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Key Concept 2.1 The Development &Codification of Religious & CulturalTraditions

Answer Underline Concepts and Factual Examples “Facts”

How did religions help strengthen political, economic, and cultural ties within societies

How did religions promote a sense of unity?

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Judaism?

--of Hinduism?

Political rulers often gained power by claiming to be divine or divinely inspired. This created great loyalty among subjects. Rulers in China used the mandate of heaven to legitimize their rule. In meso-America and Andean South America rulers were considered gods and sacrifices were made in their honor. Economically, merchants could more easily trade with those of their religion. Also, in nontolerant empires, those who did not convert were persecuted or discriminated against. Culturally, a strong religion resulted in the building of places of worship. Religions like Hinduism stressed the depiction of Hindu gods and goddesses in order to honor them. A strong religion creates an increase in art and architecture. In places like Sparta, where strength and military advantage was stressed over religion, the city-state was bear with little creativity.

Religions created a code of ethical conduct to live by. Many religions created and emphasis of how you live this life reflects on how your next life or afterlife will be like. The religious traditions practiced and places of worship united the community.

Judaism is a monotheistic religion that later influenced Christianity and Islam. Abraham is the founder and father of all Jewish people. He made a promise to God stating that he and his descendants would only worship that god; this is known as the covenant. Judaism is an ethical religion with the Ten Commandments used to guide daily life. God is the almighty and is accessible through prayer and dialogue. The Hebrew kingdom is known as Israel. The kingdom was a theocracy with a dynasty of Jewish rulers. Although, in 721 b.c.e the Assyrians conquered and deported the Jewish population of Israel. This became known as the diaspora.

The core teachings of Hinduism were written in Sanskrit in the Vedas and Rigveda. The caste system gave everyone a role in society and by performing one’s role or dharma, one could move up a caste or jati during reincarnation. The Brahmins were priests at the top of the caste system and the closest to reaching moksha. Kshatriya’s were the warrior class and Vaishya’s were merchants and farmers. Sudra’s were artisans and laborers at the bottom of the caste system. Reincarnation is the painful cycle of rebirth one goes through until reaching moksha. The Bhagavad Gita is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Vishnu explains to a warrior why it is good for him to go to war because he is a Kshatriya. The soul is eternal and it is his dharma to do so. The Gupta Empire, during the period of Hindu rebirth, created a law code based on the Hindu religion; it was known as the Laws of Manu.

Judaism Israel Monotheism Theocracy diaspora

Hinduism Vedas, Rig Veda Caste (Brahmin,

Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra)

Bhagavad Gita Law of Manu

What is a “universal religion?” A universal religion is one that anyone can join. This religion accepts people of “universal religion”=

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Where did universal religions exist by 600 CE?

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Buddhism? How and where did Buddhism spread by 600 CE?

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Confucianism?

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Daoism?

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Christianity? How and where

other cultures. Buddhism and Christianity are universal religions that existed by 600 CE. These religions actively took part in missionary activities in order to convert others. Judaism and Hinduism would not be considered universal religions because one must be born into the religion.

Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. After forty-nine days of meditation he reached enlightenment, ending a life of suffering. Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha. The four noble truths: life is full of suffering, the cause of suffering is people’s pleasure in earthly pleasures, desires, and prosperity, the way to end suffering is to cease pleasure and passion with temporary earth items and desires, and to follow the eightfold path. By following the four noble truths one will reach enlightenment and end the cycle of rebirth and reach nirvana. A monastic lifestyle (like in Christianity) is an option for both men and women which make it appealing to women. Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism varied. Mahayanist believed that Buddha was a god and had Boddhisattvas. Buddhism spread through merchants trading along the silk road and through Asoka’s rule over India. Asoka was the leader of the Mauryan Empire (321-185 BCE) during the golden age. He converted to Buddhism and ruled using Buddha’s teachings. Asoka attempted to eliminate the caste system (it was against Buddhist beliefs) but failed. He ruled with religious toleration.

