я ukrainian orthodox cathedral of holy trinity · Господь, даруючи світові...

We welcome our faithful, friends, and visitors who have come to worship with us today in God’s vineyard. Please come and join our family in regular weekly worship at our Cathedral John 15:1-2 Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують наші Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити та молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби. я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Травень– 2019 May V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected] Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women Неділя Жінок-Миронсиць Tropar, Tone 2 The angel cried out to the Myrrh-Bearing Women as he stood by the tomb and said: Myrrh is appropriate for the dead, but Christ has revealed Himself to be a stranger to corruption, so cry out saying: The Lord is risen, granting the world great mercy. Тропар, голос: Мироносицям-жонам при гробі з’явився ангел, взиваючи: Миро мертвим подобає, а Христос чужий тлінню. Тому проголошуйте: Воскрес Господь, даруючи світові велику милість.

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Page 1: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

We welcome our faithful, friends, and visitors who have come to

worship with us today in God’s vineyard. Please come and join

our family in regular weekly worship at our Cathedral John 15:1-2

Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують

наші Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити

та молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби.


Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin

Травень– 2019 – May

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected]

Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

Неділя Жінок-Миронсиць

Tropar, Tone 2

The angel cried out to the Myrrh-Bearing Women as

he stood by the tomb and said: Myrrh is appropriate

for the dead, but Christ has revealed Himself to be a

stranger to corruption, so cry out saying: The Lord is

risen, granting the world great mercy.

Тропар, голос:

Мироносицям-жонам при гробі з’явився ангел,

взиваючи: Миро мертвим подобає, а Христос

чужий тлінню. Тому проголошуйте: Воскрес

Господь, даруючи світові велику милість.

Page 2: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers.

Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m.

Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m.

Робочі дні Союз Українок / U.W.A.C. Work Bees – Watch for information

Сердечно Вітаємо!

We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome

To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

May / Травень - Schedule of Services

Sun. May 5 Sunday 2 after Pascha / Нед. 2-го Антипасха

St Thomas Sunday / Нед. Апостола Фоми

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 1 Acts 5: 12-20 - John 20: 19-31

Спільне Свячене – Spilne Sviatchene неділя, після св. Літургії Paschal Easter breakfast (Spilne Sviatchene) following Divine Liturgy

Sun May. 12 Sunday 3 after Pascha / Нед. 3-го Антипасха

Myrrh Bearing Women / Свв. Жінок-мироносиць

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 2- Acts 6: 1-7 - Mark 15: 43 - 16:8

Sun. May. 19 Sunday 4 after Pascha / Нед.4-та по Пасці

Sunday of the Paralytic / Неділя про Розслабленого

Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 3 – Acts 9:32-42 - John 5:1-15

Sun. May 26 Sunday 5 after Pascha / Нед.5-та по Пасці

Sunday of Samaritan Woman/ Нед. Про Самарянку Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 4 – Acts 11: 19-26, 29-30 - John 4:5-42

Christ is Risen! Христос Воскрес!

He fell asleep in Body Хоч плоттою уснув

He is Risen! То все Воскрес!

Christ has come to us Пішли нам, Христе

All Kindness from the Heavens! Всіх ласк з небес!

Rejoicing the Glorious Pascha З побажанням - Велселих Свят

Indeed, He is Risen! Воїстину Воскрес

Page 3: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Please Pray for The Health & Well Being — Просимо Молитись За Хворих

Просимо подати імена своїх рідних або знайомих, котрі

перебувають у стані хвороби та потребують нашої молитовної

допомоги щодо швидшого одужання. Також пам’ятаймо у своїх

молитвах за тих, хто не може вийти з дому або перебуває у

старечому домі чи шпиталі. Молімось за здоров’я та одужання,

імена надруковані по англійськи нижче:

Please submit the names of your relatives or friends who are ill, so we can say prayers for them

to help restore their health. Remember in your prayers all those who are homebound, in care

facilities or impeded by illness and cannot attend Church. Please pray for the well-being and

health of those listed below:

Alexandra Clark Ernie Michael Peter Toni

Alice Erika Gordon Myron Rose O.Taras

Ann Elaine Jamie Nadia Stan Walter

Anna Elsie Lily Nick Susan Wasyl

Caleb Elsie Mary Paul

Please let Father Taras or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our

prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list.

Спільне Свячене Parish Communal Easter Breakfast/Spilne Svyachene Спільне Свячене: відбудеться у неділю, 5-го травня зараз по

Службі Божі, у авдиторії. Cлужба починається о год 10:00 рано.

Після Служби Божої будемо рані запросити Вас безкоштовний обід. Будь ласка

запрошуєм пренести ваші улюблені страв и на обіду!

