-off mass of a jet

    aeroplane% is correct

    The climb limited take-off mass decreases

    with increasing CT.

    The climb limited take-off mass is

    determined at the speed for best rate ofclimb.

    50: of a head wind is taken into

    account when determining theclimb limited take-off mass.

    Cn high eleation airports e!uipped with

    long runwas the aeroplane will alwas beclimb limited.

    032 =egarding the obstacle limited take-off mass% which of the followingstatements is correct

    take-off in the direction of an obstacle isalso permitted in tail wind condition.

    /ind speed plas no role when calculatingthis particular mass.

    The obstacle limited mass canneer be lower than the climblimited take-off mass.

    The ma,imum bank angle which can be usedis "0I.

    032 /hich statement regarding " is correct " must not e,ceed =. " must not e,ceed A;?. /hen determining the "%reerse thrust is onl allowed to

    be taken into account on the

    remaining smmetric engines.

    The " correction for up-slope is negatie.

    032 /hen an aircraft takes off with the mass limited b the TC7& the actual take-off mass e!uals the field

    length limited take-off mass.

    the distance from brake release to " will be

    e!ual to the distance from " to the 35 feetpoint.

    the Gbalanced take-off distanceG

    e!uals ""5: of the Gall enginetake-off distanceG.

    the end of the runwa will be cleared b 35

    feet following an engine failure at ".

    032 +or a take-off from a contaminated runwa% which of the followingstatements is correct

    The performance data for take-off must bedetermined in general b means ofcalculation% onl a few alues a re erified

    b flight tests.

    The greater the depth of contamination atconstant take-off mass% the more " has to

    be decreased to compensate for decreasingfriction.

    7r snow is not considered toaffect the take-off performance.

    slush coered runwa must be clearedbefore take-off% een if the performance datafor contaminated runwa is a ailable.

    032 To minimi

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 T he stopwa is an area which allows an increase onl in the& accele ra te -stop distance aailable . take-off run aailable. ta ke -off distance aaila ble. landing distance aailable .

    032 = cannot be lower than& " and "05: of A;. "05: of " and A;. ".2 s for twin and three enginejet aeroplane.

    "."5 s for turbo-prop with three or moreengines.

    032The effect of a higher take-off flap setting up to the optimum is& an increase of the field length limited take-

    off mass but a decrease of the climblimited take-off mass.

    a decrease of the field length limited take-off

    mass but an increase of the climb limitedtake-off mass.

    a decrease of both the field

    length limited take-off mass andthe climb limited take-off mass.

    an increase of both the field length limited

    take-off mass and the climb limited take-offmass.

    032 /hen the outside air temperature increases beond the flat ratedtemperature of the engines% the&

    field length limited take-off mass and theclimb limited take-off mass decreases.

    field length limited take-off mass and theclimb limited take-off mass increases.

    field length limited take-offmass decreases but the climb

    limited take-off mass increases.

    field length limited take-off mass increasesbut the climb limited take-off mass


    032 The one engine out take-off run is the distance between the brake

    release point and&

    the middle of the segment between BC+

    point and 35 ft point.

    the lift-off point. the point where 2 is reached. the point half wa between " and 2.

    032 The decision speed at take-off (") is the calibrated airspeed& below which take-off must be rejected if anengine failure is recogninonstandard> temperature

    altitude reference to the standard datumplane

    altitude read directl from thealtimeter

    height aboe the surface

    032 The 7ensit ltitude is used to determine the aeroplaneperformance.

    is e!ual to the pressure alti tude. is used to establish minimumclearance of 2.000 feet oermountains.

    is used to calculate the +B aboe theTransition ltitude.

    032 /hich of the following combinations adersel affects take-off and

    initial climb performance

    Digh temperature and high relatie


    Bow temperature and high relatie humidit Digh temperature and low

    relatie humidit

    Bow temperature and low relatie humidit

    032/hat effect has a downhill slope on the take-off speeds The slope decreases the take-off speed ". decreases the T$ for take-off. increases the 6$ for take-off. has no effect on the take-off speed ".

    0327uring climb to the cruising leel% a headwind component decreases the ground distance flown duringthat climb.

    increases the amount of fuel for the climb. increases the climb time. decreases the climb time.

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 /hat affect has a tailwind on the ma,imum endurance speed 1o affect Tailwind onl effects holding speed. The 6$ will be increased. The 6$ will be decreased.

    032 7uring climb with all engines% the altitude where the rate of climbreduces to "00 ft#min is called&

    $erice ceiling bsolute ceiling Thrust ceiling Aa,imum transfer ceiling

    032 The ma,imum rate of climb that can be maintained at the absolute

    ceiling is&

    0 ft#min "25 ft#min 500 ft#min "00 ft#min

    032 Dow does the thrust of a propeller ar during take-off run% assumingunstalled flow conditions at the propeller blades The thrust

    decreases while the aeroplane speed buildsup.

    increases while the aeroplane speed buildsup.

    aries with mass changes onl. has no change during take-off and climb.