Confucius was the founder of Confucianism. Confucianism developed during a period of political turmoil in China known as the warring states period. In order to restore order to China, he believed that society should be centered on the five relationships (respect to ones superior): subject to ruler, son to father, wife to husband, younger brother to older brother, and friends being equals. Children should practice filial piety or the respect and devotion of oneself to their parents and ancestors. A ruler should rule by example and by doing so gain the respect of their subjects, not by chastisement (legalism). Confucianism put an emphasis on education, creating and increase in literacy. The analects are a collection of Confucius’ teachings.

Laozi is credited for being the first philosopher of Daoism but his existence may only be legend. The Daodejing is a book expressing Laozi’s beliefs. He believed that the Dao, meaning “the Way”, guided all things. To restore order people must follow the Dao, or natural order. Daoism lead to advances in medicine (herbal remedies) and literature (poetry). Daoist artwork emphasized nature. Yin and Yang are two powers that represent the natural rhythms of life and complement each other.

Jesus is the son of god, and was born Jewish. He was thought to be the Messiah promised by God, to restore the kingdom of the Jews. His teachings contained many ideas from Jewish tradition and emphasized God’s personal relationship to every

anyone can join

Siddhartha Gautama

Nirvana Asoka

Confucius (Kong Fuzi)

Five relationships Analects

Laozi Daodejing yin/yang

Jesus Peter Paul messiah/savior

Bridget and Joe, 04/26/15,
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did Christianity spread by 600 CE

What are the characteristics and core teachings of Greco-Roman philosophy and science?

How did religions affect gender roles in their respective societies?

What other religious and cultural traditions were common by 600 CE

How did humans reliance on the natural world influence religion?

In which regions did ancestor veneration persist in the classical period?

person. His teachings are found in the Gospels that were written by his disciples (apostles). Jesus ignored wealth and status; everyone was equal in the eyes of God. The Roman governor accused Jesus of defying authority and he was arrested and sent to be crucified. In Rome before Constantine, many Christians were accused of heresy because they refused to worship Roman gods which was seen as defying authority. Paul was an apostle but he never met Jesus. He lived during Pax Romana which made the travel and exchange of ideas fairly safe. Paul stressed that Jesus was the son of God who died for people’s sins, and he declared that Christianity welcomed all converts. The religious structure consisted of priests, bishops, and a pope. Peter was determined the first bishop of Rome and the Pope.

Greco-Roman philosophy emphasized logic and observation. Socrates believed that all knowledge is already known but we must question all things to rediscover what we already know. Plato focused on reason. He believed that there was another world beyond Earth with unchanging forms and ideas. Only philosophers could know these truths and therefore government should be headed by a philosopher king. Aristotle emphasized reasoning and created a structured scientific method. There were advancements in algebra and geometry.

Religion contributed to the creation of patriarchal societies. In Hinduism a women cannot achieve moksha. Hinduists practice sati, which is the burning of a wife after their husband dies. In Confucianism, the five relationships state that a wife is to obey the husband. Although in Christianity, all women are equal in God’s eyes. Both Christianity and Buddhism offered monastic lifestyles to men and women, giving women new opportunities.

In china, filial piety (the respect for one’s ancestors) and ancestral veneration (the worshipping of ones ancestors in the belief that they can bring good or bad fortune) were both very popular. In Africa and the Americas, animistic religions were very common. Animism is the belief that spirits exist in natural objects. Shamanism is similar to animism but the spirits can only be reached through shamans. This practice is found in central Asia and the Americas.

Polytheistic and animistic religions developed as a result of human reliance on the natural world. People believed that the gods caused natural occurrences like earthquakes and floods, as well as, prosperous farming seasons.

Ancestral veneration could have been found in Africa, the Mediterranean, east Asia, and in Andean south America.

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

filial piety ancestor veneration animism shamanism

How did art and culture develop to 600 CE?

Hindu temples are covered with sculptures of Hindu gods and goddesses and their stories. Hindus depicted the gods and goddesses as a way of honoring them.

all students should be able to

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What literary works influenced later eras?

How did different societies’ architectural styles develop?

What examples of syncretism reflect the Classical Era to 600 CE?

Depictions of Buddha are common in Buddhist art. Buddha is usually meditating with heavy earlobes, a topknot representing wisdom, and squinted or closed eyes. He sometimes has a third eye of wisdom, is sitting on a lotus flower, and has the wheel of Dharma on his foot. Christian’s often depict the stories of the bible in there artwork. God is never depicted.