Parish Communal Easter Breakfast/Spilne Svyachene:

will take place on Sunday, May 5th at noon. We invite all parish members to attend.

The Divine Liturgy will begin at 10:00 in the morning.

This is Pot Luck, so bring your favorite dish for Pascha to share.

Page 4: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи

Катедри відбудуться 14-та травня, год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось

на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in the Church basement.

If your have concerns or observations, concerning our cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер, 16 го Травня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, вечеря і збори

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch: Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday May 16th

Cocktails 5:30 – Supper – 6:00 - Social to follow.


Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Збори Сoюзу відбудуться у вівторок,

7-го Травня о год. 6:30 по вечеріюб і зборе у 7:00

о год.Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their next meeting

Tuesday, May 7th - Wine & Cheese at 6:30 pm & meeting at 7:00 pm

Auditorium, lower level

We invite all members to attend this event about USRL /CYC Conference

Thank You to everyone who helped prepare paskas, babakas, brought baking, the cooks who prepared a beautiful luncheon, pysanka table, raffle and goodies for Lubov, CYMK for their bake table, TYC for the koobasa table, raffle donators and workers, frozen products, set up & anyone else who helped put together our Annual Tea & Bake Sale. We had a very successful day due to the collective effort of a lot of people!!

Page 5: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Provody Проводи Smuts – May 18 – 3:00 pm

Hillcrest Cemetery – June 1 – 2:00 pm

Woodlawn Cemetery – June 2 – 2:00 pm

If you are unable to attend at the scheduled

time, please call Fr. Taras for an appointment

Times for Work BeeS

Wednesday/ Thursday May 8th / 9th

Perohy Prep & Pinching

Cabbage Roll Bee:

Thursday: May 21th - 9:00 am

Thank you to those who came to help

at the Church

on Monday April 22th We had many volunteer

ladies and two gentlemen to clean & one to cook

Дякуємо тим що прийшле допомоги! Yekeniyeley!

Robert Rudy Tom Potts

Olga Dwernychuk Liz Wachniak Vicki Balon

Vivian Lundgren Linda Balon Smith Liudmyla Rynhach

Elsie Marshall Tsega Gebru Alice Sopatyk

Tiffany Kreke Taisa Rudy Danika Rudy

Larissa Cipywnyk

And thanks to Nestor Kowalsky for preparing lunch for the work crew

St. John Chrysostom reminds us. . . .

“The bee is more honored than other animals, not because

she labours, but because she labours for others”

Page 6: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Gleanings from Parish Council. . . . . Auditorium Floor Replacement ((Kitchen, storage room, mixing room, canteen)

The flooring in the storage room, back lower landing, bathroom, kitchen and bar area will be replaced on two weekends in May. The work will start on May 16- 18 weekend and conclude on May 23-25 weekend.

We will need to ensure that the storage room is empty for the May 16-18 weekend and that the kitchen area is clean for the May 23-25 weekend. I will be contacting volunteers to come and assist in moving out the deep freezers May 15, and for volunteers to come and clear out the main kitchen area on May 22.

The more help we have the faster the work will be concluded.

Gord Trischuk

Parish Council


202-6622/ 222-8736

Page 7: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church 50th Anniversary June 22nd & 23rd

June 22nd - 4:- 5:30 pm Vespers & lesser blessing of waters - 5:30 – 7:30 pm Wine & Cheese

June 23rd - 9:00 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

- 12:00 Group photo & lunch to follow

For further information and/or tickets call Evelyn Wojcichowsky (306)220-3874 or (306)374-7976

Joy of Vox Spring Concerts May 23 & May 24 “Then & Now”

Cathedral of the Holy Family – Nelson Road

Check website: https://www.joyofvox.com/upcoming-events/

Thank You – Дякуємо за цвіти Для Божий Гліб на Великодню П ятницю та Великдень

The Sisterhood would like to thank all those who donated towards

the beautiful flowers for Christ’s Grave on Great Friday and for Pascha

Khram – Holy Trinity Cathedral June 16th - 16-го червня

Храм Pentecost, Trinity Sunday

П’ятдесятниця День Святої Тройці

Parish Feast Day / День престольного свята

Thank You to the Ushers and Greeters that worked the morning of Paska

Jim Hrycuik, Jim Powalinsky, Larry Balion, Ron Skwarchuk, & Zane Skoretz. You did a great job

of finding places for guests & parishioners to sit & directing the flow of traffic.

Page 8: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ

On the fortieth day after His Resurrection from the dead, Christ made His last appearance on

earth. This final appearance was made before all of His disciples as they were gathered in

Jerusalem with the Virgin Mary.

