1collections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard...volume li. seventy-eighth }'nnual...

/ VOLUME LI. SEVENTY-EIGHTH }'NNUAL HEPORT BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000. OAIIO OlltCCTOIIS. Jotro Y. P.uun. 1 Cu&na AoOCouoO. Yh .......... • a. J.. &naor, 0. c....,.,._., J, W&LTU AIL...,.,, II IL"wllclo.., ll. C. ll cL- PROFIT AND LOSS. 19(18. Dec. 3 •· or ••••• •.•••.• •ss.r.t• ;8 · 1 909- j .. n. 18. ' ,S\),00000 Jl. " Xc IlL' for CUt'ft'Ut ycard0•1C• by bad d c'ilimatcd aod ptO\ ided •• 6oj. I,J ,17 f7o9,16S 15 1909- Jan. 18. To l .o•• on cOmpo.itloo •ith $1,5,000 oo - JR.:. Jl. " DovM.I<"nd• No... 1,57. •58. 16o at u '- ;J6o.ooo oo " Spc:c:IAJ bonus JO,OOO oo " Cuuv-ibuti.oa to t'Cibiott fuud J S,OOO oo 10 \\'riiiCIII Ofr 8.aAk l\<. 'Co.>UOI , , , 125,000 00 " TnonuCI'I'l'd tq ¥-rvo Fuod • • • • • t oo,CIO') oo " Ual=ce caniOdforwatd. • • • • • • • !zo?•MJ •s GENERAL 6TATrMENT AS AT DtCEMDE.R 1808. LIABIUTIES. not b.-ann;: ••••• •••••• S;,o8r,a;t 97 !).,...,..,._ ,.,..rul,l;' lntl'r•"-1 · · • • • • • • , • • • • • 17,loo,777 II) a.:..-na ..s .... • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 ,u.d.JJJ 9J l>cr-"-''' b) <'l:.t'r in Ca .. • • . . • . • . . b5 l).,J'o)alh by o.>lbcr !lAnk' in Ut .. IC'\1 t: injfJ.)m , , , , • 91 n., .. ., ... t.o. h) uth··r t.. ull•· 1:1 c ..... nlric<o .•• • - 912,729 87 in t: .r.-uloli•"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 76iiii Dralb dra"n b"'""'CI' ou..aanJ iu;: • • • • • _ ... •J l'J.-49SoOIJ Ill C:.rit"'l p;aid up • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i" , • J,OOO.CIOO oo n.-·nc a :und • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s . .s-ooooo for a ,,., in the Onuno ll.'lnk • • , . ,so.ooo oo :Sf"' I<' CJ,•rk, and Juuior Inn.' to"'" . . . . .)0.000 oo 1 1 Niit 1<11<1 I"''• b;>l;•n<'c <:.111'1<'<1 to 1 9 10 • · . • • • • • +*•lib$ 1.5 Kebouc of lnlcn ,l f' 1>'"; "'' Ti lll<' l..cNl.. • • • • • • 13 Vi\ id<'tod \\'A.r114nl' c>UhWnWni: • • • . 4l0 00 1m MJ .. -mJ No. 16o, f'A) a blc yd J .m., 1!)1 o • • • • • , C)O.OOO oo 8, 864. 28 ASS ETC. - -- !td5W16ot : •••• •••••••••••••••• $1, tGg,j(i6 .., O...inion :-Ia\''" Tt'fldcro . • • • • • • • • • JO .,r .. '?" u_ &b. r l'::luk• • . • • • • • • • :,1J8,272 .19 1).., fi'OIII .utl.,'f' Ill l ·U<".ot,;n Cou"tl'lc<> • • • • , I II Sl«tiute • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • _1,107,6;.a .l'l Municip:1l and otb<'f' 1 '-'noh) , CaU l...'l.&n ... ""'"lrcJ byl:U.td,, O.. ·bcnture• lllod St .. ...-k, CaU lA•r\'i, <oC<'Urnl hy Gr:Un &. <>th•-r ta;-4.• .oq,.,...,, " itb D. •niuiu11 for o1 Ci""\:.!.lli•• • Ill .. .. Lc.ot•lo p...,,, ><: '1 '''"; .•••••. c-.t a..,_, .... , "'"'111'-.1 by llond\,Jkbd\IUN• IU'd Stt> .... , c.;.,... ,to;.,,.,. .............. loy (;non nuJ St.opl<!.J , • o-.s..n.. .a.'11n!d • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • awclloria....t l r,11 nrt -.,; .,.i ;a.llf "'""' ..... u;a.. 0\ 'lpnlu,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5P IIIIUP-I!oca. '- .. •..• , • , • . . • . . . • 96 7 O.,putniCiol , , , , , , , , , , , , J:,:S6 ,.0 U ,J,\11,1::<) • - ·· 10 .... _... ,_'" --- - 09 .............................. .. u.. ... ,..lo.tW ..1 ...... ........ _ .. _Wir-' • ... -- · II . C. Mct.EOO, C.-l!ff d AUDITORS' REPORT. CLE1tlCAL MEETING AT UP· PlDR ISLAICD COVE. - . A yery ple&abt a.ad helpful inr of the CoDceiJtioa Bay Cleneal AMoclatloa waa &eld at the Parson· art; IslaJad Cote. on Ja.a. 11 aad 12. 8eftll membeR an.iled of tile opportunity to meet aDd di.Kau nriou toplea deallnr with the Cbarcb. At Enaeonr en tH Utb. tbe j)Dlplt wu occuplea by the Re•. G. B. Field. 'laeumbeat of Brips. · wbo prachecl an lnatrucli.e Ud edHJID• _ ICI'mOD oa the tbreefol cla'Y ortlae del'&')' toward• the laity. aac1 tbe tllreefofd daty of the 1ait1 towuda tbe cleqy. - Oa tile l2tll. there waa a celebra· tlOD of tile = Colllaaaion at 8 L& wlleafl JDUiber ecl arotl8d tM . Altar to otfer tbear ..mea Of pra,.. &1111 pni-. ODe of tile featares of tlle ... u., ...... the-- paper read by the ReY. CUOD Noel. R. D., oa "tile supply ud tralalar of which e-tOked coaal4erable dhc:U- alon. ... cauot fall to ... be1Pfal to the Clqy aad LaitY alike. u they pro•lde the opportuai· ty f9r mutual counael and ad•ic:e. At-the CIOIICWSion or the meeting a tote of tllaab waa unaalmou.aty IIUNCI to tbe Re•. a.ad Mn .. E, E. ltutlilllor their ldad boepitality, , aacl tile !lope wu ezpreued that It · •oalclaot be ID_W before another bftthrea their ptlt.cle to Mr. BoiDiDoa Joae.. for ieadllll'lai8 to a.-ntard •• Bay to iaeet"eotDe of the CferrJ. and aleo to tboee mem bert of the congn:· ptioa wbo -..y kladiJ ollered lioa- Pftality to their •llltDn. • • CARD .. MISS MARY CODY, h aving obtained a REGISTERED TEACHERS' DIPLOMA · recor- aisiq: her a eompetellt teacher of FOR SALE.- 300 M. No. 1 SIIIHGLII, Also Matched BOABD, &o. ktmatioul Stock bt 01 Had. P.irewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, &o.., for sale. Also, P visions and Groceries. V always in stock at bottom pice. DClllll WJ.LSB, Riverhead. The Popular Emporium for . Bo11 and Girla E•er;t,lhlnc ordered by Bla Honor Santa cominr by train e•ery daJ. Girls a.ad Boys Own Anaaals. Chams. Chatterbox, Prize S1111day, Little Tota, Friendly Visitor, etc. Chrlstmaa Annual• with p(Cture.--: Pean'. GraP,hic, Loadoa News, Black & Wb1te, Sketch aa4 Bo1l1 Leuea. Chrlatmaa aad lfew Year C&rda. Post Card Greetlap. Fa.acJ Xmas Preaenta, BirthdaJ Card., TOJI for"Saata Claua. Bills sent qui quarterly,' is no'W on the road \vith a complete line bf samples . . of Fine afld Staple Foot-Wear. You will do well to see them placingyour orders for·Spring. Fme BOOts indispensable features, Vafue, and Finiah. OUn bave this feature predominant. 'lliey bave iRood lbe \ as IN WATER STREET. HARBOR GRACE. " W.S. Goodwin, D.D.S. Graduate of PhUadel.e_hia DeDtal CoHere a.ad liOir pltal of Oral Sarpry ...... \ I FREEMAN - . PHOTOGRAPHS ! Dental Ol!ice on Water St., aut MJ studio it equipped with ap-l o- door to Slmmoaa' Grocery. cbte •r.pllancea and the operatiue room • constructed to meet the of modern Teeth eztsuted with· oat paiD by ue of n air or PHOTOGRAPHIC perfect aaae.tlletic. PORTRAITURE. Sitti.oga made fr om 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Accommodation for very lar ge Photographs in aay size, atyle or finiab cleaired. Prices as low as eouaiate.at with first•d0$S work. --slo&a Duployan is D?W to take puptla, for tn· atnictioa ia tbe--._Sy'atem at her re- aidellce, LeJiarc:tlant St. T,.._. moderate. JOHI CODY, ., .... Cor. & Bannerman Streets. (o•el Strapp' a Pharmacy), Eatraace oa Banaerman Street. n o r1 Cl n o n o o n Cl o o . . , !.- \. I !'\UMUER <4 GIVE YOUR CUSTOMERS VERBENA FLOUR .. Wtea4 of tkae llferior Grades. The Purchaser is pleased and · will only back for more. ' \ . r He knows what he is bu)•ing and The Lake of the W cods Milling Co. guarantee that he geLS what he bought. VERBENA FLOUR THE VERY HIGHEST MANITOBA PATENT. Cargo of ROUND OOAI. Allo, SecoDJI-balul Lumber. all alzes ; likewise Doors. Wbulowa. &Dd tUler houae-fiWngs. . · R. RUTHERFORD & CO. AT OUR PRicES , '' tiJe Best In for Bread Our Mill Price al wars insures You a Good Profit and the demand for Our is increasing daily. Satisfaction to all. WltJ 'ot 'tack .It Your Your order will be appreJated. .. .J J}oard, ScaBitiiiig,-DryGooijs. · Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. , -ALSO- Full assor-tments of Dry Goods, P ro,; ion , Groccric , Mattrns cs, Crockcrywnre, Furniture, &c. \ Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace. - R. D. McRae & Sons. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. . Provisio n s, Groceries, .Cadiz Salt, Tar,· Pitch, Fishe:ny Supplies, &c. ,. Beach Pret¢ses, : Harbor Grace. Business at Grady. Labrador. -= ........ CHESLEY"WOODS"""i I Haslh e Oldest &tobli•hod : I Musical Instrument NOW EXISTENT lir"Nothin g Shoddy kcpL . . I PIANOS AND ORGANS i From the Best Manufacturers in th e World. - Leading Musici ans arc ollr Patrons. They should know. i I CHESLEY WOODS, 140 Water Street, ST. JOHN'S. M. SEAIU-E, Agent for Harbor Grace. 1 ...• .................. , ........................... .

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Page 1: 1collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...VOLUME LI. SEVENTY-EIGHTH }'NNUAL HEPORT BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000. OAIIO 0~ OlltCCTOIIS.Jotro




BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000.

OAIIO 0~ OlltCCTOIIS. Jotro Y. P.uun. 1 Cu&na AoOCouoO. Yh ..........