    032 twin engine aeroplane is fling at the minimum control speed with

    take-off thrust on both engines. The critical engine suddenl fails. fterstabilising the engine failure transient which parameter(s) must be


    $traight flight $traight flight and altitude Deading% altitude and a positie

    rate of climb of "00 ft#min


    032 The speed 2 is the take-off safet speed. that speed at which the E6; should decide tocontinue or not the take-off in the case of an

    engine failure.

    the lowest airspeed re!uired toretract flaps without stall


    the lowest safet airspeed at which theaeroplane is under control with aerodnamic

    surfaces in the case of an engine failure.

    032 /hich take-off speed is affected b the presence or absence of stopwaand#or clearwa

    " 2 A;? A;

    032 /hat is the influence of the mass on ma,imum rate of climb (=C;)

    speed if all other parameters remain constant

    The =C; speed increases with increasing


    The =C; speed decreases with increasing


    The =C; is affected b the

    mass% but not the =C; speed.

    The =C; and the =C; speed are

    independent of the mass.

    032 The long range cruise speed is in relation to the speed for ma,imumrange cruise.

    Digher Bower 7epending on the CT and netmass.

    7epending on densit altitude and mass.

    032 pproaching in turbulent wind conditions during ma nua l flight re!uires an increase in approach speed an increa se in =@+ a ste eper approach path no change

    032 n aeroplane operating under the "0 minutes @TCE$ rule ma be upto&

    "0 minutes fling time from a suitableairport in still air% with one engine


    "0 minutes fling time from a suitableairport under the preailing weather

    condition with one engine inoperatie.

    "0 minutes fling time fromsuitable airport in still air% at the

    normal cruising speed.

    90 minutes fling time from the first enrouteairport and another 90 minutes from the

    second enroute airport in still air with one

    engine inoperatie.032 @TCE$ flight is a twin engine jet aeroplane flight conducted oer a

    route% where no suitable airport is within an area of'0 minutes fling time in still air at theapproed one engine out cruise speed.

    '0 minutes fling time in still air at thenormal cruising speed.

    30 minutes fling time at thenormal cruising speed.

    5 minutes fling time at the approed oneengine out cruise speed.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-359 or Eerformance Aanual A=MT" +igure *.2*) /ith regard to the drift down performance of the twin jetaeroplane% wh does the cure representing 35 000 kg gross mass in thechart for drift down net profiles start at appro,imatel * minutes at


    Fecause at this mass it takes appro,imatel* minutes to decelerate to the optimumspeed for drift down at the original cruisingleel.

    Fecause at this mass the engines slow downat a slower rate after failure% there is stillsome thrust left during four minutes.

    7ue to higher T$ at this massit takes more time to deelop theoptimal rate of descent% becauseof the inertia inoled.

    ll the cures start at the same point% whichis situated outside the chart.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-3590 or Eerformance Aanual A=MT" +igure *.5) /ith regard to the take-off performance of a twin jetaeroplane% wh does the take-off performance climb limit graph show akink at 30I; and E 0 ft

    The engines are pressure limited at lowertemperature% at higher temperatures theare temperature limited.

    t higher temperatures the AF@determines the climb limit mass.

    t lower temperatures one hasto take the danger of icing intoaccount.

    t higher temperatures the flat rated enginesdetermines the climb limit mass.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-359" or Eerformance Aanual A=MT" +igure *.5) ;onsider the take-off performance for the twin jetaeroplane climb limit chart. /h has the wind been omitted from the


    The climb limit performances are takenrelatie to the air.

    The effect of the wind must be taken fromanother chart.

    There is no effect of the wind onthe climb angle relatie to theground.

    There is a built-in safet measure.

    032 +ield length is balanced when take-off distance aailable e!ualsaccelerate stop distance aailable.

    calculated 2 is less than ""0: A; and".

    all engine acceleration to " andbraking distance for rejectedtake-off are e!ual.

    one engine acceleration from " to BC+plus flare distance between BC+ and 35feet are e!ual.

    032 The second segment begins when landing gear is full retracted. when flap retraction begins. when flaps are selected up. when acceleration starts from 2 to the

    speed for flap retraction.

    032/hich of the alternaties represents the correct relationship A;? and " should not e,ceed = A; and " should not e,ceed 2 A;B and " should note,ceed =

    2 and " should not e,ceed A;?

    032 Take-off run is defined as the hori

  • 8/13/2019 032 - Performance of Aeroplanes


    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 The minimum alue of 2 must e,ceed A; b& "0: "5: 20: 30:

    032 /hich of the following is true according to M regulations for turbopropeller powered aeroplanes not performing a steep approach

    Aa,imum Banding 7istance at thedestination aerodrome and at an alternateaerodrome is 0% , B7 (Banding 7istance


    Aa,imum Banding 7istance at destination is0%95 , B7 (Banding 7istance ailable).

    Aa,imum Take-off =un is 0%5 ,runwa.

    Aa,imum use of clearwa is "%5 , runwa.

    032 +or take-off obstacle clearance calculations% obstacles ma be aoided b banking not more than "5I between 50ft and *00 ft aboe the runwa eleation.

    b banking as much as needed if aeroplaneis more than 50 ft aboe runwa eleation.

    onl b using standard turns. b standard turns - but onl after passing"500 ft.

