what is digital storytelling? ◦ personal and academic narratives ◦ one format for digital...


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Page 1: What is Digital Storytelling? ◦ Personal and Academic Narratives ◦ One format for Digital Storytelling  Video Format- MovieMaker  Digital Storytelling
Page 2: What is Digital Storytelling? ◦ Personal and Academic Narratives ◦ One format for Digital Storytelling  Video Format- MovieMaker  Digital Storytelling

What is Digital Storytelling?◦ Personal and Academic Narratives◦ One format for Digital Storytelling

Video Format- MovieMaker

Digital Storytelling Process Using the Flip Camera Editing/Publishing Resource:http://retapedia.pbworks.com

Page 3: What is Digital Storytelling? ◦ Personal and Academic Narratives ◦ One format for Digital Storytelling  Video Format- MovieMaker  Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is the process of writing about a story, and adding the multimedia elements of voice, imagery, and music to create a visual story.

Personal or Academic Narratives: A personal story is one that involves a personal

change or realization. This could be a family story about the value of a childhood experience, a reunion in which you reconnect with a long lost friend, a hero in your family,

Digital storytelling can also be used in the content areas as an academic story or "unit of instruction" story. This can be a story about any concept, unit or idea from any area of the curriculum, from math to social studies.

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YouTube uploads 200,000 videos a day

85% of all upolads are from teensIs their focus on the power of the technology or the power of the story?

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The Overall Purpose of the Story The Narrator’s Point of View A Dramatic Question or Questions (capture the viewer’s attention) The Choice of Content Clarity of Voice Pacing of the Narrative

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Use of a Meaningful Audio Soundtrack Quality of the Images, Video & other Multimedia Elements Economy of the Story Detail Good Grammar and Language Usage

Adapted from: The Center for Digital Storytelling (http://www.storycenter.org)

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Page 9: What is Digital Storytelling? ◦ Personal and Academic Narratives ◦ One format for Digital Storytelling  Video Format- MovieMaker  Digital Storytelling

1. Pre-






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Storyboards are a planning tool to help you outline and organize your video.

The T-Script Audio/Video Storyboard


The left side of the script is for video, graphics, images.

The right side is for the actual

narration, text, sound effects, etc.

I played Varsity Basketball, Varsity Soccer,

and Varsity Softball…

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Too much headroom

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Watch for distractions when composing your images….

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When shooting outdoors, keep the sun behind you. Beware of windows.

Plan your shoot. Shoot to edit. Use a tripod or other image stabilization

device. For handheld stability, imagine that your

camcorder is a very full cup of hot coffee.

Use a silent backcount: 5-4-3-2-1

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Use the zoom to compose your shot. Avoid zooming while the tape is rolling.

Move the camera only when necessary. Pan from left to right slowly!

Keep your average shot length between 5 and 10 seconds. Keep the shot steady (no zoom or pan) for at least 10 seconds.

Watch for distractions behind the talent.

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1. Wide Shot

2. Medium Shot 3. Close-Up

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Copyright Free Images Creative commons: http://creativecommons.org/ Flickr- http://flickr.com Wikipedia Public Domain Image Resources:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Public_domain_image_resources Pics for Learning: http://pics.tech4learning.com/ Davis Audio & Video clips: http://www.djusd.k12.ca.us/technology/images.htmRoyalty Free Sound Sources

Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/audio Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org The Free Sound Project: http://www.freesound.org/ Stonewashed Sound Effects: http://www.stonewashed.net/sfx.html Macloops: www.macloops.com

Audacity Audio Editor: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/

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Create your storyboard Collect your images Create your digital story

◦iMovie◦Garage Band