• a. J.. &naor, 0. c .... ,.,._., J , W&LTU AIL...,.,, IIIL"wllclo.., ll. C. llcL-

• • PROFIT AND LOSS. • 19(18. Dec. 3 •· or IW.It~ce ~· ••••• • •.•••.• • •ss.r.t• ;8 · 1909- j .. n. 18. ' l'r~mforlo,,So,·erciw•Bnnl..n:•llt'l'l'd ,S\),00000 •

o~-.:. Jl. " Xc IlL' for CUt'ft'Ut ycard0•1C• by bad d • c'ilimatcd aod ptO\ ided (o,~r •• 6oj . I,J ,17 f7o9,16S 15

1909- Jan. 18. To l.o•• on cOmpo.itloo • ith 5<n-~8"18anlc $1,5,000 oo -JR.:. Jl. " DovM.I<"nd• No... 1,57. •58. 15~ 16o at u '- ;J6o.ooo oo

" Spc:c:IAJ bonus to~kl&junlor MIUia~c:N JO,OOO oo " Cuuv-ibuti.oa to Olli.~r• t'Cibiott fuud • J S,OOO oo 10 \\'riiiCIII Ofr 8.aAk J'rem~ l\<.'Co.>UOI , , , 125,000 00 " TnonuCI'I'l'd tq ¥-rvo Fuod • • • • • t oo,CIO') oo " Ual=ce caniOdforwatd. • • • • • • • y.116.~ ·~ !zo?•MJ •s ~


LIABIUTIES. o.,~it• not b.-ann;: lnt<"~ ••••• • •••••• S;,o8r,a;t 97 !).,...,..,._ ,.,..rul,l;' l ntl'r•"-1 · · • • • • • • , • • • • • 17,loo,777 II) lul~l a.:..-na • ..s .... o~i'O"il • • • • • • • • • • • • ·~·'"' 67 ,u.d.JJJ 9J l>cr-"-''' b) <'l:.t'r !Utnl;.~ in Ca .. ~J.'l • • . . • . • . . ~H·•~ b5 l ).,J'o)alh by o.>lbcr !lAnk' in Ut .. IC'\1 t:injfJ.)m , , , , • ~J.~J 91 n., .. ., ... t.o. h) uth··r t .. ull•· 1:1 !:,.,...,,~.,, c ..... nlric<o .•• • - C.,J.·~·'' 912,729 87 Not~ in t:.r.-uloli•"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a.~~ ... 76iiii Dralb dra"n b"'""'CI' llrark:h~'lt ou..aanJ iu;: • • • • • _ ~~ ... ~~J •J ~~~~

l'J.-49SoOIJ Ill C:.rit"'l p;aid up • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i" , • J ,OOO.CIOO oo n.-·nc a:und • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s . .s-ooooo It~·~ for a,,., in liquidnlln~ the Onuno ll.'lnk • • , . ,so.ooo oo :Sf"' ~JJ,.w:u' I<' CJ,•rk, and Juuior Inn.' to"'" . . . . .)0.000 oo 11Niit 1<11<1 I"''• b;>l;•n<'c <:.111'1<'<1 to 19 10 • · . • • • • • +*•lib$ 1.5 Kebouc of lnlcn•,l f' 1>'"; "'' Tilll<' l..cNl.. • • • • • • 14~0.57 13 Vi\ id<'tod \\'A.r114nl' c>UhWnWni: • • • . • 4l0 00 1m MJ .. -mJ No. 16o, f'A) a blc yd J .m., 1!)1 o • • • • • , C)O.OOO oo 8, 864. • 28

ASS ETC. - --!td5W16ot

~ • : •••• •••••••••••••••• $1, tGg,j(i6 .. , O...inion :-Ia\''" -t.c,.-:~.1 Tt'fldcro . • • • • • • • • • J,8JO.i9~ JO ~ .,r ~tnd l."'~<·•:uc .. '?" u_&b. r l'::luk• • . • • • • • • • :,1J8,272 .19 1).., fi'OIII .utl.,'f' lfa,IJ..~ Ill l ·U<".ot,;n Cou"tl'lc<> • • • • , I ,SJ.l,~~~ II Sl«tiute ~...:hall!.'\! • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • _1,107,6;.a .l'l

l~AM-'1\1~. (l'rm·in~inl, Municip:1l and otb<'f' 1'-'noh) , CaU l...'l.&n ... ""'"lrcJ byl:U.td,, O..·bcnture• lllod St .. ...-k, CaU lA•r\'i, <oC<'Urnl hy Gr:Un &. <>th•-r ta;-4.• Cocum~iti.- -=..;..;.:.;~

.oq,.,...,, " itb D. •niuiu11 C~r.un<.1tt for ~'C\Irity o1 ~ole Ci""\:.!.lli•• • Ill .. • • • • • .. • • • • • • • •

Lc.ot•lo p...,,, ><:'1 '''"; :Uun~<.-lp.<litl~ .•••••. • c-.t a..,_,...., "'"'111'-.1 by llond\, Jkbd\IUN• IU'd Stt> .... , c.;.,... ,to;.,,.,. .............. loy (;non nuJ o:h~r St.opl<!.J , • o-.s..n.. .a.'11n!d • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

awclloria....t l r,11 nrt -.,; .,.i;a.llf ...:.-u!'!:n..t~. ,:..:.~~~~~~~Tf";.1"'!;i':'j:---~ - ·•. "'""' ..... u;a.. 0\'lpnlu,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5P

IIIIUP-I!oca. '- . . •..• , • , • . . • . . . • 967 ~ O.,putniCiol , , , , • , , , , , , , • • , J:,:S6 ,.0 U ,J,\11,1::<) ~~

• - ·· 10 ...._... -~.,. ,_'" --- ·~• - ~soJ"~ 09 ................................ u.. ... ,..lo.tW ..1 ...... ........

_ .. _Wir-'• ... -· --· II. C. Mct.EOO, C.-l!ff d Mann~:,•r.


CLE1tlCAL MEETING AT UP· PlDR ISLAICD COVE. -. A yery ple&abt a.ad helpful m~t·

inr of the CoDceiJtioa Bay Cleneal AMoclatloa waa &eld at the Parson· art; Up~ IslaJad Cote. on Ja.a. 11 aad 12. 8eftll membeR an.iled of tile opportunity to meet aDd di.Kau nriou toplea deallnr with the Cbarcb. At Enaeonr en tH Utb. tbe j)Dlplt wu occuplea by the Re•. G. B. Field. 'laeumbeat of Brips.

· wbo prachecl an lnatrucli.e Ud edHJID• _ ICI'mOD oa the tbreefol cla'Y ortlae del'&')' toward• the laity. aac1 tbe tllreefofd daty of the 1ait1 towuda tbe cleqy. -

Oa tile l2tll. there waa a celebra· tlOD of tile = Colllaaaion at 8 L& wlleafl JDUiber ptbe~· ecl arotl8d tM . Altar to otfer tbear ..mea Of pra,.. &1111 pni-.

ODe of tile lat~t featares of tlle ... u., ...... the-- paper read by the ReY. CUOD Noel. R. D., oa "tile supply ud tralalar of tile~" which e-tOked coaal4erable dhc:U­alon. ~-..u ... cauot fall to ...

be1Pfal to the Clqy aad LaitY alike. u they pro•lde the opportuai· ty f9r mutual counael and ad•ic:e.

At-the CIOIICWSion or the meeting a tote of tllaab waa unaalmou.aty IIUNCI to tbe Re•. a.ad Mn .. E , E. ltutlilllor their ldad boepitality,

, aacl tile !lope wu ezpreued that It · •oalclaot be ID_W before another

==~wouldb1 ~ bftthrea ~· their

ptlt.cle to Mr. BoiDiDoa Joae.. for ieadllll'lai8 carri~ to a.-ntard •• Bay to iaeet"eotDe of the CferrJ. and aleo to tboee mem bert of the congn:· ptioa wbo -..y kladiJ ollered lioa­Pftality to their •llltDn.


having obtained a REGISTERED TEACHERS' DIPLOMA · recor­aisiq: her a eompetellt teacher of

FOR SALE.-300 M. No. 1 SIIIHGLII, Also Matched BOABD, &o.

ktmatioul Stock bt 01 Had. P.irewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, ~amess, &o.., for sale. Also, P visions and Groceries. V ~be ~lour always in stock

at bottom pice. DClllll WJ.LSB,


The Popular Emporium for . Bo11 and Girla

E•er;t,lhlnc ordered by Bla Honor Santa ~;;laaa cominr by train e•ery daJ. Girls a.ad Boys Own Anaaals. Chams. Chatterbox, Prize S1111day, Little Tota, Friendly Visitor, etc. Chrlstmaa Annual• with p(Cture.--: Pean'. GraP,hic, Loadoa News, Black & Wb1te, Sketch aa4 Bo1l1 Leuea. Chrlatmaa aad lfew Year C&rda. Post Card Greetlap. Fa.acJ Xmas Preaenta, BirthdaJ Card., TOJI for"Saata Claua.

Bills sent qui quarterly,'

is no'W on the road \vith a complete line bf samples . . of Fine afld Staple Foot-Wear. You will do well to see them ~fore placingyour orders for · Spring.

Fme BOOts hav~three indispensable features,

Vafue, and Finiah.

OUn bave this feature predominant.

'lliey bave iRood lbe ·~st. \





W.S. Goodwin, D.D.S. Graduate of PhUadel.e_hia DeDtal CoHere a.ad liOir pltal of Oral Sarpry ......

\ I



Dental Ol!ice on Water St., aut MJ studio it equipped with ap-lo-door to Slmmoaa' Grocery. cbte •r.pllancea and the operatiue

room • constructed to meet the requlremea~ of modern

Teeth eztsuted a~1j!!j with· oat paiD by ue of n air or PHOTOGRAPHIC perfect aaae.tlletic. PORTRAITURE.

Sitti.oga made from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Accommodation for very large grou~ Photographs in aay size, atyle or finiab cleaired. Prices as low as eouaiate.at with first•d0$S work. •

--slo&a Duployan Sborth~ad, is D?W ~ to take puptla, for tn· atnictioa ia tbe--._Sy'atem at her re­aidellce, LeJiarc:tlant St.

T,.._. moderate. JOHI CODY, . , ~ .... ~~~~~·~~

Cor. ~ater & Bannerman Streets. (o•el Strapp'a Pharmacy),

Eatraace oa Banaerman Street.

n o r1 Cl n o n o o n Cl o o

• • . .


!.-\. I

!'\UMUER <4


FLOUR .. Wtea4 of tkae llferior Grades. The Purchaser is pleased and

· will only thinlr:'bC.·~ning- back for more. ' \ . r

H e knows what he is bu)•ing and The Lake of the W cods Milling Co. guarantee that he geLS what he bought.


AS~ Cargo of

ROUND OOAI. Allo, SecoDJI-balul Lumber. all alzes ; likewise Doors.

Wbulowa. &Dd tUler houae-fiWngs. .



'' tiJe Best In Ca~ada for Bread Our Mill Price alwars insures You a Good Profit

and the demand for Our ~our is increasing daily.

Satisfaction ~arante~"'d to all.

WltJ 'ot 'tack .It a~d lncr~a,t Your Bu'l~tss?

Your order will be appreJated.

1:-:~!.~T~~~:.r:::!:.Pi~:~:! .. .J J}oard, ScaBitiiiig,-DryGooijs. ·

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. ,

-ALSO-Full assor-tments of Dry Goods, P ro,; ion , Groccric , liard~ ­

wn~ Mattrns cs, Crockcrywnre, Furniture, &c. \

Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace. - -~


.Provision s, Groceries, .Cadiz Salt, Tar,· Pitch, Fishe:ny Supplies, &c. ,.

Beach Pret¢ses,: Harbor Grace. ~Branch Business at Grady. Labrador.

- = ........ CHESLEY"WOODS"""i I Haslhe Oldest &tobli•hod :

IMusical Instrument House~

NOW EXISTENT li~ !I.~WFOUNDLAND. lir"Nothing Shoddy kcpL . . I PIANOS AND ORGANS i

From the Best Manufacturers in the World. -Leading Musicians arc ollr Patrons. They should know. ~

i ~H~ I CHESLEY WOODS, 140 Water Street, ST. JOHN'S. M. SEAIU-E, Agent for Harbor Grace. 1 ...•.................. , ........................... .