    032 / hich of the following state me nts is correct stopwa means an area be ond the ta ke-

    off runwa% able to support the aeroplaneduring an aborted take-off.

    n underrun is an area beond the runwa

    end which can be used for an aborted take-off.

    clearwa is an area beond

    the runwa which can be usedfor an aborted take-off.

    6f a clearwa or a stopwa is used% the lift-

    off point must be attainable at least at theend of the permanent runwa surface.

    032 ccording to M= 25 the landing reference speed =@+ ma not be lessthan

    ".23 $=C and must be maintained downto 50 ft height

    $=C and must be maintained down to 35 ftheight

    ".23 $=C for turbojet poweredand ".30 for turboprop powered


    ".2 A;

    032 7uring take-off the third segment begins& when acceleration to flap retraction speedis started.

    when landing gear is full retracted. when acceleration starts fromBC+ to 2.

    when flap retraction is completed.

    032 /hich of the following is true with regard to A; (air minimum

    control speed)

    $traight flight can not be maintained below

    A;% when the critical engine has failed.

    The aeroplane is uncontrollable below


    The aeroplane will not gather

    the minimum re!uired climbgradient

    A; onl applies to four-engine


    032 /hich of the following will decrease " 6noperatie anti-skid. 6ncreased take-off mass. 6noperatie flight managementsstem.

    6ncreased outside air temperature.

    032 /hich of the following are to be taken into account for the runwa in

    use for take-off

    irport eleation% runwa slope% outside air

    temperature% pressure altitude and windcomponents.

    irport eleation% runwa slope% standard

    temperature% standard pressure and windcomponents.

    irport eleation% runwa slope%

    standard temperature% pressurealtitude and wind c omponents.

    irport eleation% runwa slope% outside air

    temperature% standard pressure and windcomponents.

    032 ccording to M=-CE$ "% for turbo-prop aeroplanes% the re!uiredrunwa length at a destination airport is&

    the same as that re!uired at an alternateairport.

    less then that re!uired at an alternate airport. more than that re!uired at analternate airport.

    '0: greater than that re!uired at an alternateairport

    032 ;hanging the take-off flap setting from flap "5I to flap 5I will normallresult in&

    a longer take-off distance and a betterclimb.

    a shorter take-off distance and an e!ualclimb.

    a better climb and an e!ual take-off distance.

    a shorter take-off distance and a better climb.

    032 The landing reference speed =@+ has% in accordance with M= 25% thefollowing margins aboe reference stall speed in landing configuration&

    23: "5: 20: "0:

    032 6f other factors are unchanged% the fuel mileage (nautical miles per kg)


    lower with a forward centre of grait


    independent from the centre of grait


    lower with an aft centre of

    grait position.

    higher with a forward centre of grait


    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-*32 or Eerformance Aanual A=MT" +igure *.2*) /ith regard to the drift down performance of the twin jetaeroplane% what is meant b Ge!uialent gross weight at enginefailureG

    The e!uialent gross weight at enginefailure is the actual gross weight correctedfor CT higher than 6$ 8"0I;.

    The increment represents fuel used beforeengine failure.

    This gross weight accounts forthe lower Aach number athigher temperatures.

    The increment accounts for the higher fuelflow at higher temperatures.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-*33 or Eerformance Aanual A=MT" +igure *.2) /hat is the minimum field length re!uired for the worstwind situation% landing a twin jet aeroplane with the anti-skid

    inoperatie @leation& 2000 ft N1D& "0"3 hEa Banding mass& 50 000kg +laps& as re!uired for minimum landing distance =unwa condition&

    dr /ind& Aa,imum allowable tailwind& "5 kt Aa,imum allowableheadwind& 50 kt

    3"00 m. 2'00 m. 200 m. 2900 m.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-**3 or Eerformance Aanual A@E"

    +igure 3.2) /ith regard to the graph for the light twin aeroplane% willthe accelerate and stop distance be achieed in a take-off where the

    brakes are released before take-off power is set

    1o% the performance will be worse than in

    the chart.

    Eerformance will be better than in the chart. Oes% the chart has been made for

    this situation.

    6t does not matter which take-off techni!ue

    is being used.

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-***) ;onsidering a rate of climbdiagram (=C; ersus T$) for an aeroplane. /hich of the diagramsshows the correct cures for Gflaps downG compared to GcleanGconfiguration

    a b c d

    032/ha t i s the most importan t a spe ct of the >bac kside of the powe r c ure > The spe ed i s uns ta ble. The a erop la ne wil l not s ta ll . The a lti tude c annot be


    The eleator must be pulled to lower the


    032 /hat is the effect of increased mass on the performance of a glidingaeroplane

    The speed for best angle of descentincreases.

    There is no effect. The gliding angle decreases. The lift#drag ratio decreases.