In Greece the two main theatrical productions were comedies and tragedies. These theatrical productions were expressions of civic pride and tribute to the Gods. The plays were often about leadership, justice, and duties owed to the gods. The tragedies were serious dramas about love, hate, war, and betrayal. They often featured a tragic hero who had extraordinary abilities and a tragic flaw. Sophocles was a famous tragic writer who wrote over one hundred plays. The comedies contained crude humor and often made fun of politics, respected people, and respected ideas of the time (kind of like SNL today). Indian literature was typically poems or epics about human life. The Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayana describe how to find balance in life and perform ones dharma. Kalidasa was a famous playwright of classical India. The Ban Gus or Book of Han contained China’s history during 206BCE and 25CE. This influenced China for thousands of years.

Arches are found frequently in Roman architecture. These were a great architectural accomplishment of the time and were found in aqueducts, the coliseum, and other buildings. The Greeks made use of columns as seen in the Parthenon. In Mesoamerica pyramids were built similar to those in Egypt except that they were made up of giant steps rather that mare smooth like the ones in Giza. These pyramids were built to honor the gods. Ornamental Buddhist artwork was found in India carved out of caves.

In current day Pakistan, a Gandharan Budda (Buddha in a toga) can be found as a result of Alexander the Great’s Hellenistic influence. This combines an aspect of Indian culture in Greek style art. Angkor Watt located in southeast asia is where Hinduism and Buddhism mixed.

recognize temples, art as Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, etc.

Greek tragedies (Sophocles)

Hindu epics (Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana)

Plays of Kalidasa

Key characteristics of Greek, Roman, Mesoamerican, and Indian buildings

Gandharan Buddha Hellenism

Key Concept 2.2 The Development of States and Empires

Answer Underline Concepts and Factual Examples “Facts”

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What is an “empire,” and what were the common characteristics of empires during the Classical Era?

How did the number and size of Classical empires compare to the Pre-classical era?

What were the most influential empires of the classical era and in what (AP) world region was each located?

An empire is when one ethnicity rules over other ethnicities. Empire expansion in the classical era was driven by the desires of land, wealth, and power. In order to achieve these goals, large militaries were built up: the Spartan army made up of hoplites in phalanx formation and Roman legions. Whenever a state sought to take over another state, they did so through military force. Rulers of these empires were typically a dynastic emperor with assistance from a bureaucracy. In Han china, a strong centralized government was built with the civil service exam. The upper class was typically the only people who could participate in the government. The empires built up infrastructure, including roads, in order to communicate along the vast empires. New cosmopolitan cities arose and facilitated trade, learning, and sharing of ideas. Cities like Constantinople and Chang’an became major centers of trade. Multiple Alexandria’s were built and attracted scholars from all over to enhance and share their knowledge. The strongest empires adopted policies of religious tolerance. Both the Persian and Roman empires were greatly weakened after intolerant rulers came to power.

The classical empires were much larger but fewer than pre-classical empires. The populations were in the ten millions unlike the few hundred thousand belonging to pre-classical empires. Pre-classical empires were centered on rivers in fertile river valleys while classical empires expanded outside river valleys and stretched across multiple regions.

Southwest Asia: Achaemenid Persian Empires (600-300BCE) East Asia: Qin (c.200BCE) and Han (200BCE – 200CE)South Asia: Mauryan (321-185 BCE) and Gupta (320-535CE)Mediterranean: Greek (600-200 BCE) Roman (500-500 BCE)Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan (100BCE-750CE) and the Mayan city-statesAndean South America: Moche

What techniques did Classical empires create to administer their territories?

What new political methods were created in order to rule the larger empires in the Classical

Infrastructure was built in order to increase communication throughout the vast empires. This is seen in the Han and Roman roadways. In many empires language was standardized, for example the Qin dynasty standardized the written language in china. An element of fear was also used as armies were becoming larger and stronger.

Bureaucratic and centralized governments were created in order to rule a larger empire. These bureaucracies had multiple levels: local, provincial, imperial. Taxes were demanded from the lower classes to build public works projects. In Qin China,

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How did imperial governments let their population know that the government was “in charge?”

What role did trade play in creating and maintaining empires?

peasants were forced to pay labor to build the great wall in order to provide protection from outsiders. Law codes applying to the entire empire were created like the twelve tables of Rome and the Law of Manu in the Gupta empire.