Page 2: 1collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...VOLUME LI. SEVENTY-EIGHTH }'NNUAL HEPORT BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000. OAIIO 0~ OlltCCTOIIS.Jotro




BALSAM. E J'lloloe.;Jo,...,..,...,.....,_-'

of Jnl.l (J)u.rrfl A•• .... • ~ · lto-bl" fo~lte ftH' •r ~I -N· ., 0 ... ,, • _,, ~I" I .... eo· ·-•s. ,. • .._,,,. , . .ll~•t:<lfl r-r •II t


II.,. .. IM-fNI ... Jifl<- ~~,. ..,~ •• nr]Nlo tA• •- ~- fl<i-.' ,o.u., ................. , ,,. 'ei.~; ............. 910•1111 .. J'N401NO \1 a .-...orllf .,.,..,,. ,. ... rlwo ~ .,_,.,,,. ..... ....,. ,. ...


~ssnfance ~o' n. ILIHITBD.J

OF LONDON. eu.auau Ourr.u.. ••••• ..tli,OOO,OOO ~ Toru brnftm l'1mll UP-

w~ o•·········-········· t,760,000 tMc ~.u.boolal UPW'.ueor 850,000&1 ---




Our. Fall aad Winter Stock of Suitiap. Oven:oatiags and Trou­seringa of all kinds-largest anti best we ever imP.>rted-now in, amongst them the' new and fash­ionable green shades.

Measure Cards a11d patterns aupplied on application •.

Cwil.olll work of all ldnds exe­cuted at lowest prices and with despatch.

.-Fit, Style, and Workmanship parantecd. ~

JAMES D. MUN N. Dealer in Real ~t.a.te, Commis­

sion Agent, Conveyancer, Com. of &up. Court, Auctioneer, ett.

Rarior Ora~, - NtJUJ{ound/Q.nd.

Lllll~cr •. ''u~-Fiqlsbl"". OUR. M.OTTO :

.. Best Quality l Lowest Prices!"

We have all grades of Lumber in stock, and penons rcquirin& material in that line are uked to inspect them and obtain the prices. '

On hand~ooo feet or s..a Spruce. siutable for Feociog. The lOt ia o«er cd for ooe moath from date at 90 dl. per too feet-cheap and ~ood fencing.

To arri-a large ltupment of all kindt of Lumber. AU. .U DRY AS SlliOltL

House-F'm.ishings for inside and out­si~e work. All neatly finished and supplied at abort notice.

Seod ae your ordefs, and prompt atention, good material and the best prices. •

1111 IDSSE l iD SOJ, •


tr:tr lltadlot eua ~tl1l't11tb -LO>­

OONO~ON BAY ADVBR~SER x. prtutilcl bel publubed enry btd.a1 eriallll1 ' ' Uae ST.utDAaD Oaroe, Vlo­torta 8L, Barbor Orace, by MUJUI ct Oke

!habearlpt,lou 'Ra'":-To •u~rlbon (Olclaucl DOW) PATl!fO J!f ADV.UCOa,$1.00 per yeart aG oeuu pe r half year 1 to the United 8ta._, 110 «'llt.ll llddltlooal lor ~e. To oUaon, ci1d ratu.

A.YerlUlq Ra~ ceo til per l.Dob for In& toaerUou; 2$ ce11W per l.Dob tor eaob ooaUDuaUo~S eoialrate• fot ~, .. or JDON IDftll .e number ol JoHrllou ol lldn 114!m u ma.~be epec1Jlocl b7 Uae a4vorUMr.

Gold 1 / Gold I AGold I To some a curse, 1o moa\ a Joocl manifold, :/ particularly lf they have ~ work to IJ' ~ ,

11 0 00 I~ BOLD tQ aayo-.e aea4iac•ta tbe ~t liat of new • yearly aabec:riben to 'l'n Buaoa Ga•ca

STANDARD w th oae dollar a,compaayiag each name. (No fewer thaD twenty n c:• on lhia liat.) •

$5 00 · 1• BOLD for the nezt largeat aimil.d' liat. (No fewer tbaa • Jl leo namea).\

$2 50 -1• BOLO for tbe third largeat aimilar liat. (No fewer • Jl Us~ fi•e name-. , ,,..25 centa addib~ or ~ name onr tbc:ae minimum&. · For

ln&tance, for 46 namea at abould be the acCGnd largat) S6 ud S9 besides i for 100 aanv• (l that ahould be the largeat) a total of $30 will be awarded.

25 ceota, alao, toe~ conleatant, not a lit, 2nd or 3rd pcize winner, uery name (with $1 c:aclt ~rat in) ovt.T one. For example: for 4

name-. $1 will be giYen : for 2, SO centa. Namea in e•ery caae ma1 include ~ntlen' own. T.wo half-yearly aubacnptiona will rate aa o1u: yearly. A baudaome Pidure-Calenda.r aeat to eadr auc:h Jub6cribu-. AU liala mnat be ~or before Iaa. 31at. 1910. SO cenla additio~or ~t&gl") muat accompaareacJa .... of ub-

acriber in the Uniteci.'Stata or the Briti&\ Jsla. • SAKPLE 8'1'~8 UBT OK API'LICA'l'IO ••

Tbe Story of a Tb1111b-•m. IV.

(Continued.) (Synopsis ot previous part.)

Young Anthony Greig, a stal­wart, manly youn,J fellow, tho addicted to gambhng, ia forced for the third time to &J?I!C&I to his uncle, the bead of the bag biscuit manufacturing firm of Greig & Co., to extricate him from his' debts. His uncle who had warn­ed him on the second time q,at he would help him no more, refused. "Go! · go 1 sal:," he thundered when the yourfg man hesitated. "You'll be sorry for this, uncle," said the youngfellow as he snatch-

cion: and u soon u I coul4 ftad your iatended route, I went off after you. " ·

"Murdered?'' groaned the lacl, as the pair quitted tbe train and slowly retired from the platform. "I know nothiag of this. "

11Ay, that is the word; though there is just a chance it was sui­cide. Now, listen, and take my advise. If- mark, I only say if­you did it, keep your own counsel you will have enough to staad against without my evidence. If you are inaoceot-well, you need not swear to it now-give the clearest poesible account of your doiar smce y~t.erday· 'fell your solic1tor everything; and if ,you like to trust me "-he offered his long ne"ous hand as he spoke-

~ ·

FREE!! Fine Simulation Black Fox Ruff

ed his bat from th;, wall and rush- 1 "If you like to trust me, my lad, ed out to the street. All the clerks I am your friend. First impres­heard tbe row." His uncle half sio'IS couat fdr a Jood deal in relented, stayed in his office la'te th~ cues; !and m1ae are, tbat that e\'eaing, was {.ound there on you are all right.'' the next morn.ing face forward on \ • Greir warmly grasped the offer­his desk dead-murdered the same ~ h:1nd. "Thaob," said h~. "I nigbt. Nothing had beeu stolen have nothing to conceal. 1 quar­or disturbed. Young Anthony is · relied with my uncle yesterdaJ suspected of tbe crime. His white about my debts; bettiag, you handled pocket knife on his desk I know." (Carson nodded.) "I sup­the day be left "Waa found the pose that is why, when I disap­morning of the murder. 011 the I peared, I was suspected. Oh, my desk of his uncle's private office, poor uncle! 1 was his heir-my near his body-covered with blood. cousin Grace and I . He told me Detective Carson, of iuveotive re- I so. Why should I have been such source and tenacity of purpose is a fool as to vex him as I did?" put in the case. Youag; Robert Carson ftowned. "You know Slater, a clever,'•:a ated but you are his heir, you say? No­"lovable" young law , half en- thing, no moaey or valuables was

to tbe m ered mao's stolen; kuife was found oa

daughter hhuelf iu bringinr murderer to justiee. Carson fa~An a in railwilf car about o pr to London tells him has cle's ~eath.

"What· wrong, then? 1 am goine- to Lo don; and 1 don't re­cogutSe your right to prevent me. 1 hpve debts; but they are not leg.lll debts, if tbat is what you are a(ter. "

"Pooh! that is nothing. This morning, Mr. Anthony Greig, of Greig & Co-( Limehouse Street, was found in hii"offi'ce, dead."

The look of utter dismal that covered th~ young fellow s face was no effort of a guilty actor to counterfeit surprise. "My uncle dead~" he exclaimed. ·

''The lad's no more a murderer tba.n I am," tliough~· Carsoa, as be scanned the pale a.nd distom­posed countenance before him. "Come, come,." he said aloud; " men ba.ve been murdered before t}Jis. Tbe question is, Wh• did it? I don't m1nd telling you that your disappearance led te sutp!·

tbe desk; you have a key of the office: no violence has been done to the premises., All this looks very bad against you.. Now, col­lect youl'Selr. Where were you yes­terda1 atd_ last night? Who saw you? Account clearly to me for the time past s ince you left your uncle. And don't tell me, I w&nl

'you, for your own sake, anything but the facts.''

" I'll tell you just what 1 did. After the scene I had with him in the morning, I walked out of the office-I don't know where; but 1 know 1 got to Allenton Hotel, and got some dina~ there. 1 could not go-home~, d I went back to Limehouse S eet at six o'clock, aud waited r him to come out. But be .tayed late. I waited, I should thiuk, more than an hour yes, two hours, for I remember 8 o'clock stri.kiag. 1 was walking uo and down; aad at last, when I

..ae in view of the window again it was dark,. and as Ito one came out, I thought I had milled my ~de. Thea I walked fdt home­wardst to OY~ him. "-

J. S. Stewart. w¥ ·h'- ~­he. from DubliA plch, hi tlae upper Stewad couutry, wbere he baa been worlrlnlf oD quaru< prop­erties for a long time, briap h~h­Jy encouraging newsregardiagbii •euture. Assays have been ae­cured ranging trom $55 to $395. Mr. Stewact says: ·

The veins are ia a porphyritic acbist below a belt of g;ran•te. Vic­toria mineral claim •an No. 1 has been traced for 800 feet by eight cross cuts down to the \Olid rock exposing the vein in ea91 cut. It varies from three to s1x feet ia width. The ore conaiata of a green stained quartz, bighlymiaeralized and full of spongy uvitiea con­taining more oc less of a fine dutt of a sulphur where a wire or speck of the rock.

Vcia No. a ~- tbe foll~>ilal ... 2laU about

No • .,...aaro•aoooukl bedOYuocl Uaau F•aao\'JM, wlllob ooullilta of rreeb lean beet Citrate of Iroo aDd pare old 8Dau· ub Sborry WJoe. .Jua& OIIOOib of' tho latt.r to •tlmala&e the dli"Uoa aocl eo, able a well:elled 1tomaeb to .. tmalate Uae beet aDd Iron. Try thhlonaoratl.alt toaJc lt .)'OU are Ualo-bloodecl, weall: and geoeralTy ru.a-dowo. $1.00 per bo\Ue.

Tile School Qutstion bas been re-opelled in F;rance.

When Sleep Fails You

DR. CHAS~'S NEftY~ roOD will brtng rect. comfoft elld YIU~ b;,

building up Ute no"'"-Mr. ;J~ Wesley Weaver, a Yeterao

of the Jo•enin Ra.lcl, Port IMlboame, Ont.., wrlt~I:-''For yeara I wu af. Oleted with oencni .. Cif ucl dreaded IMOIIIDia, 10 tba& J aover knew for lhn!O ytan wba& a tun hour'• ~P wua, Dever moro tbaa doalDr for • tow mlaatee at a time. H eart paloa 11nd beadacbtt~ almoat dro't11 me wild. t hlld ~111 of w~ ud crampe ln ~tomacb ud llmba.