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 /hich force compensates the weight in unaccelerated straight and leel


    the lift the thrust the drag the resultant from lift and drag

    032 6n which of the flight conditions listed below is the thrust re!uired e!ual

    to the drag

    6n leel flight with c onsta nt 6$ 6n acce lerated leel flight 6n a climb with c onsta nt 6$ 6n a descent with constant T$

    032The load factor in a turn in leel fl ight with constant T$ depends on the bank angle onl. the radius of the turn and the bank angle . the true airspeed and the bankangle.

    the radius of the turn and the weight of theaeroplane.

    032 T he induced drag of a n aeropla ne decreases with increa sing airspeed. decreases with inc re asing gross we ight. is inde pe nde nt of the airspeed. increases with incre asing airspeed.

    032 The induced drag of an aeroplane at constant mass in un-accelerated

    leel flight is highest at&

    the lowest achieable speed at a gien


    $" AC

    032 The lowest point of the thrust re!uired cure of a jet aeroplane is the

    point for&

    minimum drag. ma,imum specific range. ma,imum endurance. minimum specific range.

    032The point where 7rag coefficient#Bift coefficient is a minimum is the point where a tangent from the origintouches the drag cure.

    the lowe st point of the dra g cure . a t s ta ll ing spee d ($). on the Gbac k s ide G of the dra g c ure .

    032 The airspeed for jet aeroplanes at which Gpower re!uiredG is minimum is alwas lower than the minimum drag


    is alwas higher than the minimum drag


    is lower than the minimum drag

    speed in the climb and higherthan the minimum drag speed inthe descent.

    is the same as the minimum drag speed.

    032 The point at which a tangent out of the origin touches the powerre!uired cure

    is the point where the Bift to 7rag ratio is ama,imum.

    is the point where 7rag coefficient is aminimum.

    is the point where the Bift to7rag ratio is a minimum.

    is the ma,imum drag speed.

    032 Cn a reciprocating engine aeroplane% to maintain a gien angle ofattack% configuration and altitude at higher gross mass

    the airspeed and the drag will be increased. the airspeed will be decreased and the dragincreased.

    the lift#drag ratio must beincreased.

    the airspeed will be increased but the dragdoes not change.

    032 Cn a reciprocating engine aeroplane% to maintain a gien angle of

    attack% configuration and altitude at higher gross mass

    an increase in airspeed and power is


    a higher coefficient of drag is re!uired. an increase in airspeed is

    re!uired but power setting doesnot change.

    re!uires an increase in power and decrease in

    the airspeed.

    032 n aeroplane with reciprocating engines is fling at a c onstant angle ofattack% mass and configuration. /ith increasing altitude the drag

    remains unchanged but the T$ increases. remains unchanged but the ;$ increases. increases at constant T$. decreases and the ;$ decreases toobecause of the lower air densit.

    032 Cn a reciprocating engine aeroplane% with increasing altitude at constantgross mass% angle of attack and configuration the power re!uired

    increases and the T$ increases b thesame percentage.

    increases but T$ remains constant. decreases slightl because of thelower air densit.

    remains unchanged but the T$ increases.

    032 Aoing the centre of grait from the forward to the aft limit (grossmass% altitude and airspeed remain unchanged)

    decreases the induced drag and reduces thepower re!uired.

    inc re ases the powe r re !ui re d. af fe cts nei ther dra g nor powe rre!uired.

    increases the induced drag.

    032 The centre of grait near% but still within% the aft limit improes the ma,imum range. increases the stalling speed. improes the longitudinal


    decreases the ma,imum range.

    032 The critical engine inoperatie increases the power re!uired and the totaldrag due to the additional drag of thewindmilling engine and the compensationof the aw moment.

    does not affect the aeroplane performancesince it is independent of the power plant.

    decreases the power re!uiredand increases the total drag dueto the additional drag of thewindmilling engine and the

    compensation of the awmoment.

    increases the power re!uired and decreasesthe total drag due to the windmilling engine.

    032The speed range between low speed buffet and high speed buffet decreases with increasing mass and

    increasing altitude.

    decreases with increasing mass and is

    independent of altitude.

    is onl limiting at low altitudes. increases with increasing mass.

    032 The danger associated with low speed and#or high speed buffet limits the manoeuring load factor at highaltitudes.

    can be reduced b increasing the load factor. e,ists onl aboe AAC. has to be considered at take-off and landing.

    032 /hich of the jet engine ratings below is not a certified rating Aa,imum ;ruise Thrust Aa,imum ;ontinuous Thrust ?o-round Thrust Aa,imum Take-off Thrust

    032 t constant thrust and constant altitude the fuel flow of a jet engine increases slightl with increasing airspeed. is independent of the airspeed. decreases slightl withincreasing airspeed.

    increases with decreasing CT.

    032 t a constant Aach number the thrust and the fuel flow of a jet engine decrease in proportion to the ambientpressure at constant temperature.

    increase with increasing a ltitude. are independent of outside a irtemperature (CT).

    increase in proportion to the ambientpressure at constant temperature.

    032The thrust of a je t engine a t constant =EA increases in proportion to the airspeed. does not change with changing alti tude. is independent of the airspeed. is inersel proportional to the airspeed.