Firm law codes were set in place, like the Roman twelve tables. In the Mauryan empire rock and pillar edicts were established throughout the empire. Asoka used tough-minded policies created by Kautilya in the Arthasatra which included the use of spies. Strong militaries were also used to patrol and protect the empire.

Trade provided valuable goods to and empire that did not have access to these locally, like textiles, metals, and spices. Ports and trade cities strengthened empires by bring new ideas and technologies from other areas. This can be seen in the wealth of Constantinople, a profitable cosmopolitan city at the end of the silk road.

What unique social and economic characteristics existed in empires?

What were the multiple functions of imperial cities—political, economic, cultural?

What social classes & occupations were common in empires?

People were typically born into a social class. Hierarchies were based on power with a king, priests, and aristocracy on top and peasants on the bottom just above slaves. Merchants and artisans were in the middle. Patriarchy continued to be a trend.

Persepolis was the capital of Achaemenid Persia. This is where the nations under the Persian empire paid their tribute. Chang’an was the eastern end to the silk road. It was a huge trading city with goods from as far away as Rome. Pataliputra was located on the coast of the Bay of Bengal. It was a great center of trade and attracted merchants from all over India. It was the capital of the Mauryan empire and became one of the most populated cities of the time. Athens was a powerful Greek city state with beautiful art and architecture. Athens was the center for philosophy, learning, and the arts. It was the home to Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. It is also known as the birthplace of democracy. Carthage was a Phoenician trade city on the Mediterranean that grew greatly in wealth from tribute payments. Rome was the capital of the Roman empire and where the pope lives. Multiple Alexandria’s were built in Alexander’s empire. These were centers of knowledge where scholars from all over would come and share their knowledge. Constantinople was the western end to the silk road. It developed into a cosmopolitan city with good from all over the world. Its strategic trade location kept it greatly desired throughout history. Teotihuacan was considered the “city of the gods” and was the capital of the Teotihuacan civilization. Home to the Avenue of the Dead included obsidian workshops. Teotihuacan was a religious, political, and economical capital.

The generic social classes were elite, merchants, artisans, peasant farmers, and slaves. Majority of the population were peasant farmers. Artisans became more popular after the Neolithic revolution. Artisans were skilled craftsmen like basket weavers. A larger soldier class developed as militaries grew.

Each student should be able to specifically discuss the multiple functions of a few of the following imperial cities—Persepolis, Chang’an, Pataliputra, Athens, Carthage, Rome, Alexandria,

Constantinople, Teotihuacan

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What labor systems provided the workers for Classical empires?

Describe the gender and family structures of Classical empires.

Empires relied heavily on peasant labor and tribute systems. Peasants paid their taxes in public works projects. In Latin America, the mita system of labor was used, and in Qin china peasant labor was used to build the Great Wall. Tribute systems were set up in order to have decentralized rule over parts of the empire that were really far away. Tribute could come in the form of slaves and labor. Captured POVs became slaves. Slaves were not very popular yet and peasant labor was the most common.

Patriarchal societies were the most common. The men went to war and would hold power if they were wealthy enough. Women were to tend to the house and raise children. Women had very few property or divorce rights. Although, it was typical for the peasant women to work the fields with their husband.


What caused Classical empires to decline, collapse, or transform into something else? Political, social, economic, cultural

What were the environmental factors that created problems for Classical empires?

What specific external threats contributed to the end of each of

Empire’s fell due to a failure of leadership. The Mauryan empire fell because after Asoka the leaders were not strong enough to maintain the centralized power. In Qin China the ruler following Shi Huandi’s death could not maintain his harsh governmental styles and civil war broke out. The roman empire tried to expand beyond practical limits. At its largest, the Roman empire stretched from Spain and into Arabia. The roman empire also ran along the north African coast. Greece as well attempted to expand too far. Alexander the Great expanded all the way into the Indus River Valley, but after his death, generals fought for power and his empire crumbled and was divided into three new civilizations. Rebellions from within or, most commonly in period two, peasant rebellions caused the fall of empires. When peasants are exploited and over taxed they rebel. In Qin China, peasants forced to work on the great wall and many died doing it. In Han China, peasants were upset with the growing gap between the rich and poor .This led to internal rebellion. Internal conflict at the court occurred as well. In the Han court, after the emperor died, empresses fought for their son’s succession and soldiers were killing unicts to get what they wanted. The emperor was distracted leading to a lack of leadership. Outside invaders led to the downfall of many empires. The Roman empire was overcome by Germanic invaders, the Mauryans were invaded by the Hunas, and the Han were invaded by the Xiongnu.