"TbOUJb 1 tried 11nral doetoft, It wu moool aeol-17 •peat. Fbtally Dr. Ohue • None Food wu broagbt

aaa elrht bo:rtt~ eored m•. n -"'-•-·-•- ~d..-fol wbat beaelll I

troa tbla beatmnt." S!Hplftla- ud heaclae'ltoa are

wambtJlll of approeelllag DerYOUI eol· Ia!*'. Yoo eaa .-tttvely rftllOVI theee "YUUPlODIJ ud preftllt rl"'OtratlOD or paral)'lla by tb8" - o Dr. Cbaeo'• Nf'ne Food. lit e.t!llta a bo~ I for n.so, at all bal1p or Bd-uon, Datea 6 Co., Toi'Oilto. Writ. for tree cop7 of Dr. Cltuo'a B~ -.

. ...... -



you soil

can and

get them done at rates

the ? at

See samples at office.

Do You feel This \Vay? Do you t.el all tired out? Do' ')'Ou .omc:timu Lbink you juat eea't work away 11 )Our prof..: ..

.- or lrade uy loa.er P Do you bna • poor ·~ , W., ud ley aWake at aleJ>t.t wn:ble to alee?? A re

,_ .._ dl ,.._, eod your ttomacb too? Has am· Wtioo 10 *"' Ueecl Ia the ... ortd left you? Jf •o, rw ~ u ...afput • ttop to your mitery. You can do it if .,_ wjll. Dr. Pierce'• Goldeo Medical Dir.co ycry will ...U ')'Oa • d.ill'areot iadh•iclual. It will td )"Our t..zy li• cr 10 work. It wi.IJ - thlap riS~t in your uomach. acd ,_r appetite wiU ~- beck. It ""IU pt.riry JOur blood. U there i• uy tcndeacy Ia your l1mily toward cooaumplloo, k will keep abet dreed dcalroyer •-Y· e\cn alru COG• •-pdoa bu almett ._;DOd a foothold io tbe form o{ •

.....W OOUCb. Woocbltia, ..or blcedia• at the luop, it will bn~ about • _,. .. 98 per -· ol ell e6ee. h it • remedy prefleled by Dr. R. Y. Pierce, fii...UO, N.Y., ...a.o..IMI.;« II~~- /ru to ell wbo wish to W1'ite rum. Ilia .,._,- bU -•lrum bia wide e•per~ acd vwricd proctl• c.:.

Doe't be wlloecilod by a penny·•ntbl>iq dftler iaro hlki.n' inle!"ior t ubsll· tuc. ofot Dr. Pierve'• 18C<licince, rKOmmcucled to be "iu•t as t oed." Or. Picroe'• me.Jici- arc o, ltt-• >1\H,CUW,....UIOP~. Their C\ct)' iotrcdi<••t prit.ti'"J oa their IPI'IIPI>e"· Made from 1'9011 without &10')1\ol. C'..<>n~in no luobit· lurmiq d1utt. \\ orlJ'• Oi~;~eaaary ~led.ical A.taoc.iAtioo, Cal!aJ,,, N. Y .

Worth Dr. Morse's Indian

Root Pills..

Dr. Morse•s indiaJ Root Pills.

Dr. Morse's lndiaD Root ·Pills.

Dr. Morse:s Indian Root Pills .

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

~To Sa\<e Doctor's Bills, use Or. Morse's Indian Roo( ~iUs -HE BEST FA .... ILY PILL rN USE

For Sa'o by tdl DeaJus.

son Crusoe) of Isaac Watts and other emiaut ~a.

Tbe Auaal ~of St. Joba's Muoaic Life I..araace A.Mocia· tion abow. eight louea by death, namely John C Stranr, F. C. White, J . Sharpe, S. Blandford, R. Bemiater, T . Charles, A. Johns. S. F. Peach aod 12 accessions were made to membershi6. There ia a balance'OD hand of $3&65.87. Dudas- its exiateoce there have beea paid to the widows aad other relatives of the- dec:eued members Nl,C)OO

r: ·~~;l;~~~~~;~~s~~· :~ ~ • - BY REV. CHARLES LENCH. <.. . I ~ XXV. •


~'(· 'Y1" ''11" ''l'r- • .,1" ~''\' •)?: ''l'r ''lr •If> "f'\ "'i

Continued. The attendant told me t}{e fol­

lowing story : "A respectable gentleman of

color, after looking at the teapot (or a while beg;ged me to ma.ke him a cup of tea an John Wesley's T ea Pot. He was so persistent that I washed it, made the cup of tea and sat down to enjoy it. He told the story of his life. How he was born in slavery a.nd wa.s set free at the emancipation. That he had heard the story of the Cross, and. bad ~realized through ~thodist preaching, "Whom tlie Son ma.kes free, be is free in­deed., God had prospered him in business until be had become con­siderably wealthy. He was visit­ing England and taking in the si_ghts, but nothing bad delighted bun more than to see Wesley's tea pot a11d to get the pdrilcge of a cup of tea out of it." The preacher was repaid for his trouble

if it bad not been imposing nature tbe writer would

a:aved a similar privilege. they have it protected by a

glass case to prevent-it from fu.r­ther depredations from minister's children, and I presume no more tea will be brewedin that tea-pot. ~ MANY TBlNOS OF O."Tl!RSST

to Methodists are found in the sbow-room, Walking sticks, um­brellas, (preacher's coat of arms), s~tacles, watches, old class tickets, saddle-bags or anything else belonging to the old time round preachers and others are finding the wav to that historical repository. We wedt into the Bed-chamber


like Great Britain and Ireland to attend to, and the question to face every Conference, ' · Has he been­punctu3l in attending all his ap· pointments ?" He could not have spent much time tbere. Other relics "and appointments we need not enlarge upon.

Before we turtl our backs on this interesting and btstoric .Mecca o! ~fetbodism, do we not well in this lazy a.nd indifferent age to ask

BOW Dm ,fl8 DO IT ?

How did be found and keep his eye on bis great CODDCXton ? Wbat physical endurance to tra­~el 100 miles a week and preach l.S times, travelling on poor roads, until it totalled 5000 miles a year, anddeli\•eringduriug his i tinera ry 14,500 sermons. How did he find time to read noetry, history, phil­OS<Iphy and biography? Hi~ journal nlone makes H closely written volumes, and the 1>\.-st rending possible of its kind, He published a Church Histolj'. in 4 volumes ; H istory of Engi&Jld, 4 vols.; Compendium of Natural Philosophy, 4 "ols.; The Cliris­tion Library in 50 volumes. Dur­ing three months' sickness he wrote his notes on the New T es­tament. He compiled a Diction­ary before Dr. Johnson. He com­piled Grammars of the English, Greek, l.atin and Hebrew langu­ages. Other accomplishments we leave out, He did tt because bis life was


in every detail. He did it all and kept humble. "If, sa.ys Dr. Fitchett of Australia, " John Wesley,

clergyman's gown, a much .tbU!>·

"d reputa tion. and the ~lethocli..t. Church, could return to thi~ world when o much ndmiriug il\k is being 1.JOUn•d upon his head, h\: would prob,Lbly be the

»0, T ASTOl\ISlll-:D 1.\:-1 on t his planet. For if W . icy · achieved fa me he ne,·er int clcd it. And if We Icy built up one of • the greatest of modcra di..urcht~. ' and supplied a ne'" starting point' to modern religious hist01\\ it wa with an entire absence ' of cun· • · &eiou$ intention," ·

F reshwater, B.-d-V.



No trouble causes re ·1 ~-spread suffering and discomfor~ than iadigcstioa. The ailment takC!I various forms. Some } ict­ims are ravecou5. fur food; others turn sick ami faint a t the sight oi meals; but as a rule every meal i!> followed by intense pains in tltc chest, heartLurn, "ick headache .. diuial.'SS and shortness of br~ath: Indigestion assumes an obstinate form bec:lusc ordinary medicines only subdue its &yWJ)tom!r-but do not cure. &-allied predigested foods only make the di.J1!5tion more sluggish, and ultunateh· make the trouble take a chronl'" form.

Dr. William!'' Pink PillJ cure indigestion because they go right to the root of the trouble. The> make new, rich blood that hn·igo­rates weakened orgaas, and thus strenrtheaing the digestive S\ . t· em so that the stomach dot.'S. it own work. That is tbe Dr. Wil· Iiams' w'ay-the rational way-t 1

CJ~re indigestion and the ailment. that rise from it. This has been ~ro\"cd time after time io the pult­lished cures wrought by Dr. Wi!­liam:;'.Pink Pills. MiSs Bhmchc Wallace, DartmOuth, X . S.,:.o.-.,·,:­"1 suffered greatly with my ·head and stomach, :and o ften took iaiut· intr spells. I could rtot :-eta in an)· tb1og on my stomach and \Yhile I naturally craved food I reaily dreaded mc.'llti~c with the pain and discomfort that followed. I triL'<l a number of remedies but got oo relief. ~ly mother wa" Wa:l using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the t ime witb so much benefit that she induco:d me to try them. The result was that soon the trouble had passed away, and 1 ba\"C since enjoyed the best of health. " /

Sold by all d@aletli in medicine, or will be sent by mail, l-OSt paid, -~ oo_~nla per box, or llix boxes ror 8~~. by addre aing MeB!rs. T. McMurdo & Co., St. Jolin's

-Spedal revinl meetings are be· ing held at Wesley and &Ome other St. John'• churches, an.d hundreds are reported to h'"'e entered upon a better life.


AL Eft'S LUNG BALSAM At il::ct \; ltcl ~ ked bj' G C.UJA td l.b:ls C\'t."1 cl=:1jC"GJ5 tro:ac:ll1a1 cU palmo=ry :tll:nc:lts • • • •• • •

:!Sc., 50c. IU:<l $1.00 Bottles. Solll e\erywhcre.

.DA.\,, • 1..\\\"J:~:>ce co .. llonf.rc:al.

- T be Phoenu ,"-tbalill.l! Co., bas declared a dividend or 15 per ce11t. as apinat 6 per cent foe l?OS.



It u becule yoar food doea 11o& ~ properly. Your 110ataob. Unr ud bowolt oocd ~ Don't IICilec:\

the duror-efpal



A. J. w.... a eo., t:m., lilolrTuJ.L.

- The Roya.t Geographical Society or Brita.in bas awarded a gold medal to Cymmander Pet ry and :t sih·er one to C:lpt. R. Bartlett.

BH.t.tOUilS I!Sii-F'lW&n A~D t\nl'l:.

a& Eng, "The ~t of ,all ia God is wtth JJ~." Oo_thas twall hangs au original paintin,J of Johu Wesley, executed I th1nk by the great artist RomilJy. We entered his study (6 ft. x 2ft.) Yer'T_ 1111&11 aad uapreteutlo~~~t but wtth a circuit

So pl t!uantly tlo Dr. lllonlc'l lndlau JtooU•IJiauol\rcb out and drl\·oa'' '"" tl• •~• o t dlti'Uil tha t all J)CrtiOUa lh ·lnt: 1 a couatry wboro fever and~"· \nd a'l n ther bUioua dltePOOIU'o p rev•h•nt, w o t

THB LITTLI> 'LONG·NOSSD, • llod I hey ahould D0'1'0r bo wllhnut ,..,.,, .

1 . • } 'rom t wo to rour Jtll l ll each nh:ht ur• ,. , ong chtnned, peremptory man, s:olo~ to bc!d, will 1n a abort t lml' ol rh ..

wbo died on March 2nd 1791 and I"""•Y thu 11lcldy ;-oUow look ur •;u, ..... · d to h' b , · \ourAOn&, and bring to their <'h· . L• • was carne IS grave .} . StX hean tiCul F low ••t p~>rft"Ct h~>•llh. ll r.

poor men, leaving behind h1m a l\lorM'• rndlan llQot PUI• aru ~old by :~.l good library of books, a well·'lOrn dcalon ln mo,'dlcloe.