    032 The intersections of the thrust aailable and the drag cure are theoperating points of the aeroplane

    in unaccelerated leel flight. in descent with constant 6$. in accelerated leel flight. in unaccelerated climb.

    032 6n straight hori

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 lowe r ai rspee d a t c ons ta nt ma ss a nd a lti tude re !u ire s a highe r c oe ff ic ie nt of li ft. l ess thrus t a nd a lowe r c oe ff ic ie nt of li ft. more thrus t and a lowe r

    coefficient of lift.

    more thrust and a lower c oefficient of drag.

    032 higher altitude at constant mass and Aach number re!uires a higher angle of attack. a lower coefficient of lift. a lower coefficient of drag. a lower angle of attack.

    032/hen f ling the GFackside of Thrust cureG means a lower a irspeed re!uires more thrust. the thrust re!uired is independent of the


    a thrust reduction results in an

    acceleration of the aeroplane.

    a lower airspeed re!uires less thrust because

    drag is decreased.

    032 GAa,imum enduranceG is achieed in unaccelerated leel flightwith minimum fuel flow.

    is the same as ma,imum specific range withwind correction.

    can be flown in a stead climbonl.

    can be reached with the >best rate of climb>speed in leel flight.

    032 The speed for ma,imum endurance is alwas lower than the speed for

    ma,imum specific range.

    is the lower speed to achiee 99: of

    ma,imum specific range.

    can either be higher or lower

    than the speed for ma,imumspecific range.

    is alwas higher than the speed for

    ma,imum specific range.

    032/hich of the e!uations below defines specific range ($=) $= 4 True irspeed#Total +uel +low $= 4 6ndicated irspeed#Total +uel +low $= 4 Aach 1umber#Total +uel+low

    $= 4 ?roundspeed#Total +uel +low

    032 Bong range cruise is selected as the higher speed to achiee 99: of

    ma,imum specific range in

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 Cn a dr runwa the accelerate stop distance is increased b uphill slope. b headwind. b low outside air temperature. b a lower take-off mass because the

    aeroplane accelerates faster to ".

    032 phill slope increases the take-off distance more than

    the accelerate stop distance.

    decreases the accelerate stop distance onl. decreases the take-off distance


    increases the allowed take-off mass.

    032 balanced " is obtained when& the accelerate stop distance is e!ual to theone engine out take-off distance.

    a stopwa is used to obtain the highestrunwa length limited take off mass.

    a clearwa is used to obtain thehighest runwa length limited

    take off mass.

    it is e!ual to 2.

    032 >Fa la nc ed +ield Be ngth> is sa id to e,ist whe re & The ac ce le ra te stop dista nc e i s e !ua l to thetake-off distance aailable.

    The clearwa does not e!ual the stopwa. The accelerate stop distance ise!ual to the all engine take-offdistance.

    The one engine out take-off distance is e!ualto the all engine take-off distance.

    032 2 has to be e!ual to or higher than "." A;. "."5 A;?. "." $C. "."5 =.032 " has to be e!ual to or higher than A;?. e!ual to or higher than A;. higher than =. e!ual to or higher than 2.

    032 The speed = is the speed at which rotation to the lift-offangle of attack is initiated.

    must be higher than 2. must be higher than BC+. must be e!ual to or lower than ".

    032 6f the take-off mass of an aeroplane is brake energ limited a higher

    uphill slope would

    increase the ma,imum mass for take-off. decrease the ma,imum mass for take-off. hae no effect on the ma,imum

    mass for take-off.

    decrease the re!uired take-off distance.

    032 6f the take-off mass of an aeroplane is tre speed limited% downhill slopewould

    hae no effect on the ma,imum mass fortake-off.

    decrease the ma,imum mass for take-off. increase the ma,imum mass fortake-off.

    increase the re!uired take-off distance.

    032 The first segment of the take-off flight path ends at completion of gear retraction. at completion of flap retraction. at reaching 2. at 35 ft aboe the runwa.

    032The c limb limited take-off mass can be increased b a lower f lap setting for take-off andselecting a higher 2.

    selecting a lower ". selecting a lower 2. selecting a lower =.

    032 6n the eent that the take-off mass is obstacle limited and the take-off

    flight path includes a turn% the bank angle should not e,ceed

    "5 degrees up to height of *00 f t. "0 degrees up to a height of *00 f t. 20 degrees up to a height of *00


    25 degrees up to a height of *00 ft.

    032 Oou climb with a climb speed schedule 300#.. /hat do ou e,pect inthe crossoer altitude 29 200 ft (CT 4 6$)

    The rate of climb increases since theconstant 6$-climb is replaced b the

    constant Aach-climb.

    The rate of climb decreases since climbperformance at a constant Aach number is

    grossl reduced as compared to constant6$.

    7uring the acceleration to theAach number . the rate of

    climb is appro,imatel

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    ma,imum lift to drag ratio speed distance. distance. fuel and time to descent. distance.

    032The ma,imum mass for landing could be limited b the c limb re!uirements with one engineinoperatie in the approach configuration.

    the climb re!uirements with one engineinoperatie in the landing configuration.

    the climb re!uirements with allengines in the approach


    the climb re!uirements with all engines inthe landing configuration but with gear up.