Societies were still highly agricultural, this required large farmlands and in order to obtain theses large forests were cut down and deforestation occurred. Wood was also the primary building and feel source in the Roman empire. As a result of poor farming techniques like slash and burn farming and over farming desertification occurred. Soil erosion created a problem but this problem was solved using terrace farming in both Africa and the Americas. Silt can contaminate water but the silt deposits from the Nile river allowed for fertile farmland for the Egyptians.

Han china suffered from attacks of the nomadic Xiongnu. They were successfully

deforestation desertification soil erosion silted rivers

specific threats to Han China, Rome,

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the major Classical empires? able to get around the Great Wall and take over north and western China. Germanic invaders led to the fall of Rome. Due to Attila the Hun, Germanic tribes were pushed into the Roman empire. Invaders from the north, known as Hunas or the White Huns were excellent horsemen and invaded the Gupta empire successfully and ruled as far as the Ganges river for a short time.

Gupta India

Key Concept 2.3 Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange

Answer Concepts and Relevant Factual Examples in underline “Facts”

How did Classical era trade networks compare to Pre-classical networks? What forces contributed to the changes between the two periods? What was commonly traded along each trade network and by whom?

What technologies enabled long-distance overland and maritime trade?

Besides physical goods, what else traveled along trade networks? Provide examples—crops, diseases, religions, technologies

Classical trade routes were much larger than those in the pre-classical era. During the pre-classical era trade was consolidated among city-states along the same river valley. During the classical era trade routes connected multiple empires together across multiple regions. Before 300 BCE there were no official roads or bridges, but as empires were established, infrastructure was built in order to communicate across the vast civilization. At 300BCE empires were growing and bumping into each other side by side. There roads were protected, allowing safe trade. No one built the silk road; it is the linking of roads and trade routes. The silk road flourished during political stability under the Han and Roman empires because merchants could safely transport goods. The silk road stretched from Chan’an to Constantinople. Cities developed along the silk road where middle men participated in trade, theses became known as oasis towns. Trans-Saharan trade connected sub-Saharan Africa with north Africa. The Sahara desert served as a natural geographical barrier between Sub-Saharan Africa and those north and east. The introduction of the camel from Arabia made caravans possible. Sub-Saharan Africa exported kola nuts, palm oil, rhino horns, ivory, and the most valuable items; salt and gold. Cloth, glass, olive oil, wine, brass, iron, and copper were imported. Indian ocean trade connected India, Arabia, and East Africa. Trading became possible after the understanding of monsoon winds. India traded cotton cloth, cinnamon, and pepper. Small ships with lateen sails were used. Mediterranean trade used large, flat sails because there was less wind. The ships had rowers. It was dominated by the romans who kept the sea free of pirates.

The camel saddle enabled Sub-Saharan trade with the used of camels. This allowed gods to be transported by camel instead of foot (which was not much of an option). The development of Dhows with lateen sails greatly improved Indian ocean trade. Stirrups allowed riders to have better balance and support as well as defend themselves and wield a weapon.

Diseases spread through trade including multiple smallpox outbreaks and an outbreak of the Bubonic plaque. Disease epidemics weakened empires and in some cases, like the Han and Roman empires, contributed to their fall. New crops like Alfalfa to feed horses from Arabia spread, as well as cotton and rice form southeast Asia to the Middle east. New crops led to the adoption of new agricultural

Eurasian Silk Road Trans-Saharan

caravan routes Indian Ocean sea

lanes Mediterranean sea

lanes American trade


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techniques like the qanat irrigation system. As merchants traded with each other, their religions spread. Buddhist and Christian missionaries also traveled along the silk road. Buddhism spread into China through the silk road. Technology like the stirrup was transported and spread through the silk road. Animals like horses and oxen were traded too.