.. .

I •

. '




Page 3: 1collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...VOLUME LI. SEVENTY-EIGHTH }'NNUAL HEPORT BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000. OAIIO 0~ OlltCCTOIIS.Jotro

. .


' ·

/ . . not .·y.lt dischar-ged their r Obligations and

·ath er perSOnS 'lnC:iebted to the ST.rciOARO will confer a great.[favor by paying what they _owe ........ · proa:nptly. Our thlar..~ ··re due and are hereby given to those that have already

done s6: W e ~hank advertlelna p•trona. •••~· end beepeak a continuation and extension o f patronage.

Subscribers all

w ho hav e

In,·est 25 cents in '1L box ot Da,•is' Menthol S~ ("T\ c D. & l.,.") aud be prepared fot ahund.reda.ilmeots, which I:l:lJ

not be dangerous but are \'cry nnnoying and pain£ ul, like neu­ralgia, earache, spr.Un~, burns, bruises, insect stings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a household r e m edy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine, closet.


BEARINE Pftpared (rom the lftUO • of tbe Cnedjan Bar. Delicately pct(umed. ........... ... , ....

AI I Dtal<n $Oc. Ott Ja.

Dt.ru • Lawret~c:.r eo.. •oaUut.

Mar.y Slade, Carbonear, bas been let out of the neral Hos-pital.


Tbe ne,;;rmonry forthe C. L. B. of ~t. John's is said to be one of tbP, ffnes t in the world.

Miscellaneous. """""'· ......... ... - ---.... . __ __........

Dedication, tl> the Senieo of the ' " bpire. •

Vowed to the Service of o~r nath·c land,

AcfQSS the Empire be our meso: sage heard,

That every loyal bean may ua· dcntand !­

' Lo\•C without Jc.powledge is a barren word. •

Let u~bc!i'p ~owledge with this printed page,

The Mother call her Daughters 'cross the sea, .

Si,t~rs their Sisters' Jove and help en~age, . •

And hak the Natioas of our Empire free.

Henceforth no more tbl'ir separ· ate patha to treld

But praaiag OGwanl, banda lockeJl~ t ia bands,

Upon the( {-same roacl, by Fre~do led,

Sec the close ranks of united lands.

Lover of concord, Thou, Who halest s trife,

Grant that the " greater lo\'e" • at length be won;

Let each for each surrender cveJl lif

And, ~d in mutual service, make us oac.

-AllY STJiACB, •.


The Royal Colonial Ina~itute Journal bas passed from (aball we call it) the chryaaliastate iato the imago. The. first number of ·• United Empire" is tbe. tint at­tempt at flight of tbe aew-comer. It is n very good attempt, as its table of CQntents shows. It opens with a Dedication Soag. by Mrs. St. Leo Strachy. Lo"'" this poetess o{ Empire quotidg some other writer, s mp. •• Love witb­ou.t knowledge is a barren word," and e-oes on to state the miuion of tbe new ma~hte is to "help knowledge wath this printed pap. This stirring poem is fouad above.

The poet laureate, Alfred Aus­tin follows wilh the following quatrain:

Each for all, and all for each, One in sceptre, sword and •peech; With Imperial ftag unfurlec\. • Greetin~ peacefulA=~u.!,.~'!:'ld.

In the "f'llriword"-1wo pages -the editor, A. B. Colquhaun, says that althoaagh the word "Colonial" bas passed out of use witb the passing of tbe Colonial

Sou of lqlaDd Benefit Society. ~~ui~~U~~e 1~~~'fd ::t~~y~ alter its title again. Tbe first name was The Colonial Society. It began in. 1868. ~he aim of ita founders was to have in London a meeting plaq: for all Colooials.. a reading-room, library and mu­seum, atld from time to time the reading of -papers on a~&bjects of Indian and Colonial interest. It met in a bumble office over a shop.


Present Membership· ao.ooo. . Ita ~bJ~ta areiO advaoeelbelut.ar .. ta

of EogiC.bmen and lhelr doeceodaou b)l' provtdlllg a au.re and eertaln meanaof mutual pro&eoUon In um .. of alclto­and dlaU..; and ~ etrouglbeu lbe bood of aolon between I'!':I'Siaiid &~~d lhe la11da her aoo1 have peopled.

Beoe.Ota are: tn uaae of t lckoou, medical att.andance aDd a weekly ben .. fit. Jn caaeot death, $100; deaU• of '"lfe $5(): death of obUd bel ween 6 and I~ $16.

Ioldatloo Feu are UDlform. Tbree doUart tor all agea up to so.

In Ule lhlrty yean of Ita e:rlttence lhe S. 0. E. B. 8. bu paid to Englllhmeu or lhelr tamlllee, o.,er oue mlllfou and a quarter dol lara In relief of dlatre11, or wba' Ia uo liN 10 lhe polot, 10 prevont dlaJ.rMI.

Tbe SocJety bM a low rate but excel· ltnUeheme ot lJfo lnauraoee. ~dcolaracao be bad from membera

Lodgll~ Diamond Jubilee," No.. 230. .Bar­bur Grace.

Jobn W. Cart.ar, filap. Gr&~~clSeo.., ToroaiO

The i11ftuence of the Institute has deepened and wlf!~ed, and i t has had a large part in dispelling the ignorance of LittleEnglandism that in the days from the Georges do,~n bas done its evil work in losing to the Empire tbe United States, and has kept the Colonies, Newfouadlaad, we thiak in par­ticular, behind in fbe path of Pty­gress ahd pros(IUity. The editor, however, adDUta that the chief impulse towards "modern Im­perialism" came fTom " beyond Seas"-{rom the Colonies.

() A 8 L h . The Institute, he says, belongs r e r to them.fwo-thirds o£ its:membera t I I f dwell over-seas. By the by, buw

Dentiol., is it that so few Newfoundlanders .KJU fi~ as members. United Em-

plre la to be their organ. This

20'3 W f St' ' first aambe.r goes out with the a e.r ., . Joo4 wiahea of men distinguished

\ an maay walks of life-Lord Rob-

~~ .. ~J~~~~~~~~:!!I~ erts, LOrd Rosebe.ry, Lord Mil· • ~. • llflr.t·~Co~r-Gaerata. eminent e.llteno -etC: .

Tbe other articles are: Editor­ial Notes aad Comments, The

W H.. p M D Nell(... Phase, Tbe C.nada Fruit In· • : ARSONS, • • dust,, Barotonp ~ad the East·

Ol'FIOE HOUBS-9 to 11, a.m. :

, a to s, 7 to 8 p.m.

em PJlcific:, etc.

I The..J ~ne ia published monthly, contains67 pages, is free t.o members, a shilling to aon­\nembers. Address: Sir IaaacPitt-

OFI'ICJt AND RHsmoa-Victoria an &. Sons; 1 Amen Corner, Street, Harbor Grace. . ndon, E. C. ~

I UIR',-.. IARBLE WORIS, Cabot Bullding, Water Street

St. John's.

" " (.EatabUtb'<ll&n.) I

Full linea Granite and Mjlrble Beadstoaea. Monuments IUld jteme· tery Decorations now • on hand. Oesigns IUld ea'timatea oa appUca­tlon. Beat workman,hip. Loweat prioee.


1 ;WATBJl. STRB'~..! · ST. JOBN .. S.




We ave latelv been favored ' tb t perusal of a weekly

ry of the work of the Presbyter ian Sabbath School here, kept by one who was its first superinten· -dent,- and wbo continued in thM capacity for a quarter of a century, the late John P . Jillard.

Mr. Jillard in these interesting notes docs not obtrude. his per­sonalitJ:: It is elsewhere than to his record we look to lmow even that the superintendeat was J. P . J illard. ·

Mr. J il.Wd; by the by, w~ of

the stamp of steady, plodding 'day School bas been regularly citiz~n that does a quiet unos- kept open and in full operatton tentatioua iood work in n com· week by week, and Sabbath by mWlity without gettiag one half Sa.bbath with scarcely a ai'Ugle his or her meed of recoga.itioa for break ia the chain, and bas grad­worth and WQrk. , • ually iacreued in numbers fr•m

This record dates from Sun<Jay 9 boys and 11 girls as it appears morning, Sept. 2ac!, 1855 to Sept. in the last entry to 0'11' pre-eat 3rd, 18751 with a brtak of 19yenrs. number, 79 boys and 50 girls, with Ita Jreepang is distinguished by fifteen teachers besides the Su­that painstakitig attention to perin\endent." minutioc that was a characteristic The late Rev. A Ross, the pas· of this worthy man. Late an(l tor of the congregation at the early Brother JiUard devoted him.- opening of , the Church in 185<4. self to the work before him what- and whose name figures at visitor ever it was. at the scbooJ in the early records,

As one's eyes run o\•er the re- was still pastor and conducted re­corda one Res what a s lru(gle views, ett. "Brother Jillard'! and his httle (Tp be continued.) baud ot helpers bad to keep the school agoing. The spirit of the Superintt:ndent often sank within him. But he ktpt on.;' and we have only to 9uote fTom what he writes after runcteen years. of ab­stinence from secretaryship to af­ford a glimpse (but . n glimpse merely) of the brighte{ days that rewarded the persistent and self-denying efforts of himself and his co-workers. . ~

,~ t t ;: ~~·' FREE r . ::, 't. SI:_lic::vt:y Pfstcd Tea

J. ·· Spoc~ " - Th.:::l w'.;J 'II'Cr t=r ~

cl....,. Cor the ~.>led 6 Iococo d Gor cr-t CQm!IJ'me.IJ;!.,t, I 'll.' C:.,o:u J:t4 C-..li::S &I IJ c.m:• per t.o.-. t caJ lo-<laJ' fa: r.;:Jn:IJ ""'will~ t:soo ty ttt.:m r.ulll~Z..,r wl!!l o"rulce&lnCa"'lo~ct&l>ow· b.:o~r other J:~me a.Dd

B 'l"~:~:c I"Tcmfluua. We t nat

~ r~" ullb t:.c 1 ill»uatU ... w. . .,.,... '-,~fib'·'~ ·-::.-.nt:J Wt:U\1 cg,.

I ' • D:;:. 6 ::!. J:" 1\"S, Kill, If..... .. ---....~-- .......

He says: Monday evening, April 6th, 1874-" Nearly 19 years have 'passed away with all its varied changes, pleasures and sorrows since the last entry was made in this book (Sunday after­noon; 20 July, 1856) during nll,of whi<;,h time the Presbyterian Sun- MR. c: E. HI~lNcES.

Worst Case Of Eczema

Cure onlY oame wtten clootoN eave u• ancl Dft, OHASra OINTM!INT _.....,

. llrl. W11. Kill•r, St. Cat.hctiDet, On).. Writee:-"¥7 daarbtu liuy, wheu aU: mootha old, eODtraet.cl --aad- for three yean the diJuacl baft'led aU t.rftt-.. mont. Rer euo wu one of tilt wonr thU had ever eome adol' my DoUce, aad abo appare11tly tu.lfert!d ·what 110 pe11 eoald ever deter!~. I had three ditreJUt doctors attoDd hi!J' all to JIO J'IU1)0fle. PiDally I decided to try Dr. Cbue 's OlJ1tmut ucl to 11q l1l1'prile abe immed1ately b;ia.o to impro•e ud wu eomplekly eorea of that loDf ata.odlor dlMue. nat wu fO'Ill' 1ear1 a,co when - Uftd at ConnraD, Oat., ADd U DOt a SJIIIptOIIl )au aboWD ftJteU •hu:e,·th• eare I!Jllltlbe permADtDt."