    032 The landing field length re!uired for turbojet aeroplanes at thedestination (wet condition) is the demonstrated landing distance plus

    92: ': 0: *3:

    032 The landing field length re!uired for jet aeroplanes at the alternate (wet

    condition) is the demonstrated landing distance plus

    92: *3: 0: ':

    032 Cn a long distance flight the gross mass decreases continuousl as aconse!uence of the fuel consumption. The result is&

    The specific range and the optimumaltitude increases.

    The speed must be increased to compensatethe lower mass.

    The specific range increases andthe optimum altitude decreases.

    The specific range decreases and theoptimum altitude increases.

    032 /ith one or two engines inoperatie the best specific range at highaltitudes is (assume altitude remains constant) reduced. improed. not affected. first improed and later reduced.

    032 6n unaccelerated climb thrust e!uals drag plus the downhillcomponent of the gross weight in the flight

    path direction.

    lift is greater than the gross weight. lift e!uals weight plus theertical component of the drag.

    thrust e!uals drag plus the uphill componentof the gross weight in the flight pathdirection.

    032 /hat is the e!uation for the climb gradient e,pressed in percentage

    during unaccelerated flight (applicable to small angles onl)

    ;limb ?radient 4 ((Thrust - 7rag)#/eight)

    , "00

    ;limb ?radient 4 ((Thrust 8 7rag)#Bift) ,


    ;limb ?radient 4 ((Thrust -

    Aass)#Bift) , "00

    ;limb ?radient 4 (Bift#/eight) , "00

    032 The rate of climb is appro,imatel climb gradient times trueairspeed diided b "00.

    is the downhill component of the trueairspeed.

    is angle of climb times trueairspeed.

    is the horiclimb gra dient> is defined a s the ratio of the increase of altitude to hori

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 The absolute ceiling is the altitude at which the rate of climb

    theoreticall is

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    lbs Deadwind component& 5 kt +laps& pproach setting =unwa& Tarred

    and 7r

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'5 or Eerformance Aanual $@E "

    +igure 2.") /ith regard to the take off performance chart for the singleengine aeroplane determine the take off speed for (") rotation and (2) ata height of 50 ft. ?ien& C..T& 6$8"0I; Eressure ltitude& 5000 ft

    eroplane mass& 3*00 lbs Deadwind component& 5 kt +laps& up=unwa& Tarred and 7r

    " and 2 Q6$ 3 and * Q6$ ' and Q6$ '5 and 5 Q6$

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'5 or Eerformance Aanual $@E "

    +igure 2.2) /ith regard to the take off performance chart for the singleengine aeroplane determine the take off distance to a height of 50 ft.

    ?ien& C..T& 3I; Eressure ltitude& *000 ft eroplane Aass& 3*00lbs Tailwind component& 5 kt +laps& pproach setting =unwa& 7r

    ?rass ;orrection factor& ".2

    appro,imatel& 39'0 ft appro,imatel& 3'0 ft appro,imatel& *200 ft appro,imatel& 50*0 ft

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'59 or Eerformance Aanual $@E "+igure 2.3) /ith regard to the climb performance chart for the singleengine aeroplane determine the rate of climb. ?ien & C..T & 6$ 8"5I; Eressure ltitude& 0 ft eroplane Aass& 3*00 lbs +laps& up $peed&

    "00 Q6$

    "290 ft#min "30 ft#min "2"0 ft#min ""50 ft#min

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'50 or Eerformance Aanual $@E "+igure 2.2) /ith regard to the take off performance chart for the single

    engine aeroplane determine the take off distance oer a 50 ft obstacleheight. ?ien& C..T& 30I; Eressure ltitude& "000 ft eroplane Aass&2950 lbs Tailwind component& 5 kt +laps& pproach setting =unwa&$hort% wet grass% firm subsoil ;orrection factor& ".25 (for runwa


    235 ft "900 ft "'00 ft 2000 ft

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'5" or Eerformance Aanual $@E "+igure 2.3) sing the climb performance chart% for the single engineaeroplane% determine the ground distance to reach a height of 2000 ftaboe the reference

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    full throttle and cruise lean mi,ture in the following conditions& ?ien&

    CT& 3I; Eressure altitude& '000 ft Eower& +ull throttle # 2"%0 in#Dg.#2"00 =EA

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'5 or +light planning Aanual $@E" +igure 2.*) sing the =ange Erofile 7iagram% for the single engineaeroplane% determine the range% with *5 minutes resere% in the

    following conditions& ?ien& C..T.& 6$ 8"'I; Eressure altitude&*000 ft Eower& +ull throttle # 25%0 in#Dg.# 2"00 =EA

    '5 1A 39 1A 5" 1A 9"" 1A

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'5 or +light planning Aanual $@E

    " +igure 2.*) sing the =ange Erofile 7iagram% for the single engineaeroplane% determine the range% with *5 minutes resere% in the

    following conditions& ?ien& C..T.& 6$ -"5I; Eressure altitude&"2000 ft Eower& +ull throttle # 23%0 in#Dg.# 2300 =EA