At this last appearance, Christ commanded His disciples to remain in Jerusalem for ten days-

until the Holy Spirit should descend upon them. He then led the disciples to the Mount of

Olives where He said to them, "All power is given Me in heaven and on earth. Go into the

whole world and preach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and

of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And, behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the

world."Having given this mission to the disciples, Jesus lifted up His hands and blessed the

group. Then, rising slowly from the earth, He ascended into heaven to take His place through

all time at the right hand of God, the Father.

In great wonderment these faithful followers continued to watch Jesus as

He ascended until a cloud finally hid Him from view.

As the disciples watched, still gazing heavenward, two angels dressed in white robes appeared

to them and said, "Yemen of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus,

which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go

into heaven." Thus, as recorded in the first chapter of the book of Acts, the world was given the

promise of Christ's second coming to earth. Hearing this message from the angels, the disciples

fell upon the ground and worshiped God.

Obedient to the command of the Master, the Apostles remained in Jerusalem to await the

coming of the Holy Spirit. They spent their time in an upper room in prayer and holy

meditation. The Virgin Mary and many other followers of Christ met with them and the

assembled group numbered about a hundred and twenty.

It was during this ten-day period of waiting that Peter suggested the selection of a new twelfth

disciple to replace Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Christ and who committed suicide

by hanging himself after his treachery. Two followers were put forward as candidates, Joseph

and Matthias, and after prayer, Matthias was chosen.

The feast day of the Ascension of Christ into heaven is observed

forty days after Easter and always falls on a Thursday

Troparion : Thou has ascended in glory, 0 Christ our God, having made

joyful Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit, which was announced

unto them in the blessing; for Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the


Kondakion :When Thou hadst accomplished Thy dispensation concerning

us, and united those on the earth with the heavenly, Thou didst ascend in

glory, O Christ our God, yet in nowise separating Thyself from us, but

abiding ever present and crying out unto those that love Thee: I am

with you, and none shall prevail against you

Page 9: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Green Grove Camp

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp

July 7th – July 21st, 2019 Youth Camp 7 – 13 years

August 18th – 25th , 2019 Teen Camp Grades 7-12

For applications, check on line at

http://www.greengrovecamp.ca or on FaceBook


Or check with your Parish Priest or at the back of the church for applications.

Ascension - Explaining the Icon ❖ A bright cloud accompanies each Theophany or divine appearance. At the Ascension, Christ

disappears in the cloud and the angels tell the Apostles that He will return the same way for His Second


❖ The cloud is a Mandorla. It consists of concentric circles that become darker and darker as they get

closer to Christ. This shows the reality that the closer one gets to Mystery, the less one really understands.

❖ From the cloud, Christ blesses the Apostles and Mary. Even though He is Ascending to heaven, His

blessing remains with us forever. In His left hand, He holds a scroll which represents His teachings.

❖Mary is in the centre of the Apostles. Her hands are raised in prayer in the ancient form called ‘orans’.

This gesture indicates Mary’s role as intercessor on our behalf before her Son. A straight line from the

Ascended Christ to Mary can be drawn to connect heaven with earth.

❖The group of Apostles with Mary, the Mother of God, represents the Church. St. Paul appears with the

Apostles although he would not have been present. This shows that the Church of the future also

participates in this event.

❖The hills in the background, the movement of the Angels, Mary’s hands raised in prayer and the

Apostles looking up give the icon the upward movement of the feast day.

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk on prayer. . . .

“Prayer does not consist merely in standing and bowing your body or in

reading written prayers….it is possible to pray at all times, in all places,

with mind and spirit. You can lift up your mind and heart to God while

walking, sitting, working, in a crowd and in solitude. His door is always

open, unlike man’s. We can always say to Him in our hearts Lord ,

Lord have mercy.”

Page 10: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

April Anniversaries: Tesform & Bisirat Ghebremedhin (18)

Tom & Nadine Potts (22), Ernie and Helen Wasylciw (30)

April Birthdays: Semen Pilchenko (01, Jason Uhyrn (01), Kim Benoit (03),

Mariann Kindrachuk (03), Ashley Smyrnov (03), Wally Wachniak (03),

Maksym Kosynsky (04), Artem Pshenyshny (04), Dmytro Soloviov (04),

Orest Woroniuk (04), Oleh Antonov (05), Danylo Pastukh (05), Richard Bolbas (05),

Pentecost- Holy Trinity Day-Zeleniy Sviato

The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles is

celebrated by the Holy Orthodox Church as one of the greatest

feast days on the fiftieth day after Pascha, because the Holy Spirit

descended on the Apostles on the fiftieth day after the resurrection

of Jesus Christ. It is therefore called Pentecost, or Holy Trinity

day, for from this day the action of the Holy Trinity was revealed

to the world, and people learned to venerate and glorify the three

Persons of one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

On this feast day it is customary to decorate the Church and its hall with greenery, and to hold

flowers during the Divine Liturgy, thus expressing our joy and thanksgiving to God for His

Holy and Lifegiving Spirit, which renews people, and gives them birth trough baptism into a

new life. The flowers and greenery (branches of saplings) signify life.