Tho roeord of •-whleb ·Dr. Chue'l OintmoDt hu to Ita credit have plac4!4 It aloDe u lhe ltuclard eare for eeae­ma ua all forma of ltehlq lklo ella· elPaae Dot be aat.ldecl 'Witb lmfta· Uon or aubttltute., 110 cut. a boll' at aD WIIJ'I or EdmtiiOD, ~ A Co., :ro t.o. zqa, • • t •- = 1


Continued.) A Biaky Bat Back-" Thh now, · that Certiorari baa bad the cor­ner knocked oft or it"- A "Chase'* I a Dinner Bell-Al­moet a :ra¥!1 Blow- LUDCh a ln. Deiuener-A Gentleman and a 8cho1ar of the Old time-Toast Water ShoWeth ita Color not aright. The bed of the press was held

from beior rounced of' on the floor in the return by a broa<\ leather strap. In repose this strap was a tempting plac;e- for ;;1

atranlfer 011 visiting the office to depostthis-bat. He seldom did it after one experience, hqwever, if the press was only in tempting re­pose. The bats were ·• atade in England'' ip those days, however, a.nd we were a parcel of innocents no doubt. .

When a certain Sheriffs bailiff paid us au occuioaaJ visit, we would aak of . oae another in the. office, "Caa't you tiDd that coa­CQafouaclecl ducea tecum." or

Take Fatber M~rriscy's "No. 10" (Lung Tonic)

And Be Sure · that it will cure your cougl,t, cold or lung troubles. It is the very l>:lote mediciDe wb.kh the priest-phyaicillll Wmse!I preseribcd so oftCUJ and so su~ully during· his life­time, and thousands are the cases it ha.s cured.

'fake it-()r 'give it to the children- with c:o~de:ooe, becawJe Ills DllllldJ bu tr.. .,a-. • ..,...e w uy

' tlkr Ulwlll *'t· Many cough medicines are loaded with these dangerous ingredieuts, but Father Morrisey would not use anything that was not perfec:Uy aafe even for a ba}y. . •lr contains nothing but Nature's own remedies -Herbs, Roots and Balsams-combined as only Father Morriacy knew how to combine them. Keep a bottle in the house as a ,reguard agaiDSt all troubles of tbrcx1t aud lungs.

Trial size 2SC. per bottle. Regular size soc. At yoar clealer' a. 24


ClletlleM, N.a.

Mn: S:Epalled out for him • clua lcliag browa liquid. Jnlow to u "'tout-water." She toOk u1 a apooa to take off a Ooat­illfr b&t of ~t. •• Ob, ne•er ailild ma'am ; it's oaly a bit of

=eaid the maa- What be t after taking a pod

ful of tbe beverage, wu a c1Geed book to -as.

The cholera broke out ia St. Job~'~d the mail bad to be fum~ in the office before de­livery to the bous:bold. This was doae by bumiag-tobacco ia an old iron pot. And (or months some of us re•elled in tbc: odor of the forbidden leaf; wit1lout qu\!slion of bow such odor came to bl! so often upon us.

But we were subject to other accidents besides these before­mentiunt.>d. I ba"e said tha t the bed of the press was of stone. One day aa extraordinary pull broke the stone diagonallf. We tried paper and sawdust to l~\'el up; but to little purpose. We con· suited Mr. Kitchen and be would 110t nndertak• to JILI.ke. another bed. At last we. triechbe experi­ment of overlaying the stone with tea-lend (a hea\'Y sheet lead used on ten-chests.' T his '~an im­provement, but only n tempc rnry relief. We could get nothing at St. John's; ~ivcrpool was more than three mouths distant, and Bostoo' was several furlongs off nod little known thea. .

But it was "Li\·erp(,ol or die" tb us, nad so aa order was scat

o to that city7 But it would se that the type-founders of Lh·er I bad ne\"cr heard of a printing press with n stone be<l, nod so they filled the order hy sending to the Harbor Grace Her­ald au cxpensh•e lithograph ic s tone. ·

The STANDARD ~ underst~d from the' foregoing that we "were not in it"' -.;'l'ilh its cquip­ment,or the adv;ntt cd matcriali m of to-day. . E. HrPI'Jst.sv.

Co:csuxrT os Ct•ruw. ;FROM' ANORftW AIK'III: rt. FBirtleltl,hle. "l:ltel uj: numeroo• rertltleltu to tho

.lfo fu For•N<'r, eudor .,ng the Great l .un~ Remedy, 'Vt.n"All'N JiAIAUil OP WILD Ou • nn\· , l take Arest.ple .. ni"t In ~:l• lng publicity to tile great cure It a~;eompllab· ed In my family lo tho ye.~J, · .OurloJ:: the aummor or thmt year m,·" . UrnrY A. Archor, now poJtmutor 'or ••• plac~, ""A8 attacked wllb .pitt of blood OODJZb, weaknou or lun!(,, and Aeneral dchlllty,IO mnl'b 1<1 tbatour f1unlly phy· ah:lan deelartKI him to h•\'l' a •·n .. ted 00ll1Um1HI0~1 ne "-' U UDder mii(! II'Al trutment for a unmbor of month•. but reeohre!CI no boneUt. At ltU!flh, 'from tho aollcltatlou or him•<~ If and uthera:, r wu lndut!C!CI,to purebue ono boule of W tll'l'­Ail't 8.\IAA.ll Oil WI LD Ctti:Jtlt\, whleh bonefitted hlU\110 much 1 nblalned ab· othar, which In 1.\ tbort time rcllored him to hll"u.~ual auto of .bull b. 1 uan .nrolyTeoommend thla reme4Jl: to othora Jo like condition, tor It 11, I think, all ll pnrpot t.llb be-TUB UR~AT L U!'O 1\l!)llf· DY I"'JI Tlltl Tl¥1111;1 'l'bo abo•e II&~ mcnt, ~ntletn('n, 11 my voluntary otror· ln~t tb you ln fa\"Or nt your BALl A :II, aod Ilia at yoordltpoaaL ~IIOe.,aod.•l per bOttle. Sold by all

dealertl ~enerally, and by ·r. McMurdQ ..t CO., St.Jobu'"'

'atiJarfs L1aureJt Cares Gar1et Ia Cors. -A ~ttWPOtiN.Ol.AND Isw~:o:Tort

-Rev P. J . O'Brien of Tors Co"e'~> Sash J,.irtcr and Lock. i on sale.

~ Mt, , • ., •• r I!UM F:o' Cl\., r UUTan.

8111. .. - l have 11 ad JOIU llNA RD'fi I,l~ IMt-:NT tor th• "P"t 2"• yufl and wbllll 1 ba\' e ooc:ufooall7 uafd other llnlrnenl• I ean eatel:r at.v that l b &HI/ oe•er n..eti any equaf lb four ..

Jf rohbtod ~tWet'D t.h• bjlnda and In· haled fr"'Joently, It will uner tall to I'Ore eold lu lhe bud lu twenty·tuor hourL ~

Jt I alto thr beat fur hrnla", apralo• ett". \' ourt tntlv, Uar1montb. :J.o. LY.aUE

• -Aros LiTTl.R lAP FuNo.-Tbe

Re\', Mr. LcacSb's leclur~ on Mon­day night wc:tk at Freshwatl:r on •· John Wesley" added $15 to the fund for tho! Little J..p widows and orphans.

Dolf'T "" J>&ellt\·r.o.-t·oA<:ruraloa.~ makl',. are at&empUua lb •ttoa your mone,Y and uur rrpot&Uc!n bY outtlac out aa lmltatlo.D of •Tbe D •• t 1.." ac,.ll• thol l'l-.trr. Ue •ure IO&etthea•aaloe made by oa,·~ .t Law...aoe Co.

-Senator Root of New York, late Secretary of State, wiU be the leadiag c~ the Ulaited States in t.~Fi.,.ery cue before tbe Hague Court aext Ja ..


FB FOR A YEAR .......................... ........................ ...................... -.... ~ .................. ., .... T 1 » ••••••••••···-.._

1Wa npre1eala a fair r. tioa far a maa far a ,_,..

But IOIDe people eat aDd eat aud pow thin-r. Thia meau a defepiYe diaeatioa aDd unauitahle food. Alarp size bottle of

Scott's Emulsion equala in nou!Ubi.rtg proper­

tiea ten pound. . of meaL

Your ph,aic:ian. can te.ll ~ou how it does iL

' - .... ~ ol ....... ....t· .... od. ,,. .... ._•11/od ..S.tl- llaolt a..& CJioiW'• a.-.-. ~ Malt: _....._ • Oouol L.lr ........

SCOrr A BOWNE 12t W•~ SU..t. W .. t T-te, 0.C.

-PRoroszo Nn:D.'PaA.RMACEU'l'­scAL SoctETY- From the C1 ty papers m learn that a meeting or our Nft.d. druggist. took place on Wedne.day week at St. Jobn'a, when there wua rorme~ a proviaional Council of tell, 1nc.ludtn~ Mes rs. G. J. Brocklehurat at~d W. H. Butt of Carbontar fu.i ~r. J~. G: Frazer of Bay Roberts. ~tety purpoaes applying for power fro1h tbe Legislature to regu· late tbeaale and dispensiogo! drugs.

Don't let an unscrupulous dealer force. on you an imita­tion otlhe "D. & L .11 MentHol Plasler. Look for the "D. & L .11 ~ade-mark ou the tin. It guarantees the genuine and the most effective remedy for Rhcuwn'tic aches and pains, Lumba~o, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 2-'c. each. Yard r olls equiliug seven of the wla.r size $l.oo. 1


for all alekly people., Makes new blood& Qlvu atr.ntth ' , ltutorn. vitality.

TU.n eftu any Ill ...... tt~ buuou A ntvra to IMaltb..

Drria& ~ ()Q., lt*-l-'

~Any aubso.,.... -r-lbo-r-not reeeh1ug bla -Go.rniah is no\l conni?cted with paper reAularly wlll favor oa bf prompt Bay ate.amer and. telegraph. uoUfi~JTon.



linard,s Llnilllent Cores DipbtJJeria. -'Mr. Joteph Brazill. formerly for

a year an apprentice at this office. has been aeveraJ years now in Bos­ton. Be waa lately hea.td from and II\ dninc- well,

UV -£ftaC~ IOU t?= twta c-. .......... ~ ... -~


l\1 iss Cl:nk, Supt. Crace Hos· Rita!, Toronto, writes U1ey have used it with tlte best results.