    902 1A 5 1A '0 1A 90 1A

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-'590 or Eerformance Aanual $@E "

    +igure 2.*) sing the Banding 7iagram% for single engine aeroplane%determine the landing distance (from a screen height of 50 ft) re!uired%in the following conditions& ?ien& Eressure altitude& *000 ft C..T.&5I; eroplane mass& 3530 lbs Deadwind component& "5 kt +laps&

    pproach setting =unwa& tarred and dr Banding gear& down

    "*00 ft 0 ft "550 ft "020 ft

    032 The drift down procedure specifies re!uirements concerning the& obstacle clearance after engine failure. engine power at the altitude at which enginefailure occurs.

    climb gradient during thedescent to the net leel-off


    weight during landing at the alternate.

    032 The approach climb re!uirement has been established to ensure& minimum climb gradient in case of a go-around with one engine inoperatie.

    obstacle clearance in the approach area. manoeurabilit in case oflanding with one engineinoperatie.

    manoeurabilit during approach with fullflaps and gear down% all e ngines operating.

    032/hich statement related to a take-off from a wet runwa is correct reduction of screen height is allowed in

    order to reduce weight penalties

    The use of a reduced r is sufficient to

    maintain the same safet margins as for adr runwa

    6n case of a reerser inoperatie

    the wet runwa performanceinformation can still be used

    $creenheight reduction can not be applied

    because of reduction in obstacle clearance.

    032 ?ien a jet aircraft. /hich order of increasing speeds in theperformance diagram is correct

    s% ,% Aa,imum range speed Aa,imum endurance speed% Bong rangespeed% Aa,imum range speed

    s% Aa,imum range speed% , Aa,imum endurance speed% Aa,imumrange speed% ,

    032 6s there an difference between the ertical speed ersus forward speedcures for two identical aeroplanes haing different masses (assume

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check


    032 6f the field length limited take off mass has been calculated using aFalanced +ield Bength techni!ue% the use of an additional clearwa in

    take off performance calculations ma allow

    a greater field length limited take off massbut with a lower "

    a greater field length limited take off massbut with a higher "

    the obstacle clearance limit to beincreased with no effect on "

    the obstacle clearance limit to be increasedwith an higher "

    032 The take-off mass of an aeroplane is restricted b the climb limit. /hatwould be the effect on this limit of an increase in the headwind


    1one. The effect would ar depending upon theheight of an obstacle within the net take-off

    flight path.

    The climb limited take-off masswould increase.

    The climb limited take-off mass woulddecrease.

    032 /hich of the following statements with regard to the actual accelerationheight at the beginning of the 3rd climb segment is correct

    The minimum alue according toregulations is *00 ft.

    lower height than *00 ft is allowed inspecial circumstances e.g. noise abatement.

    The minimum alue accordingto regulations is "000 ft.

    There is no legal minimum alue% becausethis will be determined from case to caseduring the calculation of the net flight path.

    032 ccording to M=-CE$ "% which one of the following statementsconcerning the landing distance for a turbojet aeroplane is correct

    /hen determining the ma,imum allowablelanding mass at destination% '0: of theaailable landing runwa length should betaken into account.

    =eerse thrust is one of the factors alwastaken into account when determining thelanding distance re!uired.

    Aalfunctioning of an anti-skidsstem has no effect on there!uired runwa length.

    The landing distance is the distance from 35ft aboe the surface of the runwa to the fullstop.

    032 /hich one of the following statements concerning drift-down is


    /hen determining the obstacle clearance

    during drift-down% fuel dumping ma betaken into account.

    The drift-down procedure re!uires a

    minimum descent angle after an enginefailure at cruising altitude.

    The drift-down procedure

    re!uires a minimum obstacleclearance of 35 ft.

    n engine failure at high cruising altitude

    will alwas result in a drift-down% because itis not permitted to fl the same altitude withone engine inoperatie as with all enginesoperating.

    032 6n accordance with M= 25 the take-off safet speed 2min for turbo-propeller powered aeroplanes with more than three engines ma not beless than&

    ".0 $= ".2 $= "."3 $= $=

    032 The take-off safet speed 2 for two-engine or three-engine turbo

    propeller powered aeroplanes ma not be less than&

    ".2 s ".3 s "."5 s "."5 s"

    032 Cn a segment of the take-off flight path an obstacle re!uires a minimumgradient of climb of 2.': in order to proide an ade!uate margin of

    safe clearance. t a mass of ""0000 kg the gradient of climb is 2.:.+or the same power and assuming that the sine of the angle of climbaries inersel with mass% at what ma,imum mass will the aeroplane

    be able to achiee the minimum gradient

    ""*55 kg "02"50 kg "2"3"0 kg "0'*25 kg

    032 /hich statement regarding " is correct = ma not be lower than " " ma not be higher than mcg /hen determining "% reerse

    thrust ma onl be used on theremaining smmetric engines

    The correction for up-slope on the balanced

    " is negatie

    032/hich statement with respect to the step climb is correct Eerforming a step climb based on economcan be limited b the ".3g buffet onset


    6n principle a step climb is performedimmediatel after the aircraft has e,ceeded

    the optimum altitude.

    step climb can onl beperformed when the altitude

    e,ceeds the one engine outserice ceiling.

    step climb proides better econom than aoptimum cruise.