The day following Holy Trinity day is called Spirit Day and is devoted to the glorification of the

Holy Spirit.

Tropar on Pentecost

Blessed art Thou, Christ our God, Who hast shown forth the fishermen as supremely wise, by

sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them, didst draw the world into Thy net.

O Lover of mankind, glory be to Thee. (from 'The Law of God')

П'ятидесятниця -Свята Тройця -Зелені Свято

Вітання із Зеленими Святами

На П'ятидесяниці, у цей день Православній Християни святкують Велеки Свято, яке після

Різдва і Великодня є одним із найбілших Свят Церкви, називають також 'Зелені Свята'.

У це Свято заведено прикрашати храми і свої доми зеленню, а під час Богослужіння

стояти з квітами, виявляючи цим нашу радість і вдячність Богу за те що Він Своїм

Святим і Животворчим (тим що дає життя) Духом оновив людей, народив їх (через

хрещення) в нове життя ( квіти і зелень; знак життя).

Як чудово, коли все навколо зеленіє з самого ранку люди поспішають до Церкви, щоб

побувати на Святій Службі Божій.

( Закон Божий)

Тропар Свята

Благословенний Ти, Христе Боже наш, що примудрими рибалок явив, пославши їм Духа

Святого, і ними уловив Вселенну. Чоловіколюбче, слава Тобі.

Page 11: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

Pascha at Holy Trinity Cathedral 2019

Page 12: я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Господь, даруючи світові велику милість. Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the

May Anniversaries-: Petro & Nadiya Volos (06), Dennis & Vera

Webster (06), Kelly & Roberta Helmke (16), Mihail & Critina Popa (18),

Jim & Ilaria Powalinsky (19), Peter & Zenia Kalyn (27)

May Birthdays Dale Bodnarchuk (02), Alexander Altiparmakov (03),

Carol Cisecki (04), Linda Balon-Smith (05), Bridgette Koch (05),

Katya Sovyn (05), Kevin Drinkwater (05), Gabriella Helmke (06),

Vasyl Risnyk (06), Myroslava Anisimov (07), Olia Antonova (07),

Joan Dietz (08), Paul Kodak (08), Gordon Danyliuk (09),

Vitaliy Grymaylo (09), Serhiy Druzhynin (10), Voldymyr Pastukh (10),

Michael Kindrachuk (11), Roman Babiy (12), Roberta Helmke (12), Natalia Semyboroda (12),

Michael Kochan (13), Anna Matiychuk (13), Dr.Alexandre Yatsina (13), Darlene Danyliw (15),

Svetlana Kramerenko (15), Mark Klopoushak (16), Myron Kindrachuk (17),

Oksana Makowsky (17), Danika Rudy (17), David Zohoun (17), Oleh Statsenko (18), Jill Howlett

(19), Victoria Falkovskay (19), Benjamin Lieffers (19), Sally Rybalka (19), Jason Wehner (19), Andrij Marko (20), Dasha Aleksandrenko (20), Oleh Perlyna (20), Evelyn Kilinnik (21),

Olia Paturova (21), Victoria Chunik (22), Peter Kalyn (23), Elaine Mazier Maksymiuk (23),

Angela Kizka (24), Anastasiya Nestorov (24), Roman Nosach (24), Matthew Hryciuk (26),

Alexander Pryma (26), Viktoriya Danyuk (27), Oleksiy Iatsuik (27), Alex Malko (27), Tetyana

Tetera (27), Anton Kurtseba (28), Cara Drinkwater (29Carmen Koch (29), Hanusia Matiychuk

(30), Konstantyn Sosnyk (30), Oleg Sukmaniuk (30), Vickie Balon (31), Melvena Dzialo (31),

Anthony Hyshka (31), Anton Karpets (31),

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595

Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-227-1993

Parish Liaison – Stan Hawryliw – 306-652-3178

TYC/USRA President – Maurice Werezak – 306 230-8957

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki – 306-343-9987

CYMK President – Matthew Hrycuik – 306 – 955-5468

Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts – 306-249-1519

Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-227-1993