50.. llftd S1.00 ..... DAVDa.uwan.,.caco..w~




Page 4: 1collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...VOLUME LI. SEVENTY-EIGHTH }'NNUAL HEPORT BANK OF NOVA S0>TIA. Capital, S3,000,000. Reaerve Fund, S5,500,000. OAIIO 0~ OlltCCTOIIS.Jotro


FISHING OUTnTS Supplied at lll tbe alxrte Eatablisbmeott HIGHEST PRICES PAID for aU kinds ol Produce. . '

, gnatMt adnatap POMlble from "' Jtanot Otatr ~anbatb tbe ocaaloq, It Ia e.iiremely cl..U·

dD able- aQd Ia we coatnd feuable

COitmMIQJ BAT anDMII£8. to coajdla with tbe plutiaeofNew·

--·--~~.~~ ................. ~~.~~---·-- ~~riO:~·~~. :~tthe ':~ ~ PRlDA.Y, JANUARY 28, JOIO. many of the iahablia~Ua of thae

placea Ia keepiar ia B~'a ~ THE COMING ~RATION thia Ker to Britfah N h merica.

whea tbe Freac:h h I become BritaJa't Oldeat Coloay mo•ea to maatere of aarly the w ole of the

comt~~emorate the eftota coaaect· Countr1 fouad their matda · Ia ed with the Firat Settlemeat of tbc bra•e defeadera of Carboaear l• the .. Key of British N. Ameri " land. We uaderataad that Ia otber

ARCAIBAL:.D BROS. LTD •• -Tb.e Coloay. the Empire Ia celebratioaa of thia kiDd hiatoric eat.ed-Celebratioa abould be eft.llta of note are coojolaed. We


A lmpealar ac:ale-Sboald · re· aeed hardly . uy how lit thia pl­

" the cordial auprort of Ne~· laat deed ia to be commemora&cl. uDdla.ad aud Newfouadlaadera . It cloea not require macb thourbt to

-lhoald iaclade the celebration aee how the additio~ia featiU"e of the Defeac:.e of Cafbonear~•~ woRld add to the attracti•ean6 ILIId IN. fJCIM the French-Harbo Grate. nlae of the celebratioa. LTbe Car-

~, Oarboaear aad other towa a uld bonear peor.le ia partlc:uaar ahould partidpate-Great adn..at. d• iaaiat oa th a cnat beiar iacladed. rinbfe from proper celebratioa. Tbc prors:am that ia oatllae com·

meade ltaelf to aa a.ad to all of our

NEWFOUNDLAND,, ., The St. JC?lul'a Hiatoric:al Soclety citbena we ba.e beard ezpreeaiag

It ita laat monthly meeUa~ bad thia an opinioo oo the matter ia thi.ti. importaat matter up before them. The celebratloa to be apread onr The majority of lhoae prHCDt decid· two or three dayL Tbe lrst daJ'a eel to coa&ae the acope of ita coo· proc:.eediap to coaaiat of u•eWar aectioa with the e•eat to uaiatiag the moaameat and other iatereaUar Capida. Bat there waa a miaority, bappeaia~a to Wee place at Cupicla. ~~tat &rat that be would 1oae who. claief epokeamea were Cuoa The •iciait[ofCarbOaear. Hr. Clrace Smllh, w. A. Muaa aad Heary aad Moaqutto to be tbe aceae of tbe tbe ht of hla ere. bat tbe Dr. ShortiL that atroagly a&bocated aut 2 daya proceedlar-- Aaaoapt \hlan 1ae wUl preeene it 0. Jt. the Jloldiar of the celebralioa on a neat• of the.e day. to be aa attidr · Wbaa Bert KiUJ &Dod 1ac:k'LeDnw fu more ial~ar .ca.le tbaa waa by Britieb war·ablpa oa CarboDear weft COali• frOm troa~ ~ paulble if Clapicb atoae ahoald be Iala.ad, a Reptta aay at lrf~alto IAdJIAke Ia aatidpatiar tM II!M the eole acne of the comme· uader the auaplces of w BUbor tbeJ were~ to haft 09el' tbe

moratioo~d ~==~a~~~ Grace and ~~near FheBripda. ~~=~:ez t!::-:;t Plalltation, Now from Aa to the 'qaeetioa of ~ aacl e110111'h k a •• Wlaa1e ·• to plaJ ia.

pa1~1Mid accowat of. thia meet- meau all we aeecl •1 on the mat· Aa tliq all two 1004 mm_... ............. c;:'"" ... - a:-............ _ .... ... tbe dt ~~---~ • .. '

~~~==:~~ ·~~~~1101 • aalifl\ 12!\4~ " to m- OD tbe iu1le of atalllpa bet ter. lin. J, 8. L41'0nw,

tbeneaL" We wlllpfar. -ireanlAfonaed.to meet Mr. J. B. _Lej)nlw. (Blac:baaltb.) that aach a ataad the aecen &rJ e.apadlture. If tbe left for tbe cafltal. th1a ftelllag. on

..,. by a majorit.y Featital of Empire Ia daeniar of a a abort btlll•n• trip. ~ · Ia Dt~mbera amoaotea l i[T&Dt from the Excheqaer.-aad lt It ~at 1M = ttm~ aa lf

a .mau proPQrtioa of the fs. la apite of the faCt that a few the !'!.~ofo:ia~ waJieU:~ IDODlben._!i..fl Mach more loath I wilJ ~t all the honon. &c.. mach ~ Caplcla ~ would 'to thia.k th::t the HI• 1 more from ~1 poiDt of Yiew la thla. aad lettotlle~tatr: wod'd bOw t'bat tcrical Society aa a whole would de- local c:.ele~ratioa. ..... baaiaeae. · IIOt to laa.e a liberatel7 aapport aach an attitude. 1 ~lag lib tbia ~ Ia all!~~[! for Bat eYeD·oa the moat fuorable coo- The second session of de pre- a Ufe.time. · If ~tbe people of lhlg· •tnleboa that~· be pat 011 t~e seat ~slature was opened on laad caa celebrate the Ceateaary decialon the m&JorllJ. came to, at n!- '£'\,.;cell of w. E. Gladatoae I caanot aee the maat be aaid tha~ at wae oae that Wedn ay by n.aa ra eacy, reaeoa that we·C&Illlot celebrate the ahoald be the aubJect of re·coaald· Sir Ralph Williams, with more Ter-Caateaaary of 1oha Guy who e!&tioa, partlc:ltlarly now that ~e thtJS usual ceremonial. Ia the aettlecl here 300 ~ra qo. atlsella ol Harbor Grace, Moeqaato Assembly, the Address waa mov• CoalllUPOl'fDitMT. ~~ .. wee ;_raatte'trCar. Wboea~r10akretbemo:ltta1~ ed by a clever Harbor Gracian, Cuplda, 1u. 2Tth. 191o. • ... .... ... .... • Mr. R. A.. Squires, member for tpcle the aocletyabould ba•e taken Trinity, seconded by·Mr. Dever· .(Ud we truat Will take} waa toea- eux, member for Plaeeatia aad B'&IGUB BRIEFS.

--SocJABLL - The~ Social helcl by the ladiee of tbe Altar SOciety of the Catbeclral on Monday week 1aat wu a 'ftiy eajoyable oae.

coaplee pa.rtldpated ia the &114rtbe wee amall hot*a fore the py compaay cija­

peraa. :RefreahmeaUI coatribated by tbe ladln of the coarnptioa were aen¥-darior theO)Drae oftbe e= aad macb appreciated. The p a amollDt.ed to a cooclly aum, aad all c:oacemed are to be coo· rratalated OD the aac:ceu(Jil pther· [or. •



" eacourare aacf atir up-the people of St. M .. ·y'•· In the Upr.r Hou•" 1 . ~ b

f .... Ba t -·ri-1 · te ·a the neat ~ .... ""' The -Khr ... eante." owpocu 1 uae 1 ° _. .. apa 1 tb• honor fe)l to Hotll. • A.. Rob- ~L .. ___ 1 ..,. _ _..,_..., left here on aad to aid them by all meaaL fiaaa· .. .....,._ D<U .. _.,

cial aad otherwlae at ita dlapoaat insoa and M. G. }Viater. 1da7 for Br. Grace to briar back

Tbe patlelllell . ~.-IN tbD Biatorkil SocletJ ., .W. ton~,. ~tiar that the c:eJebratiOD ahoald be held on a acale co•lllell· aar&te with it. im~ce &Della a war to aecare all ~e beulita ncb celebratioaa briq to a Coao· try. ba•ebad aeYeralmeetlaplate­ly. aacl ba.e roue to coaaiaerable trouble to briq the matter ia pro­per form 6efore the c:iti¥1la. They ~ that It ia a matter for the dtbiaa to deal with aa aac:h aDd ao ban reeolftd to lean ~e thiDr ea­tlrely ia t.beir baDda. A pablie meet· iDg baa been caUecl for Moaday olibt 'aut. at 8 o•docJr, ht the Brit· la6' Ball. to whicla of coarae all citi· lelia are eatitlecl to come. It ia to be bopecl that aa the time for actioa la abOrt a 2oodl7 aamber wiU at· tead, aad take aach llJepe aa thel deem It to make thia old towa a


We coatead that eYerJ coaaidera· The S~ech from the Throne a load of coaL tloa worthy calliar auch demaada was chiefiy remarkable for . the Great diaar=t ia ucl· boldiar the celebration ou aa lartre announcement that came • a eacecl bcb~ti .. ~..~~o I" aad l.mpoalag a ac:ale aa pouibfe. G Jiad lwS to DU P·-~ ow ag Britaia'a oldeatColoay bat made up sur(>risethat the ovenameat • to the lee belDg lia bad coicUtloa, ita miad, baa iodeed . already takeu subject to ratification by the Le- aacl they are eqerly .Jpoldar for. the ialtlal atepa. to ba.e a patriotic: gislature, been instrumental in ward to the retlll'll of the froety we&• celebratloa. We muat do it ia auc:h concluding a ten years' arrange. ther. • a way aa the rreat oc:caaion merit.. meat with the two Bell Islaad The eatertaiameat lritea br the ia aac:b a wayaa will4_o credit to us, mining compani-=s whereby these Raiabow Miulon Baaa ~t week ia aucb a way aa well eaaure the shall coa~ribute a royalty oa tbe came ap to the falleat upectatloaa «re&lelt good to the Colony and to gro"" output from their min- of all who atteaded. S.IOe. recita· h E ptte t Ia ~ ...., tioaa ddlla etc., were rendered

t ;ll.:Oupe~tacerro~ otbercouotriea which the presS states ill placed laaa~xceUeatiDUa~bytheJOGDC abowa that theac! ulebratiooa are eo at seven aad a half cents a too. people aDd reflected great cniilit c.a worthy il1 themael.aaad eo prodae· As our readers know, DO journal tbe ladlee who took aach aa latereat ti•e of poc1 that they• wUiiur to bas, we thi.ak, been so ~~teat ia traiaiq them for the ftrioaa JrO to a.ay labor aad u~~ to hold as the STANDAaD bas been 10 ad· parta. By tbe year'• report. we them oa a worthy acale. So..alloald vocating that the people of tha learn thaf theM buay worUra. with

all be. ~ sb ld t ' 1ra Miu L. Spracklla aa PreeideDL we D'--bor Gra-· Carbo·-r. "06- coun ... .7 ou •fO • gtve a 1 baM doae aobte ,work cl•.a•- the

ga& - ...... .,. the products of their mines --quito, all are eo latimatel7 C01U1 juat for the mere iDcideDtal put ~· Ice-creua aad Cll:!l ed with the earlJ Jllato:r1 of th\ G benefits receiYed, and it b there- were .-oJcl dariq tbe ~ ~~e~ thc!t~::,O~ ~1 ore with peat aatbfactioa we ~~·~ld tJ!':C:tof 0:..:. coa= by eo doiar that lt·cu be awSta the pnaciple that we have the certUicatea for the Jaae ~mL c:Cleb~atioa :.wortlly.of the occ:aaloa. n practitaUJ alone i.a advocat· were prueatecl to tbe aiiCICIMafal aad oae that will • · atteaded •iWa ia r · ud acted upon. caadidatea by Rn. S. Saowdeu aad the beat reaalta. A ~ ~por· It sa d that by this agreement eeYeral prizee awarded for fint plate tllDity ia placed before Newfoaad- .alae Ill of $'75,000 to $100,000 Ia each pde. .

=~o:e d:'i:J.~e == ~= wiJL added to the revenue. , M~~~~~~ t:fJ-:! apld~ of ~trlotialll aad o( Empire Wb er tharoyalty a aa much llondaJ alPL .... aa the weather bidJdbal, of at~ to 11er .-.. reaaoaablJ ~ is wu aU that cotiJil bede8lrecla 2ood crowct. of Newfoaodl•adera aad tqre to aa~ The ~tioa ~ ""Tbe oatal4e people. of ttiaa aiaJrlor ber re, 1 must be remem· apeiken for the • beUcle tbe dlmate. ller reeoarcea aad het other th power to impoee lfector. :Rn. G. B. Fl were 21m. attractloaa k110W11 to the oataide such a , if we were to F. W. Colley.of Carboaear &Dod E. E. world. The Featital of Empire to criticise tbe arrangement at all, :Raated of fai&Dd Cowe. Tbe. eJaa· be held lo Loadoa will thea be enr, we shout say that it may not be ~ wu ::f:L the~ bela,.,._ the acne of the dlaplay caa by a w1' .... to d what we are not obU"'- eel Oftl' '1 lin. 71'. Jun;tt her coa~biaecl effort oa the part of Go•~ - ., uaaa1 poclatyle, a~ -collll:tioll era meat aacl people be traaaferred ed to do, 'z. : bind ounel\'ea not wu talla.aacl the aleetla&' tbroarb­to•oar S.y. Sb&ll we be eqaal to to chaag the basi.- of tuatioll oat wu a ,nat aiiCCia th&f occaalon ? Shall aatiqiaarla.a for te.n y · If the Go•ennbeat ~ IUlael Bartlett ntaned

"dlacuuloataadblclwiap.aliallmu· think 7 -2 iEa reuoadle· froetlleCilJ bJ ~·a tala. ~aaJ jealoaay, abal't fDdlll'ereucc. royalty, by a t put it oa, lea.l. It le Aiel tlult the 0.~ aballlack of aid from the Gonra· ing fut le Ia tors to reriae ba" taba ap tb9s' abode lien for meat come Ia to let the goldea op- the terms they fit. But tbb .a while aadl•~ lloldlar meetiDp portaaity allp by that would do eo . • {n)m~me to time. IJiacb for the lalaad Ia general ? ll;Stde, we ust ~press gratiflc;:a· The report Ia carre.nt that oar ea-

Not oalj ahoald Harbor Grace, ~on at the adopting of. the pr1D· t.eemed dlurl!at. Mr. 1. Culwell, Carboaear.lloeqaltC1. a.ad aa1 other caple. $75,000 a year a a great iateada traiiiferriar hia bQbleu to towa that c:hooae participate ia d~ better tban the 0 we up to Bay Roberta lathe aear fatllre. U. celebration; bat to attaiD U,e t~ present received, Jilin Ethel Smith weat out bJ . ·,