    032 Take-off performance data% for the ambient conditions% show thefollowing limitations with flap "0I selected& - runwa limit& 5 20 kg -obstacle limit& * '30 kg @stimated take-off mass is 5 000kg.

    ;onsidering a take-off with flaps at&

    5I% the obstacle limit is increased but therunwa limit decreases

    5I% both limita tions are increased 20I% the obstacle limit isincreased but the runwa limitdecreases

    20I% both limitations are increased

    032 climb gradient re!uired is 3%3:. +or an aircraft maintaining "00 kttrue airspeed % no wind% this climb gradient corresponds to a rate of

    climb of appro,imatel&

    330 ft#min 3 300 ft#min 3%30 m#s 33%0 m#s

    032 +ollowing a take-off determined b the 50ft ("5m) screen height% a lighttwin climbs on a "0: oer-the-ground climb gradient. 6t will clear a900 m high obstacle in relation to the runwa (hori

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    anti-iceG The climb gradient after take-off from an airport situated at "

    000 ft% "I ;L N1D "0"3%25 hEa% with wing and engine anti-iceoperating for a functional check is&

    032 n aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions% 25I and 35I. 6f apilot chooses 25I instead of 35I% the aircraft will hae&

    an increased landing distance and bettergo-around performance

    a reduced landing distance and better go-around performance

    an increased landing distanceand degraded go-around


    a reduced landing distance and degraded go-around performance

    032 The take-off distance of an aircraft is 00m in standard atmosphere% nowind at 0 ft pressure-altitude. sing the following corrections& GR 20 m #" 000 ft field eleation G G- 5 m # kt headwind G G8 "0 m # kt tail wind G

    GR "5 m # : runwa slope G GR 5 m # I; deiation from standardtemperature G The take-off distance from an airport at 2 000 ft eleation%

    temperature 2"I;% N1D "0"3.25 hEa% 2: up-slope% 5 kt tail wind is&

    90 m 90 m 0 m "0 m

    032 n increase in atmospheric pressure has% among other things% thefollowing conse!uences on landing performance&

    a reduced landing distance and improedgo-around performance

    an increased landing distance and degradedgo-around performance

    an increased landing distanceand improed go-around


    a reduced landing distance and degraded goaround performance

    032 decrease in atmospheric pressure has% among other things% thefollowing conse!uences on take-off performance&

    an increased take-off distance anddegraded initial climb performance

    a reduced take-off distance and improedinitial climb performance

    an increased take-off distanceand improed initial climb


    a reduced take-off distance and degradedinitial climb performance

    032 n increase in atmospheric pressure has% among other things% the

    following conse!uences on take-off performance&

    a reduced take-off distance and improed

    initial climb performance

    an increases take-off distance and degraded

    initial climb performance

    an increased take-off distance

    and improed initial climbperformance

    a reduced take-off distance and degraded

    initial climb performance

    032 The take-off distance of an aircraft is '00m in standard atmosphere% no

    wind at 0 ft pressure-altitude. sing the following corrections& GR 20 m #" 000 ft field eleationG G- 5 m # kt headwindG G8 "0 m # kt tail windG GR"5 m # : runwa slopeG GR 5 m # I; deiation from standardtemperatureG The take-off distance from an airport at " 000 ft eleation%

    temperature "I;% N1D "0"3%25 hEa% ": up-slope% "0 kt tail wind is&

    55 m "5 m 555 m '5 m

    032 n aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions% 25I and 35I. 6f apilot chooses 35I instead of 25I% the aircraft will hae&

    a reduced landing distance and degradedgo-around performance

    a reduced landing distance and better go-around performance

    an increased landing distanceand degraded go-around


    an increased landing distance and better go-around performance

    032 The pilot of a single engine aircraft has established the climbperformance. The carriage of an additional passenger will cause theclimb performance to be&

    7egraded 6mproed nchanged nchanged% if a short field take-off isadopted

    032 runwa is contaminated b a 0%5 cm laer of wet snow. The take-offis neertheless authoris flight manual. The take-off

    distance in relation to a dr runwa will be&

    increased unchanged decreased er significantl decreased

    032 +ollowing a take-off% limited b the 50 ft screen height% a light twinclimbs on a gradient of 5:. 6t will clear a "'0 m obstacle in relation to

    the runwa (hori

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    PERFORMANCE OF AEROPLANESsubj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

    032 t a gien mass% the reference stall speed of a twin engine turboprop

    aircraft is "00 kt in the landing configuration. The minimum speed apilot must maintain in short final is&

    "23 kt ""5 kt "25 kt "20 kt

    032 (+or this !uestion use anne, 032-""''" or Eerformance Aanual $@E" +igure 2.") n e,tract of the flight manual of a single engine propelleraircraft is reproduced in anne,. irport characteristics& hard% dr and