what is gender? what is gender inequality? why is gender equality important for prim? do we have...


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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality
Page 2: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

What is gender? What is gender inequality? Why is gender equality important for

PRIM? Do we have a choice? How can we integrate gender equality

into PRIM? Institutional strengtheningCivil society and RTTFContracting and paid workers

Page 3: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Name, position and organisation

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Page 4: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Learned from the time we are born about how we are to behave as girls and boys and as we grow up as women and men

Our different roles as women and men in the family, in our religion, in our work, in the community and society What we should do What we should not do How we should react if we see other

girls/women or boys/men not behaving like they should

This creates gender stereotypes (Eko’s exercise on whiteboard)

Gender is concerned with both women and men and disadvantage and advantage – gender does not just mean women

Page 5: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

The social roles given to women and men lead to differences in the way women and men and their work are valued in society

This influences their choices and access to opportunities eg to have an education, earn a living, own property, make decisions in the household and in the community

Differences in opportunities and power lead to inequalities and injustice

Women are most often disadvantaged – but sometimes men

Women may need extra support to participate (empowerment) eg encouragement to express opinions, encouragement

to apply for job, training to enable them to apply for job, appointing to decision making or leadership positions

Page 6: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

More effective and efficient program involves more people, more ideas, different perceptions,

more skills, more resources in both government and community

Meets the needs of both women and men, not only by improved road maintenance but also in opportunities to participate in the program

Fulfils the rights of women to participate in development

Indonesian government policy and Australian government policy/IndII commitment > PRIM design and PMM

Monitoring and evaluation of PRIM includes questions about perceptions of PRIM outcomes and benefits and involvement of both women and men in PRIM

Does it make sense not to make real efforts to integrate gender equality in PRIM?

Page 7: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Institutional strengthening Training

Government, procurement committees, national contractors and consultants

Assistance to civil society Support to RTTF Strengthening community involvement

Implementation support Verification by national technical team Program Implementation Unit includes training

and mentoring government, consultants and contractors

Monitoring and evaluation

Page 8: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Discuss the questions below:Informal discussions in the community

How can you make sure that women are involved and are able to express their opinions in informal discussions?

Official community meetings Do women have the same opportunity as men to be

present at meetings, express their opinions and make decisions in formal meetings?

How can you ensure that women are involved in formal discussions?

How can you encourage women to speak in formal meetings?

Distributing information to communities What differences do you think there are between

women and men in the way they obtain information?

What should be done to ensure that women have access to information about PRIM – for example about job opportunities?

Page 9: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Discuss the suggestions below as input to the RTTF SOP. What ones do you agree with and what wording should be changed?

Women and men should be invited and involved equitably in meetings with the RTTF in the field

It should be ensured that women and men get access to information about the RTTF, for example about use of the complaints system and SMS notification

Women should participate as members or observer of the RTTF, for example as NGO or CSO representatives

RTTF will seek input from individuals or women’s organisations and from special needs groups (such as people with disability) about their particular needs

RTTF should ensure that the special needs of women and people with disability are accommodated, for example by ensuring easy access to markets.

Page 10: What is gender?  What is gender inequality?  Why is gender equality important for PRIM?  Do we have a choice?  How can we integrate gender equality

Discuss the suggestions below. What do you agree with and what wording needs to be changed? The contractor should give information about job opportunities

in PRIM in writing, for example in the form of leaflets or pamphlets, and and distribute them in a method so that all community members can read them.

The written information should clearly state: The position available Qualification or skills that are required How to apply The range from minimum to maximum of the wages to be paid That the positions are available for both women and men to apply for Women and men will be paid the same for equal work.

The contractor should encourage women to apply for supervisory positions

For monitoring purposes, the contractor should keep evidence of the job advertisements that are made and note and report the number of women and men that are recruited for PRIM work.

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How? Who? What?