~~~httbe aatMthia treat CIOIIlJD ~· occaaloa. ~- • Qitoonn•o'.,__ qalto u otllerlowaala allo deeld· uated. .

God Sal'e the Kiogl BaUd up the Empire! ~ the Old~a to the Fori:froatl -----'»he Trillity Eaterpriee ia act· YOC&Uar._ t1!e •tabUalameut of a Brauch uaq ht that laiatoric.towa.

-The Britiab Bud t1arPoee hold· lag oa Tawdaf aut: Feb. lat. a Clticert iDSL-P&Rl•a BalL A pod time ia ia atore for tbo. who at­teacl.

their Obligation.~ and • areat}favor by· paying what they owe '·

r:'e heFe~ alven to those that have already - . • cc;»ntJnuetlon aad extension of patronage.

fbe remalaa of Fraak Waeppafd. oar former yoaar fetlow·towasman, weN COGftJed bome b1 Moaday'a -~ for latermeat ac:c:ompaaled bJ four of hla brothen-a truly lUal aacl brotherly 4eecf, The .Je· •tae were COONJecl ~the IO«<w· baa' McQe, aacl wereoa the followiar ::1k cOaimitt.ed to Mother Earth, tbe

eL c:oterecl with lowera, pre­cedecl bJ hla brethreu of tlae Sooa of JCacl&ad.SocietJ. aDd followed bl a 'IUJiaa'Je coacourae of our cit . ~ ial1 &IL'Cioaa to abow their •1m. patiiJ with the father aad mother illdOtllet',relati•aof the poor yoaar fellotr. eo aaddealJ. aad it aeema fmm the e•ideace: at the iaqaeet loud below, criminally depriftd of llfe. Bia reauiaa were buried ia tbe taarily burial lot ia the C. of E. cemetery. We extcud oar Ccleep 9Japatliy to the deeply a.ftlicted f&mOy.

-----·----·---------------Dr. Allan went toSt.Joba'• br Tun· dal' atCIU'nooa'e tzaln.

)Irs. W. H. B&rber of 8L Joh~'•1au been btre eome time •I•JUua fl'ltade.

MW. Grace Trapnell hu aooe to St. 1obn'• to euud tbe Metbocllet Collaao.

-The rlae ot the river Seine w oau1lng &rea\ tloo<lllat Parlt. LarJ(e nnmbere la lbe mOIIt thlokly pognlated qu&rtere have been aaade llomel-. Great 1ptrerlng ttom oold, ua •caretty ot tood, hu been oooalloDecl. a

Tbe n•er Ia 1t.adll6 ruing, and tbreat­ept to brla• •boat a cl.tauter oa a more cfeplorably larJe 1oale.

BU1>Y m Tna H'oun u • clook. Dam' Menthol SalYe corte qplell:ly a sreat 81&11J' Of ibe elmpl• eiJIUeotll IDCb u oa.~ eltla lallarlee, lueo& bite~ u4 •Unae. 25o. a ua a& clrugctaw.

-AIDOoaat Tueeday~e Dlueaaere to t.lae Ol&y weze trom Ou"boaeu Joba Goodieoia Elq., .M.a. A.:, rrom ltr. Or&Oe A. H. 8tyavr! ~ .. &l.H.£., Mrs. Soy· aoar e:l Tremaine.

Doll'& walt W1 your balr Jy roue. U•o BaAm•• (t.lae 1•11alae bear 1 sreue po­mlde)ID &baeanctnnlt. OOc:ajar.

t.Tou a~onaa~ab,doaotaesleoUt; ~IU' at onee • bottle of Allen'• LaDs Balaaa.

-The weather ooatiauee wooderfully mUd-the roaclf &re clrrfDI eomowhat, and &ltosether I& ill more llie Aprll thu 1&11nU'J'. '•

J p T'OU AU 1• A Oalfllllo\LLY • Ru~ DoWM • 0oiiDITJOif; C:OilMQUt.nt upon the etreote of la grippe., t&ke "Tho D. <t L. • Emuuloo, It wlll eooo reatoro you to bealtb &laiD. ----'-A akele&on of a mao wu found euly tble -k at 8L John'• oa the South .tcfo a IDile-tb of tbo Roo. G • .Knowllns:'• Cot&qe. It te auppoeed. to be thotomaf'ne of one ot three men mlulng the put or 10 ~lrby alunatJc, Stewut Cald· wen. of }>r~U 8L aDCI Peter Cabell, ot lbe DeW Water WorD. . ,

-Re•. A. Howley. D. D .. P ariah Prleat of Salmonler, pafeed awa' at bia naideace there ou Monday lut alter a · .,-ery abort illncu. Tbe uuae of death wae pneumonia. got by a chill received by Calling through tbe lc:.e while on a aick call. The deceased prieat bad a brilliant career aa a aludeat. waa ordained at .Rome In 1902. b1 bia Uncle. tbe preaeat Arcbbiahop. cume out to St. John 'a abortlyalter ; worked at St. Jobo'a 1oha'a till l?Oi. wbea be wu ap· pointed to the pariah of Salmooier,

Deceaaed wae tbe eoo of the late Alexander Howley, M. 0 ., wbo practiced bere for ~., where be commeaded himself to the commaai­ty aa a patlemaa aad a akilful phyaic:iaa. Mucb rerret at the aud· dea cloaiag of a promlaiag career acarcel1 opeaed ia felt here aot oaly bJ tboae of th~ deceaaed prieal'e c:harcb but amoarat thoae of other deaomlaatlona that ha•e heard tbe sad aewa.

llmt's Liniment cures DistemDet,

CARBONEAR NEWS. For aueral a ighta last wtek lbe

loYera of ako1liog were to be aeen­enjo,iag themat:lvu on Car boucar pond. ~he ice beiuJ: io cxa:Uent coo· dition. Unfortu ttalely the nultl weather baa set in, aad pu ta to an at l~at Cor a time, that plcaaant exerc:•ae.

The train conveying the remaina , or .Mr. Samuel P1e. or Vietoria Village, who waa killed at Sytl· ae.r by haadlin~ a li•e wire. ar-Ti•ed .here on Tburaday afternoon. 1

Quite a large number o~ were at the atatiop j¥'" meet \.be -corpse, wblcb waa placed oa a bearae. aad ~eo to b1a home. De· ce&aed lea•e. a wife aatl •Ia: cbild· rea to mourn tbe lou of a lo•jng huabaad and fa ther. \Te extend our aympathy to tbe berea•ed ooea.

A coacert wu rina by tbe pupUa of tbe Kethodiat Da1 School oa Taeeda1 •irht ia tJae lleUioclit~t 8cllool Baa Tbe WI wu well PliCbd; aa4 the baadeOIH._III of • waa naliaed, which pea towarue tile f1llll4a of the aew ba¥dlaJr.

Tile bric· Beatrice is ready to tall for 8L 1ou•ar to load 6tlb for Har-"JACo. ~ '

Tbe Kintoae hauled up to Mean Wm. Dldf A Soaa premiaea to load lela for the foreign market.

CoRRQPOJIDElCT. ~r. 1aa. l7tb, 1910,

-'We are ~to IMar tJaat Mta. N. NlcpPaitt. who 801118 weeka qa fell ud autaiaed D&laflll loju· riila to ber a..d aad oflaer parta of tbe body is recoterill(. IMat atilt abe feela the decta of tbi fat~ --

-Kn. P rowae. who~'~k11 ~ alipped at tbe doot-atep ol a friend. Ud fell rather b~ftl7. we an pleued to Ieana baa laqely re· coftftlcl from the ahatdac ap abe · aataiDed.

-A111011pt the iaatitutiona Ia our Uttle towa that are doiDf a qait"t bat mo.t uefal work ia the Kinder· prtea ~ool, preaided OYer at her pleaaaat home and t'roandi or the

·T~e WlUowa byMi11e (o;Jlea Trapnell. (t 11 truly a work of lo•e witb Mi a Trapnell to teach the litUe ones, a work boaeaUy aad w~ll performed. and it is with muc.h pleasure were· cord a pleaaing neat that took place at the Cbriatmaa seuon wbeo she :waa presented by her kinder­garten pul?il with a lltndaome book. Tlua presentation goes to show that; the great efforn and in· tereat taken by tbj11 talented lady in" her youag c.bargea ia appreciated bv their parenla and fnenda. MiP Trapaellle a..1110 teacber of drawing­a t the High School At the preaen· tatioa Of diplomae there Dearly all tbe pupil a dtd well ia freehand draw tag. &e\'eral or the more adYaD~ scl:iol.ara getting d iatiaction marks. a11d all wlth one exception paaaing. \Ve congratulate Mias Trapnell and wish her atUI greater aucc:eu ia her c:hoaen work. We need to aay aoUt· ing of tbe high place Min Trapnell hold• amoagat the artiatic talent of the bland.

-A requiem Mua wu eolebralod at ~ortborn Bay lately 5y o~ former tO>A'IIIman, Re•·· J. J. Lynch, P. P~,ln me· mory of the late.Mra.Jiogan. Be oellver· eel a 11rmon on "Death" That a Northern Bay Corre.spoodcntot tho Telog~&m cl~ 10rlbol,. a mo.t eloquent one.

C~r's Biscuits .. ...

Are manufactured j.n Carlisle, England, and are noted fQr their p cHNESS and PURITY. ~When you are buyjng a dainty SisoUJt for your Afternoon Tea, or when you want a delicious cream ecacker be sure to sperJfy OARR'S.

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CURB FOR WHOOPING COUGH. 0 F BRIT A I N '' .Mrs. w. B~ Bneebrl.dge Oat. WTitea:

" lly three bc:i71 had wliooplng cou;h and we ooald ~re~ nothta'- to help them aadi-UMCIDI'. Ohue1 Syrup ofLla· leecl aDCl •TurpeaUne. U aJTeeted tbe C)OUJh.a at oooe aacf' they kept on lmproY· lal aalU they we~ eafoclal alae -t of ooe dollar. Thla wu not a Iars- bill for eo claDJeroUI &ad clllm!Mla& &II alllaeaL"


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